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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1941, p. 8

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m dayta, "*•- Five Hundred Club Mrs. Leo Young entertained memof her Ave hundred club last Thursday afternon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Nick Justen, Mrs. John Freund and Mrs. Elmer Justen. The next meeting of the clab will be at the home of Mrs. Wm. Justen on Dec. 4. Mid-Week Club file Mid-week club met at the home of Mrs. E. E. Bassett last Wednesday afternoon. Bridge provided entertainment for the afternoon with prizes being awarded Geottrf; Johnson, Mrs. Ed Nichel^pd Holly. "But next meetit% will be ofrJDee 10 .WW* home of Mrs. Johnsoit^gj" • • "1- " • # • i •••Ho-" Ahmnl Chorus An Alumni chorus is being organized to- sins for the much-publicised High School - Alumni basketball game on Dec. 23. If there is anyone who is not already in the choral club who would like to sing at this time, they .are asked to meet in the high school audiorium next Monday evening at m . • - • * • Neighborhood Clab Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger was hostess to members of the Neighborhood club when they met at her home last Friday evening. Entertainment for the evening was furnished by playing cards and prizes were meried by Mrs. Thomas Phalin, Mrs. C. H. Duker and Miss Lena Stoffel. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Clarenct Martin. • * • Former Residents Meet A group of five young men who 'Were one time residents of McHenry and have in the last few years drifted to other parts of the country, found themselves neighbors in a different state recently, and decided to celebrate Thanksgiving The young men who enjoyed their turkey dinner together were David and Le- Roy Kamholz, Robert Martin, Ralph Bouriland Raymond Howard. • * * Anniversary Observe! « A celebration which occurred on Sunday, Nov. **30, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs .Albert Huff of Johnsburg in honor of their fifteenth wedding anniversary. Guests during the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling of Lily Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huff and family of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and daughter of Spring Gorve, Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michels and Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michels of Johnsburg. • • m Thirtieth Anniversary • Forty relatives gathered in the Peter M. Schaefer home at Pistakee Bay last Saturday evening to honor this couple on the occasion of their thirtieth wedding anniversary. At 10:30 o'clock a delicious buffet supper was served, which featured a beautiful wedding cake. Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer were the recipients of many lovely gifts. Guests were present from Woodstock, Johnsburg ,McHenry and. Solon Mills. » * • -- Bast River Road Pinochle The East River Road Pinochle club wet at the home of Mrs. George Justen, a former member, in Waukegan last Thurday afternoon, Nov. 27. A delicious luncheon was served at noon followed by an afternoon of playing cards. Prize winners were Mrs. George (Hos, Mrs. M. A. Sutton and Mrs. Clarence Redwanz. The club presented Mrs. Justen with a beautiful housewarming gift. v Tlie next meeting will be at the oi Mrs. M. A. Sutton. • * \. , • • • \ Entertains at Dinner Urs. Betty Nielsen entertained \welve guests at a seven o'clock dinner one evening last week at her home ott Riverside Drive. An evening's entertainment which consisted mainly of singing by the group was enjoyed by all. