CARD OF THANKS We desire in this manner to fXpNM Biation for the many kind- ^rppsions of sympathy, floral _ spiritual bouquets and cars offered us during the illness and death of our husband and grandfather. .Mrs, Ben Hiller and grandchiMf|B| f Hi wills* In the 1990a * plantation owner named Pnvil the ftnt Macadamla nuts to Hawaii from Queensland, Australia. Ifcey proved so popular that they ware cultivated there and not so long ago were introduced into the United States as ft "Hawaiian delicacy." ^ « SOLON MILLS S P A R E T R E E ! # Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freuitd. v ', ,| Mrs. Walter Freund of Fox Lake " :! spent Wednesday with Mrs. Wm. J. * Mdvcrs Mr and Mrs. Wm. Aubert, Jim and j Mjss Katie p,^ of Chicago spent Shirley, of Ringwood were Tuesday! thfi weekend with her father, John evening callers m the Henry Aubert pj^j, home. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cowan of Har- A large group from here attended the Smith - Schults wedding at New vard were callers in the E. Snyder Munster Wig afternoon, home Sunday evening. _ | Miss Irene Smith called on Mra Mrs^James McCannon of Beloit,. Waiter Freund at Fox Lake Monday Mrs. Charles McCartnon. son Ronald,1 eVeninff •"d Fr®d McCannon son, Don-I Mr and Hr8 Joe and f,mily aid, of Woodstock were visitors Satur-, were Woodstock callers Saturday day the the home of the former's j evening mother, Mrs Ida Westlake. Also in Joe Miller of Pox ^ Waa a caller the Charles Westlake home. | here one d,y thi)| wee1c Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne and J. Osborne spent the weekend with their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Erne Bag- «lka at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Will Osbom of Menominee, Mich., and Mrs. Charles Osborne spent one day last week in Waukegan. Arthur and George Feriery of Chi- Cajro spent the weeknd in the Henry Aubert home. Stanley Aim of Chicago was calling an friends in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hopper of Hasttags, Neb., are spending th?W week with their daughter ,Mr. and Mra. Bob Gardner. Mrs. E. E. Cropley and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick were Tuesday guests of the formers' nephew, Mac Hodge, and wife, at Delavan, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner have •Roved to their own home which they ffecently purchased--the Hodsre estate. Mrs. M. Roger is spending this Week with her children in Chicago. Art Peters motored to Brookfield Zoo Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Irvin Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. Roman Schaefer, Waukegan, were callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and children and Mr. and Mrs. George Zamstorff and Mrs. Alfred Miller, Woodstock, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent the weekend with relatives and friends here, Mrs. George Michels and son. Donald, and daughter, Dolores, and "Si" Meyers w.«*re Woodstock callers Monday. - VOLO THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE ^ • MAtf/ OP AMERICAS MEW gf ARC AAAPB RWTty O* ^ COTTON i SPeClAlLy tWDVEtf ^ A 5CMM0LC MPWtfWM/MMTS ON A NEW NKVbUCf *T EACH IMPDRtANT fVCMT M ufC. CfOMe u6«e mo-seaaeaKMHie AT A TIM£) ? ton, hen edJ »ncn fro I Home Accident Deaths ^ Highest In Five Years. \ iJ$T, fr.ST . ^ ' * f '.»