oaeiv iNoies •"'1 WS Fox River Valley Camp 4.t a meeting of the Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., Tuesday evening, plans were made for a public card party which the camp will hold in their hall on Wednesday, October 29. .All officers are requested to be present at the next meeting on October V so that they may practice for the con. vention. The camp has received an invitation from Woodstock camp for Guest Night on October 2. HIT minus A, MALLORY THI STOWAWAY --Misada of comfort, becaaee tU« link •cw Mallary whh kg dsca^ tirely casus! air k crafted by Mallory'i eadmfrs Hisfcli process. And that i--im moftwt hceese to tha touch, yet as Aapo* rniieini as dwlM^r flMUL Devil-may-care snap « brim, plus •daahiag array I j ofcooKtAttsaaMaii ( ' fill* MALL9IY STVIIS $3.50 to *5.00 McGee's Store for Km 1•« _ *1 % t* .<* t** * I, \ - Attend Prayer Service JMr. and Mrs. Ned Bourelle of Mc- Collom Lake spent Sunday evening in Chicago where they attended the Catholic Peace Prayer service which was held at Soldiers' Field. This spectacle of solemnenee, coupled with the magnificent pageantry of the church, pre- 1 ;swe-'<n;-t=e!-d• .fl sight •n ev•e r •to be forgo< tten. ' v .4* Honored at Dinner. Mrs. Harry Dnrl*fttf%fcer. tained at a thinner in honor of Mr. and Mtt- Waitc* Rathse , last Saturday evening at ""their home on Riverside Drive. The Rathzes are moving from Evanston to Peoria in the near future. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thane Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Me- Mahon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schuenemann and Mr. and Mrs. George Kauss, all of Chicago and Evanston. • • * H-V :'v Birthday Tlrip .-On the occasion of her eleventh lirlKtitsy Monday,- September 15, Do! ores Vales, in company with her mother, Mrs. Albert Vales, her brother, George Vales, and Victor Lombardi, took her first trip to the Wisconsin Dells. There they enjoyed the scenic boat trip, spent sometime shopping in the afternoon and enjoyed a tasty dinner that evening. Dolores received many beautiful gifts from relatives and friends. next meeting on tenry Weber McHenry {*odge. A. F. & A. M., will hold a special meeting at the lodge hall Saturday evening, September 20. Work in the third degree scheduled. All members are urged to be present. Evening Bridge The members of the Evening Bridge club met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Paul Schwerman. Prizes were awarded Mrs. Edward .Nickels and Mrs. George,JUndeay.v: Mrs. Lindsay will entertain at the i September 25. . • 0 Evening Piu--_ Tfce Evening Pinochle CTCits triw'l&ri" Wednesday esrajnf the home of Mrs. Edward natt The prises were won by Mrs. £eerfe;4. Freund, Mrs. Will Omith MfSM** jfcsifWorts. The club will meet with Mrs.Henry \ on October 1. KimnvgftSoM The PamitaTeacher associated of St. Mary - .St. ^atrkk school wfl! sponsor a rupHftia sale <m September 23, 24 and held in the H. E. Buch building on Riverside Drive. If anyone has a donation for this sale, please call Mrs. ilkj»t>4t Fleming, phone 106-J. r • . •? .. Birthdsy Celebration A group of relatives and friends gathered Sunday at the home of Mrs. Agnes Marshall to wish her a happy birthday. A pleasant afternoon was spent and in the evening a birthday dinner was served. Mrs. Marshall re. ceived many lov.ely gifts. Those present were RoVena, William, Earl and Patricia Lee Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett and children, Ralph, Jr., and Zelinda Anne, all of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Kosinski of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marshall and son, Kenneth, of Crystal Lake; Suzanne Koemstedt of Waukegan and Clyde Carr of