% While this big aluminum drive Is on have combined with Jim Powers a plan. Of coarse, you know that a charivari is order just as sown if Billy Fries and his bride return. . Jl We all know that rtolsemakes the jferoom dtrdfegi to treat the boy*. So--Why^ not "gather all the old pois ^ l«ad pus (aluminum ones) and take ^llkem to KBy*! party. Oh, We simply have to make this biff party for Billy. He did so much for ns on that key deal: " I Wo want all you guy* wad tils to join in this "recepttsn." WoU make Billy the Aluminum King. What's more--if yon brine a dipper, h*H have to fill it with lemoned ... or soraethin'. d Haven't been able to sW eraBin* sdSbaQ games, but they . qr that LeRoy Conway is the Ted . v|irnU«M «f theleagoe. ; j LeSoy can ^ay any position, M j l seems to have trouble with those low 'fyQ.Jthrows sround the shoe-tops. Bat, troubles have just startai iN«xt Monday night the Donkeys are 4i"•' ':^J-'icomlng to town. The' LC's will play a Johnsburg 4teaa We're betting: on the Donkeys "Fetie^ Scheef e^ wiQ be the umpire In chief, but we inspect the Dosta* will ran the game. /j. ;#se Regner wont rttkfi • ' •, • I*st Sunday w^ took, in die Shamrock -Elgin A. C, thriller. j'-,,- The Bhanfrock winning stotok *ras : jst^ipodst l3. Should be some ruk to £v••^permit winning jinx-number-ll-game " ?^^Hnt . . . then go on with the string. Our bonnet is tipped to those Shamfrocks. A little more power in tho outfield would make them a wow of a ball i Jin Lttkiit and "Bod" Bolgor an i good-looking battery. 1%if show results of practice. We have been trying to see the "Gome of the week." Two weeks ago it was the Johnsburg - Woodstock battle. ^ ^ ^ B NoWi ess pisn to stay right *t home .and watch the McHenry nine battle the league-leading Johnsburg Tigers tiext Sutday. This >h*ald he the ^Gaine of the * ' A ard from Mayor Overton, of the Yellowstone Park Overtoils, ribs us with a remark that the local papef out that way played up the fact that <our White Sox had won another ball Tht Mayor makes no mention as to whether they have heard of the Cubs 4ut that way or net! ' ' Word comes from Altenaa Regmer that Ed Linke, former speed ball "artist for Johnsburg in the era of the . Frett Bros, team, is working hard to taring out a large crowd for theirbig game at Waukegan and would like »isome * mention of the attraction. --f-- In case you haven't heard, the {Philadelphia Frillies will ploy the Johnson Motor Seahorses st |7aukegan next Monday afternoon -- game starting at 6:80 p.m. . "Red* Fsber and Bob OTaweB-aw yanking their spikes off the hook to nlay one inning for the Seahorses. Page Andy Lotshaw and his body rub! I ' ^ 'v'i A neighboring newspaper in reporting the evils of McHenry refers to the municipality as a '•village.'* The McHenry Forester nine scored 6 to 1 victory at Hebron last Sunday to mark up tMr fifth straight win in the County league. Hebron scored the fly* run of the gamo in the second inning whsa three straight hits were sandwfcbodta between the second and third strikeouts of the inning. The Forester boys were feeble with their-bats until the fifth bming. Then Anderson and Mewari aiagled and am home on Wiser*s triple. Four hits, featuring trlpiss by Renny Brita andthurtw.il, am* three run# anise thtfplaii iMA» and woundup the aoorinfc* Anderson continued Us strikeout record, adding sixteen victims to Ma list. B. Smith, batting in the No. 2 QOt for Hebron, fanned on each of his four appearances. Jimmy Wiser made * strong Wd to bring his batting average opto a move respectable standingwith a triple and single. Pitches Johnson wa« the only Hebrew better