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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Oct 1940, p. 8

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r ' f - r - T T P {'V. ' - *"' -' " '•'.- •'• ! ' '" • ' ' " " •-' • •• / * / ' ' V • < \ i -< o. f {- T ^ •• 1 • " 'X * * • • ' , *- ••' " % il^v t«fe Ei^ni THE XcHSKET ^LAIIVBEALXB Society Motes i< % Pox RSver Valley Camp •:•*.":^ox River Valley Camp, R.N. A., H..'* announces that it will hold Friends' - Night on Tuesday evening, November |§j?4- 6» in the Royal Neighbor, hall in West MeHenry. 7:. ' t,V. -•.••. > ?K: Afternoon Contract r Mrs. Ray McGee entertained the membels of the Afternoon Contract Bridge club on Tuesday afternoon, awarding prizes to Mrs. C. C. Hoyte and Mrs. Harold Owen. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. C» C. Hoyte on l|J^vomber 12. . ' "•^2* ' v ~ . •, ^C. O. F. > ; •'St. Mary's Court, No. 594, Catholic tfrder of Foresters, announces that the date of its next meeting will be Tuesday, November 5, at which time there will also be a hard-time party: Every member is requested to be present and to come in their oldest and most ragged garb. The meeting will start at 8 o'clock in the Forester hall. Lunch and refreshment^ will be ^ • ' ' ' * * •... Halloween Ftety * * A Halloween party was held Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton for the members of the East River 'Road Pinochle club and their husbands. Cards furnished the entertainment, with prizes going to Mrs. Ed Sutton, George Justen, William Freund, John Benson, Mrs. Clarence Redwanz, Mrs. Albert Vales, Max Sutton, Mrs. John Craver. Mrs. Hughie' Kirk and Mrs. William Freund. A midnight buffet luncheon was folr lowed by dancing. The club wishes to thank John Benson who furnished the music for dancing. 1 m m m \ Entertain Teachers The Mothers' club sponsored their annual entertainment for the teachers of the local public schools Monday evening in the K. C. hall beginning with a pot-luck supper at 6:30 o'clock. The remainder of the evening was enjoyed at carchs, with the first prizes in bridge going to Miss May Justen for the ladies, and G. G. Reed for the meh, second to Mrs. Harold Owen, and third to Mrs. George Stilling. Mrs. Ben Dietz took the prize for pinochle, while Mrs. Richard Fleming was the winner in five hundred. Two special prizes went to Mrs. Ben Dietz and Miss Lucia Rose Rausch. Mrs. Harry Durland was chairman of the comn\ittee in charge. She was assisted by Mrs. George Stilling, Mrs. John Bolger, Mrs. Frank Hughes, Mrs. H. J. Schaffer, Mrs. Clarence Carp, Mrs. Morris Taxman, Mrs. Cora Bassett, Mrs. Clarence Douglas, Mrs. Eleanor Foley, Mrs. Roy Miller &nd Mrs. S. Frank Beatty. • * • . O. E.S. - 4 rJffce MeHenry chapter of the Eastern Star entertained a host of guests Tuesday night at Friends' Night. Visiting officers were asked to fill the following stations: Mrs. Irma Stockton of Woodstock, Worthy Matron; Frank Foley of Richmond, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Cora Sutton of Richmond, Associate Matron; Leslie Neff of Richmond, Associate Patron; Miss Frances Vycital of MeHenry, Secretary; Mrs. Ethel Holle of MeHenry, Treasurer; Ruth Drom of Wauconda, Conductress; Frances Brand, Crystal Lake, Associate Conductress; Mrs. Alice Cropper, Richmond, Chaplain; Mrs. Marguerita Spurling of MeHenry, Marshal; Miss Sylvia Snyder of Footville chapter, Wisconsin. Organist; Mrs. Lulu Klontz of MeHenry, Adah; Miss Elsie Vycital, Ruth; Mrs. Vida Gaulke of Woodstock, Esther; Mrs. Marguerite Reid of McHeTiry, Martha; Mrs. Eldred Wattles, MeHenry, Electa; Charles Osborn, Richmond, Warder; Mrs. Edith Buchert, Richmond. Sentinel; Mrs. Viola Jones of Richmond, Guest of Honor. . Talks were given by those in the East and a program followed the regular meeting. Various selections were given by Bonnie Page, Laura Sherman, Martin Baura and Warren Jones. Silver Wedding Kr. and Mrs. Peter M. Frepnd of Tohneburg celebrated their silver wedding anniversary Sunday afternoon by entertaining approximately one hundred relatives and friends. Cards furnished entertainment during the afternoon and this was climaxed by » •delicious supper in the evening. Prizes for five hundred were won by Mrs.' Leo Freund, Mrs. Joseph L. Freund, Mrs. Edward Frett, and in bunco by Mrs. Josesph Hiller, Mrs. Jacob