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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Feb 1942, p. 8

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"rTflW, LOUISE BHUTOEBKOOOTO SPEAK AT WO CHANGE Or CHURCH SERVICES FRED WAHL, IE., FEB. 7 WOODSTOCK TGARRETT TUESDAY EVE., FEB. 17 4 i :*-•• Societv Motes I" Roller Skating Party Cirls' Athletic association of Grant Community Hifch school in Fox Lake and their guests enjoyed a roller ideating: party at the local akf ticig rink |to»day evening. " ' •' o • • tt - vV . - O. ft •• Hie O. E S held their regular meetsi* in the new Masonic hall last Monday evening. yA pot luck supper was served the officers preceding t£e meeting nei^ officers ofcolfed at iUiowera Mrs. Fr•eawfi WWaahhll;; Jr., the former Miss Loui»4" Stilling. Was honored at two pre-nuptial showers last week by friends and classmates at Lake Forest college. One shower was given by the sorority to which she belongs, Gamma Phi chapter, and' the other by four classmates who resided in Patterson Lodtrc with the bride. •*.*> .V , * * • C. D. of A. •'Hie C, D. of A.held their regular ( meeting last Thursday evening, Fol- j lowing the meeting a social hour was enjoyed with prizes being awarded Mrs. Fred Schoewer, Mrs. Dorothy Adams, and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, bridge, and Mrs. Anna Thennes and Mrs. Eleanor Young, pinochle. Tempting refreshments concluded a pleasant • * • • Birthday Okt>rati<* Last Friday afternoon little ?>&fa K. Douglas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Douelas, was guest of honor at a party in honor of her third birthday. The friends of Sara, most of whom were three years old also, Were Sandra Walsh, Phyllis Schmitt, Janice Schmitt, Sharon O'Shea, Danny 0*Shea, Laurayn Conwav. Dee-Ann _____ Hester, Marion Grace Conway and : pleasantly surprised last Sunday even Mary and Tommy Douglas. , j„g at their new home on Park avenue Following the playing of ffnmes, the by a group of friends who had planguests were seated at small tables and ne<j a housewarming party. Cards each was served an individual birthday furnished entertainment for the group, Puhtie^frJ v With twenty-two tables in play, th€ public card party which was held last Sunday evening in' St. Mary - St. Pat rick school hall was a real success Pinochle, fridge and bunco were played. Following the car^s a iovelj lunch was served on tables^ decojjfttfto in keeping with Valentine's day. " , '* *" - * East River tto8,d Pinochle Mrs. Ellsworth Shoemaker was hostess to members, ot rthe East Rivet Road Pinochle club last Thursday afternoon. Prize winners for the afternoon were Mrs., Ed Sut^m and Mrs. Ben Dietz. The next .meeting of the group will be at the home of Mrs. Fmimkjfm tha Feb. 1®. *'• •. • •. , i'i. r ' '• • *•' ••" "I'li 1< •-T • .-itr , • • •. • Pinochle Club. Mr. and Mrs. A moid Anderson wer ? hosts to members of their pinochle club last Thursday evening. Prize winners for th? evening were Alex Justen and Arnolji Anderson. A delicious lunch concluded the pleasant gathering. Mrs. Peter Gies will be hostess to the cluhatjts next meeting on Feb. 21.^ '.-p.:,;. t. ' ?;«>., i'-.v" Five HntidredOHib Mrs. Arthur Stilliag entertained the members of her five hundred club wist Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Clarence Stilling, Mrs. Leo S!mith, Mrs. Alvin Freund and Mrs. Ed Mettermann were winners of the prizes which were awarded. Following: the playing of cards a tasty lunch was served by the hostess. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. John' Herd rich on Feb. 19... : , v.