• ?s Miss Evelyn Clinge and Frank Mitacek of Barrington spent Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear of Mc-! »?y e^ning at the home of Mr. and Henry were calling on Mrs. Nellie Walt®r Vasey. Jackson one day last week. _ T" *n" Mrs. Horace Grftbbe of I Mrs. Celia Watts is caring for Mrs.' „ sP®nt Sunday at the home of A. C. Merrell who is quite ill at this Mrs' Wlliam Wirtz. U Writing. | The Volo Cemetery society will meet ^ ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rayland of home °* Mrs. Roy Passfield Chicago were callers in the Mrs. Ida " ay' Nov- 6* f Westlake and Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams t a"d Mrs- Richard Dusil and homes one day last week. | ur Baumruk of Berwyn spent Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Friday in Elgin with the former's *n^ G«or<?e. niece, Mrs. Ernest Bagalka, and also \;rs Herman Dunker and daughters caled on Mrs. Harry Fay as they used of Capron were Monday dinner guests to live in Solon Mills. j at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dwight Osborn of Rockford spent Fi*J|.er- Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I 33 Sarah Raven of Slocum Lake C. L. Osborn. | spent weekend with her grand- Mrs. Joe Kuhn attended the funeral, ""^her. Mrs. Pearl Dowell. sir Norman Picinni of Antioch. Mrs. _ , r' and Mrs, Alvin Case and son, Picinni was formerly Alice Palaski of y e' ®n^ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fishe: Solon Mills. | were callers at Evansville, Wis., WrJ Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick and son, ne®day< . Frank, Jr., Mrs. E. E. Cropley and . M.r- and Mrs- Robert Paddock an Mrs. Ralph Thomas motored to Camp £am"y of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Grant to visit Ray Kilpatrick. Ray stanley Wiemuth and family of Cuba left for Camp Roberts, Calif., Thurs- j towTlshiP were Sunday dinner guests day afternoon. ' a^ home of Senator and Mrs. Ray Charles and Earl Schultz were home Pa»,docKL. _. . Friday evening. I . Miss Edna Fisher of Waukegan vis- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde iBell aad daugh- ited her mother, Mrs. Sarah Fisher ter, Bonita, from Kirkland were visitors in the A. C. Merrell home. | Don,t forget the chicken pie supper Mrs. Roy Cole, who is employed in Volo public school Wednesday Genoa, spent Sunday in her home ®ven'ng, Nov. 5, for the benefit of the Hun. | V-olo Community Bible church. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dvorak and Carol and Mary Case spent the Ed Aubert of Chicago wen callers In weekend with their aunt and* uncle, the Henry Aubert home. * i *n<* Mrs. Martin Schaefer, in Mr. and Mrs. Joe London ware 'Wauconda. Woodstock shoppers Monday after- Richard Fisher, Harry Case and noon. , Marvin Wirts, members of the Wau- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Geiser and son,' cond* - Vol° 4"H club, were recently George, Arthur Aubert and daughter, 8elscted as outstanding members. This Audrey, of Chicago spent the week- recognition is given to club members and in the Gieser home here. i who have done outstanding work in The Solon Mills Get-Toeether club c,ub activities since first enrolling in held their first meeting Friday even- * c'u^- ing, Oct. 24. The new officers elected i Mrs- Herman Dunker and daughters were Wm. Gardner, president; Walter CaPron called an Mr. pnd Mrs. Cropley, vice-president; Mrs. Lyman • Waltt>r Vasey Monday. Johonnott, secretary, and Mrs. Ralph 1 P- Behning of Grayslake called lit Thomas, treasurer. After the meeting1 ^orue Mr. .and Mrs. Lloyd movies were shown by Rev. Gable and Eisher Stfhday. j • refreshments were served by the com-' ,Miss Ada Dowell and Thomas and mittee in charge. I Milton Dowell were business callers Julius Geisler of Chicago called in Walnut, 111., Monday. the Frank Kilpatrick home Sunday. j Mrs* _Frank Novy and Mr. and Mrs. F. Kroin and son of Riverside were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Miss Miriam King of Waukegan spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. . Mrs. William