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Woodburn, Mrs. Ada Moriartty, Miss Lucy Quinlan, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ingram. Mrs. J. Roberta, Mrs. Walter Reed, Mrs. Elizabeth Hoy and Mrs. Mary Hall, all of Woodstock, and Mrs. Jack Walsh and Miss Marie Ropp of McHenry. fMyVlv nWM| . pBSVe Attsa Lindsay, racardar; Mm ftkta Wattes, receiver; Mias Ctu» IMM chancellor; Mrs. Carrie JEnsigdy pest e«cks Miss Lena Stoffel, musician; Mrs. Cora Bassiftt, marshall; Mra. Caroline Schiessle, inner sentinel; Mra. Mabel Johnson, outer sentinel; Mrs. Pearl Peterson, flagbearer. The Graces will bo appointed by the oracle The hold a i later. Christmtt'{Urty .ittt£&eib'eloek on the . afternoon of Diet Ml 2 in the K. of C. Following the election, cards were j to the city, where they were dinner hall. Each mother is asked to bring I p!*yed and P"*es were merited by guests in the John McVey home. Mrs. Or. and Wr* Fred Miller e* ®gin visitedfrienda in McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Martin spent a few days last week visiting friends in Chicago. On Sunday Mr. Martin, Rita Martin and Miss Anna Frisby drove a gift for bet" CfiSd or for her guest. •<K , )U , ». ( .• 1 Sponger Magic Shew The K. of C. will sponsor Ralph Pierce'S famous magic show on Dec. 17 at the high school auditorium. There will be two evening shows, one at 7 o'clock arid one at 9. Tickets will be on S*6n. yejujl.. *-- * Mrs. C. Schiessle and Mrs. Eva Weg- ' Martin returned home with them ener. A tasty lunch concluded the Sunday evening. pleasant awning. , Miss Marjorie Duker of Northwest- * _ . ern university spent the weekend at P.-T. A. i her home here. lite P.-T. A. held their regular Mrs. Albert Vales and daughter, meeting last Wednesday afternoon, Marie, visited relatives m Chicago Dec. 3. Hostesses were the fifth and Sunday. . Dent fail to get! sixth grades. The program consisted Mr. and MM. Jimmie Smith of of a violin duet by Bob and Wtelter JBv*nstoni Called "Oh McHenry friends Miller and this was followed by a Sunday. very interesting puppet show given Mr. and Mrs. Francis Henry of Tipby the pupils in the upper grades. ton, Iowa, and the latter'3 sister, Miss At the business meeting, final plans Nancy Frisby of Elgin, visited their were made for the public card party aunt, Mrs. Mary O'Flaherty, last Frito te held next Sunday evening, Dec. entertainment •-for 1 the young folks'7. Proceeds will be used for the Mrs. Christina Going has been with prijECs 'Weinjt awarded Charlene Christmas party, to be giy$n for the spending several weeks with her Guercio, Rita Atta tJwfray and Lila children. . daughter, Mrs. Ray Page. Mrs. Going Mae Rosing. A lunch con- The eighth garde won the atter.- has Ut'n ^siting another daughter, eluded a ^aattt afternoon. Those f dance prize for having the moat Mrs. James Brandt, in Wilmette since " Hn Hasan V-* ; Miss Donna Freund was hostess to several W'-hei^layihateaf on the occasion of last Saturday afternoefe' (fimes furnished OMREPURLICAN TICKET " NEXT APRIL C. Russell AUen^ son of the late Judge paries T. Allen of Cary and one of McHenry county's most popular present weti? JaM<£ and Jack Justen Julia Fofey, DHfathy Phannenstill, Josephine "atftt "'Oiarlene Guercio, Theresa ;Bau^, Lift'Mae Rosing, Rita Ann Conway, rB£tfcy*rWall and Donna and JimnriePWemd.1'•' ' .. • i *• ecuV.* *1 r,l Celebrate BirtMAg . A partjr hbnorfng! the birthday of Lucille NielseTft" was»'held at Betty's place in "Lily Lake*last1 week. One large cake and eifirht'individual birthday cakes,: g4ft*.of Mrs. Louise Skelly, were the \?erif5r .Nil infraction on the decorated table. Thooe present to 3ftjoy the party wTttr Miss Nielsen were Jeri Einspar, Ettfcfetw 'Woobridge, Teddy Budil, Toinetfc WHleri Ronald Rippetoe, and Patsfe'itfHd Tootsie Andree mothers present and Mrs. Gerald warning from Canada Nov. 1, Carey won the special prize. The next meeting will be on Jail« 7. KENNETH GRANGER . TAKES RICHMOND GIRL AS BRIDE Mrs. May Lester and Miss Nellie Cleary of Elgin visited relatives hers last Thursday. Mr. and Mra. Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Guests in the Givens home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughter, A wedding 0# interest to friends Monica, of Lake Villa. here took place last Saturday after- 1 Charles Going, who accompanied the noon when Miss Frieda Klabunde, ®f Mrs. Clara Granger of Los daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Kla- Angeles, Calif;, for burial here last bunde of Richmond, became the bride w®®ic» has gone to Florida to visit his of Mr. Kenneth Granger, son of Mr. daughter, Mrs. Dwight Harris, who and Mrs. D. I. Granger of Hayward, her hust>and, also attended the Wis. The ceremony was performed ^unera'- . at three o'clock in the Community I Mrs. George Johnson of McHenry church in Richmond with the Rev. «nd'Mrt. Raymond Arvidaon of Los These eight chfldten enjoyed an af- j Francis Kramz officiating. ; Angeles, Calif., visited friends in Duntern oon of gam^«t>d* a^ng which Xhe bride wa8 charming in a gown .de!r last FJid*y' _ preceded a sa*^«ig kifach. Lucille.Lf blue transparent velvet and' Mr' and Mrs- James Powers and was prc'cWbd attractive gifts. •' v,;'*; au- *(• ' Birfhd*y (CeKebfafion Mr. and M^sl ijWrithl Walsh entertained at a" dfrWver Iti honor of the birthday of the former's'mother. Mrs. Mike Walsh,7at theft home on Center street last Stinirlay, ' Nov. 30. Those present to erijbyth? dajr with the honored guest ^vfrerp Mr. ahd Mrs. Louis Young Stid 'xhtWrtif1 of Waukegan, Mrs. Stasia' Malone; of Elgin, Mrs. Thomas WbteH and Miighter, Grayslake, Miss Stie Stone-of Woodstock, and Miss^'BUh^i -"-"DttHerty, Joseph, James and Melvin -Walsh and the Misses Maty';tthd- Dordthy Walsh of McHenry. 1' #-• m <# • . > Chora# Presents Concert On Tuesday evening, Dec. 2, the _'..o v.-ore a coinage of b:*onzc and yel low chrysanthemums. McHenry Choral club acted as guests' station attendant in Richmond. family and Mrs. May Powers and daughter, Marie, spent Sunday visit- ... , _ , t ing relatives in Sycamore. Miss Ethel Granger a sister of the j Mr and M„ Louig Althoff Mf and groom was the maid of honor and she Mr_ Charle8 v ita, and Mark was attired in a gown of poudre blue A1£n Gf McHenry and Miss Barbara crepe and her comage was of bronze AIthoff of JohnsburK yiaited in WiI. and white chrysanthemums. The mot, Wis., last Sunday. bridesmaid, Miss Gloria Cn»t of Amon those McHenr who Palatine wore a dress of dusty pink I attended the supper given by the V. crepe and her corsage was similar to F. w, Drum and Bugle Corpiin Crysthat of the maid of honor. j tal Uke last Sunday evenin? were August Klabunde, a brother of the Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Mr. and bride, served as best man, whfle Mrs. Earl Conway, Roy Redwanz and Charles Hayes of Palatine was an Norbert Mauch,,, usher- e I Weekend guests in the Russell The bride 19 a graduate of the Yunker home were Mrs. Geo. Yunker, Richmond High school with the class daughter, Betty, and Miss Ruth Plenof 1934 and is now employed in the ne* of Milwaukee,. Wis., and Sergeant office of the Richmond Gazette. The (James R. Bruhy of Fort Sheridan, groom attended the McHenry High 1 Sylvester Wirfs of Rockford spent school and is now employed as a gas the weekend at his home here • fa ^ 44 W J I ' If Ma --. --. J ed ra«f saw t«i be found paper tedajt fat startisd boiling •C Attoraay who is m- Bapabliean prtmary lagtatator# Croat district jbi 11 - oontaat- R^^at th» barannMOWlttent will >r oot^nn of fltvlcbaHl • *#«• ths direct piano. -m * tlw hat nod ; JXima^tio irabbits |u» raiaad kk «very tfWlb for meat and fur and th* total pewiuction may exceed 7,MI/ 000 a y»ar. PtaaM rk- Wh^n tfee United States tUtdired war in 1917 it^had 9ft aicplanea» tha majority of whfe& wer* obsolete and the rest obaolescent. ,: llow imDOrtft&t tbeidea of exclusivepess b« - comes when ycra are thinking ;of Uhriectmas gifts! v . And wh&t gift can possibly be as exclusive and yet as trafy from the heart as mr own photograph. , ^Bitone as fm^ lWL ieppoiRtment today. ; Wmwick Riverside Drive i Fnou j7I sis-1; - j i tM-'i-r-fes! l:WSt 1 : •>* , , V'.t , - tc* 1- p' 'j of the Mariola club in Woodstock by presenting an hour's program in St Mary's auditorium in thht city. Besides five hutnbers By the chorus, there were several individual and mony. group selections offered. The delicious lunch Which was served to members of botft the Mariola and the Choral clubs at the conclusion of the program was from a table set with a lighted tree which stood on a mirror, with evergreens and green tapers complimenting the ytiing 'Mrs. Clarence Douglas and daugh- The young couple plan to make ^®r* ®®ary, and ^Mr. and Mrs. Wm. their home in Richmond. A reception GIoMon attended the wedding of Eufor seventy relatives was held in their Dou£las i» Janesville last Frinew home there following the cere- day- Eugene is the brother of Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Glosson. Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Shea and family were Elgin callers last Saturday. Mrs. Ben Wegener of Chicago visited McHenry friends Monday. Miss Genevieve Knox and Mr. and of Miss Georgianna Donahue in Hunt- O HOLLERAN - REDLUT NUPTIALS SOLEMNIZED IN RICHMOND NOV. 27 Galdea W«dding k Forty gtiests, Including their sbt children and thtfir families, were present Wednesday as Mr. and Mrs, Albert Wilbrandt celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in Algonquia Dinner was served in the church parlors .by the Luttoaran Ladies' Aid of which Mrs. Wilbrandt is a member. Miss Alente OHolleran, daughter of "rs* Walter Walsh were dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. John O'Holleran of last Sunday. » Hebron, and Mr. William Redlin, son 1 Mr8, Clarence Douglas and Mrs of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Redlin, Sr., of Conway visited in Elgin last Sat- Hebron were married at ten o'clock | urd*ylast Thursday morning in St. Joseph's ' Alfons Diedrich of Chicago spent rectory in Richmond by Rev. Fr. L. weekend at the honfe of his par- M. Keenan of Harvard. 1 ®®ts, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich. The lovely bride wore a white •*Mn 1 Kathryn Boger has returned gown with fingertip veil and earned ,rom a week's visit with her son, a mixed bouquet of white flowers. Arthur Boger, in Maywood. , The bridesmaid. Miss Rita Jean ' ®®iss Ann* Frisby spent Wednesday The church is the same in which Miss O'Holleran, was attired in nink chiffon >Wtin« '» the Floyd Hopper home in Marie Calbow ahd Albert Wilbrandt embroidered in silver and carried . Crystal Lake. " , took their marriage vows before Rev.|pink bouquet. Ben Wright of Alden' Mr- *nd Mrs. John Freund were Von Schenck oh Dee. Jf, 1891. | was the best man. 1 dinner guests in "the Leo Young home at Barrington last Sunday. Mrs. Raymond Arvidson, a former McHenry resident, who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wilbfandt, who enjoy1 After the ceremony a wedding good health and are active, have spent j breakfast was served to Afty guests most of their married life in their]at the Korean Village, Lake Geneva present home. Parents of six children, 1 Later a reception was held at the I *** of Mrs Clara Granger here they also have nine grandchildren. O'Holleran home. . ' from California last week for burial, Their daughters are Mrs. Fred Schnick j The bride is a graduate of St h"s Ieft to vi*il relatives and friends Mary's of Woodstock and attended before returning to Los Angeles next DeKalb and DePaul university. For Sunday- Friday, accompanied by Mrs the past few years she has been a teacher in the rural schools of the county, the last being in the Howe school near Wonder Lake. Mr. Redlin i" a graduate of Hebron high school and is employed by the state highway department » HERES a Quiz Program on which you can score 100%. Just one simple question: "How Are you feeling these days ?"Not quite up to par, eh? Better go to see a good Physician. Probably it's iMftiH*g serious, but a little expert attention now may save yo« a good deal o£ trouble and y%-pn»-- later on. And this is no tissa for "hhaallff--way" health YeSt yoar Physician may give you a prescription to be failed. If •o, we hope you will remember us. Compounding prescriptions is our business, you know. iWllfiodoarserriceofthebest. • And our prices are always lair. • Bolger's Drug Store and Mrs. Fred Reimer of Algonquin, and sons, Arthur and Benjamin of Crystal Lake, Afoert^'J**, Of McHenry and Louis of Hebron*^"' • r * *"•!