« > Hoasewarmutg. Party Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guzzardo were A fr^lnSship which began in childhood, when they were neighbors, culminated last Saturday in the marriage At a nuptial high mass which was solemnized at St. Mary's church at ten o'clock last Saturday morning, (Photo by Warwick) MRS. FRED WAHL, JR. of Miss Louise Stilling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Stilling of Me- Henry and Mr. Fred Wahl, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wahl of Evans*- ton and McHenry. The ceremony was solemnized at 10:30 on the morning of Feb. 7 at St. Patrick's church with Rev. Wm. O'Rourke officiating. Only the immediate families were present at the wedding. • . * The charming bride was attired in a three piece suit of natural tan with brown accessories, and she wore orchids. The pearl rosary which she carried was a gift of the groom. The bridesmaid was Miss Betty Silet of Chicago, a lifetime friend of the bride. She wore a purple suit and had a corsage, of gardenias. Robert Stilling, a "brother of the bride, was the best man. Following the ceremony, a breakfast for the bridal party was served (Photo br Warwick) MRS. ALBERT GARRETT Miss Mildred Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund, Jr., of Richmond road, became the lovely bride '%* ' * * • , *•=Engagement Announce! _ Mr. and Mrs. William Vandenboom of Round Lake have announced the engagement of their daughter, Helen, to- Private John M. Bolton, son of Mr. Mid Mrs. John Bolton of Fox Lake. The announcement was made at a dinner party in the Vandenboom horte last week. Both young persons were graduated from the Grant Community High school and Private Bolton is now stationed with the air corps at Chanute Field. Rantoul, 111. No date has been set for the wedding. • • • Honored on Birthday CiiuA party honoring the birthday of Mrs. Henry Kinsala was held at their home on Waukegan street Saturday evening. Cards furnished entertainaaant for the group with prises being •warded Mrs. Elmer Kinsala and Henry Kinsala. Following the cards, a delicious buffet lunch was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Btner Kinsala and family, Marie and Billy Kinsala and Charles Carso of Chicago; Mrs. Wm. Vandenboom and daughter, Helen, of Round Lake; Mrs. May Powers *nd daughter. Marie, Alice Gaulke, Rita Martin and Eleanor pi Mildred Kmsala, all of McHenry. YOU MUST TAKE THIS FOOD ON FAITH... yOtJnssoi am ihaaiiM, Yow caaaetftMch or taste them. I* •>* l*f completely y.. f "os faith," Your cOaaplet* re- ^ : liaace rests in the integrity, the ^^resfOMibility, of the original source. It ii for this reason that we feature the products of , Abbott Laboratories--one of *.«stwo pioneers in the vitamin Wd. We know that in Abbott . Vitamin Products we offer you Lwith a reputation ^ ^ for high vitamin potencyf "•/i-- f Vhen your Physician pre* scribes vitamins, bring his pre- * ' •v * scription here where Abbott ' vitamin produas are featured. Bolger's Drug Store This Store Is Here To Serve Y<|j| with toe PAprrs •••• FINE j •AEDWABi We want to serve ic&A to again say BUY DEFENSE STAMPS ttd BONDS After which a tasty lunch was served. The honored couple; was presented with a lovely gift by their friends. Those who enjoyed,the evening were Messrs. and Mesc|ames Leo <Hiller, Alfred Oeffling, Georgei^iiller, Joe Miller, Albefa Schmitt, iieonge Oeffling. Wm. Hiller, Mike Schaefer and Georgr» S c h m i t t . . j • • ; • • • > • . . S u., >• J ' .. ' . . Annjrersary .gelebraiii ; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kubovy of Wonder Lake, well known in this community, celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary Thursday,: Feb. 5. A delicious banquet atyle dinner was served and many, gifts and flowers were given; to the happy cxmple. After the dinner; pinochle and; bunco were played, with the ,wianors -receiving p r i z e s . a . . . Among those who attended were Mesdames Anderson, Sahrosder, Fassler, Arndt, White, Wifbhw; Coriee, Curlee Sr., Viola, Vatider*tnBt)m, Hansen and Hay. J : . • ' ' > I > Best wishes were extended the couple and it waa the hop* of all that they might be present, to: oeffeteato their silver wedding anniversary. • » • O. E.S. 1--tailstka The O. E. S. held their ananai installation ceremoniea. at itm wtm Masonic hall on Court street last Saturday evening. Preceding the actual coreaasav ef installation, Henry Stephenson acted as flag bearer while Miss Carol Haaxi- •on gave the ode to the