Honor Lillian ilgpm c • \ oocietv iNk* J i[. ^ II /v ..^ ^. * • r fe* i# w Etm(rt Bridge The last regular meeting of the Evening Bridge club was held at th^ home of Mrs. Ellen Phalin. Hie prist was awarded Mrs. Paul Schwerman. * * * Public Card Party St Clara's Court, W.C.O.F., and the Christian Mothers' society of St. Mary's church are planning a public csrd pjjfty for the the Hoc- . . orating fujjd. The party will be held on Wednesday July 28. j ^ ,y •<•><* • HOnored at Slh# ' Fred Meyer, a prospective bride- ; groom, was honored at a stag Men- ' day evening which was held at Herman Krentier's. Twenty fellows wtere present to wish him well and to pre- ' •: a«nt him with a single gift. X"l" Anaaal Garden t a r t y ' •*"*- " The Altar and Rosary sodality of ^ :• St. Patrick's church will sponsor its - ^ annual garden party Wednesday af- *' " tem»X)n, June 25, beginning at 1:30 " C This dessert-bridge party will be held jfe at the home of Mrs. Wallace Dohyns and the public is cordially invited to £ attend. i - -. •. • * * . . W- • Announce Engagement %< ' Mrv and Mrs. Math B. Lauras of Waukegan road, West McHenry, anil/.. nounce the engagement of their *..»• 1 daughter, Mary Jane, to Mr. Clarence Anderson, son of John Anderson of 4 West McHenry. Miss Laures has just .• completed her first year at St. Joseph ^ School of Nursing at Elgin. •. *. * * * • Samliine 4-H Girls vi,1;* The 'first meeting of the Sunshine P?Y* 4-H girls met last Tuesday, June 10, Tj," at the Ringwood Community hall. r They plan to have their next meeti: i%?>45njr Thursday yJune 19, at the ir-T, „ home of Helen Ruth Butler, beginning at 7:30 p.m. (A* _ • • • fl^i- • East RHwr Road Pinochle •> • U* members of the East River f^C . Hoad Pinochle club met last Thurs- " day at the home of Mrs. John Braeseke. The awards were received I*' *• by Mrs. Clarence Redwanz, Mrs. Geo Gloss and Mrs. John Craver. The ^%-V-club will meet at the home of Mrs -Thomas Thonneaon mi Thursday, Jam Afternoon Contract Bridge Mrs. Albert Barbian. who was hostess to the members of the Afternoon Contract Bridge club last Thursday, received the first prize of the afternoon. while Mrs. George Stilling was awarded the second. Mrs. Harry Durland will entertain at the next meet- {-Tje* Miss Beatrice Banks of Wauconda is engaged to marry Mr. Raymond E. Hughes of Santa Monica, Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank; Hughes of McHenry, according to an announcement by her parents, Mr. andMra. Walter W. iBanks of Wauconda« • • * • • Bake Sate The Mothers' club is sponsoring a bake sale in the window of the Jacob Justen and Sons fufniture store on •Green -street on Saturday, June 21. Members who will have difficulty in delivering baked goods to the store are asked to call Mrs. M. L. Schoeriholts, chairman, phune 97-R* * | * . "i • f f • • Fa*ily Grftfc*ring | V The J. W. fy^.&nily assembled at the home!^ttiWte|twe^rive Sunday to obsttV&'iWHSferfc uiy- The outof- town guilts Were Mrs. Julia Kent and children ind Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zvonar of Chicago, and .Sir. and Mrs. Herman Nye krid chfldreri of Aurora. atPtcnic The Forte ^ugic,«Jub of McHenry entertained th£ VlStUde Music club of Elgin Monday evenUi# at a picnic supper held on the lawn at the C. W. Goodell residence. The twenty-six guests played games and tennis and later gathered in the, house to enjoy an informal evening .of muste. * . •* AtlhaTa &&& Miss Eleanor Altheff and the oner members of this year's graduating class at St. Therese School of Nursing at Waukegan enjoyed a party Saturday evening at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. H. Althoff, in West McHenry. The guests enjoyed dancing and games and a lunch was