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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1941, p. 2

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m'-immzzzmm -vff M RINGWOOD *•*•1^ ! The second annual test of your trade is'now required.4 We have reoefred the stickers and invite you to oobm in as soon as possible. We also have a well equipped repair shop to take careoCyoar pompfr with the law. - *..»«• •». #*'* -- CENTRAL GARAGE •, -- - - ' v: : *.' *•/ '• ' phone soo-x ^iTSKD J. SMITH, Prop. fwiai in glamxfixd ooLxnens foe quick kmulti Mr. and Mrs. Hugh White of De- **lt, Mich., «tift fntffty and Mmiky in the WituMeCauMn home. - Loren Hamson visited friends in Crystal Lake Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wfll B«ek of Dundee were callers in the Harrison - Peel home Sunday. >' Charles Vogel of Brodhaad, Wis., called on his sister, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McCannon, Vivian, Billy and Bert, of Woodstock were callers in the Ray Merchant home Sunday afternoon . Washington Lettet 4 lift Washington, December 2--President Bedbe*ett*a absence from his edTidal residence for a few days gives the legislators and administrative officials plenty of time to iron out their problems without running to the White House for advice or with their tale 'me ounoay aiiernoon. *oe' Hie C"Ton*g"r™ess1 "is w--re«st«li«n(g Mrs. John Blackman and Mrs. Robi-1w,th modified strike and pric^ control son of Antioch called on Mrs. Charles j measures while government officials Brennan Thursday afternoon. «*»«trating on numerow and . ed Mr. •a nd Mrs. Geo£ ige« mM artin. spent i t^hf> n^tflinif l u<r tf *t h•u MMintrw^ "W^«wioe dding. Ttow's • Gifl Sfc»1 Op*# tlKyD* 430tMMgAjho«aend Now it the lo look foe lor die yean of GstsGdBI tuUhaui 10 *4*1 Thursday afternoon in Wheaton. Leland Berg attended the Stock show in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. George Jepson and daughter of Wauconda called on Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Jepson Friday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Brennan and Helen Johnson called on Mrs. George Vogei j in Elkkorn Wednesday afternoon. j Mr. and Mrs. Charles May of Richmond spent Friday evening in the Ed j Bauer homo. GENERAL § ELECTRIC CAREY EECTRK SHOP £ Ofeen Street --: -- 1 Of Wwty in the Charliiier CV»aZnT* hnoomnee.. ~ \ -- r --v..^ Pearl Smith of Woodstock spent off,ci*ls h»** journeyed to the New Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and York convention of industrialists this Mrs. LT onni• e_ Sn m#iatih_ . WM>lr tA avnlsin wkai fie ONint*^ a«j| Will Beatty of Keystone spent Sunday with his sister, Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrp. George Young and Alfred spent Sunday in the Charles Dcwe home at lfeHeniy. Mr. and Mr*s».• UHUug§IhI Wvv nhiitiy^ owf iD/vevtrroviiti » » callers in the Joe McCannon wtration for it was a notable emission -heme Sunday. McHenry .. tliM SAJTTA WILL BE AT THIS 3T0R£ SATURDAY, DEC. 13 1 WM. H. ALTHOFF HARDWARE ^ >JU--- St^re open Evening* after December 10 those 984£- Itain Street ^ West McHenry **£ V , ,.,,llr.>nd Mvs. Chantey Harrison, **•** j» ign. Mrs.' Lonnie Smith, Mrs. Henry that the | . Mr,.and llrs& Stephenson and Mrs. Roy Harrison at- hitration scheme will be effective., S^ve Ma^* aint • 1 1 1.1 J All J • « . * M UlA MAM fVinf ^l«A t -- II A AAMvmRIiaa • P IBWA0 VaaimWjIlfMfVJBy IIMflMAMII Aft VCHN9* Adr f QjltljwMIlliwAVAAwPr Black bakollt* trim. With inner win bosket and bosto* plate. t T O Y S P E C I A L S ! & TIK LIGHT Sit •-light loop set. Assorted colors. Masda lamps. Sakelite sockets 15-ft. cord 59c EXPRESS WAGON You'll waift (Ms for Mm little lot's Arst o lO^long. Reb- S|SS ber tires. (Mf, ELECTRIC TRAIN NMNMM CdMM^trt VmMM BUECTOR KT mt*¥f 'fMkh, MMPMA. *1 USWKI T^jOt 'lltfti >inl4*%. 39c HOUTBt XI IhHiw ktliUt with k«ntf> <1.00 'm* . i>,«4 tended the installation of the Eastern Star at Crystal Lake Thursday evening. Family night will be held at the Community hall on Friday evening, Dec. 5, at 7 o'clock. Pot-luck supper. Please bring sandwiches and a dish to pass. Everyone is welcome. Mrs. Roy Neal is a patient in St". Tfcerese hospital, Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson called on Mrs. Clinton Martin Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and sons spent Thursday in the Albert Schultz home at Genoa City. