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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1942, p. 8

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of the y of of Chi- ©n Nov. 22. erine Mc- Fred Noble are nuddng their »te Nnt Dijr of the S. H. FtmumI IVttweayst their home 1 * « ! * « • « 'tilldiilti ttc octwion A turkey "•^rtfc-^ierved th« •W(k cards protor the tvndnf. • Wvrv Road Pinochle Mrs. Geotge Gloe entertained the Stttt River Road Pinochle club at h«T home on Tueeaay, Dec. 80. A deftetous turkey dhnw was served at one o'clock, after which gifts were Card* provided entertain- * the remainder of the afternoon with prizes being: merited by Mrs. Ben Diets, Mra. Wm. Freund and Mrs. Ellsworth Shoemaker. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Diets on Jan. 28. EHgigwurt Atowwctirt "• Of interest to friends and relatives Harold Owen R.N. A. W..V-NVThe Fox River Valley camp, R.N.A., held their regular meeting Tuesday evening, Jan. 6. Plans were discussed for a practice to be held Jan. 20 for in McHenry was the announcement of j installation which will take place the fW-YOt l . L IMI T E D v the «»anmpci©u that you are '-t' made of wi son of indwerac- /<•> tible surhl, Well, "it ain't so." Yoe have yoor physical limi- • t*tions.Bessasiblesad admit h. Km To «U «h« truth, haven't you w been fcdiag a bh under par lattlyMfhy not do A* smart : thiag and go to a good Physi- . s citt-aow, while Acre's nodi- ? ' '8 seriously wrong? It may i il slTt Too much trouble later! '*.£ ,<!§? YouH agree that thii n good fi*ioe» wea if we are a bit * / > "*judi®ed. Yes, of course, we'd I ke to fill the prescriptions * v$'•*;*>octor *****! vV . •:w Bolger's Drug Store 49 Grata Otieet KeepJ[0u • The Cold ytm realize fcow much oold can get into your house on account of cracks and poor windows? We can supply you with window glass, putty, etc. CSoge up the cracks by using caulking compound. It does wt cost much and will mean greater comfort and a saving on your fuel bill. ( We have the necessary supplies to make your home more livable these oold days. Drop in today and talk it ®™ri NICKELS' Hardware Phone I WotKdbary Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guse, Marengo, of the engagement of their daughter, Eleanora, to Alvin Block, son of Mr, and Mis. Frank Block, aim of that city. >. • « "^v, , , » • * Announce Marriage Word has been/received here of the marriage of Mies Norma Oeffling to Mr. Donald Dewey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Worth Dewey of DesPlames, formerly of Crystal Lake; The marriage took place in Missouri on Saturday, Dec. 27. v-f 9 • • Wadding Receptjsn evening of Jan. 24. Each member may bring one guest on the latter date. • • • O. E. S. * The O. £. S. will meet next Monday evening, Jan. 12. It is hoped that all will be present. Announcement has just been made that Miss Prances Vycital has been appointed recently on the ways and means committee of the Gxand chaptar. . -w--. Lefce P.-T.A. •:S"' TOr'tMy Lake P.-*.A. its monthly meeting at the school Mon- ^AWeddittg reception honoring Mr.! **7, Jan. 5. Cards and bunco furnishand Mrs. Frank Gende, whose mar- entertainment for the afternoon riage took place at St. Mary's church Dec. 27, was held Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thennes on Court s&refet. Forty-two relatives and friends were present to congratulate the happy bride and groom. The evening was spent in playing cards, after which a tasty buffet supper was served. Out-of-town sruests were Mr. Gende and Lester Olson, both of Joliet ' ' vj" ' •>. • •. CDrfA The regular meeting of the C. D. of A. was held last Friday evening, Jan. 2. Plana were completed for the next in the scries of card paities In the current! tournament sponsored by this organization. The ladies were also reminded that the week of Jan. 28-25 i<* National Crusade week in which there will be special devotions and prayers for peace and churQb unity. Members are planning to reand prises were won by Mrs. Williams, Mra. Schovoni, Mrs. Weiler and Mrs. Bransford. Refreshments were served followin9g t*he 9me eting. New Year's Party About fourteen members of the Hi- Lea gue of the Community church and their friends enjoyed a New Year's party at the home of Warren Jones last week. The customary gaiety of the New Year was in evidence and special games were enjoyed. A delicious lunch was served