' 45; Si tkenry, TT1., MOS ud Manager Entered as second-class natter at the postoffice at McHenry, DL, under the set of May 8, 1879. One Year ... Six Months . 12.00 FOR SALE FOR SALE--Holland Circulating Fa# for heating plant. Original cost, $12& Sell for half. Used 4 times. Dwight Goodwin, Crystal Lake, 111-, Phone 286-R. *50-2 FOR SALE--Good used ice box, holds 75 lbs. ice, 3 doors, in good shape. Tel. 672-W-2. Frank N. Pitzen. 50-tf FOR SALE--Two more truckloads of Wisconsin Guernsey and Holstein cows. T. B. and Bangs tested. At Adler's Farm on Road 21, 2% miles south of Lake Villa. 50-6 FOR SALE -- Black dirt, the best lawns and flowers. Chuck's Trucking Co. Phone 97-J. - *51 FOR SALE!--Quaker oil stove. Brown, 105 S. Riverside Drive. Chas. 51 FOR SALE--19S8 Ford Truck, tt-ton, panel body. Cheap. McHenry Bakery. 51 FOR SALE--400 Tickets te the Senior Class Play, "Danger in the Desert," to be given Friday, May 16, by the Seniors of MCHS. 51 FOR SALE OR RENT -- Five room, year-round house in Stenger and Owen subdivision. Inquire of George Frey. *51 FOR SALE--Canopy, complete with flooring, 9'xl6'. May be used for boat shelter or garage. At bargain price. Phone McHenry 88-M. 51-2 FOR SALE--Seed Ohio. Math Baur. 235-R. Potatoes, early" Phone' McHenry 51 FOR SALE--Sturdy steel angle fence posts, 6% ft. long, set in concrete from the ground down, 4x4 in., 26 in. deep. Price 50c to 75c. T. M. Thompson, 5214 N. Christiana Ave., Chicago. *51-2 FOR SALE--1928 Chrysler Coupe, heater, rumble seat, fine condition. Phone 160. 32. J. Gausden, 716 Center Street. 51 EXCHANGE--that squirming discomfort for real he-man comfort. Get Jockey Underwear, originated and manufactured by Coopers. Gives mascujine support, ends squirming. 50c up. McGee's, Green Street, McHenry. 51 ~ FOR RENT ~ FOR RENT--Two rooms for one or two young fellows. Write Box "C," care of The McHenry Plaindealer. 51 FOR RENT--Available May 12, partially modern, newly redecorated, 4- room flat above Ringwood Royal Bloc store. Garage. $10.00. F. N. Muzzy, Ringwood. 51 WANTED WANTED--Carpenters, steady work. Apply in person or call 665-W-2 after 6 p. m. Ned Beurelle, McCullom Lake. 49-tf mm 1 \ %. ST. PETER'S (JHURCH, VOLO, ILL. • * i* # < St. PETER'S SCHOOL AND CONVENT REV. GBO. 90HA&K (Contim "first pace) WANTED--Girl for cooking, cleaning, laundry, four days a week. $25 per month. Write Mrs. H. H. Kirk, McHenry, 111. Phone 661-M-l. 50-3 WANTED--The murderer of Steve Hannigan. Bring any information to the Senior Class play, May 16. 61 WANTED TO BUY--We pay $3 to $15 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if alive. Matt's Mink Ranch, Johnsburg-Spring Grove Road, Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2. Call at once on dead hogs, horses and cattle. We pay phone charges. 51 WANTED--dardener, steady work. Good pay for hustler. Phone 656- M-l. *51 MISCELLANEOUS DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS (L00 to $15.00 Oaah Cows - Horses - Hogs ; * No help needed for loading! Prompt and Sanitary Service Da^ and Night, Sundays and Holidays Phone Wheeling 102--Reverse Charges GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week,1 or oftener if desired. Reasonable I rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben JJ[ Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf The work went on despite the hardships and the heat of the hot summer sun. The cornerstone was laid on Sunday, Octxftefe'24» ldg&H*nd, before winter set in, the buidliqgs were under roof and ready f6r theTjnasterers. The first Holy Mass was celebrated in the new church on Sunday, June 20, 1926, the opening day of the Eucharistic Congress mVChieagt). It was also the occasion of tne'jPwt Holy Communion for many of the'wiWxun of the parish. That was a glwilojjs day for the pastor and parishioner* «f , St. Peter's. The next few weeks the completion of the