Ringwood. •••» . • • '* Family Gathering A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz on Main street Sunday where supper was served and a pleasant visit enjoyed. That evening a portion of the group Attended the services,, at the Lutheran church which marked the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the church. The guests were 'Tfltr.' and Mrs. Ernest Kamholz and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and fajnily, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kamholz and family, Mrs. Carl Schmitt and son, George, all of Chicago; Mr. fend Mrs. Fred Kamholz, Jr., of MfcHenrj^, '.'c i%.. -vY* ! LjkhtuERIC has designed a j Cabana -- housing three of I their famous Bouquet fra~ :grances under a canopystriped top of turqu6ise« pink* and white. A coy pair of silvery fislf gleam against the striped background. For a further nautical effect, ^ rv- the Cabana is topped with < ""'""v-.' a turquoiee rope tied in a double loop. A pretty piece of frip- ; pery to accompany you on Vt _ beach Jaunts -- or on any occasion -- for a dash of LENTHER1C BOUQUET is as refreshing as an ocean ~f i.VO ;: PaWic Card The public card party which was sponsored by the Altar and Itosary sodality of St. Patrick'* church last Thursday afternoon was held in the church hall rather than in the city park, as previously'announced, because of the chilly weather. Ten tables of cards were in play with bridge going to Mri. Henry lunsala, Mrs. E. E. Whiting and Mrs. A. E. Nye; in five Ifandred to Mrs. Walter Walsh and Mrs." Clara Foster, and in pinochle to Mrs. Edward Thennes and Mrs. Henry Hanscflr. Among the out of town guests were Mrs. Edward Cropley, Mrs.'Clara Foster and Mrs. F. Feet of Richmond. 1 fei 1 'r Badness and Professional* ' The McHenry County Business and Professional Woman's club met Monday evening at the home of. Mrs. C. W. Goodell in West McHenry. Members •wefepresent from Woodstock and McHenryi The evening was spent in making plans for the coming year. As a result the women are looking forward to some very interesting evenings this season. The ladies also discussed the meeting Which was held at Elgin on September 3 and which was attended by Mrs. Goodell and Miss Ethel Jones. The state president of the organization was the guest speaker at this meeting. The hostess a lunch after the business Mrs. Harry Durifnd fjitertained the members of the M($h£fcs' club Friday afternoon at h^JuHtte on Riverside Drive. jtober^J* Priram, the new agricultural teacher «t the local high school, was &• guest speaker. Mist Marguerite Frtfnd of«n4 » solo and Albert Rbdig w Johnsburg a violin solo. Miss Freund then sang another song and was accompanied by Mr.Sodig. During the bsttafss meeting it was determined thsfcth* |«rti K«ie dab will give, a concert lw the holt of the public library* Although so date was set, the comert will eccar the latter part of October the Arst part of November. The next regular meeting of the club will be held CMwfter 10 the home of Mrs. C. W» jQeodell. Tommy hsd sprained his wrist and did not want to go to school. "Your hand is bandaged up nicely," urged his mother, "and it won't prevent you from attending your classes." The lad still held oat. He didn't want to go. At this point fattier took a hand in the matter. "Speak up, son, let's have the real reason. Don't you know your lesboijs}" "I know them, all right," said his heir, "but too many boys owe me a licking." Gradual Process "So Mr. Brown is courting you?" "Not exactly, yet. But he is approaching it step by step. The first evening that he called he sat with the album in his lap. Next time he took my poodle dog on his knees and last night my little sister sat on his lap. Tonight I suppose