Wirt*, daughter, Marian. and son, Marvin, were Waukegan callers Saturday. v Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafer of Fremont township were Friday visitors at the home of Mr; and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mrs. Otto Klemm and Mrs. Frank St. George were _ McHenry business callers Saturday. Frederick Vasey, Walter Panek, RicHferd Fisher, Burafell Russell, Robert Allen. Buddy Thennes and Harry Casr* from this community attended an FFA sectional judging contest Satur- JOHNSBURG Miss Mary Althoff and brother, Bernard, motored to Elgin Sunday evening where they attended the wake of John Elbert. Mrs. Henry Stoffel of Volo visited with her father, John Pitzen Sunday. Mrs. Frank Klapperich and Mrs. Jack Bode motored to Woodstock on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls and Mrs. George King motored to Waukegan Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkle of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs". Everett Thomas of day at the Palatine High school. Wauconda FFA chapter grain team, composed of Harry Case, Richard Fisher and Warren Pankonin, placed third. Harry Case received the third place individual ribbon and Richard Fisher, the eighth place ribbon. There was an enrollment of 120 boys at the contest representing eighteen high schools. The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau sponsored a card party at the Volo public school Tuesday evening. Twelve tables of five hundred and pinochle furnished the entertainment for the evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mrs. Dora Vasey, Mrs. Alvin Case, Mrs. Frank King, Mrs. Wendell Dickson, Messrs. Willard Darrell, Harry Matthews, Martin Schaefer. Roland Lueder and Lloyd Fisher. Dainty refreshments were served at the dose' of a pleasant evening. McCULLOM LAKE Hkmee J. McCauley, AttonMf ^ > NOTICE OF SALE OF SEAL ESTATE John Pardell and family of Chicago spent Sunday at their home here. Mrs, Marie Skotnick entertained friends from Chicago over the weekend. . Guests at the Jos. A^ Schaefer home Sunday were (Hipster"jtfauri, Grayslake; Mickey Unts, Eleanor Schaefer and little Donald Rogers, McHenry, and Mrs. Frank Burg and daughter of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson and family of Berwyn spent the weekend at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph- Crick andfamily and friends of Chicago spent the weekend at their home here. Mrs. Joseph A. Schaefer and daughter, Eleanor, Mrs. Warren Barber and Mickey Untz were Waukegan shoppers Wednesday. Mrs. Ed Nickel of Chicago is spending a week with her mother, Mra. A. Doberstein. Mr. and Mrs. William Rochell of Chicago spent the weekend at their home here. Mrs. E. Schroll and daughter of Colorado were visitors at McCullom Lake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Marweg and daughters of Chicago attended the hard time dance Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fritz and friend of Chicago spent the weekend at their home here. Friends and neighbors will be sorry to learn of the death of Pet#^ Hausher who passed away at his home in Westmont Wednesday, Oct. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matters of" Chicago spent the weekend at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen of Chicago spent the weekend at the S. Smith home. v THANK YOU! I ^ We desire to extend our thanks to our many friends of McCullom Lake and McHenry for their kindness and for the floral offerings sent at the time of the death of our son and brother, Espie L. McCarty. We also wish to thank those who attended the services in Milwaukee and the American Legion post No. 491 of McHenry for their kindness. George W. McCarty, 24 Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Pietsch. 