,vv •? & - ^ r% S"£ri >. t • i- Thursday, November 30,1989 *^t.-.'4^? \ r""^ " 'V EARL WALSH v:?:s;/, , H' ??\;i i*' •c ' .« ^ Copy time -- with press time just ^ around the «orner. What happened Binoe last we spouted off a column? '?•';• We!!, the good oH Plaliidealif went " to press on Wednesday. Thursday was Thanksgiving Day for the Demoerats, by proclamation, and for the Republicans under protdst. --fe-- While the boss and certain co-work- . ers were sneering at us, with all the best sarcasm at their command, concerning OUT President's proclamation, we cringed in and out of said Plainue «uer utftco. Lb and behold! So set were they on Thursday, November 30, being their • Thanksgiving Day that it must have preyed on their superior anti-Demo- - crat minds. What did they dob ut come out with a Wednesday, November 22, paper and date November 30." ' --I-- We regret exceedingly to 1mW« to bring up those things. Likell we (lo! --»-- / • Thursday afternoon found u? viewing the last football game oi the season on our local field gridders beat the "old boys,"1 more commonly known as Alumni, by a touchdown and point, 7 to 0. 1 short-haired, short-legged, short' minded, short-sighted, full-blood Australian cheese hound. • I 1 pair of crutches, 1 pair bifocal, glasses, both for the dog. 1 double-barreled hammer-less shot gun, carved to shoot around hills and trees. Shells of all kinds and sises including several sea-shells and some that can't see. 1 gun case for my grandfather's. civil war musket (He fought for the south). 1 hunting cap, ate# 111 (Too big for me). 1 butterfly net. 1 dog house (recently occupied) with mattress, blankets and pillows. These articles will be sold to the highest bidder. * " P I T Z " The Silent Barter Proas Hampshire «y\rel^u. Aactloneelt •-\V Oirk The above was eontrftnted. Ham# is witheld. • What's the song "An Apple For The Teacher"? We can't add very far, but puttin' 2 and 2 together always t e l l s u s s o m e t h i n g . F e l i x U n t i , E d - j die Mathews and Billy Pries have en-i rolled in the evening typing class. We know a store that sold three bushels of apples this week. Now it can be told! Joe Miller, the "®ne have e*er Produced anything like w. tuc »«-j "©wit *»» .wetter artist has he pme that E*gs" Landgren • The hish school ^h-h«k *ru„lin, to ' You'd be surprised to see all the old grads who turned out for the game. J. Bolger was the oldest grad. couldn't determine the youngest. Father Walter Conway, old grad and former athlete of McHenry High, enjoyed both the game and gabfest. *^1' ' i:ff* BOWLING NOTE8 OFFJfc SR*RES~*SP»u FALACB ALLEYS Sunday -- Open bowling Monday -- Ladies /Tuesday -- City League Wednesday -- Old Thursday -- K. of C .^Friday -- C.O. F ^Saturday -- Open bowlfa|g. 1( UfcKNOt fMltM Quite a few of the girls are hitting well over 400 series. Sis Coy alt was just two pins short oj? 500. Agnes Freund's 479 and Julia McLaughlin's 476 were next in line for the week A/WV. -1940 #50 A ttian dashed Into the police station at midnight "My wife," he gasped. "I want to find my wife! Been missing since eight this evening. Oh, find her for me! Particular*?" asked the ser- .