+*'• -V. ;• Marrted Ftfty Years On Tuesday NeV. /», Mr. and Mra. Jacob Heinuaiih 6t Johnsburg celebrated their fiftk^h' wedding anniversary at their bogie. In the afternoon Mrs. Heumanii entertained a group of friends and' in the evening several couples called to congratulate both the bride and grootrt of fifty years ago. Those who called during the after noon were Mrsi John Oeffling of Volo, Miss Rose Huemann and'Mrs. Jack Smith of McHenry, Mrs. Joe Huemann, Mrs. Wm. Oeffling, Mrs. Peter Oefflrtig, Mrs. George Oeffling, Mrs. Alfred Oeffling, Mrs. Mary Thelen, Mrs."Arthur Thelen, Mrs. Alfred Thelen, Mrs. Henry Thelen, Miss Anna Thelen, Mrs. Wm. Freund ,Mrs. John Freund, Mrs. Anna Schaefer, Mrs. Joe Schaefer, Mrs. Math Schaefer, Mrs. A.*- Stiffens and Mrs. Joe Guz- •a®da» . v ; , < • • < * • ... 'OK- ' ' ' i ; : x Glsb CWb Holds Banquet The CosiiopblHah club of Elgin held Its semi-aftnual banquet Tuesday Evening at Pink Harrison's on Psit^ kee Bay. A fine turkey dinner was •served to tfbout fifty guests. The main Speakers included Ted Lyons, for nineteen years ace pitcher for the Chicago White Sox, and Val Sherman, commentator on the Columbia Broadcasting System. This club haa been holding its banauets at Harrison's for the past nine years and have scheduled dates for 1942, beine the first Tuesdsv in June cv busskIl allbk yowng attorneys, today threw hla fedora into the 1942 primary, maktni him the first official entry $rom Mc-i Henry county. Attorrey Allen seek# one of the three legislative posts ii» the Eighth Senatorial district, comprising the counties of Lake, McHenry and Boone. The announcement made by Mr. Allen today waa very brief and la a# follows: "I will present myself to the voters of the Eighth Senatorial district as a candidate for state representative in: the primaries on April 14 on the -Republican ticket I am the candidate of! no individual or faction but of the people of this district whose support I earnestly seek." Oae of Ten Candidates In the primary of 1940, Attorney Allen was one of ten Republican can-, didates who sought one of the two G« O. P. nominations. It was his first venture into politics and although he was not successful he made a very creditable race. He was third In the: race with Nifck Keller and Harold Kelaey of Lake county being the victors. The Cary attorney polled 19,844 votes which was 3,930 Bhort of the; number polled by Kelsey who finished second. Keller topped the ten candidates with a tremendous rote of 30,-' \ 210, most of which camev from his home-county of Lake. Allen polled 15,777 votes In his home county, 2,890 in Lake and 1,177 in Boone. Kelsey polled 16.744 in; Lake, 2,&79 in Boone and 4,451 in McHenry. Two Republicans and one Democrat; were nominated. With three to be> elected in the 1940 fall election the nomination in the primaries was good enough to warrant election in t^e Call election. Friends Back Caaiidaey Mr. Allen has received many encouraging promises from friends all erer the district who feel that after ki» One showing in 1940 that his chances for winning one of the nominations in the April 14th primaries are very good. Alio r aey Allen la well acquainted throughout the district. He is aesociated ia the practice of law With Don JL Wicks, assistant state's attorney, and spends conaiderabie Uae in Woodstock. He represents his Cary precinct aa committeeman on the county central committee and Sr.S *> 5*Si-a W»!!• , *:; It ~ «, C -x -'ft ,\ , . \'<Vv WM' . wr: Green Strwt - tsu •' • Th« Slera for Wm Formtr McBdmy Man is Married NOT. 10 In a wedding ceremony which was performed at St. Mary's "church in Fremont on Saturday, Nov. 20, Miss Cecilia Ethel Titus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Titus of Libertyville, became the bride of Mr. George Shober, son of Mr. and Mra. Ivan Shober, Round Lake. The bride was attractive in a dress , of white satin with lace inserts and a long train. Her veil was held in place by a tiara of seed pearls, arid she carried chrysanthemums. The bridesmaid. Miss Gertrude