»^.- . !. '*• ."*' wmmmmmmmmmmmmm*mm&=~ Mn. Iif BafcsHaoa entertained at a yantrr shower Thunday evening for Mrs. Roland Jackson, a recent bride. Bey. and Mrs. Collins attended drawl a* the eomty farm at Hartland Sunday. Bct. Collins conducted the services. Mr- »nd Mrs. Clayton Harrison •pant Saturday with their daughter and family at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. FiaMrarn of Elgin were callers in the Mrt. George Harrison home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and finally of Huntley spent New Year's day with JMftdpxents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. The Home Bureau held a card party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ttfed Wiedrieh, Jr., Friday evening. Prises in ftw hundred were awarded to George Young, Mn. Georye Young and Mr*. Ed Whiting; in Hearts to i. Helen Johnson, Ethel Krohn and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. There wen forty present. At the cloee of the games lunch waa served. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and son, Howard, John DreymiUpr and Will Claxtoa were Sunday dinner guests in the Henry ffeegert home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington ck Rockford spent the, weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Miss Virginia Jepson returned to Cornell college Sunday after spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant and Miss Rita Mae Merchant of Woodstock were callers in the Bay Merchant home Sunday afternoon. Hie Sewing Circle will meet with Mrs. Roy Neal Friday, January L7» Mrs. Ray Adams and children of Genoa City and Miss Carrie Adams spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Will McCanaon. Lloyd McCanson and sons of Woodstock were caller* in the Will Mc- Cannon home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and r lomr telephone company provides WBkwitrwmn *• anst mWY BERVIGI yiQCIBSMHT of many special items available! NAID-OP-HIARIN* IQUIFMIMT pecfJ» ampltfrarinw el the voice m Imrd ia this tela* pbortc r»c*iv*r, and is «iml for home or office ON. SI»NALIN« KQUIPMINT is available for every tervicc need* Outdoor locations sometimes loud-ringing bells or i; in dfa i an am < THI POKTABLITILIPHOMI h mm ••l.aiii can be tJtti'md tr to another in your horn* aad Conmctsd to telephone ootids. KIT TILIPHONI SYSTEMS provide intercommunication mad oufide ssfvke (tor bmt or omce) operated by buttons In the bue of the inatrumsat. HAIW-UP TYPE HAND Sit IBS7 fc n*"^ m n *•#!! or o«h« nrtitsl flat surfaoi; it it p££0x..... lar for use as a kitchen or 1 telephone. iuiCROI SPIARKI IICROPHONI AND LOUPER SIT connected to taleon the «ame pri iniw rr-.-'-Tit tirn-r*r tn'Mng. Compact cabinet contains micro* * (phone, loud-speaker, buzzer, etc. • If yen wiafa further mfnrmatiim any of theee service^ or U yoo have sarrice needs of your own which call for • "-••ti.i-g * -«• «WI *e abd «a tea Am widi yea., Jaat caB # Office. fa McHeary, call tWI ILLINOIS BELL CONPAKT IWe Is "THB numONI MOUT* every Meede* f P. •»„ WM** daughter, Edith Pearl, spent New' Year's day in the R. E. Howard home at Kenosha.'It was the Howard's 33rd wedding anniversary. Nick NCgri and friend of Chicago spent Sunday in the Roy Neal home. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley and family spent New Year's' day in the D. C. Bacon home at Crystal Lake. Shirley and Marion remained for the weekend. There will be a benefit card party at Muzzy's hall held by the business men Thursday evening, January 16- Hie proceeds will go towards the street lights. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake were callsrs ir. the Mrs. Geo. Harrison home on New Year's day. Misa Helen Ruth Butler spent the weekend in the D. C. Bacon home at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Monday an ! Tuesday in Chicago. • Mrs. Thomas Doherty and son, John, spent Friday in the Albert Woll hotne at Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrieh and sons spent Sunday afternoon with the former's parents, Mr. and Mn. Roy Wiedrieh. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons spent Friday with the former's pareats, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. Mrs. Joe McCannon entertained her music pupils at a Christmas party and recital at Muzzy's hall Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mn*. Thomas Doherty attended a party in the Paul Doherty home near Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrieh spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrieh. Ragner Remer received several broken ribs in a fall at Fort Sheridan where he has been doing carpenter work. Fred Wiedrieh and son, Harold, spent Saturday afternoon at Richmond. Mr. and Mn. Glenn Treon of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening ia the Charles Peet home. Miss Rita Mae Merchant of Woodstock spent New Year's day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger of Greenwood spent- Friday evening with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Sheparf. Wayne Fou was a supper guest in the Wm. Claxton home at McHenry New Year's night. Miss Alice Peet of Elgin wy a caller in the home of her parenta, Mr. and Mn. Charles Peet Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and son, Howard, John Dreyroiller. Will Claxton and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine and son, Eugene, of Chicago spent New Year's day in the Alan Ainger home at Greenwood. Mrs. Wattles and son, Glenn, of McHenry wen dinner guests in the C. L. Harrison home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley an trip to New Orleans. •> Mrs. B. T. Butler is substituting in the lower nam: at School in the absence of the teacher, Mrs. Andrew Hawley. Miss Julia McLaughlin has gone to McHenry to make her new home. Mr. and Mn. Kooistra and family of Hebron spent tfew Year's day with Mr. and Mn. Alec Anderson and family. Miss Dora Anderson of Woodstock spent the holidays with her pannts, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson. mo iff . ^ CROW! Ifr,-- the b«PW «"*• Cioml w ^ i,„, «M. driving CYCl is hy ind X* r*T p^rJZlLa trie*- CIVIM i* tbc '> -- V I. V'M1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wellmann and son of Grayslake wen Saturday evening viaiton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dnnker. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and family spent New Year's day at the home of Mrs. Alda Smith in Wauconds. Mr. and Mrs. Clannce Grabbe and sons of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mn. Walter Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke of Xrvanston spent Tuesday at the home «f Mr and Mn. Prank 8*- George, Mr. and Mrs. Wi!H»m Wirt* attended the ice carnival at the Stadium in JuAttr Bi*«it of Slocum's Lake' spent a few days here with his grandmother, Mrs, Pearl Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., and daughter, Lillian, of Wauconda spent New Year's day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. ( Mr. and Mrs. A. Frett of Chicago spent a few days hen the past week with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mn. John'Ofllfling. Miss Marjorie Ritta of Mundelein spent a few days here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ritta. Mr. and Mrs. F, Withers and family of Rockf ord. 111., apent New Year's day hen with Mr. and Mn. Len Littlefield. t Mn. Lloyd Fisher and Mn. Alvin Case an attending Farm and Home week at the state university at Urbana. Mrs. Case and Mrs. Fisher an delegates, representing the Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell and son spent Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., in Wauconda. x Mn. Alda Smith of Wauconda spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mn. Alvin Case. Mr. and Mn. Herman Bunker and family. Mr. and Mn. William Wirt? and family, Mbr. and Mrs. Hei^y Wegener and famfey, Mr. ant} Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and "family, Mr. jind Mrs. J. Brumback and family an(f Mrs. Alvin Case and family attended the holiday 4-H party at the Libertyville township high school Friday evening. "SLOCUArS LAKE Mn. Marlett Henry and son, Mar lett, spent last Friday at Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mn. Ralph Wagner and soa, Gerald, wen Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mn. Mary Obcr.auf at Libertyville. Henry