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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Apr 1942, p. 3

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mm l. a ' • i V'i, &emxi om »£h ' WRr i v-,y<*( y- ^ -X? J- : RINGWOOD mmmm•** Mrs. Roland McQannon of Algon- Si in spent Tuesday with her parents, r. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mrs. Alice Bell and Rodney Anderson of Richmond spent Wednesday With Mr. and Mrs. James Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kooistra and son eif Harvard were callers in the Alec Anderson home on Sunday. .Mrs. Walter Sermen and d a u g h t e r , •fcary, of Woodstock called on Mrs. tyilliam McCannon Thursday alter- *oon. i- Hr. and Mrs_ Henry Stephenson 1 house on Thursday,^ May ^frere callers in McHenry Sunday. ' * " " " Mrs. Vem Malsch of Glenview was Tttwday dimnr guest m the Fred fiednch, Jr., home.. Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting ire irents of a daughter horn on Friday J|t St. Therese hospital in Waukegan. Mrs. Albert Schultz spent Thursday |rith Mrs. Roy Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon spent |}unday afternoon in Woodstock and lied on Mrs. Emma Merchant and ir. and Mrs. Fred McCannon. gin spent Saturday evening with Jennie Bacon. Community Night was held at the M. E. churn Sunday evening. Rev. English, Woodstock, was the speaker. A. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hanford of Long Lake were callers in the S W, Smith home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Leonard and Roberta of Lake Geneva called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard Sunday evening. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and Mae were callers in McHenry Saturday afternoon. The P.-T. A. will meet at the school 7. Mrs. Joanne Rulien of McHenry will be the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Frank May- and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann of Johnsburg and Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson of Mc- Weatchester was a business caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Monday. Mrs. B. Rvthenberg of Mylith Park was a visitor In Chicago last Thursday. She called on her aunt, Mrs. G. Thompson YOLO BID CROSS NOTBS War meeting of Red Cross tomorrow! --R--C-- A special meeting of the cutters and sewers was held Tuesday. ^ --R--C-- The class in Home Econoilte It M. C. H. S., under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parson, Sr., and daughter of Chicago spent Tues- Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mason of Mylith day evening at the home of Mr. and Park were callers at the farm of Mr. ?Mrs. Glctan Bacon. and Mrs. W. Kji at Burlington last! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rushing and Sunday. ! daughter, Nona Jane, of Hampshire : their capable instructor. Miss Mae Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodene of were» Sunday visitors at the home of Justen, made and contributed a sup- Mylith Park were recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. j ply of "cookies for the rookies" as the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew j Mr. and Mr.s Arthur Kaiser and well as delectable cakes. They sent Lindgren near Wauconda. ! »®n, James, spent Sunday evening at «»«« on to Ft. Sheridan via the sta- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chapell of the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaiser, J4®" "^apnjirivers on Thursday of Round Lake were visitors last Satur- Sr., at Avon Center. | day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ft. Mrs. Walter Crook, Mrs. Carl Fink, Ruthenberg at Mylith Park. , Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mrs. Layton Hub- Mr. and Mrs. B. Ruthenberg were bard, Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mrs. R. pleasantly surprised at their home at C. Hallock, Mrs. Howard Converse ^ Mylith Park last Saturday evening. Mrs. LtfrtQifrd-Arney attended the . Those enjoying the pleasant evening unit officers meeting of the Lake Co. j Members of the Motheve Ottb and and good eats were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Home Bureau Wednesday evening at many housewives as well are to be last week. The ladies reported a very enthusiastic group of soldier boys on receipt, of same. We wish to commend the class for this kindly gesture. Henry spent Saturday evening with Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson, Mr. the home of Mrs. George Niesen. ) congratulated for the lovely donations -Mr-. an-d -M-rs.