:a*>- 1V«] a •u 'i-Xtf-Stfc,,' WMs!:^-yT: * "# * * •"" • *'# -* : *.u4 W-.JE. *^•'.15 Ant tear mlt ef the Tftltt TWENTY YBAB8 AGO a c. h, Rer National Defense :•#. • > '&r: v#4, *"*/ • - 1, i V' ;f. t&fv '^S •• • >1^' L, The votm of the McHenry Community high school district No. 166 surely did themselves proud at the polls last Saturday afternoon and as a result of that election the proposition for a new school was cartfted by & vote of nearly two to one. McHenry was a real live town between the hours of one and five o'clock last Saturday afternoon. Not since last stuamer have we seen tin town so busy. •* en It at j TW village of Hebron now has a balloons arc '.night watchman. J. E. Colby going i, fiJled with on duty there last week. ?*• • - • • | i ' *•» N tb« rain of Wednesday morning: sort of pat a crimp in the ice business, but a day or two of real snappy weather will again set the gang back to work. Over at the Borden field, appoximately 766 tons had been harvested when the rain put an end to the work. A very pretty wedding occurred on Christmas day when lfr. Albert Miller, son of Mrs. John Miller of Cary, was united in marriage to Miss Anna Kern of Chicago. The couple was attended by Prank Miller, brother of the groom, and Miss Mildred Kopp, Leo Weber and Miss ESdna Weber, cousins the bride. The knicker fad has made its appearance in McHenry, a number of the ycfunjr ladies having- made their appearance so attired on the skating Holds here. Following the annual custom many of our business houses distributed calendars to their patrons during thf past week or more. witl be well received by n went to Chicago y to pur^hasi goods for his Inventory was taken at the Wilbur Lumber Co.'s yards in this city Sunday. Jos. Kerwer, vice president of the company, and W. D. Wheeler, were here to assist in the work. FACTS - hy George Peck The Socialists, the Planned Economists, the Communists and all the other Ists who pooh-pooh the American System of Competitive Free Enterprise, either do not know the facts or deliberately ignore them. On either The official butter market was made Icount they are guilty - If the former, steady at 24% cents per pound on the iw* decry their condemnation of some- Elgin board of trade this week. thing of which they know not the The ice houses will nearly all be! f_acts» ** the latter, doubly confilled this week. Stqphen Freund has secured the contract for carpenter work on the Schisssle building. Mr. Freund is a good workman and will do his share in making the building substantial. The bridge over the creek was finished cm Taesday and as soon as demn them for uttering false accusations. Now. anyone who is at pains to seek out the facts can arrive at only two conclusions: (1) That the American System has produced for Americana the highest standard of living in the entire world, and (2) further, thia gsaeel has Mm filled in behind the | sUnd»Jd °* li,rin* fa constantly on the abutments, teams can pass over, It !up^ *^»ng. will be several day* before the sidewalk can be rebuilt. " 'ftiere were 203 dance tickets sold at Stoffel's hhll last night. With spec From time to time in this column, we have cited the steel industry as an example to prove these points. We selected the steel industry for two good reasons: 1() Because steei is a * :a»a>y!5« INDUSTRY'S BIG ,-.P£ tators and floor managers there must bafK' ;ndustry and is fairly typical of have been at the least 600 people in ! "ld'!ftry f8 • ^hoJe\an<? <2> Because the halL Nearly 200 people were serv- f \he n«t«re of the business, the pro- «d in the aim room. It is claimed by farmers in the vicinity of Sycamore that the milk now •hipped bf them to Chicago is supplied to the dealers at an actual loss of somewhere near 85 cents a can. It is asserted that owing to the high price of grain and hay, milk cannot be production of steel is concentrated into relatively few separate units, and, therefore, statistics regarding it are more quickly and readily accessible. It is most interesting and significant that' the hourly wages received by steel workers today go about twice as far as they did in 1918 in buying certain