- - •*>? ^ j p(n^j &*{.$$*? \* •' '•> »<y. • "»*>•" *»* tSir- » - M . »->>. |Mk> %'»3n,_t^i'* . tgiE^t 'l > "~ «-%*'* t-Vs>H..&.»'jt <«•, .< .& ' "" A ' ' - • H;'„•* *"< t*r-;«•>•**. a-vw- - •"*-"^•"".1^ "*» .^jywilw^n' 11| . a W m* , . M - j w ^ - i w i - ^ i • < « - r W a ^ * - * A . i?< M N M _ « » . ' V j w , l i , » i * , j u 4 j „ ' » , /, ' .*" rrv**V' ,• fFrv r-*.t .1 1. ' " ..... ^- .v ,-j. ^ %i(r*£s.fZ, .',$ Vohim© ®fi McHENBY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1939 No.* CAPTURE FOUR MANY ROBBERIES HARVARD LAD CONFESSES WEST McHENRY BANK ^ TO PAY ANOTHER TEN PER CENT DIVIDEND A flWlls of robberies and burglaries in McHenry county during the past few months were cleared up on Monday when Harold Lewis, 19 year old Harvard lad, signed a twelve page confession implicating himself and three others, Richard Nielsen, Allamander Schufert and Bernard Nichols. The four youths were apprehended last Friday. Nielsen and Lewis are in the county jail at Woodstock while Schufert and Nichols are in custody at Walworth, Wis. .Nielsen admitted only taking part in two minor robberies, despite the * mtmber of crimes Lewis implicated him. The two admitted were the taking of an automobile tire and some junk from a junk yard in Harvard, • Deputy Sheriff Reese said. -v Used as "Stooge'* Prom all reports Lewis .fM used as a Edward J. Barrett, State Auditor, announced Wednesday, November 22, that he has authorized payment of ten per cent, amounting to $9,450.33, on the waived deposits at the West McHenry State Bank, West McHenry, 111. In order to aid in re-opening the bank following the moratorium dei" j _i'. . x o >)«)» cU iwivjf j«?i t«(ii <M Mieir claims. This is the seventh repayment, bringing the total returned to seventy per cent of the original waiver. Dividend holders may present their certificates for payment at any time. DISMISS SEVERAL DAMAGE SWTS AT WOODSTOCK COURT SETTLE MILLER, BLAKE OASESINTERESTING NEARBY NEWS Dudley Welch, young son of Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Welch, of Barrington, has the prospects of a trip to Bermyda. but being so young it appears as if he cannot make the voyage. Dudley won the trip as the result of a raffle contest, in which his father had written 3 the youngster's name on the tickets along with those Of other boys in the stooge" ill the crime wave 1 neighborhood. Judge William L. Pisree dismissed several large damage suits from the circuit court docket for want of proecution last Wednesday. Included in the list of cases dismissed or settled are the following: 1. The |11,000 damage suit of Walter W. Wiese and C. W. Schmitent, owners of the Orange Kist Bottli works, against Edward J. Miller McHenry. This case was filed in connection with an accident in which Earl Seiger, driver of the Orange Kist truck was badly injured in collision near McHenry on July 9, 1938. The sum of $10,000 was asked for damages by the Kist company for injuries to Seiger while $1,000 was asked for damages- to the truck and merchandise. The suit was dismissed by Judge Pierce for want of prosecution. Dismiss $25,000 Suit 2. The $25,000 personal Injury damage suit of Dr. John R. Porter ANNOUNCE GOLDEN WEDDING lb LIBRARIANS GATHER ItlDrDllflC TO 11 Ml LATEST BOOKS FOR nKtDUbo lUUull READERS'ENJOYMENT www" OFF DANCE HALL, 3 • Ever purchasing new books to serve their patrons, the McHenry Public library has just received a number of the latest books and expects another order within a few days. In order that they might serve yon even xr.crc the.:: ;r. it: ,-Zct, thsy hire opened their portals two days a weekj *4 > p;T7ivui GsaC a week. On Wednesday, the shelves are exposed for your inspection