;«- • Wv -a ; " r. •< - *-• o.s js< fV > ,1; Mlww iMW 'UHl^S w, tic Ml 4» & Ca Woodstock. 111. St. >'s RefMr gifnPaintIn< Truck Lettorinf. Furniture Upholsterinf Tb> movAd Into h on John ItlWt ffcaUf DnIt flarm on the Woodstock road. Mrs. Pousa has moved to Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs G. Gloeson are now living on the Glosson farm. MARRIAGE LICENSES Frank E. Gende, LaSalle, 111., to Elizabeth Thennes, McHenry. Walter Manske, Woodstock, to Dorothy Wendt, Woodstock. Arthur J. Strich, Chicago, to Jeattnette Sleistefct, Chicago. Lyle C. Thomas, Spring: Grove, to Marie R. Oxtoby, Spring Grove. McHENRY TOWN CLUB a*#* Riverside Drive aad Peari Street _ Mixed Brinks of All Kindt til :o'^ FRESH --OYSTERS % FRIED $$$% cken and Steak Dinners ^rved^^^'^'y^ •'L' • • „• 'Don't ferret our New Year's Party!iv&.';v Phone 12 McHoory TT" V . txe uNrtvp ranee CA*4 wowpbocuc« , ABOUT iwce MUNICH ST* f/. AS | -we wmxf«»iW¥<8wmape«eaPBW i cannmtr f'?' ji sumspoot--- MIMMRNRT ID PSVCkOPA mis wr Ml ONTH-Mcycww I y AfWi CMICMO tfMUJV W,M /595 CHRISTMAS PICTURES * Make thb Christmas memarabla with easy-to-mafce indoor snapshots. SEASONS play a bis role is the lire* of amateur photographers Who keep up to-date with their picture making, and In just a few days we're going to run right into the Biggest and brightest of all Masons . --Chrisvmas. There's something about Christdas which makes picture making more than Just a pleasant pastime. »l like to think of it as an extra ^ jploasant duty--a duty to record the memorable events of the day and „ happiness we all feeL And. let yp>e tell you it's a thrilling moment When you capture the real Christinas spirit In your snapshots. If you're aiming for that this year ' *-and you couldn't hare any better i Sj|bjectlTe--try to corer Christmas fust as thoroughly as a photographer for one of the big magazines might cover the Christmas activities in your home. He'd begin with the p r e - C h r i s t m a s a c t i v i t i e s , Wouldn't he? Well, you can do the name. Show the youngsters writing and mailing their letters to Santa, freek---pictorially--into the Chriat- .•uw shopping, gift wrapping, and mailing Don't overlook the decorattoa of the tree, and, for goodnass S take, vet a fine picture of the babies flanging up their stockings by the •rsplaee. •verything connected with Christ » will make a good picture. On s^qQtriatiaag to get up mighty early, but If yoa can be down by the tree before the children burst into the room, you'll be all set for perhaps the grandest pictures of all. Unwrapping the gifts is the high spot of activities --and yon don't want to miss it photographically. Then there's the matter of testing those gifts; trying out the new sled or bicycle, playing with the new electric trains. That's good picture material too--and so is the Christmas dinner. To get pictures of the day's high spots will be easy, you'll find, If yousimply adhere to the p r i n c i p l e s of, good Indoor snapshot technique. Tou don't need any fancy equip* ment Your own camera, a couple of flood lights and some handy cardboard reflectors, and several rolls of extra fast "pan" type film will make Indoor snapshots possible even with box cameras. II yo« haven't tried any of this before^ your favorite supply shop can provide you with a free folder on indoor lighting--with some suggested lighting set-ups--and full directions for making swell Indoor pio» tures. Why not prepare for your Christ* mas pictures today? Plan your plo> ture making now, and you'll avoid disappointments later. Good shook in<--aqd c. very Merry Christmas. Jan. 1 -- After the bells had rung in the New Year, they pealed again as Wedding bells for Miss Lois Johnson