ws&t&s km M- flMES V'1'4' 1 "---- Ti hirec fmiroswt b«•a••h»f# ** twh--e- #y e--a--r ?•'•••* v:' -was little LeRoy Arthur, bora toMfr. Mr"- Arthur DW"Wl IV- :• V§ Mrs. Arthur Ufce. - Jan. 2 -- l(r. and Mrs. James Bon« He of Chicago, now of Detroit, Well., announced flie birth of * son. Jan. 4 -- A little girl was bom to « ' • Mr. anfl Va Jnm Haul«J ef Mc- H«ry. sJan. 15 -- A son was welcomed by Ifer. and Mrs. Russell Gfbbs of Vote. • ^Sfan. 22 -- UttleC&arlotte Ann W eitne a member of the Leo SntlUk family of Ttmjrwood. Jan. 24 - Mr. and Mrs. John Gable of Richmond were Hie parents of a daughter. Jan. 26 -- A aan was born to Mir. and Mrs. 'Clayton Brace of Wander Lake. ! • ?"\s. >£; • - Jan. 29 -- 'Edwin BHcworth Pea- $2 v~ '* ' body. Jr., was -welcomed into the bona t 1' of Mr. and Mrs, Eddio Mbody. 30 Mr. andL Mrs. Atari hospital. Haas. Nov. 10 -- Mr. aatfMn. Nlek & Freund were mafll the pltiud grand* parents of their first grandchild, a girl, bora to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund of Crystal Nov. 16 A f<v; -•* al :§ Woodstock hwpttsL Nov. 19 -- Dtarea babies were wel V- ;tfM ' *» .f", &•. . V Jan. ov -- w. ®raov; jpr*. njf».n , - Rothermel were the happy parents of], 1® -- The Richard McDonalds a daughter, Elizabeth Marion. * |<* CMcago vr*r* happy with their in Feb. 6 -- Mr. and Mrs. George P.;'*** daughter Blake were proud of their newly born and Mrs. Milton Bre- Mi'M' Priififie Vie# were the happy parents fit a son. " July'18. Born to Mr. and Mrs. KaqpfSlh Alvin of Solon Mills on this day,* spa. July 19 -- Mr. and Mrs. Edward ; Thennes welcomed the arrival of a little bay. ^j YAi July 20 waa born to Mr. i and. gn. Arpgj, jWH*. while Mr. I _ - '<*.*"•*- * .*"• M. rnndilAaMtxi fmpwwji parwts of twin daugh. j Meyerg) inside and Mr. and [Mrs. Dick Saith (Lvuio€ K3day) W 7,A, daughter blessed the $nd Mrs. Edmund Whit- J*ta£9 ^>Aim««neements told of the arrival of,.a little girl In the srs^ss^s. Edward 8wan< m Mf^anct Mrs. Wieler of over the birth of An»»n,f*,A aeo-was born to Mr. and, Peterson of Chicago Aoffi .16 -m Mr. and lbs. Joseph Miller rejoiced over the arrival of a was bora to bo#n and *p£int eingart at the HfcSiqftrdiedin a JH, 6 -- Mrs. 66, No*. If -- A daughter was born to of Wtoconda waa IcOmI Inltantty In Mr. and Mrs. fttor Justen at the an attto crash in ttifch her |(lul "w« « •*»"" --"** »«««» imwm •»*»« | "*p--»• Juljr 16 -- Dr. William W. Lichty, comed into this world on Nov. If. Mr. Johanaa-Frishy, a native of MeHenry. Ayril 10 -- Mrs. Martin Rathburn 69, a native of Spei^r Grove, died at and Mra. Wattor fwwd <Anaabel jan. is -- John J. Whit*, fig. * n*. ! Cliicago, a summer renient at Me- hfe home in Woodstock following a , Feb. 10 -- A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. George P. Dledrich of Ingleside and Mr. and Mra. Michael Schaefer of Johnsburg ware the par* ents of a daughter, i Feb. 12 -- Hie Carney Gitkersonfl | ^ WWSMlS1****8 Hetreed o c* Crvytal Lake announced the arrival arrival of «f a little girl. Fob. 16 -- The arrival of little "Wrh.ird Oiarle* made this a "red lettor day" for Mr. and Mrs. John Herdrieh. Fob. 23 -- The Emil Sebos of Rich. wend *eit happy over the. arrival of a son. Feb. 26 -- Three Tittle girls were . barn this day, one to Mr. and Mrs.' J® Arnold Ranen of Savannah, 111., the «erond to Mr. and Mrs. Lvle Anderoon and the third to Mr. and Mrs. Leo WlW of Johnsbursr. March 1 -- A little boy was wele* med into the Waukegan home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hamil. March 6 -- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich of Rhigwood received a Httle tW. March 8 -- A son was a new additlon to the Edward Schmitt family. March 11 -- Mr. and Mrs. Charlea ®*own broadcasted the arrival of a aan. I March 18 -- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bacon erf Crystal Lake were the parents of a daughter. March 17 -- A McCoIhim Lake Aug. Ifwr- Two little girls were bom onJU* day, one to Mr. and Mrs. BenJkWytf Maaon, 111., aad the W) ,#Bd Jo« M«y M£^£^KSUr« ^ of Chibaby V-> and Mrs. Ralph roedHf «< ^hicag» received a baby giri. , •• Aug.: jl rr. Bacb' df the following couples were the parent* of daughters,* Mr." 4ISBLeo Fmapi of- Johnuipg. and Id.; attd, Mrs. ^alph Wagner of Slocum bit, H^t a son was bom tolfr. gfflln. Goy Duker . r tw Bernard Baur* «f DMqNMr Ioai, also announced the birth of a son. Aug. 22 -- To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred May of Rmgwooif was born a son. Aug. 28 -- Mr. and Mrs. Majersik of Wonder Lake heralded their daughter's arrival. fir. and Mrs. Francis Chicago received a Au#i 24 --- Curulewski of i daughter. I An Eight-'couple. Mr. and Mrs. Travis Jardaa* were the parents of a W- ,, k r,-, Aug. SO -- A daughter was bom to j Mr. and Mr*, Charles Stilling, who reside on the Pistakee Bay road. Aujr. 31 •-- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Glos I announced the arrival of a son. jLTiarcn 14 a ACVjOlran Lftko Sept.. 4 .