2* DEBUNKER By Jok* Hmrvty Fwrhcy, PhJX THERE ARE NO "3BKTS" \\T HEN a person purchases a * ^ seat in the stock exchange, he does not get a seat at all but a membership in the association entitling him to transact business on the floor of the exchange. The membership of the New York Stock exchange is limited to 1,375 "seats" which sell for many thousands of dollars when they change hands. London is probably the greatest of the world's stock exchanges in the range and volume of its transactions in normal times. of an order and detfrce the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, made on the petition of the undersigned Hattie C. Conn, administratrix of the estate of Fred E. Conn, deceased, for leave to sell the Real Estate of said deceased, at the October Term, A. D. 1941, of said Court, to-wit: on the 20th day of October, 1941, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Monday, the 1st day of December next, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the east door of the court house In the city of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of Fred EL Oonn, deceased, to-wit: Lot No. 6 in Block No. 2 of Blackman's Addition to the Village, now City, of Harvard, situated in the City of Harvard, County of McHenry and Stat* of Illinois,,," Will bo sold to thft higbMt and beat bidder. Terms of Sale CASH, for the equity in said promises, same to ha sold subject to the existing mortgage held and owned by Anna Stahl, HATTIE C. CONN, Administratrix of the estate of -JRcad E. Conn, deceased. October 22, 1941. (Pub. Oct 30 - Nov. ( and jdHUBCH 3EKVI0B8 (Daylight Savings Time) , Si. Mary's GathaUe Chn|| Masses: Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; lQiM* ' ;VWeekdays: 6:45; 8:00. First Friday: 6:80; 8:00. <"r 4" %• Confessions: Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:09 p. m Thursday before First Friday. After Masa on Thursday, 8:00 p. m and 7:00 p.m. Magr. C. S. Nix, paator. IK. Patrick's Catholic ChaMli Masses: * 7T Sundays: 8:00; 10:00,' Weekdays: 7:80. .^ ; .i- • First Fridays: 7:80. On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:80,7:00 ana beforr and during the 7:80 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p,jj§? am| 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Thursday before First Friday. 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7s0t tt StOO v p. m. B«v. Wm. A. 0*Boui4 «, paatpr. St. John's Catholic Church. Jekaabarg (Central Staadard Tinwi Masses: Sundays: tM; 10:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and Weekdaya: 8:00. : First Friday: 841. > y*/ Confessions: Saturdaya: &80 and 7:80. Thursday before First Fridays laBC rfs**4jfa»d 7*90. .. ' _~|Uv. A. J. Neidert, poatirtj,-;- Cnai--ity Church Sunday School: 10:00 a. m. , Worship Service: 11HM) a. m< Junior League: 6:80 p.m. Epworth Loofaa: 8^00 p. m. ^ ' Bav. J. Heber Miller, pastlVI - •' * f* Latheraa Bvaagellcal Sunday Service, 8 a.m. Sunday School, 9 a.m. Rev. Herman P. Meyer, < PeWa CMholic Char4w '.it SpHkg Grove Masses: Sundays: 8.99 and 10KM. 'V"1 -* Holy Days: 6:80 and 9:Q0. Weekdays: »40c ; '• First Friday: <*206. Confessions: ' '• .• Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:16. Thursday before First Friday: 8:90 and 7.13. Rev. Mn L. Daleirfen, Paator. Volo CmOinanity Bible Chgpl Combined Service, 10:00 a.m. Rev. W. P. Rueckheim, pastor. AB are invited. Separating Head of LottaiL l Infections arising from cuts aeratehea play major role en the heme iMent front. Above--The kitchen ^ hutchar knffe Is a poor whittling blade, " illy when it is drawn toward the Right--Falls last year killed !"19»0Q0 Americans in their homes. Never •nee o chair or other furniture ao-an ' hnproviesd IsSaer. ! *Wo«htBgton, D. C.