served late* m $fea availing. t •• "t i i ' • • • Honored at IMnn*r" A stag dinner was held at Niesen'a cafe Saturday night, June 14, in boonr of Edwin O. Sullivan, who is to be married this Saturday, June 2L "Hie invited guest* were Dr. E. O. Sullivan, William Heints, Thomas A. Bolger and sons, Walter and Tom, Madison King, Bob Knox, Loren Rothermel, Larry Huck, Dick Weber and John Bolger of McHenry, Bob Lath rap. and Harold Evans of Woodstock and Joe Meyers of Dundee. They presented him with a jacket as a gift, j , ' ** • • • Bridal Shower i. Miss . Catherine Rotherm«l *(ss •showered with many lovely personal gifts last Thursday evening, June 12, -complimenting her marriage this -^coming Saturday to Fred Meyer. The party, at which twelve guests were present, was held at the home of Miss Rita Weingart in West McHenry. Miss Weingart was assisted by Miss Jane Durland as a co-hostess. Cards provided an evening of entertainment, with prize going to Mrs. J. W. Rothermel, Miss Mary Jane Laures and Mfss Geraldine Kennebeck. • • • Miscellaneous Shower : Miss Kathleen Justen entertained at 'a miscellaneous shower last Wednesday evening in honor of her cousin, Miss Evelyn Justen, who recently became Mrs. Jack Hart. Five tables were occupied for cards and prizes were awarded Mrs. Elmer Justen, Mrs. Arnold Anderson, Mrs. (Lawrence Rudolph of Spring Grove and Miss Rita Stilling. Lunch was served and the prospective bride received many lovely gifts. Talks were given the Bast and refreshments were served by the officers of the McHenry chapter. The table appointments were In yellow and white. The next meeting of the local chapter will be held on Monday, June 23. * * • Mid-Week The Mid-Week club was entertained Wednesday at the home of Mrs. William Spencer. Mrs. Eber Bassett, Mrs. Frank Hughes and Mrs. George Johnson were called upoft te receive their prises. • • • Evening Contract Bridge The Evening Contract Bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Ray McGee Tuesday evening. The awards were merited by Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. George Stilling. On July 1 the club will convene at the home of Mrs. Floyd Ccoley. * • * Neighborhood Club • Twelve ~ ladies, members of tfce Neighborhood club, enjoyed an outing Tuesday, beginning the day with a one o'clock luncheon at Darien, Wis. Next they traveled to Delavan and Mrs. Henry Yogel and Mrs, Ben H. Freund, both of that city, accompanied them. Lastly they visited the Quilt shop at Walworth, Wis. ttk WXDSaTV&DAY HUMT "Magic Manna1' Epworth League On June 8 we held our regular meeting in the church. Warren Jones led the discussion. Last Sunday the meeting was held at Shermans and Shirley Colby had charge of the devotions. After the meeting we played games. Next Sunday we will meet at lite church and each one is to bring five cents for refreshments. *^. - Celebrate 86th KrthdMp \ George Meyers, Sr, who was a resident of McHenry until a year ago, was honored on the occasjon of Ms eightyfifth birthday last week at a party which was held at the home of his daughter and sen'-ki-lawj Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egan, hi Chicago 'Where he has been residing- • MMWtijr. Mrs. Agnes Ma»hally>«onf iffttrl, and the latter's daughtexv PMricia Lee, of McHenry were preset!t**t the celebration. • * * . Fete Future Bride Miss Eleanor Bolger ,was luted at a personal shower last< Thursday evening, June 12, at ibe-jpMranen-Jnme of Miss Virginia SuIIican afringjfke Tax river. Keno prowide4 the entertainment for the twenty guests, with prizes going tO" Mrs-yCharles Brda, Mrs. John (Bolger and ptrf £aek Hart. A lunch was served close. Miss Bolger will become the bride of Edwin Sullivan next Saturday, June 