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent 8unday in McHenry. Mrs. P. E. Collins and daughter, Martha, were callers in the Collins home Saturday. John Smith spent Sunday, in Chicago with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr spent Saturday evening in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George Young entertained their card club on Sunday eveninp. Clinton Vogel of Elkhorn spent the weekend in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrison of Elgin were callers in the Harrison- Peet home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison and Carol, Mrs. Henry Stephenson and Mrs. Roy Harrison attended the Eastem Star meeting at Richmond Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch called on Jennie Bacon Saturday evening. ^ The Home Circle will hold thefr Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Paul Walkington on Wednesday, Dec. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Webb Blackman and Joan of Chicago spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan. Mrs. Lonnie Smith. Mrs. Henry Stephenson, Mrs. Chancey Harrison and Mrs. Roy Harrison attended the installation of Eastern Star officers at Woodstock Friday evening. Alice and Marion Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mrs. Eva Perkins, Mrs. Will Hendickson and Clara Mae Ellison of Richmond were supper guests of Jennie Bacon Friday evening. Henry Wraaje and Art Habeck of Chicago spent Sunday with Loren Harrison. , * . Frances Cooper spent Sunday afternoon in the Sigvart Nelson home ai Hebron. Mrs. Joe Kattner of Spring Grove spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Bauer. Kob McLean home in Woodstock the prospect of this country being drawn into a Pacific war zone by reason of Japanese aggression or the movement to call a halt to defense strikes and labor union's defiance is a drawing card for the attention of officialdom. Somehow the Far East tension with ell the grave implications has ttot absorbed public interest «• mwh as domestic oquabb^es. A posexplanetioT. is found in the tenof the sible ivcr noinv. dency of average citizen to regard Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck and the8€ international affairs as somedaughter of Arlington Heights spent th,n* for «Uplo»*ta to handle. CL..J • it %• /> » AA rtn»ul--mlblie^rl Aof# t+hRe* top-Sight defense week to explain what is wanted and what is expected for defense. On the political front, the Senate and House have two anti-strike bills with the same objective but two different approaches. Both legislative departments steered clear of compulsory ar in the two drafts of strike control. Mr. and MEM. Pster Freund and chil- Mr. ind firs.' Walter Freund of, IngfctfMe are abiding the week in the tome of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Wegener of Volo called en Mrs. Wm. Althoff Sun. day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, Waukegan, were callers here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Joe King and Mrs. George Mn^wereWaukegan callers Wednes- Mr.'tadPSlrs. Albert Huff entertained the JtiQpwfog on their fifteenth nry Sunday afternoon: Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling of Lily Lake, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Huff and family of Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and daughter of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling, Mr. and Mrs.-Fxa*ik Michels and Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Mkhela Mr. and Mrs. Jake Thiel are the happy parents of a daughter, born Nov. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Frank May and Mrs. Ford Jackson were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Mrs. Leo Sang and Mrs. Qareaee Freund motored 'to Waukegan Wednesday. Mrs. Fred SaHh entertained the five hundred dub Hnursday afternoon. Prises were merited by Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. F. Smith and Mrs. Peter 8mith. Mrs. Mike Gorsld and Mrs. George Zarnstorff of Woodstock called on Mrs. Jain Thiel Friday. Miss Irene Smith and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers called on Mrs. Walter Freund at St. Therese hospital Monday evenU U wwsaarf <e le a M DM a mmmth by the e# jj*e er ssieaf fro duets In ordsr U «a» *** Ur* •* soUstoeeet, sod tot in tk* Nmit ** r-* sm«?