--Carelessness Is Wl(h| 9 new staaaa to "Home Sweet to the American Bad Cross, i AMptdeats last year aeeounted for gwaatsit iatallty toll in 8ve jwank Some 81,000 parsons lost " - throi«h talis, bu rai^ other hasards of UCe. Although less jUHtlr nnaTtsmtlr less apt to HMfl (Bbtte latereet • %eme acci- ~ Tslttfrr raa a eloae second i'M tto sti-eet and highway, llfBIm by UM9 deatha. -- - pteymg the ralo, mn Oaa half of «a attribep stairs, aad of Injuries causing varying degrees of disability accounted for noarlr 6,000,600 eases invoivtpg hojplUSft* satkm or care of a physician, the Red Cross pointed oat. To reduce accidents in the'homo and o^ the farm, the Red Cross Is launching its annual accident prevention program the last weak of October. Throughout the nation, to schools and through the Junior Rod Croes, some 10,000,000 "cheek lists" Ustfag aceidatat hMards wfll bo distrthuted. HOnJKllrKi wttl ho mged to ooadvet « oaOar-to^tle check-up to " 2 To separate a head of lettuce cut wedge shape from the atom and deep enough to loosen some of the leaves. Hold the cut end under cool running water which will aeporate some of the leaves. Continue the procesa until all of tbo leaves are loosened. Dr. John Ducey treating HORSES, CATTLK, DOQfl* CATS, ETC. Sleeping Sickne-- Vaccine -- TeL Richmond 19 CSehaesi, IIL PpiN 00PER SKRVIOK • SINCLAIR Jl". "' "laa, OOa aad Greaa* "'^" Cor. Routea 31 and 120 --McHenry tfcHKNRY FLORAL QO. -- Phone 60R-R-1-- One Mile South of MoHaniy on Irate 31. 71ow«rs for all ocpacxonsl McHBIXY QAAACII Electric aad Aeatytaeo Wddiaf. General Bapairinsr. Wagons and Rte. 31 -- John ft Front Sta. Phone S7-J or 15141 NiokP. Milier • PhoM McHmry 9]Spt-l -- Baaomant Etuiafiu - HUT'S SAND ft OBAVEL Special Bates on Boad Gravel aad Lot Filling ... Blade Dirt * Stone . . Power Shovel Sfcrvfce . . pmw Leveling and Grading ... Cement Mixers for Boot. J. & NBTT Johwfcorg ' p. O.--McHenry - $ J Telephone No. 800 " •tofftl A ReihABiperfti Insurance agents for aU classes af property in the bast companies. WEST McHENBY - - ILLINOIS^ A. W0RW10K ^ 1 "k Pertratare - Ceauscnial Pb^gnpby - Photo-FlaUbg Copying . Fraalgi 275 -- B1 tea side Drift MeHHNBC; ILL. ^•Mk - . ^\fT INSURANCE 1 EABL JL WILSfl When yea Rtliablt Oompaniii : yoo aaed ins^aense tfny bW PfaN* 49 or 91-M Priet Bldg. McHsorj DR. J. S. 8AYLES DKNTVr Hews 9^12 and* Kf by AppaiMMst Thaisd^o »>9s> Main Street :--: 1 'M AP,tN99dC9. Truckiog,HydrauB^ ; ;'-iand Crane 3et«fo9». ^'4'. Baildiaf-- TeL 204-M KeHcur. m , ' * * ! '- y f^rjr--;--rszwt. VEKMHV J. mx ATTO*N*T AT LAW - omcB nons - Tbaadays and Fildami • " • Other Dayobr AppsinlKbat tleHeary 191 U : " ' V-Nv. DR. L. B. MTJRPHT Offlse Imm -- fa.a.lottwak Green Stseet -- McHepay, HL Ckailic's Repair Sh« sio Fustinc hntton Upholstertef tad Bipiiriii CHARLE8 R1XTESKL Hoim WaoUd I B U Y OM and DiaaMed H ABTHU frem 8& te $14. B W. WBBBBACK 844 W< m. -•.Mi - v ^ y;. -c ^ * .A't m GASH FOR DJRAD HORSES and CfJLTTL* • Horaea, 13.00; OoWi, $4.00; Dead Hogs and She^p removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL 00. Tel. Woodstock 1624-M-l or Dundee 10--Rererse Charge* WANTED TO BUY We pay $3 to $15 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Matt's Mlnlr Johnsburg - Spring Grove Boad Phone Johnatmrg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES A CATTLK We pay phone charges. S. H. Freoad &Soa CONTRACTORS - AND BUILDERS Our Experience is at Your Oeivlee in Building Year Wanta. Phone 58-W McHenrj 19; FRED 0. MILLER. IK D. BYE, BAB, NOSB aad THttOAT wfl ke h Dr. A. L Froehlich'a Offk^wewr Qma A Elm Bvevy Friday f*»a 124B to Z^9 61AS&II FITTED > ' ' . . v r