flag. Installing officers for the evening were Mrs. Lillian Gilbert, Grand lecturer of Crystal Lake, installing officer; Mrs. Minnie Martin, installing marshall; Frances Vyctal, installing chaplain, and Mabel Johnson, iimHaM1 faig organist. Miss Lillian Schroeder of Woodstock acted as soloist. Escorts for the installing officers were Robert Thompson, Henry Stephenson and George Johnson. Newly elected officers wex Harrison, worthy matron; Harrison, worthy patron; Hoppe, associate worthy George Johnson, associate patron; Alice Lindsay, secretary; Jennie Eddy, treasurer; Mrs. Ethel Smith, conductress; Katie Harrison, associate conductress; Minnie Martin, chaplain; Cora Bassrtt. marshall; Mabel Johnson, organist; Ethel HoITy, Adah; Florence Larsen, Ruth; Mar- ~aretha Snurling, Esther; Henrietta Vycital. Martha; Margaret Ri«4, Electa; Mabel Collins, Warder, and j Lonella Stephenson, Sentinel. Following the installation, eieht ladies, many of them classmates of the worthy matron, escorted her to the East. The eight were Mrs. Florence Alexander of Hebron, Mrs. Robert Thompson. Miss Maude Granger, Mrs. Nellie McDonald of Woodstock, Dr. T^>uis«> F.vanson of Chicaeo. Mrs. Lillian Sayler Mrs. Eldred Wattles and Mrs. Ellen Phalin, A short program followed the installation. This musical entertainment was provided by the Forte club orchestra whose members include Warren Jones, Gordon Scholie, Laura and Edith Sherman and Bonnie Pafre. A delicious lunch concluded the enjoyable evening. About one hundred euests were nresent at this first event in the beautiful new hall at the Stilling home at Orchard Beach. I Albert L. Garrett, son of Mr. and The couple then l."ft on a short trip. Mrs. John R. Garrett of Batesville, The young couple will live with the bride's parents for the present. Mrs. Ark. Rev. Paul Tuchlinsky officiated at the service.. United States Senator C. Wayland Brooks will be the guest speaker*^ a Washington-Lincoln celebration to be held at the Woodstock high school auditorium next Tuesday evening, Feb. 17, at 8 o'clock. The affair will be non-political in every way. It will be a patriotic gathering of McHenry county citizens to do honor to two great Americans, j Washington, the father of his country, | and Lincoln, the great Emancipator, | whose birthdays both occur in thit | month of February. I The Woodstock Civic club is spon- ! soring the celebration. A varied proi gram of music will precede the address j of Senator Brooks. This program will j 'nclude selections by the Woodstock i high school band, including a special j number called "American Flag Parade;" violin solo by Carl Hendrickson, ! accompanied by Merritt Fossler; vocal ; solo. "I Am An American," by Harry ! G. Abraham. Admission will be by tickets only, which can be obtained free from any member cf the Civic club or at The Flaindealer office in McHenry. These tickets will be distributed free, but rot more tickets will be issued than the capacity of the Woodstock high pchooi auditorium, which is limited. Citizens from all parts of the county are invited to attend and enjoy the address by Senator Brooks, as well as the balance of the program, bat should ask for pickets in order to be assured of a seat. Senator Brooks is one of the most eloaiient and distinguished public speakers in America today and the people of McHenry county are very fortunate to receive a visit from him at this time of great national distress. It is a most fitting occasion for our people to gather and listen to this great orator and hear the message of courage, hope and unity he will bring to us in this great American crisis. Ticket holders are requested to be in their seats at not later than 7:50 p. m., as all seats after that time will be made available to any t^nd all persons not provided with tickets who may desire admission. Wahl will commute to Lake Forest | The bride T^as beautiful in a gown | Dr. O. E. Nelson, president of the until May when she will bo graduated °' w^ite satin, with lace inserts and a Woodstock Civic club, will preside at from Lake