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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1941, p. 7

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1 msm KICRIIITING OFFICER, M OUGWTI THPNAMV (MQU«r4 THAT! M<MiN.A«4*>4Mti youSnieafai, *• Nevy fHMyM$UMOw«f(<io(«rihnMl And J yow want to Worn a trad*, the Navy b it* ptoc* teda). B»rt or* forty-ftve-odd ti udh« f*v con loam ... traiiwg that's worth kgadiMb •f doKori Hw firat )Mr. Tin Navy oiwi Mm dim of • M|fM to y€»m BMN. tf yaw or* 17 or aver, get o (r»e copy •r«M WokU.llR IN THE U. S. NAVY," fro* Ikt Navy EAor of this wwtpoptf. Singly a sou* cou*rr*Mf BUILD SOUR FUTURE 6IET IKT TWE MAW MCM/' VOLO |.*NMUS A. IfOWAN {ylstcroJ •f?ts husrt), pruhhil of the flyerry ,**• flwyeretiee, world's largest wea*~ |\$aelarers of iwd--Uwl ul i . jrins iutraaiaU, mtirtl kit £j--1| tsrimisal trainlaj Ik the !ma Nnr, hi Which 1M «hM '; #• a YWBF SMB. "Tlds baa pmd lvalue tome in latse years," -nflar Mwgu. Bulnd N MV Navy iiaialli n> slstlilial tniakf at «m «f ftt waiia--ejijc «(%•! 1M» Waak. Tie Navy offem faiMn to ywig »w hi M tMfereat trades and Opportuadtios Amp l te kua rtfllri tia<»i, for end advsBtare an identical ^ifcalk^' •r a aaaa ajMi h At Nary or tti Naval hie pay, fwi aad toal ear* an ths; IW& McCULLOM LAKE *r. u4 lbs. Jm. Crick ily ofGltisacospent the weekend it their bona here. Mrs. Hash McDonald was a Chicago visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frits of Chicago spent the weekend at their home hers. John Shark, Jr., of Evanston spent Bnaday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shark, Sr. Miss Eleanor Schaefer, Woodstock, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A. Schaefer. Mrs. Ed Kepran of Chicago was a visitor at the Hugh McDonald homo -Sunday. Chicago apant tha wesfcead at their home. Mrs. Frank Kurth spent Monday in Chicago. . Charlie Brocken, Chicago, spent last T^Kj Thursday with hers. Mr. atid Mrs. 'Arthur Thompson and family of Berwyn spent the weekend at the lakd. Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Beatty have returned home after spending a month in California. Mr. and Mrs. J. Meakofk* of Chirun spent the weekend at their home here. Dr. Pisani and friends of Chicago spent Sunday at McCullom. | Mr. and Mrs. John Hay and son of Ringwood were visitors at the lake . Monday. f Mrs. Jacob Riter of Chicago spent Elmer Schaefer and Mickey Unts were visitors at the John Unto home MuaMaia Sunday. Chester Maori and friend of Grays* lake were visitors at the Joseph A. Schaefer home Tuesday. Mr. and MR. Victor Hove of Chicago spent th* wt kend at their home here. Mrs. Joeeph A. Schaefer aad daughr ter, Eleanor, were visitors at gaa Saturday evening. :•*>% ' - r » -i; CARD OF THANKS ^ In this manner we wish to express our thanks to our friends and neighborn for their- kindnesses, expressions of sympathy, floral offerings and spiritual bouquets offered us at the time of the death of our wife and mother. B. Frank Martin and family, Grayslake, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs» Ahra O. Klarton of the week at McCullom Lata* SHOP . HO-* CLARENCE'S JOfcNSBUM* Wen'* Leather Suspenders Combination Bill Folds Key Case Combinations Ladies' Belts Ladies' Coin Purses Rubber Door Mats up .... $1.00 _ .$1.00 to $2.00 .H.76 to $2.75 30c up .. 35c up .. ;.H.oo up Open Every Day and Evening Telephone 625-J-l Worm Your Hens - The Easy Way Bay Acme Po®ttry Wormer, it costs about batt the prioe of worm capsules and is justs* effective. It requires only four pound| 9^ A$me Poultry Wormer per 100 ponnds of mask. Feed for ten or twelve days. This type of Wormer will not step egg production and is much less work, as H does not require the catching and the handling of your hens. Try it today. We will mix the Wormer with your mash for yon. McHenry Floor Mills Vernon J. Knox, Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Beat Hiller, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, January 5, 1942, is the claim date in the estate of BEN HILLER, Deceased, pending in the Comity Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. CATHERINE HILLER, Executrix. <Fub. Nov. 27 - Dec. 4 and 11) Vernon J. Knox, Plaintiff's Attorney PUBLICATION NOTICE State of Illinois, County of McHenry, sa. In the County Court, in .Probate. Ernest Birchall, Administrator ef tfct Estate of ,, Alice Birchall, . • J Deceased, • Petitioner," vs. Ernest Birchall, William E. Birchall, Phoebe Alice Gannon, Herbert Birchall and Un- 'fr known Owners, * Defendants. Petition to Sell Real Estate' to Pay Debts Notice is hereby sriven you, Herbert Birchall and Unknown Owners, that Ernest Birchall, Administrator of the estate of Alice Birall. deceased, on the 19th day of November, 1941, filed hie petition in this Court to sell an undivided one-half interest in the following described real estate: Lot Twenty (20) in Owen, ' Stenjrer and Allen's First Addition to McHenry in the North half of Sections 35 and 36, in Town- • ship Forty-five (46) North of Ran?