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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Feb 1942, p. 6

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GROVE -tfhe Firemen held their regular meeting at Town hall on Tuesday Might. Cards were enjoyed after the Meeting and refreshments were served. Mrs. Frank Sanders entertained the Members of her club on Tuesday night at her home. Five hundred furnished the entertainment and prizes were awarded those achieving high scores. A. lovely lunch was served by the hostess following cards. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltier attended the Lumbermen's convention at the Steven's hotel in Chicago on Wednesday and Thursday last week. Mary Ann Klaus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nobert Klaus, celebrated her birthday on Thursday by inviting several of her little claMttUStes to her home for a party. In the arming they enjoyed the shew at til* theater in McHenry. Paul Weber returned from a trip to Hot Springs, Ark., and San Antonio, Texas, on Friday. Re visited relatives in San Antonio. A pretty mid-winter wedding was solemnised at St. Peter's church on Wednesday morning, Feb. 11, when Miss Lorraine Lay, daughter of Joseph mm%mm OHubGH sesvicxs JOHN8BURG «sf Bfiaxsb meht ^y/// $ tMmpefz. L«y. became the bride at Donald Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Freund of McHenry. Rev. John Daleiden officiated at the ceremony. The bride was lovely in a gown of white satin with fingertip veil. Her two sisters, Marcella and Rosella Lay, dressed in pink, and Miss Thelen, gowned in blue, were her attendants. The groom's brother served as best man. A reception was held following the ceremony. In the evening the many friends of this happy couple gathered at Nell's ballroom in Johnsburg to enjoy an evening of dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Math Schmitt entertained relatives and frienda at their home on Sunday in honor of their silver wedding anniversary. Miss Catherine Huff of Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Huff, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brdwn and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer spent an evening at cards in the Charles Freund home Sunday night. The serving of lunch concluded the evening. Rev. John Daleiden and the usher* c* St. Peter's parish met at the home vf *2d Bauer or. Monday night for their regular meeting and a social evening •t cards. Refreshments were served. The Holy Season of Lent was appropriately opened at St. Peter's church on Ash Wednesday with a mass at 8:30 foHowcd by distribution of ashes. Evening services with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament which began at eight o'clock were also well attended. ' "• N«w Feeds • Dozens of new foods are popping up all over the country--salad oil from Georgia pecans and vegetable charcoal from their shells; cooking oils and medical sugars from the Kentucky coffee bean tree; milk, ice cream, and chocolate paste from the soya bean; cocktails from blueberry, watermelon, and cranberry juice; banana tablets and tomato chips--these are a few. Every day chemist-chefs are at work making more and wasting less--in short, conserving America for you and your children. Mrs. Chas. Michels entertained the Five Hundred club Thursday afternoon. Prizes were merited by Mrs. Michels, Mrs. Fred Smith and Mr*. Steve May. Mrs. Stephen Freund of Spring Grove attended the Lady Foresters meeting here Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schmitt, Miss Leona Smith and Buddy Meyers called on Mrs. LeRoy Miller at the Woodstock hospital Thursday evening. Elmer Meyers was a Woodstock1: caller Tuesday. Ray Smith of Oak Park sptfht SUnday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls and Mrs, George King, called on MisB Mary Ann Karls at the Waukegan sanatorium Saturday afternoon. Miss Katie Pitzen of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of her father, John Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E» Miller of Richmond were callers here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers' and daughter of Spring Grove were callers here Sunday evening. Miss Eleanor King of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe King. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund and Son, Billy, of Ingleside- spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Wm. J. jMeyers. Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling of Lily Lake attended the card party here oo Sunday evening. Miss Violet Stilling of Chicago spent Sunday in the home'tff Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Stilling. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, Waukegan, were callers here Sunday af« ternoon. Banting ef Waste In cleaning up the garden, destroy waste material by burning. That will prevent the spread of insects or disease. if yj St. Mary'* Catfcoifc Ctaarch Masses: Sundays: 7:00; 040* Ut*|Q» Weekdays: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. lift, and T:00 p. ra. Thursday before First Friday-- A/ter Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. m. add 7:00 p. m. Lenten Services: Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., 3ermortand Benediction. Friday: 7:30 p. nL, Stations and ? Benediction. . . Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. St Patrick's Cetbolk Quae* Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 1040. " Weekdays: 740. First Fridays: 7:80. On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:80, 7<00 and before and during the 7:80 Mass. Confessions: ' Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Tlmrsday before First Friday; 4:00 to 6:09 p. ra. and 7:0? fer 8:00 Rev. Mm. A. OHourlre, pastor. St. John's Catfcefte Onwck, Jekaflbafrt Masses? Sundays: 8:00; 10:09. Holy Days: 7:00 sad 9.