•'-.m Jr., of Wan at the home of Mrs. eenda spent Urs. Pteatl William ftutUi 4ii dufUc iBjwight, DLf nentthe wmkmA it horn* ef Mr. amTMrrf. Walter =5^ Mr. aila Mrs. Lloyd Fllkv and llughter, Mary Lou, visited Mrs. Nina fllMttiakey at Crystal Lake Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould anddaughter, Donna, of Ukiljtffle spent ikonday 'evening >t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaisar. . Mm. Sarah Ffaher attended the sil- W wedding aniiwmy W Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock at the 1mm <* Mr. and Mrs. 8ay Seymour near Wj"*- S. i. Admirals Board U. S. Warship $ v" *„ •i-: V V- " V - ' - . Mr. abd Mis. Walter Vasey and son, itenneth,-spent -Satufdqir evening at the home of Ib^ tad Mrs. Clarence Grabbe Cfc Cfcy&al l#k|> V Mr. a#'tt£ll«aliay of Gwlske epetfc Sunday with the tatter's lather, fmMd. NfM held at the Vblo Conunmfty Bftte ^ureh Sunday toiuMr 4T Bather's day. f Maria Bto&el, daught?v of Mr. and Mrs. H«ny Stoffell, was valedictorian of her dMt at St Peter's school hers. Graduation exercises were held Souday evening. Anna Detrick was ftaititttortaa. - Mr and Mrs. Peter Reiland of torthbrook spent Friday evening at ie home of Harry Chambers. William Lohmann and son of Ub- ' ^ ff-tyville spent Thursday evening at lite home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd - 6 fisher. Mrs. Alviii Case was seriously in- * J^red while lighting furnace Sun- Jerry Willis of Gages Lake called jgt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tisher Friday evening. Vs',;-' Mrs. Horace Grafabe of Waukegan si«MMr, and Mrs. William Wirts . Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. William Burg and $*mfly of Wauconda spent Sunday • evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burg. I,;5?SShrood DoWell of Libertyville eall- : Jij at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd fisher Saturday. Baddy Thennes, Harry Case* Clifford 'Itotarson and Richard Fisher •pent Thursday and Friday at the XJniversity of Illinois, judging fat and 4airy cattle. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ritta and Mr. fljnd Mrs. William Wirt* and family Intended the commencement exercises it the Libertyville Township High Irhool Wednesday evening. I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher called It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur powers at Wauconda Saturday. | Rosemary and Gerald Schaefer of auconda are spending a few days the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin ISC. Mr. and Mrs. Frank St George tent Monday at the home of Mr. and rs. James Valenta in Chicago. £ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner of Chicago spent Friday at the home of fr, and Mrs. Joseph Wagner. Miss Leona Withers and friends of ockford spent Sunday at the home Mr. and Mrs. Len Littlefield. Clarence Hironimus and son of ,. auconda called at the home of Mr. [nd Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Sunday. Mrs. Clyde Wright of Lake DaAance Irent Wednesday at the home of Mr. ind Mrs. Frank St. George. The Vol© Unit of the Lake County tlome Bureau met at the home of . tfrs. Alvin Case Wednesday with Mrs. Jjoyd Fisher as co-hostess. The major lesson, "Furniture Arrangement in the Home," was given by our home ad- Jiser, Mrs. Volk. The minor lesson, Electrical Appliances," was also j§iven by Mrs. Volk. Mrs. Volk stress- -H»d the fact that the furniture should he grouped together. This was one qf fhe outstanding lessons of the ye*r. .|)ainty refreshments were served at ihe close of the meeting. 5# Betty Oakes, daughter ofMj\and ( <§Jrs. Robert Oakes of Chicago,' gTadu- ' J*ted from Northwestern ul^vertUy ta Chicago Friday evening. Mrs. Outea .^as formerly Miss Anna Beeedehtcher •:4ft V0l0._ McCULLOM LAKE Naval best te a tt&vj yeni can throw a Adelphus Andrews, the North CareMna, are cfainh at the Brooklyn lt-lnch rifle?, whScSefi for t> m|le«. Ateim! aavai dSsfctet, is at the right. ~rr ; • • y*- i %Camd Is Box Cat Baby Elmer Schaefer attended a farewell ty Thursday evening at Mundeleia ... honor of Ralph Unts who leaves lune 30 for the U. S. amy. "T- Warren Barber of Chicago spent " 4he weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matterer of Chicago spent the weekend hepe. Eleanor Schaefer spent Wednesday at the Clayton Brace home at Wonder take. . Arthur Thompson of Berwyn Spent „ the weekend with his fam3x here. Weekend guests at McCuOom Lake tvere Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berg and family of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. A1 flansen, Mr. and Mrs. Hendereen and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenwood juid family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert -iTurny, Mr. and Mrs. William Thrope 'v ttnd Mr. and Mrs. Burg and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary Keg- «n in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Schuebert jppent Tuesday in Chicago. •* Mrs. Jacob Riter of Chicago hi ^pending the week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs.'Charlie Gibbe were ?r*risitors in Elgin Saturday. -r Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mad sen wad . viiaujrhter, Arline, of Chicago spent the Weekend at their home here. % Mr. and Mrs. Victor Howe of Chi- * . "' via go spent the weekend at their home '^jtiere. x • ' ^ » Charlie Brocken of Chicago spent the weekend with his family here. A '.;y Mrs. Edd Kegan and daughter, "!