Schumacher and Mrs. Martin H. Freund, Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Polock and daughters, Dorothy and Lorraine, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frett of Chicago; Mrs. J. R. Justen of Waukegan; Mr. and (Mrs. Paul Schumacher and son, Paul, of Cary; Mrs. Martha Freund and daughters, Virginia and Gladys, of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Math Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hoven and daughter of Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers, Mrs. Nick Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund ai<d daughtei, Joseph J. Schmitt of Spring Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Nick F. Freund, Mrs. John S. Freund, Mrs. M. J. Freund, Mrs. Anna Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Justen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nell and family, Mr. aftd Mrs. Anton J. Schmitt and fam ily, George J. Freund and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blake and son, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmitt and family of Mc Henry; Mr. and Mrs. Anton H. Freund and son and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuchs '••'H Ringwood. * • « • Pinochle Tovrnament The first game of the pinochla tournament which is being held every Wednesday night for several weeks in the Green street tavern was held last evening. 1JJio4^ Tec4fving the prizes were Mrs. 'Alfcert\ Krauze and Mrs. Elizabeth Michels.1 • II? s • * • _• Epworth League"™'" . The Epworth League met last Sunday at the home of Violet Pearson. Beryl Colby led the devotionals. These were followed by a most enjoyable hayride party and lunch. • • • p.-T.i,; The Parent-Teacher association will convene next Wednesday, Novembei 6, at 3 p. m. in St. Mary - §t. Patrick school hall. Miss Whitefoot, superintendent of nurses at the Woodstock hospital, will be the speaker. The mothers of the seventh and eighth grade pupils will be the hostesses. v v * m • • Mid-Week Club ^ Mrs. Ben Diptz. entertained the members of the Mi^-Week club Wednesday afternoon at her home in the country. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. William Spencer, Mrs. Cpra Bassett and Mrs. Elmer Baum. Mrs. C. H. Duker will be the hostess,on Wednesday, November 13. East River Read Pinochle Mrs. Thomas Thonneson was hostess to the members of the Blast River Road Pinochle club Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. George Justen was awarded the first pri^.and. Mi's. John Braeseke received the ' second. On Tuesday, November' 12. the club plans to attend a luncheon and show at Waukegan. 7 • • • . t r . i "* Evening -Bridge Mrs. Paul Schwerman entertained the members of her Evening Bridge club last Thursday. The awards went to" Mrs. Howard Wattles and Mrs. Thomas Phalin. Mrs. George Lindsay will be the hostess i^ext Thursday evening, November 7. Birthday Surprise Approximately twenty relatives and friends of Chicago surprised Maurice Gladstone Sunday afternoon on the occasion of his birthday. A buffet luncheon was served Sunday evening and the remainder of. the afternoon and evening spent at visiting. • « • 1 Married Forty-five Years Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adams invited over sixty relatives and friends to their home in Johnsburg to help them celebrate their forty-fifth wedding anniversary Sunday afternoon and evening. A buffet supper was served and the remainder of the time spent in visiting. • • • P.-T. A. Rummage Sale The rummage sale which was conducted last week for the benefit of the Parent - Teacher association of St. Mary - St. Patrick school, was most successful. The committee wishes to express appreciation to all who contributed to the sale. They especially wish to thank Mr. Buch, who donated the use of his store for the sale, • • • . j Mothers' Club The next regular meeting of the Mothers' club will be held Friday, November 8, at 2:3ft p. m. in the home of Mrs. R. M. Fleming. The hostesses will be Mrs. Ray McGee, Mrs. Richard Fleming, Mrs. A1 Barbian and Mrs. Ray Conway. Mrs. Ida Casisdy of Chicago will be the guest speaker. Her talk will concern good citizenship. • • • . Golden Wadding Mr. and Mrs. William OefTling of | Johnsburg will celebrate their golden wedding next Wednesday, November 6. High mass will be read at St. j John