of MerriHan, Wis., and Mr. John H. Downs of West McHenry. The wedding took place at the bride's home. Jan. 10 Miss Ruth Pate and Mr. Walter Huhter, both * of McHenry, drove to Jackson eoanty, Iowa, to be married. Jan. 11 -- Two weddings occurred on this day. one at Gray slake, uniting xvtiss Mary Blasius of McHenry and Mr. Lto i>eMeyer oX Libertyville, and the other at Lake Geneva, Wis., where Mrs. Rose Huffine of Richmnod and Elmer Correy at Wisconsin were married. «ian. 16 -- Miss Lorraine Smith of iHemnry exchanged nuptuu vows with Mr. Jpmas Garoiol oi Waukegan at £>t. Mary's church, McHenry, and on uie same day Miss Esteiie iktay of spring Grove became the bride of woun tfchcutt ;5i Johnsburg, the wedding being held at Spring Grove. Jan. 18 -- lius was an eventful day lo* mrs. Martha Hall of Richmond ana an. Koy Jb. Hab&rt or west Mcxienry, wno were married in Iowa. Jan. '£» -- Miss Jbuzabetn. Miller of Richmond accepted tne weuuing ring ui Mr. Harold Wircn, jr., oi Kenosha, Wis,, at a Richmond wedding. Feb. 5 -- The vows of matrimony were pronounced by Miss Agnes K. " ' t h e l a t t e r l ^ P ^ H P , which place at June 7 -- dings. Following is the lfct of and the place their Jasm Heimer, McHenry, and Edward GHske, Gary, at St. Mary's church; Miss Evelyn Schaefer, McHenry, and Mr. Ray Albright, Chicago, at St Patrick's church; Miss Lillian Vales, Chicago, and l|r. William Marshall, Henry, at Chicago; Dr. Jerome W. Justen, Momence, 111., Miss Mary Margaret Ward, Diagonal, Iowa, at Davenport, Idwa; Miss Marion Ober, Crystal Lake, and Edmund Karls, Spring Grove, the wedding oocmrring at Spring Grove; Miss Ann Walkvp, Ridgefield, and Mr. LaVerne Rudc^ph, Crystal Lake, at Ridgefield; Miss Emily Kaiser, Woodstock, and Mr. Ray Grampelsperger of Harvard at Woodstock. Mi*s Kathleen Justen* of McHenry became the bride of Dr. Robert Bestaao of Evanston at Evanston. June 9 -- Former residents of McHenry, Miss Opal Poet of Molton, Iowa, exchanged vows with Mr. Edmund Willis of Superior, Wis,, in Iowa. i June 11 -- A Woodstock couple, Miss Loraytte Boehart and Mr. William Dodg;i, were wed at Woodstock. Also occurring on this day wis the wedding of Miss Ruth M. Friaby of Elgin and Mr. Francis $, Rawy of Dixon, which took place at Elgin. June 14 -- Friends of Mian Evelyn Justen of McHenry and Mr. John Joseph Hart of Chicago witnessed their wedding at St. Mary's church. Miss Marion Freeman of Greenwood and Mr. Clarence Harrison of Ringwood were united in the bonds of matri- Jtehmitt of Johnsburg and Mr. Jbrank m0ny at the bride's home. r'reund, also of that village, at St. June 19 -- Miss Carmen Joan Bar- John the Baptist church, Johnsburg. &sa of Chicago became the lovely * eb. 8 -- The Piaindealer recorded bride of Mr. Edward William Bonslett two weddings which took place in Chi- of Evanston at Chicago. cago, one uniting Miss Emma Sehin- June 21 -- Two weddings took place skey of Chicago and Mr. Frank Block, in McHenry this day, one being the Jr., of Marengo, and the other involv- marriage of Miss Eleanor Bolg^r and fog Miss Helen Whiting of Ringwood Mr. Edwin O. Sullivan, Jr., of Chiand Mr. Joseph King, Jr., of Chicago, cago, at St. Patrick's church, while Feb. 15 -- Dubuque, Iowa, was uie at St. Mary's, Miss" Catherine Rothscene of the wedding of Miss Virginia I ermel became the bride of Mr. Fred Welter of Ringwood and Mr. Harry Meyer. The marriage of Miss Grace Ritter of Woodstock. Feb. 22 -- Four couples chose this day as their v/edding day. They were: Miss Marie Knox of McHenry and Mr. Francis J. Schepers of Crystal Lake, whose marriage took place iA St. Patrick's church here; Miss Gail Scott of Chicago and Mr. John Joseph Wagner of Volo, who were wedded in