common articles of food, while EIM Maxwell, tefaiai giver et fameas parties, literally "gets behind" Jfee sathaal defease program. Impressed with the fact that netting ***c ' ifciril he allowed to go to waste hi times Hfce these, she and Mrs. n Jenes and Mrs. J. B. Lane el New York get a pushcart and went <ceOeethtg paper. A Good Day's Work Well Done >V' Miss Hobbs. a nurse who has been engaged by McHenry county for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, arrived in Woodstock last week and for the time being is making her headquarters in the rest room at the court house. - Ben Brefeld, who recently came into possession of the Wirfs property facing Main street, has been tearing down all the old buildings, including an old barn and ice house. By prying the rear door soile one gained entrance to "Smithy's" barber shop and pool room some time during last Wednesday night and relieved the place of about |25.00 worth of stock, consisting of cigarettes, tobacco, candy, efce. That the members of the good roads committee, named at the meeting at Justen's hotel last Friday evening, do not mean to fall asleep on the job is aeen by the prompt action taken by that body. The committee consists of Ben Stilling, Dr. C. H. Fegers, Everett Hunter, Sr., Wm. Smith, Dr. R. G. Chamberlin and Geo. Johnson. duced mtder $1.50 a can. while the ^1;/:^"'j"! , , ... price fixed by the Milk Shippers' Union is but |1.15. T * . rn "Pr^^^t,vs H. Zimmerman shipped four car- *°j£s p £2?* ? T™! loads ofm iron to the feo und. ry .th..is wee.k .• For instance in 1918.. steel workers ro , Do. , . , . J . . . received an average of 58c per hour iu. S«-•i mpeen shipped two car.lo a.d s of r,.m.n,,1,i JTaa wild hay to the Chicago market t4hki!s. compared with an average of 99c per week. •ojiq: \ FIFTY YBAR& AGO hour in the summer of 1941 In 1918, a steel worker had to work 68 minutes to buy a quart of milk, a j pound of bread and a pound of round | t i m j , . ^ steak, while today he has to work only , *** fr®n T t,18 being put In^e 45 Bimitea. Jewelry store of Heaman Bros, ('or- In m8 it weired fifty-one and merly O. W. Owen s) which much im- three-quarter hours' work for him to proves its appearance. - purchase a suit of clothes while today We are still having mild, muddy ' weather in this section. The roads are almost Impassible and business in consequence slow. The school election, a call for which appeared in last week's paper, failed to materialise on Saturday last as advertised. Cause: too much crankism. What the next move will be we are unable to say. Do not fail to attend the Christmas Tree exercises at the Universalist church on Thursday evening. Geo. W. Owen is the only man in McHenry or Lake counties that has given a horse a record of 2:12H, raised and developed by the owner. A social party was held at the Riverside House on Tuesday eveninp, about thirty couples being in attendance. Music by Smiths orchestra, a fint class supper and a general good time was had. John I. Story, landlord of the Riverside House, is building an ice house and cooler In the rear of the hotel. the terrible weather of Friday last, the New Year's party; at the Riverside House, drew oat one hundred and ten couple* and all report a splendid time. THIRTY YEARS AGO Whsa-ehe mm MM _ f]r. Most Helen Is years aM, sate gapptes «• dkjfng afti a» Iris* setter the Irish setter Is the mslhac sf Mr Mk After German Raid on Moscow Fox river is the highest that it has been at this time of the season in •sangr years. John F. Freund, who, about a year ago purchased the late Mrs. Barbara Sdireiner property on Maple avenue is having a barn constructed on the W «"» ""ItaS th« p««t ~W--k, „ * £ * ? w J j w « ! h r Sm w ' • side merchant, has pniehased the lot WaRtir now occupied by the Weber A Gilbert New Year's day was one of the worst of the season in this section. It rained nearly all day and in the eventing a snow storm set in and by 12 o'clock it was a small sized blizzard. Frank Colly, who has about completed a course in dentistry in Chicago, was caflng on friends here the letter part or last week Ice on thf pond is now reported about