the Baptist church at 9 o'clock at Johnsburg, followed by a dinner j which will be served at the home. Open house will be held at the school hall frdm 2 to 5 p. m. 1 • m • ' 1 Thursday Afternoon Bridge Mrs. Elizabeth Michels was hostess [ to the members of the Thursday Afternoon Bridge club last week, awarding prizes to Mrs. Eva Nye, Mrs. Clara Miller and Mrs. Mary Freund. j Mrs. Rose Freund received the traveling prize, while Mrs. Dorothy Page j look Hie booby. Mrs. Emma Freund will entertain next Thursday, Novem-1 ber 7. "'•'vV'Liu* " ' -V' ; wwpp ersonrn Miss Arleen Bacon of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. William Bacon. Mr« and MiW W. H.. McLaughlin and son, William, of Dons, Iowa, were guests in the home of the former's sister and brother, Kate and Thomas McLaughlin, last Thursday; they au tended the funeral of Mrs. Jack McLaughlin at Ringwood that afternoon. Other guests in the McLaughlin home that day w£re Mr. and Mrs. William Osborne and Mrs. William Mau of Elgip, and Mrs. 0. C. Murray of Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rdihanspergeg and daughters, Ruth and Joan, called on the former's mother and sister at West Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Mary Switzer,-who spent the past several months in the home at her daughter, Mrs. Lisle Bassett, hap returned to her home m Houston, i Texas. Mrs. Ray Conway, daughter, Marian Grace, and Miss Genevieve Knox spent Sunday in the Keefe home at Spring Grove. Wfilliam Martin of Elmhurst visit* ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin, Sunday. Raymond Van Heirselee, his mother^, and his sons of Waukegan called OB' MeHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Unger and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ernst of Chicago, who spent the weekend at the Harsman cottage at McCollum Lake, visited in the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey were guests in the home of his sister, Mrs, Robert Burleigh at Ingleside Sunday. Mrs. Kenneth Lovegrin and little daughter, of Elmhurst, spent Saturday in the Clarence Martin home. Miss Rita Martin returned with them for a visit. Tuesday evening guests in the John Stilling home were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rothermel, Mr. and Mrs Albert Barbian and Mrs. Margaret Masquelet. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schmitt visited Mrs. George Freund at the Woodstock, hospital Sunday evening. Miss Lillian Vales and Albert Vales, Jr., of Chicago were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales. Mrs. Ed Vogel of Solon Mills called on Mrs. Albert Justen last Thursday. RoVena Marshall is enioying three weeks of vacation from her work ai the local telephone office. ' Mrs. Anne Morressy of Chicago is, speeding a couple weeks with Mrs. Alice Altman at McCollum Lake. Mr- and Mrs. George Justen, Miss Veyna Freund and Mrs. Margaret Masquelet called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rothermel last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gable and Mr. and Mrs. Williapi Huff of Chicago spent Sunday witH MeHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Potter of Virgil, former MeHenry residents, were callers in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Buss Saturday. Marshall Bacon of _ Chicago spent Sunday in the home "of his mother, Mrs. William Bacon. « Thursday, October 31,1940 Mrs. Philip Kessler and son, Philip, of Chicago visited relatives in MeHenry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Frasier of Grinnell,( Iofre, were Sunday callers in the home <rf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pauken, Miss Marie Byrn, Mrs. Norton, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Grove and Mrs. J. W. Peake were Sunday dinner guests in the William Spencer home. Mr. and Mrs. David KulL, of Lake Geneva visited relatives here Sunday. CHRISTMAS CARDSOf! ANY i DESIGN OP WITU-VOUR. » ftnWBOAMSTOto «mL a. ^ UftWV ntU) <4CA |y. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 Green Street Neighborhood Club The members of the Neighborhood club motored to Darien, Wis., last Thursday where a dinner was enjoyed at the Colonial club, followed by an afternoon of bridge at the home of Mrs. Henry Vogel at Delavan, Wis. Those present were Mesdames Simon Stoffel, C. J. Reihansperger, P. M. Justen, William Spencer, Thomas £halin, George Johnson, E. E. Bassett, F. G. Schreiner, Clarence Martin and C. H. Duker and Miss Clara Stoffel. • » • Personal Shower Mrs. Harry Anderson of Chicago was honored at a personal shower on Sunday afternoon at the Harold Phalin home in Lake Villa. The hostesses were Mrs. Harold Phalin, Mrs. James Mahoney and Mrs. Eleanor Foley. The prize in five hundred was received by Mrs. John Phalin, while Mrs. Thomas Phalin was awarded the bridge prize. Various other games were played with awards going to Mrs. Howard Phalin, Miss Harriet Boger and Mrs. Eleanor Foley. The decorations and table appoint ments were in pink and white. Mrs. Anderson was presented with many lovely gifts. - NO THIRD TERM FOR PRESIDENT Latest Sheet Mask. Bverytkfng fa music. Latest records, 8 for $1.00. NYE, West MeHenry. 28-bp-3 I HERE are two ways you can go about engineering an automobile. You can think it out fir you can tinker it out You can get right down to the tough job of building better, livelier, abler performance into the engine--or you can fiddle around with, expedients that seem to do the job. It is plain, of course, that the sole sourc* oi car performance is die power plant. And all engineers know that if you build in enough power and flexibility you can get the thrilling kind of performance car owners want. Pull, pick-up, hill-climbing, economical gear * ratios, less need for changing gfum eyi get them all from abundant power. The one thing that has stood in die way has been the difficulty of getting this power without also increasing die size of the engine^ * Now, sweating out more power fromthefame size engine and the same amount of fuel is a down-to-earth, hard-work job. But--it's die right and proper way to get* the wanted results without falling back on extra mechanisms that complicate chassis design. • And that's what Buick engineers have done. BUICK saicif •••»"> delivered at Flint, K, Mich. Transportation hated on rail rates, state and ^ ^ lysines* Coupe hctllaxtsWfj)' , acces„ri«-'***• <**"""•' 'qXcn> m'h°" NUTSHELL PICTURE of America s Most Powerful Steadarri-Prsduction Engine Bout tourem of this tnginm'i pmak pow*r it till FlBEBAll dttign which compacts thm fu*l charge into tho shop* of a flattmnod ball around thm spark. Firod from its hoort mi dor highor compression prtnvn, ooch chargm lets go with howior wallop that extracts more powor from eoch charge of fuel. Amplifying this is Compound Carburetlon, in which the usual large carburetor Is replaced by two smaller mixers teamed to work together. Only one of these carburetors functions in normal driving. The other cuts in automatically whenever H h needed to provide extra power, shuts off when the need Is past. Results Actually snore power from ha gasoline. They have concentrated their 1941 creative thought on providing greater and more flexible power in the engine itself. They have done this through Fimbbaul design and CompoundCarburetion--and what they've accomplished for you boils down to this: You get mare power -- eight* eighteen or twenty-four more horsepower firm the same size engines as last year--power that gets you off like a bullet and sweeps you ug> a hill like e fighter plane "going upst ^ |'ou get more mileage--fromi aO engines amft at all speeds--as much a9 ffi% to 15% more miles per gallon and the; benefits of overdrive, ell die time you are ini'Hijtfk.*" You get easier car handttnf -less gear ing from a tremendous power reserve; thai pulls the hills and nsftilintM traffic witiwmt t&e necessity of dropgtiag aafto lower gear tatiea. Fes get greater smfcty--from quick fick^up Mat lifts you sumdiy oui of tight spots, aad from the full and iaseaedkate braking power oi your engine without Ae lag" while liquidi ttMifktings and the like; reedjeet themselves. Finally yon get a chassis that is efteaa, simple and direct in design--uncluttered! by intricate mechanisms tfcet ere hard to aennae and dtftcult to repair. In brief you get basic improvement in your car's cmpmcity for perform**** -- and when yoe're spending several hundred dollars for an automobile, that's important enough look into. " Prices EXEMPLAR OP OENEKA1 MOTORS VALUE R. L CYERTCN MOTOR SALES front Street, W««t MsBanry, HL 316 lUio St, Orrital Lak*. A A

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