Chicago; Miss Catherine ock in the _ Ba*i»t ihurch Of , lllisgift was the of Mi--" Roth Johnson of Cary to Mr. Howard Michels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Michels of Crystal Lake, former McHenry residents. Oct. 10 -- In a double wedding ceremony performed in Waokegan, Mr. Paul Adams, son of Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert London and daughter Of Marengo were callers in the Joe London home Friday afternoon. Mr. apd Mrs. Earl taonear of McHenry called on Mr. and Mrs. Alfred and Mrs.! P&rker of Solon Sunday evening Peter Adams of Richmond^took as his J°® London and Arthur Bell Ann Stenger and Mr. Thomas F. Knox, both of Indianapolis, Ind., took place in that city. Kahoka, Mo., was the scene of the wedding of Miss Alice Mary Stewart of Richmond and Mr. Clyde Allen Pierce of Spring Grove. June 28 -- Miss Lorraine Engeln and Mr. LeRoy Melsek, both of McHenry, drove to Kahoka, Mo., to be married. The home of Miss Yvonne Sneesby of Waukegan and Mr. Her- Benwell at West McHenry was the scene of her marriage to Mr. Stanley Charles of Woodstock. Mr. Leo Miller of Johnsburg and Miss Dorothy Bowl or of Chicago chose the latter city for their marriage. Another couple was married at Kahoka, Mo., Miss Evelyn Bohl of Crystal Lake and Mr. Harry Peters of Chicago. June 29 -- Miss Amelia Taglier of Dunn Lake and Mr. Raymond Herta of Spring Grove exchanged vows at Spring Grove. July 5 -- Miss Caryl Ann Bowers of man Hollander of McHenry, the ceremony being performed in Waukegan; Norfolk, Va., was the scene of the wedding of Miss Virginia Hutchinson of that ctiy and Mr. Marshall McCannon of San Diego, Calif., the latter now deceased. Feb. 23 -- Mr. Glenn Waspi of Richmond chose Miss Regina Karls of Spring Grove as his bride and they were married at Spring Grove. Feb. 26 -- The bonds of matrimony were contracted in Chicago between Miss Juliana Tantza of Chicago and i Wauke^an and Sergeant Harold Mr. Jack D. Segel of McHenry. I Jacobs of Camp Forrest, Tenn., were March 1 -- The marriage rite of marr'®d at military rites in Wauke- Mrs, Catherine H. Brandt of Elgin gan* and Mr. Harvey E. Price of Elgin was 1. ^ ® -- St. John's church, Johnsperformed at Clinton, Iowa. March 6 -- Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Crystal Lake and Mr. William R. Hoffman of Chicago united in the bonds of matrimony at'®infirwood and Mr Harold Skow of ~ " * Woodstock exchanged vows at St. burg, was the scene of the marriage of two residents of that village, Miss Agnes Smith and Mr. Henry Weber. July 12 -- Miss Bertha Justen of Dubuque, Iowa. March 15 -- Mr. Ferdinand F. Dahle of Big Foot claimed Miss Arlene V. Schmarjie of Hebron as his bride on this day. April 11 -- Wauconda was the city chosen for the wedding of Miss Mary Ellen Bullard of that city and Mr. Earl Schaefer of McHenry. April 12 -- Miss Florence Miller of McHenry became the bride of Mr. Walter E. Peterson of Chicago in the Community Methodist church here. Also, the marriage ceremony of Miss Carolyn Tonyan of Chicago and McHenry and Mr. James S. Renne of Chicago was performed in Chicago. April 13 -- Miss Violet Glawe of Crystal Lake and Mr. Frank Schiller of McHenry were happily^ united in marriage at Crystal Lake." April 16 -- Mr. Harry C. Tinberg of McHenry and Miss Ritta Mortimer Of Algonquin were united in the bonds at matrimony. April 23 -- The wedding of Miss Martha May of Spring Grove and Mr. Jerome Miller of Richmond took place at Spring Grove. April 24 -- The marriage of Mrs. Marie Schiessle and Mr. Norbert Yegge ot West McHenry took place at St. Patrick's church. May 3 -- Services were held at Ringwood uniting Miss Julia McLaughlin of McHenry and Mr. Robert Kraiowitz