it will be my little brother, but tomorr row I am hoping it will be my tlim " -P!':. „ T ^ HELPFUL BOY Sister--What do you mfcatr by talking about me to Mr. Sweetie? Billy--I on|y told him I was sure he'd never git along wife you 'cause I couldn't myself. Mathematical A mother was very much put out because the teacher insisted on a written excuse explaining her son's absence from school following a,severe snow storm. Whereupon the mother sat do\^n and dashed off the following note: "Dear Miss Kitty: Little Eddie's legs are 14 inches long; the snow was 18 inches deep. Very truly yours, Mrs. Johnson." Bored BiH Bill had a billboard. Bill ffeTlmd 6 board bill. The board bill bored Bill so that BUI sold the billboard to pay his board bill. So after Bill sold his billboard to pay his board bill, the board bill no longer bored "ffc _« t|Thars Different Manager--What do you mean by arguing with that lady? Let her have her own way. Remember, a customer is always right. Assistant--But she said we were swindlers. What! "1 nasi show you my new garters, dearie. Billie says they're the prettiest he's ever seen." "Has Billy made some money?" "Oh, no; Charley gave them to me." Tey and Ne -- Telephone Inquirer --' Is Mrs. Rowdybush at home? Maid--If you is one ob de ladies what's goin' ter play bridge with her, tfks am. If you ain't, she ain't! ~ a* I ---- Down to Cases Lawyer--Now, if you want honest opinion . . . Client--No, no; I want fessional advice. 4 |< - v ;i AND A PLEASUBE *#•«» " The Ladfrwf haven't much ft off$ r you. The Hobo--No apologies needed, ma'am. Any kind of eating is a genuine luxury these days. •elyihd He--Oh, by the oray, the doctor advised me to eat a water cracker before going to bed; said it would prevent my insomnia. Are there any in the house? She--The only thing in- the house approaching a water cracker is the ice-pfck. Drug Store 3S BEGIN NEW BOME Work has Ifeen started on a new home on Park eveani. in the Wattles subdivision for Mr. an! Mrs. Fred Peterson. Mrs. Arnold Ratien of Savannf, 111., who recently underwent an operation at the GeOiva Community hospital, returned Wednesday to the home of her father, John'&egner, at Pistakee Bay Where she is convalescing. With but very few exceptions, representatives from all of the ninety banks in group three of the Illinois Bankers association met at the Crys- , ?al l®'{€ Country club, Crystal Lake, Mrs. Clifford Canfield entered the *n ^eir annual fall meeting Tuesday for an all-day session. Bankers from northern and western Cook, DeKalb, Duftage, Kane, Lake, and McHenry bounties were in attendance, and a verF successful meeting was enjoyed. W. V. O'Conhell, chairman of the department of speeclrat Northern Illi- Woodstock hospital last Thursday as i medical patient. Arthur Simpson, manager of the Pine Tree farms, who has been ailing for the past several months, is under observation at St. Francis hospital in Evanston. Mrs. John Brda returned home ft^i I Tochers college, delivered a very the Woodstock hospital Sunday where ' p,e*8?n* ad®**8. baring his major she had beeft # patient the past few' pre??8e. .on V" ,fa** that we are all weeks fo&ewii* an appendectomy. ™ industry in Marie, the daughter of Mr.