at the conclusion of the party. * * * Bridge Club Mrs. Albert Krause entertained the members of her bridge club last Tuesday, Jan. 6. Prize winners for the afternoon were Clara Miller, Maud Rothermel, Mrs. E. Michels and Mary Freund. Traveling prize was awarded Mrs. Michels also. The next meeting iucim/cia aic piauiiiu^ iv ic* j ^ _ , . t _ _ v * • -- eeive Communion in a body at thls^ with Mrs. Michels on 4M 18. time at St. Patrick's church . w , ' , • * • Mothers' dab Forte Clsb The Mothers' Club will hold their Marguerite Freund entertained the meeting at the home of Mrs. Members of the Forte ctub' at her Jeter G,es Fr,d*y afternoon, Jan. 9. home last Saturday night. The even- ®UP'* H. Duker will be guest Die was spent in the discussion of the ™U8.'C be provided by Hfe and compositions of Beethoven. The Forte club orchestra also played several pieces. The meeting was presided over by Warren Jones, vicepresdent, in the absence of Albert Rodig. president. Refreshments concluded a most enjoyable evening. Marriage Date Announced Announcement has been made of the approaching marriage of Miss June Shales, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Shales of Elgin, to Mr. Edward Grady, son of Mrs. Emma Grady of Harvard. The wedding will take place at 10 o'clock on the morning of Jan. 10 in St. Mark's Catholic church in Elgin. Both the bride and groom-to-be have oftea visited in McHenry^ - W. 8. C. & The regular meeting of the^W. S. C. S. of the Community Methodist church will be held next Thursday, Jan. 15. at 1:16 o'clock, with the of Circle IV serving the lunch. At this meeting there will be a a stnng quartette under the direction of Paul Yanda. The committee in charge of the meeting consists of Mrs. Dan 0*Shea, chairman, Mrs. Carl Weber, Mrs. Pete Schaefer and Mrs. Gies. I , • • • Stork Shower I Neighbors and friends <9# ilrs. Douglass Hale, formerly Miss Wanda i Boyko, gave a surprise stork shower i in her honor at her mother's home, "Betty's Place," at Lily Lake recently. I A lovely luncheon was served and (this was followed by the playing of cards and bunco. Prizes were merited I by Mrs. Seyfferth, Mrs. Weiler and Mrs. Williams. ! Mrs. Hale was presented with a beautiful layette by her friends. Those present to enjoy the afternoon were Mrs. Einspar, Mrs. Seyfferth. Mrs. Skelly, Mrs. Bransford, Mrs. Neilson, Mrs. Schervooi, Mrs. Woolridge, Mrs. Weiler, Mrs. Weber, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Rippetee, Mrs. Boyko and Mrs. Hale. speaker from Argentina, South America, who is attending school at Garrett this winter. 'Hie program promises to be a most interesting one and all the ladies are urged to attend. 4 • * • ^ Choral Clsb k members am asked net to forget that rehearsals have again began following the holidays. The women'! chorus will practice st seven "harp next Monday evening and the men's chorus will rehearse the mixed choras. Plans ware discussed at last Mon- . _ . la the day's meeting for the annual concert 0,1 '•ato be presented in the spring. The 1 Hostesses yesterday were mothers probable date this year is April 12. Several have asked i Aim 4^/* by Leatherie P.-T.A. The P.-T. A. of St. Mary - St. Patrick school held their regular meeting Wednesday. Father Paul Tuehliasky was speaker of the afternoon and gave a most Interesting talk Musieal entertahnnsnt osnshted of vocal duets by Fr. ?tafcHN»ky -*nd Marion Proond and several •wmpiano duos with Sister Aafreela playing with <athryn Nye and Marion Freund, turn. Memberf ths Swt grade orchestra following Played several numbers. : Plans were discussed at the meeting for s bingo party to be if membership is open at this time. New membeis will be welcomed for the next few • *^3 McHenry lodge 168, A. F.6 A.M* held its installation of officers on Tuesday evening, Dee. 30, in the Masonic hall. Installing officers for the evening were R. W. Churchill of Libertyville and R. G. Chamberlm, of the pupils of Sister Colette's room The eighth grade room won the attendance prize for having the most mothers present and Mrs. Henry Weber won the special prise. The next regular meeting will be FMk'4, ^ • KUBXRTBUOBfwiaMl IOWA ana. Die. si A wedding of interest to friends here occurred at the Immaculate Conception church in Floyd, Iowa, Dec. _ _ SI, at nine-thirty o'clock when Miss ^1® W, Cristy, all of Mc- '• Agnes Halbadt; daughter of Mr. and 1 Mrs. Peter Halbach of