of Woodstock. Lake Geneva, Wis., was the scene of the wedding of Miss Dorothy Miller of Zenda, Wis., and Mr. Kenneth. Jacobson of Harvard. Mary's rectory in McHenry. July 19 -- St. Mary's rectory in this city was the scene of the wedding of Miss Mabel Mehmert and Mr. Ervin Sedlack, both of Chicago. July 24 -- Miss Pauline Astling of Sycamore and Mr. William Pries, Jr., of McHenry, said their "I do's" at St. Louis, Mo. Aug. 2 -- The vows of matrimony were pronounced by Miss Esther Lindstrom of Chicacro and Mr. Melvin Peterson of McHenry at Chicago. Aug. 6 -- St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg, was the scene of the wedding of Miss Alma Schmitt of Johnsburg and Mr. Alvin J. Freund of Spring Grove. Aug. 9 -- Miss Virginia Schmitt of Spring Grove and Mr. Paul N. Borre Richmond were married at Spring Grove. Aug. J« -- At Crystal Lake. Miss Esther Pur man became the bride of Wilbert Erber of West McHenry. Fox Lake was the scene of the wedding of Miss June LeFevre and Mr. Raymond Adams both of Soring Grove. Miss Christie Pinta of Berwyn and Mr. Albert Vales of Chicago were married at Berwyn. Mr. Robert Willis Gardner of Solon Mills drovs to Hastings, Neb., to claim his bride. Miss Jeanette Hopper, of that city. Miss Kay Costanza of Chicago, and Island Lake and Mr. William Kaziniour were married in Woodstock. Aug. 20 -- A Chicago couple, Miss Lois Freund and Mr. Julian Stenger, were wed in that city. Aug. 23 -- Miss Irene Rutkowski of Waukegan and Mr. Alvin A. Schaefer bride Miss Bernice Sommer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Sommer of Woodstock, at the same time that two Waukegan friends were exchanging vows. Of interest to his many friends in McHenry was the marriage of Stanley Vycital to Miss Ruth Schaeffer of Springfteld, Ohio. Oct. 11 -- A beautiful fall wedding was aolemniKSil When Robert Hapke was united In marriage to Miss Marjie Kirk of Piataicee Bay. Oct. 18 -- At a ten O^lotfk ceremony performed in the rectory of St Mary's church, Miss Clarice Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blake, became the bride of Mr. Donald Montgomery of Waukegan. A lovely wedding was solemniaed in Richmond as Miss Mary Heelein of that city became the bride of Mr. Lawrence Klapperich of McHenry at a nine o'clock ceremony performed in St. Joseph's church in Richmond. > V Oct. 19 -- A lovely wedding was solemnized when Mis* Lillian A. Nordin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Nordin, was united in maniage to Mr. Arnold Larson of Woodstock at the bride's home. Of interest to friends in this community was the marriage of Miss Florence Twomley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Twomley, Greenwood,- and Mr. Norbert Schenk of Chicago. Oct. 21 --• Miss Dolores Schultz was married to Mr. Alfred Smith of Johnsburg at New Munster, Wis. Oct. 24 -- Two local young people were united in marriage as Miss Lucille Esh, daughter of Mrs. Bertha Esh of Spring Grove, became the bride of Mr. Kenneth Crain in the Presbyterian church in Waukegan. Nov. 1 -- Friends in McHenry were Solon were Marengo callers Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner of Solon were guests of Mrs. Olive Hill o# Crystal Lake Sunday. Henry Aubert and daughter, Betty, and Frank Kilpatrick spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner, Solon,' and Miss Floy Haideman of Richmond were callers in Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas, son, Kenneth, of Solon and Mrs. Art Schultz and daughter, Virgtne, of Richmond were shoppers in Elgin on Hrarsdny. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mr* George Elfers Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Bell and two sons of B»r rington, Mr. aad Mrs. Clinton Beil of Richmond and Mrs. Arthur Bell of Solon, Wm. Geiser, Clarence Aubert and son, Kenny, of Chicago spent Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aubert. Lyman Johonott and daughter, Ana, of Solon spent Wednesday afternoon and Thursday in Chicago. Earl Schultz of Libertyville visited his mother, Mrs. Belle Schultz, of Solon Mills Sunday. Mrs. Grace Jackson, Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick and son, Frank, Jr., wera shoppers in Kenosha Saturday. Lyle Jackson, Solon, is confined to his home with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pester of Solon called on Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bennett of Fox Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaeffer, Spring Grove, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams. Miss Jennie Cairns, Woodstock, ter, Mrs. Belle Schultz. Art Cairns of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon at his home. Arthur Merrell motored to Chicago and brought Mrs. Merrell home from the hospital Tuesday evening. - Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Fenery, Mrs. George Fenery and nephew, Johnny, land Mr. and Mrs, Fred Schreuder ol Chicago were visitors in the Henry Aubert £nd Bert Weber homes Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kilpatrick of Antioch were Monday afternoon vis* itors in the Frank Kilpatrick home. Elmer Neilsen and friends from Chicago spent Sunday afternoon at Ms home here. interested to hear of the marriage of | sPen^ Monday morning with her sis- Miss Marjorie Mae Thrun of Elgin and Delbert A. Whiting, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting, also of that city, who were former residents of McHenry, Nov. 2 -- Miss Doris Kennebeck was guest' of honor at a shower given by her sister, Geraldine, to announce her marriage which occurred on Sept. 26. Nov, 9 -- In spite of falling snow outside, the spirit of June was in evidence in St. Mary's church when a lovely wedding uniting in marriage Miss Isabel! Simon and Arthur Mc- Vicker was solemnized. Nov. 14 -- Janice Klontz became the bride of Mr. Maury Holup. Nov. 16 -- At a nuptiai high mass which was solemnized at 9:30 at St. John's church, Fr. A. J. Neidert united in marriage Miss Marie C. Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Freund of Johnsburg, and Mr. Irvin Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton P. Freund of McHenry. A wedding which united in marriage Miss Enid Williams of Grayslake and Mr. Milton Dean Magnussen of Volo took place in Ivanhoe church. Nov. 19 -- Three weddings of local interest were solemnized on this date when the following couples exchanged vows: Miss Regina Klein and Mr. Leo Michels, both of Johnsburg; Miss Josephine Molnar of McHenry and Walter Sparf of Chicago, and M'y Cecelia Lenzen, Grayslake, and Mr. Elmer Diedrich of Johnsburg. "Nov. 20 -- Two Thanksgiving day brides who had friends or relatives m this community were Miss Lucille Marion Scott of Elgin, who became the bride of Fredrick Miller, also of that city, and Beatrice Marion Wilson of Volo, who married Kenneth Petersen of West McHenry. In a ceremony which took place at St. Mary's church in Fremont Center, Miss Cecilia Titus became the bride of Mr. George Shober, a former .McHenry resident. Nov. 22 -- At a nuptial high mass which was solemnized in Chicago, Miss Ana Mary Bojnansky and Edward Vales became man and wife. Nov. 27 -- Two young ladies changed their name to "Mrs." as Miss Frieda Klabunde of Richmond became the bride of Mr. Kenneth Granger and Miss Alene O'Holleran of Hebron, a teacher in the Howe school at Wonder Lake, and Mr. Wm. Redlin of Hebron were married in Richmond. Dec. 