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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1941, p. 4

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ppSSwii^s ->? J.W,- mmmM SI dif MUEMIY PUMDEMjB) Hshed 9r*ry ThursdAy nt Heftwiry, m , »»y Charles F. Renieh. _ A. IL MOSSIER Editor and Manage* * -w I"**- - f f, >*• t: |;S * ; .f P>, *£* \<($ if;- V; •' f"h P' t r V > «»»' eMt':' ' $>?*•¥.* "••.?.\ Vy '.I-" Bntered u lecond-dui Mttor (A the po«toffice at McHenry, HI., under tb« act of May 8, 1879. One Year ...... Six Months ~--•• .$2.0# .$1.00 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bacon and daughters of Crystal Lake were Sanday callers in the Nellie Bacon home. Mrs. George Johnson and-daughter, Marguerite, visited in Oak Park last Monday. Marguerite attended a teachers' meeting at the Morton high school. ""Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGee and son. John Owen, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Conway of Woodstock spent the weeknd at South Bend, Ind., where they attended the Notre Dame - Illinois game on Saturday and visited the Conway's daughter, Jean Frances. Mrs. Eleanor Nye, Mrs. E. R. Sat' ton and Arthur Martin visited Chicago relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed M. Young, daughter, Eleanor, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer of McHenry and N. C. Klein and Mrs. Mildred Gl May and son, J. C.. of Waukegan visited Chicago friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Guild of Blooming- ton, 111., spent the weekend in the home of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Baum. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zabel and Miss An ft a Bojnansky of Chicago were Monday visitors in the Albert Vales home. Marion Krause spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Thomas in Forest Park. Mrs. H. LaHoda and children of Mundelein visited her father, George Scheid, Monday evening. Mrs. Wm. Jnsten visited Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hoffman tin Wilmette on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, Marguerite, and Norbert Mauch spent Sunday in Champaign where they visited Frank Johnson, who is a student there. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey visited the latter's brother-in-law, Robert Bur* leigh, at his home in Ingleside on Tuesday evening. Mr. Burleigh, who has been ill for several weeks, although improved, is still confined- to his brd. Sunday guests in the Albert Vales home were Frank Vales of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vales of Cicero Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schaefer and Henry and Mike Schaefer. Dr. and Mrs. M. N. English of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the Burner Baum home. i i DIVORCE GRANTED Grace Wiest Polnow. Marengo, was granted a divorce from Fred Polnow hv Judge Ralph J. Dayd Saturday. Excessive use of intoxicating liquor wis charged in the complaint. TTxty were married Aug'. 21, I9ld. Bead the Want Ads! Colony McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY - SATURDAY Bfcr. C, Robinson - M. Dietrich George Raft "MANPOWER" Also -- Musical and Shorta SUNDAY -- MONDAY November J - J Henry Fonda - Joan "WILD GEESE , CALLING" AJsn'**«:|News - Cartoon - Co*ed TUESDAY ' Adalts 2®e •. Brenda Marshall - Olympe Brand* (1) 4Pighway West^ / Weaver Brothers r . (2) **Arkansas J udgi** WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Judy Canova - Francis Lederer "PUDDDT HEAD" The Beautiful DrtvwjafjW jy iriBeatrtomoMe axt«nl MVQSB£ tegml orAnstaf* shaklfcg apart yuff* to wipa tlenpecked Habbieg: -J •' Memlfrrs of thaw4neient Order of Henpecked Hu their annual YorkStire, their one day their wives, cret meet«ig afraid theii*~w