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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Oct 1940, p. 4

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THE HTHBHIY PLAMDEALER Published every Thursday at Mehenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. I ONE MORE REGISTRATION DAY. TUESDAY,OCTOBER 29 New voters and those who have cUhNNaInIg^eRdU lIoWcAatUioVnN wWMil*l sOtWilNl have aIMnIoVtMhI-- A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager e, chance to register Tuesday, October 29. Be sure to see that your names Entered as second-class matter at the poBtoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. K are on the polling lists. In McHenry township, District No. I is at Ringrwood; District No. 2 at City Hall, |2.001 McHenry; District No. 3, Buch Build- |1.001 inP> Riverside Drive, McHenry, and |§r. One Year Six Months """ --Z.-- | District No. 4 at Johnsburg JHNM 'i i Antony the Sick Charles Newman of Slocum Lake, who underwent a serious operation is Chicago three weeks ago, is recovering- nicely at his home and is able to walk without crutches. Miss Eleanor Kinsala submitted %to surgery yesterday at the Woodstock hospital. FOR SALE NEW MCHENRY. ILLINOIS FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Gene Rav«n<>r?d - Weitdv Barrie 'CROSSCOUNTRY ROMANCE" Abo --• March of Time - Cartoon and Sport Reel SUNDAY -- MONDAY October 20-21 Altai Jones - Martha Raye Joe Penner (1) "THE BOYS FROM SYRACUSE" -- A N D -- (2) "BLONDIE HAS SERVANT TROUBLE" TUESDAY (1) "Girls of the Road" (2) "Laugh It Off" Also -- The usual Tuesday Night Attraction! WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY (1) "ONE MILLION B.C." (2) "DR. CHRISTIAN MEETS THE WOMEN" FOR SALE--Full equipment for market and grocery. Bargain. J. B. Kelter, Main and 4th Street, Phone 138-M. 18-tf WE MANUFACTURE--Wheat germs for human consumption. They are a rich source of Vitamin B-l. 50c per ' pound. McHenry Flour Mills. 2.1-4 FOR SALE--Ford Model A-30. Ex- | cellent condition. Bargain if taken, at once. Phone McHenry 264. *22 FOR SALE--Barbet chair and fixtures, like new. Peter Adams. Richmond, 111. *22 • FOR SALE -- Wisconsin potatoes. ; Dale Thomas, east of river on Route . 20. Phone 27. *22 Mrs. Carl Johnson of Boston, Mass., was the gtaest of her sister, Mrs. Betty Nielsen,'Thursday and Friday of laat week. Miss Marguerite Freund, student at Mount Mary college, Milwaukee, Wis., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund. Paul Justen, who is attending Loyola university in Chicago, enjoyed the weekend at his home here. Mrs. Harry Durland entertained Mrs. Floyd Covalt, Sr., Mrs. Betty Nielsen and Mrs. Carl Johnson of Boston, Mass., at a luncheon in the Danish Tea Room at Lake Geneva last Friday. Angelo Unti, sophomore at Loyola university. Chicago, was a weekend guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Unti. Miss Jane Heimer attended the wedding of Miss Betty Smith of Winnetka and Mr. George Wick of Cary, who were married at four o'clock Saturday afternoon in a Winnetka church. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Keller, son, Bobby, and daughter, Marcia, of Elgin, were Sunday guests in the William Bishop home on Riverside Drive. Mrs. and Mrs. Lewis McDonald of Woodstock were callers at the Linus Newman home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Slafter of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Linus •jut-, "VV!' ' •"* 1 11 ' , 1 Uiiiifiyni drMJOIVnAA VBBTB McgKHRY OOtntTY --- ; i Newman of this city motored to Ken- FOR SALE-- Potatoes, Rural New osha and Racine Wednesday of last Yorks, $1.00 per hundred and up. Four i week. They called on Mr. and Mrs. miles east of Woodstock, phone Wood- . Emil Peterson at Racine. stock 1617-W-2. K.,M. Fiske. 22-2 FOR SALE--400*sWhite Orca Pullets. 200 are 4 months old; 200, 3 months. All AAA grade; excellent laying stock, in fine condition. Call Cary 2231 or inspect at Hoyt Farm, % mile north of Cary. *22 WIVES AND MOTHERS Approve of men's Jockey Underwear. ButtonlesS, ! easy to launder, needs no ironing. | Provides masculine support. Coopers I make it. 50c upi McGjBE"S, Green ! Street, McHenry i 22 r-nOO¥TOCK M • ill Theatre Woodstock FRIDAY -- October 18 "TRADE WINDS" -- with -- Fredric March - Joan BeiMKtt -- P L U S -- , MERCHANT'S "CARGO" It's New! It's Different! -- - >[ . ;**•;- - , V '.