1KH ociety i i 't ! > C V... . «k... ». Bridge Clab /Jjast Thursday, Clara Miller was hostess to seven ladies who joined ISM in a few games of bridge. The awards were merited by Mrs. Elizabeth Michels, Mrs. Rose Freund, Cl^JJpei and Mrs. Marie Wilbrandt ^ r C? • • * Pinochle CM» Mrs. Frank Blake entertained a group of ladies last Wednesday at an afternoon o£j>lnochle. JOw Pf**® ners wer i'red Schneider, Mr*. Albert f%und. aad East River Road A regular meeting of the East River Pinochle club was held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Thomas Thorineson. The awards w*re received by Mrs. M. A Sutton, Mrs. John Braeseke and Mrs. Huey Kirk. On July 10 the ladies will enjoy an outiag instead of-a regular meeting., ..'yr° '» • • • Bride-to-be is Feted ' V" Miss Agnes Smith, daughter bf VlT. and Mrs. Peter Smith of Johnsburg, was showered with a great many miscellaneous gifts Sunday afternoon in St. John's church hall at Johnsburg. About forty-five guests were present to spend a delightful afternoon playing five hundred and bunco. A dainty lunch was then served at a table deeorated in pink and white. Miss Smith will become the bride of Henry Weber ea July 9 at St. John's church. • • • Marriage An--weed Mr. and Mrs. Conrad A. Pohlmann of North LaVergne avenue, Chicago, announce the marriage of their daughter, Marion, to Mr. Ralph Wesley Berjrer. The bride attended Mundelein college and Chicago Teachers college. Mr. Berger is a graduate of the University of Illinois. After a honeymoon spent at the summer home of the bride's parents at Pistakee Bay, near McHenry, the young couple will make • home in Anderson, Ind. a dinner for Miss Bertha Justen on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Vernon Mikkelsen at Woodstock. Many games were played and Miss Justen, who is to become a bride in the near future, was presented with two beautiful gifts. ..v Woaai*! Society The Woman's Society the ©em munity Methodist church wishes to thank all those who helped make their dinner and bazaar last Thursday a success. The ladies still have some aprons, rugs and linen towels to sell and anyone interested may phone Mrs. Floyd Covalt, 246, Mrs. Lester Bacon* 175, or Mrs. C. H. Duker. 130-W. • • • /*- BM Mr. and ;|8r*.<>Wraa|c {ttake entertained tk«i"9iJVMd|*'<fhi Hundred club Salitflif VI%nH*?r The prises were awaillM Mllti" Herbert Simon, William FMNMd WeitL The club wiU weettwfth Mr. and Mrs. Wm. FreundomJulyli. WllMag 4-ff Workers Juas 26, tfcte WIlHng; 4-H Workers met at the *»«*r*1*3?Kr Hayes, the occasion lMaj^l^^bt^dayii Alter the I Stewart - Pierce Nuptials twilUM im*m - '-yave at a|U. a JireTHarv Stewart talk .boS^KttW- Next Alice [ oflmi St^^S^d, Thompson "demonstrated * Fabric (jiy<Je Allen Pierce, son of Mr. Values.' Then • talk, Considering, ^fra. Mark Pierce of Spring Grove, Fabrics." wis gm»n by Mildred were married Saturday afternoon, Thompson. Garties kltd ftmfch complei- June 21, at Xahoka, Ma, They were eathfreieeting^ - ^ ^ \ i j unattended. The groom left as a vol L. 'u,",; v' 4,,. I urkteer for army service on Monday r 'V™®-'. / tfl -i°f this week. The bride was gradu- The Forbe ifc rfnb ra^t; at the ited this June at Union Grove No*- home of Gor<}o5t Sfchfttte ,on June 30. mal and wiU teash at a sohool After the husihen raeetfrig- the club collect an4, j&edge were read. Then Laura Sherman read a stAty about Padercwski 'and his death. , Refreshments were served. V ^hite^ater, Wis. ^ tfcrt th*' meeting of tffe Bp* • worth League was held at the churchy At the ne*t meeting,' Jiwy 28, the LaUra Sherman lead the devotions parents of the members are invited and that meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. C. W. GoodeUwith a talk on Palestine. After the business meeting the group played games and enjoyed some refreshments. Last Sunday, June 29, Beryl Colby Her Bridal Shower ^ Ike girls #T the Alemite office in! was in charge of the devotions. Woodstock two of their , topic was "Patriotism." group at a dirtner at! Shady Lawn the | Each year the League sends at least past week, flmS Berfna Justen of one member to the