-- OTI *M r. •aIn1Ud Mwrrss.. Ebilmmeerr Hxieevt-- couple, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Huaka. terma^m "tetfame the parents of a rejoiced oMvMer« t4hLe^ Lb1ir-atLh o-fj it.*h_ ei•r d«a ugh• ter. daughter Sept. & -- >A daughter waa barn to March 19 -- A little boy waa bom "r' an<* ^rs* King of Johnsburg, to , MUr. . andJ Mw rs. Delphine Freund o"f <^nf 7 A kak« «!»} 1 Wauconda. ^ M»ch 20 - Mr. and Mia. Quentm *** Sept. 7.-- A baby girl brightened the lives of Mr. arid Mrs. Glendale '2^sh of MeHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Hrnier Stilling of Johnsburg, both announced the arrival of daughters. --March 25 -- Local folks were inwrmed of the birth of a son, John Edwin, to the James Boyles of Jacksonville, Fla. Sept. 11 The Raymond Mays of Spring Grove were rejoicing over the birth of a' son. Sept. 14 -^Mr. end Mrs. George Haideman of Woodstock welcomed a son. " ««f imw) a a«to | "S^erpvt«a l»fwt ---- • #A»• eevoani' wwaas®s bwo%mU t«oV flMtl• r. March 28 -- Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Mra. Milium «Giosson, while a J_ a* _ _ sifiiiarh+Ai* waa Kami April 7 -- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hilr welcomed a daughter, Catherine eaase the parenta of sons, wtBa « diwghto^waa bom to Mr. and Mrs. Nov. 22 -- Mr. awl Mrs. Mm Bapperich of SUfai ware made proad parents of a son born in that cttgr. Mrs. Dapperich was the forma- Clara Joateu Nov. 28 -- A aan waa bora tp Mr. and Mra. Joeaph King of Chicago at the Bethany ha^teL Mrs. King waa the former Helen WMting. Nov. 24 --A little boy who will answer to the name of David Grant wat bora in Chicago to Mr. and Mra. W. E. Peterson, the former Florence Milfor. Nov. 26 -- Mr. and Mrs, James R. Green of Woodstock became the proud parents of a son; Mrs. Green before her marriage waa Miss Helen Bolger. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompaon of MeHenry ware made proud grandparents by the birth of a daughter to Mr, and Mrs. George Thompson of Harrington, A baby girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hunter. Nov, 27 --Mr. and Mrs. Jake Thiel of Johnsburg became the parenta of a girl. Dec. 2 -- Babies were bora to two MeHenry couples, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph M«l«r. and a daughter, Adie Iflijaheth, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fehneten df W#* Dec. 8 -Tbe1*w Preunds were rejoicing over the birth of a daughter as were the James Wolfs. Dec. 5 -- Mr. and Mrs. Max Doering became the parents of a daughter. Dec. 9 -- A son was welcomed into the Roy Panknin home in Ringwood. Dec. 14 -- A baby boy was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Blake. SPRING GROVE A party of friends gathered at Westlake's in Solon for a Christmas party and turkey dinner on Wednesday afternoon. A delicious fourcourse dinner was served at two o'clock, after which cards were enjoyed and prizes were won by Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Steve Schaefet and Mrs. Norbert Klaus. A gift exchange was held and everyone present received a beautiful gift. Those present other than mentioned were Mrs. Arthur Klein, Johnsburg; Mrs. Eldred Johnson, MeHenry; Mrs. Albert Britz, Mrs. George W. May, Mrs. L. L. Kagan, Mrs. Al Schmeltzer, Mrs. Paul Lewis of Fox Lake, Mrs. Ray May and Mrs. Charles Freund. Mrs. WltlTam Bowman of Richmond celebrated her birthday Thursday when members of her club met at her home to spend the afternoon. Cards furnished the entertainment and several prizes were awarded. Refreshment* were served. Miss Louisa Wins has been confined to her bed for severed weeks, a victim of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. George Huff are the Diedrich were made the parents of a dau'hter wu born to the Charles -- Maya of Spring (^rov Sept|44-y Tha j/tival of Karl Richa^lfwfr landed by Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wni«ol, ^Jr., of Chicago. April 8 --- Little David Roy ^ 1 ' A daughter was bom to •.sensation in the home of Mr. and Mr- %*• Jo«£rnVr at their home Mrs. John Grandt. i in Job • April 9 -- a girl was ham to the ®ct* Af" Wm. Grasser Albert Huffs of Johnsburg. / Jwere OgpaAlts of a daughter bom . April io -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank at the Woodstock hoapitaL wmmier announced their son's, ar-' 0ct- 3 -- *r* Mrs. Walter Wfal, while Mr. and Mra. Raymond V*Sfc>' Vojo announced the arrival were happy over the birth af ® (iiWpiwr. I*v uv. > cwt u icvw>/ mwni»> a daughter. Both families live al' Oct. 6.