and selection from 2:30 to 5 p. m. and from 7 to 8 p. m. in the evening. On Friday the book house of knowledge and entertainment is open from 2:30 to 5 p. m.. but not in the evening. Among the new books you may select one or more of the following: Escape by Ethel Vance; Western KIDNAMiOARDS CIRNOCKY'S IS VICTIM TWO TIMFS No anally mystery surrouatfe tfa fact that two fires have originated in one week at the Crystal Ballroom owned by Mrs. Louis Cernocky at Fox River Grove. An estimated damage of $20,000 to McHenry county's moat beautiful ballroom *is reported as the result of the two fires which without a doubt were set off. MR. AND MRS. J. T. SORENSON Tuesday marked the fiftieth anni- ent. versary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Sorensen of Lake Park, Racine, Wis., which occurred on November 28, 1689. James T. Sorensen and Clara L. Bennett were married at home by the Rev. James Conley, forof Rockford against Carl Franks ofjm«r pastor of the M. E. church, Mc- Marengo. Dr. Porter filed this suit; Henry. The bride was attended by some months ago in connection with 1 her sister, Alice Bennett Mayes. The »erah»J_Uie Wo. He tell. »fj Fred M , „ old , . h'"» «*"» •B!*U ""Hhouse keeper on thewe't side ofRand of the loot taken In the various burg-1 , o. mi\a tu0 Itries. For instance, it is said, when J ' t ,• L k Zurich !an accident 0n Route 20 west of Ma-! best man was Edward Milstead, now large quantities of cigarettes were|wag ^ a hH >nd ^n' rengo in which he alleged that as the Mm llS ! wJ,* a « ~ Vavam_ result of & collision between h» cat; ding march was played by Mrs. Julia and a truck owned by Franks he sus-! Bishop, also deceased. «,e„ he wooM receive on,y . N^m! or just enough for his personal use.!. 10 Likewise little of the other loot was, . divided with him. | While police and fire officials ^ere .g a handicap to hjm ;n his profes- ___ t__ _TT__rtn__ Reese stated that Nielsen said if the s^king to appreheirf him, Waukejjan s g.on jje charged that Franks backed, RELIEF PURPOSES GET tained injuries to his right hand which 1 About thirty-five quests were pres- Those known to be tmng are Mrs. Jessie Wi^htman Hill, Clara Wightman, Mrs. May Poile and Mary Wentworth Lamphere. Of the ten children born of this union, six survive, one son and five daughters. There an also twenty-crtie grandchildren and two great-grand children. AROUND THE COURTHOUSE Union by Zane Grey; Days of Our' 1 *»8 ^Ue * state probe ofthe Years, Pierre Van Paasseen; It Takes «ret whlch took placelast Sun- All Kinds, Louis Bromfield; Christ in ^ afternoon, November 19. was go- Concrete, Pletro Di Donate; The Sis-|m* on' th»l at ^:3° m" Sat"r?7 ter of the Angels, Elisabeth Goudge. morning November 25, a second fire broke out after two watchmen had been kidnapped, one of the watchmen being Fire Marshal Dvorak of' Fox River Grove. •• Janitor Held • v " ?* J Charles Bickford, janitor "at the Cernocky dance hall and tavern at Fox River Grove, is being held in the county jail while his finger prints are being checked at Washington. Sheriff Lester Edinger said Bickford's stories \ state could prove he was in on these pyromaniac set^ fire to the historic various "jobs" he would take the j First Congregational church, AVauke- -rap" but he wasn't going to admit ^an, early Sunday momng, ^Novemtt. Reess remarked.that Nielsen saidjber 19, burning the $30,000 structuni Lewis was well paid^fri the experience to the ground. The f\re was the ninth Jm received and that for such experithere is generally a fee. , - Lists Crimes The confession signed and finger his truck from a driveway as he was driving on Route 20 causing the collision. The case was settled and dismissed from the docket. 