•»ar • IN me *50.000 Ji£t> It was a wow of a match last SatotfiOWN SWgePSTAKSS Moen*S?niI*-P55ua* urday night when McHenry Meister Brau eked out a nino Fox River Grove. HAMPICAPSttCTBM- NO CNTKy FEf * KtQtMBf- 5 MAM AS.C. SANCTIONED TBUM$ HtB fiU«l8C£--* •v rJ iiv fe** WOi'i ii v..,- ,v the Woodstock men. Thirty?four pin this time. "I--I don't know." Do you know how dressed?" No, but dN took the 4og with her. What kind of dog?" Brindle bull terrier, weight S3 pounds, four dark blotches on his body shadinf from grey to white, three white legs, arid right front leg brindled all but the toes. A small nick in his left ear." "That'll do!" gasped the fergea&t. We'll find the dog!" 7*7 „ IJ,I fOURftZZ wdu, WHO oecLorcp cojmtw 2,671 in 9 ti-HMsms, 267.1 fcr* new VICH&mreao/ Some of the better old time bowlers, such as Herb Simon and Ed Smith, are just finding themsehr*s\ Look out from here on in *cmry< moio try Worwlck Some people travel to Wisconsin or Minnesota to catch prize hold aloft as he stands on the McHenry bridge. What kind of a fish is it? - Well now -- You guess! Plioto by . « /Worwick Arrangements b(|. ^ Spencer Decorating by ." Attorney Knox, a grad of Crystal Lake, Notre Dame and Terra Cotta voiced praise on the McHenry brand of football. > perfected a new pipe. Men will enjoy a dry smoke. No expectoratin'. ^ A boon to civilization nnds its beginning right here in McHenry. -•-I-- ' Coach L. B. Crane, who 1mm produced consistent basketball winners We!for Hebron, has accepted a teaching position at Senn High School in Chicago. Hebron is going to miss their old coach. They thought highly of him in that town. All other schools respected his ability to turn out winan inTg tea ms. to "sJp^etcattaotorsr^s Tallll Wauke*^mn « 8tate representative from eighth senatorial distrjct over the circu | wjjj interested in the following Coach Reed &d * lot of sideline coaching. He can't do that! BASEBALL SCOUT - NICK KELLER 18 HAILED BY FANS pumped a piece he couldn't play Big 8tuff Visiting his home town after mahy years absence, a gentleman met Sam, the village fool. "Hello, Sam." he said. "Glad to see you. What are vou doing now? Still pumping the cnurch organ?" "Yessir, I'm still pumping the org^ n. An' say, Charlie, I'm gettin' to be a pretty fine pumper. The other day they* had a big organist over from " New Haven and I The many friends of Nick Keller, CHANGE OF CLIMATB --I-- G,or*e "Y.U" Frtaby the - «. h.v« little Be.ny cr™. We didn't know "at the thftClmt a ^ "at appears m the Sporting ,Nc s^x^*i..nwripp zr ^o,the Mi'w,ukM ioZ Fate must have arrang- ' , t^at Lawmaker, fan, scout. Put them pled mother. .V game with tightly taped ankles so his teammates didn't make many attempts to spring their speedster looeoji for long runs. --1--• Tony Wolf, backfield star of vast proportions, tossed some sweet passes in the last quarter to give the crowd some thrills and chills. -I- . 8a# "Morrie" Taxman ta the crwrd. He's holding down a guard post for DeKalb and looking fit as a fiddle. Always • good, clean athk&f was "llorrie." Alderman Ferwerda 'itteiided' ihe game--in uniform. Welt he wore a hat! all together and they spell Nick Ke! ler. When Nick isnt visiting in the press coop, he's on the trail of a dozen or two embryo stars, because he always deals in wholesale lots. On a cold December day when the highways are coated with ice, Nick's apt to motor into town with a whole load of baseball-minded youngsters and drop them off at Brewer headquarters _.|| for a preview before Henry Bendinger mung w*«n J£5! and his associates. done is the Flag ceremony with whiA Hobby for Fifteen Years "Keller has been a part of the game north goal on his long 60 yard run --I-- Well, that's aU. Goodabye. Scouiff the Scout meetings are begun boys are appointed to since his high school days in Waukebearers, one to carry Flag. snd m where he fa ^ popular as two to serve as guards. 