•1 •i • SATURDAY -- October li Continuous from 2:30 ----•» 2 - Smash Hits -2 Gene Autry in "GAUCHO SERENADE" Plus Feature No. 2 1 "THE GOLDEN FLEECING" with Lew Ayres •""V'-*? SUNDAY -- MONDAY -- TUESDAY -- October 20-21-22 3 BIG Days! Continuous Sunday from 2M BIGGEST ALL-STAR SHOW SENSATION OF OUR TWB -- f e a t u r i n g -- Clark Gable Spencer Tracy Claudette Colbert Hedy LaMarr -- in -- "BOOM TOWN" Added Donald Dock Cartoon. "Officer Duck" - Latest World News Jerry McGillevry of Davenport, Iowa, was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert McGillevry of Crocket Estates, Pistakee lake, over the weekend. James Powers has been vacationing from his work at the National Tea store. Accompanied by his wife, he spent last Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman were called to the home of C. F. French at Woodstock Saturday by the suddert death of Mr. French. Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Senft and ^daughter, Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Senft and his- mother, Mrs. Annie Senft, and Hugo Bloss, all of Chicago FOR RENT--Comfortable home of 7 spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and rooms at Lily Lake, modern; built for j jflrs. Frank Mathieu. year-round use. Write or call Mrs. M,s RUSsell Fyfe was a guest at a Henry Carroll, 2819 N. Mango Ave., p_T. A. meeting which was held at Chicago. Phone Berkshire 4185. 22 i Huntley last night, at which time she FOR RENT--One or two furnished ! ^Mis^Joan Stirch and her mother are spending several weeks with the latter's brother, Chester Goodman. Mrs. Anna Barron and daughter, Betty, and Joe Murphy of Dodgeville, Wis., called on McHenry friends Sunday enroute to their home from Chi- FOR RENT modern rooms, twin or double beds. Write Box "T," care of The Plaindealer. °..J 22 WANTED WANTED TO PURCHASE--Business in or near McHenry. Write, giving jcago. , full particulars, Bpx "X," care of The | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and Mr. Plaindealer *21-3 | and Mrs. Dan O'Shea were Crystal Lake callers Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aylward of Chicago were guests of his aunt, Mrs. Margaret McCarthy, last Thursday. Edwin Michels of Aurora enjoyed MISCELLANEOUS. t $100 REWARD I $100 reward for, the return of articles taken from mjfchome at Pistakee j Bay either Thursday or Friday night, ! October 10 or 11, or for information | resulting in the recovery of those articles. A. C. Harrison. Phone Mc- tH the north. i Henry 212-J or in Chicago, Diversey Mj. and Mrs CharieB Owen, sons, ! 480°- ^ j Charles and Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. I FARMERS, ATTENTION--Exchange j Oliver Owen of Skokie, and Mr. and i your wheat for Quaker Flour at the Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron !« f _ Aa 1#-TI --. I cnotlf SlITlristl Jack VanBuren, maydr of Lake Villa, 111., landed his Stinson aei^nlane in McHenry county Tuesday. Mayor VanBuren has been calling on the newspapers and officials in the 102 FERWERDA LEITINO" NUPTIALS READ AT RICHMOND SATURDAY Raymond Ferwerda, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferwerda of McHenry, chose a young woman from Richmond counties in Illinois in behalf of the Republican party. His ship is equipped with a powerful loud speaking system which enables him to broadcast the Republican message direct to the s*/ people. This unique way of campaigning has beep causing a great deal of excitement in the various communities. 3 Judging by the enthusiasm Of the ANNABEL MEYERS IS BRIDE OF LONG LAKE MAN SATURDAY MORN St. John the Baptist church at Johnsburg was the scene of the weddinsr of Miss Annabel Meyers, charm- Photo try Worwick MRS. RAYMOND FERWERDA to become his bride. Miss Irene Leiting, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarthe weekend with his mother, Mrs. ence Leiting of Richmond, and they Elizabeth Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams and Joe Weber have returned from a fishing WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY October 23 - 24 BIG DOUBLE BILL! "PRIVATE AFFAIRS" -- with -- Nancy Kelly • Hugh Herbert -- PL U S -- "SCATTERBRAIN" with Judy Canova Farmers Mill. fftofce 89. McHenry. 