Floyd, and The following officers were install* Mr. Elbert Buch, son of Mr. and Mrs. ed: Clayton Harrison, W.M.; Glenn Wattles, S. W.; Arthur Hoppe, J. W.; George Johnson, treasurer; James Sayler, secretary; Lester Sherman, chaplain; Dan Malloy, marshal!; Earl Gorman, S. D.; Ted Miller, J. D.; Lyle Franzen, 8. S.; Leo Thurlwell, J. S^ and Charles Schmelzer, Tyler. Following the installation, a delicious dinner was served to the members preeent. • • • H. E. Buch of McHenry, were united in marriage. Ths £«remony was performed by gather Arthur Halbach, brother of the bride. For her wedding the bride wore a floor length gown of aquamarine 1 crepe, enriched with gold braid. Her .hat of matching material was trimmed with white veiling. She carried a prayer book corsage of sweet peas and f-.fUr yssrledrJUr . A ftyI with fmr With nwir fmir* ' " '--aa* 1*** svais w four wish, the*.; ' SMni te liStlili far the" Is a mw sad m«m| «ukf, ItalUrk mimIm the «M< Idas «f vaahjr. logreved en Ai caver ibudelia, and a crystal rosary which {was a gift of the groom. Forts CM Censsrt I Miss Dorothy Halbach, sister of the Members of the Forte club of Mc- bride, was maid of honor and wore a Henry presented a program before the floor length cerese crepe gown, with Elgin Musician's club in the Laura 1 matching accessories. She carried an Davidson Sear's Academy of Fine Arts last Monday evening, Jan. 5. The Forte club orchestra and sextette played groups of numbers and there were solos by Gordon Scholle, Bonnie Page and Warren Jones. A trio composed of Gordon Scholle, violin; Warren Jones, cello, and Mrs. C. W. Goodell, piano, also played several numbers. Generous applause which necessitated several encores, especially ip the solo numbers, testified to the arm bouquet of yellow tea roses and pompoms. Attending the groom was his brother, Jerome Buch. Both men wore conventional blue suits and had white carnation boutonnieres. J oh ft Halbach, a brother of the bride, and Henry Buch, a brother of the groom, acted as ushers. Corsages of sweet peas were worn by the mother of the bride and the mother fcnd grandmother of the " •wieiie, feepsriac s Mr fgfcepssm mt&m. Ifcsra she genuine appreciation of the audience, groom, who wore street length dresses, The Elgin Musician's club will give a return program some' time this spring. the Contract Bridge Mrs. Florence Smith entertained of her Contract Bridge club aV-.;VJ er'lDrugSivrc at her home St Sunset View Tuesday afternoon. A p«w (dsn which Was proposed neeatfyhy *B*»bsrsaf the club was sflrxM trt ler the fbftt time that day. 'BsrfliaJMMt "***% the idea is ens whkfc h iHks dub not only siilnnlliwi liyiralw »alnslili in tte ittoant sssriHMilKk' .'lfesisad of the 1 regular p^E^RTto^Sers defense stamps are awarded. Winners, Miss Joan Hennagir provided organ music during the mass. Following the ceremony, a threecourse wedding breakfast was served the immediate family at the Saint Charles hotel. Mrs. Buch is a graduate of St Mary's School of Nursing at Roches ter, Minn., and has been employed at the U. S. Veterans hoepital in North Chicago for the past two years. Mr. Buch is associated with his father in the Buch Plumbing and Heatinf business. The eosyls have isturnsd ftrom a shsct trip ^ McHenry. •> Mrs. fwd BrSyer, daughter, Melvina, and son* Ted, of Chicago visited their McCollum Lake home and McHenry friends one day last week. Harry Bateman left for his Chicago home last week after spending the summer at his home in Orchard Beach. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Fheund and Nick Freund left last week for a visit with relatives at Staceyville, Iowa. They also attended the wedding of the former's grandson, Elbert Buch, which took place on New Year's eve at Floyd, Iowa. Alice Ann Ryan of Chicago spent New Year's day in McHenry. Miss Jeanette Kennebeck, Johnsburg, and Ray Gaylord of Woodstock visited in New Munster during the holidays, - Mr. and Mrs. Dana McKnight pnd children of Wasters Springs visited in the Fred Nickels home New Year's day. Mrs. Nkkels and sons, George ! and Bob, returned home with them Thursday evening to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Duker ^and son of Champaign visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. t>uker, last week. Paul Justen and Bob Lesher returned to .Chicago after spending a week in the Ben Justen home. Dinner guests in the Ben Justen home Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bopp and Sabina Huette of Evanston, John, George and Carl Lesher of* Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Skow and son of Woodstock. . Corporal Martin Cooney of Scott Field, Belleville, 111., spent a few days the last of the week visiting his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Buch and son, Henry, attended the wedding of their son, Elbert, which took place in Floyd, Iowa, New Year's eve. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morris of Chicago spent NevP Year's day at their summer home in Fair Oaks subdivision. Miss Mary Harvey of Janesville, Wis., spent the holidays at her home { at Lily Lake. Father Walter' Conway left this week for New Orleans where he will give a mission. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck and family spent a day recently with the Paul Schuemaker family at Cary. New Year's day guests in the Albert Vales home were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vales of Cicero, Albert, Jr., and George Vales of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhn of McHenry. Arlene and William Bacon of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of their mother, Mrs. Wm. Bacon. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rapp and daughter, Carol, of Arlington Heights, and William McGarry ol Chicago. Jimmie and Jacqueline Hoffman of Wilmette have been spending a few days in the Wm. Justen home. Mrs. Maud OToole and her brother, Earl, of Chicago attended the burial of Miss Margart MdPk^ald last Saturday and also visited their cousin, Mrs. George Frisby. Patricia Harvey and Wiima BoeVcr of Chicafo visited fin the Steve Harvey home in Lily Lake recently. Guests in the Wm. Justen home New Yesr's day were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen and daughter, Be mice, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skow of Woodstock and Paul Justen and Bob Lnechter of Chicago. Private Marshall Bacon of Port Knox, Ky., arrived fn McHenry Sunday to spend two days visiting his mother, Mrs. Wm. Bacon. Miss Bernice Juiten is spending s week, in the Artkpr Bopp home is Evanston. Miss Barbara |dsr snd George Johnson of Chicago spent the weekend in the George Johnson, Sr., home. Edwin Boyle has returned from a visit with his brother and family, the James Boyles, in Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Smith, Evanston, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Schrehter. Mrs. Carlquist and children of Chicago spent New Year's day and the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Knaack. Barry Anderson; has returned to school at Ann Aijbor, Mich., after spending the holidays at his horns here. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thies, Mrs. Angeline Gausdeo and son, Joseph, were New Yesr's guests of Chicago relatives. Corporal Kenneth L. Pransen of Fort Bragg, N. C., arrived in McHenry Saturday to spend a ten day fuvttrngh at his honjjrf here. Grate Mary Thompson returned home last Saturday evening after spending her Christmas vacation in Chicago, Wauconda and. Barrington. While in Chicago, she attended the Sonja Henie Ice Revue. Eddie Michels of Omaha, Neb., spent a week recently with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Michels. Misses Caroline snd Helen Bauei returned home Saturday after spend* ing a week in Rochester, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Art Skelly snd Mrs. Nielsen of Lily Lak| were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Mary O'Flaherty- has returned te her home here after spending several weeks in St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin Mrs. Alice Bowles, who hss beer visiting relatives in Chicago, has re* turned to McHenry. Mrs. Theresa Hickey is visiting her son in Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard accompanied their son, Howard, to East St. Louis the first of the wetlf, where he has enrolled in ftuks college as an airplane mechanics Student. Sunday dinner guests in the George M, Justen home in Wsukegan war* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justen and son of McHenry. Laura Denman has accepted a position in the Circuit Clerk's #office at Woodstock. She had formerly done part time work at the County Treasurer's office. Private Ahrin H« Freund. son ol Mr. and Mrs. Petsr lp. Freund, has returned . to Pbtt spending, a