- u " cat aai dsatal cat* aie all nr Ne. Ms*? enletsee nsed net he - * * fei flNtaiai •• • '1 f waliiiimi m AfUr / IUm served my Isrm */ ""J ewltotmswt, wkmt bimfit* de t • fit far r++nli*Un*ntf . sp jm* raCe aa« , *,n y* inrtl ef swilss. n«ta»»ta « ^ . daHagMe- t* MN »)« M Hety iiMilUiil 4aye hees wtlh pay. If I «eib( hi tks ViMy *r Natal . 1 * . * _ . - gMirvi will I ti sent te s term m*k een^ NUrm99§g Tffrmmddt* 84U*U m--m *»t*sNes»r mnewjueHssse-- ttae--etf Am mmk esnf IS a sUurg tosel ap> f a w a * » d * * * * * * * « > > « ! * a s e i l t e taie Itsiff Tred» Iffcirti. Thee> -gir •t*T-|ii% Ttttpmiwli m(f • idiMe who psse tfcstr eaearfaa- TJK.T. ead be dragged w Mew tWi iifclilli Mdnwiw Uari (nh a ship sod ee «sx eae esn* to Wavy Tjsli Saheels tieNed as to lepisils et iwlle Men II»II ist to the InL fengtogfneiMto«t«ssl. These WMs eMeadtog thsse edheeht e*e a--r illy nnM hy tfte test tksp wMI miiN siatei Msvy shlveto the Asst. eae iset dss»> »ey and fees eAeeMng ealasd et pieg a itim seppietod to in> ttBM. pledS at W IssC dsi^i mafi aen» 9 • f\ awayfHMBtiMsavlasMneseaata PW k spssd off M ftaeto er msie. These ww •WB* U9 ^ /ww ffnn •/ fRwvwiivii which bmrt mm till Itfo ' ISA' There js aeane the minds of jgn. lfaa. j(|.( itibk The mere fact that the two asesmblies | Miller arTspending a few weeks In moved simultaneously for restraints California. vis tbm olasshtxd ooLvmra fok qviox RSfuuea irw^a r^nruTjTjnju-uarur\rxru~i-nj~LrT_n-ri-rLri -_r^--irnnnnnn - V" even of a modified variety is taken as good omen by these advocating Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller, Mrs. Peter Freund and Mrs. George King laws to prevent the spread of defense j motored to Woodstock Tuesday afterdisputes in labor relations. The noon. solons seem in agreement on the theory that enlarging the President's powers to take over plants where work stoppages are imminent is one loner. solution. The question of delegating extraordinary power to the Chief Exectw tive is disturbing many legislators. Symptomatic bf this concern id* the query of Representative Wolcott of Michigan, who bewailed the transfer of power and queried his colleagues tn Art Peters motored to Chicago on Thursday to spend a couple of day* with a daughter, Mrs. Stanley/ Zol- Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund called on Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller at Richmond Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Math Schaefer were Woodstock callers Tuesday afternoon. The following ladies surprised Mrs. Jacob Heumann Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 25, on their fiftieth wedding anthese words, "Did it ever occur to you i niversary: Mrs. John Oeffling of that the Congress of the United j Volo, Miss Rose Heumann and Mrs, States is the most impotent today it ever has been in the history of this nation?". The Michigan representative twitted his fellows as follows: "You must recoup much of the power you have already delegated to the Chief Executive; and, my friends, you have not the parliamentary courage to do it* Slowly but surely the government defense agencies are endeavoring to spread defense contracts to distressed areas where priorities in materials are taking a heavy toll. The delays have been criticized in Congress and else- "where, but it is obviously not an easy matter to spread these jobs in areas where factories are not equipped to convert from civilian to war effort. The O. P. M. Contract Distribution Division has certified a limited number of distressed -areas and industries to the armed services lor special consideration in the placing of defense work. Present studies indioate there are some one hundred areas which face potential distress from priorities unemployment. If the community is certified, the Priorities Branch transmits Jack