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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jun 1941, p. 3

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at Davenport, M, to the data tka* feu fcMaB"srihiiitito itt' Aft mill •Mr pknk 41MI' ff^orfk dinner at. ®L Pater's danch grrouaAr hwa. Tea • wiff surely e»nt to atUnd tiiii ftli jflair, so coin* one, «oim all, Sanday, ^ne 29. to St. Peter's church, Volo. • • Mr. an<5 Mrs. James Valenta of Chi- •tto were Saturday visitors at Ike beme of Mr. and Mrs. Prank St George. ' Mr. and Hn^Lw Brewer adi *am- •y of Friiawit *Q*$m iwt» Wifciiday evening vfcitSrs at tiiefceeM of ICr. and Mrs. wBHaiairirt*. Community Kicttt 1 held at the Tfelo school *" "The Friendly* *lijg|£l|)Sfe group of WStteet at the hopie of Mrs. Herman near Island Lake, Wednesf, Jvne 25. Lou Fisher nMt t few gays past week at fab feme of Mr and auni*M*..and Mrs. George Seheid, Jr., ill Mr. and Mr^j/WfQ&n and daugh- Mr, Let>««, of BM&ferd spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lea LtttMWd. lmthLee. and ©onaM Grabbe spent Wda»t ahetnesw at> tba bsals 'if Mr; . and Mrs Ben Miller in McHenry. ^Roland Kurth of Grayslake spent ho^. past week herewith Ms uncle « yea*- on his three year old cow, and a white on his "get of sire.1 ULYUKE The Lily Lake Beautifying club iadance was held SatatriNr J one 21, at the Lily Lalte Abopt two hundred JMOfle at- Many prises Wti. thai. _ were won by Mr. *ad .Kni, Q*- aoft aa first prise for the prist '1fcfeKs; second. Mr. mH Mr* CUmde SBcr Deimott; third. Mr. and Mrs. Wl&ard; consolation, Or. and Mrs. Jeesbe^aJl of LUy Lake. The eflitiit was by Jeannie Klabaagli of Lily JLaice iad Chock Miller «f. MeSiary- Tliey were awarded aneloctrk deck. (p« yiass ««n won by Henry Rut* l|rs. BH1 Bender, Post Vacbet and Alfred Leap. Success of At entire dance was due to the untiring efforts of tha chairman, Mrs. Beulah Vachet, and hex co-workers. and Mrs. Cad O. Swansor, and iter, 'Lois, syeat Monday at s Cave. Thursday, tfcey went Ifo Walter Vaaey and san, Km-; t»S»Mip^ipp> Palisades aad Apple; Mr. aad Mrs. Etaaer Held and Mrs. A. V. Miaou ef Mylith Park were callers at Crystal Lake last Satariay. Mrs. Ct&a DvWeU and daughter, Mm. H. Beebuig aad J«ade aad Marion were callers at Waukegan ea Monday. Mrs. S. J. Baker of Williams Park and Miss Gertrude Webster were callers at Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. Harry Matthews aad sens, Robert and Lyle, were business callers at Waukegan Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and 4apghiert Frances, and Mrs. Etta Conv'siss iffie ly&ra at LToeriyviue last mrnm^^Sing. John Stasch of Lampbere subdivi sion was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mason at Mylith Park Sunday aoniag. Mtss Beasie Pakara of Chicago was a wiwfcend guest at the borne of Mr. end if™- J. Pen teles at MyHth Rule. M. H. Webeter and daughter, Gertrude. were business callers at Pferinlieid Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Miller of Island Lake snd the letter's aottw, Mrs, WHkins of Oak fcufc visited at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Many Bferer-^aaynn. Mr. and Mrs. Barley aad een&LOf Chicago spent the weekend at their lad aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hook. J; Mrs. Effie Frsncisco of Wauconda visited Mrs. AlvinCeae frlday. pHarry Oambensfte*t the weekpd in Oii«iio Wlth «a#res. •f Mrs. Btta Converse returned to her jHnurhters. Mrs. Alvin Case, Saturday. .: • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hook and famm? and wmf m* hm * £& f^^tariaftau*. Ada, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flsber, Al- -ein Case and Unau Ownll attended 'the Swiss-Can tort show at Wasco, 111., Hiursday. ' Mrs. John Baumruk and son, Mrs. JEri Baumruk and son and Richard Pusil of Berwyn spent Wednesday at Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank SjSt-M Gr.e wasnrde. Mrs. Walter Vasey and n, Kenneth Lee, spent Saturday eninp at the home of Mr. and Mrs. arence Grabbe at Crystal Lake. Donald Grabbe of Crystal Lake pf>ent the week here at the home of -iMr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. The Volo Sunshine Queens and ihe Volo Busy Bees 4-H clubs held their third joint meeting at the home o£ Marian Wirtz Wednesday evening. •Mary Case gave a talk on "Kinds of <3ookies," Marian Wirtz, "Posture'," Lilah Fisher, "Ways of Making Cook- Its," and "Colors," Betty Anderson, ^Beams." and Elaine Klemm gave a leading, "Work." Marian Wirtz and ^Lilah Mae Fisher gave a jdemonstratlon on peanut butter cookies. Dainty /Refreshments were served at the cloee "mi the meeting. I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Russell