- Ge orge "Yo ung. and Mrs. W. Swinke and daughter, j Miss Ada Dowell is spending this of cookies and candy sent to the boys Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Math Nirasgern at Spring Grove. Scoutmaster Weldon Andreas and Ringwood troop No. 152 attended the Merit Badge show at Marengo Satur- Lon, Mr. and Mrs. A. Berger, Mr. and Week Chicago at the home of Mr. Mrs. E. Novak, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mrs. John Thrum. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Charfes Ro- ! Misses Marjorie and Frances Ritta dene.* Wayne Foss left for the Mayo clinie - d*y eraaing. The Ringwood troop re t Rochester, Minn., Saturday. Har- ceived a merit badge in carpentry. Snyder of Solon. Mills accompanied ! £*rl Betts, Howard Brae* Ham** mm. land Charles Smith will graduate this Callers in the Jennie Bacon home ' y*« Srom (iunoay were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert an<* Weldon Andreas and lacon, Mrs. Wm. Hoffman and Mrs. spent Sunday with relatives at Hawley and daughter- of Crystal! A^nq_ul" te and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams oi >lon Mills {Frankle Stephenson returned home J •om Woodstock Wednesday evening-1 he had been visiting in the Rob Mcean home in Woodstock. • j Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and daughters of Chicago and Mrs. Andrew Hawley were callers in the & iff. Smith home Friday evening. I Mr. and Mis. Ben Fout and sons |>f Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Ed ( Peet spent Sunday in the Ralph Clay j pome at RockiorcL Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and family of McHenry spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were callers in Woodstock Sunday. The Ringwood baseball team defeated Lily Lake grade school boys by a score of 24 to 4 Friday evening after school. Mr. * and Mrs. Ernest Andreas and son of Diamond Lake visited in the Weldon Andreas home. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spent Saturday in Janesville. last week. They were picked up Wednesday. --R--C-- Thursday, our Motor Corps, with Mrs. Lawrence Holmes of Crystal Lake, took a wagonload of books to SOLON BULLS Mstr. F. N. Hitchens of Sycamore is'Mr; and Mrs. Nick Young spent Spending the weekend Witn Mr. and Monday in Woodstock llrs B T Butler * I ^in&wood grade school direc- The Youth Fellowship club Will tors met with the teachers Friday meet with Lois Krohn en Thursday «*enin*' Mr. Weldon Andreas and tvemng. Alice Peet of Elgin spent the week- , «nd with her parents,H Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. f Mr. and Mrs. C- L. Harrison, Mrs jRoy Hairison and Mrs. Henry Stephenson spent Thursday evening in Bar- Kington Mrs. Andrew Hawley have been rehired to teach for the comin; year. JOHNSBURG Mrs. George Miller of Grayslake Mrs. P. C. Leonard of Lake Geneva and Mrs. Henry Stoffel of Volo spent and <jay Ketely of Waukesha called on Tuesday with her father, John Pitxen. Mrs. Jack Leonard Tuesday. j Miss Dorothy Michels was a Wood- Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and fam- stock caller Tuesday. ily and Archie Biggers spent Sunday ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund and in tbe Charles Ackerman hpme at Bel- son, Billy, of Ingleside spent Wednesxidere. day evening in the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Aubert spent Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Saturday evening in the Harry .Turner home in Woodstock. Mi s. Roy Wiedrich and Dickie were Miss Eleanor King-i was a Woodf stock caller Saturday. Miss Katie Pitsen. Chicago, spent a jof Mundelein spent the weekend here „ ith their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 'A. L. R i t t a . I Miss Miriam King of Waukegan the Waukegan Library center for dis- . spent a few days hare with her par- , tribution to camps. They also brought ' ents. Mr. and Mrh* F|»nk King, the several batches of home-made cpokpast week. Miriam wak numbered on ies, fruits, candies and smokes. They the sick list. j were the first the boys had enjoyed at I William Lohmann and son, Ray- the Red Cross recreational center mond, of Libertyville spent Friday , there. They were very grateful to all. J evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. --r1_C-- Lloyd Fisher. | La>t Sunday's sports event which Martin Schaefer of Wauconda called program was a shoot and cani'at the home,of Mr. and .Mrs. Alvin teen lunch Was held' at McHenry [Case Thursday. County's Sportsmen's park on Wood Mr. and Mrs. William Wirts ano stock road hear McHenry. The Red Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher attended Cross Canteen Corps served lunch the basketball banquet at the Wau- from the station waxon. They were conda Township High school Tuesday in uniform and presented a fine spectacle. The Red Cross benefitted by the The Wauconda - Volo 4-H club met' event to the amount of $82.00. It will guests in the Frank Kilpatrick home. at the Wauconda high school Tuea- be placed in the station wagon fund. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley, accom- d*yevening. v | --R--C-- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Os- : Vol° Sunshina Queens and the A group of Red Cross workers will born, motored to Elgin Sunday and Vo,° Busy Bees held an organization appear in uniform at the Red Cross were guests in the Ernest Begalka meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. card party to be conducted by the home. I A'v'n Case Friday evening. The fol- teachers and pupils of the grade Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear of Mc- l°wing officers were elected for the en- school. Not all who are eligible to Henry brought Mrs. Nellie Jackson suin<? year for the Busy Bees: Arvilla wear the uniform will be in readiness back to her home Wednesday after Fisher, president; Lilah Fisher, vice- on short notice. Members completing spending two weeks in the Monear president; Marian Wirt*, secretary- seventy-two hours of production work home. | treasurer; Betty Anderson, publicity hereafter will wear the complete urn- Lyman Johonnott spent thfe week' chairman; Mary Case, recreation form according to notice from out with his family here. ^chairman. Officers i'or the Sunshine parent chapter. Mrs. Joe Kuhn was a caller in.iQueens: Yvonne Keil, president; Jean I --®--C-- Woodstock Friday. JHironimus, vice-president; Orpha' "Hello! Is this Mrs. Walsh? Well Geo. H. Jaeger of Woodstock was Cro°k. secretary - treasurer; Betty the ladies at Woodstock are expecting a caller in the.E. E. Cropley home on Browser, publicity chairman, and to bring you over with us today. Friday. Helen LaCroix, recreation chairman. T*"8 is Mary Owen. Minnie Green Mr. and Mrs. Lesley Osborn of ^*inty refreshments were served at *nd myself are driving over." The this personnel of volunteer workers co-operating with thirteen out of seventeen township units in McHenry county. We amble hack to shoot some questions to the official staff and we are reminded that a cafeteria lunch will be served immediately. We spy an acquaintance of years gone by in Mrs. Lounsbury who with an assistant served a well balanced meal such as she studied in the county Home Bureau. Thence, we are to meet Miss Helen Flanagan, nursing consultant, and special field representative who was there from the mid-western branch of A. R. C. at St. Louis. She was sent in the interest of the nursing program of the county and commended the Red Cross workers in McHenry county for their work. and co-operation in every project. Sixteen women are enrolled in Nurses Aid at Woodstock. Two are from McHenry chapter, Mrs. Albert Barbian .and Mrs Paul Schwerman. We are escorted to the emergency room where surgical dressings, bandages, garments, layettes and scores of articles are in strict preparednev if the emergency "•*5l should occur. Every bundle contains fifty articles preserved in an immaculate closet. We must be on our way but first Mrs. Walsh must see our new station wagon. We convey Miss Fltaagan to her hotel room and on to the Hurley garage to review the wagon. It's a beauty and we are glad to contribute our mite toward this count? conveyance for the comfort and' wel- -;*•^ fare of the service men. It was a de- ^ ^ lightful visit and extending in behalf of our McHenry chapter an invitation •* ' to visit our workroom in St. Mary - f St. Patrick school, we departed with Mijgj pleasant memories of moetf energetic g;^ women ever striving to keep- tfce four ^ comers of McHenry county protected. May youf aim be rewarded witih viptory and an everlasting pwi. --R-C-- Attend the card -party at tie Cftrade School tomorrow (Friday? afternoon and help in the wntse at the McHenry Chapter American Red Cross. V&9C4 % Miss Vivian Kilpatrick and Louis Merz of Chicago were weekend visitors in the former's parents home, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cowan of Harvard were supper guests in the EL E. Cropley home Saturday evening. Mr, and Mrs. B. L. Stange of Chicago spent Sunday in their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Morris of Chicago were icallers in Solon Sunday evening. •xMr. and Mrs. Herman Schwabe and evening. David, of Chicago were Sunday callers in the Arthur Schultz home in few days in the home of her father, Ricnmond Thursday evening. I John Pitzen. i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepsou of I Miss Rita Stilling, Edna King, La- Urtfcina spent Wednesday night and Verna Freund and Evelyn Michels 'i hursoay m the C. J Jepson home, iwere Waukegan ealiers> Saturday ai- Mib. William'Hunt, McHenry, spent ternoon. Thurtmay with her son, Stanley, and family. Jtu. and Mrs. Everett Hunter of McHenry spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. James Bell. Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of her mother, Mrs. William Althoff. \ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snyder of Chi- 1 cago and Mr. and Mrs. Everett ine Kingwood unit of the Home Thomas of Woodstock spent Saturday Bureau will meet with Mrs. H. J. Collins on Tuesday, May 5. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent • Wednesday afternoon in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family of Beividere were callers in tne r ren Wiedrich home Sunday. and Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode of North Chicago spent Sunday .with Mr. and Mis. Frank Klapperich Richmond were Sunday guests in the Charles Osborn home. Ralph Hanson of Genoa City was a caller in the William Gardner home Saturday. The Get-Together club had its monthly meeting at the schoolhouse Friday evening. Victory gardens and the planting thereof was up for disthe close of the meeting. ADVICE ON RAISING WAR GARDENS GIVEN BY FUTURE FARMERS weather was ideal so we accepted the courtesy. On our arrival Wednesday morning wq were met by the police | staff who gallantly accosted us with a welcome and quickly unloaded our quota of production garments, carrying them upstairs to the workroom in ncmnj* apMSSIM! A level, loose moist layer of fine the City Hall. There we were at home soil over a firm seedbed is essential w'th Mrs. Phinney, Mrs. Laurence, cusssion. Mi. Casey of Woodstock was for • succesful garden. Even if good Mrs- Gannon who, though busily enthe principal speaker. Mrs. Hasel Kil- 8eeds are planted at the proper time, &**** at their desks, assured us that patrick was chairman of the meet- there is little chance for good germin- we were n°t interrupting and that ing and at the close a lovely lunch was atlon' growth, and development if the the pleasure was all theirs. Accom. served by the committee. seedbed has not been proprly pre par. panying them to the production room, Frank Foley, Jr., of Ft. Wayne, * we found all workers in uniform bus- Ind., accompanied by his mother, Seedsahould be planted deep i!y engaged in sorting, sewing, tag- Mrs. Frank Foley, of Richmond, spent to be well supplied with mois- inspecting and many other ac- Sunday in the Charles Osborn home. | *u**> yet shallow enough for the seed- ttvities. A glance at these earnest Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cowan of Har- lin»" 40 be able to push their way to workers reveals how the chapter opervard were Thursday callers in the the surface. Three factors chiefly ate#- Workers are on duty three day* determine the depth of planting! the °' week and some of the co-workseed, the soil and the season. ers put in full time to accomplish the In general, the seedlings of vege- demands of war. We are pleased with tabies having large seeds have greater ' Ernest Snyder home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffrys and family of Evanston spent the weekend in their summer home here. MAKI YOUR KITCHEN A "SICON* V1VINO ROOM" WITH MORGAN CABINITS 's too short to be bidsaed vttk work la kitchen. It Just lin t accessary to put up witk the •oniuaioB. wtldiBiia and weary hours spent la aid pla&niag, Motgaa Kitchen Gohfaeta mm signed to ploee everything at yoir eoavsaleaee. With Hiia, you oaa make every aora sseaa Naetkta|. Moraoniae ysw kUchea and has* •ele "taker Alexander Lumber Co. im • West McHenry , , ^ 7/foze h/ Deiua Itw MORGAN KITCHEN CAOINETS Mrs. Herbert Freund of Johnsburg Power to push their way to the surface and daughter, Dolores, and Miss t"an.. seedlings of vegetables havini Mr. and Mrs. John ttheinfrolt and Clarice Huff of McHenry were callers ( smft11 se^3- Large seeds, thereto% daughter qt McHenry called on Mr. tar. and Mrs. Kaiph Hoyt of Durand and Mrs. Fred Huemann one day this ana Mrs. Herbert Norton of Harvard week. , were callers in the H. J. Collins home ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and Mr. and Sunday afternoon. I Mrs. George King were Woodstock Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baiter spent Mon* callers Saturday evening. day evening tn the Joe E. Miller home 1 Miss Anna Schaefer and Misa at K-c imond. , Thelma Lay are spending the week Mrs. Kirk.Craine of Milwaukee and i" Chicago. Mrs. Paul Nordgren and xNancy of Mr-- and Mrs. Joe Karls called on Libertyvilie spent Wednesday in the Mary Ann Karls at the Waukegan Fred Wiedrich, Jr., heme. 1 v* Sanatorium this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ba<&n of Antioefa Evelyn- Michels and Bernice calieo on Jennie Bacon Sunday even- King were Volo callers ore night this ing. ' week. Mrs. Lester Carr entertained the Bunco oiub t on Thursday afternoon. iTutt were' won by Viola Low and Delia Freund. Johi. Sorfth