who didn't strike ont et least once in the game. What's more .. . he was the only 2-hit gent In the numni Donkey Baseball, one of the funniest games ever conceived, is coming to McHenry en next Monday evening, Jriylft. The game is being put on under the direction of "Mac," supervisor of the summer playground activities, and will be^played under lights. The proof the game will be used to help for playground activities and nt. la selecting the players for the game, the committee in charge has great cars to pick men who know Pedtology." After very over the list of eligin this community the "following men have been listed to plsy. JL of GL Jnbnoharg Jim FHsby^T^G. Jackson ing softball last Thursday W ;Dan Schmitt "*•;/ Art Jackson Clarence 8ehaefer Leo Smith Joe Jackson Fred Huenuuut Walter 8diadfar B. Schultz ' VN-.v*! The Every «*n in the McH hit safely. B. Brit^Sb M. Whiting, 2b ThurlweO, lb *«S£- C. Andemon.p R. Freund, rf J. Howard, c J. Wiser, ss *«" ... lineup Don't miss thp game MCI Totals D. Sjmith, is B. Smith, Sb K. Johnson, lb L. A. Johnson, cf . H. Loertscher, e Judson, If Latham, rt 6chultse, 2b < L. Johnson, Totals .35 Thrrr baes Brits, Wiser, Thurhrell. Two-base hit--Latham Bases on balls--off Anderson, 0; off Johnson, 2. Struck out--by Ander son, 16; by Johnson, 7. Batters hit by Anderson, 2. Double play--IX Smith to Sdudtse to K. Johnson. , They eant do that! We've been a city for years. $ut maybe our population signs on the highways fooled ^eia. The figures are way behind the last census. •1 Muit ie the present state admhdstrataon just ' counted the JUpublkans. 11 Don't forget to honor Billy Pries With all the old kettles you can find. --»-- We might have guessed about Billy. His old pid, Eddie Matthews, has been in town. We really owe Eddie a tin-pan Shower or somethin', tool JOHNSBURG, WOODSTOCK AND McHEMKT Of CLOSE &AOE1H COUNTY LEAGUE The Johnsburg Tigers maintained their grip on first place in the County iLeague last Sunday by beating Algonquin, 8 to S. With Woodstock on the winning >nd of a S to 1, score at Harvard, the jTigers had to win to stay sway from a tie. The McHenry Forester team Won Its fifth Straight to keegi|» string hold on third place:* jfUllllaUUH Woodstock County League Standings W L Pet. R OR ..-..--tO 2 .833 108 58 .... 9 8 .760 89 68 , McHenry 8 4 .667 94 62 Alponquin 6 6 .500 58 44 Hebron 5 7 .417 82 88 fcrystal Lake'-i... 4 8 .383 78 118 harvard 3 9 .250 66 104 Richmond 3 9 .250 73 116 • - vT •' 'J-1' "" •• SHAMKOCKSLOSEIH EXTRA - DmDRW TO STRONG ELSXH OLUB On last Sunday afternoon a large crowd of baseball fans gathered at Bhsmrnrb Parte and saw one of the best games of this season or other season. That the Shamrocks lost a 3 to 2S ll-inning battle to the Elgin A. C. aggregation is non over the dam. What fans win ber is how the boys played the The game was primarily a pi duel. "Big Jim" Larkin proved himself one hdwra good pitdber in MP battle with "Lefty" Andrews, a nifty looking southpaw with contro) befitting a fellow twirling with his right paw. Hits were scarcer than hens' teeth throughout the game, while strikeouts ran to a high figure. Andrews fanned 17; Larkin 13. Daring base running on both sides told the story. In tact that's Just how the game was finally won in the eleventh. With Cooper of Eight on third, Larkin fanned Hopp. When the ball got away from the catcher, necessitating a throw to first for the potout, Cooper eet sail for home and beat the return throw. Brilliant stops and catches gave the crowd plenty to watch as both toCM fought hard for an edge. Notes ea the Game Harry Stilling collected an all-important