8. A $20,000 personal injury suit 153 MILLIONS OF TAX RETURNS IN SIX YEARS FILES FOR DIVORCE _ Marjorie, Fitip filed suit for dtawee don't "jibe" and at the request of . „ _ . .... against George Filip in the circuit Frank Doherty, assistant state ftre _ Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen have lived »n court Wednesday, November 22. They marshal, Bickford is being held far Racine and Lake Park for fifty years. were married April 6, 1936. Extreme j further auestioninff They held open house at their home i8 charge the bUl. } | Explosion in Attic -- I Going back to the first f.re of last STEALS EQUIPMENT • j Sunday afternoon, Louis Cernocky told R. F. Falls who operates a farm on authorities that an explosion occurred Route 47 between Woodstock and when he turned on an electric light Huntley reported to Deputy Sheriff switch in the ballroom. He said .'te Harold E. Reese Friday that two milk believed gas from a leaky pipe had from two to four and from seven to ten-thirty p. m., to welcome back all their old friends. ~ , printed by Lewis starts with the first Since the tax replaced the general conflagration since September 22 at- ®- P6*?""** ^J^r. j property levy, the state sales tax re- in the circuit court at Woodstock for tributed to incendiarism. Total dam- j ° ® Poiwir FipriW nraintt ce'Pts Amounted to $877,455,611 for assault with Uitent to commit robbery, age from fires is estimate4 at more'^J1" i?_m nioniJof r«« 'ast six fiscal years . This is an Raymond Allen, 18, of Crystal Lake! November 21, returned than $60,000. I fifed ^plaintiff charged average of $7,853,658 a month, accord- and William Kent, 16, of Janesville.l $135 in favor of Harry Pigg of Hart- fire department prevented th^build- COMMIT ALLEN, KENT TO STATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS. ST. CHARLES i cans, a pail and strainer were stolen, accumulated in the attic and had been _____ j from his barn on November 23. j ignited by a spark when he^ switched-' Because they were under indictment} - ~~ " r on the ekrtrio l:.?ht. - - - - - 1 * $ 1 5 5 D A M A G E S I T h e f i r e b r o k e o u t a b o u t 2 : 0 0 0 c l o c k A jury in the circuit bqurt Tuesday,'in the afternoon. Prompt response .verdict of on, the part of the Fox River Grove when a car parked in Bernard Simerson, 19, rural route1 »* * ' ® 'JlinrpH wupn ing to a summary made a week ago; Wis., were committed to the stateiland against Carroll Robbins of Wil-jing from being destroyed. Firemen two, Rockford, died from a fractured: that t ledler was baa y j . . by Samuel L. Nudelman, state direc- school for boys at St. Charles by 'liams Bay in connection with damages checked the flames within a short job back in early July ^of this^year ^kui'j andJ -a 1b ro1k en jaw, rece:i v^1 when j s^ttrruuc^k bbyy^ gar TgrOoceerryy ^tmrucckk^ oowwnneead^ ^oDyy;: fi'nM ce , „ | J,u d^ ge Wmimlli.a.m. LT . TP»i; erce Tmu esdJ ay souglh.t fer om an acci.Ad en*t in which (ttiimmep1 »annHd kWeopntt. tth.hep dHaommaiigrpe ccoonnffiinneedd aall-- place August 1,1 ismissed for want nrure is over mree times «s mucn as zi at crystal uikc Hiier vuey ---•- ^ Dismissed from the docket was I'collections of $27,080,415 for the year|ed James Roxburgh with intent to Robb'n"(^« ^ parking lot in Harvard was broken; he lost control of his automobile 0"^e e TccXnTtook^place 'August" l!