fc2' *.'* A SLOCUM LAKE at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. (John Kaiser, Jr., moved to the Philip Patty and David, and Edna Peet of ed Easter services in the M. E. church Brooks. I Wells farm in Avon tovmship last | Rockford and Mrs. Ben Fout and sons, I at Woodstock and Rev. Collins baptiz- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and j Thursday. John Kaiser, Jr., purchas. i Ronnie and Donnie, of Spring Grove j ed Robert Edson Howe, Jr., during ' ' | were guests in the Ed Peet home Sun- j the services. Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, r-.» Fi ances, and Miss Frances Davis were f'2, fullers in Chicago last Tuesday. Harry Matthews and LaDoyt Matthews of Oak Park were callers at V Waukegan Monday. Miss Marion Dowell of Abbot's Lab. ,r«n atorits, North Chicago, spent the Weekend at the home of her mother, Mrs. Celia Dowell. Ray Clark of Grayslake was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raeburg and two children of Belvidere spent Easter undav at the home of Mrs. Celia owell. Mrs. Ella Parks of Park Ridge and Hkfr. and Mrs. Jack Downs and daughter of McHenry were Sunday guests (Political Advertisement) VOTE FOR Proven Leadership Executive Ability Frank A. Love REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR Supt. of Schools OF McHFMJY COUNTY son, Lyle, were dinner guests Easter td Mr. \v ells' iaim recently. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reiland are Esping at Starks Station. I the parents of a son, born Tuesday, Bruce Corzine of Corzine Road sgent j March 31. last Friday and Saturday with Lyle i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parson, Sr., of Matthews. j Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mrs. L. C. Peterson and Mrs. Bacon Sunday. u j ^ Amelia Suhr of Wauconda visited at Mr and Mrs. Alvin Case and fam- |weeke'nd with their KrandmotiTeiTMr^ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank La-1 ily and Clarence Wells of Yankstown, Thompgon at Woodstock Belle last Friday. |S. D were Sunday dinner ifuests at Mr. and' Mre. Fred Ma" Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merrett of Bar- j the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin rington spent Saturday evening at > Schaefer in Wauconda. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank La-1 Rev. R. C. Hallock of Wauconda Belle. | called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett was a visitor at the : Lloyd Fisher Easter Sunday. home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mat- j Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Withers and thews last Thursday. ! daughter, Leona of Rockford spent j thJ '£ ^Martin "home"®n~™u™d^ Harry Styles of Chicago "was a din- Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and 1 ner guest last Saturday evening at | Mrs. Len Littlefield. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank La- Richard Dusil of Berwyn spent Sat. day. John Smith spent Sunday -With friends in Chicago. Mrs. John Hogan and children spent Wednesday in Belvidere. Louise and Wesley Hunt spent the May and family Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy Ann spent Sunday evening in the P. C. Leonard home at Lake Geneva. : i ' Alice Mae Low and Shirley Rawley spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. Joe McCannon was hostess to the Scotch Bridge club on Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. of- Fc,o x LT a,k e were ca,lil ers in the Ed Ro^y N eal and Mrs. B. T. Butler, &nd Mrs Robert Howe enter. Bauer home Tuesday. dj Sund in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters of Har- , firflt birthd annive y rsary of their vard were weekend guedts of Mr. and „i„„ Mrs. B. T. Butler. The Youth Fellowship club met at urday with his daughter, Mrs. Frank St. George. Don't forget the grand opening of the Farmers Mill, West McHenry, on Belle. Mrs. R. S. Bouland ana daughter, Charlotte, and son, Robert, of Jacoby's subdivision were Sunday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j Saturday afternoon, April. 11. A free Harry Matthews. ' admission dance in the evening at the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kroger of Chi- Bridge Ballroom. All invited. 47 cago were overnight guests last Fri- Miss Miriam King of Waukegan day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J spent the weekend here with her par- An Office of High Responsibility. Not a Minor Office. Now is the Time to Drive For Sure-FoOted Leadership Sound Business Judgment Combined with a Thorough Knowledge of School Affairs. Y««r Support Appreciated F^enk LaBelk Sirs. Cora Price of Wauconda and Ellis Price of Chicago were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. John filomgren were called to Chicago Saturday due to the death of Mrs. Georgg Bagley, a sister of Mr. Blomgren. Funeral services | this writing, were held Monday afternoon. Mrs. C. Franz, Sr., of DesPlaines was a luncheon guest last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. A. Eisner. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rodene, Mylith Park, were callers at Crystal Lake last Saturday. Mrs. M. Wulhutter, a summer resident of Mylith Park, has returned to her home here after -spending three weeks in* Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Eisner of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon at their cottage at Mylith Park and later called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Franz, Sr., at Des Plaines. Don't forget the grand opening of the Farmers Mill, West McHenry, en Saturday afternoon, April 11. A free admission dance in the evening at the Bridge Ballroom. All invited. 47 The Swinkes, the Ruthenbergs and the Masons of Mylith Park helped celebrate Arlene Novak's eleventh birthday anniversary on March 28. All enjoyed a nice time and dinner prepared by Mrs. E. Novak. Mr. and Mrs. William Swinke of Mylith Park were guests at the recent silver wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. C. Frank at Des Plaines. Callers at the Mason cottage last Sunday afternoon were Mrs. Bessie Shephard, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kocher and Mr. and Mrs. G. Klein and son, Richard, all of Chicago. Orie S. Stevens of Dixon, Oscar Johnson of DeKalb and Laurence S. Hanchek of Westchester were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews last Wednesday. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King, Mrs. Dora Vasey of Hainesville spent Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Lena Lowell. Miss Edna Fisher of Waukegan visited her mother, Mrs. Sarah Fisher, Easter Sunday. Milton Dowell is on the sick list at json, Robert, which was Saturday; also i his baptism which took place Sunday 1 at the M. E. church at Woodstock. Guests present were Mrs. Earl Shales,, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stohiquist and daughter, Edson Howe and Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Earl Shales was a supper guest. I Mrs. Viola Low and Robert spent Monday afternoon in Woodstock. School election will be held at the school house on Saturday evening, Baseball Dance Benefit Johnsburg Tigers WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15TH, 1942 NELL'S BALLROOM -- JOHNSBURG Admission -- -- -- -- 25c (Political Advertisement) evening. | A large crowd of Ringwood people attended the Sunday evening services in the new church at Greenwood. The Ringwood choir sang for the service. Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy Ann, j Mrs. Helen Johnson and Janet, Bobby Brennan and Mary Ann Wiedrich1 spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. F. Ap'rU ll" Wiedrich Jr. at Waukesha^ i Rita Mae Merchant of Woodstock „.Mr- an* Mrs- £°U Abendroth of ^ weekend with her u Elgin called on Mrs Jennie Bacon £ and Mrg ^ Merchant. 8**r * r> I Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and Mrs. Albert Schulte of Genoa C.ty children t ^8ter Sunda ^ spent Friday w,th Mrs. Roy Wied- reIativeg at Algonquin. r,c„* „ , . , . I The seventh and eighth grade pupils 2 1l™r °' 1 W^d"tck •• of the Ringwood ».«de achiol will take vintinc-m the W,lli.m Aubert home. terts t McH<mr; F.id«y morning. FH vraonnlkriiea SVtreopnhneontisoonnn rVeAttuiirtmnenHd hhaommaea 0 Monday after spending a week in the „ _ , ., .... Rob McLean home at Woodstock. Mrs. George Scheid Jr of Wau- Mrs Libbie L&dA returned home on conda called on her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Frid from Orlando, Fla., where she Fwher, Thursday. 8pent the winter. family "pent Easter Sunday^ the iKati^'F^^^nd™!*^ T^^Sth A larg* number of P*ri8h>oners at home of Mr and Mrs Clarence Grabbs .. . "r tended Easter services at St. Peter's «Cr,,tilLake. JVS?* church on Sunday morning. At S .. m.. Cliurence Wells of Yankstown. S. D, e Woodstock Tuesday afterspent Saturday at the Dowell home. SPRING GROVE noon. Mrs. William McCannon and Mrs. Mary Case, Carole Case, Arvilla ] 0sCar Berg spent Friday in Wood- Fisher, Lilah Mae Fisher, Hairy Case j stock» and Richard Fisher were confirmed, at . Mr*. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison and e Wauconda Federated church Sun- j caroi attended Easter services in Mc- : Henry Sunday morning and were dinner guests in the Wattles Home. JOHNSBURG a High Mass was sung by the mixed choir. Decorations were in keeping with the Easter season with the altars beautiful with Easter lilies, snapdragons and potted plants. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament immediately followed the mass. A low mass j was read at ten o'clock. , _ , Students of the University of llli- I Mrs. George Young spent Tuesday nois who gpent Easter with home folks j VOTE FOi HAROLD F. MILLER Republican Candidate for Re-election a» Precinct Committeeman Third McHenry Precinct Your vote and support will be sincerely appreciated! < (Political Advertisement) LeRoy Hettermann was a Chicago caller Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith Woodstock callers Monday. Mrs. Peter F. Freund and'daughter, LaVerna, motored to Chicago Tuesday evening. Mrs. Leo Smith was a Waukegan caller Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Joe King and daughter, Sally Mae, were Woodstock callets Wednesday evening. Elmer Meyers called on Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer at Waukegan on Wednesday evening. Joe Schmitt and Bill Marz motored to Libertyville Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Joe Karls called on Mrs. Ed Thompson at McHenry Thursday afternoon. Miss Eleanor King of Woodstock spent the week in the home of her with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith, in McHenry. Loren Harrison spent Tuesday with friends in Chicago. Louise and Tony Williams spent i Tuesday evening in the Fred Wiedwere Sr., home. Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Collins spent Friday with their son, William, and family at Beloit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer and were Arnold May and Eugene Meyer. Jeanette Huff, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Huff, who has been seriously ill with bronchitis, is slowly improving. Sunday guests of Mrs. J. J. Freund , were Mr. and Mrs. Charles May and ! family and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Wid- j lialhi, son, Raymond. Don't forget the grand opening of the Farmers Mill, West McHenry, on fa"»ly£ Wauconda spent Wednesday Saturday afternoon, April 11. A free m MR1* J **Uer J?.01*#* » 1 I • .* . admission dance in the evening at the *• if' S? Mrf J- Palaski of An- jjrjdg.e Ballroom. All invited. 47 tioch, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ander- visitors in the Frank Sanders home son and son, Rodney, and Mrs. Alice on Sund were Mr. and Mrg> A1 Bell of Richmond were supper guests Westman and children, Mr. and Mrs. leJa"™esBell home recently. George Sanders, daughter, Sandra, c nS°o and Mrs; John Sanders/and H^zel Sanders of Nick Klein of Spring Grove spent Woodstock - r Wednesday in Waukegan Among 'those who attended the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates attended Eagter Monday dance sponsored by Easter ^services in the new church at the K c/s at Nell-B baiiroom were Greenwood Sunday morning and m Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, Mr. and the afternoon they attended a concert M„ Al Schmeltzer, Mr. and Mrs. a enoa City. | charieg Freund and Mr. and Mrs. YOLO P8Mrg t8' John^De^gen "^d^dlfughter if °/ Jake"Miller Jeanette, were Waukegan shoppers on ! «!?C b Bh p" J8p^u1Ty ^nder" j Robert Hanford and Eugene Jung Saturday. ^ hoppers on , son^and son, Ray^.of Richmond1 were of Sacred Heart 8eminary *n (^neva , Miss Katie Pitzen spent a few days ! *"*** °f Jennie Ba* Mrs. William Wirtz and Mrs. Alvin with her father, John Pitzen. j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and Case attended the 4-H organi»tionj Mrs. Elmer Stilling, Miss Rita! 8ons 8pent FViday evening in the meeting at the Lake County Home, Stilling and Miss Mane and Edna | Arthur Schultz home at Richmond. Bureau office Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser, Sr., and (Political Advertising) E L E C T C. RUSSELL ALLEN Republican Candidate for State Representative Eighth Senatorial District PRIMARIES, APRIL 14TH, 1942 Assistant State's Attorney, 1930 to 198^-=~Snd$rsed by the.L.V.L. in 1940 - Practicing Attorney at Law 13 years. King were Waukegan callers Satur- j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hienze of Crys- 8\tr Z*A°llit TV, II v ltal Lake were callers in the Harrison Mr and Mrs. Darrell Kirk andjand Peet home Sunday afternoon. daughter, Darlene, of Mattoon, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley were 8PHni*a iW home of Mr* Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. and Mrs. Jack Bode. 'Smith Miss Clara Buckner of Ohio is Don't forget the grand opening of spending a few days with relatives the Farmers Mill, West McHenry, on enjoyed a two day vacation at their homes here this week. Mrs. Arthur Kattner was confined to her home by illness the past week. (Political Advertisement) Lester Edinger Republican Candidate for Circuit Clerk (To Fill Vacancy) McHenry County, Illinois I want to express my sincere thanks to the people of McHenry county for many favors in the past. Your support at the primaries on April 14, 1942, will be appreciated. -- Call fftr a Republican Ballot ---- and friends here. LeRoy Meyers and Dorothy Michels were Waukegan callers Saturday. Don't forget the grand opening of the Farmers Mill, West McHenry, on Saturday afternoon, April 11. A free admission dance in the evening at th« Bridge Ballroom. All invited. 47 Miss Pauline Bode, Evanston, spent a few days in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode. Miss Katherine Aithoff of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of her mother, Mrs. William Aithoff. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund and son, Billy, of Ingleside, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of Waukegan spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zolloner and son of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with Art Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel of Volo and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Chamberlin of Chicago spent Easter with John Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guyser and sons of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Oeffling. I Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller of Chicago | and Mr. and Mrs, Mike Gorski and family of Woodstock spent Saturday iand Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe IP. Miller. \ i Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Nancy, of Chicago spent Easter with Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. RINGWOOD Mrs. George Jepson and Mrs. Clarence Heidner of Wauconda were callers in the C. J. Jepson home Saturda^. Mi. and Mrs. Charles Carr spent Tuesday in Racine, Wis. Mrs. Joe McCannon attended the Greenwood Dorcas at the home of Mrs. Joe Coates in Greenwood Thursday. ftfr. and Mrs. William Aubert are parents of a son, born Thursday, April 2, at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Charles Brennan of Richmond spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs.; and Sunday with his parents. Saturday afternoon, April 11. A free admission dance in the evening at the Bridge Ballroom. All invited. 47 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kattner and family of Richmond were callers in the Ed Bauer home Saturday afternoon. Shirley and Jimmy Aubert spent the weekend with their grandparents at Woodstock. Mae Wiedrich was a caller in McHenry Saturday. Bobette Cristy, who attends Illinois Wesleyan college at Bloomington, spent the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Bobette* was recently initiated into the Gathea society which is a freshman honor society. Recent callers in the Jennie Bacon home were Mrs. Laura Hendrickson and Clara Mae Ellison of Richmond, Mrs. Cora Walters, Mrs. Lil Conway and Clarence Dates of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Jim Hunter at McHenry. Mrs. Roy Harrison and Edyth were callers in Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Young entertained the Sunday evening card club at their home with prizes being awarded to Mrs. Math Blake and Geo. Young, high, and Mrs. Ford Jackson and Math Blake, low. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. and Mary Ann, Helen Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., at Waukesha. Mrs. Harry Anderson spent Wednesday with her grandmother, Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and family of Belvidere and Archie Biggers were Sunday guests in the John Hogan home. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Sunday with their daughter and family in McHenry. * Jack Leonard of Chicago spent the weekend with his family in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Miller of Richmond were callers in the Ed Bauer home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent last Thursday in Crystal Lake. Kenneth Cristy, Jr., who attends Dubuque University, spent Saturday Miss Miriam Sayler of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of her parents. Easter visitors in the home of Mr» William Bacon were Arleen and Bill Bacon of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rapp and family of Arlington Heights. Re-Elect HAROLD D. K E L S E Y Republican Candidate lor STATE REPRESENTATIVE "ON HIS RECORD Fought Government Waste Stands for Local Self Government Endorsed both by individual leaders as well as groups of Agriculture Teachers -- Education Teachers Labor and the Illinois Fed. of Retail Assns. Vote for Kelsey ,4 THE SIGN OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE FOR ANY CAR OR TRUCK SEE YOUR LOCAL U Et7 CHEVROLET L~j DEALER Earl Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bacon of Crystal Lake galled on Jennie Bacon Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and son, Johnny, spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives in Oak Lawn. Marion and Alice Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and A^rs. Henry Stephenson called on friends at Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay, Maxine, Mrs.. Edyth Faulkner of Wilmot- «'as a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison. Mrs. Lester Carr spent Saturday aftenoon with her mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rupp and son DesPlaines were callers in the S. Smith home Monday afternoon. Sutton of Richmond spent Sunday afternoon with Bobby Brennan. Mr. and Mrs. Nick YouAg spent Friday in Woodstock. Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Collins attendmi. a. /of DesF IW^Smit vEarl £ Today, more than ever before, this sign beckons all car and truck owners \yho want the skilled, reliable service that comes with: (1) trained mechanics, (2) quality materials, and (3) reasonable service rates....You can expect this kind of service from your Chevrolet dealer because, for years, Chevrolet dealers have had the largest number of "t#ade-ins" and there* fore the widest experience In servicing and conditioning all makes of cars and trucks. ORNMNATO* AND OUTSTANDING "CAR CONSERVATION PLAN I* FOt "SERVICE THAT SATISFIES ' -SEtVia THAT SAYO" 1 Check and Rotate Tine 2 Get Regular Lubrication 3 Service Engine--Carburetor --Battery 4 Test Brakes 5 Check Steering and Wheel Alignment 6 Check Clutch, Transmission, Rear Axle 7 Check Cooling System 8 Protect and Preserve Finish SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES On Routes 31 aad 120 -- Tel. McHenry 277 -- McHenry f