hhuby (ttbM Entered m second-class matter it th# postoffice at McHenry, DL. und« the act of May 8, 1879. ;«* •* One Year 8iz Months SLIGHT MISTAKE They boarded the Fifth avenue bus, a charming young lady and a handsome escort.' Tenderly he assisted her -they passed through the doorway. The vehicle was other passengers and ed anxious. Leaning whispered to the young FOR SALE--Five - room year - round house, all improvements; double gar. age; located in Woodlawn Park. Write Bo* "O," care Plamdealer. 19-ff FOR SALE--Lot on Center Street, West McHenry, 66x182 ft. Price $350. Also lot at intersection of routes 81 and 120, price $2,000. Ed Mischke, Center St., Phone 107-W. 19-tf FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Type A Home Insulation, installed in your home. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf FOR SALE--72 Wild Mallard Callers. Richard Fisher, Fisher Road, Volo, 111. 21-2 -It APPLES -- APPLES 60c Bushel up Fancy fresh Jonathan Apples they're delicious get them while our supply lasts no deliveries. PINE TREE FARMS at Farm No. 6 & 7 on Highway 120 just 1 mile east of McHenry. 22 FOR SALE--Two-story frame cottage in good condition, with garage. $200. Located on east side of Bay. Phone Pistakee Bay 609-W-l. *22 FOR SALE--Poland China Boar Pigs. Leo Scheid, Route 2, McHenry, 111. *22 FOR SALE--5-room, fully insulated modern home and two-car garage. Oil heat, Dri-gas Roper range, hot water heater, Venetian blinds. Owner being transferred, must sell. Priced low for cash. Richason, McCullom Lake. Tel. 673-M-l. , *22 FOR SALE--Girls' Bicycle, like new. Phone McHenry 50-J. *22 FOR SALE--1931 Dodge Sedan, perfect condition, new tires. $75. Colels Radio Service, 218 Riverside Drive, phone 101-R. > 22 FOR BENT A •* FOR RENT--Suite of offices -- one waiting room and four private offices; November 1. Wm. Pries, Phone 80- 20-4 FOR RENT--3-room Kitchenette flat above Royal Blue store about Nov. 1. Running hard and soft water; $11.00 Garage if desired. F. N. Muzzy, Ringwood, 111. *22 jammed the es_n forward lady: "Cani ling?" Eve toward they no' swered "No, home.* the bus was turned tty young lady and er btath, as she anwa& i until "Henry," said his brand new father-in-law, "I put a check for fifty thousand dollars among your wedding presents last night." Henry nodded with appreciation. "Of course," continued toe old gentleman, "you understand that was only for effect." "Oh, yes sir!" bubbled the bridegroom, "and let me say, sir, the effect was very satisfactory. The bank cashed it without question at 9:01 this morning." Somewhere at sea, this picture shows a ekaeup view of the stern of we get a United States destroyer with the deadly "askeans," ised to ight sub- Marines, closely packed in her depth-charge rack. The U. S. navy is ready lor action and alert for enemy war craft, since President Roosevelt taMNDiied America wovU? no longer wait tor her shipping to 3>* attacked. "When a mas accidentally gnesses a woman's age he learns what accidentally means." When Allies Raided Spitzbergen "Do you'lice't man that quotes poetry?" "Well, he is usually betted than one who relies on original conversation." a: . FOR RENT--Bungalow on Green Street, McHenry. Hot water heat, modern, garage. Henry J. Schaffer, phone 83-W. 22 FOR RENT--Five-room modern apart, ment. Steam heat, garage. Call Mrs. John R. Knox, phone 17. 22 WANTED WANTED--Reliable Person wanted to call on farmers in McHenry County. Steady work, good pay. No experience or capital required. Some making $100.00 in a week. Write McNESS CO. Dept. S-, Freeport, 111. *21-2 xKe dinner guest's nose was exceptionally large, and father had noticed Willie staring at it. Expecting the boy to make some frank and outspoken comment, he gave him a disapproving glance. "That's all right, dad," came the reassuring response, "I'm not going to say anything. I'm just looking at it!" Canadian soldiers are shown helping the inhabitants there to gather their belongings on the jetty before boarding a ship that took them to England. The allies raided the islands to prevent rich coal deposits there from being used by the Nazis. Many of the citizens leaving Spitsbergen announced their decision to take up arms against the Germans. Bomber Crash Kills One, Injures Two Aeqaainted iwLlte • Mother wag telling stories