Smith of McHenry. Mrs. Joe Heuman, Mrs. Wm. Oeffling, Mrs. Peter Oeffling, Mrs. George Oeffling, Mrs. Alfred Oeffling, Mrs. Mary Thelen, Mrs. Arthur Thelen, Mrs. Alfred Thelen. Mrs. Henry Thelen, Miss Anna Thelen, Mrs. Wm. Freund, Mrs. John Freund, Mrs. Anna Schaefer, Mrs. Joe Schaefer, Mrs. Math Schaefer, Mrs. Alouis Steffens and Mrs. Joe Guzzardo. ULYLAKHt A ChristmssGift ie will Enjoy Beautifully Boxed fot Presentation V- * j ' mmm $2.95 „ Frankie Stephenson Returned home cr®d't r*t}ng ex- Friday after spending a week in the f«ri«nce difficulties in obtaining credit 'u mvuv«u uvmv tvuousiock. •* ™" ,,v* Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley and fate of »mall business may offer a Don Roberts of Crystal major plank in political platforms in in the S. W. Smith home Friday even- next year's Congressional elections, iiut. The Republicans are studying the is- The Lily Lake Ladies' League held a bunco party at the Cottage Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. A. Seyfferth, Mrs. M. $udil and Mrs. Corbin. Members prfsent were Mrs. Thomas Klabouafc Mr*. Walter Emspar, Mrs. Lottie Bransford, Mrs. Jos. McDonald. Mrs. Geo. "Wegener and Mrs. Vincent Schiavone. The serving of coffee and cake concluded a mort enjoyable afternoon. * amiwi wmnui vrnitBiiuh ' ®d Mrs. Hyatt and family of copies of the community survey to the i Chicago spent Saturday at their cot- Division of Contract Distribution to- herev Mr. and Mrs. Gibson of Chieago spent the weejpnd at Lily Ifkf. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fast and Jack Laubinger spent the weekend at their home and also visited at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Claude Vachet Saturday evneing and the home of Fred Doech Sunday evening. Mrs. Claude McDfermott was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. •Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swaneon were Chicago visitors last week. ^ Mrs. E. Weber was a Chicago visitor Thursday. Mrs. Joseph McDonald was a Chicago visitor Friday where she visited her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Hints spent the weekend at their place of business the Lily Lake hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Drisebff and, Margaret Farrell of Chicago and Jas. Klabough and friend of Mauston, Wis., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl 0. Swanson spent a few days at t^eir cottdge ai?d also Sun- Coiwpiefe lino of Fuller Brusheg Albert5 JPepping, Sr. ^ Johnsburir -- Route 1 -- McHenrv gether with a letter of ccftHfcetion. Through its engineering and technical staff, the Division of Contract Distribution analyses the defense potential of the plants or industries involved and recommends a remedial program to the armed services. This problem was complicated by the fact thst, although conversions take time, plants have already begun to shut down for lack of materials for non-defense production. The so-called "priorities unemployment" has been estimated as bringing about an unemployment of two million workers. One of the difficulties in allotting these contracts is Ityand in the official report that forty per cent of defense subcontractors -have a submarginal credit rating and would therefore ex from normaj banking channels. The nig. me ttepuoiicans tne a - . ~r~. Mrs. George Shepard of McHenry «»e to measure its utility for millions viaited -/!v* entertained the Bunco club on Thur.- will be affected when plants are closed j__ «wscn wnst dJa- y a_ fMta.e rnoon. Prizes were awardedf dll o-- wl--ln >| . Realising tAhkiisa oahu^t1l/o\AoIkT i• s>. drla«nng»- .j ® to Mae Wiedrich, Grace McCannon erous. the Democrata are exploiting and Liszie Thompson. diversion of centmcts wherever pos- Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Helen sible. Johnson spent Saturday m Janesville. Seasoned lAniUli are unwilling to Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., and Mae believe that the rail workers will call were callers in Richmond Saturday !a strike. The threat to have the government take over the tvaanportatioa system is not taken seriously. The government does not rdhk the idea for the record *>f the last venture is stall a fetadk