™;'5r"^:^Gladys, of Chicago spent the weekend »t the Hugh McDonald home. ;:V Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frits entertain- ^|ed their daughter and family of Chi- *.,^4; 'P<ago over the weekend. .J " ^ Miss Eleanor Schaefer spent TTiurs- P.O"*! day with Maxine Green at Evanston. ' 5 y"*- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and fam- - ^ p ily of Woodstock spent Sunday at the * *,- - , itae. A. Schaefer home. • ; Bead tike Want Adi V-,"" A strange werld indeed greeted this My eeiei, hern in a eat while en route to eireus quarters H Mew Yeafc. Attendante lenni Mary, the mother, and her baby when the train arrived ai the railroad yards. 'Shooting at New U. & Submarine Mr. and Mrs. After Held and Mr. itod Mrs. J. Tantsliw of Mylith Park were guests Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mason in the park. N Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs. Elmer Kq^lng visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews at BensewiDe Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Elmer A. Held of Mylith Park spent last Thursday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Marie Clark, in Chicago. That evening she attended the Yahola Club. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Cheney, called on Win. Brooks of LibertyrUk st the Condell Memorial hoqrita! at Libertyville last Uraraday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mason and sons of Chicago were Sunday afternoon and supper .guests at the A .V. Mason home at Mylith Ffcrk. Mr. and Mrs.. George Lundgren of Wauconda were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgrsa., Mr. and Mrjk W.H. Brooks and son, Cheoney, and Otis Phillips spent last Tuesday at the heme of Mrs. Ella Parts at Paxk Ridge, Mr. and i(m. Wm. Burkhart attended a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mm. H. Luderman in Chicago Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burlchart's ninth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Phillip (Lockman of Lin Acres farm, east of Waneonds, called at the A. V. Mason heme at Mylith Park Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lovegren, formerly of Chicago, hat now of Mylith Phrk, celebrated their twenty - fifth wedding anniversary Sunday, June 15, entertaining a hoet of friends from Chicago at a six o'clock buffet luncheon. Mrs. A. V. Mason of Mylith Park was a business caller in Chicago last Saturday. Harry Matthews and son, Lyle, were business callers at Grayslake last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. *im! Mrs. John Blomgren and Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren of Wauconda were Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sanden at Island lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charle* Burkhart of Chicago spent last Wednesday evening at the home of the former's parents at Williams Title. Mrs. WuBwter at Osk Parte and Mr. and Mrs. Lingren of near Wauconda were sapper guests Sunday at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Chsrles fiodene at Mylith Park. Howard Brennecke and Miss Bes- •Se Bergstrom of Chicago were guests at the A. V .Mason *Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wagner of near Round Lake spent last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Mrs. Wulhuter and Mrs. Fry "Of Oak Park are spending a two weeks' vacation at the cottage of Mrs. Wulhuter j at Mylith Ptsrk. i Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of i Chicago visited at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. j Burkhart! at Mylith Park. j The Mylith Park Sewing Circle club j were entertained at a 12:80 luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rutenberg at Mylith Park Tuesday. After the luncehon a social time was enjoyed. Mrs. Marlett Henry spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and Mrs. Marlett Henry were business' callers at Waukegan last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughter. Joan, were business callers at Woodstock Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son. Chesney, were business callers at Hebron Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of Chicago were guest? Sunday afternoon and ri dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart at Williams Park. C. H. Hansen and three friends of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hillier Of Barrington. and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G, J. Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rodene of Chicago, son and daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Rodene, of Mylith Park, are vacationing for two weeks at Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kruetfler of Williams Park were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaBelle. Mrs. Frank I-a Belle visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. John Holmes in Chicago Monday. Wfllard Darrell. Mrs. Elmer Esping, Robert Ifatthews and Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Oak Park re* turned to their respective homes late Thursday night after vacationing'at the Smokey Mountain region and at Washington, D.C., and other interesting points. AUTOMOBOJI MieaSiHAYlONS (MEMBat IN 1M« 1HW Automobile registration figures released in Springfield last Thursday by Secretary of State Edward J. Hughes indicate that by July 1, the half-year mark, the record for all of 1940 will be broken. All registrations are running 108,890 ahead of the May 31 'figures for 1940 and 102,371 of these are in the passenger car field. Total passenger car registrations to May 31 were 1,688,350. Increases shopr in all classifications with the exceptions of motorcycle and chauffeurs. Total receipts to May 31 were $23,- 612,358.94, or $1,564,350.47 more than total collections at the same date in 1940. The report also shows that total numbers of drivers licensed to May 31, 1941, are 3,092,007. Mrs. E. Townsend of Crisfield, Md^ found a dollar Mil In an oyster. Brattleboro, Vt., June 19---LeRoy J. Miller, route 1, McHenry, is one of thirty IffiMii golateia bwdiH recently admitted to memhenhip iB The Holstein-Frieeiati Alefciatkm America by unanimeoa vote of the Board of Directors. To gain admission to membership in the association, applicants most be ^regressive in dairy practice and of proved integrity. Mr. Miller was recommended to the association .by Anton M. Schmitt, McHenry. GRANTED PILOTS LICENSE Jerry Kubovy of Wonder Lake hae been granted a federal pilot's license for waterway navigation Thi« i* t)M first sueh license to be held at W«mh0 Lake. Subscribe for The ncindwlar THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE <*. STRIKE FOR HIGHER PAT The men employed by Charles'"Ensign. local tiling contractor, who arc working on an irrigation project oa the Bowman farm In Seneca township, went on strike for higher wages Monday. A settlement was readied without serious trouble and the seven mea returned to their werk Tuesday morning. * SiHCt me \MRtCWTBROTHERS'nrue. U.«. IHPUCray HA* BUILT 64000 l! •aooo wrm*t /» Mounttt A MoriUAfeir-fc A cow/-- te**!RSe *cmrn>* MiMt mCMo&0Re/ cOr# a VNvMmImPYg O. fcMftQ TSZ3S" frtmfaJmmp ~ IMS U4. VTIM OHtf 6% ut «atvp« wmAtwH. water Seat, the U. S«8. the latest and meet the Portsmouth navy yard wife ef MaJ. Gen. as naval eMeers leek en. deviees, the snhautrlne was hy Mrs. Thomas ih, D. S, Misbehaving Lady Learns Manners "m * * r T* 'v. i- ':- Teaching a misbehaving lady te ta Alfred' Court ef Saraeste. Fla. greemed llf fl|a 1% Tep. Her very ylnaaf trife Am witele kehave Is aB part ef a day's wertr This lady to a black lespard DINNER TIME "Te the soo, te feed a young pig." la Ike modern version ef the eld Cable far Oris young Bronx citisen. The New Toth Bronx see for Is arranged Hke a eireus vides CMdes of mystery, Dichery Oeck and otter from children's My Neighbor -i* Says .*£ .JV""1 , i'V tim Hsimre'tcfl *igkidir*t Hfhnbtt sticky sir...Prwute s» mtirt nigbff rtttfmi lm tbmw At cm* •fsm icecrmmctms. Vegetable soup is always better if. allowed to stand for a day after it is cooked and reheated just before serving. • • - • To exterminate moths in a rug sponge it with a solution made of 3 tablespoons of turpentine, 3 quarts of water and one tablespoon <f att* monia. • • • Leftover boiled rice can be seasoned, rolled in egg and crumbs, shaped into cakes and when browned in a little fat they jnake a testy food to serve as a potato substitute. • • • Marjoram is one of the annual garden herbs still popular. Ihried leaves are used for poultry dressings. Sweet basil is good for flavoring soups and stews. Both grow sailjr from seed. _ „ tlMiuintiri Ntwwww WWW hnteJ should your house be like a Mbeke - oven"-- when all asound you, waiting to be put to use, is Nature's cool, fresh aj|bt air. Harness that air-bring it into your home-am! you'll keep cool and comfortable during even hottest weather. JA nigbt air ^>»| system is one of the simplest home .*'•« COMPUTE CHANGE OF AIR --IN 3 MINUTES OR LESS! Mpoling methods ever devised. And it is alko one at tfc|^L fljiost effective. Powerful, slow-speed fans with extraotdinaqf ^ tir displacement qualities are available for all types and siz#> • houses. Portable models ooay be used in the attic or ift' Individual rooms. Built-in models are designed for use i|| < ffrir windows or ventilators, and can be easily installed. Here is a wise investment that pays big dividends in Cpol nights of restful sleep. Investigate it now--enjoy it all summer long, for years to come. mmd Electricity is cbtmpf • f - T . l v « Ac open die do^nstaus As the povczful £w pulhincool In 3 minutes ot less, the air in erety windows sad turn oa the stric fan. sight air, stale hot sir is capellcd. room ha» beea completely <*sa««d. j • • Public SERVICE COMPANY Of Northern Illinois " < « ^ t ^ t > TttWpboaeSnt«r|iiM A...,' snirJiiy- biij co®piete 1 1 I . t. *<