work, and the pastor's dream of eleven years became a rqality. Properties Worth $125,000 The original plans called for a new church at a cost of $25,000.00, but the plans had to be altered due to the high cost of building and the erection of the school and convent. Thus, the pairsh now had a new church costing $70,000 and a school and convent costing $30,000.00. These financial obligations did not discourage those busy workers for, when the "buildings were completed, two-thirds of the cost had been paid. The total valuation of the church properties now reached $125,- 000.00. Since that time, the parish debt has been reduced considerably. The outstanding feature of this accomplishment is that this enormous task was undertaken and completed by a parish of forty-four families. H»e principal figure in this whole undertaking was the zealous 'leader of these people, whose encouragement, energy, labor and savings to the parish brought about such astounding results. ' After twenty-five years of zealous and faithful service in his pastorate, Father Schark continues to enjoy the respect, 'esteem and love of his parishioners, and a host of friends. In his unassuming way, the jubilarian declines to celebrate this year of jubilee, due to the conditions of the times. His parishioners and friends, however, wish him God's choicest blessings in appreciation for his untiring efforts and trust that he will be spared to them for many years to come. 8011 of Chicago were guests in the home1' day e_v_en ing and enjoyed a very fine dessert-bridge Monday at Crystal Lake. Miss Ethel Jones, Mrs. Charles Goodell and Warren Jones attended the annual May festival given by the Elgin Musicians' club at Elgin Mon- LAWN MOWERS--Machine sharpen* ed. Repaired. Used mowers bought and sold. Robert J. Thurlwell, 110 Main Street, West McHenry. Phone PS-J- 50-tf TX> WHOM IT MAY CONCERN--No credit will be extended except on order bearing the signature of Ella Kelter Burke, executrix of the J. B. Kelter estate. 51 %| v HAND AND POWfeR LAWN MOWERS-- Sharpened and Repaired. All •work done by machine. Reconditioned lawn mowers for sale. McHenry # SB trades. Phone 65-M. 61 OeBalose Strip Reinforcement of seam* In clothes by a narrow cellulose atrip is an invention developed by the Celanese Corporation of America to prevent wrinkling. I Weather Forecasts "Sbt weather bureaus ani two army and two navy radio-sound stations are widely used in determining weather in th*. United of Miss Charlotte Madden last Thursday night.; /, . - ,_ A Miss Susie Nimgsern of Evanston was a weekend visitor in the home of her mother, Mrs. Catherine Nimsgem. Miss Ro¥fena Marshall,' who is enjoying a three week vacation from her work at the local telephone office, is spending the w«^k in Elgin and Chicago. Miss Audrey Rethermel of DeKalb Spent the weekend in the Home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Rothermel. Mr. and Mrs., Vincent Wirfs and daughter, Anne' Helen, of Rockford, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wirf9, and also attended the supper Sunday evening served by the Holy Jfame society. They were enroute to Pittsburg, Pa., where Mr,. Wirfs wiU. be employed temporarily.1 . . Mr. and iff*.- Wajtefamer and daughters, Audrey and Mary Lou, of Elgin, spent, Sunday with McHenry relatives. 