^^and tory °f ovjlteltei, the IJnited Mrs. Edward Nickels, who has been 1 of. An inventcr>' o{ undergoing treatment at Illinois Re- j ****** >nd "•WHties and a dividend of search hospital the past few days, re * 1 <OT""'"n would not be amiss, turned hone Eonday where she is im. ' 9 Connelt» *nd logical Esther proving and hopes to return to school L ?n emot,ona! reasor;ing is necessary soon. j before we can understand onrselveS, Robert J. Miller of Johnsburg enter-' !nd we must understand ourselves heed St. Thcrese hospital at Waukttgan , 'ro we can have world understandthis week for medical treatment. I *-• Anton P, Frennd has been a patient' Adams, Jerseyville, presiat St. Thereae hospital, Waukegan, dent of the Illinois Bankers assocssinee last Friday where he is under addressed the same evening observation. j meeting and appealed to the banks to Miss Vene Denman of JKcHenry, a the>- part and more than their part nurse, underwent surgory Monday at *n the campaign to sell defense bonds. St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. J 8*,<' 'n part: "Whether we like it Helen Schneider has been confined or n°t» we are in a war now. If we to bed at her home on Riverside Drive c*n 'teht that war with material rethe past few weeks due to illness. 180urces instead of the blood of our Mrs. George King entered St. Ther- y°unK men and the tears of our ese hospital, Waukegan, this week for medical treatment. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity of thanking all my relatives and friends who were so kind and sympathetic during the illness and death of my be. loved wife, Anna. I also wish to thank all those who brought spiritual bouquets or floral offerings and all who gave the use of their cars for the funeral. 18 Joseph Diedrich, Sr. Mr.f and Mrs. Henry Bodden and Lon William, and Mrs. Henry Kreger of Horicon, Wis., spent the weekend at the William Marshall home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vales of Chicago recently spent a week at the home of their daughter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall widows and orphans, so much the bet. ter for us. * * If the sale of a f?w extra thousands of defense bonds will provide our army with better tools for its job, * • we hal Setter. «et busy and sell them," After a morning of golf, a round table discussion led by Harold Bacon, president of group three, was participated in by every banker present who had a probiem-er a suggestion. Present day problems, with particular reference to recent regulations restricting installment credit were discussed. The evening meeting, called to order by Mr. Bacon, was addressed by Mr. Adams and Mr. O'Connell and was climaxed by a very excellent floor show. A son was bora Monday, September 15, to Mr. sad Mrs. William Gtosson at the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Haldeman of Woodstock are the parents of a son bora Sunday, September 14, at the Woodktock Public hospital. Mrs* Haldmi, b Hie former Rita Phannenj itffl MdSenry. Raymond May of Owja aje the parents of a son ilirsday, September 11, at hospital. Weighing 5 lbs: 12 ozs., Sunday, September ?, to Mr. Et# l&h of Chicago at tal. The Ssh family is well known in Spring Cr*o*e. Mr. and Mrs. Ksurl Bandckol, Jr., of Chicago are the parents ef a son bem, Tuesday, September lit, at the Oik Park hospital. The mother Is the former Rosalie Stilling. Mr. and Mrs, Karl Bamickol of MeHenry are the proud grandparents. The baby has been named Karl Richard III. A daughter was born Monday, Sep. tember IS, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles May at their home in Spring Grove. Paul Yanda and George Kinsala attended the Legion convention in Milwaukee Tuesday. x Dm to the high pricea, wr a§»l$ are fa addition^: to our SupaMfrality, an econ- - , ©my gracU tf Bifef, and there lot* quote tk*following prices: Very,tender POT ROAST, lb. Rolled ^ / RIB ROAST, lb. *3 ' • <1* -e i imiry. BOOKD STEAK, lb. 33*1 S1ELOIN STEAK,, lb. 35^ Trmh 5 eaot^D BEET, ib. __23^>:, , :; FOBK CHOPS, 1 .USS BOLOOHA, lb. KAOOV S<|I7ASE8, lb. 32^ v - J Phone 80 : On«n Street "j Teddy Efferts of Chicage was s guest in the home of Mrs. Catherine Schneider Monday. mrftODucTORY sale or GRANT