•- i,*" •». *«V* '• s * i ' '*» * i*iff tv * ••'•J?'-. .;rO * • **3v «f. * > ' - j- f \ ^ m ^ ^-' TPW1' •"l"«l •<?><?'» y11111 *l" •.'* , !«? ' 1 - t% )C «K • •'• .».• <•••*':• -'4 ."- • • •;: J v~4* ***• ; w k ir/V J DENTIST V a.a. t» t |.a v ; . " - ' THE IIGHTNING STRIKES yv WK Ckirtte's Repair Sh(*t> Northeast corner of flttto Bridje e» Charles Stieet, f- ^ k-.i'i- ~~ ' i xty •'. E#;* il«a Pttatini •; ;£. '":. mJ:^ Track Lettering Fcrnftare Upholstering and Repairing CHARLES RIETESKL V8SD C. MXLJJ5B, M. D. Spedslisrag ia BTB, BAR, NOSE aad THROAT tU ke fat Dr. A. L FroeUkh's Office, earner Gre«Jk Ete Streets, McHenry from 1 to 2J0 p.nu GLASSES FITTED S. H. Fraud & Son CONTRACTOR! AMD BUILDERS Phone 56-W McHenry Our Experience is at Tour Service in Building Your Wants Telephone No. 800 , Stoffel A Beihansperg» 1 Insurance aietti for all classes at property In the best companies. WEST McHBNRY - - ILLINOIS . CASH FOR DEAD HORSES and CATTLE Horses, S3.0Q; Cows, $4.00; Dead Hogs and Slheep removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Tel. Woodstock 1624-M-l or Dundee 10--Reverse Charges i llUM'S STRUGGLE FOR BOOWOMIC SECURITY Puts SUSTAINS HEAD INJURY IN FALL FROM AUTO Margaret Denning, 20 years old, of McHenry, suffered head injuries Saturday night when she fell from a car driven by Karl Perrson, also of this city. The accident occurred on Cass street in Woodstock. First ^id, administered in a Woodstock physician's office, was given to deep lacerations on the head and in the eye lid. She was not hospitalized. Import Fresh Water fish ' This country imports 50,000,000 pounds of fresh water fish from Canada annually, according to the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Whitefish is the main species, with sauger pike ranking second. ' jjjr George Pe# ;• • m • Th the nrst two installments, we discussed the efforts of early man and some of the present day peoples to Achieve economic security. Today we go to the Orient to see what has been going on there. This trouble spot centers around Japan and thereby, hangs quite a tale. Eighty years ago, the Japanese •were a primitive people--one of the world's oldest and most peaceful. They still fought with bows and arrows. They were quite content with their lot .and the only fault anyone could find with them, was that they wished to be left alone. But that couldn't be. England, France, Holland, yes, even America had merchandise they wished to sell to the backward Japanese. The Japs, therefore, were given the choice of getting "civilized" or getting blown out of the water. They quite wisely chose to become "civilized," and as a result became good customer^ of the aforementioned nations. Japan has never forgiven England, France, Holland and America for that deep of humiliation. The day of reckoning may opcie. At first tfrw-program worked out very satisfactorily for America and the other nations involved. Then if" backfired with a violence that made all parties concerned wish they had never heard of Japan. Almost in a twinkling of history's eye, those amazing ilittle pupils had learned all their .^master's tricks and were flooding the 'world markets with goods of their own manufacture at prices their erstwhile masters had believed impossible. The new customer had jumped over the counter and become a vicious competitor. But it didn't stop there. The Nip- % AUCTION Charles Leonard, Woodstock, Aactiomter \ Head Registered and High Grade Cattle at the WALWORTH FARMS mile south of Walworth Village, Wis ., on Highway 14, on , TUESDAY, FEB. 18 fb4i, commencing at 1 o'clock JO HOLSTKINK, 9 GUERNSEY8 AND JERSEYS Some fresh with calves by side, some springers, balance milking good. 7 HEIFERS, 5 months to 1% years old. Dams of these heifers are »mowg the highest producing cows in this herd. 1 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN HERD SIRE, 2 Vi years old. M. M. LUDWIG PRINCE, sire Ludwig Sensation, Grandsire Carnation Sensation. PRIMA Electric Milking Machine for 30 cows. Complete with single and double units. 15 Milk Cans, 8 and 10 gals. Thorp Finance Corporation, Clerk Henry A. Freeman, Tel. 222, Hebron, - , . 