* Eight (8) East of the ; Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded April 14, 1922 in Book 4 of Plats, . pages 54 and 66 in McHenry County, Illinois, owned by said decedent at the time of her demise, to pay the debts of her estate, and that said cause is now pending in said Court against you and others. And you are further notified that unless on or before the 6th day of January, 1942, you shall appear and defend in said cause, judgment by default may be entered against you or the day following or thereafter. R. D. WOODS, Clerk of the abovo-oame4kCoui%« (Pub. Nov. 27 - Dec. 4 and 11) honor of their son, Kenneth's, second 1 birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ros&man and son, Jene, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerson and sons of Crystal Lsjbv spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Vssey. Mr. and Sirs. Lloyd Fisher visited Mrs. James Davis and so» ft the Woodstock, hospital Monday evening. Mrs. Walter Vasey and family and Mrs. Margaret Grabbt spent Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. J. Ullrich near Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schaefer of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case Saturday. The Volo Leisure Hour 4-H club held their first meeting .Saturday af- ! ternoon at the home of Mrs. Alvin Case with the following members enrolled; Virginia LaCroix, Helen La- Croix, Marian Wirtx, Jean Hironimus, Yvonne Keil, Betty Bwouser, ^tty Lou Anderson, Bonnie Jean Vasey, Orpha Crook, Mary Case and Arvilla Ann and Lilah Mae Fisher. Officers were elected for the winter months: ' Marian WHttx, president; Betty "Lou 1 Anderson, vice - president; Arvilla ! Fisher, secretary - treasurer; Lilah Mr, and Mrs. Walter Littlefield and son of Waukegan spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Len Littlefield. Mrs. Alvin Case attended her Alumni club at the hem of Mrs. C Pepper near Wauconda Wednesday evening. Mrs. Walter Vasey and family called on her mother, Mrs. Margaret Qrabbe, at Crystal Lake Friday. The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau will meet at the home of Mrs. Ray, Seymour with Mrs. Wendell Dickson as co-hostess Wednesday, Dec. 10. A large crowd attended the card party and dance at the Volo public school Friday evening. Mrs. Arthur Kaiser attended a pronuptial shower in honor of Miss Gladys Vasey at Wauke«ran Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Wirts and family, Mr. aad Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family, Mrs. Lewis Allen and , sons, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Russell and * Fisher, publicity chairman; Mary family and Alvin Case and family at tended the band concert at the Wauconda Township High school Wednesday evening. Mrs. Walter Vasey attended a bridal shower in honor of Mrs. Frank Mitacek at Gary Sunday. Mrs. Peari Dowell and daughter, Ada, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Raven at Slorum Lake Sunday. Ell wood Dowell of Wsukegan called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Monday. A number of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey Thursday afternoon ia Case, recreation chairman. Dainty refreshments were served at the close of a very enjoyable afternoon. The next meeting will be held at the b&n&C of Lilah and Arvilla Fisher.. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear husband, Dr. Francis J. Aicher, who passed away two years ago, Dec. 5, 1989. Two years have passed since that sad dsy When one I loved was called away, God took him home, it was His will; Within my heart he liveth still. Loving wife Annabel. Oive Her One of Our Beautiful Oil Permanent Waves ^ Dtorn from $15.00, complete with Haireut to Style, Steam Oil Bath for Hair and Scalp, Special Shampoo, hairdress and facial. Give Her a Beauty Service Certificate Card, a SS.00 value for $5.00 (20rv saving). Give Her a course of 7 Scientific Body Contouring Treatments. Prices from $11.00 up. # Give Her a course of our scientific Steam Oil Baths for conditioning hair and scalp, price $1.99; Six for $5.99 £»}• (Shampoo and Wave Extra) Give Raxor Cut .$1.99. Regular Haircut, any style Edge Scissor 59e Give Her a Facial Contour Control or a "Buttermilk Diet" Facial Pack-, price - $1.99 aad $1.59 Give Her Ultra-Violet Sun-Tan Bath for health and beauty, price $1.99 Extra Special Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday «p to 9 P.M. Full Line Nstiopally Advertiesd Oil Permanent Waves 15rf discount $4 up to $5 Waves; 20% discount $6.50 up to $15 Waves including Haircut to Style, Special Shampoo .Hairdress and Facial. With Waves of $4.40 up net, we also include a Scientific Steam Oil Bath to help condition the hair and scalp before the permanent wave. Other Permanent, Non-Oil $2.fc0; Grade School Permanents With Oil $3.00 up, 2 persons $5 up. $2.99 up complete HLADIES! TAKE SPECIAL NOTICE! In appreciation of your patronage we will award a "Gift of Beauty" of one $2.00 Credit to be used on a Permanent Wave, every Saturday night, from now until January 8, 1942--"Do come in weekly." 