ten iildbes thick, and It Is expected they will commence cutting next wssk. Ipe boating on the pond has been a comparable suit requires only twentp-two and three-quarter hours. A low priced automobile, today can be purchased with 803 hours of steel wages whereas in 1918 it took 1.827 Vi hours. And theee statistics fail to tell the whole story. Everyone knows that low-priced automobiles produced today are infinitely superior to those manufactured in 1918. The same is true to a greater or less degree of practically all moderu products. So here we have a picture of Competitive Enterprise producing for the worker higher wages and more buying power for those wages, plus a bonus of great improvements in quality and performance of the articles purchased. Glib of tongue as he may be, no advocate of "Production For Use and Not For Profit" can laugh off these pertinent facts. On the contrary, they are eloquent testimony in favor of the "Capitalistic System for Profit"--they establish beyOnd peradventure of doubt and fear o£ successful contradiction that labor proAts along with capital. Give yourself the pleasure of confronting a Socialist with them and listen to him flounder in a maze of inept and utterly nonsensical drivel. Such potent statistics speak so loudly for themselves that even the noisiest soap-box orator bellowing at the top of his lungs cannot drown them out. AUCTION. WM| A. CHANDLER, Gurnee, I1L, Aoctieneer At Spring-dale farm, located 2 miles north of Johnsburg, 6 miles northeast of Mcrtenry, 4 miles south of Spring Grove and 6 miles west of Fox Lake, on -- SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 Commencing at 1:00 P.M. Poultry - Poultry Equipment 2000 Leg-horn Hen* 1 year old. These have all been vaccinated. 500 Pullott v 32 72-hen laying units; 5 section V deck growing unit, capacity 600 ; 2 5- section 4-deck developing units. (All of the above units are equipped | with automatic watering systems, rub- I ber belt cleaning systems for droppings, and detachabe feed pans for each cage.) ^ 6-deck Chick Nursery Unit--capacity 450 to 600. Equipped with Hoover el. contact heaters.' Killing and dressing cabinet, fully equipped. Scalding and Waxing Outfit with heater. Mode! DA Philadelphia Bgg Grading Machine. Miscellaneous equipment. (All above equipment is practically new.) * 10 Hampshire Gilts -- wt. 276 lbs. each, 8 monhts old (double treated). Hampshire Male Hog, 8 mos. old, wt. 250 lbs. Terms announced day of sale! E. ROY FITZGERALD, Owner Dave Woodward, Clerk ['" boat in thi» WcZ * w>. C*~ M VT. This senndphete el a Mock of apartment houses ia Moscow teBs its own sad story. One wall was sheered completely away after the explosion ef a German aerial bosaih during a raid en the capital. • Air Raid Precaution grocery and intends to construct thereon a modern store building. Mr. and Mrs. Henry KanoAvtls are now occupying their cozy new home on Center street on the West side. Butter was declared Arm at S€ cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday. Nick F. Freund is now a resident of this village, he having moved his family to this place last week and is now occupying his beautiful new home on Park avenue. The store building of Fred Schnorr on the West side i* being repainted and otherwise improved for two strangers who have rep ted the place and will conduct a first-class shoe store therein. A bus load of McHenryites drove out to the home of Mr. a rid'Mrs. C. E. Jecks last Friday evening and tendered that couple a miscellaneous shower. The was highly- enjoyed by an. strrr YEARS AGO R. Bishop shipped another ear o# his celebrated wagons on Monday. He Is constantly increasing his facilities In order to meet the increased demand. On account of Nw Years day coming on Sunday, the premiums for the best live ears of corn, to be given by Steven* It Schnorr, will be a warded'on Saturday afternoon at their st^re near the depot. We have had the pleasure of examining a fine lot of paintings, executed by Miss Clara B. Owen and sent from Paris to her porenta, in this village, and which ape now en eadubitioa at Mr. Owen's Store. " SLOCUM LAKE John Blomgren was a caller at Barrington Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, attended the, annual 441 club holiday party at Lib-1 °*m* w»» . . . _ - . _ . . . * T i i a i w •tm PURE BRED BULL CLUB ORGANIZES SOON FOR COUNTY 4-H MEMBERS At a reeent meeting of the county 4-H ei«b committee it was decided to make available to McHenry county 4-H members a pure bred bull club for the first time this next year. Some of the preliminary details are as follows: 1. A club member may enroll with or without enrollment in one or more of the regular dairy projects. 