of the time she was a little girl. Little ghtfully as she y, sliding down wading in the Harold listened told o| rii the haysta£ft! ind brook on the farm. Finally he said with a sigh, "I wish I had met you earlier, mother." Silly--In .the^Efkim live on caiim aid b a m e The* o country they blubber.' *UvMO mi WANTED--Woman to do day work in home one mile south of McHenry. Mrs. J. E. Day, R-2. Phone 606-J-l. 22 WANTED--One and all to get the chores done early so that they may be on time for the Hard Times Barn Pance at the Fox Pavilion in McHenry on Saturday, Oct. 25. Tickets, 86c plus tax. MISCELLANEOUS DEAD OR ALIVE AHIMALS $1.00 to $15.00 Gash Cows - Horses - Hogs No help needed for loading! Prompt and Sanitary .Service ... Day and Night, Sundays and Holidays none Wheeling 102--Reverse Charges CLIFF"S RADIO SERVICE--107 Riverside Drive, Phone 436. Repairs on all radios and electrical home appliances. All work guaranteed. CLIFFORD WILSON, Prop. 9-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 11-tf 1 WE HAUL--Black dirt, sand, gravel and hogs -- Also do light hauling. Mervin Staines, West McHenry, 111. Phone 638-M-2. 22-2 WILL EXCHANGE--12-gauge Remington Automatic Shot Gun, perfect condition, for good boat and outboard motor. Manion, Edgewater subdivision, McHenry, Saturday and Sunday. 22 itO*. "What* a-necessity?" "A necmiiy irauTnethmg you go without in order to make a down payment on a luxury." |» Follows Instruction! atea^Didn't I tell you to bo* overt . iwaa• quarter past Hi Mach Better at «on, ril show you r^phoidd start on Byjokn Harvey Fmrpmy, PkJ). LOUIS A MERICA'S famous Negro prizefighter who rose from poverty to earn a million and a half dollars in six years is usually called Joe Louis. But this is not his full legal name, which is Joseph Louis Barrows. His mother, Mrs. Lily Barrows, married a second time and is now Mrs. Brooks. When Charles Roxborough met the aspiring fighter in 1932 and asked him what was his name, he got the answer: "Joseph Louis Barrows." "That's too long," snapped Roxborough, who was to become manager, "we'll.just call you Joe Louis." And thus was decided a name that has become famous. : (Public Ledger--WNU Service.) ;• • Fit Shoes by X-ray ' • Five thousand stores fit shoes by X-rays, at least one manufacturer designs his shoes with the help of the machine. • si:;.;..-*--. Drain 19 State# The Mississippi river and its tributaries drain 19 states, or about twofifths the area of the United States. Skeletons of hundreds of buffalo recently were found buried at the base of a cliff near Poplar, Moat* Produced la Transvaal More than one-half of the - gold mined in South Africa ia produced the Transvaal, Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer. -- lames Knight, 24, crew chief and pilots WUeea B. ("Tex") WHi aad Pan! Penrose were ia the ship above, whoa Ike craft era shed ea a test flight Knight was killed. They had Jast takes off at tl airport ia Los Aageles, Calif. Ike plane Is a North iMrieu MS. i i , -- The Only One Who Could Read? KG* TOb *AK DOWN "I came seek a position in your' •• - -- "I NBMMHydu wish to start in as presid^Kf^k down." " MjJ JJum^SnM^d (to new maid) --BeHfeweful when you dust these pictures, Mandy; they're old masters. ' "VW Mandy-Gracious, ma'am! Who'd ever though! yovfttbeen married all them times. ftr Toads Unnerve City The city of Ansonia, Conn., has veccme a sleepless and unnerved gown because toads have returned •here and are now playing an en- #ore> which the citizens thought was Jeiped out several years ago. Fifty thousand dollars was spent on a drainer project in an effort to keep* 9ie toads out, but heavy rains re- 'fllled the pond basin and made it a breeding place. The toads soon learned about it and the city is rued. • Just Testing *Miop* this time you've brought me matches that will light, my son." *"• ' • "Yes, mother," said the little lad. "I've triedv«heittj every one." = Probably it was the rope rather than literacy Oat kept "Queenie ea guard duty while the boys frolicked ia New York's East river. The yoangstcrs Ad not take any ehsaeee if tke gtetk of tk for anything. Hitting tki . Open-hearth steel Spot workers accu- ®tely heave shovelfuls of dolomite feet through narrow furnace doors to build up back wall spots no larger than a dinner plate. 