Methodist camp Ringwood, a brrae-to-be, **»« Mrs. near Lake Geneva. This year Beryl Ray GrampelSpprger of Woodstock, Colby is the representative and the the former Emily Kaiser, a recent bride. Both r&eifod mtiny Tbvely gifts from their co-workers, Miss Justei^ *es from duties in the" home north of riage to Harold of July 12. . month Knd is at her r. ' Her mar- \te** **** camp is open from July 6 to IS. »t-t •> • ""w • . Attends Luncheoa Mrs. Betty Nielsen of McHenry was among the guests at a one o'clock luncheon at Woodstock last Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. J. Todd and Mrs. N. P. Nelson, who were co-hostesses. The home was decorated with madonna lilies and roses and the small tables where the delicious luncheon was served were centered with small bouquets of mixed flowers. Contract bridge was played and prises were awarded Mrs. W. F. Bsbcock, Mrs. Robert Bayer and Mrs. L. 1* In*fcam.s •. ,f • • • .. W.C.O.T. ^ ~ St. "Oira's Court, W. C. O. f , will hold only one meeting each month during July and August, the meetings to be on July 24 and August 28. Plans are also being completed for the annual picnic, which will take - place Thursday, July 10. The members are asked to meet at the parochial school at 11:30 that morning and to bring with them a covered dish and their own plate, cup and silverware. The picnic will be held at Ben Connor's Oak Lawn Grill, a short distance north of McHenry on route SI. * % • Honor Alfred Miller Alfred Miller, who left McHenry last Monday when he was drafted into the army under the Selective Service, bid his many friends a farewell Saturday evening at a gathering held in St Mary's hall for ISO1 relatives and friends. As a parting gift, the guests presented him with a purse. Music fer dancing was provided by Clem and Vmce Adams, the "Twelve Feet of Harmony" and refreshments were served. Mr. Miller, who resided on Richmond road, was engaged nt; the fattle trucking business. t'-i » e e e Honor Chief Ranger Ifrs. Kate Worts, the chief ranger, ,%K honored by approximately fifty members of St. Clara's Court, W. C. O.F., last Thursday evening in St. Mary - St. Patrick hall. The celebration was in anticipation of the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George Worts which occurred the following day, June 27. The hall was decorated and a large cake bore the appropriate greetings. The ladies presented Mrs. Worts with a horseshoe composed of twenty-five Ames, as well as a purse. Cards provided a splendid evening of entertainment • • • Farewell Party Approximately one hundred guests gathered in the Peter M. Freund heme at Johnsburg Friday evening to hid farewell to two young men who were inducted into the U.S. army Monday morning. They are Alvin Freund, son of the Peter Freunds, and Harold Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L. Freund. The two boys are $rst cousins and are the first to be \ Urafted from Johnsburg. Refreshments and drinks were •erved and the large group of relaf lives and friends presented the boys with a purse. The members of the Johnsburg baseball team were -also in attendance, since both boys were ' members of the team. tk*i Announcement the marriagfe oif Elgin and Mr^ cago. which toolc 28, at Kohoka, ed by Mr. an<t of Woodstock and, Peters i been, made of j'Evftyn Bohl of Raters of Chl- >IM| Saturday, June Tfiey were attend- Wjlljam Schmidt r, and Mrs. Peter Triple Celebration _ - . A large celebration was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Schulz near Johnsburg Sunday in honor of their own thirty-eighth wedding anniversary, the birthday of their son, Kenneth Schulz of Oak Park, and the forty-third wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grede of Saginaw. Mr. Grede is a brother of Mrs. Schuls. ' The guests were Fred Grede, Miss Hattie Reich, Mrs. Savina Boyle, Mrs. R. Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. A. Zehm and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Alberts, Mr. NAfter°i Say motor trip in the'""J ^x,and .dau*h£r' M n rsouth, ihe couple Will .rtS^e at 128 m,1 t «"d son, Mr. and North Kflbourn street; Chicago. Mr.! Mrs--P*ulJkllulz' Jr-, and Mr. Peters is firehian at' the Williamson Candy company in Chicago. Mrs. Peters is a teadier' at 'the Griswold Lake schooL ' ' -\m •* Farewell to SeveraJ relatives ered at the Math McHenry Sunday John Glosson^/ttho inducted into the private, a fond were Mr. and WieL and Mrs. Harold tJ.S. and Mrs. T. Schulz, Mr. and Mrs. W. Peck and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. Grede, Jr., and family, all of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. C. Schulz of Elmwood Park; Dick Dirkes of St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sauerwim and family of frfeiula Mth. B*rw3rn; Shlriey Hawley of lUng- ®on to IN ndijr to kc Palmer R^rt. Miss Katherine I. Palmer, daughter D. J. Palmer of Elgin,* and army as a quests Mr. S* "f1 _ ^ _ Mr! and Mrs. ®°"8Tl*® G. Roberts, son of Mr. and A1 Amo of Kenoiha. Wi^.; Mr. and ®®rs- Roberts, also of Elgin, Mrs. Ed Tonyfttf^stafr ifrn, Mr. and were mmrri*d Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Joseph t^Htso^f%. and Mrs. June 28- 4:30 p.m. by the Rev. Bill Glosson aiid fa^Syfllr. and Mrs.. Laarence C. Prendergast at the pa*. Harold Justen and' family, George house of St. Laurence's Catholic Glosson. Adolph Doi^u and Donna • Belle Krohn of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Justen and sou of We*istock, and John Jones of Rockford. • * • TsfHsr . Hsrip At 2:30 p.h». 'Sunday afternoon, The date chosen for their marriage was also the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of the bridegroom's stint and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Worts of McHenry. Miss Darlene L, Palmer, a sister of June 29, the marriage of Miss Amelia bride,-and Miss Lula Mae Miller ~ "" were her attendants, while John K. Thompson, JrM was the groom's best man and only attendant After the ceremony a reception for twenty-five guests was held at Hill Crest tea room, Dundee. A threecourse wedding dinner was served. Taglier and Mr. Raymond Hertz was solemnized at St. , Peter's . church. Spring Grove, by Rfer. ftlm L. Daleiden in the presence of tip,immediate families and a few dose friends. The bride and groom were attired in white suits. Attending the couple were Miss Helen Robis and George their return from a wed- Buchardt , ding trip in northern Michigan and A reception Was held at the home Canada, they will be at home to their of the bride's parents at Dunn Lake '*^*nd8 *t 1010 Dundee avenue, Elgin, following the ceremony. Among those *** employed at the Elgin Nawho attended the latter wire Mr. and ^®®*1 Watch company in that city. Mrs. Tom FFKitxsppaaftafriicekk,, . daughter, Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauen, Paul Weber and Miss Alyee Nodland. '• » m m Elroy Jarkmak Honored Elroy Jackman, Wh6 left Monday, Frasier • Siksock Simplicity was the keynote of an afternoon candlelight wedding aervica, read before a -background of palms, white hydrangeas, pink and white June 30, to serve a'^esr In the army, P®°"'es *nd (ladkdi, at which Miss was a guest, of honor at* a surprise Frasier, daughter of Mr. and party given by his parents, Mr. and , ^ C. A. Fiasier of Grinnell, lows, many Miscellaneoua Shower Mrs. Ralph J day, June 22,, a1 McHenry. ' were played dinner was servfed night. Mr. Jackman gifts from his guests. . ' J Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sommer anjl family, Mr. and Mrs. !>. A. $ommer and Carolyn Dusenbury of Kankakee. 111.; George Milton and children.of Walworth; Geo. Bartell of Z«nda, Vis.; Mrs. Louise Goss and sons and Mr. end Mrs. Roy Schultz of Chkagq;. ^r.. and Mrs. Gilbert Anderson and son of Harvard; Mr. and Mrs: Roberif tHReSpie and son of Woodstock; Annie S. Rose of West McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jackman and sons, Mr. arid Mrs. Walter Priegnitz and Margaret Galtsgfcer of Crystal Lake,1 * « > * l * • Bridal- Showers Miss Yvonne Benwell of West McHenry, who is the fianeee of Mr. Stanley Charles of WoOdstOek, was honored last Wednesday evening at a dinner at Oak Crest gnrtn by the group in the offices of the Farm and Home ta • ftetory the staff to pul fortottdliMS for the smoother warUttg mm* business. One BMVning he was shown into tha ofltot d the chairman, and announced (hat he had thought of a amy of insuring that none of the hand* would be late in the ftiture. "That aaonds food," said the chainaan. "How do you propose to do It?" "Sure and thafs aisy, aorr," said Donovan. **Tbe last man in Mows the udiistla." MOVED OFF "So Kitty is finally married. How did she come to take the plunge?" "She didn't. She was^ stand off by three younger sisters." Unfair A teacher received tha following latter from the mother of one of her pupils: "Dear Miss don't give Johnny any more homework. That Sum about tow long would it take a man to walk a hundred times round Market Square caused his father to lose a whole day's work. Then when he'd walked it you marked the sum wrong." . Commencement . • . Da Quiz--Why do they caB ft eommtneement when folks get through going to school? It seems to me that's a misnomer. De Whiz--Oh, no. They just commence to realize, after they get through, what a soft snap they've bean having. going. Better Surprise Harold--Where are you mother? Mother--Toa surprise party. Harold--Opn I go tab--and can't we takr Bobby and Susie along? . Mother--No, you weren't invited. .Harold--Wail, don't you s think they'd ba-lotr mora surprised if you took uaf 9f4ENTY or CHOICS 8he--I wouldn't marry the best man living. Ha--Well, you've got a big seleotiou from those that nca left What la ao rare as a real Jwe day That truly comes in June?-- A day when the laughing breeiea pUjr With orohfcrd.blooms at noon. When sunshine Is mottling the orchard gram And jewel-hlqa la the sky-- That's the Junp day whieli oomee to pass - ^ Somalimes l*ta in Julf. : fismi Last Weed First Stranger (at party)--Very dull, isnt H? Second--Yea, vary. First Strange# Let's go home. Second--<1 can't. I'm tha hoet y Sun- became the bride of Mr. Sidney James T West Sikock, son of Mrs. William Silcock games ' Lake Geneva, Wis. Hm single ring A picnic' ceremony was performed by the Rev. and at LeLand W. Mann, Congregational pastor, in the presence of sixty guests on Tuesday, June 10, at 4:30 o'clock in Herrick chapel. The bride is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith of McHenry and a frequent visitor here. The couple was attended by Miss Julia Booz of Winnetka, 111., a college classmate of the bride, and Charles Silcock of Lake Geneva, the groom's brother. After graduating from the Grinnell High school, Mrs. 84lcoek attended Grinnell college for four years, graduating with the class of 1941 with a music major. Mr. Silcock attended the University of Wisconsin at Madison for three years and is affiliated with Beta Theta Pi fraternity. After a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. 8ilcock will be at home for the summer at Lake Geneva. Mrs. Arnold Anderson was hostess Kanday afternoon at a miscellaneous / V Shower in honor of Miss Bertha Justen. who is to become the bride of Mr. Harold Skow of Woodstock oh Sat- ^y..,;.4|rday, July 12. The hostess served a two-course luncheon and five hundred ' provided entertainment for the aftertflioon. Prizes were awarded Miss Bertha Justen, Miss Bern ice Justen ' .and Mrs. Alex Justen. Those present were the Misses Beri Justen, Marie Miller, Evelyn Hay Kathleen Justen, Mrs. Ben Jus- Mrs. Alex Justen, Mrs. J. F. Jus- Mrs. Elmer Justen of Richmond, •"* :S(rs. Jack Hart, Miss Eileen Huette Of Chicago, Mrs. Jade Purvey of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Arthur Bopp end Mips Sabina Huette of' Evansten. ..ilSr-l „i*3L je.4* Bureau and county agricultural of fices at Woodstock. The honoree was ' but they don' presented with a single gift which she greatly appreciated. She was again the guest of honor at a delightful party last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mable Thomas of Woodstock, with Mrs. Clinton Martin and Mrs. Fred Eppel of West McHenry sfpj^tMK. .The brideto- be was preaen1^ wi$ft many miscellaneous gifts P^th*'pleasure of the guests, the provided i The prize Miss to Mrs. Anftu WaSTiyTHiigwood. A romance