BATTERIES SALE ENDS 8EPTKKBEK 30 ------ 51 plate Roveno Batteries for Chevrolot 37 Ford 33 - 39,18 month 45 plate Standard Battery, fits moat cart* 21 moiith ; $5.95 Sz. $5.95 Ex. 51 plate 1940 - 41 Ford, tho new type, 21 month a $7.35 Bx. 51 plate End to End Battery for Pontiac, Olds and Buick 38 - 41,18 month J7.80 Ex. ANDERSON'S SERVICE STA. Phone 280 : West McHenry, BL BUT A FEWSU GOESTION8 OF YOUR PROBABLE WINTER MEEDS. WE HAVE A LARGE TEIVEESRAYRTHEiIyJQM,I BTUETD .D ON'T PUT OFF BUYHTO TOO LONG BECAUSE PRICES ARE GOING UP WHTTER COATS t f ^ Our smartly styled coats are made for extra wear,, warmth and beanty. Thefe far-like fahrioe give the effeet of *xpmsive furs but are prloed weH within yonr budget. Sixes from 12 to 41 Also stylish cloth ooats from sixeslltoSO, ^ JACKETS. . Made of wide or narrow weaved corduroy are right in fashion. Jnst the tMhir le^ seel nights! $2.98 & $3.98 Tl illlMB dtVv^VJUALVTAVBifBl # Our np-to4he>miniite line of MBes' sweaters is complete with cardigans, midriffs, cable stitches. Long or short sleeved slipovers or button style. Sfeea &*m $4 to 46/ , $1.00 to $2. REMODEL McCABE PLACE The McCabe house on Pea*] street is now being remodeled iata two apartments. Mrs. Kathryn Maher and Mrs: Mary Wall and the letter's brother, John Knox, of Chicago spent the past week m the Aylward cottage 1&9 just east McHenry. One for Mother Eflla Why hasn't Daddjr fsbch hair? Mother--Bocsuse be thinks a lot, darling. mis (pause)--But why have you got m much, Mummie--? Get on with yous hesak Lsaesems - ' '<** "He's as dumb as an oyster." ""How do you Know that an oyster is dumb?" "Because, if it wasn't, it would kick because it dUhft have any company in a stew." --f-m Philately Total philatelic value sf all stamps in the possession of collectors and dealers in the UniteA States alone is estimated at about $229,000,000. • First Nstchito<Aea, ana Stats flrtt white sei founded in 17 New Orleans. JTack (In front of dental display window )--I believe I'll get myself a set of teeth like those over there. Virginia--Hush, don't you know it's impolite to pick your teeth in >lic, MARBLAGE LICEN81 - Aft! . •iSEA. Robert Graef, Chicago, 111., Charlotte A. Kobler, Chicago, HI. Roy EL Meyer, Richmond, Hl^ to Elise D. Bruhn, Chicago, 111, Robert Thelan^er, Elgin, 111., to Norma Bellows, Elgin, 111. Erwin W. Wagner, Crystal Lake, 111., to Ruth L. Hertsel, Gary, HL Dean Swenson. Harvard, 111^ to Katherine Dacy, Harvard, 111. Charles R. Thiel, Maple Fork, HI., Is Jane A. Tanning, Harvard, IU. % x ' . M,. BIGHT NOW . Is the ter needs in ftabber Footwear, for the prioe Is going up and quantities are limited. We have aroemplMe line of 4 •ad 5 bnckts oventpee, l^oed rubber boot# aiid woHc or dress An $1.09 Oood looking^ good wear- A ftom for dress or sport. different styles in ; oorik er crepe soles. Wide raage of $2.45 to $4.95 If-yon're looking tor a drees shoe that is stylifth and comfortable, we have it. Patented gabardines, snedes andldd in any style heel yon like. ^ $2.45 to $5.00 SPOKT OZPOBDS For the girl who a shoe that wears well, Mks good and feels gopdt Saddle shoes, Dutch boy es, nummtn toes loungers. Sixes range*from 4 -10. $1.98 to 12.98 WOEK . , We can still sell you a f ull-c u t -double-dyed and douMo-eewed sanforised work shirt k;«t only-- • -' 89c h tXk . Also a hard-wear- : ^ iug, medium weight work pants of sturily for $1.59 alii JACKETS . . " " Men's sport er wertc Islets. Week leather er gaktrim. $2.45 to $10.95 tMfies' warm and serviffleetailii in navy, 1298 ATTENTION i! •«(•> 8*yt. M Only s% nncouNT on all irtfrrhinn Ton thisooupentoreo^veth*5%! Name Address XcHEKRY, ILL. Hi % I .1 umn '.v. h " ti* •• ' • Jf-' ' uV<', . 'X w *V, . . A'-* > y- '-f