'ham and eggs. Back in 1900, Keller, the' U J Sc^ts at6attention, and s^Joseph's^Gema^1""' *t_ march togethyjo^the renting^pla^ gradejchool. along with Arnold of the Flag. Catholic "Jig J . , * ger" Statz, new manager of Los An- Eddie Mathews was head coach »nd ,P®" . . .. ^ geles in the Pacific Coast league, and Fly--My, it's down South America. Bug--Why don't you come up here at the North pole where it's nice ine8, 419; Foresters Teaa 2 -- Heimer, 483; Weingart, 402; G. P. Freund, 448; Tonyan, S14; Weber, 578. Total--2423. Team 4 -- Unti, 558; Knox, 414; A. Justen, 464; A. Freund, 602; H. Weber, 476. Total--2414. Team S -- Theis, 442; Nye, 488; G. Justen, 484; Simon, 564; E. Smith, 558. Total--2586. Team 1 -- H. Schaefer, 414; Rothermel, 379; Karls, 554; Thennes, 515; Winkel, 544. Total--2406. > I t City Leagve < Team 1 --Hobbs, 491; Hester, 442; iWm. Justen, 464; Wm. Green, 549; IH. Smith, 662. Total--2498. ] Team 2 -- J. Schlosser, 573; Leo | Smith, 510; C. Miller, 413; Schreiner, >149; Joe Lenzen, 669. Total -- .2504. i Team S -- Thorsell, 608; E. Gor» jman, 445; J. G. Wagner, 544; Ritta, 1458; Grimelli, 507. Total--2462. Team 4 -- Brda, 493; Joe Wbgner, 460; L. Carlson, 467; J. J. Wagner, 422; A. Freund, 542 . Total--2348. Old Timers Team 1 -- Schmitt, 510; Carlson, 403; M. Schaefer, 520; Hughes, 494; Smith, 531. Total--2458. Team 2 -- Karls, 459; Covalt, 469; J. Schaefer, 443; Freund, 526; Adams, 535. Total--2432. Team 3 -- Wattles, 444; Sayler, 504: Perkins, 445; Meyers, 486; Rogers, 465. Total--2344. Team 4 -- Wilson, 397; Goodell, 477; Cristy, 447; Barbian, 495\ Page, 557. Total--2373. Lediea' League • Regner's -- L. Thennes, W4{ K. Brefeld, 401; Conway, 411; B. Then- V. Brefeld, 442. Total -- and cool? £iQ€U6 BtaUlvWS W»b hcAU tyvvii •tit* ^ ^ ^ _«____j l 1 1 . . f t * A n v i j j v i v S i l l me r n v i i i t L / u o s t i v a g u v i miu •nanmginff director of the Alomni iT»Jhe ^ pitee of Al- Elnler Ambraie, a former American team. So-if w«t to bUr« f. Sfoi "»»-««" Th^"' '-P horler. the colors are posted. you body for the loss . 'It was around the turn of the cen- Gooi Reasea • Two women were taking a Stroll neur Hollywood When a man with a red flag rushed out and waved them away. "Don't go there," he shouted; "you'll spoil it--a movie is being shot." "Well," retorted one of the women, icily, "if it's the one I saw last Eddie just joined the typing class at the high school. Watch your perscriptions now, brethern. Bt was safer on that peck system. With the passing of the football season, our big newspaper sport sheets McHenry at three p.m volunteered for this service. _ tury that Keller had his ftrst baseball! nifht it deserves to be shot. After 'he J1.K ceremony at ttK hjs father ^ Wm M . meetmg of November 27.^ the Swrt th„ 0,d w>ukeg,„ A.C.and Ed. Oath was repeated. A »e"e~l •1Left , Kim,n wh<) Uter . series! Nickj about; are turning out a baseball story every day. sion of the trip to the HunUeyScout D^t i'ndwoTd Cabin was held. This hAe 8tar against the Cubs in 1907. place Friday, December 1, and will be * # . . overnight affair. The troop will ^ p,.yer that km fnr he brought to the brewers was Frank AS IOr | * • 1AOJ every hike three main «F<K,mi'M«y Stors discussed : first aid, ™ "Pitcher LeRoy Herman got his ftrst and having enoug ^ contract in organized baseball through suggested tha everyo Keller, joining Bloommgton of the We didnt especially want to «eetj e^5e®' *Lati™ 8 ^mediately The Three I circuit. Eventually he was "Meandering Mary" this week, but it b*£*n p^®p f . . thi depends 8old to the Cubs for ^14-500- At that boys were too good ^for our Notre °n • .linU P v tried to interest the Cubs and White " * We had bV '"dividuals. Sox in a pitcher named Bob Weiland. In a ceremony toinstalla new lead- yeJg ^ Wei,and after 9erv. eF'*^f°U SV1 * f tVo National ing his apprenticeship in class D mov- sented a warrant from the Natimial ^up ^ Ti^e , Keller ^ discovered Oral Hildebrand, now with the Yankees. Among others that the jovial gent The Mat heading so tat was "Cabs j Hope to Improve Team." | Dame squad last Saturday. to bow--not boo. "7"! ... .. rti sentea iroi ;i Tw»S a grand battle, with thrills Headquarters to ' packed (innftAo the lUaBRtt qnouAarrtteerr.. NNoottrree . . J1 ^ Dame put up a tough fight,. bat they lost to a better team. Those Trojans were mighty men. "They had size and speed combined. A great line made good backs look better. as Junior Assistant Scoutmaster. A meeting of the patrols was held. the main topic of which was the hike.' Aj"r^i1 UlIr14 . Patrol Leaders Weideman and Belling named Keller l.