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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Feb 1942, p. 2

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%/w* m f w'; •*>?# wra?* Pift Tw« w**9« PORKNOON AUCTION '-1 Off AS. LEONARD, Auctioneer On account of a sale in the afterneon »t the Gaulke Sales Barns this auction will be completed in the forenoon. I will sell at public auction on the John Jesse farm, located S miles south of Harvard on highway 23 and 1% miles east, on -- WEDNESDAY, FEB. 25 Commencing promptly at 10 o'clock. 1 Team <tf Buy Geldings weight 1200 lbs... 10 and 14 y?ara old. Machinery WC Allis Chalmers tractor on rubber, like new; Moline tractor plow; John Deere tractor disc, 10-ft.; 4-sec RED CROSS NOTES Donors of books for our boys may leave them at the Red Cross room. Please leave appropriate books. Me- • chanical magazines only wifl lX accepted-- no seed catalogs. --R--C-- Wool being in a class with rubies as valuable to the war effort, the production board took steps to call a definite halt to voluntary amateur knitting. --R--C-- A letter from Mrs. Carp says she will visit Red Cross soon. A hearty welcome awaits her. •• --R--C Alvera Gorman is chairman of the RINGWOOD •ijat dinner Sunday, in honor of her {daughters, Mrs. Phelps Saunders and {Helen Johnson, and John Brennan of j Maxwell. N. M., an uncle of the girls, whose birthdays all occur on Feb. 14. Ben Walking ton spent Wednesday I Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John In Chicago; .• j Brennan, Maxwell, N. M.; Mr. and Lillian Aekerman of Belvidere j Mrs. O. L. Cooper of St. Petersburg, spent several days with her sister, !Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Saunders, Mrs. John Hogan Mrs. Albert Thomas of Richmond was a caller in Hie H. J. Collins home Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Aubert and children spent Sunday afternoon in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund of McHenry spent Friday in the Ed Bauer home. Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. B. T. tion drag; Oliver hay loader; Avery igewing project and conducts the work Butler attended the Mothers tea given side delivery rake; 5-ft cnt mower: |jn a very creditable manner. Her j by the Girls' Athletic association at Moline corn planter; John Deere corn helpers come in for a share of glory i the McHenry high school Wednesday binder; single row cultivator; waeon|in the succeSsful production! of gar- j afternoon. with rack; hay fork; manure spreader; i ments. Members of the society mar-' drive belt; Universal double unit milk |vej ^he faithful application of these machine; 7 8-gal. milk cans; set of jyoung housewives to Red Cross duties. harness, like new. i --R--C-- This is a real opportunity to get , Betty Nielsen responded to bur appmctically new machinery at your ipeal for an American Flag and preown price. flow Feed ;<|*rNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS E. E ALBEKCHT Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bronnan, and Jack and Billy Brennan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Young and daughter of Elgin, Mrs. Katherine Young, Rosena and Eleanore Young, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dowe and family of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson and family spent Sunday afternoon in the George Young home. Mrs. Andrew Hawley spent Saturday afternoon with, her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aekerman and family of Belvidere were dinner guests Mr. and Mrn. Win. Wurtsinger and inJ*e John Hogan home Sunday, daughters and Pearl Smith of Wood-! r; and Mrs. Nick Young spent stock spent Friday evening in thSprir1K Grove with Math Lonnie Smith home. ' The Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau met with Mrs. Lloyd Benwell Flint State Bank of Harvard, Clerking j thanks and a hope that blessings may -- --- rebound in abundance. To acquaint all with the qpalifica sented the organization with a beauti- j on Tuesday for a pot-luck dinner, ful wool bunting flag. It will be cher- j Twleve members, the home adviser ished and honored by all. The Red ' and two visitors were present. The Cross extends to her most hearty business meeting was conducted by AUCTION SUNDAY SALE Mrs. Clinton Martin, the lesson. "Oldfashioned Politeness,"' was given by Mrs. Sweeney and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy reviewed the book, "Not