111., Representative . t • Lunch Wagon on Grounds! Page Serai OaasfllMgjf ' 'S'M1 C|t«SNAPSH0T GUILD ^ "WINDOW" PICTURES AUCTION Having sold my farm, I will sell at Pflblic Auction, on the premises known as the Evan* Farm, H mile south and % mile west of Algonquin, on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19 At 10:30 o'clock a.m., the following personal property: All machinery and small tools will be sold before noon. 35 High Grade Holstein Cows 1 Stock Butt Some fresh cows, some springing, I! I! : * ' £ * >V fI fI 1$ f f i t - ' i f I I *>! V !i ;n ! #-,v H f j f ponese began to read history and soon discovered the old formula for empire, balance milking. This is one of the Having copied every other way of the highest producing dairies that will be White man, they quite naturally i offered for sale in northern Illinois fcopied this one. They built an army | this spring. Anyone interested in (and a navy and looked around for j buying some real cows should not Ifields to conquer. The logical place to ; fctart was in the huge, rich, sprawling, ^Undeveloped areas of China. It seemjed perfectly in order to march in and "•'civilise" the Chinese, thereby creating a controlled customer for Japanese goods and opening valuable sources of raw material. Bones Wanted I B U Y 4ld aad Disabled Haw--. Ffcj fraat tS to $14. ARTIUTR W. WEBRBACK 4*9 4» B. CiHw 8t Woajatack, HL INSURANCE EARL K. WALfl WAMM ura lettable 0--pinlw iaaaraace of any PImm 41 ar 61-M tries Bldg. moinu X-Ray Ssrrka DR. J. E. SAYLER Offtce 'Rours 9-12 and 1-5 •venings bj Appointment Tfaauadsya - 9 to 11 Main Street :--: W. McHaary AP.Frem.dCo Excavating Contractor HydraoUe and Oraat -4«ad Birildtnf .•fct- The "window" effect was obtained, vary simply, by having the children •eer throat** the French door Into the darkened dining i give yeu novel pieturea. GOOD snapshots arotrnd the boms depead partly on jronr subjects -tnd partly on how yoo present (hem Oftan. a clever or anasnal preeentatkn makes aa excellent fietare ant of the most familiar •abject-matter. Take a look aronai tta honsa, , akd note the spots or locations that Will make good "settings" tor piotnrea. The fireplace, the stairway landing, the stairway corner, the Mg easy chair by the bookshelves-- aU these are good "picture spots." Windows aad French doors are nseful, too. In the daytime, a bright Window can be used as a background for silhouette shots--with shades drawn on the other windows. Or. you can bring up your photo lights, to Illuminate the ' shadow side of the subject, and thaa get a blight eheerfal "high key" effect At night Interesting pictures eaa be made by having your sabjects at an an curtained window, with the photo lights at one side, and then ahoottag the pic tare "tram ontslde looking in." The picture above shows the effect However, a French door was used In this case--the children were simply peering Into the dark dining-room. But the frame makes a very satisfactory window effect. Ifs just as If the subjects were peeping oat on a pitch-dark winter night Try some of these effects. They're easy, with any camera--using high speed film and photo bulbs for the night shots. And they add novelty to your collection of home pictures. John van Guilder STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry, «t IN THE COUNTY GOUlM^ IN PROBATE. r'-.'T THEODORE HAMER, ' ^ : Administrator of the Estate of HARRIET C. MAYNE, 'Deceased, Petitioner, vs. GEORGE GALLAGHER, et al Defendants, No. 11409. * Petition to Sell Real Estate Ta Pay , Debts. Notice is hereby given you Leo Gal-, lagher, Nora Murphy, Leo Mnrphyl "Unknown Heirs" of Harriet C. Mayne, deceased and "Unknown Owners" that Theodore Hamer, Administrator of the estate of Harriet C. Mayne, deceased, on the 27t.h day of January, 1941, filed his petition in this Court to sell Lot Number Eight-one (81) of ; , the Assessor's Plat of Section Number Thirty-six (36), in Township Number Forty-four (44) 4 -Korth, Range Number Five (5) •foist of the Third (3rd) Piinc'psl Meridian, situated in the City of Marengo, County of McHenry, State of Illinois. owned by said decedent at the time of her demise, to pay the debts of her estate, and that said cause is nOw pending in said Court against yon and otherc. And you are farther notified that unless on or before the First Monday of March, 1941, you shall appear and defend in said cause, judgment by default may be entered against yovt an the day following or thereafter. R. D. WOODS, Clerk of the above-named Court* (Pub. Jan. 80 - Feb. 6-18) miss this sale and is welcome to look them over anytime before the sale. 5 Horses. Feed. John Deere Model A tractor, nearly new, and full line of farm machinery. Terms: All sums of $25 and under --«cash. Over that amount a credit of 6 months' time on notes at 7% in- Horrified, the other powers told | terest, approved and accepted by the •hem that this was no longer nice;' " that the rules had been changed since the history books were written. Japan agreed that maybe the rules should be changed but politely asked that the change be delayed until they had gotten their full share of the loot. So* Haying, they proceeded with characteristic thoroughness to conquer a large part of China. Russia had a go at trying to stop them but soon abandonfed the project. H This placed the Western Powers in a very embarrassing position. It was 3 difficult for them to drum up much Righteous indignation when the jam of their own depredations was still on their fingers. They couldn't deny that clerk. Please arrange for credit before sale. No property to be removed until settled for with clerk. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS L. R EVANS. Owner • c. M. PIERCE and WILLIAM . • -NEPERMANN, Auctioneers JlLGONQl IN STATE BANK, Clerking AUCTION THOS. M. RAFTER, Auctioneer Phone 262, Woodstock Having sold my farm and fully desided to quit farming, I will sell at all Japan knew had been learned from A"Ction f' °" *1™ lo?at^ 1 tthh*ermn . TThhee net rr«es,nullft was tthwat tthwey j mile southwest of Johnsburg, 3 miles muttered a few sanctimonious reprov-1 " ™ ale, and continued to sell Japan the fnaterials she needed with which to fxpedite the slaughter of the Chinese. Next week in the final installment, Ore wiir attempt to summarize what all these things mean to AmerkJt, " Phone Changes ) Since Alexander Graham Bell in- Vented the telephone ft his attic ^workshop in 1875, over 105 types of transmitters have been designed end discarded as newer and better CMS have been produced. In recant years two nickel alloys, alnico and permalloy, both products of metallurgical laboratories, have been outstanding contributors to the development of the modern hand set Shaving eastern The custom of shaving can be traced back to antiquity. The Egyptians commonly shaved when in mourning. In Greece, Alexander the Great ordered his soldiers to Shave off their beards so that their enemies might not seize them by them. The custom was introduced Into Rome about the same time. In Europe razors were used in France, Spain and in England before the Eighteenth century. TeL 204-H McHenry, DI KcHENBY FLORAL CO -- Phone 608-R-l<~» One WBi Siiui)i on Route 3L Flowers for all oocacions! Pfcsne 48 VERHOlf J. BOX . attorney at law * Priee Bldf. - OFFICE HOUfiif - Taeadays and Fridays // Qtter Days by east of Ringwood WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19 Commencing at 11:00 o'clock sharp, the following described property, towit: 19 HEAD LIVESTOCK Consisting of 18 Dairy Cows New milkers and springers; Holstein heifer, 1 yr. old; Guernsey ball, 2 yrs. old; Holstein bull, 1 year old. 4 Good Work Horses Gray mare, 5 years old, 1450; Gray gelding, 10 yrs. old, 1500; bay gelding, 9 yrs. old, 1800; gray mare, 12 yrs. old, 1200. Hay, Grain aad Machinery 4 tons alfalfa hay in barn; 8 Urns clover hay in barn; 8 tons timothy and alfalfa mixed in barn; one ton of Sudan hay in barn; quantity of cut fodder in barn; straw stack; 500 bu. of oats; 18 ft. of silage in 14 ft. silo; 23 tons of good hard corn in crib; 5 acres of soy beans in shock. Deering grain binder; McCormkk- Deering corn binder; 4-horse disc; 8- section drag; McCormick - Deering grain drill; side delivery rake; hay loader; Deering mower.» 2 John Deere single row cultivators; John Deere corn planter; bob sleigh; sulky plow; gang plow; walking plow; fanning mill; 2 iron wheel wagons; hay rack; pump jack; % horse motor; 2 sets of breeching harness, nearly new; 150 ft. of hay rope; hay fork and pulleys; rinse tank; wash tank. Cream separator; 20 grain bags,; potato digger. 150 young hens. 7 milk cans; pails and strainers; gas stove; some household furniture; fork, shovels and many other articles too numerous to mention. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ELOLA E. BOYLE, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, the 7th of April, 1941, is the claim date in the estate of ELOLA E. BOYLE, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said dale without issuance of summons. RICHARD I. OVERTON, Administrator. DAVID R. JOSLYN, Attorney. (Pub. February 13 - 20 - 27) CHURCH 8ERVIOS8 (Central Standard Time) 8t Mary's Catholic Charch Masses: f Sundays: 8:00; 10:80.' > Weekdays: 8:00. jf 1 .First Friday: 6:80; 8HJ1. Confessions: ' , Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 Thursday before First Friday. .... After Mass on Thursday, 8:00 asfc and 7:00 p.m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, pastor. . a® St Patrick's Catholic Chare* if| lfasses: ; Sundays: 8:00; HMM). v•* ^ Weekdays: 740. - . .. '.Vij- First Fridays: 7:30. On First Friday, Commanion dn tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and and during the 7:80'Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Thursday before First Friday . 4:0t to 5:00 p. m. and 7:06 U 3t0| p.m. •• Rev. Wm. A. OTtourke, pasta/*. St, Joke's Catholic Charch, Johasbarg - Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 10:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and v •, Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. 