~~ A baby hay weighing 9 Iba. Kichm^id. , 11 Wm it the Woodstock »t the ceremony. The bride's brother, .April is -- Mr. and Mra. Chariea *?**** *° Kirks. Eugene Oxtoby, and Misa Rath Nel- Cunningham of Chicago were deliaht- 001 7 -- Atty and Mrs. Vernon ! *» were witnesses. 4* with their little boy. Knox of Crystal Uke ware made P«»d parenta by the arrival of a daugh|err- Oct 11 -- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brda were the proud parents of a daughter. On this same day Mr. and Mrs. Jaawa Flaheagh of Mauston, Wis., formerly of Uly Lake, became the parenta, 0(f a daughter HOl&if iST YEffi Jan. 2 James Murray, who was ' Mcday. . the hMhaatf qf 6ora Carr oTtt^-' wood awl waa well knawn as a^ dealer in livaaMt Maul St-- Lambert M. Munshaw, «8, caftwaad and ^ted shortly afterwarda^^ waa amplayed at Terra Cotta fer twenty ywaT April 5 dang^tar was kdWA alio aad eight othera -injured. She was the former his home in Vola at Ow age.^ ^t faara. yew died th< He was a Ifftl--g faddeAt «f thte daughter at Islaad Lake tive «i Mrflanry, was found dead at ^®Bln after a foar month hi-s h-o me I-tt- fi-^c-k-fo-ru . - J f l l a e 8 £ . 2 h a t n M Mm. 15 -- WQliam John Harm, April 12 Grove, died of a cerebral stouter ( M. ber, a at her in Chi- 6 -- Misa Elola B. Boyle, 49, of a jdonaer eoqrfa ft this, died after a BMOth's illness «t her fins home near MeCSollnm Lake. Stm, ?6 -- Mrs. Daniel Nye of Fos« , ¥j, toria, Ohio, a fxsqeent visitor here, i ^ to iiaiuuiHua. their 18 -- Mrs. Maud B. Barber, 67»ji|ed fin a Chicago hospital. She was tbie siller of Cheater M. Goodman. April 14 -- Mra. George Frey, 70, had eddwtad metal sjj,r^si* ibt:s e April 16 -- Mrs. Grace Singer, M _ A Mini snmyer .Dd' f' h" dnrfhawm, Gerh.rd HttWnMl, " ' iWlln. 11^. !hilTTi who lived south of MeHenry, died in the HartUnd hospital. I Anrflr/' xtj.. , * J.n. 30 - a L Utaek pror«l1 7 ^ .V. ~ fatal lo John Nett, TO, .f Witart,' Wis., who for many yeara waa a resi- ' - - 1 dent of Johnsbttrg. Peh. I -- Michael Ranen, 72, a life-' time resident of Spring Grove, passed away «fter six 'yaafe of illness. He was a retired painter. Pete, 2 -- Mark L. Salomon, 80, a summer resident at Pistakee Bay for i of Mrs. Betty Nielsen. April 18 -- Frank HaJal, 88, of Chicago, was struck by a car and killed on route 12 near Richmond. April 20 -- A bvief dlaeaa was followed by the death of Dwain Oliver Bell, 59, a native of Ringwood. Aprli 28 -- Mrs. Eva Zvonar, a forty-five years and a retired brick summer resident at McCollum Lake manufacturer. die^in a Chicago hos- . succumbed after a long illMU in Chii> * a . « N I cairo. * -- A fdUr - month illness A^>rfl 28 Little Bai-bar* Ann rSLStS "'I °Uire «"«• "• Lake, who was prominent! Mr. and Mrs. George R. Koester of in *>m and musical circles. Pefc, T -- Dr. J. G. Maxon, 60, mayor of Harvard for twenty years and alio the MeHenry county physician, phased away at his home in Harvard. Feb. 19 -- The death of Mra. Emilie Kay Schwandt, 71, motiier of Mra. George Barbian of MeHenry, occurred at her home in Libertyville. Feb. 14 -- Glynn W. Smith, 68, a West MeHenry, died of pnamnonia. May 12 -- A long illness- resulted in the death of William P. Burke, 81, a native of Algonquin, who lived in MeHenry since 1919. May 16 -- Mrs. Frances Miller, 40, of Ringwood, was recovering from an operation when she-suffered a relapse and died, leaving four children. May 19 -- The death of Mr*. Nick P. Prevnd, 76. waa attributed to a native of Ringwood, died in Chicago: heart attack. She was a lifetime resi He was a bachelor and had operated a dent of this vicinity. grocery store in Chicago for some time. Feb. 21 -- Thomas Wright, 76, who died at Sumas, Wash., was brought May 21 -- Fred J. Immekus, 60, passed away suddenly after a heart attack at his home at Pistakee Bay. May 25 -- Mrs. R. L. Hegeman of back to MeHenry for burial where he j Wilmot, Wis., the former Margaret had lived for more than thirty years. | Powers who resided in MeHenry sev- Louis H. Wrede, an old time resident eral years, died after a long illness of MeHenry, who was employed in 1 May 29 -- Henry Melaun. 