Smith, Chicago, was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mn. Marlett Henry last Friday. Frank P. Ross of Oak Park spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mn. C. H. Hansen. Harry Raeburg of Belviden spent New Year's day at the home of Mrs. Celia Dowell Mjr. and Mn. John Blomgnn were dinner and supper guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mn. F. Swaason at Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Swan of Chicago were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mn. Frank LaBelle. Mr. and Mn. Jack Geary and children spent New Year's day evening at the home of Mr. and Mn. Arthur Wagner. Mr. and Mn. Lyle Litwiler, Round Lake, spent SundAy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. George Dahl spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaBelle. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen spent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mn. Lee Lara bee and son, Carroll, of Bristol, Wis., spetn last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston and daughters, Margaret Jean and Mary Alice, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews motored to Chicago last Friday evening and attended Sonja Henie's Ice Revue at the Chicago Stadium. Mr. and Mn. Earl Convene and daughter, Frances, and Miss Frances Davis spent New Year's at the home of Mr. and Mn. Leslie Davis on the "Flats." \ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart of Chicago were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. arxl Mrs. Wm. Burkhart. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were diner guests last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mn. Lyle Litwiler at Round Lake. Mr. and Mn. Arthur Hillier of Bar rington wen supper guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mn. G. J. Burnett. caller ia the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers WedneadSy. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller and children of Chicago spent New Year's with Mr. and Mn. Joe P. Miller. Miss Irene Smith spent New Year's with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Rheinbolt of Iowa are visiting with relatives hen. Miss Katie Pitzen spent New Year's with relatives hen. Mn. Martha Fnund and daughten of Woodstock spent Thursday with her mother, Mn .Math Freund. Donald Michels is spending a few days with relatives in Chicago, LeRny Meyers' is spending a few days with Mr. and Mn. Walt Fnund in Waukegan. Mn. Delia Miller entertained the five hundred club Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mn. Peter Smith, Mn. Charles Michels and Mrs. Joe King. Miss Katie Schmitt of Chicago spent a few days with relatives here. Mr. and Mn. Jake Thiel were callen at Woodstock Friday. Henry Sompel spent a week with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Steffes and Mn. John King of McHe/uy wen supper guests with Mrs. Mamie King Friday evening." Mr. and Mrs. Ernie DtSilvestro of Chicago spent New Year's day in the home of Mr. and Mr.?. George Michels Mn. DiSilveatro remained the rest'of the week at the Michels home. Mr. and Mrs. Lao Smith and Mr. and Mn. Joe Freund spent Sunday in Chicago with Mr. and Mn. Eddie Frett. Mr. and Mn. Wm. J. Meyen and daughter, Laura, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Irvin. Schaefer ia Waukegan. Mrs. Joe Karis ia spending a' few days with relatives in Chicago. Donald Michels, returned home Saturday evening after spending a few day* with relatives in Chicago* : / A THANK YOU" FROM LOLA WALSH IN CALIF. f'1*l following is a portion of a letter addressed to Editor and Mn. Mosher: "You have no idea how much I think of The Plaindealer. It takes me right home to n\y dear friends who have so kindly remembered me with cards and letters. Will you please mention it in the paper for me? "I cannot see very well as my left eye does not help me to see. Eleanor (Mn. Eleanor Nye) will tell you if you see her. "With best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year " • 'v' Very aincerely, LOLA WALSH|f;;;:' J317 W. NinthSt. Bbs Antreles. Calif. ULYLAKS JOHNSBURR Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode were Crystal Lake