eptft. QWermnent operation, partly at the MkA <of the nil «nkms during ^ year, «edt the taxpayers a tidy sum. The government paid oM Wrtre th«n one end «nehalf Millions within twenty-six months of Federal %<MtU ul of the railroads. Pressure at the last minute is expected <to avert, a general rail -Mrlha. BXJtU> NEW HOME "Work has 'been begun on a new home to be jeonstructed in the 'Wattles "subdivistdn at the end of Center dtreet for the Elmer Freund family.. W. Brown visited ~ friends in Chicago Thursday. Pity Poor ©lrl Mr. and Mrs. "Robert Schultze ahd The "3W Club" of Mew YcA b * ^Ughter, Ruth, of Milwaukee visited bachelors' club. Single men over » Ar. and Mrs. Hepburn Sunday. (are eligible. Applicants must<§gree Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Wilcox of Wood- j'not to marry until a year after they etock were Saturday afternoon callers j Join. When a member becomes in the Ben Walkington home. Mrs. Ethel Lard, Mrs. Emma Richard, Mrs. Jennie Piette and Harry Horner of Chicago were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown recently. afternoon. Mr. atod; Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy and Mrs; P. E. Saunders, Fontona spent Sunday in the Fred Wied^ Hch, -Jr., home. - ' " Mrs. Lonnie Sasith spent Thursday In the Wm. WwUttnger1 home et Woodstock. Frances 4teed trf 5Riehm<*li 4k *tfpend- %tg several days with Jennie Bacon. Mr. and -Mn. -B. T. -Butler entertained the Five Hundred-dub Ot> Thursday >dvening. Prises were Won toy Helen Young and 'Louts Hanftey fdr high score and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson >for low scdre. Mrs. C. J. Jepson and %rs. B. T. ^Sutler called oh Mrs. Clinton Martin Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. M. Morrison and daughter, Myrna, of Minnesota visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clsude McDermott over the weekend. The Lily Lake School P.-T. A. held a meeting Friday afternoon at the Lily Lake scholo. Plans were made for a Christmas party for the children to be held Dec. 23 at the school. Mrs. Glick was appointed acting president until next election. Attention, meetings will now be held before the regular monthly card and bunco party. Arrangements were made to buy a piano and certains for the school. The next bunco party will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Swanson Thursday afternoon,-Dec. 11. It will also be a Christmas and grab bag party. Fred Doseh and daughter, Josephia^ Kere Forest P*rk visiter* Frik| „ - - J'i'-i "'i' , i" 1 -- »<' ' ,1.5. ,i'r. terested In girl the other members make n Study of the girl1* character and advise the bachelor who is weakening as to the wisdom of his marrying this particular jgkt. Ii«* From Generator You expect light when you switch «• your reading lamp. Back of the switch, through miles of wire, is a generator. The integral parts of generators are forgings made of carbon- vteel. . renewed May«flr#ef The ships bringing the Pilgrim Fathers to New England after the Mayflower, were the Fortune in 1021 and the Anne and Littl^ James in "Ik-; • • IX'tet&Li i1 ^ ORDER YOUR Christmas Cards Now! r_ ~- r,.,' r " -p V §»<i • P - «'^f. V*** J:»Ji s 5* " »' «>i1 4X * \ J J'" •"J-S**' *tf c '• ' -"+?r'••'•" '..'. -1 -1. fr-r. %•- ^.-1 .-•jj ^ Your Choice of u Three Djffereot Assortments;:,: our Name Imp] 1.00 ^ With Your Imprinted^ ']%' /•' K:. * y r' ^ ':4i* * < *s*£ It's amaiiBg ... what attractive, smartly designed cards you get for so little. Volume printing on a basis of of|tj7 orders is the reason for the saving... so buy now! ASSORTMENT NO. 300 -- (Etchings) Wonderful Winter and Christmas Scenes, 21 Cards and Envelopes, name impinted, only. *1.0^ jyRSORTMENT NO. 200 -- (Oilettee) Reproduction of Painting^ 20 Cards and Envelopes and name imprinted, only _ .1 .$1.00 ASSORTMENT NO. 50 -- Fifty Beantiful Cards and a** Bnvetopes fmd na«ie imprmted, only flie above assortments all have beautiful designs on front and appropriate verses and sentiments on the inside. ' We also have many other beautiful cards to selct from. Order Now--Cards will be ready for you by December Id McHenry Pjaindealer

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