72, of Mclerra Cotta for many years, was also . Henry, expired at a Waukegan hosbr ®5*°t to MeHenry for burial. pital after a long illness, n • " ^ death of Hyman! May 80 -- After months of sufferuurnatein, 68, who had been a partner , Mrs. Jo*. W. Freund, 59, passed w®* *• Skidmore in the junk busi- away at St. Therese's hospital in ness far twenty-two years in Chicago, I Waukegan. She was born and spent waa attributed to a heart attack. Lud- !her entire lifetime in this locality, wig Behveni, 48, a brother of Mrs. f 1 -- Steve Engels, a farmer Howard Lockwood of MeHenry, died an<* 8 lifetime resident of Spring A 51 ,atUck at hi« ***** home Grove, died at the Woodstock hospital northwest of Hebron. i He was 66 years old. Feb. 24-- Lennox James Arm- June 8 -- L. Marshall McCannon, 25 strong passed away at the age of 21 ye*» old. died of injuries received in yeara. He was the son of the Lennox 1 an airplane crash at San Diego, Calif. *. Armstrongs of River Forest, who He *** employed by the Consolidated own a summer home in the Emerald £.ipcr*ft corporation. The death of Park subdtviaion here. Mrs. Elisabeth FWlHp Dohm, Chicago, 85 years of . • ^ephanson, 68, a practical nurse 1^- *0°^ Place at hia cottag-e in Huein this vicinity and a native of Ring-. mann's subdMafen north of MeHenry wo„o d;, died in Rldgefield. 1 Where h* e h* ad* reaMad the paat eigh- Feb. 26 -- William RicketU, 62, a j te«n or nineteen svmmers. w U118 __ _ McHm "**1 WOJkT' {ormerir of I Jui^® w^out€ to a Chi- an Riverside Drivi after a long MeHenry, was found dead in bed of k boejrital, Henry K. Jakob, 49, of nesa. Oct. 7 -- Friends ware happy parents of a daughter bora at . • Ricketta, a their home on Thursday, Dec. 18. ^ilroad worker, formerly of Miss Marie Oxtoby, daughter of Mr. *cU«nry, a and Mra. Arthur Oxtoby, became the "e** **tack »t his home in Hebron. C^cago «Hed of a hemorrhage. He bride of Lyle C. Thomas of Woodstock 8 -- A heart attack caused ^ V^tag the wadtand in Mc- hear af th< at St. Peter's rectory on Saturday 'f ooath of Alfred F. Tompkins, 60, Cauley Evi night. Rev. John Daleiden officiated ,ttorn*y 'or the Chicago Title 4 Truat1 'Bnt H -- A lingering illness ended Woodstock .4 .1 <TIL. 1.HX COmMnv aiul a u . .. <n Mm lUatk - - * • • . ' M .April 14 - Mr. and Mra. Joaeph Wiser, Jr., of Volo became the patents ef a baby girl. V^April 15 -- Mr. and Mra. August Wenkel ef Wonder Lake were happy mer the arrival of a daughter. jfcpril 19 -- Warren Glenn put in his to-*1 appearance at the home of M& aiid Mrs. Harry Benson at Solon Mttl» April 29 -- The birth of a daoghjir was heralded by Mr. and Mra. Hueene Christensen of Richmond. May 2 -- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wycital welcomed their first ehild, a ^May 5 ~ A little boy waa bom te ;Wr. and Mra. Victor Mills of Wauke- -- <Pwo P*ic**oans, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Seyfferth, sent out anfouncemenU of the birth of a son. | May 8 -- The Edwin Mays of jpnntr Grove received a son. May 16 -- Born on this day to Mr. |nd Mrs. Chris Seeba of Jacksonville, "!a„ a daughter. ^ HttIe fcaeawe the -:k- 1™I Cflld ^ and Mrs. Cart -^'oteseL 1$ ; *7"" ~ *** Mra Albert Mil- '•'.s -J u °V SDn^ ^roYe proudly presented ^ ; Tk baby £irl. l-'c •• . * <n!e Gre?°ry Mielings of \ ^ Chicago were the parents of a sen. < June 5 --- A little boy was a wel- 1°mf, oddition to the Leonard Ibsh >•%?, family; _ •T»ne $ ~ *r and Mra. Ragnar 1 V v;, ..4tleimer of Ringwood were the re- Oct. 14 & A ^wghter was bom to Thurlwell at St. Mrs. Joseph t, became the oa. son; Mr. and Mrs. Zion Baker of MeHenry are fhe grandparents. A daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. George Boyle of Westwaod, IH.y. \ Oct. 19 -- A daughter, Rebecca JoanrWb*rC) UK"and Mrs. Frank BohHa -at-'the Sherman hospital in BVginfc Mr and Mm- Clifford Kiehl of Lily Lake became the parenta of a 7% lb. son, born at the Swedish Covenant hospital in Chicago. Qct. 21 -- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Muldowney 0f Rockford, UL, became the parents of a 5 lb. 14 uz. son bora in Dodgevillf, Wis. Mrs. Mldowney is the former Bernadett£ Meyers °f MeHenry. J" Oct. 24 -- 4 baby daughter, Anita Jean, *aas