Sunday guests at Ifta taint of Mr. and Mrs. H. Swansea itJjjH&fcnd Park. Mrs. Elmer E>pta§ of Starks Station and Mr. and. Mrs. William Dar rell and two children of Wauconda visited at the home of Willard Darrell Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Cora Price of Wauconda, Ellis Price and Miss Marshall of Chicago were callers Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Harry Matthews presided at the home in Oak Park Sunday evening, after spending four days with rela tives at Oak Glen farm. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and two children spent last Tuesday evenp ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed' ward Wirtz at Mundelein. Mrs. Marlett Henry was a dinner and afternoon guest last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mo Clain at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were . W. E. Brooks and son, Cheswere callers at Barrington last ard Brennecke of Chicago was Sunday at the home of Mr. . Earl Converse LaDoyt Matthews returned to his PGTER peeve WNU Service) 1 (dHMITTfE Mr • < * * - . w-4V-.- WEBSTER'S GIANT ILLUSTRATED - DICTIONARY *• •••%> THUMB-INDEXED AUTHENTIC • ILLUSTRATED " UP-TO-THE-MINUTI * Here is the Dictionary you have always wanted--* large, complete, authentic, and best of ill--up-to-date! Webster's Giant Illustrated Dictionary contains 65,000 entries ... covers every word you're likely to hear or read-~incltiding all the brand new wor<klike Anschluss* Blitzkrieg, Theelol, Allergen. It is profusely illustrated ..... thumb-indexed for ready reference. Its fact-filled pages include 70 pages of EXTRA Supplementary Information, such as Dictionaries of Synonyms and Antonyms, Commerce and Law; Musical Terms, Medical Words, American Slang, and many others. And this magnificent new Dictionary can now be yours--M a price so low--for such an all-inclusive work--'that it is practically a gift! A^ a reader of this paper, you are entitled to a copy of Websttl's Giant Illustrated Die* < • tionary for only 98c! - IDEAL FOR HOMt/SCHOOL AND OfFICt Webster's Giant Illustrated Dictionary deserves an honored place in your home, where it will always be ready to give you authoritative information on any subject !P«t under the sun. Its simple,-clear definitions make it an ideal Dictionary for the use of children of school age. On your office desk, it will make you the authority--the one , who knows/ And the one who knows is the one who advances! For the sake of your ^ future ... for the sake of your family ... you need this magnificent Dictionary. Don't y mitt this amazing opportunity! Get your copy today! . V SUPERB DE LUXE EDITION y> >*!'> > (Pictured About} 7 : v,- - . spedslly bound Florentine De Luxe Edition is available for those who appreciate 8 tner things. This edition, which can be yours for only a slightly higher gift price has * a tdoled antique ivory binding,-richly. emboJKd in high relief-a volume of truly % , exceptional beauty. Be sure to see it when you redeem your coupon* ig of the Lake Bnrinra at Partners hall last Saturday. The annual meeting wilt be held Saturday, Feb. 14. Mr. and Mrs. C. H Hansen were guests at a seven o'clock dinner Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jtass Rasmussen at River Grove. Eb Harris of Grayslake and William Landwer of iLake Zurich were recent callers at the home of Willard Darrell. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughter, Joan, were callers at Mc- Henry last Tuesday and Mrs. Wagner ahd daughter called on her aun vMrs. H^ni-y Heimeiv Mrs. C. H. Hansen attended a tea last Friday afterfioon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Allen in honor of Mrs. Allen, Sr., who will soon leave for her home at Springfield, Ohio. Other guests present were Mrs. H. O'Brien, Mrs. Alvin Case, Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mrs. Glen Bacon and Mrs. Frances Dryer of Island Lake. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodene of Mylith Park were callers at Waukegan last Tuesday. Ray Mitchell has returned to his home at Mylith Park, after spending several days at the Hines hospital. Ho is improved in health according to reports. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rodene of Chicago were callers Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodene at Mylith Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews entertained the following guests at a party in honor of their son, Robert's, fifteenth birthday anniversary Saturday evening. Miss Charlotte Boularid of Jacobs subdivision on Fox river, Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Oak Park, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook of Wauconda, Willard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs John Blemgren Were present. Two tables of pinochle were in ulay during the evening while LaDoyt Matthews and nephews, Robert and Lyle, and Mi«<« Bouland attended the theatre at MeHenry and upon their return home all enjoyed a delicious lunch with a laree birthday cake adorning the center of the table. yj HAlf ACTUAL SIZE • OVIR 700 PAGES • 65.000 ENTRIES • PAGES OF EXTRA SUPPLEMENTS 70 LILT LAKE Mrs. Lannes entertained the Lily Lake School P.-T. A. at her home on Thursday, Feb. 5. Cards and bunco were played. Prises were awarded to Mrs. W. Swanson, Mrs. V. Schiavone, Mrs. C. Vactyet and Mrs. Corbin. Other guests present were Mrs. Einspar, Mrs. Neilson, Mrs. Klabough, Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. Schiavone, Mrs. Seyfferth, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Fast, Mrs. Bransford, Mrs. Veneer, Mrs. Corbin, Mrs. Weiler, Mrs. Vachet, Mrs. Lannes, Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Weg* ener. The serving of coffee and cake concluded a most enjoyable afternoon. Ruth Lavin has returned to work after a long absence due to a bad cold. ^ Billy McDonald spent Sunday aftdt Monday in Chicago visiting at the' home of his grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson visited in Chicago Sunday and Monday at the home of her sister. The Lily Lake Ladies' League held a bunco party at the "Cottage" Wednesday afternoon. Members and guests present were Mrs. Vachet, Mrs. Schiavone, Mrs. Budil, Mrs. Seyfferth, Mrs, Swanson, Mrs. McDermott, Mi's. Einspar, Mrs. Corbin, Mrs. Wegener, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Bransford, Mrs. Weiler. Mrs. W. Swanson won a special prise Coffee and doughnuts were served. Mr. and Mrs. H.°nry Fast. Jack Laubinsrer. Mr. and Mrs. Riopatoe, Dr. and Mrs. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Spatafora, Mrs. Wise and Mr. and Mrs. Weber spent the weekend at Lily Lake. The Lily Lake School P.-T. A. held their monthly meeting and card party at the Lily Lake school Friday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Corbin, Mrs. Seyfferth, Mr. Einspar and Mrs. Swanson. Most Dyea The United States now irianufactures 96 per cent of its dyes. ouuEtiH services St. Mary*a Catholic Chare* Masses: Sundays: 7:00; 8:80; 104* „ Weekdays: 6:45; 8:00. First Friday: 6:30; 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m Thursday before First Friday. After Mass on Thursday, 8:00 p. m and 7:00 p. m. Magr. C. S. Nix, pastor. St. Patrick's CatfcolkCharch Masses: * tti.?/ * Sundays: 8:00; 19M. Weekdays: 7:80. >. • uvtife W.:, First Fridays: 7:30. On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:30; 7:00 and befoiv and during the 7:30 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Thursday before First Friday. 