Withtions of Motor Corps volunteers and out Peril," by Margerite Allis, which CHARLES LEONARD. Auctioneer Phone 478 was greatly enjoyed by the group. Mrs. Benwell and Mrs, Denman gave reports on their trip as delegates from the Ringwood unit to Farm and Home Week at Urbana. It was voted to | to eliminate phone inquiries we submit 'the following: The primary purpose J of the motor corps of the A. R. C. is ; to furnish economical and efficient Having decided to quit farming and , transportation whenever and wherever moving to Rockford, I will sell at j needed in the work of their local chap-j hold an afternoon card party at the Public Auction on the farm known as ters. The A. R.C. is closely-connected ; Muzzy hall on March 16. the old Bailey farm, located 6 miles,with the Army, Navy and National east of Harvard, 4 miles south of Defense Baords. An additional duty Alden, 8 miles southwest of Hebron,! of' the motor corps, is therefore, to 9 miles northwest of Woodstock. 1 ! provide any necessary transportation r^ile west of Woodstock-Alden raod,'for these services. Requirements are on-- ! American citizenship, ages 20 to 50, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 j state drivers' license, doctor's certi- » Commencing at 12:30 o'clock sharp, I ficate of health, two references, conthe following described property, to- i f°rm to chapter regulations on lnsUrlance, standard and advanced Red 5 Head Good Work Horse* Cross first aid motor repair course. Sorrel team. 8 and 9 vrs. old. wt. j The corps is entirely volunteer. Mem- 3100; sorrel mare, 11 yrs. old, wt.ibers furnish their own cars, gasoline,] Nimsgems. Mrs, Louis Hawley spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Hickey at McHenry. Mrs. Walter Harrison spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and Mrs. Wm. Aubert were McHeny callers Saturday afternoon. YOLO Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brewer and daughters of Fremont Center were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz. ** J U A J « Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock of Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and Wnuconda were Wednesday visitors family spent the weekend m Algon-'at the home of Mr> and Mrg u d qum. They called on Mrs. Albert • Fisher Ebel at the Sherman hospital. , Mr. '«nd Mrs. Frank Henkel, Grays-' Andrew Hawley drove Mr. and Mrs. |iake> ^ve purchased the Brown resi- Charles Peet to Evanston Saturday i dencg jn Volo and will move here soon. TuVewrcP^8 "ne ?"™,rted- „ Mrs. Etta Converse, whp ha? spent j. • ^1 a roast j the past months with Mrs. Cgrrti Hook beef dinner at the CommumtyhaU on in e a r Lake, returned1'/to the Wednesday, Feb. 25. i home of her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Henry Wraage of Chicago was a ; Case, Mondif. \Kv i weekend guest of Loren Harrison. ' j Mr. and Mrs. John joseph Warner Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daugh-jhave moved into Klemm's apartment ager of Roney Farm No. 1 and Karl Magnussen. On Tuesday evening Mr. Magnussen, Mr. Fisher and Mr. Matthews attended the Farm Bureau banquet at the Lake County Farm Bureau hall for all team workers and new members. Mrs. Frank St. George spent last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Frank Novy at Riverside. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe at Crystal Lake. Mr. Grabbe returned to his home Sunday from the hospital. Mrs. William Wirtz attended the Brandt - Huebsch wedding at Highland Park Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powers of Wauconda and Mrs. Albert Hafer of Fremont Center called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Thursday. The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau sponsored a card party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case Monday evening. The evening was spent in playing pinochle, five hundred and euchre. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon spent Sunday in Chicago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ehgler. Mrs. William Wirti called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ritta at Mundelein Thursday. Messrs. Lloyd Fisher, William Wirti and Edwin Prom were business callers at Warren town. 111., Thursday. Miss Marian King of Waukegan spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs., Parson, Sr., and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday at the home- of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon. Mrs. Dora Vasey and family of Hainesville spent Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Lena Lowell. William Wirtz and son, Marvin, were business callers at Elkhom, Wis., Saturday. Thursday, xVuiu&ry IS, 1942 mm-- Aggravating Pas imSwri ww -- A D L E R I K A Thomas P. Bolger. Druggist!! v.' •K" SMiTTV MAkE 1500: srrav gelding. 