Not United telephone listed once contact Cape Cod phone call J.P Mr. Roosev - t --:--• f • ) Clothes 'At SCTftJamt Frye of the Sevetity-Sfirth infantry, Camp Roberts, supervised the latest group of trainees to arrive her# in their first formation at recently held meeting in and enjoyed year from the se- They «ere t caU. * Frtvate ent of the ;le from the private un- F.D.R. he tried to at his the teledo was to 'd speak to Sine* M» National league tmat hMeball to DMnbn^ ship. Since its formation in 1900, the American league has admitted 10 club*. Cities that were once represented in both leagues, hut no tongff belong to either, are Baltimore and Milwaukee. •pray for GnariHng Han#^- --' A simple and inexpensive spray made with nicotine sulphate will guard your plants against many of the most annoying insects. Because nicotine sulphate has so many uses, lots of garden lovers make it a point to have a bottle of it on hand at all times. Retreat, rookie w! uniform here," is at a hear m< the diminuti am at attei at ease. spotted a but whose rlirgc. "Look "everybody' Didn't you "Sir," said politely, "I but iriy clothes, are ' flee! W inhlfjidBy ' Four genera tionflPf'Skill handed down in one fmriiTjnplftll generation in training--is thfe^glistory of the Daschbachs, expert^tifcel rollers. Joseph Daschbacb, boss" roller, native of ^Isac^-fiQrraine, went to work in 186&. lis# John J. started in 1862--became bote *pf|r. Grandson Joseph II was roller from 1883 to 1933. Great-grandson Norman took up in 1916; today is expert roller. Great-great-grandson Norman, 16, is getting a technical education to become a skilled steel technician like, his-, fore (wars. , Grease Screws If brads tad screws are lubricated with cup grease they can be driven home into hard wood with less effort end without spoiling the slots or breaking the screws. Only a very little grease is needed. A .good idea is to keep a porcelain jar or glass container full of cup grease handy on the work bench, where the screws can be dipped into the grease. ~~ 'Entangling AliiteMi' "Entangling alliances" in a phrase credited to President Jefferson. In his first inaugural address he said: "Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations -- entangling alliances with none." George Washington said: " 'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world." 5 -S Chemical tor Lavi years researchers of CM* cago's Swift & Co., hunted for a chemical which would delay the spoiling of lard by oxidation and would protect lard's*linoleic constituent, rich in vitamin F. They finally found whet they wanted in gum guaiat, made from the sap of the tropical American guaiacum tree. Swift's President John Holmes said that lard treated with tiny amounts of gum guaiac was odorless, bland in flavor. • ;-'.v::'- »•"" WW. * Let Me Call You Sweetheart Lloyd Whiting, who was inducted into the army on June SO, wrote us a letter this week telling of his life in service up to this time. According to Private Whiting, army life is not as distasteful as some stories told about it would indicate. However, he does hope to be back home for the Christmas holidays. Following is the letter we received from him. McHenry Plaindealer: I want to thank you for aending me The Plaindealer while I have been tn the army. Each week I wait for it to catch up on the local news. I have found life in the apny quite a change but not-such an unpleasant one as some may think. I was first sent to Fort Warren in Wyoming. This was a •Quartermaster training post. While there I received my thirteen weeks of basic military training. I also took a course in auto mechanics. Our camp wus only about a mile from Cheyenne and within sight of the mountains. We took several hikes into the mountains and often stayed for a week at a