'M'M NihMfei m <. - Early Cultivatlea Early cultivation, very close to the vegetable plants, followed often enough to prevent weed growth, will eliminate th$aecessity of much hand hoeing which is expensive,- says Charles K. Hallowell, Philadelphia extension representative. Shallow cultivation always is a safe rule to follow, in order to avoid loss of roots which take water and fertility from the soil to the vegetable plants. Europeans Against Natives There are only 300,000 Europeans in the Netherlands Indies, against 00,000,000 natives. Lightweight Planets Total weight of all the minor planets or* asteroids is estimated to be only about one one-thousandth of the earth. - . f ' Women la Congress Women in the present congress as of May 1, 1941, one in the senate, Mrs. Hattie W. Caraway, of Arkansas, and seven m the house, as follows: Frances Bolton, Ohio; Mary T. Norton, New Jersey; Caroline O Day, New York; Jeanette Rankin, Montana; Edith Nourse Rogers, Massachusetts; Jessie Sumner, Illinois; and Margaret Chase Smith, Easter^ The earliest date on which Easter has fallen in over a century was March 22, 1818. i . . . population of Halifax ' 'fcffc population of Halifax, Nova Scotia, has doubled since the war began. m-' Mr. and Mrs. Cbarfes Brda are tfie parents of a C Hb 11 at. daughter born at the Woodstock hospital on Saturday morning, Oct. 11. Mr. and Mrs. James Klabough, formerly 6f Lily Lake, are the proud parents of a daughter, born Oct. 11 at the Maaston hospital in Mauafrwa, Wis. v, Pigeeas Fly Coop An Akron, Ohio, officer testified he knew his priftoner was drunk because his eyes were bloodshot, whereupon the prisoner calmly removed his glass eye and the judge said "case dismissed." Tke Messrs^ Kurwoski and Stawdohr of Chicago, each claiming ownership of three pigeons, suggested that the judge release the birds which then would wing home to their rightful cotes. A window was opened, the doves flew forth--whither no man knoweth to this day. r • • ••fyV./"., Bars for Zaar Bars for zoos, jails, bank vi are of steel, high in carbon and manganese content, to make them strong, hard, unbreakable, and imv possible to cut, with ordinary instruments. No Mourning for Wives Chinese mourn for * their equals and for their superiors in relationship, but are not required to mourn for their deceased wi?Mp-- Heavy Gold Chains The famous heavy gold chains usually worn by courtiers in Fifteenth century England cost from $8,000 to $7,000. ' • ' • *: in "riiirg•r' 11> '; w£,i*l'T i. , 'iV • •- -'A Speed of Normandie The maximum speed of the French liner Normandie is ahout 80 knots and is developed by its 180,000 horsepower engines. WW* «ydopsi in 1989 the total had risen according to the cen- .'Sp X" Oa IwHiioi ot eslsrisr fleers of waodt cement mmI keelseM--wlMwverelMA* iknfck aimJ wAlcMeMtant ctvaasl fiaim^ U Atund, Wcx>< "61" Floor EMPMI saivfee. Ikbes^f •'Joeprtbfcaafcss ncely< flewf-out dsately ea<l. I 4bo spMsdb VM. AinaSliodii 1r 10 popular,! ptedkil' colors. NICKELS' Hardware Phone 2 West McHenry « f/m _r "ass* Xrade In ^Those' Worn Tires Mow >s$ "'•-J: my? _ -ym CHAMPIONS and HI-SPEEDS We can make you a liberal allowance for your old tires* Tea, we have White Side Wall* in popular giset,. Firestone Batteries $3-95 and Hp Spark Plugs - Fan Bette - Radiator Hose We carry a complete line of belts for refrigerators Vire and Tube Repairing, Vulcanizing ; i Battery.Changing and Repairing 526 Main Street Phone 294 -- West McHenry doer of worm iWNflOl HMOAMW# m2Mt a AtUub it in 30 st€«Wi Weighs Icm th«a 14 pounds. No pipes ot boltt --yoo don t even need a wrench. Wfi K v* •' ' Now--cn)oy automatic heat when' it aunts the mist and cuts the kjtt.l Gpunts the most--because Fall days with changeable- wefethcr take lots of furnace fussing if ||M| don't have automatic heat. And don't forget about cdbt-- < Fall and Spring are the seasons when automatic heat costs the least! It takes a lot of exaa fod ; : • •. • • to bui|d a new; furnace fire every few days. The automatic ga| house-heater saves money,because it doesn't waste fuel. And beside)'1 that. .. you get a special low house heating gas rate! Get the complete facts on thi$ fine new work-saver now. Write^T phone ot come in to ^Qul L*t it d* mil tk« wrL Setchethcra- M d»e bouse tempematf you „ Bkcbwc--dieaiagctib GAS ^ EI UNITE