0 .. " Mr. and .Mrs. George Hoelseber of Wheaton Ifiy $n<* ifrs. Edward Larkin of Elgin enjoyerf tha weekend in the Mrs. John Armstrong cottage in Emerald Park. . . ; Mrs. James Sayler, who has been a patient at Sacred BHfrt sanitorium, Milwaukee, Wis., for the past couple of months, returned to iler home in West McHenry Sunday. While at the sanitorium^ she enjoyed a visit with two form«|f residents of McHenry, Sister Juagla, the. ^mer Loretta Stilling, dWhghter Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling of McHenry, and Sister Lambert, the former Elizabeth Williams, daughter oX.Jts. and Mrs. Henry Williams of. MaHenry. Mrs. GeWge ^6nn*on and Mrs. program. Miss Louise Stilling, of Lake Forest college and Fred Wahl of Evanston spent the weekend in the George A. Stilling home. * Harry Bateman, who spent the Printer in Chicago, returned to his summer cottage at Orchard Beach Monday. A Edith Geary, who has been ehjoyry Alexander of Hebron Mrs. Har. attended a I ing a three-Veek vacation from her work at the local telephone office, resumed her work there this week. The Rekane famjjy of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams. Mrs. M. J. Walsh, daughters, Mary and Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. George. Bohr spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Stacia Malone in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and daughter, Marguerite, were Rockford callers Sunday. , Bonnie Page, who took part in tilt Morris B. Sachs amateur hour, heard over station WENR, on Sunday, April 27, was present-in the studio audience last Sunday afternoon and was prelected with a Gruen Curve* wrist wMch^fo^rher performance .the pre- Mrs. Cartis Westfall of Chicago visited in the home of lujr parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sfawm Stoffef last W«kesday. • • - • . j Mrs. ABoe Altaian, who spent the | winter in Hollywood, Fla., has *returned to her home at McCullom Lake. I John Dreymiller and Raymond Howard left Sunday for Rochester, Minn., where they are under observation at Mayo Brothers clinic. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sutton and a friend of Chicago were guests in the home of Mrs. N. J. Justen Sunday. Mr. aSd Mrs. Norbert Yegge returned to their home in West McHenry the latter part of last week after a holeymoon trip to Little Rock, Ark. May • Club--Mrs. Harold Owen. May 10 Bake Sale--Central Market--Sponsored by Junior Clasfc Mayll, Public Card Party--Sponsored by Altar and Rosary--St. Patrick's Hall. Golden Wedding-r-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bohr. May 11 Mothers' Day Banquet--C. D, of A.-- NSesen's Cafe. * O. E. S.--Regular Meeting. *, " *< . May 14 Afternoon Contract Walter Conway ^ , - May 15 VfyH May . Party and Style Show--Sponsored by P.-T. A. Woman's Society -- Regular Meeting. Evening Bridge -- Mrs. Gertrude Schaefer. East River Road Pinochle--Mrs. John Craver. ~ ™ J. \ May If • Senior dasfe Play--"Dang# in the Desert"--Community High Sdtool Auditorium--8:16 p. m. May 17 O.E. S.--•Friends' Night. May W • , Public CarJ Party--Woodman"Hall-- Sponsored by Fcix River Vailey Camp. Evening Contract Bridge--Mrs. Joanne Rulien.* May 29 High School Commencement. C. D. of A.--Installation of Officers; May 31 Bi-Weekly Five Hundred--Mr. and Mrs. Will Bishop. . June. 1 Friendly East River Road Improvement-- Regular Meeting. June 4 P.-T. Ay--Regular Meeting. Physical disabilities have caused the rejection of about 44 per cent of the men called for duty under the draft, according to Col. L. G. Rowntree, chief of the Selective Service Board's medical division. The principle cause for rejection was defective teeth. W A N T E D FINANCIAL REPRESENTATIVE A client of ours--a well established Chicago financial institution is desirous of appointing one or at most two representatives in this area to handle securities, real estate and farm mortgages. As our client has excellent facilities for investors no previous experience is required. More important--the applicants must be of good reputation and preferably community leaders, above draft age/ and married. Please write your qualifications in brief to Us and a representative shall call op you. All letters will be held in confidence. (Buchanan & Co. Inc., Advertising Agency, 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. wpwc „ " MUSICAL Tuesday eveMtag fa the high school auditorium, the ttttde&ts of the M]|c Grade