10 -- A wedding of interest to friends in McHenry took place in the Ravenswood P r e s b y t e r i a n church when Miss Lucille Piper of Chicago became the bride of Mr. George Kleinhans. MTNEY. ILL. w ran AUTO when yo« aeof laaarato* ef aay hMfe Pfwaetterfl'M PriffBldff Phone Mdtouy 0T7-1-1 Dirt A iSSW1 **"55 JBXBS5Z Telephone No. M0 •MM* - ILLINOIS ^ '•> , - • RielMMnd, K May 7 -- Miss Marie Diedrich of InclPBidA NMivui ... > r . I nrauKeiran ana / t T1?1"*J™* McHenry and Waukegan M vito ^ rfed jn the Utter dty. M.y 8 - "I do" wu pronounce b, Auit 27 ~ Mi"' Lu"11* Mill«r »' were mar- Miss Helen Riley and Mr. Louis Yegge, both of Woodstock, at a Woodstock church wedding. May 11 -- A ceremony was performed in Chicago uniting Miss Le- Merle Steilen and Mr. Andrew McDonald, both of that city. May 17 -- Miss Clara Amann of Round Lake became the bride of Mr. George Buchardt, Jr., of Fox Lake at the Round Lake church. May 21 -- The Ringwood Methodist church was the scene of the wedding !ndMMr of I in the rectory of St. Mary's and Mr. Theodore Kooistra of Hebron. | church, McHenry. M Olr VJ. MM T _ £ nv • » Ringwood and Mr. Edward May of Solon Mills exchanged nuptial vows at Johnsburg. Aug. 30 -- The marriage of Miss Alice Johnson of Chicago and Mr. Lester Witt of McHenry was solemnized at Crystal Lake. Sept. 20 -- Miss Ruby Virerinia Lawrence of Wauconda and Mr. Robert VanBton of Evanston were married in a quiet ceremony at the bride's home. Mr Arnold Hay of Ringwood • p . took a* his bride Miss Genevieve Ober J * of Crystal Lake at a wedding which Mother of F. N. Sogers ii Dead Mrs. Myrtle Mead Rogers, 72 years old, widow of Fred N. Rogers and member of a pioneer McHenry county family, died Tuesday, Dec. 16, 1941, at her home in Oak Park, 927 South Kenilworth avenue. She resided in Elgin for many years prior to moving to Oak Park some twenty-five years ago. Mrs. Rogers was born in McHenry county, on Aug. 12, 1869, a daughter of Frank W. and Emma Colby Mead. She came to Elgin with her parents in 1884, and was married to Mr. Rogers, a veteran of the American Railway Express service, in 1889. Mrs. Rogers was a member of the First Congregational church of Oak y #HUECH SEKVICEl *' ^Central Standard Time)f ' St. Mary's Ottholic Char* Masses: Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:36. Weekdays: 6:45; 8:00. First Friday: 8:80; 8KM. Confessions: * Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m Thursday before First Friday. After Mass on Thursday, 8:00 p.* and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, pastor.^ St. Patrick's Cathode Ckaa|§ . Masses: / Sundays: 8:00; 10:00. , .. Weekdays: 7:80. -t7 t'-fi First Fridays: 7:30. ' On First Friday, Communion Attributed at 6:30, 7:00 and befort and during the 7:80 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.jn tad 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday. 4:08 . to 5:00 p. m. and 7KK U 3*00 p.m. - , Rev. Wm. A. OTlourVe, pastar. St. Jeha's Catholic Church. Jefcaabarg Masses: Shmdays: 8:00; 10:00. , Holy Days: 7:00 and Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 aad 7 M. Thursday before First Friday: S:8t and 7:30. ,,y*J*ev. A- J- Neidert, pasto^-;,jn Coamaaity Church Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. v V. Worship Service: 11:00 a. m. 14 Junior League: 6:30 p.m. Epworth League: 8:00 p.m. Bar. J. Heber Miller, past#, . Lutheran Evangelical Sunday Service, 8 a. ra. Sunday School, 9 a. m. fjgtev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor. Insurance agents for aU classes at property hi the best eompaniea., WEST McHENRY Dr. John Ducey VBTEEINAEIA* treatiag 'K-*®,- • HORSES, CATTLE, DOG*, CATS, ETC. -- Sleeping filrkasau Vaccine -- fel. Richssond 16 S. H. Freund & Son OONTRACTOBS AMD BUILDERS Our Experience is at Your Service in Building Your Wants. Phone W W McHenrj A.P.Fr«iutdC« ,. XxoaTatUig land Crane Servie* feoad Bnfldiiig Ttl SOi-X HoHtnry, m Phone 43 Prie. BMf. M VEMHf J. nut ATTORNEY AT LAW . r « OFFICE HOUR8 - Tasedays aad Fridays Other Bays by Appeiateeat McHeaay - - PHONE IS Dl. J. K. SAYLEf DENTIST Offeo Hears t-11 aad 141 Evenings by Appslatasa* Itaradaye - • ta IS Maia Street s--i W. Mtllaary PWAT.Tiy SVFXK ssavloa • • snrOLAIR „ " Age, Ob and GeeaaofT ..L Cor. Roatee 81 aad 120 -- McHenry n»mm X-lay DR. L. B. W CJRPHY PHVT9V1 Ofltea ihasa -- # a. ta t f L a . Greea flfaast -- MrHsary, HL £ ^ > /i May 24 -- Mr. Frank Low of Chicago chose as his bride Miss Helen Kilday of McHenry. The wedding took place at St. Patrick's church. May 28 -- The wedding of Miss Mary Durland of McHenry and Mr. George Kauss, Jr., of Chicago took place in St. Mary's church. May 29 -- Miss Roberta Gifson Locke of New York City and Mr. Sent, 27 -- Two well known young people in this vicinity, Miss Madelyn Holm of Williams Bay and Mr. Kenneth B. Honner of Crystal Lake were married in the First Congregational church in Williams Bav. St. Lucy's church, Chicago, was the scene of a lovely wedding on thi* same day when Miss Julitta Valanos of Chicacro became the bride of Mr. Clarence Justen. 'Robert Sutton Larkin of Elgin were j In a quiet wedding ceremony which married in the Eastern city. June 4 -- The first June wedding recorded in our files was that of Miss was solemnized at five O'clock. Miss Avis Bieneman of Chicago and Frank Gans <f McHenrv became man and Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Grace Burlin of Oak Park; four sons, Mead Rogers of Elmhurst, F. N. Rogers of McHenry, Russell Rogers of LaGrange, and Giles Rogers of Oak Park; a sister, Mrs. Carrie M. Joelyn, and a brother, Ray W. Mead, both of Elgin, and eleven grandchildren. Services were conducted Friday afternon from Postlewait chapel, Oak Park, with burial in Bluff Citv cemetery, Elgin. St. Peter's Catholic Church. Spring Grove , r Sundays: 8.00 ami 10:88. Holy Days: 6:30 and SfOQt. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 4:00. Confessions Saturdays: ti80 and Thursday before First i and 7.1o. Rev John L. Dalefa«en. Pastor. Yolo Community Bible OkaNft Combined Service, 10:00 a. m. Rev. W. P. Rueckheim, | All are invited. CASH FOR HORSES and CATTLE Horse>» $3.00; Cows, $4.00; Dead Hogs and Sheep removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL 00. Tel. Woodstock 1634-M-l or Dundee 10--Reverse Ohaiget McHENRY FLORAL 00. -- Phone-608-R-l -- One Mile South of McHenry on Route SL Flowers for all ocoeewel Highest WataifaHr ' The highest of all American waterfalls Is at Yosemite Valley, Calif., where the water cascades from a Anna Wnrtxinger is Named Circuit Cleric Miss Anna Wurtzinger was appoint-1 ed clerk pro tempore of the Circuit court and recorder of deeds for McHenry county last Thursday night by j Judges Ralph J. Dady and William' L. Pierce. She is the first woman ever to hold the office in this county. Experience of more than twenty years *in the office makes her well qualified to handle the position. Miss Wurtzinger will fill the unexpired term of Will T. Conn, who died Wednesday night, Dec. 17. ? Order at The M^ANTEb TO BUY We pay 88 to* 815 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Mali's Mink Ranch Johnshorg - Spring Grove load Rom Johnsburg 660-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES * CATTLE We pey McHENRY GA&AGE Electric aad Acetylene Welding. GeneralRepairmg. Wagoas and Trailers to Order! Rte. 31 -- John A Front Sta. Phone 97-? or 151M Nick P. Miller - r r