2. The ball calves must be oat of butteifsit AUCTIO: ;:v v' . • to***1 VV;1i •- Girl i at tht New air raid in tta-1 fsK*J *mc- ;r#" •! .v.-' Miss TTattiryn Hehn«r, who has been a familiar figure in the general store of Block & Bethke during: the past seven years, has resigned her position with that firm and said good bye to the place with the close of the store last Saturday night. Winter weather arrived in earnest last Sunday morning and sinee that time McHenry people have been shivering. The coal and ice men are all smiles and the janitors are on the job. W. A. Fisher, ex-milkman, has purchased the Henry E. Buch meat market on Water street and has already The New Year's party at tlie Riverside House 'on Monday evening was attended by about one hundred and forty-three couples. Smith and Snyder bought on Tuesday last, of Ren Tonyan, nineteen ^ hogs that weighed 7 660 pounds for end"at"tTJ tarie'of heVmother,"M™ ertyville high school last Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis of near Waneonda wore Sunday evenign visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and two children spent New Year's dsy at the home of Mrs. Mary Obenauf at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren spent last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. Mrs. Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, who had been visiting at the Blomgren home, returned at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and children of the "Flyts," Miss Frances Davis and Martin Bauer spent New Year's eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Willard Darrell attended the funeral of Carl Ernst at Lake Zurich on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping, Starks Station, and Willard Dairell spent New Year's day at the home of Mr. • rid Mrs. Harry Matthews. Miss Marion Dowell of North Chicago spent New Year's and the weekwhich they paid him $459, A very fine assortment of all wool shawls, for which we are the exclusive agents in McHenry. Good and cheap, call and see them at Colbj Bros. Thirty cento for one pound of. tea and four pounds for $1.00 a^ Fitssimmons and Evanson's. A good printer can find permanent employment by applying immediately at this office. . Circuit Court is m.session at Woodtaken possession ef his newly acquired t . thi v ' , * j^enexr^ial of the M.E. church W. A. Fisher, who for the past ^!wjn meet at Mrg j L Howe's, Thurs years has conducted a milk route in . afternoon next. We tru8t all those IfcHenrv has deposed of his inter- jwho hjiye teams turn out and ^ ^s to Stephen H Freund the latter thejr neighbors> ^lang possession of the route on Mon- , The firgt snow the ^ ^ this ^y morning of this week Mr"! gecUon fell here on Tuesday, and to- Freund hss engaged Simon Michels to ^ Wednesday, the sleighs alTent- ^erate the route ters are flying around lively. the future Simon will be McHenry s milk and cream man. FORTY YEARS Geo. Curtis commenced putting «p ice last week and a fine article it is too. It is about twelve inches thick, perfectly solid and clear as a crystal. The people of. Johnsburgh are after a "i--% factory. A proposition has been made them and the chsnssa are MUk Skin Bleaeh ^ A formula for a milk skin bleach --use lemon Juioe with 15 per cent alcohol and 1 per cent added to preserve it - » t: What Marie Did a dil| ili3ires» to commemorate a French naval victory. Celia Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Downs of McHenry were guests New Year's day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. The bouse and seventeen acres of land owned by Harold Brooks was recently sold to Mr. and Mrs. R. Smrcek of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs*. Smrcek moved into their new homil Dec. 24. Mrs. C. H. Hansen was an afterv noon guest New Year's day at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Allen and a puest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien for five o'clock dinner at Roseville. Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry and son, Marlettrwere visitors at the home of Willard Darrell Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were among the guests entertained at New Year's eve party at the home o| Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schaefer Wauconda. Others who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher of Volo, Mr. and Mrs, E. H Prior, Mr. and Mrs. C. & RoaS ture equivalent reeords in S06 dfcys on twice a day mfflrfng and must be sired by a good pttre bred sire, by s sire out of a 5ft»povnd bstterfat dam on twice a day milking basis or by a sire out of a dam with two or more daughters averaging 400 pounds of fat mature equivalent on twice a day milking. 3. All bulls will be exhibited in the fall and sold at auction the dsy of tbe show. Additional details will be announced in the near future by John H. Brock, farm adviser, who is county club leader. McHenry county boys interested in this project should let Mr. Brock know in the near future. Members of the county club committee are: E. A. Behrens, Richmond, chairman; Gerald Binder. Harvard; K. E.. Cristy, Ringwood; Walter Schuett, Woodstock; Marvin Nicol, Marengo; Nelson Brian, HunUay, and Paul Brandlin, Algonquin. Charles Leonard and Titos. M. Auctioneers Having fully decided to quit ing, I have sub-leased the Johnson farm and will sell my sonal property at Public AuetMSt the farm, located 2 miles H e b r o n , 7 m i l e s f s o u t h o f L a k e * 5 miles west oi east of route 4^ on the Illinoisiil consin State Line, on -- FRIDAY, JANUARY Commencing at 11:00 o'clock the following described propertfj wit: &9EAD0ruVKST< Consisting of " ".-24 Head Holstein Csws !tew milkers and close testing dairy; 8 sixteen mo. old ers, not bred; 7 six. mo. old 3 Good Work Bstaes Bay mare, 5 yra. old, MOO lbs.; J horse, 6 yrs. old, 1M0 lbs.; black 8 mos. old, 800 lbs. Hay, Grate and Machmary 36 tons of corn in crib; 35 tana timothy hay in barn. F-20 tractor. IHC; tractor vator, IHC; tractor 2-bottom IHC; tractor disk, IHC; corn loader and bundle carrier, Case; binder, IHC; skie delivery Wards; hay loader, New Ides; horse cultivator. Rubber tire spreader. Wards; tire spreader; Broadcast seedl wagon; Montgomery Ward mill; 75-ft. drive belt; corn with fertilizer attachment. IHC; ing machine; sulky plow; feeder, IHC; 2-h9rse cultivator; horse breaking plow. 3 sets of eveners, wood; set of i eveners; 2 wagon neck yokes; idual hog houses, new; milk 4 milk pails; 15 milk cans; 2 tanks; DeLaval cream se milk stools; log chain; X gas stoves; hand cscn shsllsr; sst work harness; 4 hers* asQan. 100-ft. gartai hms? prMM roller bearing (tad wagsns; i racks; > sscttsa dtsfc grain forks, shevfla and mmr*1 ~ too numerous to,mention. Lunch will be served by Ci sndht j Walwofth. This macMwy Is nsmr aad isst «|»|arl«| All sssaR tseis sad be ssid hsfsrs noon. TSRKS: Alt sums « under that amount, tad amount, a credit of six per cent will be- extern approved by the dark, j ing credi|t, before pawhsal l| iasds.)fs ] to be removed ALMAK. 'Selah' Mystery ' Religious students never have defined the word "Selah" although it appears in the Bible 74 tunas. About 93 per cans «t *a army's field artiBsry now raRs wheels, and less than 7 par e*il drawn by horses and ma|sa. * Rabher Btratchei Rubber is the only natural stance in the world teat will up to 10 times its normal length < return to its original form. The Netherlands East Indies duces 95 per cant of the used in the world.' UTTXEMAQV/ <P- «y all art *00 TN* 4)ANCB. MARV,? ftr?Si-Ax-HAv* COMB *&&&"** com*- ajv wrry cent5 .WORTH OF 0 STAMPS glycerine Dorwin and Dr. and Mrs. J. A of Wanconda and Mr and M&. S er ef Aureea. Magnesium is about haavy as ahimhnwn. • - •