hit besides playing a brilliant game in left field. All Stan Oilers . K. of C. Clerks . C. O. F. Johnsburg'... Married Men McCuIkm Lake Art Xnneefe: Mel Whttini KB Grew Bob Willis Bfil Sutton George Frisby Dan O^Shea Bob Frisby • "Ftetie* Sehaefer -- Urnfh*, All th* *>layers must ride donkeys* but they get their feet ©a the once in a white. (Needless to there are occasionally other parts the players' anatomies on the ground.) It is when they are batting that the men get a reet from riding. However, as soon as the bettor hits the ball he must get aboard a donkey to ride to, first base. "Mae West" la Good Shape . The Bar-X Ranch troupe of baseball donhsys is said to be in tip-top shspe for the battle. The frisky little jenny, MMae West" is said to be in particularly good shape. An added attraction will be thd .... iDenkey Derby which will be run just --Altheg^ j hefsre the game. Local -digaitarie^ have been silectod to be the jockeys. lite Bar-X Ranch, team of Mountain Donkeys has been trained to play in their lespectlve positions and the spectators are guaranteed the laugh of their lives in wstching the plajprs try to score. The game is scheduled f$r 8:15 sharp sad wfll Jbe played on the Anderson baseball, field. If you want a genuine laugh, come and bring the family. The admission charge for adults will be twentyfive cents and for children under twelve ten cento. Urone of the Mpes of evenhig, tka AMNars upset tiie league-leading OUsWi't - 5. With the league schedule at 0m half-way mark, this defeat of fto OOera throws them into a tie for fitst iiaee with the ABStars, both having six victories and one defeat. Keep in mind the Donkey baseball game on Monday night, July 28, at Anderson's diamond. The K.C.'s and Johnsburg s*a sashing up the two and tlM should furnish many a laugh fsr both players and Spectators. ,3Ebe'•proceeds from the game will go into the playground activities fund. " The umpire of tins important game is to be nVtii1' Sehaefer. in addition to the baseball gesso a Donkey Derby race with four outstanding McHenry astride*-the donkeys will be an feature. Come out and pick a TIGERS BEAT HOPF ^ ; AMD MATES TO STAY ON TOP OF LEAGUE A six-run sixth inning gave the Johnsburg Tigers an 8 to 8 victory last Sunday at Algonquin and kept the Tiger team in first place in the County lsagna Carl Hopp. pitching ace of the Algonquin team, worked his head off in the first five innings, striking out eleven batters and leading t to 0. Then came the blow-up. \ Norb Smtih led off with a single. Meytrs singled. Wal* Smith hit the trees in dteep center, scoring two tans. Ted Pitsen doubled to right center, 'Sonny" Smith struck out. Bud Miller sent a sharp line drive t« right, scoring two more runs. Joe Freund walked. The runners advanced as Kreuteer rolled out. Howie Freund sent, two runs home with a hit to left. Bbel reolaeed Hodd on the mound. Nor*.jfeifth, battipg for the second time in the inning,-closed the inning with the third out. . The Tigers scored two. more in the ninth to make everything safe. Next Sunday will find the Tigers on the McHenry diamond. Be there. J. Zamecnkk, aa Moehle, lb Bancak, c . H. Hopp, cf Ebel, 8b -p --.