RINGWOOD Mrs. Nick Preund entertained the Bunco club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Liuie Moska and Mrs. Edward Thompson. Mrs. Louis Hawley ap«nt Thursday fa Chicago. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin spent Thursday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger of Green- Wood spent Sunday with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. Ray Merchant spent Thursday in Elgin. Miss Catherine Coyne of Chicago spent a few days the past week at her home here. Wayne Foss spent from Sunday until Wednesday with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rem6r and Mrs. Patrick Coyne spent Saturday evening in the Ralph Simpson home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Burr Edmonds of Walworth, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Louis OOVtttO* *§**f ****** i*¥ITtS t09 TO 1A*! : £ fn • n'g Giulitt AgrieultaisI Exposition...$180,000.00 in Premiums. 9 BIG DAYS • yom DAY SATURDAY. AUG. It VETERANS'MY SUNDAY, AUG. I* CHILDREN'S AND SPORTSMEN'S MY MONDAY, AUG. I* SPRINGFIELD DAY TUESDAY. AI'G 2« REPUBLICAN DAY WEDNESDAY, AUG. 21 GOVERNOR'S DAY THURSDAY. AUG. Xt FARM BUREAU DAY FRIDAY, AUG. U AUTO RACE DAY SATURDAY. AUG. 24 MOTORCYCLE RACE &UATERNAL DAY SUNDAY, AUG. U v :~ • % Spocuculai Slat* Fair Rmtl Livestock Parados • Soeioty Mors* Show • Barn Dane*! GRAND CIRCUIT RACING J. H. U»fi, Dirrrtor, Dept. *f Af riraltarc E. E. Irwin, Genera) Manager, State Fair fM k*9«lariy 5c Each LIMIT 24 TO A C U S T O M E R vmm Ftr Mid-Sunner SALE! Here's Onr Weekly Special! 10 OZ. ~ CRYSTAL TUMBLER). Here's the latest and mdst popular pre* cut pattern... the pcrfect glassware for ^ your modern table. Brilliant and sparkling. Simple and graceful, priced for the smallest budget. Have a complete set. BARGAINS Engstrom and daughter, A lie* Mac, and Leslie Anderson of St. Charles spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant and family. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. McKelvey at Greenwood Wednesday afternoon, August 14. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beck-of Dundee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peet Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olson and family at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dewey of Armstrong, III., spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and son, Loren, and Virginia Jepson spent Sunday in the Roland McCannon home in Chfcago. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters of Harvard were visitors here Wednesday afternoon. David and Phyllis McCannon of Chicago spent the weekend in the C. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich spent ISunday at Elkhorn. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olson and family of McHenry spent Saturday evening in the Fred Wiedrich home. Miss Iva Rugg of Delavan, Wis., is visiting in the B. T, Butler home. Miss Mildred Jepson of Evanston spent Sunday afternoon with her partents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mrs. Laura Sjprenil, Chicago, spent the weekend in the Louis Hawley one. Misses Amy and Carol Harrison, Helen Ruth Butler, Marion Hawley and Suzanne Muzzy are spending the 'week at Camp Epworth. Rev. and Mrs. Collins were calling on friends in Antioch Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson and daughter, Patricia, of Chicago spent Sunday in the George Young home. Jack Kunz of Chicago is visiting in the James Bell home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins of Wilmette spent Wednesday with the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rasmussen and family of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the Alec Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Escher and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday in the Joe Vaillancourt home. Rev. Collins conducted funeral services at the Justen funeral home in McHenry Tuesday afternoon for Elijah Jackson who passed away at his home at Jackson's Landing, Grass Lake. Mrs. George Young spent Thursday morning with her parents at McHenry. Miss Irene Johnson of Elgin is visiting in the Ray Merchant home. Mrs. W. B. Harrison and son, Earl, and Miss Phyllis Darby were visitors at Elgin Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lestef Nelson and three children of Antioch spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mrs. Anna Colby of near Kankakee spent a few days the past week ift the Clayton Harrison home. Will Beatty of Keystone spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Jennie con. , Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomas and children left for their new home in Denver, Colorado, Wednesday after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mrs. George Nobles and daughters, Marjorie and Beatrice, of Woodstock spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens attended the Yacht Club picnic at Wonder Lake Sunday. Miss Audrey Merchant is visiting her cousin, Virginia Johnson, in Elgin. The Krohn family held their annual, reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison Sunday, July 28. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Howard and daughter, Alice, and Mrs. Kenneth Merchant of Kenosha, LaVerne Eagle of Sault St. Marie, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Vollman, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson and daughters, Virginia and Irene, and son, Niles, Mrs. Nellie Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vollman, Mr. and Mrs, Everett Vollman and daughter, Karen, of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Walker, son and daughter, of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. August Krohn and daughter, Ruth, of Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. August Burrow and daughter, Hazel, of Alden, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Benoy and son, Charles Krohn and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harrison and family, Leonard and Walter Krohn. A letter was received from Will Krohn of Deerfield, Washington, who was unable to be present. McCOLLUM LAKE ULfLAn The Lily I^ake Ladies' League held a card and bunco party at BernieN Casino Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Shults, Mrs. Wegener, Mrs. W. Swanson, Mrs. Upson and Alice Hints. Richard Marsh visited at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Marsh, of Williams Bay, Wis., over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Draper and son, Ernie, of Chicago spent a week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Draper. Mrs. George Esser and grandadughter, Shirley Williams, Chicago, spent last week at their home at Lily L-r.ke. Visitors at their home over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Toussaint and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed* ward Frigene, Mr. and Mrs. George Valka and Walter Gaberial, all of Chicago. M. Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sansone Sunday. Allen Sex, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sex, celebrated his fourth birthday by having a party on the lawn Sunday. About thirty of hts little friends attended. Games were played such as pinning the tail on Mickey Mouse and races for the girls and boys with prises going to the winners. Guests present were Edwin and Connie Pitcher, Jerry Sansone, Carol Ann Kelly, Kathleen Klabough,, Bernie and Joe Peschke, Teddy Budil, Alice Hintz, Betty Lee Erickson Julie Ann Diedrich, Donald Weisbaum, Marilyn Venable, Lucille Nielsen, Dickie and Betty Olsen, Gilbert Woolrich, Marilyn Jacobson, Leslie Krieger Patricia Guzy, Marilyn Palicke, George and Johnnie Palicke, Jerry Guzy, Patsy and Dagmar Andree, Mary Knel, Claude McDermott, Myrna Morris .and Stewart Sex, brother of Allen. A surprise baby shower was held on Mrs. Thomas Klabough last Monday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott. About twenty- five guests were present. Many lovely gifts were received. Bunco was played with prizes going to the winners. Winners were Mrs. T. Klabough, Earleen Bettray, Mrs. Esther Peschke, Mrs. Lorraine Swanson, and Mrs. A. Realy. The serving of a lovely lunch concluded a most enjoyable afternoon. Guests present were Mrs. W. Swanson, Mrs. B. Peschke, Mrs. H. Brown, Mrs. W. Einspar, Mrs. G. Wegener, Mrs. A. Seyfferth, Mrs. L. Bransford, Mrs. Mollie Budil, Mrs. A. Olson, Mrs. Hintz, Mrs. Wrublewski, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Marge Klabough, Mrs Erickson, Mrs. Gilman, Mrs. Linton, Mrs. Gold, Mrs. Realy, Jfrs. Meoenmott, Earleen Battray, Josephine Dosch, Kathleen Klabough, McDernwtt. Jr., TodHy Rnrill. Myrna Morris, all of Lily Lake. A double anniversary party was held Saturday evening to celebrate the fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller and the seventeenth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson. The hall was beautifully decorated in white. Many lovely gifts were received which included four wedding cakes. Games, singing and dancing were enjoyed by everyone. Music was furnished by. Ed Brattz' orchestra. About fifty guests were present: Mrs. Minnie CaagtiHn of Chicago, mother of Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Tookey of Chicago, brother of Mrs. Carl O. Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Haley of Streator, 111.,, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hafer and daughters, Cathrine and Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Petro, John Tysler, son, George, Mrs. Winters, Mr. and Mrs, ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Nicholls and f«mily of C-ry«t*l T.aVe spent, Snnd*v at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Miss Mary Jane Smith, Miss Helen McGavran, Albert Smith and Fred Smith called on Miss Edna Fisher in Waukegan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and family of Slocum's Lake spent Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Sarah Fisher. Marvin Wirtz spent a few days the past week at the home of Mrs. Horace Grabbe in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and and ^rs* Frank St. George, family motored to Capron, HI., Tuesday. Mrs. Alvin Case and family, Mrs. the home of the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. Alexander Boucher, at Libertyville. « Fhr!Ms JchRssn.. of Madison, Wis., spent her vacation here with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Casper. Mrs. Frank St. George called at the|&j. home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wrighti '" at Lake Defiance Tuesday. " Mrs. Joseph Wiser, Jr., spent Tues-i ^ day with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs.^1^* Clyde Wright, at Lake Defiance. If £ IL Mrs. Frank Novy of Riverside ls% * spending a few days here; at the horned f " of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. jy Joseph Dowell and daughters of" ** Slocum's Lake spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. JohnfMf Passfield. |||:^ Mr. and Mrs. G. Turlap of Wauke-lfe gan spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Laurence Sansone, Mr. and Mrs.' Pearl Dowell and daughter, Ada, Mrs. Thomas Klabough, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Lloyd Fisher and daughters attended a picnic at "Singers," near Wauconda, Wednesday. Mrs. Carl Thorsell of Grayslake spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Ellwood Dowell. Miss Margaret Wlagner, daughter bert Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace of Grayslake, Lois Swanson, Jack Tookey, Josephine Dosch, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blum, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Wirfs, Mr. and Mrs. George Wegener and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bosch, all of Lily Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krinn, Cicero, visited the home 6f her parents Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener Sunday. Jeannie Klabough was a Chicago visitor all last week. VOLO The Volo Busy Bees 4-H club met at the home of Marion Wirtz Thursday evening. Dainty refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dowhr and family of Chicago were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mrs., Horace Grabbe of Waukegan called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz Saturday. Miss Mary Jane Smith, Miss Helen McGavran, A. E. Smith and Fred Smith of Minneapolis, Kan., spent a few days here the past week at the home of Mrs. Slarah Fisher. Robert Dunkes, Raymond Wegener, Marvin Wirtz and Wayne Pankonin of the Wauconda - Volo 4-H club accompanied James Davis, their leader, to Urbana Monday, where they entered the state judging contest. Community Night will be held at the Volo school Friday evening,. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and son', Keijneth Lee, were Sunday dinof Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner of Volo, is a patient at the S«f Therese hospital in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell and son, Thomas Charles, spent Friday at FEED C. MILLER, M. D. Specialising ia^v, BAR, NOSE WlSfcjAT wffl be k Dr. A. I. Froehtkh's * /"'^Ptfice, corner Green £ Eha , Streets, McHenry \V4' Brery Wednesday •sy-^ from 1 to 2:30 p. at. l GLASSES FITTED tfh • Eyes Phone: •r- foul A- Schwabe " OPTOMETRIST Mcftenry 12S-J THURSDAY MORNINGS Woodstock <74 BT APPOINTMENT ONLY Repair Department Is at your servioe for any troubles you may have with yotir car or truck. It is one of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois. Drive in and let us check the car and give you an estimate on the necessary work. Have your truck tested at this garage, which is an official testing station, and receive your state sticker. We have a well equipped repair shop to take care of your correction to comply with the law. CENTRAL GARAGE Phone 200-J Jdhnsburg J. SMITH, op. Towing Freeier 98c ea. Knife Holder Mixing Bowl ^ Water Sot 15c m . 29c set 98c set Hfch quality 2 qc Keep knives sharp Rainbow design on 19 pieces. 80-0Z. fee freezer. Galv. tubs, by protecting blades, crystal glass. Colors lipped jug, 6 Irak doublescamed,heavy Holds four knives, are acid resisting. 3 juice, 6 water,6high- Oli-platc bottom. Natural finish. sizes to the set. ball glasses. Crystal. Water Pail 49c ei. 10 • quart capacity. Water Pot 77c ea. Door Sot 19c set Stove O vm 69c ea. 9-qt. cap. Improved ^ Screen dr. Japanned. Portable 1 - burner . Seamless, wood grip, pouring handle grip. 1 pr. steel hinges, 1 bake oven. Newly White enameled with Galv. steel. Easy to a 2Z2" wire hook and designed. With drop trim. cfcsn. Ruajwssf. sye, : desr py!L steor. 12x1114xia"; WM. H. ALTHOFF HDWL West McHenry Mr. and Mis. H. R. Green and daughters, Laella and Maxine, who spent the summer here at their cottage, returned home to Evanston on Tuesday. Miss Ruth Hettinger of Chicago spent a week with Eleanor Schaefer and returned home Monday. Miss Mickey Untz of Mundelein spent last ISunday evening at the home of Hr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Schaefer. John Pardel and daughter and sonin- law, Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, spent the weekend at the Pardel'a summer home. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Grsen and daughter, Luella, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Macaben of Marengo. Anne Ziegler, Rose Erschens and Kathrine Goldy, all of Chicago, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen and daughter, Arlene, of Chicago spent the weekend at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Scharf, Chicago, spent the weekend at McCollum Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Pitzaferro and daughter, Jerry, - spent the weekend here at their summer home. SSrs. Joseph Crick entertained her brother, Hubert Jackson, of Chicago last week. Last Thursday evening, Miss Eleanor Schaefer entertained some friends at a wsraie roMt «t her hopii. only 3 nickels a day *Yo» dtp0**] BUYS ANY OF THESE THREE FAMOUS 3 wcktk jay it* bandy mtttr v* P* fid*. 6 CU. FT. 1940iELECrm REFRIGERATOR# r l rWr. ^ r- OUSE Iyptiar cash jrt* ni4*» reiGiDAiite Xtykr t*sb pritk •II4W Sew Easy l*ayisg Plan Enables Everyone to own an Electric Refrigerator * Chance of a Lifetime! Select one of these beautiful new 1940 Electric Refrigerators--No down payment required--just 3 nickel* a day deposited in the handy meter we provide will pay for id Get yours now...and enjoy the latest and finest in electric lefirigeration as you pay for it this new, easy way. Write, phone OC call at our office today./ , tqulsrf*til"1* U14*5 ...ANV CLECmCITY CHEAP! A snail carrying charge is added to purchases on the met* payment pbm. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Ms Men an offering new 1940 Electric Refrijentoo <• the Meter Puitwii Fbj) mmiBfaua* St, Ilk*. Siafc: . . . . -A.