Thursday, October 31,19 THE McHSNRY PLAirwKALJtik THE MCHENRY PUUNDEALER Puilished every Thursday at Me- Benry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. :;4 H. MOSJHER Bditor and Manager Bntered as second-class matter at ike postoffice at McHenry, UL,*under the act of May 8, 1879. cago spent Saturday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry! Sunday afternoon and dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Burkhard were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. One Year ...$2.00 8lx Months 11.00 SLOCUM'S LAKE v Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis of the "Flats," Miss Frances Davis and Martin Bauer spent last Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coiverse. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Keyes of Chi- NEW £MPIRI McHENRY, ILLINOIS fgjUDAY -- SATURDAY ; "PRIDE AND Vr PREJUDICE" Also -- Cartoon and News SUNDAY -- MONDAY / November 3 - 4 Ronald Colman - Ginger Rogers "1.UCKY PARTNERS" „ Also Walt Disney's Cartoon World News - Musical, "Hawaiian Rhythm," Sunday Matinee--2:45 Continuous. TUESDAY Gladys George - A. Tamiroff (1) ' 'Way of All Flesh" Wayne Morris - Rosemary Lane (2) "Ladies Must Live" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY James Cagr«y - Ann Sheridan Pat O'Brien "TORRID ZONE" ANKAlxON'S WOOrSTOCK MILLER Ttoatre Woodstock FRIDAY -- SATURDAY N o v e m b e r 1 - 2 Continuous Saturday from 2:30 "THE SEA HAWK" -- with -- Brrel Flynn - Brenda Marshall Also On Friday Only Merchant's Cargo . . . Many Pleasant Surprises! SUNDAY -- MONDAY N o v e m b e r 3 - 4 Continuous Sunday from 2:30 For the First Time Together! Ronald Colman - Ginger Rogers 1 -- in -- '-&U0K7 PARTNERS" Added iShort Hits "Information Please" - "Tugboat Mickey" Cartoon - Latest News Flashes. TUESDAY -- November 5 ifc - Bargtln Night - 15c "GRANDPA GOES TO TOWN" -- with -- flbBsell Gleason ' WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY November 6-7 "GIRL FROM AVENUE A" -- with -- Jane Withers - Kent Taylor Also ---- Latest March of Time. "Britain's R. A. F. - Latest World News The Beautiful laTOMMt mm CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FRIDAY -- SATURDAY N o v e m b e r 1 - 2 The Robin Hood of the Seas! Errol Flynn in "THE SEA HAWK" -- with -- Brenda Marshall - Alan Hale SUNDAY -- MONDAY November 3 - 4-- 8u. Cont. from 2:45 p: m. 25c to € p. at.; 30c after. Children, 10c. LORETTA YOUNG MELVYN DOUGLAS -- in -- "IlE STAYED FOR BREAKFAST" You'll rock with laughter at this hilarious story! Also -- News and Latept |£j|rch of Time. T > ~ TUESDAY lie -- Special -- 15c Anne Shirley - James Ellison "ANNE OF WINDY POPLARS" -- w i t h -- Pat Knowies - Slim Summerville The sequel to "Anne of Green Gables" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY N o v e m b e r 6 - 7 "RIVER S END" by James Oliver Curwood -- with -- Elizabeth Earl - Victory Jory - COMING SOON! "THE RAMPARTS WE WATCH" N E W IMPROVED STORM S A S H NO MORE • PUTTY f TROUBLES • Here ia the greatest storm sash improvement in years I Now you can have for your home genuine Morgan Storm Sash with glass bedded in putty and permanently secured with wood moulding. This definitely prevents loosening of putty and leakage which "is common with the old-fashioned storm sash after it has been installed and removed a few times. All Morgan Storm Sash are treated with water repellent toxic chemical which guarantee long life and guard against swelling. Alexander Lumder Go. Phone 5 Main Street PRICED LOW Burghgraef, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ludermann, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hulska, Ronald Rose, Jr., George Burghgraef and Miss Grace Ferrard of Chicago. All enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Burkhard. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wagner of Wauconda spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Mrs. Celia Dowell and Mrs. Harry Raeburg and two children spent Friday at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry and son, Marlett, spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Dorwin of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry, Wilard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. David of Barrington spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank La- Belle. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer of Johnsburg spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner. Mrs. John Holmes, Mrs. Vane Kirby and Mrs. Green of Chicago were last Wednesday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaBelle. Chesney Brooks spent last Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of Robert Dooley at Hammond, Ind; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Swan of Chicago were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaBelle. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sowers of Wauconda were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, and Otis Phillips attended the Plowing Match and Corn Husking contest near Grayslake last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson at Cary. Miss Grace Ferrard of Chicago is a guest at the hpme of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhard at Williams Park this week. , Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom and son, LeRoy, of North Chicago were callers Sunday evening at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mrs. Shehan and three daughters of Highland Park were Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Willard Darrell were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Busse, north of Marengo, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen were dinner and evening guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien at Roseville. Sit f..? -fx Twies T # l d Tales «c 4b Flea mt mt T*n Ad TWENTY YEARS AGO M. A. Thelen, the West side 1tarness maker, has invented and already obtained patent rights on an automobile fan belt, which is destined to bring him good returns. Wm. Butler of Chicago is a new employe at the battery shop conducted by W. L, Howell A Co., on Pearl street. Jos. E. Miller,, who conducts a farm near Richmond, and a former resident of Johnsburg, was united in marriage to Miss Amelia Kattner of Spring Grove at St. Peter's church in the latter city last Wednesday morning, with Rev. Hildebrand officiating. Miss Helen M. Freund and Henry J. Kennebeck were united in marriage at St. Mary's church on Wednsday morning. Rev. Edw. Berthold was the officiating clergyman. JOHNSBURG RECEPTION FOR NEW METHODIST MINISTER SUNDAY AT 7:30 P. M. THIRTY YEARS AGO (Political Advertisement) ELECT EDGAR 0. EAKIN TO CONGRESS MR, E A KIN'S CAMPAIGN SLOGAN IS "AMERICA FIRST." ' 7 HE WILL ALWAYS VOTE AGAINST ANY WAR EXCEPT IN DEFENSE OF AN ATTACK. HE WILL NEVER VOTE TO SEND ANY TROOPS TO FIGHT IN ANY FOREIGN COUNTRY. MR. EAKIN BELIEVES THERE SHOULD BE BUT ONE ISM, "AMERICANISM." MR. EAKIN WILL ALWAYS VOTE FOR A STRONG NATIONAL DEFENSE, MORE ADEQUATE AID TO THE FARMERS, AND A MORE ADEQUATE OLD AGE ASSISTANCE. CONGRESSMAN REED VOTED AGAINST NATIONAL DEFENSE . . . / He has refused to debate the issues; he says he will stand on his record but lie don't tell the voters what his record is.- Here is part of Congressman Reed's record: He voted againM Con scription. He voted against conscription of wealth. ~ He voted against Naval construction authorization bill (March 21, 1939). His vote would prevent adequate Naval enlargement. He voted against resol tion providing money to i. ting sufficient aluminum production for adequate air defense. His vote would prevent production of one of tin. most vital elements to aircratft production. Congressman Reed voted.on June 22, 1939 to reduce the appropriation for National defense, which vote would have slashed millions of dollars from the Supplemental Military Appropriations Bill for the fiscal vear ending June 30, 1940. CONGRESSMAN REED VOTED AGAINST ADEQUATE ASSISTANCE TO FARMERS ... He voted against Cannon Amendment to Agricultural Appropriation Bill (March 28, 1939) providing for parity payments to farmers. • He voted against passage of Agricultural Bill if November 10, 1937). His vote is against farm relief. CONGRESSMAN REED VOTED AGAINST ADE QUATE RELIEF AND ASSISTANCE TO THE AGEZ Why did Congressman Reed refuse to debate the issues? Was he afraid of his record? CONGRESSMAN REED VOTED AGAINST ALL BILLS APPROVED BY THE ILLINOIS LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS . . . The Illinois League of Women Voters investigated all legislation in Congress and inform the womcji voters of the nature thereof. Congressman Reed voted against every bill approved by them. He also refused to answer their questionnaire requesting him to state his position on foreign relations and important domestic issues. The Northern part of the 11th District never had a