21, at St. Patrick's church. • % • * • '• KhckeaShonf/er . Mrs. John Bolger of McHaury and Mrs. Harold Evans.of Woodstock were hostesses at a kitchen shower in honor of their niece, Miss Eleanor Bolger, daughter of Rep. and Mrs. Thos. A. Bolger of McHenry, who is soon to become a bride. The party was held at the Bolger home on Richmond road Saturday evening. • Bridge and fiye hundred were played and prizes were won by Mrs. Clarence Anglese and Mrs. Gaorge Miller. Miniature blue and white umbrellas provided attractive decorations in the dining room where lunch was served. Out-of-town guests were Miss Vivian Bolger, Elgin; Mrs. Harold Evans, Woodstock; Mary Powers, Crystal Lake; Mrs. Sibre Whiting and Mrs. Thomas Doherty of RingwoOd. • * • . Mothers' Club Mrs. C. W. Klontz entertained the ladies of the Mothers' club last Friday afternoon at her home on Waukegan road. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. Elmer Baum and Mrs. C. C. Hoyte. At the business meeting, over which Mri. George Stilling, president, presided, plans were made for a bake sale which will be held Saturday, June 21, at the Jacob Justen and Sons furniture store on Green street. The Ways and Means committee, which has Mrs. M. L. Schoenholtz as its chairman, is !xi charge of the project. The program was opened with violin solo. "Moderne Gavotte" by Albert Rodig, accompanied, by Mrs. C. W. Goodell. The speaker of the afternoon was Mrs." Earl Phinney of Woodstock, the county chairman of the Red Cross 'Workers, 'as Miss Kortendick, the formerly scheduled speaker, was unable to be, present. Mrs. Phinney told what was being done in the county through the Red Cross and what was yet' to be done. She urged each woman to devote some time on each Thursday of Friday at the Red Cross workroom in the high school if sh* was uitable to accomplish any; work at borne. "MIRROR" COVER OF LOCAL MOTHER AN© HER BABY DAUGHTER A recent issue of -the Fox Valley Mirror, published by Leonard Fowler, carried a very interesting cover page in colors, being a reproduction of a photogaph of a McHenry mother and child, Mrs. L. B. Murphy and daughter, Mary Lynn. Editor Fowler states that he believes this is one of the finest-cover pages the Mirror has ever published, and the opening paragraphs of his story reads as follows: "When you have watched a little girl grow up; when you have seen her^graduate f{om high school; when you have learned that she has fled the home nest; when you, at last, are told that she has made good, and then you lose sight of her ... it is a bit disconcerting--suddenly, one day -- to meet her again as a wife and mother with her lovely baby. "Evelyn Anne Karls is the fourth generation to live in the Fox River Valley. Grandfather Carl Karls was born in Germany; Grandfather Harry Nicholls was an Englishman. Her father, John Karls, was born at Johnsburg. Her mother, Edith Nicholls Karls, was born at Volo. "L. B. Murphy, D. D. S., who married Evelyn, is the son of L. B. Murphy, for years a dentist in Chicago, and of Olive McTravers Murphy, of Welsh extraction. Dr. Murphy came to McHenry about three years ago and now occupies offices in the old telephone building on Green Street." Andrew Worwiek, McHenry photographer, took the photo, from which tiie cover engraving was made. '*"• tSOMING EVKHTS i t; -"ki-1* The home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Freeman, in Greenwood was the scene of the wedding of Miss Marion Freeman and Mr. Clarence Harrison, son of the Roy Harrisons of Ringwood, Saturday evening, June 14. The Rev. R. J. L. McKelvey of the Ringwood - Greenwood Methodist churches performed the ceremony. Baskets of poses, delphinium and ferns decorated the home for the occasion. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, was groomed in white frosted starched chiffon entrain j With flT1»(V"A• *4in w»Vi«U *«- - »UC~i.UU Jitplace with a coronet of orange bios soma, H«r. ji hower bouquet: '^Was fashioned of gwdenias. Miss MildfcM Freeman, sister of the bride, attired in blue frosted organdie and carrying a bouquet of pink snap dragons and roses, served as bridesmaid. Loren Harrison, the groom's brother, was best man. Little* Richard Thompson, son of the Roy Thompsons, dressed in white, served as ring itearer while little Miss Sally Ann Link, daughter of the Har- ,oid Links and niece of the bride, dressed in blue organdie acted as flower girl Hugh DtttiMp, Sr., brother-in-law of the bride, sang "At Dawning" preceding thct ceremony and "Because" following; accompanied by his son, Hugh, Jr* The couple departed oil' a wedding trip through the Smoky mountains and other interesting spots in the East, the bride traveling in a cactus green dress with Brittanica jacket and matching accessories. Upon their return they will be at home at Wonder Lake. . ' • " ./> A graduate of the Woodstock High school, the bride continued her education at DeKalb Normal where she finished in 1936. Since that time she has been a valued teacher in the county schools, at present being in charge of the lower room at the Greenwood school, where she will return in the fall. The groom, a graduate of the McHenry High sefcsc!, is at present assistant manager of Lyons Milk Production, Inc., at Lyons, Wis. THE LOCAL RED CROSS NEEDS YOUR ASSISTANCE Yes, there is i magical in die way vitamins work wonde. * in the human system. You h«.ve heard about vitamin* and the important work tbey do; but your Doctor prescribe* So; a vitamin d«&- doc't b? lurad by "bartain- couaser" offer*. la vitantias, you know, it iso't th« price you pay, but wbtt yyj f»t rood!*. Tbaf'.i -,vhv we Mock aa<l recommend Abbott Vitamin Product!--a brand that was oae of the fen oo the market aad which it always guaranteed to be true to label claim*. BolgerV Drug Store Gram Street McHenry O Kg. The McHenry chapter of the Onfer of the Eastern Star entertained at a Worthy Matron and Wotrhy Patron celebration Saturday evening. The offices were filled by the following: Worthy Matron. Luella Stroker, Nunda chapter, Crystal Lake; Worthy Patron, Jerome Musil, Algon quin; Associate Matron, Grace Sohist, Woodstock; Associate Patfcm, Harry Shales, ,Nunda chapter, Crystal Lake$ Secretary, William Bueyh, Haven chapter, Marengo; Treasurer, George eber, Richmond; Conductress, Edna Pflum, Algonquin; Associate Conductress, Viola Jones, Richmond; Chaplain, Delia Doty, Lake Geneva; Marshall, Audrey Sliaon, Hebron; Organist, Mabel Johnson, M^HenVy; Adah, Florence Ale^and^i Hebron; Ruth Myrtle Jacobf, Staftsis chapter, Grays lake; Esthei^ JHf|h<!£^J>afcC, Haven ichapter, MarAyiorPRp^a. fniia Tom isky, Nunda]BH^g|*^i0gp|tal Lake Electa, HenrfrtWt *nflsfrstiV~McHeivry Warder, Floaaoee Lawety"McHenry Sentinel. H. M. Stephenson, McHenry Soloist, Lillian Schroeder, Woodstock) Jane ll-M Red Cross Sawing Days--High School. June 21 Bake Sate*-Sponsored by Mothers' (Hub. Jane O. E. S.--Regular Meeting^ Jane 2ft Public Card Party -- Mrs. Wallace Dobyns--Sponsored bjr Altar and Rosary Sodality. a June If Bazaar and Dinner--Sponsored by Woman's Society. ist River Road Pinochle--Mrs. Thos. Thonneson. Community Methodist Church Summer Bazaar and Supper. June 26-27 Red Cross Sewing Days--Higl} School. June 28 Bi-Weekly Five'Hundred -- Mr. and Mrs. Fiank iBlake. July 1 Evening Contract Bridge--Mrs. Floyd Cooley. July 5 Bake Sale -- Central Maricet -- sored by Christian Mothers. July 3, 4, 5 ft 6 Legion Carnival. July 19 - 20 St. Pater's Church