8TOMPANATO'S ^Fountain of mt. Beauty • Body Contour - Electrolysis Salo# , Oven 8 A.M. to 9 P.Wt 229 Mate St. • 227 Ronton St. Phone 94f ' Woeistock, IB. km. Bond QUIZ I am a machinist in an airplane factory. When the war is over I mav'be laid off. How can I prepare for that time-! Make systematic ai\d regular purchases of Defense Savings Bonds. They will give you a substantial reserve which you can fall back on in the period of readjustment after the emergency. To what very large group of Americans does the Government look particularly for extensive baying of Defense Bonds and Stamps? People in the middle and lower income brackets, where many of the most rapid increases in national income have taken place. This immense part of our population can be especially effective in reducing national purchasing power by buying Bonds and Stamps, thus aiding the country's defense program, wiuta kelpiag W ke«|> down the oost of living." . . ' , .tvi $OTK -- To purchase Defense Bonds and Stamps, go to nearest post office, bank, or savings and loan asso- Iciation; or write to the Treasurer of the United : - States, Washington, D. C. Also Stamps now are on sale at most retail stores. ft;; •' Vernon J. Knox. Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE of Mary Justen, Decoasod. .i; Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 2, 1942, is the claim date in the estate of MARY JUSTEN Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and thiit claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date adthout issuance of suipmons. GEORGE R. JUSTEN, ^ •V/ Executor. , , (Pub. Dec. 4 - 1.1 - 18) * 'i" * Vernon J. KKM. Attorney - . ~ Notice of cla<m date % Fhtrtt -«f GhaHee F. Pick. Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per* sons thst Monday, February 2, IN*, is the claim date in the estate of CHARLES F. PICH Deceased, pendine in the County Court of McHenry County. Illinois, and that claims may be fil<*d against the said estate on or before said datf without issuance of summons. ^ . , ELIZABETH PICH, a ^ ' - Executrix. $ i&V' *P*b. Pec. 4'"- 11 - 18) C£ • ;:>o iffi Vernon J. Knox. Attorney yroncE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Jacob Ju«ten, Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 2. 194 is the claim date in the estate of JACOB JUSTEN Deceased, nendin? in the County Court of McHenry County. Illinois; and that claims may be filed aeain^t the said estate on or before said date .without issuance of summon?. CATHERINE FREUIfO;' GEORGE R Jl/STEN," Executors. * " (Pub. Dec. 4 --'li - 18) •? . Ar • JL HIS year above all, you say, you want the presents |ou give to be msmi-you want them to but... Well, Acre's the answer ... Give electtksl gifts. Thdr wocitl Will increase as months go by. Now meet an old hand at Christinas giving... he will w you how to shop for long-lived electrical gifts... IdcUo, dbere! Well, fint thing to lisriifa is fwrn to spend for cadi gift. Mike s list of your fsvotftt people-put a rough figure after each frame--rhen come with -pc. Wg'jy nygKf ftrr*^-'jpfr it'f If you plan to spctKl up to #25 P* people who take pride in serving snacks to their gueMl* ' a toaster with trsy and service dishes is perfect... or you csi% ^ give a complete electric roaster for this smount of money - something you'll be thanked for as long as you live! While we're thinking about the kitchen, don't forget Hw nothing adds more fun to cooking than an elcctnc mixer... and doc# it SSTC s lot of work! For someone you're particularly anxious to piesac-e besutifwi floor or table ismp will farii^ yesn ot plmsure. m If you plan to spend up to *5 '^Aooi your friend like to drink good coffee? The vacmfltk coffee maker you give will go on pouring out good brews far yean ... and of course, everybody likes an electric clock for his owa room, as well as other parts of the bouse... s pi<Mg» lsmp is the handiest thing for lighting up sn odd corner. electric^. And for your most important gifts If you're sn "unusual" giver, thst wonderful new b l a n ket is the gift you've been trying to think of... keeps; people warm all night regardless of changing room temperatures, is light as s feather. Costs $36.23 complete with transformer and adjustable thermostat control switch. It's ideal fori bedroom, sleeping porch or college dormitory. And for s really big Christmas, so electric refrigerator, • washer or sn electric sewing machine! I think an investment ia the home phows .a mighty smsrt bit of foresight this jeit If yoa plan to spend up to #10 Waffle irons kst /or yesrs ... you can get one that makflt two waffles at a time, and stay in this price range!... Speaking of irons, the new flat irons are really something! They qiske ironing so tssy. .. the right gift for any woman on ypur list who keeps house... or for s girl with a soap;, at college... and don't forget--a handsome table lamp || : 4- ***" " Itrtiet Order'-- UlWUHaw St, Oi-ptalLake y *** Hope I've helped you fill out your Nst Until ... Good-bye, and G*dSl»ppMg! _ For more suggestions, stop In at your neighborhood dealer's or Public Service store. Don't put off • ...4oit now while selections are best.

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