«a his rook* roster , , . T* • are John Dickshot, a Waukegan iprotheir m dwcuss,nK metho4 duct, and Phil Weintraub, former Naof carrying food, of planning meals tional leaguer and now with the Minand preparing beds. First aid was a popular item. r.men s°piwedrf.fTe XirT^I WAUCONDA 0PBN8 HIGH neapolis Millers.' The *fro$an offense is afi centered around their quarter back. ^They ^ the mee\jng "Taps" was sounded have three for that spot and all »re |to bring the events to a close. good. * SCOUT DAVID SWANSON. SCHOOL GAGE SEASON HERE FRIDAY EVENING Thank In, Uncle Uncle Roll (giving nephew a quarter)-- Now, be careful with that money, Jackie. Remember the saying: "A fool and his money are soon parted^" , Jackie--Yes, I know. But just the same, I want to thank you. Ob Purpose The teacher waa taking a class of boys, and said reprovingly: "John McTavish. your mouth is open." "1 ken," said Jdhn. "1 masel'." it Down Paymeai--25 Cents Johnny--Mother, how much am I worth to you? Mother--Why, you're worth a million dollars to me, dear. Johnny--Well, could vou advance me a quarter? 1937. McHenry lee Co. -- L. Stilling, 358; Wagner, 319; Berthold, 338; Kinsala 351; L. Krause, 405. Total--1771. Carey Electric -- GTimmelli, 293; A Thennes, 360; Lock wood, 367; A Freund, 479; M. Schiessle, 417. Total -- 1916. Marion's -- R. Walsh, 340; Green 362; Hapke, 429; M. Krause, 370; J. McLaughlin, 476. Total--1977. M'Henry L'mber Co. -- Covalt, 498; L. Blake, 384; G. Weber, 335; Mrs N. Freund, 292. Total--1509. Wattles Drug Ladiea -- A. Froenlich, 404; B. Weber, 369; H. Vycital, 333; L. Budler, 356. Total--1462. Karls' Cafe -- R. Marshall, 457; H. Weber, 362; V. Deidrich, 296; Deitz, 282. Total--1397. Fords -- D. Page, 405; H. Knox, 402; F. Froehlich, 373; J. Heimer, 308.' Total--1488. XX* 9c*umtBorrmg-to Joseph Weber, 442; N. Freund, 432;. J. Miller, 389; E. Vogt, 464; C. A1-" thoff, 356. Total--2083. B. Frisby, 446 ; C. Schaeffer, 414; G. Frisby, 403? c. Vycital, 403; J. Weber, 463. Total--2127. B. Althoff, 392; C. Dowe, 449; R. Justen, 420$' E. Steinie, 373; . Vie Freund, 460. Total-->2084. 1 -"Mstch'Game DeSoto K. of C. -- Sheehan, 387; Kraus, 463; McGofiigle, 439; Smith, 480; Tracy, 514. Total--2313. McHenry K. of -- Unti, 426; G. Kinsalal. 612; G^een, 617; Frisby, 494; Total--2605. FARMER SEEKS COOK & A. L. Westergaard, a farmer near Volo, Monday missed his $60 watch, $20 in cash, a dark blue overcoat aad a dark green suit. He called for Alfred Lewis, 23, hist cook. There was no response. Westergaard told Deputy Sheriff Edwtfrd L. Dunne that about thrsa> moans ago he assigned Lewis to the>' coolnng chores when the young mam applied for a job. • S ° «se e< Ti --•> c Some codfish grow to a lengtti of five feet, and * weight of 100 pounds. r:> fir i/ftt TOP GRADES WORTH $1.40 ^ OOOA AVERAGE LOTS, $1.15 to $1^0 r i I (even higher) "• *> ^ Rr S. HOWARD T MCHENRY, IL& PHONE 205J Lansd^ll is dynamite on deats and Iff a cocky looking fellow. "Nave Is a; _t_ cool, sure-shot passer. Schindler can AlDOltST IIIC olCK ' tote the pigskin with^speed and ,,, At that. Southern Cal. has three I good men out with injuries. "••••"Oh! Kramer, returned to her home Satur- That's some