Carnival--Spring Grove. July 28 Public Card Party -- Sponsored bjr GM"tian Mothers and W. GLfeft MARRIAGE LICENSES Thomas J. Kilmartin, Chicago, TIL, to Josephine E. Cerbeil, Chicago, 111 Nels Kenneth Pearson, Crysta Lake, III., to Louise Mary LenoXt Crystal Lake, 111. Chester C. Brehn, Chicago, 111., t« Lucille A. Tomosic, Chicago, 111. Robert B. Belbows, Crystal Lake, 111., to Dorothy E. Schimpp, Crystal f Lake, lit. Everett C. Paulson, Chicago, 111., to Anne E. Uhlir, Chicago, HI. Herbert O. Becker, Harvard, 111., to Margaret A. McConnell, Harvard, III Joseph Burke, Harvard, 111., Stella Agnes Walsh, Woodstock, 111. Orlo F. Jarrett, Waukegan, 111., to Shirley Cashmore, Waukegan, HI. Duwayne F. Fox, Woodstock, 111., tt Veroa Rasmussen, Crystal Lake, 111. Walter A. Gritmacker, Alginquin, 111., to Myrtle Dorothy Pinnow, Crystal Lake. 111., June 9, 1941. John J. Hart. Chicago, 111., to Evelyn C. Justen. McHenry, 111., June 5, 1941. John T. Dwyer, Carpentersville, lit; to Helen T. Cooney, Woodstock, 111. Clarence E. Harrison, Ringwood, 111., to Marion E. F tee man, Ringwood, 111. Harold C. Karsten. Union, 111., to Mildred M. Guhrke, Woodstock, Til. - Edwin O'Sullivan, Jr.. McHenry, 111., to Eleanor Bolger, McHenry, 111. Francis S. Conerty, Harvard, HI., to Merilyn J. Douglas, Chemung, tlL Anthony Montana, Shady Hill, 111., to Lorraine Andereson, Cary. Ilt Edwin J. Frisby. Elgin, 1U., to Agnes Unruh, Dundee, 111. Fred J. Meyer, McHenry, 111., to Catherine Rothermel, McHenry, 111. A special appeal has been made this week to all women (mothers, wives, sweethearts, big sisters, you all knowsomeone who is- wearing, one of Uncle Sam's uniforms) to come to the aid of the local chapter of the McHenry County Red Cross which is suffering a drastic shortage of workers. A survey shows that women in other counties are devoting an entire day each week, and some even more than that, to this great-cause which provides for soiqe of the clothing needs of those who have joined the armed forces, the poor, or of those refugees who have been left homeless by the war. - Put yourself in thtir position and we know you will not fail to offer your services to the Red Cros* The locsl workroom is in the sawing room at the high school. IJw place is open on Thursday and Fridhy, so please make it a point to droft ln tomorrow and every week thereafter. A picturesque June wedding was held last Saturday, Jjme 14, at St. Mary's church, MtftelKy, uniting Under the bonds of Holy Matrimony Miss Evelyn Justen,' daughter of the Jacob Justens, who reside a short distance south of McHenry, and Mr. John Joeeph Hart, of Mr. and Mrs. Irwfn Hart of Cfcleago. Miss Kathleen Jusfen/a cousin of the lnridu, «a» tha Ume$ only attendant, and John MeOoraieJt itf cagv the gftoas'a best man, Uchers were Doastd Jfaitefl and Irwin H*rt, Jr.*, the h«Me*S and groom's talker, respective. The men in the bridal party were gtoomed »n white suits. • j Tl» lovely bride, wfco mn ghmg1$ marmge by, her Isthar, wore entrained gown of alfic nrqulxilis over net with iace tiaerta in tiie bodice and skirt. Her ttd||;Veil, with a train four yards long and^a Short Mush «aff was held to her head with a cluster of white flowers. Her arm bouQuat contained white roses and ste^&netis. The Inaid of honor appeared in a gown of lime green marquisette with a hat of the same material. Her costume was accented by an arm bouquet of yellow daisies. The bride's mother chose a suit, the dress being a navy and rose print and a rose jacket. The mother of the groom also appeared in a suit, consisting of a white jacket topping a navy and white print dress. Both hsd corsages of shaded dubonnet apIH carnations. The bride's grandmqfcher, Mrs. Emma Justen, and the gijbeni's