9 yrs. old, wt. | repairs, insignia and equipment which ters, Audrey and Darlene, are in Al-jj,ere IfiOO: black gelding, 3 yrs. old, wt.j consists of: two uniforms, winter and gonquin with Mrs. Andreas' mother,! and Mr, j Withers and 1500. Isurnmer by national I who had the misfotune to fall and I daughter, Leona, of Rockford spent 2 sets breeching harness; set back i board. Red Cross 16-unit fiist aid kit, """ nad ttnrnoKs- rnllnrv official disc for each auto; identifica- 9 - Feeding Pigs - 9 tion cards, and full d$y of driving a About 250 Whitr* Rock and Leghorn jweek AAA nullets. wonderful layers. , Hay, Grain and Machinery • tons ear corn in crib; McCormick The local efwtpter has already feene- [ fitted by the service of two volunteers r. grain binder; John Deere corn ifrom our unit- They are Mary Owen Mi, binder; corrugated roller; Emerson 16-in. gang plow; Emerson 16-in., sulky plow; John Deere 20-ft. disc; ^er expert training Van Brunt 3-horse grain drill; Van them and Minnie Green who are now students in the requirements and are un- More power to break her hip. | Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon were j L^n Littlefield Sunday dinner guests in the Fred! Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George Charles home at Woodstock Sunday Spent Monday in Chicago at the home and also called on ^Emma Merchant ©f Mr. and Mrs. James Valenta. fcv: --R--C-- Mrs. Floyd E. Covalt, Sr.. has been appointed Canteen chairwoman. Mrs. Sandeen of Woodstock, county chairwoman. Next week we will try to make clear the duties of aaid appoin- ETHEL BARRYMORE S CHICAGO ENGAGEMENT EXTENDED TO MARCH 14 *•1 "f *"1 " % • W jt > v- Brunt Broadcast seeder: 4-section wood drag; 6-ft. McCormick mower; 2-row Janesville cultivator. John Deere single rovycultivator; horse drawn garden cultivator; manure spreader: iron wheel wagon with box: John Deer? 999 com planter^®® with 80 rods wire; International hay' loader; 12x12 Economy brooder house; oil burning brooder stove with 52-in. hover. 8-ft. flock feeder; several 6-ft feeders for small chicks; Andis elecr . trie clippers; harpoon hay fork; 6 j Becau*« "of the enthusiastic recepmilk cans; milk pails; 2 steel milk tion Playgoers in Chicago and surstools; forks, shovels, etc.; 6-ft. step r°unding communities have given ladder; 50-gal. oil drum; electric jEthel Barrymore in 'The Corn is fence controller; fanning mill. I Green," Herman Shumlin, producer of All household goods including 7-pc.; prize-winning Emlyn Williams Rockford made walnut bedroom suite; now at the Harris Theater, Chipractically new gray and white kitchen i ca%°- extended the Chicago enrange; electric refrigerator, neWJ1 i»®gement through Saturuay, March Westinghouse washing machine with i % h.p. electric motor; Singer sewing! Few productions in recent seasons machine; 2 9x12 rugs; 20 gal. stone i have elicited such unanimous praise jar; 5 gal. Jar; several dozen glass! from Chicago's dramatic critics as fruit jars. j has "The Com is Green." Cecil Smith Ladies are invited to attend this • the Chicago Tribune rated it "the sale. Number of antiques. I b^t play of the season" and said that TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and Barrymore is "the que^n of the under that' amount cash. Over that I American stage." Lloyd Lewis of the who is ill. Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and children spent Sunday afternoon in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kralowitz (Julia McLaughlin) are parents of a daughter, bonbon Feb. 15, at the Woodstock hospital. * Lynn Hanford of Chicago visited in the S. W. Smith home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and family of Algonquin were Sunday dinner guests in the C. J. Jepson home. Helen Johnson and Janet are spending the week in the C. P. Martinseft home at Harvard. Mr. and Mrs, Chancey Harrison and Carol were dinner guests in the Hertry Marlowe home at Huntley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler «nd daughter spent Sunday in the I. N. Butler home at Elgin. * Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon, Anti* och, called on Jennie Bacon Wednes- Lloyd Fisher and Harry Matthews attended a membership meeting at the Lake Coiinty Farm Bureau hall Monday evening. This meeting was called to organize teams to secure new members. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Matthews acted as a team and secured two new members. Layton Hubbard, man- Repair yoar farm machinery . . Sell all scrap iron that yea don't need. That Is the argent MQuest being aide to American farmers by the (J. S. Department of Agriculture. Machinery needs to be in top condition for the 1942 food-for-freedom crop. Serap\frea an farms is badly needed by the steel industry in order to turn out sufficient munitions. Be sure four refrigerator is n#** set flush against the wall -- it cosf more to run it that way. The*i f shpald be M atr space. Rev. A. J. Collins spent Thursday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Sunday in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hunter of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Friday evening in the James Bell home. « Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and sons spent^ Sunday with her parent* in Genoa; City. The Bunco club was entertained a _ __ , the home of Mrs. Ed Thompson in Mc« amount, a credit of six months at 7 j r>aily News said that "it becomes a Henry Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ray which resuk from quantity buying" of groceries. You can save $3.00 to $4.00 pet month in this way alont. Your refrigerator will keep die food fresh. per cent will be extended on notes • gre®t pleasure to sit at her feet for approved by the clerk. Anyone de-1 three hours and watch her fill a packsiring credit, kindly make arrange- ^ h°use with enjoyment." Claudia menta before purchase is No I Cassidy of the Sun declared that property to be removed until settled 1 "there are times when the theatre is for. WILLIAM COUGHLIN First National Back of T Clerking Woodstock, AUCTION 7 Two and one-half milts cast of Lake Zurich, on -- THURSDAY, FEB. 26 Cattle 45 Holstein and Guernsey cows, heifers and bulls. 8 close springers, 7 recently fresh, 17 heifers, 2 bulla. Hogs 25 Shoate--rl00 to 150 lbs. Poultry " 150 Leghorn H^ns--6 Turkeys. Feed 200 bu. oats;, 500 bu. com; a wonderful place and last night at the Harris was one of them." Robert Pollak of the Times said that "with the coming of 'The Corn is Green' to the Harris the theater again proclaims the reason for its being with trumpets and banners. It will compel the most skeptical of us to yield to the magic of the staee." And Ashton Stevens of the Herald-American, said that "never Merchant and Mrs. Lester Carr received the prizes. Mrs. Grosby of McHenry called on. Mrs. L. E. Hawley Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet entertained Sunday in honor of their thirty-ninth t wedding anniversary and the eighth. ' wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs* Ralph Clay. Those present were Mr* and Mrs.. Ralph Clay, Maxine. Patty and David, and Edna Peet of Rockt ford and Mrs, and Mrs. Ben Fout an<| sons, Donnie and Ronnie, of Springs Grove. After a delicious chicken din* When you plan ' a meal, plat how to use the leftovers. You cat keep them safely in your automatic fl® u! cu L er vCL V"upr, or|ner the sroup enjoyed a sleigh ride straighter. $he has lighted a lamp which was a real thrill for the grand! that will outburn rr>y memory." | children as it was their first sleigl| "The Corn is Green" was first pre-, sented in London where it ran for more than a year until the bombing ol the city closed the theatres. The American production was an immediate hit. The play closed recently on Broadwav after winning the Dramp Critics Circle Prize for the best play 200 j of the year and establishing a new shocks com; 15 ton baled hay; 8 ton record for a Broadway engagement baled fodder; •420 bu. soy beans; 10 bags phosphate. Machinery 10-20 McCormick-Deering tractor, plow, disc; Emerson grain drill; International com planter, wire ana fertilizer attachment; Page electric milker; Ideal power mower. -- Usual Terms --.' Lunch Wagon on Grounds ., ALBERT WILDHAGEN Owner FROEUCH & WICK, Auctioneers JMMk Auction Service Co., Managers ride. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Frank of Crystal Lake were callers in the Roy Harrison home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan visited in the Charles Aekerman home at Bel videre Thursday. They also visited Mrs. Irving Decker and Mrs. Haroli Aekerman who are patients at S Joseph's hospital in Belvidere. Marion and Alice Peet of Elgin spent Sunday with their parents, Mr.! and Mrs. Charles Peet. The W. S. C. S. will meet with Mrs. Henry Stephenson on Friday instead of with Mrs. Andreas as previously j announced. for Miss Barrymore by virtue of its lensrthy engagement (475 performances were marked up before the final curtain rang down on the New York run of some sixty weeks). A 25.000 mile, two-season transcont i n e n t a l tour has been arranged for Miss Barrymore and her supnorting j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr spent CMnt, which is headed by Edmond 1 Sunday afternooh in McHenry. Breon, Ri^hini Waring, Thelma Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Hoffman of Schn-e. Marcel TVll. Esther Mitchell \ Crystal Lake were callers in the & Remarkable Linguist probably the most remarkable linguist the world has ever known was Giuseppe Caspar Mezzofanti, who was born at Bologna in 1774, created a Cardinal of the Church in $838, and died at Rome in 1849. The list of language# and dialects which he acquired reached the astonishing total of 114. fhM Huunes for Pay Virginia planters of Colonial days 4id pot pay their pastor with money tot with food. The usual contribution was "three hammes and a parasel of pottattues the month." Library Builder and Eva Leonard-Boyne. v4V." m copyright law provides that two copies of every book published in the United States be placed in the Library of Congress. < Vesting Door Gaskets m most cases the tightness of closure of refrigerator door gaskets can be checked by visual examination when the door is closed. If the gasket is not visible, evidence of contact between the gasket and the box can be had by coating the gasket with Prussian blue and observing the marks on the box where the gasket touches it. Also, a tight gasket will grip, a strijp of thin paper placed between it and the door. Leakage of air by the gasket can sometimes be detected by a deposit of moisture near the leak, due to condensation, when the refrigerator is cold. Birth Rate Sirth rata per 1,000 total population in the United States decreased from 25.1 in 1915 to 17.3 in 1939. Lowest was 16.6 in 1933. W. Smith home Sunday evening. Mr. Hoffman left on Monday morning for Fort Sheridan where he will re-enter the service. Vemon Wagner of Chicago, spent from Thursday until Sunday in the Ed Bauer home, Mr. Mason of Fontaaa called on Jennie Bacon Friday. Walter Winn was a caller in the Collins home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan attended "The Man on the Farm" broadcast at Libertyville Saturday. Mr. Hogan won first prize in the calf bawling contest which was five dollars in defense stamps. Mrs. R. C. Harrison and Edyth were callers in McHenry Saturday afternoon. The Home Circle was entertained at the home of Mrs. Ben Walkington on Wednesday with Mrs. Chancey Harrison and Helen Johnson, assisting hostesses. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., entertained 4 on your AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR m. In these days, when all of us are doing our best to build up savings, it pays to review evcry-day expenditures--amounts we have regarded as "fixed", such as food bud gets and other kitchen expenses. Maybe we'll find that some of the money we are now fmyimg out can be convened to savings without lowering our standard of living. Here are 7 proved ways of saving money on your automatic refrigerator. Put them into operation in your house todmj... you'M soon feel the effect of the savings! 6 Detract your, iostrocooa 7 FREE-Write or inquire at your Public Service Store for the useful booklet,M How to Get the Most from Your Electric Service". Gives valuable tfps, costs you nothing. Don't place food directly again#-- the freezing compartment--this otp* structs the circulation of q>ol ait throughout the refrigerator. ' day you open the refrigerator doordivide it by two, and stick with itl * according to. If something goes wtoog, ca)j|* in a service man at once, while th||^ trouble is slight. Delay may cost yoi|p^;_ a high service bill. -11 Buy Defense Stamps and Bondit P U B L I C S E R V I C E COMPANY OF NORTHERN I L U N O I * Ordtr --101 WUMmi it, Qry Ttkphoat Irttryri-- 4100. . . .

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