| Collectors for the year 1938-1939 ^ morning. The two youths pleaded Pigg claimed his car was badly dam- entirelyj t« Jh«^attj® r<?f; Into and a dress and- so me groceri•es j S0pring DBr<K>--k roadA, -a bbll oo cck k ee aa ss tt oo ff T A _e _ a T£ Chied esnuti_t two ao sk d ipsmi a ics s^ed^ ^fo r want were $e&81i ,a4t7>2 ,771iq9 , one m--illion mdolliar1s: gjruuiillttvy ttoo tthhee cchhaarrggeess aasgraaiinnsstt tthheemm,. laged. It was an appeal case from the A fV-e wall between the dance hall fMWere taken. Alpine road, at 7.10 oclock Mon ay 1 . • » I more than in thp nrevious vear. .This' Allen and Kent were arrested Ju . Following this crime related by night, November 14 Dorothy Knipp- ®* P'osecunon Lewis, in which one or more of the roth, 16, Argyle, who was riding with y-M dtlier three were implicated, are: him, suffered chest injuries, a shaking Stealing a battery, shoes and leath- up and shock. She was removed to «r coat from a car parked in Harvard.} Swedish-American hospital. Simer- Plaintiff Pays Costs 4. more than the previous year. This1 Allen and July justice court of C. J. Vierck of Har-,«nd^"1^'"opion«'df f«ure thre. „ much 21 .t Crystal Uke after they ^.XSKlSZl!* r ?.S eutt^ «nd th'^.m" through the roof in several places but, 1933, when the tax was first put into! commit robbery. They used a gun the blaze was checked before it spreaj|. an appeal case <j^jJ*Cj^*Vj;ame up e"fect and when it was two per cent1 which is alleged to have been stolen Takimr a ton of iunk from a junk!8on was killed almost instantly. from the justice court of L,. V Aaameaj •rr) at Harvard- and disposing of! Well drilling machinery op^ting of Algonquin. The suit was dismissedi • appealed the decision. DAMAGE SUIT. | down the interior of the building: A verdict of $566 in favor of Albert Although the first fire was believed nember 18 without obtaining a same for $4.66. . This, Nielsen admits feing in on. Taking a tire from a junk yard at Harvard. Visiting Hebron and stealing a tire from a car. - Theft of a tire from car parked at,. tile Community High school in Hir-| of drought and lack of rains, nave home, yard and taking tools and gasoline, tested the retaining power of wells in from a car in Harvard. jmany farm neighborhoods. Lewis said all four stopped at the) Russell Ewing, 41, of Grayslake, is filling, station in Woodstock, one of three persons in the United Uliere a box of something was taken. I States said to have recovered fwm r. . Northwestern The Brunswick station and general, lymphatic leukemia who have volun-1 against the Chicago, No^e8tern •lore on Routes 31 and 176 was broken leered to donate Mood for a transfu-1 railroad company. ^ "ettlement of IMLa on Aueust 15 sion in an effort to save the life of some $2,500 was made in favor • Ransack Dinta* Car seven-year-old Kathryn Felt of Phila-|Ritt in this case several weeks ago- The Dining Car located just ontside dflphia. Doctors believe there is no j The case resulted from an accident the CrU, Hope for thechiM b„t i„ tt. 1-j. road was broken into on August 11. that a transfusion might save her On the same rneht the Cottage Inn at the little girl's mother broadcast a Harvard was broken into. Following nation-wide plea. this a gasoline station at Darien w»» Nels Johnson, tenant on the Mrs. Mbbed. P. S. Doran farm, southeast of Hsr The Keller taVern at Harvard was vard, was also bursrlarissdl by the gang. An at- evening of -- -- . tcmrt to rob the Hinze junk yard lo-, attacked by an ugly bull, that he award by Justice Vierck cated on Route 20 between Woodstock passed away at 10:30 the night of i pealed but the case never came to and McHenry is listed in the confes- November 21 at the Community hos-i trial. gipn as well as junk taken from the rm-~ J ° Dr. Mary mg'court"f c p Adamek|instead of three per cent, as at pres-jfrom a police car in Crystal Lake. ' ~ * re been confined in _ e since their arwsst. ... , 5. DlsmFssed for'want of prosecu-]forty-five