grandmother, Mrs. Halpeit of Cfyfcag** wore corsages of white and piitk rose buds. At the offertory of the .Nuptial High mass, Miss Marguerite Freund offered the beautiful "Ave Maria" and after mass she sang "Lo, I'Praise Thee." The church was decorated with several bouquets of mixed carnations and two huge baskets of white peonies stood at the entrance to the sanctuarjft At noon the wedding dinner whs held at Niesen's cafe for twenty-four persons, including the bridal party and the immediate families. The reception during the afternoon took place at the home of the bride's parents, where 150 relatives and friends attended a buffet supper. The home was decorated for the occasion witk huge white bells, white streamers and large baskets of flowers. A three-tier wedding cake was a center of attraation. Later that evening the bride and groom left for their honeymoon through the East. Upon their return, in approximately two weeks, they will reside at the home of the groom's parents at 8643 South Michigan ave., Chicago, while his parents will spend the summer at their home in McHenry. g(rs. Hart was graduated from the local high school in 1984 and has re» cently been emg^ojred in the Gerald Carey home at McHenry. Mr. Hart attended St. Viator's,' near Bourbon, 111., and was graduated this past February from the School of Traffic in Chicago. Ha Is gainfully, employed In that city. ~Miss Irene Payne of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mia. D. E. Payne. m. . Julius Koaka, indicted on a Willi IWIIBII) of larceny recently, was 8tr«l|e and will titled, "The Normal person ie Xsligfou4" One hour spent in the House of God on Sunday will help you all the rest of the week. Test this out for yattreetf. Sunday School opens at 11 . m. In at the state farm by Judge Wm. state waived in the indictment tfcteharge l»jr appointed by the was charged wW» stealing 1 valued at twenty-Ave from Mate!" Harrington -bathrobe from WOliaas ttqr. Koaka Sundays as a porter in the V cleaning establishment at Crystal Lake atwe'la tiwk tb» Asflistatot Male's Attorney Wicks handled the case. greed aad selfishness you ect the training of yodr me ami bring them to the be at IjSO & 111 One's Otn Heart What transpires- at dor viee« for i deceased loved _ one is not a matter of a brief moment, ^t lives on in one's own heart... and we try to make that mepiory fc thing of beauty. JAqOB ^XFBTSH « «01I8 fvneral Directors -s4._a Sign jumr oontraet for ant winter'g oil Protaet wvamU against pttoa Phone 32 :*Kf 'fMad tha Want Ads Motorists who gaxe too Intently at the scenery ate in danger of suddenly becoming a part of it. : I'M I " 1* ** ' \j.r ' I** W l * ' • ' ^ rV.*. ' ' '> f 7, ^ 4fT$fpmig"Mc Smm G*f*f923 -• . i i » a •'V. i' - UfMVfVS 09 JTVMHMv rnp "'I. i . "W0- / n. ?&•< •yJ'vv f- ' ' mMMM W man ac all "Thee, to top it all oC, ha let aas dSive his ^ ^'ni|psi. ***** Poatiac--and what a thrill this was! More iittmm MI power, get-away and tmooth action than I had ever drsamed of getting h» a low-priced oar. And speaking of price--of coarse you know that die 1941 Pootiacs cost only a itw dollars more Am the lowest. "Weediest to say, I aov.owa a Poatiac I*aa mighty proud of it. la bet; I*sa all my friends to buy Foadacs!** ' "Om o« thp nvr tAunoK rva actually wasn't a aalaa- > at all--at Mast by profusion. "Yet, this man gave me the greatest, downto- earth seQiag Pve aver had from anybody. a Poatiac owner to 1 was considering lbs fua* car a fsw weeks ago; *Thit in-- showed ine from amisl rtrrrHt that his big, roomy, lanrioas Poatiac Torpeda' ooets no saoce for gasolins aad oil than tha small car I was driving.- Aad as Cor upkeep, he proved to ate that IViatiac R. I. OVERTON MOTQfi SALES ItaMt Street