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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1941, p. 3

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001* W. DS BASIL'S BAULET vrnxm 80BHS FEOM' PAGANOn" - • Ballet Emu* Fills One Week Engagement • & at Civic Opera Htost : .#%• Original Ballet Russe opened a week's engagement at the Civic Opera Home in Chicago last Monday evening. Col. W. de Basil is that director general and Fortune Gallo the general •The program for the remainder of the week is as follows: Thursday Evening, Oet. 28 -- "Aurora's Wedding," Tchaikovsky. Petipa- Kijinska, Bakst-Benois; "Eternal Struggle," Schumann, Schwezoff, Martin ; "Protee," Debussy, Liehine, de Chirko; "Prince Igor," Borodin, Fokine, Roerich. Friday Evembhg, Oct 24 -- "Swan Lake," Tchaikovsky, Petipa, Schervadiidze; "Les Presages," Tchaikovsky, guine, Masson; "Graduation Ball," Strauss. Lichine, Benois. Saturday Matinee, Oct. 25 -- "Carnaval," Schumann. Fokine Bakst; "Franceses da Rimini," Tchaikovsky, Lichine, Measel; "Blue Danube," Straws, Lifar, Beaumont-Polounin. Saturday Evening, Oct. 25 -- "Carnaval," Schumann, Fokine, Bakst; "Paganini," Rachmaninoff, Fokine, Sudeikine; 'tChoreartium," Brahms, Massine, Terechkovitch-Loarie. Miss Helene Muselle, who has been a ballernia at Radi6\City, New York, since graduating frohi Crystal Lake Community High in 1938, has attained her ambition to become a prima ballerina of the Ballet Russe. About three weeks ago Miss Muselle signed a contract with the Col. W. de Basil Original Ballet Russe, which recently completed a tour of the principal cities of Canada. The Toronto Daily Star and Montreal News wrote, in coiri? menting on "Graduation Ball," that as a foot work stunt, the dance step of Helen Muselle and Genevieve Moulin is the most remarkable feature. SOLON MILLS Mrs. Ida Westlake and son, Charles, drove to Harvard Saturday. They took Mrs. Cora Hebert home who has been visiting in tike Westlake home for a couple of weeks.* Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Hodge and son, William, of Delavan and Mr. and Mrs. Button of Lake Geneva were Sunday evening callers in the E. E. Cropley home. Mrs. Morris Balene spent Sunday with her grandmother. Mrs. Freund, at Johnsbarg. Those who attended the 0. E. S. card party at Richmond Friday night were Mrs, E. E. Cropley. Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. West-' lake, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Oshorn, Mrs. Jackson and Cora flboi A group of friends and neighbors surprised Mrs. Ida Westlake recently on the fei«jhty-third anniversary of her birthday. A lovely lunch was served by her daughter, Mrs. Charles Westlake. , Mrs. E. E. Cropley Ked Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick were Antioch shoppers on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cowan of Harvard were calling on friends here last Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Talcott and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby, the tetter's mother, Mrs. Cynthia Fryer of Crystal Lake, and Gerald Van Tassel of Marian Junction, Ala., visited Mrs. George Shepard one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walking ton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walldngton and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Walkington returned recently from a few days' trip to Knoxville, Tenn., where they attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mrs. Ben Walkington's sister and husband. ^ Miss Alyce Smith of Greenwood and Mrs. E. T. Barlow and Mrs. Josephine Pierson of McH«nry._ retained last week from a ten days' vacation spent at the Deils, Wis. Mrs. Mary Zhmmer of Palatine spent last week visiting her sister, Mrs. H. J. SchaJFer. Rev. Father Frank Miller of Warren, 111., spent a few days last week with friends in McHenry. Mrs. Margavot Rasmus.«en of Chicago c&lled on McHenry friends last Thursday and attended the funeral of Joseph Rothormel. Mrs. Amelia Temple has returned . from a several weeks' visit with reladaugnter, Judith, and Wm. Oliver of tives in Minneapolis* JOHNSBURG Art Peters and 1KB Mar* attended * funeral at Half Day Sunday after- Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago •pent the weekend in the home ofllrs Delia Miller. Miss Kathrine Atthoff, Elgin, spent 8nnday in the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. _ Mr. and Mrs. Jot Weber of Milwaukee spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends here. Mrs. George Miller of Grayslake visited with her father, John Pitcen, Wednesday. Art Peters v|i a Libertyville caller flHday evening. • ,Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karis wore Waufcsgan callers Wednesday evoning. Mias "Katie Pitseno# Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday wit&hif Ihther, Pi teen. ,; i Schaefer Mr. imd Mrs. Wm,. J. Meyers and son, LeRoy, and Mr. and Mn. Irvin Schaefer called on Mr. and Mn. Walter Freund at Fox Lake Friday evening. Mrs. Darrell Kirk and daughter Darlene. of Mattoon, 111., are spending a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode. Mr. and Mrs. Roman