4:00 to 6:06 p. m. and 7HKV tr 9:00 Rev. Wm. A. 0*Rourke, pastor. St. John's Catholic Church, Jehnsburg Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 10:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. ' S' • Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:30^ ' Thursday before First Frtmf : l;89 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, pastor. Community Chatci ;' Sunday School: 10:00 a. ifc, " Worship Service: 11:06 a.m. Junior League: 6:30 p.m. Epworth League: 8:00 p. m. Rev. J. Heber Miller, pastor. Evangelical Lutheran Church Services--8 a. m. Sunday School--8:15 a. m. Jfcev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor. St. Peter's Catholic Church, Spring Grove Masses: 8undays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 sod 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. , .First Friday: 8:00. £ Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:18. Thursday before First Friday: 2:80 : and 7.15. Kev. Jortn L. Daleiden, Pastor. A. WO&WIOX § • GMHMHM - - ilhj - Copyteff - Fraaria PImnm 276 -- BftenMe Orht •cHENBT, ILL. rax INSURANCE AUTO .mm* EARLn 1!Z*u WALSH rrsasating' , < , • Reliable Companies ":"r ,• Wkea yoa aeed insaranee of asy kia|^'^ PHbne 43 or §1-|| - Priea Bld«. - - McHanrvS' I' ^ lA?*, H m C: • i ' •? Phone MeHenry 677-R-l -- Basement Excavating RETT'S SATO ft OUVZL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . . Black ttfrt A Stone . Power Shovel Service . . Power Leveling and Grading fginsul Mixers tor Rent. J. E. IfOTT - Johnelwirg p. O.--McH--rv 'Hi • M 4 . TslaghoM Na, Stoffol ft Keihanfpe^n Insurance agents- fcr ail classes of property in the best companies. WEST MeHBNRT - . BUUMOI8 r,; yft • 1M aa. L. B. xusrsT PMfWtfg Offlee leara. -- » a.a. to »p.aL Graaa 0tree| -- MeBaaey. OL \ Volo Community Bible Chvrefc Combined Service, 10:00 a.m. Rev. W. P. Rueckhehn, pastor. Order your Rubber Stamps at Tha Plaindealer. Charlie's Repair Shop •1(11 Painting' T. Truck L«tt«rii^| % Tumiture Upholiteriiif and Repairing CHAELEa &IETB8EL McHENRY OABAGE Electric and Acetylene Welding. General Repairing. Wagons and Trailers to Order! Rte. 31 -- John & Front Sts. Phone 974 or 151-M Nick P. Miller WANTED TO BUY We pay $3 to $15 for Old «r Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Raaoh Johnsburg Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 660-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES & CATTLE We pay phone charges. *oHENKY FLORAL 00. -- Phone 608-R-l -- One Mile South of MeHenry on Route 3L Floweni for all oecasions! S. H. Fresfid & Son CbNTRA CTORS AND BUILDERS Our Experience is at Your Series in Building Your Wants. Phone 56-W MeHenry A.P.Freimd Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Craae Senriee. --Road Bufldhig-- TeL 204-M ' MeHenry, UH , k*tr 43 Pries VERIKHI i WOJ ATTORNEY AT LAW ^ OFFICE HOURS -- ' Tuesdays and PrMays Other Days by Appeintmeat H e S e a r y . . . . PHONE 15 k.Ray Sorvlee DR.J.E SAYLER DENTIST Offlee Honrs 9-1S and t4l Evening* by AppoiafaMai Tbarsdaya - 9 to It Main Street : W. MeHeary XX PBAUN SUPER SERVICE SINCLAIR Gas, ODa and Greasss Cor. Routes 31 and 120 -- McBenry Horses Wanted ' I B U Y Old and Disabled Herat* Pay from $5 to tt4. ---- i ARTHUR W. WERRBAOB Phone 844 439 B. Cathoan St, Woodstock. III. Eyes Dr. faul A. Schwabe Phone: MeHenry 123-J Woodstock 674 A. & Nye BUs. West McHsary OPTOMETRIST THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY McHENRY TOWN GLUB Riverside Drive and Pearl Street Mixed Drinks of All Kinds *• *¥<0* FRESH -- OYSTERS -- FRIED and Steak Dinners Served ^ Orders to take homo! , ^ Phd^l2 toy rrV \0 6^ ^0^ C0^ •tVoS Are You Having Winter to Ot Vo A4te»» °0?0<t*v89 OO to \Vx« o« S' 9»c lot tV»« CO?1' V»*e m -- . CLIP IT NOW Br? With your car or track? If so, drive in BOW at our wellequipped garage. Best of mechanics use only the highest grade materials. We can locate the trouble and do a fine -CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH, Prop. ' iww