spent"' Sunday witJi , lw- , friende in Chicago. I Mrs. Roy Hamson and Edytn were. Mr. and Mrs Earl Converse and callers in Woodstock and McHenry daughter, Frances, were callers at El; Saturday afternoon. n Thursday. Helen Johnson and Janet and Mrs. ' "'• and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and SLOCUM LAKE JacK Leonard and Peggy Ann visited Mrs. George Vogei at Eikhorn Thurs- «ay al ternoon. Mi*. Paul Norman of Evanston visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. /. . Jepson Saturday. |{ Alice Mae Low and Shirley Hawley spent Monday in Chicago. * Mre. Charles Mumlord of Genoa City spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Berg. two children were callers at Elgin last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were callers Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren at Waucondr. iffr. and Mrs.\W. E. Brooks and son,| Chesney. were guests Sunday at the j home ot Mr. and Mrs. George Harris at Wauconda. Mrs. Earl Converse spent last Fri- Kita Mae Merchant returned home *be home of Mr. and Mrs. Leson Sunday from the Woodstock hos- lie Davis on the Flats. pital. "r- and Mrs. Elmer Esping, Starks Sunday afternoon visitors in the Ed Station, was a supper guest Saturday Bauer home were Mr. and Mrs. Joe e*cung at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Therer and daughter of Waukegan *'r^r Matthews. and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber of "r- an<* Mrs. Ray Dowell and Antioch. daughter, Dolores, spent last Wednes- May Wiedrich and Charles and Joe evening at the home of Mr. and Carr spent Sunday afternoon, in Har- Leslie Davis on the Flats. vard. Mrs. T. M. Palaski of Antioch was a caller in the James Bell home on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Saturday in Elgin. Mr*. Alice Carlson and children of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson. Mr and Mrs. P. E. Saunders of Fonts na spent Friday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr^ home. • Virginia Jepson of Evanston called xr u"^ ann'v'Brsary en her parents Sunday evening. * . ,}}t Chicago. Mary Ann Wiedrich spent Thursday 1 »arlett Henry and Mrs. Van afternoon with Jennie Bacon. Deusen spent last Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. William Burkhart of Williams Park spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart in Chicago.. Mr. and Mrs. Wayhe Bacon of Crystal Lake were callers last Thursday evening at the hbme of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were ampng the guests Sunday entertained at 'the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom in* honor of thekr twentieth at thwr hotne at in the Art Bell hoqie Sunday. 'can ®afely be planted proportionately Dwain Overton, who has a home at deeper than small seeds. Pensacola, Fla., returned home Mon-. The type and condition of the soil day. ] also influences the d<y$i of planting. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boger and ^ necessary to plaiit seeds deeper daughter, Geraldine, of Riverside, 'n * sandy than in a clayey soil in Calif ., were dinner guests of Mr. and order to insure sufficient moisture.^ Mi's. William Gardner Thursday. Also, it is necessary to plant seeds Mrs. Charles Kuhn of Chicago spent shallower in clay than in a sandy soil, the weekend in the Joe Kuhn home. 'n order that the seedlings may reach Audrey Aubert of Chicago spent 'be surface. A sandy soil is loose and several days, of her spring vacation with her uncle, Henry Aubert, and family. open and does not bake into a crust following a heavy rain after planting as is the case with a ciay soil. If a Mr. and Mrs..William Gardner spent heavy taijs soon after the plant- Sunday in Chicago. ,nJT ot small seeds in a clay soil, unleas Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of *be seeds are close enough to the sur- Fontana were callers in town Friday. ^*ce so that the seedlings can get Mrs. Lawrence Johnson of Hebron through before the crust forms, tbey was a guest in the W. H. Gardner are not likely to get through until anhome Friday. other ram softens the crust, which Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams and Mrs. may be too late to save the plants. A Belle Schultz were callers*in Antioch gardener may sometimes soften or ilonday afternoon. break the crust himself by moistening Eimer and Billy Neilson of Chicago ('n small gardens), or by a light sjrent the weekend at their summer cultivation or working of the soil, litis home here. , practice will often save many plants Mra. Raymond Geiser, son, Bobbie, ' which otherwise would die. and daughter, Carol, were callers in The same kinds ol seeds may be the Henry Aubert home Wednesday planted at different depths in different evening. • seasons