bdfa to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Be^kenba^gh of Chicago at th« Evangelical hospital in that city. Mrs. Stndenta from the University of Illinoia who are home enjoying the Chriatmaa vacation are Arnold May, Eugene Meyer, Charlea May, Jr., Ted ShotUff and William Craws, Jr. The children of St. Peter's school enjoyed a Chriatmaa party on Tuesday afternoon. They aang Christmas carols and hymns aa Santa Claua arrived with a gift for everyone. After the party the children were dismissed from classes marking the beginning of their holiday vacation. , ... umca^ j.iu« a lTust , " « ™iennir luness enoea company, and summer reeidant at in P* death ef Mw. Catharine Schu- P""k" »» •« If Henry S.Ho- tk. Wm. lUr, UnFhJLZ AS.X***Tf »."• iilS^,0mmer ,"id«t ^ •«> F.mi*« Fl«nin* u*Dick Flem- WW f*rmer of the Volo vicinity, yeara. {q. 0f McHenrv dtod fa» VhOm» ha im «f aa mam June 18 •-- John Wright, 76, a for- 1 1- •« JOHNSBURG fipients of a daughter. '% ,J'uTne 10t -~ AA Hinttt*le figr»irrli wwaaas bboomm f ^ Leonard McCracken family, v /' ' June 41 A tiny daughter brijjht- 4 ;t>ned liv*. w- and Mrs. Leo w.$e* |»ned the lives of Mr f ^und of Barrington. J«n? '?* ~Zr?lIr and Mrs. Lynn Smith Beloit, Wis., marked the birth of - ,H son. ; \ June 21 -- A daughter blessed the -•fiome of Mr. aad Mrs. Ben Blake . jMa day, whfle a son. Roland Patrick, f ProwAt gladnesa to Mr. and Mrs. Paul iM11.-: rf 'dsien of Soring XJrot.e | ' JuIF « -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox Announced the bMh of a daughter. ^ July 7 -- A Httle girl was welcomd by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stilling, July 8 -- Ike Renard Blums o f lElmwood Pent were joyouB over the ^gurlnjl of a ton. Wl • -- A daughter waa bom te -- ... ...... Beckenfcautf 'fe the former Dorothy Altheff. Oct. ?5.--»•, Mr. and Mh. Roy Loudenback were made proud parenta by the a son bom at the Woodstock hofcpital. Oct.'B# -- Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Van Every of Spring Grove became the parents of a son weighing 11 lbs. 6 oes., born at St. Therese hospital. Oct 80 -- A eon waa Jwrn to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schaefer at the Woodstock hospital. Oct. tl -- Halloween had special significance for Mr. and Mrs. Leonard AatoMOl jut a baa was bora on that day. Mrs. Antonsori waa the former Gaasaitt Vfcetibd. *Pf|. Dan MoeQara, Ring wood. IIIsame, the parenta of a son ii tbi Woodstock Passed away at the age of 68 yeara. March 8 -- Mrs. William A. Rasaman, 50 yeara old, whe lived an a farm west ef MeHenry, died following an operation. Also on thia day, Caaline S. Nacker, 78, waa found dead at his home in Mineral Springe where he lived for about twenty-five yeara. March 9 -- Chas. A. Raach, 78, well known in thia region, died of injuries mer resident of MeHenry, Aad at Ryder Lake, Britieh Columbia, Canada. June If --- Otto Schoenberg succumbed to a heart attack at hia home in MeHenry township. He waa 75 years old. 1 June 21 -- Miss Mildred Jooe, 29, the adopted daughter of Bernard Also on >!&|§* day, QkMaon, who waa liMi in 8prin#Q*eiaa 8l years ago, died at his home in Humphrey, Neb. July 25-- After attending the golden no#djag_ lajsliiftmi' of her dai^tor::«U|i|yMN^M4^r, Mr. and Mrs. Geoege - m . Mdlenry in the sprfav ef I9CL, Mra. Mary SabeL.98 yearik old, 4M at the home of a heart attack. » -« Mrs. Jahs S. Fraund ***** wSttJSe h3rff^ ooatfnnaBy wttikm after-aaff^fag a beaten W bi a iaB en her Tf& htethday last Mam*. Afr Mm. Pwa Laaeo, 46, ef^dngQtave. WlSS, a leaig filneac. She was a native of Antfadk JMy tl -- Alfred Miller, 21, died of less «* in the JolHuriMnt a«# ha aa* hfe bride had moved to WertiMedk' a few we«lca before hia deatiu l%lriek P. HamaOian, 84, wdl known hew. died at Pektann. He was a Chicago poifcfeman. Will Jam J. Overton. 87, an onele oi Mayar Overton of MeHenry, was «tr»ek hy a train and killed while waBdRt to bis home at Solon Mills. An#. S -- FeHawhia a etrnke. Peter J. Myer. 62, died at Lake Villa. He was well known in this eity. Aur. 6 -- Marion EMredge, daughter of Mrs. Harry EMlwdge, an old time resident here, died in River Forest. 