U^flageaLJKas enjoyed as a contest pertaining^ to brides. A lunch was served at afternoon. CMMvea Hard ta Fasl Woman like to be baffled, says Russell Swann, sleight-of-hand artt lflce to stay baffled. If a trick is done for a girl it must be explained, or she gets mad. He says that dentists and doctors often excel as amateur magicians, and children are harder to fool than intellectual grownups who attempt to apply logic Some big-shot racketeers take keen interest in sleight-of-hand, and are as difficult to fool as children. Swann was born in Washington, D. C., so perhape conjuring came to him eaaily and naturally. Ready fter Grandpa Mrs. Horner -- Don't Jab that clothes brush in the baby's face! What's tha Ideg? Jasper--Fm Just getting him in practice for kissing grandpa. * Mg lay...an- Roogy--Has Oscar changed much? Woogy--He thinks so. Roogy--How so? Woogy--He's sJways talking about what a tool he used to be. The home of Mr. and, Mrs. Lloyd C. Benwell near West MeBenrr erne the scene of a lovely garden wadding Satu* day, June 28, at 8 p. m. when their daughter, Yvonne, became the of Mr. Stanley Chariee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robwrt Charles of Woodstock. An improvised arch of pink roees and white wedding bells with three huge baskets of hydrangeas graduated in size marked the end of the" bridal path. Miss Mertie Beard, pianist. sounded the strains Sf Lohengrin's Bridal chorus as the maid of honor, Mis^W iiUfyi^^nweU^a j^etsrof the were followed June Adele Dunker of Poplar Grove, «otadn of tii<r4iride,^wlio strewed rose petals in tilt path' of the bride, the latter entering the garden on the arm of her father Irho gave her in marriage. At the altar they ware met by the bridegroom end his attendants, the best man, Don Schuett and the usher, Russet! Beard. Rev. H. J. Coflfeu, pastor cf the Spring Grove Methodist church, read the nuptial ceremony. J^receding the wedding, Clayton Aiyjk "erson and-Mrs. Marlowe Shaw, sang "I Never Knew" and during the ceremony, "I Love You Truly." Miss Beard accompanied them. The bride was dressed in a floor length gown of white moosseline de qpie with lace trim and her finger tip veil was held in place with a coronet of white gardenias. The bridal bouquet was bf white carnations and gardenias. • • < - t : Miss Benwell, maid of honor, wore blue mousseline de soie and Mrs. Beard peach. Both carried bouquets of pink and white carnations. The flower girl wore a yellow floor length dress of the same material. The men of the ibridal party wore boutonnieres of white carnations. The bride's mother wore navy blue sheer with white accessories and the groom's mother chose a poudre blue lace dress. Both wore shoulder corsages of rose buds. A reception and two course lunch was served in the home after the wedding. Garden flowers were used as decorations around the house, and on the small tables where the lunch was served were pink and white carnations. The bride's table was all in white with white lighted tapers. The Misses Lillian Nordin, Ethel Dimon and Laura Demnan assisted with the serving. The bride and groom left for a short honeymoon, the former traveling in a Mack sheer with white accessories. Upon their return they will be at home with the groom's parents at their farm home. The bride is a graduate of the McHenry Community High school with the class of 1986 and has since been employed in the Farm Bureau in Woodstock. The groom wi ated from tile Woodstock Community High school in 1932 and has been connected with his father in the management of tha farm. The out-of-town guests Included Mrs. Ida Schrimer and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Schrimer and son. Chaster, of Chicago; P. H. Frey, daughter, Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frey, daughter, Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Luckner and son, Robert, of Mt Prospect, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and daughters, Shirley Ann. Rath Las and June Adele, of Poplar Grove; Dr. and Mn. C. H. Rushing of Hampshire, and Mr. and Mrs. C. B, Benwell of Grayslake. The remainder of