1 Confessions: -J • - - Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:jik ' Thursday before First Friday: 1:81 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, pastor. & Community Charch. . Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a. m. ^ Epworth League: 7:30 p.m. Rev. J. Heber Miller, pastor. Latheraa Evangelical Chan* Sunday Service, 2:15 p.m. Sunday School, 9:15 a. m. Rev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor. LILY LAKE Peter's Catholic Charch, Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: {£00 an-1 lOKNte"^ Holy Days: 6:30 and 9;M. Weekdays: 8:00. ^ First Friday: Confessions: ~4 • Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday: 2: and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleitfen, Pas{*T. Yolo Community Bible Charch Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Preaching service, 8 p. m. Rev. W. P. Rueckheim, pastor. All are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pazdernik of Hayward, Wis., visited at the Lavin home for a few days. Dinner guests Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrnsek and daughter, Viola, of Berwyn. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Driscoll and Margaret Farrell and Mrs. Nora Mc- Calla of Chicago were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Healy <jf Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott were Chicago visitors Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough and daughters, Kathleen and Mary Edith, were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mrs. I. Lavin and daughters, Ruth and Evelyn, are leaving this week for a two weeks' vacation in New Orleans. The Lily Lake P.-T. A. held a bunco party at the home of Mrs. Schovine Thursday. Prizes were won by Mrs. Geo. J. Wegener and Mrs. Williams. The next bunco will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Biesecker February 20 at Lily Lake. "Stopped Eating 1%ings I liked because of gas, sour stomach and heartburn. ADLERIKA relieves me. Now I eat anything I like." (J. M. - Ark.) If spells of constipation upset YOU, try quick-acting ADLERIKA today. THOMAS P. BOLGER, Druggist. •' ° MR. FARMER! If you have the misfortune to lose any livestock, call the PALATINE RENDERING COMPANY you will receive the highest Old, dead and disabled cattle, hogs, sheep removed promptly. Day or night service. PHONE PALATINE 95 OR RICHMOND 318--REVERSE CHARGES • Phone McHenry 677-R-l .Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND AND GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel ani Lot Filling Black Dirt and Stone - PWtr Shovel Service \ Flower leveling and grading Cement mixers for rent J. BLUETT P.O. McHeary. BL McHENRY GARAGE Electric and Acetylene Welding - General Repairing Wagons and Trailers to Order! Rte. 31 -- John & Front Sis. Phone 97-J or 151-11 • Nick P. Miller 4L WORWIGX PHOTOGRAPHER iNrtraltaM • OsmsMNlal Photography - Photo-Flniahiag Bilarging - Copying - Fruahg 27® -- BlTMriie ILL. MILES JL trOODBOTT, D * Licensed Chiropractor Hours: 10 to 8 - Except Thursday -- Phone 540 -- i 112 Benton St Woodstock, (HL AUCTION At the Same Place HENRY V. 80MPEL AND SON win seN the following property: Bay mare, 6 yrs. old, wt. 1400; black gelding, 8 yrs. old, 1600; sorrel colt 1% yrs. old; roan colt, 7 months old. Set breeching harness; <6x. collars; platform truck box with 2-ft. side boards; pickup box truck; iron wheel wagon; wood wheel wagon; milk wagoh; walking plow; sod plow; sulky plow, 16-in. John Deere corn planter with truck; 2 single row cultivators; Deering grain binder; Deering corn binder. Lunch wagon on grounds. TERMS:--All sums of $25.00 and under, cash. Over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes satisfactory to the clerk bearing 7% interest. No property to be moved until settled for with clerks. Those desiring credit make arrangements ptipr purchase. JOHN HUFF West McHenry State Bank, Clerking Eyee Examined Paul JL Schwabe McHenry 128-J Woodstock «74 A. BL Nye Bids, Weet MeHearjr OPTOMETRIST THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Order your Rubber Stamps at The Your Car or Truck ••• Should be checked over more often during the cold weather. Troubles are more likely to develop and an early fixing saves expense later. ]*«t as Biake a cheek-ap now! ! *• Have your truck tested at this garage, which is an official testing station, and receive your state sticker. We have a well equipped repair shop to take oare of your correction to comply with the law. CENTRAL GARAGE Phooe 2004 FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Towing to * *$*4 <--t • V.l «- it.., i. AAM . ... * jj£_