time. While staying out there I had a chance to attend the large rodeo that Cheyenne puts on every summer. * From Fort Warren I was transferred to Fort Crook, Neb. Here my only duties are to go to school. I am taking up a two-months' advance course in mechanics. When I finish with it, I will then have an opportunity to take a three-months' course specializing in carburetion and ignition. We have a small <$amp here with only about 500 soldiers. The food here is very good and we have plenty of it. We have a theater which shows all the latest pictures and we often have a good stage show. Last week Johnny "Scat" Dayis, who was playing down town came out to give us a show. Every two weeks we have dances in our gymnasium. The girls from the Y. W. C. A. in Omaha come out and bring with them a colored orchestra. I expect to be back in McHenry for the Christmas holidays. I surely hope • so. Private Lloyd R. Whitng, , > , Co. C - 87th QM Bn., frpf&iP Fort Crook, Nebraska. FOE SALS FOR SALE--Cottage at Lilymoor Lake; two bedrooms, living room; bathroom and4 kitchen; lot 100x100. Barbara Patchen, 568 Provident Ave., Winnetka, 111. Phone Winnetka 2134. *24 FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-lfanville "Type A Home Insulation^installed in your home. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf FOR SALE -- Potatoes, New York rurals, $1.25 per 100. Located in Bull Valley, east of Woodstock. K. M. Fisk, Phone Woodstock 1617-W-2. 23-2 FOR SALE -- House and four lots. Also six vacant lots. Tel 140-J. 24-tf FOE EEMT FOR RENT -- Furnished nine - room house in Woodlawn Park, east side of Fox river; bath, toilet; electricity, gas. Address Mrs, C. II. Krens, 581 Oakdale Ave., Chicago. Tel. Lakeview 5140. y. *24 WANTED WANTED--Young lady for work in store. Write Box "E," care Plaindealer. 24 MISCELLANEOUS I REPAIR -- Any make Sewing Machine or Vacuum Cleaner. L. Rasmussen, care of Mike Guir, Gurnee, I". . 24 DEAD OE ALIVE ANIMALS $L00 to $15.00 Cash Cows - Horses - Hogs "• No help needed for loading! Prompt and Sanitary Service Day and Night, Sundays and Holidays Phone Wheeling 102--Reverse Charge* Seattle, ^fictare of affection between animals was taken neat the week-old fawn was orphaned. Dake, the telling the small deer, he thinks he is a "dear," ^ Moving Day Alfred B. Miller, who also left McHenry on June 30, with Private Whiting, has recently been transferred and writes the following on his reactions to army lifei 0 Dear Friends, Just a few lines to thank The McHenry Plaindealer for sending me the paper. I have enjoypd reading it. I also wish to thank all the folks who have been writing to me. • Now for a little bit about the army life. I've just been transferred from Camp Walter, Texas, to another camp, in the state of Texas--Fort Sam Houston, the military police department. As for the army, I can't say as yet that I like it here quite as well as in the first cam>. The first two months all we had to do was get our rifles, belt and bayonets and fall out. And then a whole month of creeping and crawling through, the sand and brush . and night .hikes. Then we had one three-day maneuver. And that was the worst of it all. We slept in pup tents and walked eight miles to Baker Hollow and the army was way back seventeen and one-half miles. We always get up in the morning, hurry, and then stand and wait. And now, they're trying to make an M. P. out of toie. which is supposed to be the best in ihe army, as they try and tell me. We sleep in tents and eat in an airplane hangar. At least we don't have to go on any long hikes with a full field pack on our backs. After all, we have i lot of fun around the camps. We always hav^ plenty things to do to pass the time. Well, f guess I'll have to close for now. ] ' Private Alfred