the guests were from McHenry, Greenwood,' Ringwood and Woodstock* MISS DOROTHY BOWLX&. CHICAGO, BRIDE OF LEO MILLER OF JOHNSBURG Miss Dorothy Bowler, daughter of Ifrs. Mae Bowler of Chicago, became the charming bride of Mr. Leo MiUer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Miller of Johnsburg, Saturday morning, June 28, at (1:30 o'clock mass held at Queen of Angels church in Chicago. Mrs. Martha Gorski, a sister eg the groom, served the bride as matron of honor, while Miss Marie King, the groom's niece, served as bridesmaid. The best man was George Zarnstorff, a brother-in-law of the' groom, and the usher was Harry Post, a friend of the bride. The bride was lovely in her gown of white brocaded marquisette, entrain, and her fingertip length veil was draped from a tiara ef pearls. She carried a prayer book corsage of Last Sunday, June 29, Mr. and Mrs. George Worts invited a large group of friends and selathws to gpend the day with then and to help them celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. A High mass was read by Rev. Paul Tuchlinsky at 8:88 that morning at St. Mary's church and (faring his sermon, Fatter Paid paid tribute to this couple who ate very well known and held in high esteem by the people of MeHenry. A dinner was served to about seventy guests at 12:30 p.m. Sunday in St. Mary's hgU. Toastmastfr feg the occasion ^ &ou**4 g gin, a nephew ef Mtvaud Mrs^Werfe, who was thttV Wtth his bride, the former Katharine Palmer of Bgin, whom he had irsidsd the previous day. Short talks wet* given by Mr. and Mrs. Worts, Msjgr. C. S. Nix, pastor of 8t. Mary's ehmeh, sad by Edward J. Ross and-Lester F*«a, <* the Buss -Page Motor sales, ^here Mr. Worts Is employed. Marilyn Mc- Mahon of Chicago, a grandniece of Use honored couple, danced for the occasion. The celebration continued throughout the afternoon, during whieh timn Mr. and Mrk Worts aeated on a tractor to lead a procession of several cars through the city, A sapper was also served ta the gaests. In, Hm McHenry Plaindealer flies for 19l8> an acceuat of the wedding ef Miss Kathryn Pfajt and Mr. George Worts appeared. ceremony took place in Sty .Mary's <4lureh, MeHenry, on Tuesday'morning, June 27, 1918, with the Rev. Edward Berthold officiating. i The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Emma Pint, now Mrs. Harry Hartley of Chicago, and tile groom's attendant was Henry Schaefer. Both of the attendants were present at the twenty-fifth anniversary celebration. The newspaper clipping of the wedding goes on to tell: "The bride was becomingly attired in a blue tailored suit with a white picture hat The bridesmaid wore a tailored suit of blue with a hat to match. "The bride, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pint, has always been a resident of this city. The groom is the second oldest son of Mr. and Mrs Jacob Worts of Vote." To all Comm Tkactf the ship Serriee «f the earlier hour f« yequest we School for 9:30 a. at* ing Worship will begin at 10:00 a. m. The services will be closed at 11:00 a. m. The minister has ehflsm as his subject for next Sundayr MT!ie Man Who Would Not Believe." The church needs each one of us and we can receive , t enrichment from worship. . _ will meet at,fcS0 and High School League at 8:08 am. V* Ti May we all anita In the pelehration . •f the Lord's Supper Wednesday ' - > • evening, July 9, at 8:15 p.m. that the Worbe at an ' *»V <• with this f • Sunday T '• ' and Morn- \ tJOMIlTG JHWtS July % 4,1 ft Legion Carnival. II-; Jaly f ^ •. v Bake Sale--Central Market -- sored by Christian Mothers. W O O. F. -- Annaal Picnfe --- Oak Lawn Grill. . East Rivey Road Pinochle OutiRg ^: ' C . Jaly 19 -U 'ji,.-..--' Red Croas Sewmg Days--High Seheol. m ^ .f - Jaly U " . . Bi-Weekly Five Hundred -- William Fceund heme. ' July 18 ' ' Community Church Orchestra Cott* T cert Community Church Halt ' ihC'-T " Jaly 19 - 20 St Peter's Church Carnival--Spring - Grove. ' July 28 " Public.Card Party--Sponsored h# Christian Mothers and W.C.O. F.' . Wy U ^ W. C. O. F^Begn^r Meeting. ' Party prizes, shower gifts, wedding r gifts, anniversary gifts, etc., 5<fc ind . / up. Nye Jewelry and Gift Shop, West ¥'* McHenry. 