Forest college. She finish- 'on^ train. Her veil was held In place the celebration and introduce the by a tiara of seed pearls and for hei speaker, bouquet she chose white gladioli. Catherine Freund, a sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor. She wore a long pink gown the bodice of which was lace and the skirt marquisette. The bridesmaid, Miss Bernice Miller of Chicago, a friend of Mrs. Garrett, was attired in a ed her high school studies with the McHenry high school graduating class of 1938. The groom is a graduate of St George high school in Evanston and is associated with his father in the jewelry business in Chicago. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wahl in this community offr>r them heartiest congratulations and wish them the best of lock during their married life. Miss I1& Montgomery Marries Huntley Man On Saturday evening JFeb. 7, in the parsonage of the Lutheran church in Woodstock, Miss lis Montgomery, daughter of the Thomas Montgomery* of McHenry and Mr. Dtaald Plske, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pisk«> of Huntley were united in marriage. Rev. Roger Kauffman officiated. Miss Grace Thurby of Kingston and Glenn Knutter of Huntley acted as attendants for the couplfe. Following the wedding a dinner for the bridal party was served at the Woodstock Cik The bride graduated in 1940 from the Kingston high school and the groom attended the Huntley schools. Both are employed by the Letek Electric Co. in Genoa. They will make their home in Kingston. Among: the Sick B Myrtle Chatnoey Valeska matron; •worthy SPONSORING BIO RED CROSS PApTY SATURDAY, FEB. 21 Linus Newman has been suffering blue from an injured back sustained when dress, of similar style. For their head-1 he fell on the ice near his home a pieces they had blushers in colors. week and a half ago. which matched their dresses and these Mrs. Harold Vycital has been conwere held in place by natural colored I fined to her bed the past week due to gladioli. Their bouquets were of the an injured ankle sustained when she same color. fell while skiing. Elmer and ffarvir^ Fretmd, brother* Mrs. Martin Cooney, who has been of the bridte, were attendants of the eonfined to her bed for the past sev-' groom. jeral weeks, is now able to be around Little Dorothy Ann Hiller, a niece | the house pant of each day. of the bride;, was flower£&rf. Sh«waw| Henry Heuser has returned to work dressed in a sheer* whit*> organdy 'at the Miliar Products Co. after being gown over yeliow., 8hm tfrm wosa at "confined to- his home for some time blusher and gladioli in her hair and!with a foot injury.. carried a colonial bowuiet. t. Mrs. Ben H. StilBag of Johnsburg Arnold Freund. aud> Arthur Me-j is a patient at St. Theresa hospital in ' WaMkegam. Raymond Powers af Crystal Lake, a> former McHenry resident, is crithall and icaily ill in an Oak. Park hospital, was haldt.j Jackie Miller o£ Kaigwood undera dinner was served to about j went surgery at the Woodstock hoaone hundred tReoplfe. *-- Th^ groom is an employe* ef sfinj niture company/ in> Hhfisiisi and the | bride is empolyed at the Woodstock Typewriter G&. The Kaung, ample will live with the bride'h> paoaahs for the present. St. Mary's Catholie Church Masses: Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:30. Weekdays: 8:00. Confessions: V ^ ' Saturdays: 3:00 p. i#V p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- After Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. - Lenten Services: Wednesday: 7:30 p. m., Sermon and Benediction. Friday: 7:30 p. m., Stations and Benediction. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. \ #ARD OF THANKS . In this manner we wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness during the sickness and at the time of the death of our mother and sister. We are especially grateful for donors of cards, floral offerings and spiritual bouquets. KNOX FAMILY, JOHN SLEVIN. Lottfee Evanson, D. D. S., of Chicago, a former resident of McHenry, was a weekend guest in the Chancey Harrison home near Ringwood. On Saturday evening she attended O. E. S. installation ceremonies in the new Masonic hall where she acted as one of the escorts for Mrs. Harirson, wbof was installed as worthy matron. Dr.