FOR SALR--Year-'round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Man* ville Type A Home Insulation "Blowttin" your walls atid ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf FOR SALE--Fordson front-end load* er, Lessmarfhigh lift, Milwaukee full crawler. Nett Sand A Gravel. Phone 677-R-k *33-8 FOR SALE--Wright ic tHtson Shoe Skates, size seven. Phone 138-R. 34 HEREFORD CATTLE FOR SALE-- 40 springer cows, 300 steer and heifer calves, 400 yearling steers and halfers. Will sell any number. Sam , Channel!, Nasua, Mo. Tel. Smithville, {Mo., 918F21. «34 MI-ACRE PRODUCTIVE CRYSTAL 'LAKE DAIRY FARM--Excellent sofl and blgds., well financed. Immediate possession. Cattle and machinery also available. Make offer. Box "E," care McHenry Plaindealer. 32 FOR SA LE--10-20 McCormick-Deering tractor or will trade for used Farmall tractor; also buy disc, hay loader and seed drill. Phone Crystal Lake 8038-Y-2. 81 FOE RENT FOR RENT--One hundred sixty-five j acre farm. Cash or share rent. Very good location, modern house, good' buildings, black bottom land. Apply Kent & Co., Phone 8. 34 WANTED WANTED--Two roomers. Call 90-M. WANTED -- Boy to deliver papers. Albert Krause News Agency. 34 mSOELLAmOUS DEAD OK ALIVE ANIMALS <1.00 to nB.OO OMb Cows - Horses - Hogs £ f • "Ho help needed for loading! "Prompt and Sanitary Service Day and Night, Sundays and Holidays Phone Whsaffag 1M Beveiso Charges GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your gsrbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 366 or 681-M-l. 11-tf The marriage of Miss Helen White, datwIMsv of Mr. an* Mrs Wm. F Wljpi <of Crystal Lak», and Mr. Richard M<&ney, son of William Mooney, resident, took at the court- At a single rmg service read Rev. Join. Gable, at his feeae, Mis# Ethel <W. W sen of Mr. SltA JnaT^ermsn Sied' of Spring : ' Mips Cooper* Shtter of the Mauriee Siedaehkg, brother ef groom. nts for the couple were Mr. Richard Lange of Elgin, de was .attired in a dress of ue woel erepe and she wots Lange camelias. w>6ple sre residing with Pott#* attended the public imd is em Co. "It's McGee's for Gifts for Mtn.* .3 w k"m S Yti Will Like BPS Gletfast Vanish fsst dcjrteg; giving yoo s hsrd, brillisnt dnrsbfe 6akh four hours after applying. Glosiast Varnish will not white-snd imparts to interior surfaces tfaac glossy, polished appearance which is so popular. ' jpm mmt mbvmt BPS Ghtfmst P«ris&& Grten Street ^ & United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed Other bonds, stocks and securities Tynans and discounts Overdrafts '» , " '• 4 y&"\ "ITi 4^ 1' < v •- •• 12. Capital 14. Surplus , 15. Undivided profits (Net) 16. Reserve accounts 17. Demand de{K>sits ... 1&. Time deposits ;Total of deposits: { " f (1) Secured by pledge of loans and'or investments Not secured by pled^» of, loans. and^or investments home km. mumMm * (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of ^ • ; West McHenry State Ban McHenry, 111. (P.O. Wsst McHsnry) transmitted in response to call«f the Auditor of Puhlie Accounts, pursuant Is law and showing condition st the doee ef business on ths gist day of December, 1H1 ('ash and due from banks «5-24914 ^ 255,755.00 146,420.11 658,863.80 374.64 5,000.00 $1,541,662^69 LIABIIJTIB8 50,000.00 50^000.00 ^2/M6.28 35,000.00 872,149.09 , m 25^000.0a 1^33.000^4 $1,358,050.34 26,596.07 ^^1^41^62^ I . ^ -HV $ 27,000.00 HlM 27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 ^»4V.|'F5 (3) Total deposits Other liabilities .. .. tirand Total Liabilities . Memorandum: I/oans and investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities: Loan# and investments pledged: p. S. Government obligatigna diroct and^ _ for fally ffnsrsnbwi. • . - "• Total Pledged (excluding re-diaoounts) ,«ed: linst funds of State of Illinois ___ Total Pledged I, Gerald J. Caiey, ....... swear that the above itatsnisail la true to ths bsst of agr knowlsdge ^.1- ^»t the items snd smowOs dmnrn nbnes agtss with the ttsms and 1 ^: fipwt wads IsA^ttsre^INAHc ASeswga^ef^^ ( 1 > . * . . . . W W T S e S • "mm**-™,,, t n '> ^ ^ *' STATE OF ILLINOIS^ County of McHenry. ss. , Subscribed axtd sworn to belore me this 8th day of January, ittt. (SEAL) RQBMHf L. WTOR, Notary PtiMie. ? - it' *<' - s': deposit Vol 1rm M nsissff" < \ s'r ' Jee. Wss. A GenJd J. Carey OlkBC .. • • ^ -- A*. ^ .-.Ufc... 1 > ^ r w r "**" » ;

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