~3 Bread^auer, rf...... -8 T. 8imonini, If 4 E. Zamecnick, 2b .4 C. Hopp, p - Sb --4 •sen's tennis team lost their at Woodstock Sunday sfter- 5-2, whSe the McHenry girls' beat the Woodstock girls, 5 - 9. Won ..6 ..4 ..4 .J .0 Lost | 1 t 4 4 9 f Tsnnis Leader Resolto Twomley, WoodWock, defeated L. McCracken, MeHenry, 7-5, 6-0. Hendricks, Woodstock, defeated V. 8-6, 6-1. defeated Woolf, »-l. k, defeated R. Gladstone, MAlBiy, 6-1, S-6, 6-2. ' Dixon, Wndstiek, defeated P. Harvey, McHenry, i4, 7-5 C. AJtheff and L. McCracken, Mcenry, defsatod Hendricks snd Woolf, oodstock, I4,H Twomley and Dixon, Woodstock, defeated V. Frsand and R. Gladstone, McHenry, €-1, 4-6, 6 2 TRUCK-AUTO dOLUOft . A trudc eperate|f by Robert Frisby, Jr., 26 years old, of McHenry, and a car driven by Al Ahendroth, 49 years old, of Elgin, figure in a collision Sunday afSJV^m. on route 31 sbOut a mile north of McHenry. State Sgt Lester Bacon reported Abendroth's car struck the truck as it was maheuvfor a loft turn. . lbs. Lou Abendroth was reported slightly injured snd was removed to the home of her mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon, at Ringwood. Mr- and Mkt. A. E. Nye spent several day* last week at Round Lake, near Waupaca, Wis-where they visited Mr. sad Mrs. Harry Hitsomaim and family, whoare spending their vocation in the CIpin-O'Lakee region there On their return to MeHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Tiy* called an MQwaukee relativea. «. r x . Bruns, bronsed behemoth, who recently returned to the United States mat wars, after a world tour, has been matched with Jim McMillen of Antioch, for the one fall, one hour time limit main event, at Peg's Arena, Grayslake, on Friday night., July 25. These two heavies put on such a packed arena, that a rematch to a thriller last Friday night before a finish was a natural. Nango Singh, who lost a match to Ruffy Silverstein on pfcper only, raised quite a rumpus iri the shower roorrs after the match. Fried rich von Schacht, giaiit Gorman will return after a short lay-off, against Michele Leone, popular Italian boy in the semi-windup. The main preliminary match will see Gorilla Grubmyer, popular, unpopular heavy, pitted against Jack Claybourne, colored athlete. Also two light-heavies, who appeared two weeks ago and stole the show, are booked in the opener; that is George Hessel against Young Haekeaschmidt». . <, 'Stjhday The f«^tor<^^^rra^of the day ' Kran^^^^^^^^^^^nday's feaity to Isad tito comers to a handfrsp raoe, gt*fa« two jalopies a half lap Hid in «n lap heat. The Arfint speedster is so sure of himself has agreed to winner take all money plus a substantial side hot. This special event plus the racing card will be held Sunday Griswold Bowl speedway at Wi starting promptly at 2:00 p.m. Bond QUIZ « if I suddenly need the money I jvut use Savings Bond? * " Y«u can cash your Bond at any time, after 60 days, full waoiuU paid, plaa any interest due JOE JUSTIN VISITS EASTERN STATM Oil FOUR-BAY JOURNEY Joe Justen, who resides near Ringupheld his title as "The Motorcycle Kid" last week by coming through with another trip, his third long distance hop during 1941. Last week Joe took a four-day trip to the New England states, where he set foot in, principally, Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. Thus Joe has completed his circuit of all forty-eight states in the country and some of them he has visited a number of times. He traveled 2,400 miles during those four days last week. Last January, Joe took a trip t* Florida** felting his car so that he couty: take a few companions with hip. Then the latter part at March he climbed aboard his trusty motorcycle, taking his pup tent along for companionship this time, and he headed for Mexico on a fifteen-day trip. Altogether he has taken about tan of these long distance trips. d owners cash their Bonds! Operator Jess Coble, I •xenee building superintendent at Camp Davis, $10,000,000 antiaircraft firing center being built In North Carolina, received this longdistance call from one of his worker* "Very