12-tf DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS $1.00 to $15.00 Cash Cows - Horses - Hogs No help needed (or loading! Prompt tod llanitary Service Day and Nigfct, {bnob §h6 Holidays Phone Whee|i^ y fUifcrae Charges GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let as dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 866 or 681-M-l. 2-tf COMING-EVENTS The Beautiful |J TOVAI» CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FRIDAY -- SATURDif^ October 18-19 - • WALT DISNEY FESTIVAL OF HITS -- i n c l u d i n g -- "SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS' and His Prize-Winning Cartoons SUNDAY -- MONDAY TUESDAY « ^October 20 -21-22 SPENCER TRACY CLARK GABLE CLAUDETTE COLBElflp-- HEDY LAMARR C. -- in -- ™: "BOOM TOW*" A Star-Studded Cast in the Year's Greatest Entertainment Treat! PRICES (This Attraction Only!) Sun. Cont. from 2:45 p. m. 30c to 6 p. m., 35c after. Children, 10c WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY October 23 - 24 Carole Landis - Victor Mature -- in -- "ONE MILLION B. C." with LOB Chaney. Jr. • Also -- News and Novelty • * Jfctober C. D. of A.--Card Tournament--40th Anniversary Meeting. Women's Sbciety Laneheon Meeting. OctoWr 2f Card Party--Movies of Centennial-- St. Patrick's hall--Sponsored by Altar and *ftdfeary Sodality. * October 21 ? •Business aid Professional Women--* Methodist Church Hall. ' October 22 Evening Contract Bridge--Mrs. Ray McGee. October 23 Republian Rally and Dance--ftridge Ballroom--8 p. m. Marionette Show--2:30 p. m.,--High School--Sponsored by P.-T. A. October 24 Thursday Afternoon Bridge -- Sirs. Elizabeth Michels. Republican Dance--8 p.m.--:Crystal Lake Recreation Hall. October 25 Evening Bridge--Mrs. Geo. .Qetober. 28 O. E. S.--Regular Meeting. Five Hundred f,lub --Mrs. Amanda Brown, ' . October 39 Johnsburg Community flnh TftHnilil Meeting. • Friends' Night--O. E. S. Oetobet-Sb East River Road Pinochle--Mrs. Thos. Thonneson. November 6 P.-T. A.--Regular Meeting Benefit Dance -- Nell's Ball Rootto Sponsored by Societies of St. John's November 7 Cafeteria Supper--Methodist Church i.*4 'Promising Results' A mixture of venoms from the coral snake and the common cottonmouth water moccasin has produced "promising results" in relieving pain from cancer and epilepsy spasms. Description of the treatment has been made public by Dr. Eugene Maier, laboratory director for the Florida Medical center, V-enio* » Fla. spent Sunday in the Robert Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauer of Chicago were weekend guests of McHenry relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Dobyns and son. Eugene, spent Sunday at Fon du LBC, Wtft. Mrs. Donald McCafferty of Vincennes, Ind., was a guest of her mother, Mrs. May Fisher, a few days the past Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cooney Woodstock were callers in the J. Kelter home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Kimball of Chicago visited McHenry friends Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. G. Huemann and family, Mrs. Fred L. Huemann and Lorraine Reinboldt motored to the Brookfield zoo Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Sutler of Chicago spent a few days the first of tins week with her mother, Mrs. Henry Heimer, who is recovering from a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. G. Huemann were business callers at Waukegan Saturday. Mrs. Anne Morrisey of Chicago is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Alice M. Waltman at McCollum Lake. Costumes for rent, 28 N. Caroline, Crystal Lake, Olie M. ^Wilson. Math Laures is spending several days at Long Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mills and daughter at Kalamazoo, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams of Johnsburg spent b day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer. Mrs. Caroline Schiessle was a weekend visitor in Chicago. Miss Mary Jane Laures of Elgin enjoyed the "weekend at her home in McHenty. Miss Marfcafet McDonald of Crystal Lake called on Mcflenry friends Sunday. Miss Beatrice Lane of Joliet was the guest of -local 'friends this past 'Weekend. . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heil,'daughter, Dorothy, of Mal-athon, Wjs., and Mr and Mrs. Leo Mallak of Athens, Wis., spent a few days this week in the vicinity where they attended the Diedrich - Heil wedding Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes and baby, Mrs. Mercedes Deroff and tittle daughter of Chicago and Miss La- Nette Whiting of Elgin were Sunday callers in the home of Mrs. Ellen Whiting- . Mrs. Albert Zalewski Hta pending the week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Maiman and Miss Edith Geary of Wauconda were Sunday visitors in the H. J. Schaefer home. Mrs. Lucy Laurent, Violet Miller, Gus Stalcar and Frank Skerbee of Waukegan were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hetterman Sunday. - were married Saturday evening, October 12, at a candlelight ceremony. Rev. John W. Gable officiated at the lovely service which took place at Grace Lutheran church, Richmond, at eight o'clock. The bridal gown was slipper satin with a train and a tiara of orange blossoms held her fingertip, laceedged tulle veil in place. She carried a colonial bouquet of white chrysanthemums. Her maid of honor, Miss Virginia Schmitt, of Spring Grove, wore a peach slipper satin gown trimmed with aqua velvet. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Bernice Huemann, of McHenry, wore aqua slipper satin trimmed in gold. Both wore wreaths of flowers in their hair and carried colonial bouquets of bronze chrysanthemums. Paul Borre of Richmond attended the groom as best man, and Harry Ferwerda of McHenry as groomsmen. .The ushers were Jack Downs and William Green of McHenry and Carl Eckdahl of Chicago. Before the ceremony, Earl Conway of McHenry, accompanied by Miss Edith Bambas, of Richmond, at the piano, sang "Because" and "I Love You Truly," The church affair wai followed by a reception and buffet luncheon for 150 guests at the Hunter country club, Richmond. Miss Irene Pierce and Mrs. Martha Barrow of Woodstock, close friends of the bride, poured tea. After a short honeymoon, the couple will be at home to their friends in an apartment in the McHenry Town House on Riverside Drive in this city. Mr. Ferwerda is associated with his father in the Rhrersde Dairy. He atr tended the McHenry High school and also Coyne Electrical school witfi*the <elass -of 1940. (Photo by Worwick) MRS. JOHN SCHAEFER Miss. Lovina Brown is shown above in the gown in which she became the bride of Mr. John Schaefer of Johnsburg at St. Peter's church, Volo, on Wednesday morning, October 9. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown of near Volo, while the groom is the son of Mr. and ME§. Peter M. Schaefer of Johnsburg. They intend to make their home on. the George Tonyan farm at Pistakee Bay in the near future. EILEEN MAGNUSSEN OF VOLO IS BRIDE -v OF WISCONSIN MAN ROSINA DIEDRICH AND ERVIN HEIL EXCHANGE VOWS MONDAY AT VOLO A lovely fall wedding took place at St. Peter's church, Volo, on Monday, October 14, at 9:30 a. m., uniting in marriage Miss Rosina Diedrich of McHenry and Mr. Ervin Heil of Volo. The ceremony was read by Rev. George L. Schark. The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob P. Diedrich of Ingleside, chose a white satin gown with a train and her veil, which was held in place with a coronet of pearls, was also trailing. She carried a prayer book bouquet. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heil of Marathon, Wis. Miss Dorothy Heil, of Marathon, the groom's sister, attended'the bride as maid of honor, and Alfred Diedrich of Ingleside assisted the groom as best man. Miss Heil wore a gowi of rose satin and carried white carnations. She wore a wreath of mixed flowers in her Hair. The dinner and reception for about fifty guests was held at the home of the bride's parents, after which the newlyweds left on a trip to Marathon to visit his parents and friends. Miss Lillian Vales of Chicago spent ti* weekend to'the JUbert Vate« l»o(*a. Miss Eileen Magnussen, charming daughter of the P. J. Magnussens of Volo, and Mr. Russell Taylor of Lake Mills, Wis., were united in holy n\atrimony Saturday afternoon at four at a colorful candlelight service performed in the Ivanhoe church. The bride's gown was fashioned of white velvet, with a long train. She wore a tulle veil and carried white roses. Her attendants were all dressed in burgundy velvet, carrying bouquets of bronze chrysanthemums and also wearing them in their hair. Her maid of honor was Miss Vivian Ritta of Chicago and her two bridesmaids were from Waukegan. Milton Magnussen, the bride's brother, served as best man, while Karl Magnussen and "Butch" Magnussen were ushers. Little Carol Magnussen led the procession, carrying a basket of flowers and wearing a floor length dress. After the ceremony, the reception was held in the church basement for about 150 guests. The bride is a graduate of the Wauconda High school and of St. Therese's hospital School of Nursing at Waukegan. She has been recently employed in Libertyville. The young couple will make their home in Wisconsin where lit. Taylor is the owner of a dairy. HIGH SCHOOL WILL DEDICATE ATHLETIC YIELD FRIDAY NIGHT McHenry Community High School will dedicate its newly lighted athletic field on Friday night of this week when Marengo's huskies invade the local stronghold. A lightweight game will start at 6:30 and will be followed with a dedication ceremony at 7:80. Rev. Win. A. O'Rourke, formeT football coach of St. Thomas High of Rockford, has been -chosen as the speaker of the evening. Mayor Overton will represent the City of McHenry. C. J. Reihansperger, president of the high school board, C. H. (Photo by Worwick) MRS. WALTER FREUND ing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers of Johnsburg, and Mr. Walter Freund of Long Lake, son of Martin Freund of Ingleside, at nine p'clock Saturday morning, October 12. Rev. A. J. Ne'idert, pastor, officiated. The bride was attired in a princess gown of white satin with a long train. Her sweetheart veil also trailed and she carried a bridal bouquet of white roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Laura Meyers, as maid of honor, Miss Marie Rosing of Long Lake, a niece of the groom, and Miss Irene Smith of Johnsburg, ap bridesmaids. The trio wore similar gowns of poudre blue brocaded taffeta, small hats, silver slippers and carried yellow roses. William F. "Bud" Meyers, brother of the bride, assisted as best man, while Elmer Rosing of Long Lake, a nephew of the groom, was the single usher for the occasion. The bride's parents served the wedding breakfast for the bridal , party after the ceremony and entertained about fifty guests at the dinner. Over 150 persons were present that evening at the banquet which was held in St. John's parish hall. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing at the hall. Since Mr. Freund is employed in Waukegan, the couple will make their home in that city. During the summer, the bride was employed in the Cadillac cafe on Riverside Drive, McHenry. FRANK SOMPEL WEDS MISS LUELLA ADAMS YESTERDAY MORNING '>• 'h iV . i ^ i ' , people, Mayor VanBuren feels very confident that the entire Republican rfi ticket will be elected in NoVember hy 4 a great majority. . \ ' ' ' •'-, EDWARD DUMASKI ^ ' ^AKES JULIA PESZ ~ V FOR LIFE PARTNER $ . A very prety fall wadding was held at, St. Nicholas church, at Rice and Oakley streets. Chicago, at 10 a. m., Miss Luella Adams, lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams of Spring Grove, and Mr. Frank Sompel, son of Henry Sompel of Johnsburg, were married yesterday, October 16, at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove. Rev. John L. Daleiden officiated at the nine o'clock nuptial high mass. The bride was attired In a gown of white brocaded satin with a train, and she wore a long flowing veil. Her bouquet contained white roses. Mrs. Alfred Freund of West McHenry, the bride's sister, assisted as matron of honor in a blue moire taffeta gown. Mrs. Nick Hoff of Richmond, another sister of the bride, and Miss Lucille Freund of Spring Grove were the bridesmaids in gowns of (Photo