7^8 ^ r £:--0 Subscribe fot The PleladWUif LEROY MKL8EX WEDS lobeaiks orssLN nr mssotiBi SATUSOAT Miss Lorraine Engeln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. fingeln of MeHenry, and Afr l4s|My Melifk, son at Mrs. Howard Watties of West McHenry, were quietly married Saturday, June 28, at Canton, Missouri. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Leonan^JKih, of McHenry. The aewljueds have gOne into housekssping in the upper apartment tm the Htfriwd Wattles home on Waukegaa street Mr. Mshsk, a graduate of the-fceal high sehool in 1M8, Is the office at Johns-Manville in Watdtagan, and feds bride, who was also graduated from the McHenry High school in 1888, is employed at the Betty Nielsen Style shop on Riverside Drive. » WMtit AM ; 4fmuim • Rocause yoa caaaot««. «a%/»rfcrsisii i ilessiiai, *e iamgrhy of the msasfrc mnr is your oaljr valid pea* lsc«lon.TWpricstfMtyeapey ssssas amhiag; kf» stajw that rnssri, Ik special ise la Abbots Vhsmia Pkodacss hemase of V'11" Bulger's Drug Store Grosa Teacher--Jasper, what It adult? Jasper--An adult Is a person that has stopped growing except in the middla. % '• - in' I i i iP- ' |Js«aBy®a - ' • : AH ihlngs may coma To thiMe who wait; ' But wfajia tiiay do y They're out of data. canton iwr piece consis holding in p Miss King Mrs. Gorskf chose turquoise blue chiffon for her gown and her headconsisted of a hand of roee buds place a matching blush veil, wore orchid chiffon with matching Mush veil and bend of gardenias. Both carried bouquets of tea roeee and sweat frees. The bride presented her attendants with a necklace of pearls. The mothers of the bride and groom Wore corsages of gardenias and sweet jpeas, A Pienle Teacher--If I take a potato and divide it into two parts, than Into four parts, and each of the four parts into two parts, urhat would I have? Little Emily Potato salad! "There goes In town." "Really 1 That's talks about him?' the moot talked-a( Whs Turning over the sod on the lawn of his home at Rutland, Vt., Kenneth Martin, 19, found his mother's weddose ef the j ding ring, which he had thrown out of I a window when a baby. Quia* tha After mass the bride presented a bouquet to the Blessed Virgin while the organist played "On This Day.'1 Twenty-five guests were present at the wedding dinner which was served at 1:30 p. m. at Igler's casino in Chicago. Later a reception was held at the home of the bride's mother where a supper was served at seven o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Miller will reside at 4722 Talman avenue, Chicago. Mrs. MiUer has been doing secretarial work, while Mr. Miller is employed in the Envelope factory in Chicago Special Sale Friday and Saturday SUNKIST JUICY 8WXET ORANGES, ddMM _19# ira i RED POTATOES, ^ 39^ ilW GREEN APPUBB 4 I** 15# McHENRY FRUIT MARKET RfrenidtDrtat Engvla Bldf. <, w* dHMIhaMMMSIlH Special REVL0N Offer! Used Inexpensive rags are . usually given a sizing of gJuaJflm material to make them appear heavier mad mora firmly woven, to time, with dampness, cleaning and wear, this gradually comas out. This is why cheap rugs suddenly appear limp and wrinkle on the floor. "fin' ytteM. u •: % ;S: Nail mwml Regular 60o aise of Gbeny Ooke, Hot v Dog, Rosy Future or other shades. IilpafcMt "Very generous special Chaek stick Cream rouge--trial size. r;r,~K:?a Base cjoat--very geoerov special size. The state employment agency in Saeramente, Calif., uses jigsaw pdz- See t» test the aldll applicwts foi jobs. 'JThink of it 1 You g* t a bottle of Rev Ion, the world's most famous nail enamel . . . famous because of its wonderful "stay on" quality . .. plus Revlon Lipstick, likewise famous because it really stays on hours longer . . . plus a Revlon harmonizing Cheek Stick .. . plus Adheron, with cholesterol,* best known nail enamel base coat that makes longer wearing Revlon wear even longer. _All for only 75c. Hurry ... get yours today. This offer for a limited time only. * Important substance actually found in get^s Drug Store Qnm Strott , " L. .W'j.i.'.'i. , 1' M" '• ' -t;