P fS F. v -' < l| ' -"i i ft'* "*••• HcHENBY PLAINDKALBt T«,-.-.'v; «r,7»v» Ti! Thursday, Gd&faerSl, LET'S LOOK AT MEN'S LEGS FOR A CHANGE r- Imm* LILT LAKE ^aass^as^ ' teutMtrftni Mmm K--0 Th mm Wmjrm With Jockey LONGS 75* •P pt gui III--I Tmm a kullkUi wiatei kxp ymtu ;n«lrti»c« ap with p««pn lui, Nd ud cl*UUa(. B« ran to iaclato Jockey Loapa ia y»m* wfatev wudnk*. Tnu Ups aecaaal fw TIT D THU >i<|'« atda UM - n it pays to Imp tlx laclray Uafi in aaa< aa4 warm. Iltck fit aa4 Ua* iapp««t halp fin all pratoctiaa. Sa mart la a aaca thara'a aot a *aa4tvill* |aha la a caikadL Cat a aappljr Inilay ao< fea aara to pat Jock«r Conlaai- •4 Iklita ta mat ck. OrifinaM aadl maaafautaiaJ br COOPEU. McGEE'S •- A card and bunco party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Etten Wednesday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. Wilbert Swanson and Mrs. Claude McDermott and Wilbert Swanson. About twelve guests were present. The serving of a lovely lunch conculded a most enjoyable evening. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Wlilbert Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth, Mrs. Walter Einspar, Mrs. Marrison and Thomas Klabough. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McVeigh andj^on, Leslie, of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson. Among those who spent the weekend at their cottages at Lily Lake were Mr. and Mrs. Wise, Mr. and Mrs. L. Venable and family. Mr. and Mrs. IqffuotdkifHll danger point* IMVI ^ AN1VFREEZE PROTECTION. Protection with Atlas Perma-Guard Anti-Freese, Standard Super Anti-Freeze, or Completely Denatured Alcohol, 188 proof. ^ WINTER-GRADE ISO-VIS. Summer oil drained, replaced with fast-flowing Winter-Grade Iso-Vis. • COMPLETE BATTERY SERVICE. Battery. cables, and connections checked. Recharging if necessary. New Adas batteries in wide price range. ^ WINTER TRANSMISSION LUBRICANT. Sum met lubricant drained and replaced by Winter-Grade Standard Gear Lubricant "jlC DIFFERENTIAL SERVICE. Winter Grade Standard Gear Lt*bfi€*nt replaces heavy summer oil. 4 oils •. .4 prices! ISO-VIS „.in cans, 30^ a quart* in bulk, 254 a quart* QUAKER STATE ...in cans, 35* a quart POLARINE ... in bulk, 2ty a quart* STANOLIND in bulk, 15< a quart* 'Prevailing dealer prices (plus taxes) EXPERT CHASSIS LUBRICATION. Point-to-point protection with Standard oils and greases. ^ SKID PROTECTION WITH ATLAS TIRES. Don't risk smooth tires on » skiddy roads. Atlas Grip-Safe Tires an reasonably priced. Fully guaranteed. JL 3 FINE OASOLINES . . . At the RH> Crown pump, "regular" priced Red Crown. At the WHITE Crown pump. Standard's Solite with Ethyl, (premium ' quality). At the BLUE Crown pump, bargain-priced Stanolind. LIGHTS CHECKED. Safety demands careful checking and replacements oi faulty bulbs. ^ STARK PLUGS TESTED. Cleaned and .regapped. New ones installed if needed. OOOD INSURANCE I The American Petroleum Institute recommends: 'Tubricate every 1000 miles!" ENJOY A NATIONAL CREDIT CARD. APPLY TO ANY STANDARD Oft DEALER. _ © 1944 SEE YOUR STANDARD OIL DEALER (Political Advertisement) WHAT DICK LYONS THINKS OF DWIGHT GREEN •••••••••••• Should a Public Utilities Lawyer be Elected Governor of Illinois? U. S. Court Records Show Dwight H. Green To Be Such An Attorney PHOTOSTAT belowf shows $10,000.00 check from the UTILITIES POWER ft LIGHT CORPORATION, a Huge Holding Company,^ DWIGHT H. GREEN, after he retired as U. S. District Attorney. ' warn This damaging evidence of Green's connection with Utility interests should the Tax payers, Car-riders, Gas and Electric light users they cannot afford to permit the election, as Governor of Illinois, of a Utilities Corporation Lawyer, giving him power to appoint a State Commerce C ommission which would favor the Utility companies at the expense of their customers. CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS NA^ONAL BANK AND '; |v:' 'CH* CHI'*AOO "RUST COMPANY 14...' * > $ DOLLARS TO THE oftocirOr UTILITIES POWCR FT LIGHT CONPOOAINON IMmJL frri** 1. m It, laftall* m CME«F», UUMII fmm phi *i«v »•« m tAWNpifcHI ' V *.r * ifJ PHOTOSTATIC COPIES OF THE $10,000 CHECK RECEIVED BY DWIGHT H. GREEN, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR from the Utilities Power and Light Company. This circular was used by his Republican opponent, Richard J. Lyons, in last spring's" primary. Sarle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lipson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Berger, Mr. and Mrs. Frietag and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sansone. Harvey Strnad and many othot*. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough visited at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klabough of Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bloomstrand of Chicago spent the weekend visiting at the home of her mother. Mrs. Lottie Bransford. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero spent Sunday at Lily Lake and visited at the George J. Wegener home. Mrs. Wilbert Swanson visited at the homes of her sisters in Chicago for a few days and also attended the bridal shower of her niece, Laurine Schonauer. Mrs. Claude McDermott was a" Chicago visitor Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mrs. Thomas Klabough and daughters, Kathleen and Mary Edith, were Woodstock visitors Thursday. VOLO fev' Mr. and Mrs. James Valenta of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. F'. Frokes of Berwyn spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mrs. Walter Vasey and son, Kenneth Lee, spent Wednesday at the home of Mrs. M. G. Ulbrich at Bar•- rington. Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughters of Slocum's Lake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson motored to Fort Atkinson, Wis., Friday. Mrs. Margaret Wells Woods of the state department of public health spoke on "Modern Parenthood" at the Volo school Wednesday evening. Mrs. Sarah Fisher spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Davis, at Slocum's Lake the past week. Mrs. Frank St. George visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Novy at Riverside, 111., Tuesday. Mrs. Pearl Dowell and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher attended the R. N. A. county convention at the Lake Villa school auditorium Friday afternoon. Mary Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case, had the misfortune to fall and fracture her right arm on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Raven and family of Slocum's Lake called at the Dowell home Thursday evening. Mrs. Cecil Anderson is numbered among the sick list at this writing. A Halloween party was sponsored by the Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau at the Volo school Friday. Various games furnished the entertainment for the evening. A very delicious lunch was served by the lunch committee at the close of the evening. Sarah Raven of Slocum's Lak$ spent the weekend with her grandmother, family were Crystal Lake callers Saturday. Mrs. Frank St. George and Mrs. Frank I^fovy were Thursday luncheon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke in Evanston. • Mr. and Mrs. William Hagies uf Chicago called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Sunday. Rev. W. P. Rueckheim who former ly conducted church services in his home at Lily Lake is now pastor of the Volo Community Bible church. Sunday school services will be held at 10:30 a. m. and church servcies will be held Sunday evenings at 8:0O p.m. SPRING GROVE Mrs. Mark Pierce was hostess to the members of her club on Tuesday evening. Games of five hundred furnished the entertainment and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ella Siegler, Mrs. J. J. Freund and Mrs. Math Nimsgern received consolation. Traveelr's prizes were won by Mrs. Fred Harms and Mrs. Ernest Peacock. At the conclusion of cards a lovely lunch was served. Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer and Mrs. Math Nimsgern attended a party in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Edith Cleveland in Round Lake on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Lucille Weber of McHenry visited in the home of her uncle, Charles Freund and family, on Wednesday. Members of her club met at the hopne if Mrs. A. H. Clapp on Wednesday for an afternoon at cards. Prizes for high scores went to Mrs. G. H. Jones and Mrs. Mark Pierce while Mrs. J. G. Wagner received consolation. A dessert lunch was served by the hostess.' A large crowd attended the benefit dance held at Nell's ballroom in Johnsburg on Wednesday night. Among those from here who enjoyed the evening of dancing were Messrs. and Mesdames William <Shotliff, T. Olson, A1 Schmeltzer, Clarence Freund, "Raymond Freund, Charles Freund, Arthur Kattner, Edwin Freund, Raymond May, Eddie May, Walter Brown, Albert Britz and Frank May. Joseph Brown, Paul Weber, Leo Lay and Arnold Kattner also attended. Mrs. Ina Gracy of Burton's Bridge was a visitor in the Frank Sanders home on Thursday afternoon. Visitors in the Math Nimsgern home on Friday were Mrs. Charles Thoma, son, Charles, Jr., and Mr, and Mrs. Paul TTioma of Chicago. Mrs. Frank Sanders has returned to her home having spent the past week in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peacock have moved to the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweet. Mrs Sweet has returned to Detroit with her son, George, where she will spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pittges of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs.. Math Nimsgern and family, Daniel Miller and Gerald Freund spent Sunday at Holy Hill, Wis. Otto Felder of Dubuque, Iowa, spent