8he was buried at MeHenry. Aw. 18 -- Miss Julia Ponneyer, 68, who had kept the house of Msgr. C. R. Nix in order for thirty-thfee years, died. Mrs. A Ida Hmtter Jennings, owner of the Hunter Golf course at Richmond, died in the sajme bed and room in whiefa she was born sixtythree years ago. Aug. 20 -- After a two month illnes. Adolph Dobersteht passed away at his farm home near Ringwood. Aug. 28 -- Alfred J. Lauzon, 48, of Wonder Lake, an interior decorator, died after an illness of a few months. Aug. 30 -- John S. Paul, 45 years old, of Chicago, died when his boat struck an abutment of the bridge on route 120 aeroes the Fox river in MeHenry. His body was recovered an hour later. Sept. 8 -- Mrs. Joaeph Diedrich, 8r H**- -- - -- suiting from alttfeiflPlMiMKK^ givw» by a c rsrFtfefe death ef Hoppe three days pravtowly Nov. 9 -- Duath came unex to Mrs. Anna Dosch at hfgu; Lily Lake, following a She had been a resident munity for N«a. 16 -- Sen fL Raed, 58 ye»ra old, died at hiyioawJll^rystal Lahe^,. . :k- He Was a brother .gt*.Jftiir®' Woodbum of Woodstock, MeHenry resident, Ofttitfa Mrs. Tbsrass A. TrtakaiatiwiL aid, who arrived i& , ..,r a covered wagon in her hf*»e in tie nerthem;JMpilpa^^ fer the last 89 years, dili oaln> . MaClt --- A tragic , he«A play occurred 1 ttaeat^. Platakea ^ay iK"9aku|, rigbtfl at'^m^aiid ;Mfi. . r , - f e l l ^ in ' the water and wa#5 drowned. Nav. 21 -- Tvo raefdpita died, bip ? fii '-Lee An died at her home on Park street, Mc. ™ Henry, at the age of 84 years. He* u®?waiy V****' Mra Myrtle after aii BlMaa her home k Clara Granger „ where she had. made her hoine many years. Nov. 24 -- A woman known by many friends for her hospitality kindness was taken from our m when Mrs. Sarah Martin died unexl pectedly at her home in Grayalake. i';-1' Nov. 25 -- Ralph Taylor. 56, fathe^ of Miss Maurie Taylor of this cityMsvi died suddenly at his home in Carbon- ' dale. p-v; Nov. 26 -- Wm. J. Elverman, brother-in-law ef Mra. Louis .AltheiffC^ died at his hw M WQmot, Wis., afe^-1 the age of 74-yaan. - •D^. 1 -- Funeral services were at Holy Cross church in Milwau1*-* for Florian Nye, 28, a nephew of E. Nye of thia city. Dec. 4 --- Death came to Niesen at his hornet in Johnsburg where he had spent his entire lifetime. ^rr\ Dec. 6-- funeral services for Dorothy Phllipp of Woodstock, wh<i> , lived in MeHenry as a child, wer^r4'" KpIH af fKo llirann A««k*Ml r I held at the Friends here Merwin funeral h< will remember her husband, also 84, survives. They were * ~ ^ ^ ^ married sixty-one years ago. Knigge of Crystal Lake, who at awrfc-*®*i home of his Glenn Bacon. cago. Sept. 6 -- One of the earliest resigranddaughter, Mrs. Hia home' was in Chidenta of thia community, Mra. Anna BBeennoollkkeenn--KKllaaaseerr,. 9988,. died at the hhoamme. ment in.194*: d!^ ,n thrt of her son in New Munich, Minn. Sept. 18 -- Ralph Jackman, 68 year old farmer residing south of MeHenry, was fatally injured when he fell while helping fill a silo on the Windy Knoll farm. Martin Hallstrom, oldest resident of Greenwood village, died at his home there. He waa ninety years old. Sept. 19 -- Death took from our midst another lifetime resident of this community, Wm. R. Gumprecht Sept. 21 -- Mrs. Julia Courtney, well known in thia community, died at the home of her sister, Mra. Joeephine Daley, in Cary. Sept. 29 -- Mrs. Julia Burke Leonard of Crystal Lake passed away at her home in that city. Oct. 6 -- Ben Hfller, 81, a pioneer ef this community, died at his home to hear of the death c* Mrs. Anna Me- Evans, 69, at her home at ck. Oet 12 -- Mrs. Winifred Fleming, 57, sister-in-law of the Miaaee Mary ^yfctfrfk hoanital. N«r. 4 -- Mr. and.Mxa~Sfaner Smith of Svr&ML Grove wire atiade proud the birth ef a aim weigh- ^-nea-Jyup at their home. D» tUfljk aana day aaan waa bora to ;)pr»-«ai Mt» Clanirn Rsgnse at the Bernard Althoff and sister, Mary, called on Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner at Volo Sunday afternoon. Miss Katie Pitsen of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday in the home ef her father, John Pitzen. Mr. and Mra. Joe J. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. John Pitsen were Chicago callers Friday. Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Steve May and Mrs. Joe King motored to Kenoeha Tuesday. Mrs. Mike Gorski and Mrs. George Zarnstorff of Woodstock spent Tuesday with Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mrs. Delia Miller entertained the five hundred club Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Steve May and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klapperich, Mr. and Mrs. George King and daughter, Edna,, and Mr. and Mra. Joe Karls motored to Mundelein Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Pratt of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Delia Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Woodstock spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer af Waukeean and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund ot Ingleeide spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. received in an auto-train crash! Ha ^°°* °* MeHenry, died after several lived in Randall township. ; months of illness. March 10 John Maher, the hue-J June 22 ~ Att** ten yeara ef inband of Catherine Knox of MeHenry YaI»di«", Mrs. Refonshje qybma, 67; and a frequent viaitor here, died at ?f Woodstock, formerly of. Weat Mchis home in Chicago. Wirt H. Wood- ."enry- Passed aw^y at Pgin. bum, 69, an old time resident ef Mc- J^ne 24 -- Bernard Via, 78 years Henry, succumbed at hia home in Burlington, Wis., who was well Rockford. A third death on this day known in MiBpnry, died in a Milwauwas that of Oran Stuckwisch, son-in- ke€ bospital. law of Mr. and Mra. Math N. Schmitt1 /une 25 ~ Mn- Caroline VanSlyke of MeHenry, who was drowned while • L«ke Geneva died of injuries refishing off the rocks in San Franciaco, C€ived in *a automobile accident. She Calif. | was the daughter of the late Dr. and March 1$ -- A long illness was ^rs* A. C. Spurting of MeHenry. terminated by the death of Thomas J.1 ^une 28 -- Peter J. Doherty, 80, the Cleary, 73, of Elgin, who was a native «*-"*ayor of MeHenry and an alderof MeHenry and a retired veteran of man °* city for 25 years, died the postal service in Elgin. : after a lingering illneas. He was born March 20 -- Mrs. John J. and spent his entire lifetime in this 80, died at the home of her daughter, v*cinity Mrs. Ray McGee, after a brief illneas. March 21 -- Mrs. Elizabeth G. Buas, a former resident of MeHenry, paaaed away at her home in Chicago. Hiia same day, James H. WaMron, superintendent of the Municipal Tuber- - culosis sanitorium garage in Chicago *fter a three month illness at for twenty-five years and who was bome in Wauconda. July 8 -- Jacob F. Schaal, about 70 years, died at hia summer home at Wonder Lake. Burial took place at Elizabeth, N. J. July 14 -- Peter Heea, who was bom 88 years ago at Johnsburg, died his well known in MeHenry, died at the age of 82 yeara. March 22 -- Fred C Walker, 42, a July 16 -- Mias Margaret Wagner, 17 years old, passed away in a Waukegan hospital after several months eenftM of retail tra«e enumerated 121,IN retail atoree owned by chaine and 1,684,666 in- V'7'^5* -W • *« vii «« A ' vU V« vv nincr^ Wy M • tavern keeper near Hebron, formerly o' illness. She was the daughter of of Ringwood, shot and killed himaelf. j tbe John Wagners of Volo. Marilyn Jean Thomas, 3Vfc years old, 1 Jaly 18 -- An illness of about a year the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. La Verne *•* terminated by the death of Mrs. Thomas of Greenwood, died at the ' Hubert Freund, 71, of MeHenry. She Woodstock hoapitaL j was bom near Ringwood intp a family March 23 -- Mra. Joseph Schmitt, of twelve children. She was the 41. passed away at the Woodstock hos- mother of eleven children,., ten of pital. She waa well known in this whom survive. city. j July 21 -- Martin Weber, 56, son of March 86.-- The death of Edward pioneer settlesr at Wauconda, died in L. Martin, 68, of Woodstock, a brother a Waukegan hoepital. He was a resiof Mrs. Cora Baaaett ef MeHenry, oc- dent of Ingleaide. curred at the Woodstock hoepital i July 28 -- Miss Dorothy Frost, 16, after he Had submitted to an opera- daughter ef Walter and Beanor Frost tion. ' | of Wonder lake, paaaed away very March 29 -- Mrs. Fred Huemann, j suddenly, Her twin sister died about 63, of Riverside drive, died in St 6ve years ago. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, where I July 28 -- Mra. Caroline Kramer ^pbe^bad been eeoinad throe «o<rthsiK»atttNi .4^4 a< a * Harbor following a long IWnsae^ Oct. 13 -- Jos. W. Rothermel, a life, time resident of Riverside Drive, Mc Henry, died at his home here. The community waa saddened because of another death, also, that of Walter a French of Antioch, who died follow, ing injuries suffered in an auto accident last spring. Oct. 15 -- Word waa received here of the death of James J. Hille, a photographer in MeHenry about thirty-five years ago. Oct. 16 -- Friends and neighbors mourned the death of Espie L. Mc- Carty, a World war veteran and resident of McCollum Lake, who died at the Veterane hoepital, Downey, I1L Mrs. Minnie