team! They ftall 'em after undergoing an operation midgets out that way if they don't for appendicitis at the Woodstock tip 200 pounds- and stretch those hospital recently. poupds over 6 fe Coach Reed has jast released his basketball schedule for the ensuing season at M. C. H. S. The first game of the season gets under way Friday night of this week Mrs. Allie Bauer, the former Hazel wh*n Wauconda invade the McHenry stronghold. There will be a first and second team game with the whistle tooting at 7:30. i Seven games are carded for De-i , •t of frame. Mrs. George J. Wegener, who has cember. The classy green-shirts of -I- been confined to the Woodstock hos- Hebron will play host to our five on Our S. C. took good care of us. • pjtaj for several weeks, has returned Friday of next week, December 8. Good seats an' everything. We prom- to her home at Lily Lake. I4. is a Mt too early to make preised to retaliate with box seats in Mrs. William Wright, who has been dictions on McHenry s chances this Comiskey Park, but our S. B. C. and confined to her bed at her home near ^ear. L^ok them over Friday night a couple of pals, Hattie and j Julia j uurton's Bridge for several days, and see for yourself, Boyer, had "never heard of the ghows a little improvement. place." Miss Rovena Marshall underwent --•-- „ an emergency operation for^yppendi- Just three Cflb fans who had never, cjtis early this Thursday m^Wng at heard of a City Series. the Woodstock hospital. , . lllss Mar- --«-- " ^ shall is the chief operator at the local ^ec. 16 The girls didn't relish So* fans at, telephone office. J® all. but gave us a break for thatj Thomas, the two-year-old son of Dec* lj> writeup we gave Gabby Hartnett a1 Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers of High- «•««< » few weeks ago. • • • ^ : | land, Wis., has been a patient in the •Jan- ** --I-- j hospital at Dodgeville, Wis., where he •jan- We learned that The Plaindealerj had the index finger on his right hand «|an- 1® has some readers down in those removed. His finger had been crushed Jftn- One reader and Sox fan, Bill in a wringer. „ -- -- -- F e b . 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 Fly. Cop--Hey, Mr. Candle, there first* y<*» W*. ll1 UP -- Even-Stevei ' ^ "John, I found this letter In your coat pocket. I asked you to post it a month ago." "Yes, I remember. I took that coat off for you to stitch a button on, and it isn't on yet." Match Game Fe* River Grove--Treblng, 447 ; ,EMeuntch, 534; W. Zimmerman E. Kvidera, 682; E. Trcbing, 564, al McHenry Meister Bran -- H. Steffea 473; E. Smith, 522; Hup Smith, 499; G. Weber, 557; B. Grimelli, 52J». Total--2584. Palace Recreation -- Wirt*, Wagner, 480; Schreiner, 496; 499; Lenzen, 441. Total 2408. Crystal Lake R*cre*ti«i _J. Heiman 517; A. Kamin, 682, P. OtM), 472;' T. Kniffel, 470; B. Oerkfetz, 569.' Total--2550. 498; Tot- 492; Hook, 1 8 Dec. 9 12 parts Moore, gave us a press pass to the closest parking lot. He wouldn't do •i--that foe a Cub fan, I betcha! P U B I I C N O T I C l l Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Because of failing health and eyesight and lack of co-operation on the part of all game, I have decided to sell at Public Auction on December Inexpensive Poland , Visitors report that amusements and entertainments in Warsaw, Poland, are among the least expensive things in the city; theaters, operas, and night clubs are within1^ the reach of tourists with the smallest pocketbooks. Schedale Friday Wauconda--Here. Hebron--There. Huntley--Here. ~ Fox Lake--Here. Delavan--There. St. Mary's--There. Richmond--There. Fox Lake--There. Zion--There. Wauconda--There St. Mary's--Here. Hebron--Here. Huntley--There. Zion--Here. • Delavan--Here. Richmond--Here. Des Plaines--Here. Des Plaines--Tour. Friday Sat. Tues. Sat. Mon. Tues. Friday Friday Sat. Tues. Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Mon. Mon. A masked bandit carried a tin pail 2, at 7 p. m., at my tonsorial parlor: into the National Bank at Blanco, located on Green Street, McHenry, all, Texas, ordered Joe Buckner, cashier, my hunting equipment consisting ef, at pistol point, to fill it with cash, • long, 0.068 inch high and 0.063 inch the following. then walked out with $1,167. I wide Electric The smallest electric motor is said to have only 13-billionths of one horsepower. It was constructed in Washington state, and was displayed in the house of representatives by Congressman Hill. It is 0.058 inch Strange Affinity Hastas--Sambo, does yo' all know why dere am such an affinity 'tween a colored man an' a chicken? ' Sambo--Must be 'cause one am descended from Ham an' de odder from eggs. Real Appetit* Srb--Did you work up a good appetite while you were on the farm? Ajo--Did I? I ate green corn until a growth of cornsilk came out and covered my bald spot. The city council in Dee Moiifee allowed the claim of S. G. Reed for $20.95 to pay for accessories which, he complained, thieves stripped from his car while it was parked in a lot back of the police station. Doris Bleyle, 13, Of Buffalo, was awakened by a strange man tiptoeing through her room . Leaning from her bed, she snatched a shoe from the floor and'hurled it. The intruder fled. T Join the peace drive of the Legion SCHAEFFCR'S ALLEYS Schedule: Sunday -- Open bowling. - Monday -- C. O. F. „ . Tuesday Afternoon--bafflas* Tuesday --,K- C. - Wednesday -- Fox Lake. Thursday--Commercial League. iFridav -- Open bowling. Saturday -- Open bowling. * Pete Miller toppled the ^rooden sticks for a 619 series for stock County League team Sunday. Pete Koob and Herb Simon did all right in the same match. ' Some tight matches in the K. of U league. A difference of ten pins In one rtiatch and eleven in another. George Kinsala was the bowler of the week. A 146 game had no business in the series, but 245 and 221 gave George a 612 series. That grand total helped much in beating tne »*• Soto team from Chicago. County League Pete Miller, 619; Jensen, 561; Joslyn, 564; Kuppe, 522; Tryon, 470. Total--2736. . Adams, 507; H. Schaefer, 466; J. Herdrich ,511; Pete Koob, »7®J HSimon, 577. Total 2637. . K. <rf C. M. Walsh, 450; Yanda, 378; A- P. Freund, 383; Art Tonyan, 430; . J. Frisby, 538. Total--2179. ^ P. Schaefer, 449; G. Miller, 375, A. Schaefer, 451; J. Regner, 446; W. Sutton, 447. Total--2168. E. Sutton, 505; Murphy, 438; J. Walsh, 375; Nye, 435; Conway, 496. Total--2269. „ G. Frisby, 412; Blake, 407; J. Mlk ler, 375; M. Whiting, 486; Winkel, 579. Total--2259. CO.F. Canadians Fr. Paul, 378; C. Weingart, 359; C. Etten, 301; Vem Freund, 483; P.: of the M;thers of America! 28 Freund, Jr., 441. Total--1972.. 'M l ban . S-k;V A *•«! >rni Treat e |q f '*•#(j •vW T "cfaiiy report of our luncheon and dinner guests is one of satisfaction to us, because we know they appreciate the treat of fine foo4s» smartly served. We can please you, too! hone McHenry 26 KARLS CAFE TURKEY DINNER EVERT SUNDAY, 75* BUSINESS LUNCH EVERY DAY, 35* AND UP Fountain Service Deluai; - Cigars and Cigarettes -- % "W , ».5" .n OSES LESS GAS Owners Report 15^c to 40" Fuel Savings! Cm economy is Just on* of tH* you get In General Motan TVuchal They pull better, take long gradee 1b Ugher gears, nave you time end driv> ^g effort. See CMC before you buy 1 Time fji/fmtm h through out own YMAC ^ Wee ef fewerf availobh ratm CHICK OMC MICIS Agalmtt thm 9 low--fl Front Street R. I OVERTON MOTOR SALES West CMC TRUCKS T R A I L E R S ^ • D I E S I S