per cent, or approximately!few weeks ago they got themselves in-(,uft m wa9 and Marshal Dvorak, reported they 100 tlM three miles south of Harvard, had f-N0_itj0n was a suit filed by tne wortner »JM,«wv,«wumu mc uiuuvy c«u (-- „ against satis-{Home Improvement company of Mc-ihas gone for relief purposes. When• witt. Charles Allen Dain, 15-year-o d. K Gaiiagher'sought the"dam"age3'^ gasoline and approximately of $410. The the sales tax rate was increased from! St. Charles parolee, who is being held. iniurie9 g re0eived S in accident pounds of scattered panera in operators of the machine. The current! claim was based on a charge for ser- two to three per cent in 1935 the Jeg-linthe county ja|*»^^^c\undeJ Which took place on Route 173 west charred attic of the building year, owing to the prolonged period vices in remodernization of the Blake islature provided that the entire rev-, mdictment for murder tried to saw Harvard ^ A ri, 7 1939 ; f ^ond Fire Outburst .. enue produced by the increase was to, their way out of the jail. j _ charged in the complaint Early Saturday morning just as the be devoted to relief needs. Thus, one! pians were being made at the time^., . Galla„her that he was struck C rrockys were cloSirg rp their tsvcent out of every three is now ear-jto ftie petitions for probation for the . ^ j. by the defendant af- ^ and resUurant for the night an marked for emergency relief. I two boys. J_ hi. truck had stalled along the explosion which rocked the entire Other agencies in the six year. lpinart--J , j,n passing sentenjc e on the b°y#imhi0g4h1_wr_ayw. Itnn hhii«s ssuuiitt Goaaullaasg-hneerr aa^skK-. buildin« was h*srd. Rushing to the they eflW tho dance hall ajftin (in flames. Safety for the two watch- , men on ^nard in the d«nce hall was LEAVES ACCIDENT jflrst thought of The Fox River Grove n. eivinp the boys . »bre.k'~ i", ".00d'^k It w.s while lh, Rt. w>, l,<nr P«» hopes that they can ised Tor wane 01 prosetu- ivi ^ Vi •hh»waiumiwi. . iCn ^ aSv t.»vj ©vv v,,v * \piarce Mond&v niirht. Th« suit was warsnai LFvoraK, repunwi reached 270 feet the afternoon of No-|tion was a suit filed by the w«/ther,' when'!«K«inat Elisabeth Moore also of Har- found a pan which smelled strongly factory "vein "rf"Wter7"according to1 Henry in "the amount of $410. The the sales tax rate was increased from St - - - -- * • -- - -« 6. The appeal in the W. C. Sullivan estate was dismissed by the court. Railroad Case Settled 7. Also dismissed was the $10,000 , , .. . damage suit of Albert Ritt of Cary lod have received the following allot- -- ments: Old age assistance $14,900,000 Charitable and penal institutions 47.200,000 /Education 90,700,000 Payments on bonds .„. 3t«000,000 plaintiff's wife was killed when struck by a passenger train. 8. Dismissed from the docket was a $100 appeal case of Herman Kelly vs Walter Gluff. This case came up [than a third of all the_ revenue of the Other purposes (court costs, and legislative functions) 89,200,000 The sales tax accounts for more He serious* injured the from the justiee'.court of C. J. VM. Gluff apevening of November 20, when he was | of Harvard. Kelly was given a_$100 Nudelman declared pital. The injured man, according to! 9. Settled and dismissed was the the attending physician, Dr. R. G.. appeal case of J. W. Dubson vs. E. D. Johnson, received broken pelvis bones, • piellegrin. In the justice court of Jrup?uS bladder and serious braised Nolan, Dubson was awaked of McHenry di^ last TJjursday No- Monday ni ht tipped over about the breast, with possibly broken; $300 in connection with a bill for vember 23 at Peo^-J";- near the Hines junk yard on Route ribs. An operation became .impera- services in connection with the con- had lived for many^ year^ Mr. ^»d 20 He 19 being treated for laceravard. Pellegrin appealed the esse to the circuit court where it was settled. junk yard at Hebron. A dining room set was taken from • cottage at Wonder Lake. Camera Takes Likeness The job which proved the downfall Lewis was at the Brunswick store itfve during lste afternoon of Novem on November 7. Brunswick, angry at]ber 21, but at 11 p.m., he passed being burglarized so many times, in-jaway« Operating surgeons (Dr. Johnstalled an "electric eye camera" and j son and Dr. Maxon) entertained only when Lewis invaded the store the i slight hope after exsmining the strickcamera "popped" and the result was j en man. Lewis' picture was taken and when! Sets of twins may^occur rarely in veloped, Sheriff Lester Edinger had the mathematical ratio of births, but s first clue. jthe rule must be temporarily suspend- The Ferris tavern at Huntley was ed at St. Therese's hospial. Friday! the last "job" reported in the confes- j morning, November 24, the third set| The Ladies Aid extehds a cordial in five weeks was born at the hospital, j invitation to come to their big bazaar All four are charged in warrants Fridays babies are girls, the daueh- on Thursday, December 7, in the base- Jtbtf^PerHrtaSm-iter. of Mr. „nd Mrs. Eugene Boettle, ment of the M. E church. The ladies " Route 1, Waukegan. j have planned a most delicious dinner Illinois, Nudelman said*, collects its sales tax at a lower cost ratio than other states. 1 ESMOND GAYLORD DIES Esmond Gsylord, a former resident Judge Pierce warned them that they ' ,1000 damaffel. could under the law be sentenced to] , • . . . a term of from one to fourteen year* about tne nea° in the state reformatory at Pontiac and that while conf.ied in this institution they could be transferred to _ «L. .»•«« nrienn at .Tnlipt when theV complain accident between Woodstock and Har-1 . "serve "tiieir sen-|vard Monday night. J^ out th,t a telepho- ~ill cir- from tence and still make good men when was made by , Palatine from MarsVsl P"r~ak. He Harvard who said Day crowded her ^ <nd pp, w the other they are released xL. l:„i -Mirs. Reed said WILBUR TRAINOR HURT watchman, had been kidnapped by a ^Tn'l^SkzAAE "tail50.000 ^ HOLD ANNUAL BAZAAR ! Piace on River road to the number of children in the family to | the circuit court at Woodstock la^e inff back to the days of Louis Cerjtwidffnw OhuigM from 'the highway. lliAinvn uu»i while she we"1 to • nearby farm sjx men appe red in two IN AUTOMOBILE CRASH house to telephone for help, Day left He said thev pl ced a gas. the taking with him the license kind in the Wtthor Trsinor who resides between | P1#tes from hiscar. rs. before m«n«g •h"5r w»»e. ^ • McHenry and Woodstock is recover- not badly injured although she was Shwed From Cars ing from injuries received when the,shaken up"handsDv0Tmk ?»'d "ix men told which he was driving home said the matter is in the hands two watchme-< th%t if thev lent stilt three times state police. i ^^de no ow^c*v they wouldn't be rtiTPP irUNflT POLJGK V 1 b«t w«»ld be t-i-red free in a • SUIT AGAINST POLM» ^ lnhort time. It was with a warning to Captain Daniel Gilbert, six other tn- ^aj{e that they were shewed vestigators of the state's attorney's frpni ^he two cars. »tubman heoffice in Cook county, and John R. •'1 - .f ;M?; , . ' •'ym struction of s dam on the Pellegrin j Mrs. Howard Wattles attended the tjons and bruises about the face and propertv between Woodstock and Har- funeral Saturday. j head. p - - . . . . i . - • t _ _ _ _ _ I o f f i c e m C o o k c o u n t y , K. jn pacii car> nea«* Pa'ati^e. The Willard M Spicer family