Stupe, a summer resident of MeHenry for fifty years, died at her home in Chicago at the age of eighty-three, ' Oct. 19 -- Arthur George Simpson, 58, a former manager of the Skidmore farms in MeHenry, died at his home in Palatine following a heart attack. On the same day a freak gunshot wound brought almost immediate death to Anthony Guamieri, 41, of Chicago, near his summer home on Island Lake. Oct. 21 -- Mra. Kathryn Comfafkey, 81, died in Woodstock where she had resided for the past fifty years waa born in MeHenry in 1860. Oct. 24 -- Charles Teederman. brother of Mra. Albin Ndeon of Fair Oaks subdiviakm, collapsed and died soon afterwards in a doctor's office In Chicago. Oct 81 -- Mra. John P. Loos'of Chicago. a summer resident of Sumtysitfe Beach, MeHenry, for the past thirtyfive years died at her home in Chicago. Word waa received'here of the death of Walter John Simon, a former MeHenry resident, who died in a Walworth hoepital. He was at one time a monument dealer in this city where he was a partner of the late John Miller. Nov. 1 -- The passing of Jacob Justen, one of MeHenry county's oldest business men both in years of service and in age, saddened the community. Paul Gault, at one time Boy Scout executive of MeHenry county, passed away at Mercy hospital, Gary, Ind^ on Nov. 1, also. Nov. 8 -- Thomas Maher, who had made his home in MeHenry for the Dec. 10 -- The death of Louis Hil; Sept. 12 -- Fmnk Parsons, 79 years ^ G/iswo,d Jf* Dec. 12 -- Eugene Cox, 78 y old, a native and lif^lorf resident __ the vicinity near Burton's Bridge, wh^p moved to Oshkosh. Wis., upon retire^ a several weeks illness. Dec. 13 -- Mrs. Margaret Wilcox# ,, , 87 years old, a pioneer resident MeHenry countv and the Burton*^;a Bridee region, died at the home of daughter in Elgin. t ' Death came to Wm. G. Olson. 85, iM'. barber on Riverside Drive seveiaE^lili years am. , Dec. 16 -- An ared resident of Lily: Lake, Mra. Henrietta Krapel, at her farm home. LILT Mrs. Charles Norman engagement d? her da^„ ^, Lavin to Vincent BradyofWoodsto^k Hie wadding wiH take place aome time ^ in April. Mr. and Mra. Chris Zank visited mf*** the home ^f Mr. Zank'a parents aC*^ Lake Geneva, Wia., over the weekend^ ^ Mrs. 9mmh Mulkaisldvieitedl attfc»v," •*; - konse ef her nMther in Oucago a day* laat week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Freund of Geno# Vr CIty MpMF Ue weekend at the horn* <* lb* Alex WWtfc Mr. tSl ^fra. Norria and Mr. an*:-' • Mr*» Wapse spent tbe weekend af'% their weekly meeting Wednesday at Mary Schiavone's. Priaes were won by ' Mra. Klabough, Mrs. Swanaoil, Mlaf iv ^ Ruth Lavin and a special prise hy>> ! ' Jaek Segal. After bunco the mpmber£: participated in a grab bag and Christ* ' i mas party. Two lovely cakes wewfofe donated by Mrs. Vachet and Mra^- 3 Swanson. There will be no bunco this| 1]> week because of the holiday. Th^ S ^ next regular meeting will be TuesdajV,^^ ^ Lak« P^T. A. gave a V , Christmas party at the school Monday night, Dec. 22. A beatuiful tree with A many lovely presents presented by A ^nta Claus delighted the children«it ; Christmas carols were sung by th«F school children accompanied on tlw|& -r new piano presented by the P.-T. A. Mrs. Claude McDermott is spending' a month in Chicago serving on ther" ' :^' federal grand jury. Her friends and weighbors were shocked at the sudden Illness of M "Jo" Dosch, but will be glad to kn she is on a rapid road to recovery. T. Klabou^! and Jeaimie Kla-« She bough spent Monday in Chicago. Vl°k* McDonald, Mary Klabourh^L Joaephine Doech and Jeannie Klal#" bough visited in Waukegan Friday. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harder speni&S" the weekend at their cpttage. Mr end Mra. ^atafora. Dr.. an4 Mrs. Jacobs visited the lake Friday ta"^'" attend the village meeting. Jack Lanbingar, Mra. Fast. Mr. and '- ^ Mrs. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Hints spent the weekend at the lake. The regular mmthly meetinz of th#>^ Lily Uk. Beautifying club was heS Sunday aftemoort at the Hintz homei Thomas Klabough was elected tem4 - p o r a r y v i c e - p r e s i d e n t a n d M r ^ Schmidt was elected trustee to fill vacancies. Plans were made for a dance to be held some time in the near future. X NlMtlH A daughter waa bora Sunday, Dec • -- -- * -- -- at the Woodstock hoepital to Mr paat fang yeara, died «*(tfce heaM ef ja^ ||p..Alvin FhaimenataL ;v- • 1 T i i m i m m Birtlka niiiniTiimi'i ifi b41fiia ..3^ i