and femily, Mr. |ind Mrs. William Wirtz and family, Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and Jamily and Harry Case attended the Black and White show at Cook's Crove, near Wauconda, Friday, f Mrs. Cecil Anderson and daughter. JBetty, Mrs. William Wirtz and daughter, Marian, Mrs. LaCroix and daughters, Virginia and Helen, Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughters, Arvilla and Xilah, Misses Dorothy and Elaine Klemm, Mary Case, Bonnie Jean Vasey, Rose Mary Schaefer, Yvonne J[eiL, -and Jean Hironimus attended flCamp Day" at the Bowen Country |Blub at Waukegan Friday. | William Wirtz and son, Marvin, and frames Davis were business callers at Boselle, 111., Saturday. Mr?. Lloyd Fisher and and daughters, Lilah and Arvilla. Mrs. William wirtz and daughter, Marian, Yvonne iteil, Mary Case, Jean Hironimus and jBlairif- Klemm attended the 4-H Food {fudging school at the Lake County warm Bureau hall at Gray slake Taee- 'pav evening. > Lilah Mae Fisher, Harry Case and Ikfchart) Fisher of the Wauconda - JVolo 4H club exhibited their prize nttle at the Swiss - Canton show at Bt Charles on June 19. This shew Is for all Swiss breeders of Northern jpilincis. Lilah Mae Fisher won a white ipibbon on her calf. "Harry Case recehr- %d blue ribbons on his junior calf and , Jfunior yearling heifer and red ribbons - #n his two year <dd heifer and junior ? |earling bull. Richard Fisher won red ribbons on his cow and his senior i pearling heifer and a white ribbon on , lis junior oalf. All the animals shown • by these younr people placed very ; ligh considering the competition from • he older breedne of purebred Bream , Iwiss cattle. There were eeventy-Aip* '• inimals exhibited at the ahewvsand H 1 ras judged by Prof. C. S. Rhodes of he U. of Illinois. Milton Dewell of ^ phis community also exhibited five tnimals and won red ribbons .on all f them. A junior judging contest has held in connection with the show, first place in this contest was won »v Marvin Wirt* of the Wauconda - folo 4-H club. Marvin was the only •oy to turn in a perfect score on the lattle in the judging contest. Members of the Wauconda -/Volo HI club won many prizes at the Lake ind McHenry County Black and White ihow held at Cook's grove on June 20. L boys' and girls' showmanship eonest which was open for all 4-H bovs i nd girls was the feature attraction of " he day. In the boys' division Richrd Fisher won • first olace, Marvin ITirtz second, and Robert Dressel hird. In the girls' division Arvilla risher placed first. Richard and Arfilla will now represent Lake Countv %t the State show which will be held #t Mooseheart. The Wauconda - Volo i-H club judging team placed third |n the judging contest. Richard Fish- Marvin Wirtz and Wayne Pankiin were the members of this team. individuals, they placed sixth, aevith and eighth, respectively, and larry Case placed ninth in the judg- (lg contest. Robert Matthews. Marin Wirtz, Bumell. Russell and Raymond Wegener exhibited their Droject limals and received the following laces: Robert won a blue ribbon on junior calf: Marvin won a blue fibbon on his three year old cow and Junior yearling and red on his junior • - • - •-< -tv - Mr. and Mr*. Art and daughter, Arlnw, of Chicago visited the home ef Mr. and Mn. Fred Doech at hsr bone at Mylitir Park f!#air. ..y v and Mr*. Wm. Flak q>ent Sunday evening at the home ef Wttlard DairalL Mrs. Mate Oeaa aad daughter, Althee, Miae OaiHta BMWn and Mrs. Cora Price ef Wnmdk were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brooks last Wadaaadqjr avening. Rocer Mayer of CMaago is spending bis vacation front aehool at the home of Mr. and Mr*. E. Held at Mylith Flak. RoUin SUnr of Chicago aad Wm. Zinker of Brewnsville, Texas, were guests at the beae ef Mr. and Mrs W. E. Brooks Sanday. Charles Leonard of Amboy is spmdiwtiila ipfk with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ftpif ait Ute home of Willaid DanelL Mr. and Mr*. M. H. Webster entertained the fellowiuggaiats #t a birthday dinner laet FSMiqr evening in honor of Mr de«fM**> Gertrude: Mr. aitd Mra. 8. J* Bator of Williams Pirk, Mr. and Mrs. W. SL Roberts of Mundetota. Mr. mmI Haft. L. Leee»tine i> H. Lesen- Fox River, of U w Monday eveaittg. Bessie and Mt>. and Mrs. Lipeon and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Oilman and sons, of Chicago, spent the weekend at their respective summer homes here. Mr. and Mr. L. Venable of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schub of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cart O. Swanson last week. Sunday visitors at the home of Mf, and Mrs. Edward Marsh were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. B. Maas and daughter, Bemadine. of Chicago, M^. and Mrs. D. Marsh aql Mr. and Mrs, D. Marsh, Jr., of Elnihurst. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riel'y of Chicane spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. .Ernie Allend of Chl» cago visited at the home of h^r mother,-Mrs. Mae Budil, Sunday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Corsup of Chicaga spent the weekend at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Strnad and son, Harry, of Chicago spent the weekend at their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt and family of Chicago spent the weekend at their iumifter home. > Mife. Bemie Peschke and Mrs.'A. Peschke were Chicago visitors Fridajjr. Mrs. A. Peschke is spending tab summer at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Bemie Peschke. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sansone ef Chicago and sons spent Saturday aipd Sunday at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Lepp of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson of Chicago spent the Weekend at their cottage. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Berger of Chicago were weekenders .at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doech and Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson and daughter, Lois, of Lily Lake are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charle* Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Pa^I Erickson of Dearborn. Mich. Mr*. Anderson and Mrs. Erickson are sitters of Mrs. Fred Doech. Mary Hubbell, Grace Hubbell, Heltft Robinson and Viola Brady spent thie weekend at their home at Lily Lake. The Lily Lake School P.-T. A. held a bunco party at the home of Mrs. L. Bransford Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to the winners. A lovely luncheon was served. Those present ware Mrs. Blesacker, Mrs. Einspar, Orra Belle Bettray, Mrs. Seyfferth, Mrs. Wider and Mrs. Williams. A surprise baby shower was held at the heme of Mrs. Hattie ESnspar Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mia. Wieler. About fifteen guests wet* present and many lovely gifts weia received. A lovely luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Chick Navotnoy 4f Chicago visited at the home ef Mt and Mrs. Alex Wirfs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guliano and daughters visited at the home of h sister, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Schiavone, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. X spending two weeks' vacation at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Wisebhoffer and Art Seyfferth visited at the heme of Mr. and Mis. Alfred Seyfferth 8u* ^5he new weedcutter was launched Soadaar aad immediately pat to work. It was christened "Miss Harmony* by Mrs. Louise Qannon Weber, who a bottle ef coca-cola ever the Appropriate speeches were by the launching officials: Ray Williams. Ben Chelini, Joseph Spata> fora. WHbert Swansoii, and Claud* F. McDermott. friend of Mr. and M»p. B. A. Held hd Mr and Mrs. A. V. Mason ef Mylith Park were Sunday afternoon ami supper guests at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. J. ftmtales at Mylith Park. Mr. and Mrs. John Bfomgren were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. Mrs. Wulhuter of Oak Park entertained the ladies of the Myilth Park Sewing Circle at three o'clock eoffee of Chicago Mr. aaA tiaeef MMl IfiM land Lake, Mr and Mrs. Kommerew ef Oak Park were eAterteiuad at the home of Mr. aad Wn. Redene at . ••HLi hranhoe and Mr. aad Mrs. MufrMer of Petite Lake were callaca laatBaturday evening at the boms ef Wttard Darrell. Mrs. Efaner Ksplaf^ipd Mr. and Mrs. William mitt aad two children of Wsagnnds spent the weekend at Davenport. Iowa, aad at Moline and were aocempanled bssne Monday by Elmer Esping who had ^ent the past three wedai at the tmpa of Mr. and Mrs. Id Raping at Mmtn, Iowa. He also Iowa lil-SWiHb, I1L Mrs. B. IritoakNt entottaiaad Ito fSsltowing gaaets of HEyiKb Itok at a e o'clock tanrheea last Wednsaday: Mrs. L. Boshonville, Mrs. W. Swinka and Mrs. Joers. Mr. aad Mrs. W. O. Brooks of Libertrvffle were supper and evening ~ eats last Friday at the home ef Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. On Saaday they left for a two weeks' vacation at Albany. Ore., where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peehelc. Mr*. Peshek is a sister of Mr. Brocks. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen were entertained at a six o'clock dinner at the kerne of Mr. and Mrs. Witty at Rgriaia Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthew*, and sons, Robert and Lyle, and Willard Darrell attAded the Black-White shew at Cook Grows, Waaeoada, last Friday The junior heifer calf of Robert Matthews entered in the junwwt a blue riftbon this foil Wood Holstein odf as Irfs project in the 4-H club last January. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagne? attended the dinner at Fremont Center ea Sanday given by St. Mary's ehurefcu Dancing Every Saturday Night Throughout die Season PHK JUUKnSOIfS ATF6TAKEE BAT AnotodSuMdMi fP.S N'" FofMtMindDrtaki --i;/ .;.J ----- Sunday Dimuri a SpaeUlty •» rfciwil KUSIC ST ssmaio HOXICK'S OKCHSSTU Brittoh reports of wtr actions are g«herally fatended to be lettable, aa sarvey show* ^th v%>y lit- L tie fatsMeetien fer propaganda par- j ^eies. llM'Admiralty always admits [ WihiIIOIQXQ| BVWI (M vMVB QBM^N. Bsp sits of tiie Air Ministry and the MMdle Baat Cbmssand are also said te be highly trustworthy. When W. E. Mahoney ef Sen 9HKcisco, was held for speeding, he said he was harrying home to his sick wife, Init his small daughter said: "Daddy was seeing hew fast the new car would go." Mahoney was fined *SJ0. Check Up For Vacation ! aiad Travel Trouble Free Avoid anBBjriag br*akd0Wns on the road. Let onr export servioe men five your ear a complete orerbaaliBg before yon start, to insure safer, smoother drtfinf. We have one of the best equipped garages in llfinoiia. nriw in today. II f ^ ^ .JLJUA'S t J&j* vjt if? * iiii L' CEN GARAGE J. SMITH, Prop. The first of 7,000 British juutiu te be trained annually in the United States as combat pilots arrived this month and1 have been assigned to Army and civilian flying schools. Aa additional 1,000 will be specially trained in aerial navigation. In the first four months ef 1941 used rubber reclaimed in the United 8tetes amounted to 88,500 long tonsj or nearly 13,000 tons more than in the similar period of 1M0. Several firms are now manufacturing syn» thetic rubber in considerable quantities. As soaasone has said, moat «f tits' things we worry about never happen* We have just read of a sailor who roamed the seas for many years, always haunted by the fear of being drowned. He finally met his end by falling off a camel in. the Sahara.- desert mm! breaking his neck. Thieves who stole three radio receivers in Richmond. Va., spent $2.1.0 in postage to return them to thelf owners, with this note enclosed: "We don't like it. Ton are costing as dough. ^ t f ' r o a i $ v.*4 ._4f. ,.v r »•> i < » < 'I.I i ft*•«.*-' •• K- . . , . "• •"*- r '0:4 S*? vt * t?,- i * : ; PL Sf, Ife .•%$&!&>(.. <1,- teiiJs; • , . .. • .. '^5*' ^ h ' -J * v . " i , immm % W g-i I -}>\ if ' -"J!* " oMtain of Hmw labor uniont <U t 1 A ^ % mft f a.-/ • ,r , labor unions havo mad* thoir demands upon tho railways of tko Unitod Sfafos--and through tho railways upon tho PUBLIC-Thoao domands oro vastly largor in proportion than any (hoy havo avor mad*. Tho ocowomicol and efficiait operation of tho railways is vital to tho nation's dofonso offort. Thorofo«of tho Wostorn Railways prosont to tllo public tho following fads: fho labor unions representing onginoors, flro*' «n«nf conductors, brolcomon and switchmen on ^demanding a 90 per cent increase fn wago% amounting to 190 million dollars a year -- ' demanded advances in their pay not included a ^ in tho above figures, and more n*)es for mm cMttati of unnecessary 4 Tho sltuaHon, then, is this: The total cost of ^ complying with all the demands made would be approximately 900 million dollars a year! \ The average weekly earnings of railway 01 now tS per cent higher tfaan in the peak I999^while the cost of living is 12 per cent leis. being ^ *' fIf I >$' " - Other unions representing a greater number railway employees are demanding wagi Increases ranging as high as 95 per cent^t. . Averaging 47 per cent--and amounting to 58$ Inillion dollars a year--although their present Jjates of pay also are tho highest in history. Thus the wage increases being demanded by immmmmJmmam MSHMaHmaaw jpie labor unions amount to 770 million dollaip •% year, an average Increase in excess off* 44l pot cent. The demands of tho railway labor unions _ t made when the entire nation has just been asked to make a supreme effort for National Defense. m 1-?$k K*. *- t'r :• .j-. v -'t~- i •" The railways cannot meet these demands without • great increase in the cost of transportation. They exceed by more than 700 million dollars the income that the railways had left after paying tjkiilr annual expenses, taxes and charges in 1940. The railways have a vitally important fob before them They need all their resources to continue adequately to serve you and contribute effectively •% i 'w -* ^r*1* THE WESTERN RAILWAYS

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