of, McWorther, former chief postal in- The Cernocky ballroom, tavern and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conway atrf, ri Oswego, N. Y., now has three sets of • spector for the Chicago area who lives ^taursnt. is one of the mo«=t porula* dj twins. The third pair, a boy and a at Crystal Lake, were named defend- p]aces jn northern Illinois. It has lo*g THURSDAY NOON, NIGHT ' the Keg place E. G. Peterson house on Route 20. sixteen. Father and Six Sons Make Retreat **?? PTTqflUT T WTT T DTK I While Otto Anderson, 5S, of Ingle-1 and supper and have laboriously comauaOAiUi T-w -Iside, was waiting in the county jail pleted many dainty pieces of fancy JIN CHAIa JAM. 0 recently to be removed to the state work and aprons which will be on sale y > 'prison farm at Vandalis for a six-1at the time. " Jack Itrtserfl, convicted slayer of month term of vagrancy, he admitted. They will start serving the dinner IVilltam Scott Hamilton last July on to Lake county Deputy Sheriffs Frank at 11:30, the menu consisting of the * roadside near Ringwood, was sen-jValent and Ray Simmers that he was.following tasty dishes: Baked ham, tenced to die in the eectric chair of | responsible for the prowler scare in | scalloped potatoes, corn, pickles, cranthe Cook county jail, shortly before'the Long Lake community. Anderson j berries, apple salad, bread and butter, noon Wednesday by Judge Charles E.Uaid he entered various cottages main-j pie and coffee. The evening meal con- Woodward. jly to sleep. After a steel trap was, sists of the following tempting items: Judge Woodward denied a motion placed in the cottage of Mrs. John j roast chicken, dressing, mashed potafor a new trial made by Russell's at- Schreiber to catch the loiterer, Ander-jtoes, grsvy, -eranberries, cabbage torney, Donald Rogers. Following the! son pushed it aside, took a mattress, salad, celery, pickles, bread and butdenial of the motion for a new trial and some blankets from the cottage j ter, cake and coffee. Plates are fifty Judge Woodward set January 5, 1940, and went to another cottage to sleep, j and thirty-five cents per person. as tb« date for the execution of the' '• -- j If yoa appreciate good, home cook- Jdrmer singing cowboy. | NAB RUNAWAY YOUTH I ing, you won't miss this delicious sf-j Russell was convicted a week or?. Gofdon Digel of Manitowoc, Wis.,!fair. You'll also be flighted with i More ago by a jury of seven women i was apprehended by Sheriff Lester the lovely articles on display, |M>d five men in the federal court of j Edinger at the William Miller farm j The general chairman is Mrs. Rol- Jndpe Woodward. He was tried unde^ j near Richmond Monday night and held | land Ensign while Mrs. Ray Page has the Lindbergh kidnapping law. The j for officials of the state school for charge of the dinner and Mrs. Elmer !% ^ jury being out some ten hours found boys at Waukesha, Wis. ' He was , Hpssell guilty and fixed his punish- housed in the Woodstock jail. merit as death in the electric chair. Digel, it is claimed, ran away from the school. Before leaving, it is re- Strikers and their friends took a'ported, he left some saws for two M>vel means of annoying a laundry in-1 other inmates of the home with which in a labor dispute at Wichita, they later sawed two bars on a winnsas. by continually calling on the dow and wer« about to make their {trice E. Lush, Harvard, 111., November Bautn of the supper. MARRIAGE LICENSES Robert Couw«y White, Chicago, 111., to Adelle F. Shaw, Chicago, 111., November 15, 1939. Robert Jones. Harvard. 