*^0t Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:80. Thursday before First Friday: SUM and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Netdert, pastor. Cenuaanity Orarek SmMfajr School: 19^0 a m. Worship Service: 11:09 a. Ik / Junior League: 6:30 p. m, Bpworth League: 849 p. ML ' R^v. J. Heber MiBer, paeter. Evangefieal Lnthna Chnvck Services--8 a. ra. Sunday School--9:t& a. m. Rev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor. St. Peter's CatkeHe Chnrek, Spring Grwe Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10i00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 949. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: &:0& Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:1®, Thursday before first Friday: 1:80 and 7:15. - Kev. John L. Daleiden. Pastor. 11 PHOTOGRAPHER roi<l littiri Photography Enlarging - Copytof • rn - ttrenUa Drftvn I • < MeBHNRY, ILL. INSURANCE 'tST . EAIL I. WALSI Reliable Companies #1en yea need taeenuwe ef aaf Phene 48 er tl-M Pries Bldf - - McHenry •sj WEBSTER'S GIANT ILLUSTRAHED v * -INDEXED AUTHENTIC • ILLUSTRATED UP-TO-THE-MINUTE !4 : 'Samr t HAlf ACTUAL SIZE • 0VM 700 PAGES • 65,000 ENTRIB • 74 *PAG(S OF EXTRA SUmEMENTS Vole Community Bible Chwrcfc ' Combined Service, 10:00 a. m. Rev. W. P. Rueckhehn. pastor. Charlie's Repair Shop Sifn Painting. Truck Lettering Furniture Upholstering and Repairing CHARLES RIETESEL McHENRY OARAGE Electric and Acetylene Welding. General Repairing. Wagons and Trailers to Order! Rte. 31 -- John & Front Sts. Phone 97-J or 151-M . /' Nick P. Miller WAOTED TO BUY We pay $3 to $15 for Old er Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg • Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 669-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES A CATTLE We pay phone charges. IcHENRY FLORAL 00. -- Phone 608-R-l -- One Mile Sonth of McHenry on Route 31. Flowers for all oooasUNist Phone McHenry 677-k-I -- Basement Egeavatjng -- HETTT5 8AHD .6 GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Graye! and Lot FKEng . - . Blade Dtrt A Stons . Power Shovel Service . . Power Leveling and Grading • • • Cement Mixer* §mr Rent. i. & jarrr Jahmtog P Telephone lie, 890 StoM * Re&knspergu Insoranee apkto for all classes ef property in the beet eempaniea. WEST BfcHHNRT - - ILLINOIS 10ft f I-Ray ft. L B. MTJRPHT OfOea I«sw -- 9 a. at. to | p,a Green Stoeel -- McHenry. IS. r?> S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Our Experience is at Your Service in Bidding Yew Wants. Ph<me 56-W - McHenry A. P. Freund Co. !$xciratiiig Contract# u Tracking, Hydraulic » and Crane Service. ^ * --Road Bnilding-- TeL 104-M McHenfK m JL Phene 43 Pries Bld{$. VCRROR J. KROX ATTORNEY AT LAW - OFFICE VOURS - Taeedays and Fridays Other Days by AppeintaMnt McHenry .... Rltoelr PHONE IS k-Ray Seif he DR. J. E. SAYLER DENTIST Office Hoars 9^12 and 14 Evenings by Appeintment • Tharsdsys >0 to 11 Mala Street W. McHenry . Here is the Dictionary you have always wanted^ • targe, complete, authentic, and best of all --mp-to-dmtH Webster's Giant Illustrated Dictionary contains 65,000 entries ... covers every word you're likely to hear or read--including all the brand new words like Anschluss* Jfiiukricg, Theelol, Allergen. It is profusely illustrated . thumb-indexed for ready reference. Its fact-filled pages include 70 pages of EXTRA Supplementary .Information, such as Dictionaries of Synonyms and Antonyms, Commerce and Law, Musical Terms, Medi- "fcil Words, American Slang, and many others. And *r|his magnificent new Dictionary can now be /e«rf--at *j| price so low--for such an all-inclusive work--that it is practically a gift! AV a reader of this paper, you are Tf- ^fcntitled to a copy of Webster's Giaitt Illustrated Die- J fionary for only 98c! IDEAL FOR HOME, SCHOOL AND OFFICE ^ - . » ' ' Webster's Giant Illustrated Dictionary deserves an honored place in your honte, where it will always be ready to give you authoritative information on any subject under the sun. Its simple, clear definitions make it an ideal Dictionary for the use of ^children of school age. On your office desk, it will make you the authority--the one V; who knowt! And the one who1 knows is the one who advances! For the sake of your [jfuture ,.. for the'sake of your family ,.. you need this magnificent Dictionary. Don't jr* mist this amazing opportunity! Get your copy today! PHALIN 8OTER SERVICE Gas, Oils and Grasses Cor. Routes 31 and 120 -- McHenry Horses Wanted I B u Y Old and Dieabled -- Pay frem »5 to $14. ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 844 439 E. CaUiom St. Woodstock, HL Eyes Braihwd Dr. Paul A. Schwabe Phene: MeHenry 12S-J Woodstock C74 A. E. Nye Bldg. West McHsary OPTOMETRIST THUR8DAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY McHENRY TOWN CLUB Riverside Drive and Pearl Street |M. " Mixed Drinks of All Eiinds -- i .; -i," 3 1 ' FRESH -- OYSTERS -- FRIED) ' Chicken and Steak Dinners 8erved Phone Orders to take ... £& lIcHeary mt •Jkm, You Having Troubles SUPERB DE LUXE EDITION (Pictured Abovtf A specially bound Florentine De Luxe Edition is available for those who appreciate oer things. This edition, which can be yours for only a slightly higher gift price has tooled antique ivory binding, richly embossed in high relief--a voldm4 of trulj ty. Be sure to see it when you redeem your coupons. ' •TrsrV - ' v . ; . . lit CUP IT NOW J With your car or track? If so, drive in now at our wellequipped garage. Best of mechanics use only the highest grade materials. We can locate the trouble and do a flue job at a moderate price. • j;, CENTRAL GARAGE '!^f' FEED J. SMITH, Prop. Phone 200-J - Towing Johnsburg ••• • , .::1s

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