* 'a \ Evanson was a classmate of both Mr.* a and Mrs. Harrison at the McHenry > high school many years ago. 4f" On Sunday a group of old friend?}*1' ^ Were entertained in the Harrison home - * ' \ ^ in her-honor and a pleasant time waa^J, ^ * r , .t. enjoyed by all as they relived in retro-.': spection their school days together. ^ " Dr. Evanson has an office at 2& East^%; Washington Street, Chicago, where^fit^l she is busy and successful. She never" | forgets, however, her many friends|,> . «, here and does not fail to return to/n' i visit with them at the slightest oppor- V " *"* tunity. : CENTimental V alentine Sentiment is needed today, more than ever, but jt is also necessary to be CENTimental--to count every penny and make every penny count in order to buy more and more Defense Stamps! You can be both sentimental and CENTimental by getting your valentine gifts here where every price in our Value Valentine proves we're sweet on savings! v Vicker ushered. A wedding, breakfast waa served the bridal party and immediate family in St. Mary - St- Patariolk in the afternoon a PROFESSIONAL TO BE L2XKEH91QB ADDED- WAX DUTIES; As a benefit for the Woodstock chapter tiled Cross, members of the Physicians,, dfcntiats andl veterinanif- Guild of St. Ann are planning an all j ans throughout the' state of Illinois county party to be held at the Wood- [will soon be listed*for the purpose ofc stock American Legion hall on the , determining where eaafti man in those evening of Saturday, Febj. 21, to open professions can. be ofFimni service- toi at 9:30 p. m. with cards aad dancing to be provided for entertainment. Tables of cards will pivot with prizes to be awarded at each. A1 Klemme will furnish music for daaeiag. \ Invited to come dressed! as either a "country cousin" or a "city slicker" gives all an opportunity, to show some originality to add to the fan being promoted by the St. Ana ladies. We are informed that several side attractions with talent from Chicago will be kept a dark secret until the gala night. A beautiful bteiket from the Pell-Bari farms will! be a special award and several fair ipaidens will have charge of a HM Cross doll booth. A light supper will be served at twelve o'clock. Admission will be fifty cents for adults while high school students will be charged Ofty ##nts per couple. if ; pitai last N. C. Klein, wh» has hern a patient in St. Therese hoaftital foe five, weeks returned to his home in Waukegan reoentty. Mrs. Gertrudte Bitter is critically ili in the Wowdbttadfc baplsl where «he underwent surgery Tuesday. Mrs. William Bishop. Who suffered a heart attack several! weeks ago, is {improving a*' hsr fames «a lltvsraidk Dfefve. NICKELS' Hardware Strange Building The cathedral of St. Basil in Moscow is one of the strangest buildings on earth and is described as a "nightmare in stone." It has 20 gilded domes and towers all of contrast* ing shapes, designs and sizes, representing an assortment of architectural styles unfitted for presentation in one building. Sen Cigarette Butts Cigarette butts are being sold in the market placea of unoccupied France, and armies of men, women and children search the pavements for them. J a youth com^t^^S^^^Viola tiofa of the law goes to a forestry camp instead of the house of correction. My Neighbor SAYS: * Poinsettia plants do best in a warm, moist climate. They are hardy drinkers, preferring water that is not too cold. • • • Buttonholes made with a Ana crochet thread do not tear out as easily as those made with ordinary sewing thread and can be made faster. • • • Each little opening in gsa burners should burn s steady blue flame. Have Just enough flame to keep liquids at boiling point. Boiling liquids are no hotter when boiling rapidly than when boiling slowly. Wash bannisters with soap and water, then polish. When you think of all the hands that pass over the