school took part in a musical program which was under the direction of Paul Yanda* assisted by Marie Ropp and Genevieve Knox. A number of talented youngsters gave solo numbers on the piano, flute, violin and horn and there were duets on the piano, saxophone, clarinet and cornet. Also included on the program were two tap dances, selections by the kindergarten and first grade rhythm band and songs by all the grades. The- entire school gathered on the stage for the finale to sing "America the Beautiful*.and "God Bless America." Accompanists for the evening were Mrs. Elmer Baum, Mrs. Carl Weber, Mrs. Lester Page and (Bonnie Page. • Miss Evelyn Anderson, accompanied by Wanda and Nell Crick of McCullom Lake, appeared on a WLS home talent show at Dundee last Thunder Friday iiad Saturday evening^; "Doable Doty This has been a Stephen Foster season First, the beloved composer wa» (elected to the hall of fame. Then, hi' rescued radio frfcm ASCAP,--KOSBville Press. Thieves broke off the door handle, rifled the compartment, and stole the gear shift knob of the car owned by jLester Gaines of Yorktown, Pis., but they overlooked $160 in cash was a pocketbook. :'-;: Belgian Congo Larga line territory of the Belgian Congo is about the size of the 14 South* ern states in the United States. •Abbn&lM*. kudzu plants at its swta prison farms to be sold to farmers for conierrfetg and improving fertility of ttb soil "§t a price can afford to pay. If you think "Who's Yehudf is a mystery, you ought to see "Danger in the Desert." 51 Need Rubber Stamps t Ordsr atThs Plaindsalsr. THE HEALTH COMES IN CAPSULE ihaiSL' IhYba pcobably know aboor • y; vftiuiiiiMisnd the important part they filtf in taDoleokiDtiiiff woar I B«4t» yoa ialiseP ' wh*t a startling dGference there is in vitamia product!? When?- "•f" " "your Doctor prescribes lorsvi- J,-.5? »• ;V. . taunicdeficieacy ire recommend v , o.t Abbott's Vittmia Products. ;>.* •, f You are a*sure«5 of j»jperior *iu-; - *. i' . miopotency,statedvitamiocoa-* ,* " teat, and trueh-to-labfli claims.2i$try : 'Ccoommep lient ea nvdit aImmkin o vsetro ctmksr. v' 4 Bolger's Drug Store 'v Green Street For Mother Who Never Forgets „ • . A ' < A remembrance on Media's Day, May 11 BWPPI mm map Orlo^ BaclieTsJ l&e to H^iid Bags :. # BoarfK .^Tf^atestjCostume Jewe|pr'; ? V • Lov«5ly ?;\V ' ' : ; ; •'<" 1 . . \ l 1 •S;* • v •<- - • ; ' \ Siiy it to Mother the Sweet Way *** & delicious Honie-iaade Can<fyl Day Cards at the AGATHA.SHOE QABBY GERTIE % ud a law is that mm may he brokea .AKAJiTKKB fll acres of land the •twtti toe poor fof ersps ara being Slanted in pimp pr ffpflsftda use in the section's paper mr devalopknent of a swaet-acented gladiolus was hailed in 1010 as an outstanding achievement of horticulture. lajorleas Insects A number of injurious insects ara checked by breeding and using against them seme of their natural parasitic enemies. Fiber Flax The department of agriculture te 1090 undertook a program to encourage the production of the United States. Take advantage of this offer now! «§e iMumm • GOOD? it's got to m , good--and you're die judge. For if yon don't like the convenience, die •comfort, the amazing economy of an sutomitic Gas Water Hester-?ooi it comes. Here's all there Is to it! We install a complete Water Heater or a Conversion Unit for ; your present water storage tank and let yon test it and use it for a full 30 days in your own home Enjoy its convenience and comfoct -- compare operating costs on your Gas bill snd If you are not completely satisfied, wt witt npmd the payments mtdt cm At mm tmit mi ipmi it simr txpettu. - 1«ra y«wr old «tQragf;;^ , fcink Into a modorn AUTOMATIC GA#^ WATER HEATER^ down (small canyif£-dNMBSefer4* l^ed payaiiMli) ()<*•'£ ALIO .. > a wi;; Amomsric Gas wtter Jlestcr for only 3^ down, as iooft a» > ^ years to pay. westertT"' WGAS*KD ELECTRIC /:•« ••m , ..-.'j..