by Worwtek) MRS. LB WARD DUMASKI Saturday morning, October 12, uniting Miss Julia Pesz of Slocum's Lake and Mr. EdwankDumaski of Cameron, Wis., in marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pesz and a sister of Mrs. Eugene Hughes of McHenry, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dumaslu of Cameron, Entering on the arm of her father, the bnae was gowned in white satin and her long veil was held in place by a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of white roses and chrysanthemums. For her attendant she chose her sister, Miss Irene Pesz, who wore a gown of rose taffeta with matching accessories. Her bouquet contained pink roses. Chester Dumaski served his brother as best man. The mothers of the bride and groom were-CMsages of mixed flowers. Dinner for seventy gUfsts was held at the home of the bride's parents at two in the afternoon; that evening there was a dance and refreshments at Sam's place, Burton's Bridge. They will make their home in DtMMfc where the groom is employed. , Out of town guests at the Wedding were the groom's parents, his sister, Berniece, and two brothers* Chester and Ben, all of Cameron. aexiv ui wits uign v. , , am « i* Duker, superintendent of schools and grape wine brocaded satin. All of her Captain Edward Blake, of the foot ball squad will represent their particular units from the speaker's stand. Two evenly matched teams will then clash in the big game of the evening. As an indication of strength, both Marengo and McHenry were beaten by the heavy Barrington eleven by identical scores, 12 to 0. The event promises to be one of the most colorful of the year. Special entertainment between halves will include the baiid, girl's gym.classes and b o y ' s gym p a s s e s . s . : ' ^ Baked Custard* ' Baked custards and vanilla junket are ta£ty with a sprinkling of grated nutmeg. •. '• attendants wore wine accessories and carried red roses. Joseph Sompel attended his brother as best man, while Raymond Adams, a cousin of tlys bride, of Spring Grove, was the usher. Gene Hoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hoff, was the little ring carrier. After the ceremony the wedding breakfast was served at the Alfred Freund home and a reception for about sixty people was held at the home of the bride's parents during the afternoon and evening. After a short honeymoon, the couple will make their home with the bride's parents until they are permanently located. The grpom is employed by Uw. o* Ifjhnghnro, 1 * ' •* • V !• ^ More Punishment .Today's cars are driven faster, engines run hotter and at higher compressions, than was the case a tew years ago. Octane ratings of gaso line have been raised to meet these conditions. As a result, engineers say, spark plugs not only take more punishment, but they become oxidecoated quickly. Because all oxidecoated or worn plugs waste gas, cause hard starting and loss of power, the spark plug manufacturers and automobile engineers advocate the cleaning of spark plugs at least twice a year or every 5,000 miles of driving. In recent years, some 70,000 car dealers and service stations have installed spark plug ckAr en. • Sour Milk Thunderstorms do not sour mflk. In the days before effective refrig- - eration, people frequently found ^ their milk sour after a thunderstorm and so blamed the thunder. But in doing so, they failed to take notice of these facts: (1) thunderstorms are most likely to occur during warm periods of weather, usually following an extremely hot, sultry spell; (2) heat is an aid to bacteria in their multiplication; and (3) it is the action of bacteria multiplying in milk which produces the souringif: •; • ______________ . -• % Automobile ' As the 28,000,000th Ford automobile recently rolled off the assembly line, the Ford Motor company estimated that since 1903 it has paid $4,- 230,000,000 to workers for 4,800,000,- 000 man-hours of labor, has spent some $10,000,000,000 for materials and paid S700.000.000 in taxes. Electro-Magnetic ; , . The electro-magnetic methods Wg. perhaps the moat popular of the, various means used today for locating ore. . v • V .v.

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