sorry, -boss, I just can't make it to work today. I don't haws 50 cents for bus fare." But Just before that the boss hsd hoard the telephone operator say: "Desosit 85 cents, please." Oslsrs of Ratobow The colors of the rainbow art rod, •range, yellow, green, blue aad violet, but the colors of individual rainbows may vary. lied and violet can nearly always be distinguished and bhiee, and yellows may all tttere is, however, of colors because toe rainbow is not a single spectrum but a series of overlapping spectre. ant to help arm America agnrnst all many cases, people are patting every can spare into Defense Bonds and £Some are doing this by asking employ- ^rs or banks to withold part'eff their salaries in ' ; ^ ^jonier la buy the*? Bonds or Stamps forthent A; MOT®-- To purchase Defense Bonds and Stamps, go to > Rarest post office or bank, or write for it- ^ formation to the Treasnrer of the United States, - ^Washington, D. C. * T !' W' : & w 31ttUat north Plant wfflbtepiM • »*>i 'T^ J VJ7 1 Tkg paM'tf;|nTlted to oa& and iaqpeet tUg pUnt We, handle all kinds of dairy ndjtybutter, eggv, iee eream, eto. Daily defrreriM wmbaB>«di i|i|^Eenry,|a4 inf ttrrneryi^ I» *W!> JOHN FREUND " TELEPHONE 636-W-2 Elgin players and fans had high praise for the Shamrock team. The Shamrocks will play host to tho^Johnsburg Indians next Sunday. • Bgto A.E -- 1""" - Ludwig, 2b --8 Funk, If 4 Cooper, cf --4 Hopp, 8b 4 MocUer, ss 5 Major, lb S Andrews, p Berth, c ... Shoals, rf 8humacker»tf Total* •owniecitsqooeije ShamrodM -- § Conway, 1% ... W. Bolger, c . H. Dowell, ss G. Larkin, lb J. Larkin, p .„ P. Dowell, cf . T. Bolger, 2b . H. Stililng, If B. Dowell, rf . B. Bolger •Totals • Score by Innings £lgiftf-- 101 000 000 01--* « 4 Shamrocks 000 001 100 00--2 4 2 Two-base hits--Cooper, Funk. Runs batted in -- Stilling, Modder, Hopp. Bases on balls--off Larkin, 1; off Andrews, 1. Struck out--by Larkin, 13; by Andrews, 17. Hit by pitcher-- Larkin (Cooper, Hopp). Ui Cristy, Crespi. A confessional is an oversize wing chair with extra wide wings for pri- • ; 4". I i AAS. :r*S*'--AV h-vi.mv. TO ATTEOT) THE BIO AHMUAB ^ . - (»%•'v•>*," • .H It Iwi a Vta' *.-? *r»a> •3POKSORED W if *V"* ~*£f N'. '.j r. Totals Jshasbarg --• • Wf r Si&b&rt ••• TT.T.TNOTB «r Miller »4t-m Totals -- -41 - • " Two-base hits A. Smith, T. Pitsen, Simonini. Three-base hits -- C. Hopp. Walks--off Hopp, 1; off Ebel, 1; off Kreutser, 1. Strike outs--by Hopp, 11; by Ebel, 2; by Kreutrer, SERVED ROM 11:30 TO 3:90 8U1H1AT AFTERNOON -*<OHLY 60 CENTS; CHILDREN, 36 CENTS RIDESi GAMES REFRESHMENTS J ' LW MEET TOUR OLD AT THIS CELEBRATION AND MAKE SOME NEW ACQUAINTANCES . LOOK FOR ACTION! JOHNSBURG - MpHENRY OAME NEXT SUNDAY Omt miss this one? The Johnsburg Tigers, leaders In the McHenry County Amateur Baseball league, are coming to town next Sunday to cross bats with the local Forester nine. McHenry is riding high on the crest of a five-game winning streak and the boys have their eyes on first place. Clarence Anderson will be primed for this game perhaps more than for any contest so far this season. In fact, the whole McHenry team is snorting for action. They want to beat Johnsburg. Southpaw Bill Kreutser, a control artist, has been in rare form the past few games and will be in there with all he has for this particular game. Baseball has picked up in McHenry this year with the local teams climbing to a formidable spot in the league. If you like action in a ball game, ark this one down on your calendar and join what promises to be the largest .crowd of the season at the local park. Again -- .gpa't atiss this otfeK • .c fef.fc.V-: '•