111., to flea-' telephone, so that customers were un-iescape. The two were later sent to able to get connections. About 5,0001 the state reformatory at Green Bay. "phony" calls war* feado te a fsw| . » ---- #ys. -7 - • I • Bead tha Want Ads : 1$, 1939 Melvin Berghorn, Crystal Lake, I1L, to Margaret Boyer, Crystal Lake, 111., November 24, 1939. Tuesday afternoon, November 21. The noc]{y> Sr. | plaintiff »n the case is Theodore Edward Cernocky said he was dej Dalpe, a Chicago furrier whose home ending a thorough invp«t'o~»*: 0n by 'and shop are at 4165 Broadway street c<"intv »ntWitiea la j in Chicago. hopes that the whole thing «san hf I Dalpe changed in his bill, that on cleared up. ' January 28. 1938, the defendants with «jt has not onlv rmn*»d our b«sfj the exception of Gilbert forcibly, mali- hut it h" our lives I ciously and unlawfully assaulted, beat and ^ iivea 0f pox River Grove resiand bruised, ill-treated and imprison- dents," stated EdwaH Cernocky. "It ed him and detained him in different js a terrible situation and we are | places without any reasonable or anxious to h?ve t*>e whole thing clear- | probable cause until February 1, 1938; e(j Up }f possible," he concluded. - Dalpe was charged with receiving _ _ stolen property. He wa^ indicted and KIND OF SMOKING ion April 4, ^.wa* convicted byj., pn>E xxyVNTED BY JOE IgrSti^L Criminal court. ' Dalpe! N. MTT.T.KR OF McHENEY ' appealed and the Illinois Supreme - court reversed the conviction lasti Mill°r of McHenry has June 80. ! invented a smoking pipe that pro- In his suit Dalpe charged that rob- (foCes a dry smoke that stays dry at bery was the real reason for enter- all times in the bowl snd stem, ins: his home. He charged that besides Th»re is absolutely no juice and prae* sixteen dollars in money, two diamond j -11 of the nicotine is taken rip q»g worth two hundred and fifty out. One pipe ftall of tobacco tastes dollars, each were taken by fciw 4|s- the same regardless of how many William T. Mahoney of St. Catharine of Siens parish, Oak Park, is shown here with his six sons, all of whom made the Retreat at St. Francis Laymen's Retreat Hou^e at Mayslake, near Hinsdale, ending Monday morning, November 6. This is the first time that an entire family has made a closed Retreat at any of the Retreat houses in the United States. Reading from left to right they are: Philip A. Mahoney. a plumber; Joseph T. Mahoney, a lawyer, both from St. Catherine of fiiena parish. Oak Park; George E. Mahonsy, a contractor, from St. Frances of Rome parish. Cicero; James J. Mahoney, s steamfitter from St. Gertrude's parish, who is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin of this city; William T. Mahoney, Jr., a plumber, from St fendants. N O T I C E ! " Will all those knowing themselves to be indebted to me for Super-Ser- _ _ r vice Station accounts and Knox motor Amo: Angela parish; the Hon. Louis Ma-jsales accounts, call at my home and her* honey, a judge in River Forest, from St. Luke's parish, River Forest, and tir»s it is lighted. Mr. Miller has patents on a less fish hook and a fly swatter. mong p«/at the father, William T. Mahoney, a plumbing and heating contractor. Emmet T. Ormsby American League umpire, was also one of the thirtyeight men to mak* Jfca alsaa tiu* Retreat. ; " T, LL EXHIBIT HORSES _ exhibitors of Perchefroo the International Livestock make adjustment before January 1. I Show startiner Saturday, will be Pine CECELIA E. KNOX. [Tree Farms. McHaary. They will show 28-fp six stallions and six mares, among ithem Enchanter, former international CANDY SPECIAL Irrsnd champion stallion, and Msrtf For Saturday, 1-lb. box Wafers or, Lou. Mar Dona_ and Lady Synod. aU 1-lb. box Chocolate Fadf* for 36c.'well known prise winners at state THE AGATHA SHOP. * •28-fp, fairs aad livestock shova. •M i'A;