B. Miller, Co. D - 504th M. P. Bn., ' :^%-^>rt Sam Houston, "! _ BrasVs Texas Rio Grande de Sul, most southern of Brazil's states, is known as the Texas of Brazil because of its rolling grass-grown pampas and an extensive cattle growing industry. CLIFF"S RADIO SERVICE--107 Riv. erside Drive, Phone 436. Repairs on all radios and electrical home.appliances. All work guaranteed. CLIFFORD WILSON, Prop. 9-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 366 or 631 -M-l, 115-tf MARRIAGE LICENSES Harold C. Miller, Carpentersville, to Helen F. Boyd, Barrington. Herbert F. Kunde, Huntley, to Norma M. WilWns, Harmony. A marriage license has been issued in St. Charles, Mo., to Earl Dowell or West McHenry and Gertrude Lochelt of Crystal Lake. Richard H. Kline, Woodstock, to Mary H. Jones, Crystal Lake. Carl H. Bierman. Rockford, to Eugenia M. (Burdick. Rockford. James Shea, Capron, to Bessie Cunningham, Capron. Robert R. Sullivan, Crystal Lake, to Irma M. Buck, Crystal Lake. Allan Van Every, Spring Grove, to Genevieve M. Jackson. Richmond. LeRoy H. Hansen, Waukegan, to Barbara Unrein. Waukegan. William E. Kaippler, Chicago, to Ellen H. Aitken, Chicago. Raymond Janusik, Chicago, to Verne Smollca, Chicago. •Xta^Ed October M East River Road Pinoehie Sutton. , November 2 Public Card Party--8t Patrick's Hall -- Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality. November 4 Public Card Party -- Legion Hall -- Sponsored by Group 6, Women's Society of the -Community Methodist c h u r c h . . . . . . . Fox River Valley Camp, JL NiA. . *r Regular Meeting! Knrcgllk C a S.K A. -- Regular Meeting- !;' Noveadber 7^ ^ Womans' Society--Circle Mrs. Harold Owen. r November It Annual Forester Dance--Church W*H -- Johnsbuitg -- Sponsored by St John's Court No. 96. Mid-Week Club--Mrs. C. H. Dakar. November 1J W. S. C. S. --• 1:15 Luncheon -- Methodist Church Hall. November 14 Mothers' Club--Mrs. R- M. Fleming. ' November IT County Business and Professional Meeting - Mrs. C. W. Goodell. November 25 Forte Club Music Festival -- H. S. Auditorium -- Sponsored by Mothers' Club. December 4 Annual Chicken Dinner and Basaar -- " Methodist Church ftalph LiHard, 87, was sentenced )*-' •sure a term, of not leas thaa a- yenr and not mora than two years, by lodge Ralpfc #. Dady Satatday mom in the circuit couri at Wondsteek an a plea ofgtifltp to anindtetmant dkaoy^ ing forgery, li&wd atttavsil a pis* ef forging the name of Wi&fam Donovan of Aldan to a check ha cashed ea Glenn Bottlemy of Aldan in . amount of twenty-five dollatk ^ . Expensive Salt CeDtf Id 1399r Btnry III of Spain, m • greatly admired a Persian salt cellar of gold that he paid the equhfftr - lent of $10,000 for it. w Bolger's Drug Storeen Street McHi AUCTION SALE! • ' ' v " •> Charles -Leonard, Aucticme* ^ Wednesday, Nov. 5 Gaulke's Sales Barn Eoute 47 - Woodstock, Illinois v- ^ib^ommenemgat i «K*«lock rfclfc whiten* %r ' 1 Will Have ..-h. •> - * '« **«»- v.., , ' •' • < 3 & A ' 1 - 4 60 •'H (Minnesota and Wisconsin cows T. B. and Bangs tested) Fresh and Close Springers. 600 White Rock Pullets -- The usual run of Veal Calves, Hogs, Horses and Sheep -- Good Pair of Work Mules. DON'T MISS THIS SALE IF YOU WANT LIVESTOCK Call 572 or 499 if you have livestock to consign* ! We haul and sell. You get paid cash day of sale;*"' " TERMS -- 25% down, balance from 1 to 6 mos. time on monthly.payment baeis/plus:7& interest' oa unpaid balance. Sales will be held !at the (Jaulke Sales Barn every other week! Woodstock Commission Sales Co. WM. E. OAULXEf Owner Thorp Finaii la, Clerking - ^ ^ i Phone 572 It- r- 1 Remove Grease First , l*aint win not adhere to grease covered walls. Remove the grease from the surface by washing with a sblution such as soap and water to which a small amount of ammonia or other