Representative in Congress; now is the chance to get one. VOTE FOR EDGAR O. EAKIN FOR CONGRESS, WHO WILL BE A GOOD PUBLIC SERVANT TO ALL--INDUSTRY A ORTCULTI RE AND LABOR. McHenry Co. Ind. Voters' League Eakin for Congress Charles Conley - A. J. Barden, Committee. We understand that J. W. Bonslett has disposed of his Lily Lake property to James Haveren, who during the j .past couple of years has conducted a i saloon in the Gilbert block on the West side. E. Hunter informs us that with continued favorable weather the new boat factory building will be under cover within (he next two weeks. Simon Michels has entered the employ of C. G. Frett in the latter's meat market and grocery. v Rev. Wm. A. Gross is returned by the Rbck River Conference to the pastorate of the McHnry M. E. church lor the coining conference year and will en(er op the work of this year i next Sunday.' 5 , Dam, )>eiiitit- FORTY YEARS AGO C. P. Barnes, of Woodstock, will address the people of McHenry tonight, at the ^Riverside House. Music will he furnished by Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, the McHenry Democratic Quartette and the McHenry Military band. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Besley and Mr& George W. Besley were Chicago visitors the first of the week. Will Thurlwell and Miss Anna Oeffling were in Chicago Sunday to attend the wedding of Miss Katie Simmons. Ray H. Owen will be in McHenry the latter part of this week to tune pianos. Any orders left with 0. W. Owen will be attended to. Mrs. Joe King is spending the week in Chicago with Mrs. Pink Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bildner and Mr. and Mrs. Math Pitzen returned home Monday after spending a few days fishing up north. Mrs. Stephen Freund of Spring Grove attended the Lady Foresters meeting here Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Heumann and daughters of Chicago spent a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann. Mrs. Leo Gerlach spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner of Volo called at the home of Mrs. Wm. Althoff Friday evening. Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodstock visited with her mother, Mrs. Stephen H. Smith, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter of Chicago attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Huemann here Wednesday. Miss Jeanette Degan and Lorraine and Vernon Rheinbolt were Waukegan callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls and George' King were Woodstock callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode spent Saturday in Chicago. A few friends surprised Mr..'and Mrs. Art Thelen Sunday evening m honor of their twentieth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Margaret Feltes of Spring Grove attended the wedding of Marie Nett to Tommy Diedrich here. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicag. and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas or Woodstock spent Sunday in the hom« of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of Waukegan spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Miss Rrgina Klein was a Rockforo caller Sunday. Miss Pauiine Bode is spending the week with lelatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meyers and Mrs. Laura Borchert of Chicago spent the weekend here. • Mr. and Mrs. Mike Got ski and family of .Woodstock. Mrs. Rose Hoffitie pnd family and Miss Marie King of Genoa, W is., weie callers in the Jacob Thiel home Sunday afternoon. I Mrs. Kathrine Pitzen of Chicago1 spent a few days in the home of her father, John Pitzen, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel are the proud parents of a son born Saturday, October 26. The following people gave Mr. and* Mis. Peter F. Freund a welfare party Sunday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huff, Richmond; Jake fyiiller and son of Zenda; Mr. and Mrs. Joe King, Mr. and Mrs. Leo King, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smi(h, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. John A. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Steve May and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Cards were played and prizes were awarded Mrs. Leo King, Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers , and Peter Smith. Lunch was served afterwards. In order that the people of this community might make the acquaintance of Rev. and Mrs. J. Heath Miller. the new pastor of the Community Methodist church and his wife, there will be a reception in the church parlors at 7:30 p. m. Sunday, November 3. Rev. and Mrs. Miller, who came to McHenry from Kansas, are nicely settled in the parsonage by this time and are anxious to meet their parishioners and friends in the community. The people too, are awaiting the opportunity of learning a little about this congenial young minister and his wife, so the evening proimses to be a delightful one. There will be a program and refreshments. Announcement has been made that choir practice will be held at the home of Mrs. C. W. Goodell tomorrow, Friday evening, ta 7:30 p.m. There will also be a meeting of the official board atjthe parsonage Friday at 8:Q0 ^.in. ^ ^•'Waat Ada QUICK RELIEF FROM SyavtMM mt Distress Arisfag frwf STOMACH ULCER# DUE TO EXCESS ACID rrM IsilrTnlli sf llnwTi sstwsel im Nmt Help or It Will Cost You fUtMwg Over one million bottles of the WILLARD TREATMENT have been sold for retiefof Symptoms of distress arising from MMtacfe i due to fttm AtM'rdue to Euan AcM. Sold olT'l" days' trial? Ask for "Wtltanf* IHimn" which fulljr explains this treatment--fr*a--at WATTLES DRUG STORE FRED C. MILLER, M. D. Sjpsriafiling ia EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT wffl be k Dr. A. L Froehlich's Office, corner Green ft Ehe Streets, McHenry Bnry Wednesday ^jy§{; - " vtfoni 1 to 2:M p. 4|U GL ASSES FITTED USX THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOB QUICK. BESULTS HILL TOP INN HALLOWEEN PARTY Saturddy Evening, Noy. 2 DUCK DINNER 35c Music by the Broncho Busters SOU IM MEL, Prop. FIFTY YEARS AGO Mr. and Mr^ A. H. Hanly who were thrown from a buggy by a runaway team several days ago, are slowly recovering from their injuries. Died--at her home, in this village, Thursday morning, October 9, 1890, Rachel Mills, wife of J. VanSlyke, aged 60 years, five months and eight days. There are several weddings on the tapis in the vicinity of Johnsburgh. Our trains, especially the mail trains, have been very irregular of late. - The brick yard has about cfo§ed work for the season and only a few men are now engaged around the yard. Pinochle Tournament Every Wednesday night, begining October 30 to January 31. Prizes every night. Grand prize at the end of season. Fill your tables and tell your friends! GREEN ST. TAVERN J. J. MILLER, Prop. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Stephenson of Ringwood motored through northern Wisconsin this past weekend. They spent Saturday night at Ephraim, continuing northward along the peninsula on Sunday. They returned home Sunday evening. PINK HARRISON'S ---- at Piatakee Bay Fall Season's OLD AND NEW TIME DANCING EVERY SATURDAY Charles Schroeder, Caller. GOOD FOOD GOOD DRINKS GOOD MUSIC Barbara Horick's Orchestra HALLOWEEN PARTY SATURDAY, NOV. 2 (Surprise) '// " FIRST BECAUSE ITS FINEST! SIXTY YEARS AGO 7 Miss Clara B. Owen left Chicago on Tuesday for Paris where she proposes to remain about one year. R. Bishop has been putting some needed repairs on the south side of his mill, by newly sideing and painting it. It certainly looks better. Both the Democrat and Greenback Liberty poles, in this village were brpken by the wind on Saturday last. We have not learned whether or not they will be again repaired. We learn that during the high wind on Saturday last the steeple of the Presbyterian church at Ringwood-vras - blown off. QABBY QERTIE Una If The eaU mt the wild reminds a n that hie Wet friend Is t H Featuring all who ride will have space and space to spare! tfflWUWij tttw HGNtSS ^ ^" Moftf """lioiu 10NGB ^ MOID * W IWf mt-ACTtOM * 1 0 D m * TL ""• "•or, >KT0tr" ENGjNf . and there's also more too* room, .tiQrp «.houM**r room mo'e oil-: ninJ comfor in this loryesr car the leader Has ever built vacwi*. rOWlf SHIFTAT*° ***** *• o»v ck^L * SAIT-r-SrtCMi Even three couples AREN'T a crowd In "fittuuc ItAJSJ fhia big, roomy, wide-seated Chevrolet for 1941! All sedans are fixed for sis. widened out to give "3-couple roominess/* ... All models, regardless of type, have big, generous, oversize capacity. . • . And all of them are styled, tailored and appointed to bring you the modern maximum in luxurious motoring-- at the lowest cost! That's why we're convinced you'll gay Chevrolet's "first because it's finestf Better eye it, try it, buy it--today! A*"'CHEVR01ETS the LEADER ""WV"' SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES r- T. MeHXNKY, ILL. •J