Waukegan wore callers hero Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund and daughter, LaVerna, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Naocy, Chicago, spent Sunday in tho home of Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Mr. and Mn. Mike Gorski and chil dren, Mrs. Alfred Miliar and Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff of Woodstock «Ad Mr. and Mrs Itay MUtar of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday in ' the hooM of Jfc. 49* Mrs. Joe P. Mil- Iter. - C|t* SNAPSHOT GUILD , St CAMERA ANCLES WMw; Ooat let the nils of "held the camera level" prevent you from setting Interesting, effective snapshot*. Pointing the camera skyward cawfltit this Happy group enjoying their ride. ^ VIN almost every book oa amateur photography you will Ind the warning--"hold the camera level." This is a sound bit of advice tor the beginner, at least as far as most pictures are concerned. However, like m^ny camera rules, it is often violated to obtain some unusual or special effect. For subjects that have prominent vertical lines such as batldtnga, monuments, or similar structures, you should generally adhere to the rule Suppose, however, you want a striking or dramatic effect Ton can then tilt the camera as much as you like. Some excellent pictures have been taken with the camera p o i n t e d a l m o s t s t r a i g h t up or straight down. The angle or viewpoint you choose, depends, of course, oa the oCoet you want. A high angle Is often helpful la showing details oC subjects when the component porta need to be clearly separated. For example, if you can shoot from an elevated position overlooking a golf green, you will be able to show the individual players more effectively. In this case the grass will provide a nice plain background, and the action can be seen much better. ' A low angle, with the camera nearly at ground level, aad tilted upwards Is often used for shots of baseball and football players. This position yields a decidedly more effective picture, and the plain iky accentuates the figures. You will probably find many other cases in which camera angles may be ofed. Let the nature of the subject determine the best angle --high, low, or normal. 0 John van Guilder mSm Waukegan and Mrs. Vera Phelps of Alburquerque. N. M., were dinner guests of Mrs. E. E. Cropley Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Westlake of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. George Westlake of San Diego, Calif., were callers at the home of Mrs. Ida Westlake on Sunday. % Lyman Johonott of New York spent the weekend with his family here. Mrs. Mary Selby is spending this week in Chicago visiting heV son, Henry. Art Cairns, of Chicago spent the weekend in his summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gardner, who recently bought the C. G. Hardy*home, have moved from the old Gardner home. Mrs. Nellie Peatt and Mrs. Blanche Carr of Greenwood were callers in the C. W. Cropley home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Meiner, who lived in the Frank Rehorst tenant house, have moved to the late William Overton homo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardner attended the Holstein - Fresian cattle sale at DeKalb Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Benson entertained all of their children Sunday in honor of their daughter, Ruth's birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Benson and sons, Roger and Rodney, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Miller and daughter, Ruth Ann, of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn and John Osborn and Boade, Glen and Barney Benson. Mr. and Mrs. George Bell and aon, Donald, of Barrington spent the week* end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell. Mrs. Wm. Gardner and Mrs. Chas. Osborn attended the Home Bureau meeting at Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Osborn of Menominee, Wis., is visiting in the Chas. Osborn home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Begalka and son, Richard, and daughter, Mary Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Begalka of Elgin spent Sunday in the C. L Osborn home. Dwight Osborn of Rockford spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Osborn. Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick and Mrs. Lyman Johonott- have Joined the Rich- Mrs. Jacob Diedrich and daughters, Vandelina and Mary Ann, visited Jacob Diedrich at St. Charles hospital in Aurora, Friday. Edward Knox of Chicago spent a few days the last of the week in the home of Marty and Genevieve Knox. Barbara Carey, who is attending Marywood School for Girls in Evanston, spent the weekend at her home here. Ruth Klodsinski visited in her home in Norwood Park last weekend. Anna and Dorothy Knox of Chicago were visitors in McHenry Thursday. Paul Yanda left last Saturday for Winnebago, Minn. Mrs. Yanda returned with him Sunday after having spent some time at her home there. Private James Thompson of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., spent the weekend at his home in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson and daughter of Chicago visited in the John Phalin home last weekend. Ralph Primm, Paul Yanda and Andrew Worwick were visitors in Elmhurst last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samlow and daughter. Dorothy, of Elm wood Part visited Mr. and Mrs.' Fred Schoewor last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Small of Tucson, Aria., have been spending several days at their home near McHenry. Miss June Hagberg, Chicago, spent the weekend with relatives in McHenry. Mrs. Kathryn Conway and daughter, Marion Grace, visited in Chicago Sunday. Dr. Robert Winkel of Milwaukee, Wis., has been spendfaii a few days in the Nick N. Freund home. He was re' cently given an hwiutfaMe discharge from the army because of being over twenty-eight years old. He has been stationed at Fort Bragg, N. C. Lucille Weingart, Lorraine and Donald Schaefer and Robert Togt spent the weeknd visiting Meads in Winona, Minn. Albert Wilbrandt, Jr., returned this week from a twelve-day fishing trip in Black Duck, Minn. Mrs. Edith Hayes, son, Dick, and Mrs. Donald Hayes and baby visited relatives here Saturday. Among those who attended the Fritz spent the weekend at their Hmm at Lily Lake. Thomas Klabough and Jeaanie Klabough and Lloyd Pelton were Chicago visitors Sunday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Marsh for a week were Mr. and Mrs. A. Zielen, sister of Mr. Marsh, of Williamsvillo, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Moore of North Touawanda, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Wise spent the weekend at their cottage at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Esser of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lake. Mrs. Thomas Klabough entertained the members of the Lily Lake School P.-T. A. Thursday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Beisecker, Mrs. Weiler, Mrs. Woolridge, Mrs. Bransford anil Mrs. Klabough. The serving of coffee and cake concluded a most enjoyable afternoon. Friends and neighbors are sorry to hear that Mrs. Joseph McDonald is ill at her home. She is laid up with a ruptured bloodvessel in her leg. We hope to see her up and about soon. Lloyd Pelton of Mauston, Wis., spent a few days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough. Mrs. Joseph McDonald was a Chicago visitor last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sarle and sons of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lake. The Lily Lake Beautifying club held a dance at the Lilyntoor club. About three hundred people attended. Prizes were won for best costumes by Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener, first; Charles Normand and Mrs. Claude Vachet, second, and Mrs. Strickland and friend were awarded third prise A grand time was had by all. Proceeds from the dance will go for the beautifying of the lake. SPRING GROVE mond bowling league which plays at]Walter French funeral last Thursday Twin Lakes. I were Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klonts, Mr Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Overton of Mil- ] and Mrs. Daniel Malloy, Mrs. Thomas waukee spent Sunday in the W. H. Kane and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Freund Gardner homo. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick entertained for supper Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bell, William Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kilpatrick of Antioch in honor of their son, Ray, who left Tuesday for army service. Mrs. A. C. Meirell is on the sick list. Mi\ aad Mrs. A. Musgrove of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. John Powell of Fox Lhke were Sunday afternoon callers in the C. L. Osborn home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stanger and Kieth Noble of Woodstock were callers in the Joe London home one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gieser, Mr. and Mrs. John Sugruo and Audrey Rubert Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting and Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Elgin spent the weekend in the Aylward cottage in McHenry. Sister Mary Henry and a companion Sister of Holy Angels academy ia Milwaukee visited the former's relatives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago visited in the home of her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens, last weekend.. Mrs. Eleanor Foley and children Patricia Phalin and Helen Knox visited Mrs. Anna Barron in DodgeviUe Wis., last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson spent last Saturday and Sunday in Ephraim, Mrs. Victor Freund of McHenry was a visitor in the home of Mrs. Nick Freund on Tuesday. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Mark Pierce on Tuesday night for an evening at cards. Five hundred furnished the entertainment and prize winners were Mrs. Frank May, Mrs. Mark Pierce and Mrs. J. J. Freund received consolation. Travelers' prises went to Mrs. May and Mrs. Pierce. A lovely lunch was served following cards. Mrs. Cora Westlake Ebert returned to her home in Beloit, having spent several weeks visiting friends here. The firemen held their regular meeting at Town hall on Tuesday night. Cards were enjoyed following the meeting. Members of the Women's Christian society spent a pleasant afternoon with Mrs. Jessie Giles on Friday. Miss Regina Kattner of Prophetstown spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kattner. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Freund, Crys- ^tabLake, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltser spent v:' a peasant ei home of Mr. and on Friday night. served. Sunday guests in the Math Nfw gern home wore Mr. and Mrs. Mike Degen and family of Kenosha* Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pittges of Chicago. Miss Bern ice Nimsgerh also spent tile weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frett and family of Johnsburg spent Sunday with Mrs. Nick Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown left on Saturday for a trip to lows when they visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wirtz, daughter, Sandra, of McHenry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mfn. Jos. Brown. * Arthur and Lawrence Nlmsgern, Charles Karis and Gerald Freund spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Sdimelinr spoaA the weekend with his parents in Roefcford. Mrs. John Weber, daughter, Naaty, of (Fox Lake visited in the Peter WL May home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A! Schmeltser and Mr. and Mr?. Charles Freund enjoyed the broadcast of "Tom, Dick and Harry"* at the WGN studio in Chicago Monday night, r mi examined Dr. Paul L Schwabe McHenry UU Woodstock C74 A. & Nye Bid*. West McHenry OPTOMETRIST THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY YOLO 999 McCULLOM LAKE spent tHe weekend in the Gieser home here. Mrs. Dean Rossmiller of Plainfield was a caller in town Wednesday. Willard Thaisen of Chiqago spent Sunday in the Henry Aubert home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe London, Jr., and family attended a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe London, Sr., Sunday in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mr. London, Sr. Mrs. Harold Whiting of Chicago vb> ited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mrs. Howard Wattles, Mrs. Frank Wattles and Mrs. Clifford Sherman visited the former's son, Donald, who has been ill in Michael Reese hospital in Chicago, last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty visited friends in Chicago Sunday. , Mrs. Margaret Reed returned last week from Chicago where she was Weekend guests in the Henry called by the illness of her mother, Aubert home were Mr. and Mrs. Art. Mrs. Campbell. . Fenery, Fred Schroeder and Vera Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld visited Roddel. I -n Woodstock Friday evening. Elmer and Billy Neilson and friends' Sunday guests in the E^W.Tonyan of Chicago spent the weekend in their home were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rolfs summer home here. (*n<* *^r' an^ Mrs. George Rouen of Charles, Earl and Jean Schulti Kenosha, Wis. spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs.' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lnger of Chi- Belle Schults. jcago spent the weekend m McHenry. Mrs. E. E. Merchant spent last week with her cousin, Mrs. EMsa Mer* Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Grabbe of Ivanhoe spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz. Hary Chambers spent the weekend in North brook at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. P. ReiTand. Community night was held Friday evening at the Volo public school". Arthur Stoxen and Fred Larsen of Wauconda calTed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Sunday. The Friendly Neighbors group were entertained by Mrs. Clyde Wright on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Walter Crook. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burg and son spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Raven at Slocum Lake. Mrs. Pearl Dowell and- daughter, Ada, spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis at Slocum Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook of Wauconda spent Friday evening at* the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. A chicken pie supper will be held at the Volo public school Wednesday evening, Nov. 5. for the beneftt of the Volo Community Bible church. Ad* mission will be fifty cents. Everyone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son, Richard, and Mrs. Sarah Fisher visit* ed Miss Helen Da vies at the Woodstock hospital Saturday evening. Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mrs.