callers Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mn. Irvirt Schaefer and Mr. and Mn. Walt Freund of Waukegan spent New Year's day in the home of Mr. and Mn. Wm. J. Meyers. Art Peten spent New Year's with his daughter, Mrs. Stanley Zollner in Chicago. Mr. and Mn. A1 Ward and daughter of Mundelein spent New Year's in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode^ w uk Mr. and Mn. George Miller of Chicago spent New Year's eve and day at Lily Lake. * Mr. and Mn. Ernie Allend andf Pete Simons of Chicago spent New Year's eve and day at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mae Budil. Mr. and Mrs. Richard D rise oil »i«d Miss Margaret Farrell of Chicago wen dinner guests at the home ci Mr. and Mn. Thomas Klabough New Year's day. Roy McCalla has returned to his home in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and alas Jeanne and Marilyn iQabough have returned to their home in Maim ten. Wis., after spending the holidays at the home of Mt. and Mrs. Thonum Klabough. Mr. McCalla ia Mn. 13*. bough's father. Mr. and Mrs, L. Swanson, and family of Chicago visited at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mn. Wilhett* " *"*» r Mil* OMfl •" • 1 • Food fads and fancies come 'V gog but the basic principles of nuttfc. * tion--which have always irrTlalmgjf X m i l k -- r u m p v ? • Vttndaas Bssd Cetfa* Tha use of coffse as a Tutiiii tm fti traced to the Persians. T' 8PSXDT By "Diqr V , AMMA* Wftftf tUOCf I OOMUMfDCBC isihe ssumeN ID OUR PR0K1M Trr» imftSii r*m ROSSMAN MOTOR SALES HA8B - bTATZTTB. PAOKAIO See the 1941 , HASH AMBASSADOR 6 Y today at the -- V AUTHORIZED SERVICE 6? RDS5MRN MCTDR SRLES RIVERSIDE DRIVER PEARL STREET ~ PHONE i3 'v ;• v'vj : OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of <|ie Condition of . -West McHenry State Bank McHeary, IU. (P.O. West McHeary) transmitted in naponas to call of the Auditor of Public Accounta, pursuant to law showing condition at the doee of business on the 31st day eti December 194ft. ; RP)SOUftCES 1. Cash and due from banks 3. * United States Government obligations, direct .^^and/or fully guaranteed • 4, Other bonds, stocks and securities 5. Loans and discounts ^ • •• .. . 6. Overdrafts . '• 7, Hanking house, $5,775.49; Furniture and fixtures, $699.84 1. Jtl, Other resources •tl? •4HN* 503,890.70 180,000.()0: 110,834.36T" 489,733.76? 38.74? 6,475.33 12a34* Grand Total Resources .....JI,291,033.23 LIABILITIES 12. Capital stock 14. Surplus 15. Undivided profits (net) 16. Reserve accounts ... 17. Demand deposits .> J 8. Time deposits 50,000.00 50,000.00 24,503.24. 25,000.00 662,688.13 457,005.56 , ;^Potal of deposits: (1) Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments _....$ 25,000.m, (2)" Not secured by pledge of loans • Urid'or investment*.^. ,• 1,094,693.®. .. (3) Total deposits 25r Other liabilities d$l,119,693.6$ 21,836.30 Grand Total Liabilities ...... ..$1,291,033.23 Memorandum: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities: 26. Loans and investments pledged: U. S. Government obligations direct and/or „ fully guaranteed ..... : i ? -i ..$ 27,000.00 Total Pledged {excluding re-discounts) ..... 27. Pledged: Against funds of State of THinoia 27,000.00 ^ 27,000.00 Total Pledged The bank has outstanding $18,922.73 face amount of Deferred Certificates, payable solely out of future net profits, if and when such future net profits are earned, (future net profits are operating profits plus recoveries, less charge-offs and proper provision for reserves) representing contributions to the bank and subordinated to all deposit creditor liabilities but payable before any distribution to stockholders as I, Genld J. Cany, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. i GERALD J. CAREY, Cashier. ..$ 27,000.00 Catrect Attest: JOS. W. FREUND. ^ C. J. REIHANSPERGER, Directors. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry. ss. Subscribed and sworn, to bcfon-ac this 4Ri day of January 1M1. <SEAt* ROBERT IA. WEBER, Notary Public. MEMBER KEUERAL RESERVE^ SYSTEM D I R E C T O R S W M. C!aarrrreeH# m W. rnmMd Reihansperger Waa. A Nye^ M. D. Gerald J. Carey MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION : .??r>