grease solvent has been added. Thoroughly wipe off with clear water and allow the walls to dry before painting. q "Punehi I of the I'.l.rOVAl! i CRYSTAL LAKfc, ILL. McHenry Go's. Leading Theatre FRI. & SAT. -- Oct 31 - Nov. 1 y Keeler with Ozzie Nelson in SWETHEART OF THE IJ CAMPUS" my" • • -- Also -- Blends Marshall - Arthur Kennedy "HIGHWAY WEST" SUN. & MON. -- NOV. 2 - S Continuous from 2:45 p. m. Jack Benny in "CHARLEY'S AUNT* i -- with -- Kay Francis - James Ellison ',rT Grandest picture of the year! ~ TUESDAY * 11c -- Special -- 17c «JM>crt Montgomery and C'instance Cumminge in "HAUNTED HONEYMOON" with Three Stooges Comedy WED. A THURS. -- NOV. 5 - 6 L«w Ayrea - Laraine Day and 4 Lionel Barry more in "DR. KJLDAREfS Alae WBDOING DAT* March of Tim. a 7,004-pound hippo, resents being moved from one sec* tlon ¥he *oo, in San Antonio, Texas, and nearly upset the track,-In his eagerness to get out and go hack into his old quarters. Keepers, wielding broems and two-by-fours, worked seven hours before they couM convince the huge beast that he was really going to his new home. J'.'.Ujj, mouflaged Tent By John Harvey Fmrbay, PkJj. From 10 or 15 feet Sway, the above hodge-podge ot eiApiar 'Blacker boxes, apu cartons and what-nots gives a perfect impression of a ijunk heap. tii'rnaltf>> |,*|i ;tlM jfMtmt*' tent heaignsrtors, temporarily at Bossier C!ity, La., where %wr wbrategy was mapped ant, daring Ihe recent army games In the state. A« sentry stahia ea Mr before toe entrance. Scientists who have studied the Gila monster of American deserts any that it is not as dangerous as supposed, and is not deadly for most people. Its venom is diluted with saliva before it gets into the victim, and it affects the human heart once it is in the blood stream. Although there are cases where people have died of the poison effects, the venom '^ordinarily produces no ill effects other than an irritation or painful soreness for several days." Its poison gland is a modified salivary gland, like that of all poisonous reptiles. The monster is not a monster at all and is pronounoed "hee-la." (Publicledger--WNU Service.) "™ .* 3.' •it-:,, V.'-i" '^r t*4'. IMFORTANT! Yoo can kUI bmg • Niah for oal; o*»e-third don*, kalaace ia II moalhl ~4&*. pmnl oar My com, or Mfh al fnB mJi-ja W am* pay--i. * •s-. k'-F ;«»»»•. 'A i WANT TO <rOt yewr 4ri4s| costs? 'This "Million Dollar Beauty" will Big as )l is» it ddhen SS to SO i «n a gallon of gasoline-- as 600 miles on a tanUhl at highway speed! Net t ie last year's sensatioaal Natkan watch it--in economy. In slewing and parking caw, yickup «r performance. Y«n get Che smoothest (Me Hi the lewMt-price field -- wljEtl' Nash's new, exclusive Fourwheel Coil Springs. Plus Twoway Roller-Steering, new welded body and frame construction. Any way yon compare this miles per gsRon, ytmll and h*s by iar the best buy! The finest Nash ever built -- deliberately planned to be the most sooghtafker automobile in America! See your Nash dealer today and drive this money-saving *f^iilwm Dollar Beauty." _.... :'A ^ AH the latest sheet musk; and records (Deccs, Okeh and Victor) .at Kye's Jewelcy «nd Svsie ahap. 24 ^«how you how! It's the 1942 Nask. Nash--reliability, ride, or » CRBAT -IS BRILLIANT MOSILS 1b addition lo the amazing new Naali ^ "600"* ywu'll al»o want to .-u see the Chmus Nask Ambai<ttador Sixes 4HMl £i(kt« that are greater thaa ever .1;. . - New eagioc development t» " - Makes them even aaore hrilliant pti- Carmers. They're rtitl in the low- : Medium-price Celd»! % ^ V U' ' V > : ; . •• - TTlhT m. ^ BOSSMAN Mm SALES* > ; - NA3H DM Mnr Mss sf Fht MM* Cm f|ferride Drive ana PenrI Street v Telephone IS-- " •• - SOUS 1KB HOTS . . •• fife"". ' tX- if ?>•. '?3f' . K<;;;

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