~ Cecil Anderson. Mrs. William Wirts and Mrs. Carl Fink took the upholstering lesson at the Lake County Homo Bureau office Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Novy at Riverside, 111. Mrs. Pearl Dowell and daughter, Ada, visited Miss Helen Davis at the Woodstock hospital Friday. A number of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Alex Martini Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. John Joseph Wagner. The afternoon was spent in playing various games. Mrs Wagner received many pretty and useful gifts from her guests Dainty refreshments were served at the close of a very pleasant afternoon. William Wirts attended a county school meeting at the office of W. C Petty Thursday evening. Mr. Wirta was elected to serve as vice-chairman on the county school survey board. Notice to Truck Owners .m^ The second annual test of your track is now required. We have received the stickers and invite you to come in as soon as possible. Wo also have a well equipped repair shop to take care of your correction that you may comply with the law. CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH, prop. Phone 2004 Towinf Johnsbarg Schriener's Standard How is the tisi* for your winter chango-orvt We art folly equipped to five your automobile * complete winterised job ; Willys Schrlener, Routes 316120 West McHenry, CL chant at Greenwood. Holes In Screen Holes in widow screening, If not too large, can be repaired with small patches of screening. Unravel the edges of the patching piece, bend the protruding wires at right angles to the piece, place over the hole so that the bent wires stick through the screening, then bend back these wires to hold the patch in (dace. Sewing through and through the screening With a piece of wire will aim make a neat repair. Miss Graldine Kennebeck spent last weekend in Camp Forrest, Tenn., -"here she visited Private Russell Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes and daughter, Frances, returned last Thursday from California where they spent several weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hughes. Mrs. Walter Banks of Wauconda who made the trip to California with them, remained for a longer visit. LILY LAKE DMu't Waste Time John Patch, Columbus, Kan., farmer, isn't a man to lose much time when he makes up his mind what he wants. Patch got into his small plane and flew to Neosho, Mo., to get 3,000 strawberry plants, cottage. • • Carl O, The Lily Lake Ladies' League held a bunco party at "the Cottage'* Wednesday afternoon. Prises were won by Mrs. Seyfferth and Mrs. Vachet. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt and family of Chicago spent the weekend at their 600 raspberry plants and 50 rhlibarb Swanson spent a few days plants. It took htm tiro trips to got »t hi* home at Luy Lake. ton back to his farm tor planting. ( Mr. and Mrs. Kostalecky and Mra Mrs. Edd Nickels, Mrs. Arthur Doberstein of Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. J. A. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Makopke of Chicago are spending a week at their home here. Mrs. Hugh McDonald visited friend* in Chicago Friday. Millie and Susie Frett of McHenry and John Freund of Chicago spent Sunday at the Jos. A. Schaefer home. Mr. and Mrs. E. Anderson and daughter of Chicago spent the weekend at. their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crick and family of Chicago spent the weekend at their home at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hansen of Chicago spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mra. Joseph Bold and family of Chicago were weekend visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wagner of Chicago spent Sunday at McCullom Lake Elmer Schaefer and Mickey Unta spent Sunday at the John Untx home at Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Doberstein of Chicago spent the weekend with his | mother, Mrs. A. Doberstein. Eleanor S< haefer spent Wednesday with his parents, Mr. and )frs. J. A. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matters of Chicago spent the weekend at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frits and famfly of Chicago spent Sunday at their home here. j Jimmy Clark and friend of Wonder i Lake spent Satqrday 'at McCullom . Lake. | Mrs. Mary Adamowski and daughter have returned to their home in [ Chicago after spending the summer j at the lake. ) Bernard Hertel of Grayslake was s ( visitor at McCullom L|ke Tuesday evening. . '. I Here It Is « • * This Saturda At the Fox Pavilion An extraordinary arrangement of fun and amusement for the people of McHenry and vicinity. Come on you square dancers and jitterbugs, we'll be looking for you. No dull moments : Lots of fun. Hot music by Bill Glaser's Orchestra. Also the Adams Brotiras and Tfellie Crick, WLS bam dance talent. Admission~=^3Bc plus taxT ~ " Given by -- McCulloih lake Community Club Defense Ponci JQUIZ Q. Just what is inflation and how can it be minimized ? A. Inflatioii is a decrease in the'buying fbwer of t^o dollar caused by a rising cost of living. This, in turn, is brought about by a heavy public demand, resulting from(a rapid increase in the national hi come, for things which cannot be prodtu'ed in large enough quantities. Every citizen can help minimize inflation by buying Defense Bonds and Stamps. . Q. Jlow can I get cash for my Defense if I should need to r&teeift thenif Go to any po$t office. NOTE -- To purchase Defense Bonds and Stamps, go to the nearest post office or bank, or write for in- . Washington, D. C. Also Stamps now are on sale at retail stores. ::t§ % £ .-Ik! » ••M •.*9 • : IS n •%i

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