the past two weeks visiting- relatives here. He returned to his home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thompson in Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brit* and family moved to the William Britz house one mile east of town on Monday. Mrs. Norbert Klaus was confined to her bed with the flu several days this week. Misses Lucille Esh. Lucille Nimsgern and Lorraien May, who are employed out of town, spent the weekend with home folks. Mike Wagner of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with his children In the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff and Mrs. J. G. Wagner, accompanied by Mrs. Leonard Franzen and son, Lyle, of McHenry, attended the funeral services of a cousin, Fred Rockwell, at Rockton Saturday afternoon. The Hills family have moved to a flat in Che Orvis building. The Community culb held its regular meeting in St. Peter's parish hall on Monday night. A large number of members and friends were present and greatly enjoyed the interesting talks given by State's Attorney William M. Carroll and Attorney Russell Allen of Woodstock and Representative Thomals Bolger of McHenry. Refreshments were ^served. Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the many deeds of kindness shown us during our recent misfortune. Especially to those who assisted at the dance held for our benefit. Mr. and Mrs. George W. May and family. Mrs. If/ J. Walsh and daughter, Dorothy, of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of Wfctukegan and Sue Stont of Woodstock returned home last Thursday after enjoying a fourday drive through Wisconsin and Minnesota. Miss Walsh-was enjoying a vacation from her work at the R. I. Overton motor sales. 1940 RED CROSS ROLL CALL The American Red Cross of McHenry County has organized for work for the refugees of Europe. Mrs. William Charles of Woodst&ck is the Production Chairman and has visited most of the McHenry County Chapters of Red Cross and outlined the plan of work. Orders have been placed for yam and materials for layettes and as soon as it arrives she will send it to Red Cross Chapters with directions for making the garments. There is a quota for McHenry County and it is hoped that everyone who can knit or sew will volunteer their services. There is no expense as all materials are sent us from National Red Cross. Get in touch with your local Red Cross chairman for farther information. Mrs. George H. Johnson was the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. K. Burns, at Oak Park several days the past week. a A ^ _ _ - „ . viuiuitai i\u WWW (Political Advertisement) Mrs. Pearl Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. HeVman Dunker and HERSHEY for GOVERNOR In presenting Harry B. Hershey for Governor the Democratic party in Illinois submits for the consideration of the voters kraie of the accomplisliiiients of the state administration during the past eight years. THE RECORD * * . SCHOOLS -- During the past eight years the state has.given $108,008,086 to aid the schools, an increase of 80% o^er1 the $60,891,114 • •' given during the-previous eight'years..- At the last session of the legis lature $500,000 was .Appropriated to aid in the cost of transportation of rural pupils to liigli cchool. (McHenry high school is one of the schools of the county to take advantage of this appropriation.) OLD AGE ASSISTANCE -- $110,000,000 has been paid in old. age assistance since the law was enacted in 1936. Nearly 140,000 Illinois residents receive this aid every month. UTILITY KATES -- Utility users have saved $159,000,000 through reductions in rates ordered by the Illinois Commerce Commission. GAS TAX REFUNDS -- Since 1934 one-third of the gas tax has been alloted to the cities and villages of the state. (The allotment $15,266.62). STATE DEBT -- Reduced the bonded indebtedness of the state by $48,000,000. Also retired anticipation notes sold by the previous administration to the amount of $10,610,000. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS -- Built 2,874 miles of hard roads in addition to 270 ra.ilroad and highway grade separations. (In JfeHenry cotmty more than 30 miles of hard road have been built. Other projects completed include railroad grade separations at Harvard and Woodstock, the grade separation east of Crystal Lake known as the wye, the McHenry dam in Fox river and the Johnsburg bridge.) In addition, increased appropriations have been provided for Blind and Mothers' pensions. Larger sums have been given for the excess cost of educating handicapped children. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN THE 8TATE STANDS ON THE RECORD. IT ASKS FOR SUPPORT NOT ON THE PROMISE OF DEEDS TO DO -- BtJT ON THE RECORD OF DEEDS DONE. KEEP GOOD GOVERNMENT IN ILLINOIS -- VOTE DEMOCRATIC ELECT • Harry B. Hershey for Governor