Titus, wore blue taffeta, with a matching tiara and blusher. Her bouquet consisted of yellow and white chrysanthemums. Clarence Tonyan of McHenry served as best man. Following the ceremony; a reception for about sixty gueftts was held at the home of the bride. The young couple will make their home in Shady Lane, Diamond Lake. The groom has many friends in this community, where he formerly lived, who offer him heartiest congratulations. and the > which rison's cortgreg dinner, December, Pink Har- 11 place to wonderful mp, R.NA., of officers . The held the1 last Tumagy BVHUllg. Dec. 2. The following group will direct the activities of the camp during the next year: Mrs. Susan Olsen/ oracle; Mrs. Times Walsh attended the wedding and reception of Miss Katherine Margaret Normoyle and John Hurley which took place last Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mm CWford Slafter of Racine, Wis., called at the Linus Newman home Sunday." George Johnson, she visited friends in Dundee. Later she went to Elgin where she spent some time visiting in the Lamphere home. From there she visited in Chicago and is planning to spend the end of the week with her aunt, Mrs. Jack Watson, at Detroit. Mrs. Betty Nielsen and Mrs. Harry Durland were Chicago callers Tuesday. Mrs. Myra Utopias of Skokle visited relatives here last weekend. On her return home she was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Alidar Mead, who has been spending some time'visiting* relatives hers. _ Mrs. Stasia Malone of Elgin visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Henrv Vogel and daughter, Carol Lee, of Woodstock, visited hex mother, Mrs. E. Bassett, last Friday afternoon; On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams visited Mrs. Floyd Reed at Victorv Memorial hospital in Wmikegan. Mrs. Reed is a former McHenry resident. ^ Thomas P. Bolger waa a Waukegan caller Wednesday. Ralph Primm and a group of boys at the local high school attended the International Live Stock show in Chicago last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Osburne and Mra. Wm. Mau of Elgin visited Miss Kate McLaughlin last Thursday. Daniel H. Nye and daughter, Mrs. Norman Koepfer, of Fostoria. Ohio, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nyn Wednesday evening. Mrs. Wm. Justen visited her sister, Mrs. Pete Hoffman, in Wilmette last Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krxlowitx of Ringwood visited Miss Kate McLaughlin last Saturday on their way to Chicasm to visit the former's parents. Mrs. Clarence Anglese is substitutive SANTA AT ALTHOFFS Santa Claus will be at AlthofTs Hardware Store in West McHenry, Saturday. Dec. 1&, to meet all of his young friends again this year. 29-p8 •J" - ... * ing for Mias . Haute Taylor at the local high school 5his week. Miss Taylor was called to her home last week (because of the death of her father. Private Vineent Boxer.-, of. Camp Custer, Mich., was a Sunday visitor in the Wm. Staines home. er s 1$ Santa's Headquarters^ for Christmas Gifts Our Stock this 8--on is om of the most complato wo he** «vw ahowBr Come in early and make your selections. Herewith wo offer a fe# suggestions: GREETING CARDS -- Finest selection of individual Christaas Cjrd^ particularly appropriate for every person on your Hst Deckle- ^ edge embossed cards with your name imprinted--2$ for $£. and up ClRISTMAS TREE UOHTS AMD 8TRINQ6 -- Deoorale your tmo and be sure it is colorful with plenty of light. THE SWEETEST GIFT OF ALL -- A beautiful box of Whitman's^ Qobelin's or Mrj. Vogt'swonderful Candies. y PERFUMES - TOILETRIES -- Always vdoooed by the ladies fl» r the jperfeot gift. CAMERAS - KODAKS -- A very useful snd onjoyablo gift Wo a large stock, FOR THE MEN FOLKS -- Electric Shaven, Shaving Needs, Cigal^ ; Cigarettes, Wines ahd Liquors, Leather Goods, etc. : > . . and scores of other wry appropriate items for your tepwlhll^ Visit Bolger's on Green St at McHenry «• ; -••vs .'/••A,. .. 7 'W;; ?•$*£-• .(It V. ;vi iJk'-

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