surface of the bannister day after day you realize how much dirt accumulates on it. (Antir1**-1 Newspapers--WNU Sarvlce.) the nation, it was anrtouncod this by Paul G. Armstrongs. State Diiarttti of Selective- SbrwioB.. According to Colonel' Armstrong, tfte* President has issued an executive order establishing a- Procurement and Assignment Division under the office of Defense Hfeaftth and W«lfane> services, which will classify and possibly assign certain dhtieir ft» these pprffcasional men. The primary purpose for this new Federal activity is to gather and make available information concerning the number of qualified1 doctors, dentists and1 veterinarians with a vie^» of securing the most effeptiVe allocation of medical manpower for the requirements of the civilian population and the armed forces, he said. A committee Is being organised in each corps area to work with the headquarters Of this new service In .Washington. Each committee will consist of ftve doctors, two dentists and one veterinarian. These committees will be accepted as advisors to the corps area surgeons, to the naval district swrgeons and to the regional jnedical oiffcers of the office of civilian defense and will operate not only through the subdvisions of the medical, dental and veterinary associations but also with the profeaaions at large in securing Information and giving advice. "Our local boards," commented Director Armstrong, "will be give* the benefit of the information secured by this new service, and will uae such information in considering the classificaton of any man listed as s medical doctor, a dentist or a veterinarian." The chairman of the sixth corps area committee of the Procurement and Assignment service, according to [information received from National Selective Service Headquarters by Di rector Armstrong, is Dr. Charles H. Phifer, 30 North Michigan Avenue CM®*#* fflaapihg taftii BHaight It is a. gpsdl thin* to get sleep Hefere midhia|Kl hoi m* because its is •Beeper or iarflueneed hi some way by MM moon* m stw». When people goto bed bcflSas nsMtoftght they usa*Hy get mora- hopes ed sh ip than iff they retired laftn^ sod the benefit esmes from getiihg mse* sleep, not necessarily bsKan sleep. The first twohours ofi steap are cf about the- same quality,, as thpft, whether mm goes to, bad at XK midnight or later. GROVES BROMO QUININE CHOCOLATE EX-LAX . . MINERAL OIL, per pint^ MWEQT'Q Miracle-Taft -J: . ?V LO1 a Toothbrush •; f % # irf TAMPAX 4 Snpply -; w •nrr* * "A 3ic 19c 49c 47c 98c 75c Bayer Aspirin . ..J59c 35c Hinkle Pills 3c 35c Vicky Vapo-Bub 27c 50c Hinds* Lotion _J25c 60c Murine J 50c Gillette Blades -^9c 50c Vray Dentrifice.... 25c Garten PiUs ^ 50c Forhans Dental^ Cream ^ j39c 006 Foleys Syrup ^J54c ' 25c Pyrex Mureers 21c 75c Mennens Set , 40c HflPf iC ;• i' r V:: t f A HEART Y f * TREAT Include our extra rich and creamy fee cream in your Valentine Party Plans. It's a great i t favorite with all -- a^ ; heart-y treat that's^ . right at home for an'v£ elaborate repast or a^i.^ s i m p l e s n a c k . P l a c e ! C your order today. Wte w i l l yoo say. • - 'v "y I- <iuart -^1 ~fftomab\ /? TH* MCffMKY VOOtST" HENRY* ILLINOIS' / ;'x , i • -• \ i ~ - %> ,"*< 2 "y# Beeswax Imports Iihports of beeswax from Puerto Rico have risen to peak levels, the department of commerce reports. A splendid shoe mixing a little blacking. Rah a small quantity oa the leather and very little polishing is necessary « polish is made by milk with ordinary . -S Ik POWER FARMING DAY d\ ay • ••• - T-- rug* • . , , , i t . 0 ' : McHenry H. S, at 7:30 Sponsored Veatnrinff eiiteTtaiiuiiiont bj A1 Trace and bis "filly Simp-Fun-Iita" starring Holl^Swaoacm, "Bevea Feet of Fan," and Kuiep White, sensational acrobatic dance r. Sevjpa reels of movies dMoibingi« tfie uses of and improvements in modern, up-to-date machinery. A pro- ^ gram featuring "Something for Everybody" -- both entertaining aad ^T instructional. tymm:*1*™*0" TUN FOR THE MfTIKK FAMILYll EVERVTH1NQ IS FEKX!! Wk:

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