of the year. Early in the Ann J o h o n n o t t went to Chicago to s p r i n g , i t is u s u a l l y d r i e s t and warmspend the weekend with her aunt and est close to the surface, thus shallow returned oji the Sunday evening train, planting is advisable. In midsummer, Mrs. Frances Reed of Richmond, on the other hand, it usually is neces- Mrs. George DeWitt Whitney and sary to plant deeper because of the Mrs. Karnaboge, Carol and Jean, of need for moisture in germination. The Mundelein were visitors in the E. L. common mistake is planting too deep. Snyder home Sunday. In general, small seeds (lettuce, car- Mr. and Mrs. John Sugrue of Chi- rots, parsnips, radishes, spinach) cago spent the weekend in the William should be planted from % - 1-m. deep Gieser home. in this community, the greater depth Fred Roddel and Vernie Roddel of being for sandy soils and the shallower Chicago spent Sunday in the Henry planting in clay soils, Aubert home. Mr. and Mrs. John Hothain 'and family of Zion and Mrs, Emily Merchant were supper guests in the Joe London home Sunday evening. Mrs. William Aubert and son, Michael, of Ringwood were callers in the William Gieser home Sunday afternoon. Jean, Charles and Earl The distance of planting or spacing the rows varies with size of plants and the implements to be uaseedd in til-. lage. There should always be sufficient room between rows to allow proper cultivation and control of weeds. j 'l he thickness of sowing seeds in the i row depends upon whether or not the Schulti plants are to be thinned. There is ?U 1 n ,*' the'r mother, Mrs. J more assurance ot a uniform stand Belle Schultz. ^ I in thick seeding and subsequent thin- Miss Jennie^ Cairns of Woodstock ning. There may be some question, was a visitor in the home of her sw> however, as to whether this practice ^ Mrs. Belle Schuitx. « i should be followed at present, in view Fred Rigoni of Chicago spaht 8<tn- of the great.y increased demand for day in the Elmer Neilson home. 'seed. However, with proper care given icrnoon wun jemne ducoii. • -- ...».«•/ •'kiuuvu I nld^brother, Har. to the. preparation of the seedbed and M* and Mrs Delbert Bacon, Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs.* Ray ! 9 Chicago spent Sun- to the planting of Seeds, a fairly uni- Wto. R Hoffman and Mrs. Ed Hawley Owell. j h* f t I ; #or'n sta"d can usua% be secured of Crystal Lake were callers in the Mrs. Harry Matthews and S. W. Smith home Sunday afternoon. ' Robert and Lyle, were callers Mrs. George R. Harrison has re- keS*n Tuesday tuMpggl home after spending a week w^ib her daughter in Crystal Lake. Mrs. Frank Dix and daughter, Frances, of Salem, Wis., and Mrs. Roiand Wolfe of Lake Forest spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Roy Neal. Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy Ann, Helen Johnson and Janet spent Friday afternoon in the Don Smart home Vn. Ua AbindtiA af &• Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raeburg and children of Chemung spent Sunday at the home of Mr. ihd Mrs. Celia Dowell. Miss Jennie Dowell was a caller at Libertyvilie Monday. Mrs. Robert Miller of Island Lake was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Tuesday afternoon. IAb innil|ilr 4M4 4aaghter «| «• »<>»•., J"zJEvJL s;,>:i*r ' without thick seeding with the intenat Wau- » ' ^rs" ^ora Cole, with Mrs. Frank tion of later thinning of the crop. 'Peet and Mrs. Frances Reed of Richmond, attended the funeral of Mrs. Hplen Reed Hackert at Woodstock on Wednesday afternoon. PASTOR RESIGNS Rev. W. P. Rueckheim, pastor of the Volo Community Bible church, re. signed last week and a new pastor will take his place. Rev. Rueckheim intends to continue making his home R. L. PRIMM, Agriculture Instructor, CHANGE Of OFFICE • The Public Assistance office of tit McHenry county Department of Public Welfare, which has been in the courthouse since the beginning in March, 1936, is moving on May 4, to the Zoia building, 138% Cass Street* Ford P». It insures th« continued pmrformanc* of your COT*--it insures our b«ing «blo to supply you wHh gonuino ports. THIS is bow our P. P. S. works: The Ford Motor Company is devoting a part of its vast resources to the •wiring of parts for your Ford. We feel sure we can buy and stock sufficient new para to keep your car funning during the emergency, lo do this, we your cooperation. Your car may not Med new parts now or for •d come--but it will need service. And eventually it will need partx. If you will fill out and bring or send us the coupon below, assuring us of a fair proportion of your service business now, you will immediately be put, c» our prtftrrtd cusfmtr list for WOVTY to iactive genuine new para when required. 5 DRIVE SiOWlY ... Sov« gas, oil, tirti and BUY WAU BONDS Buss Plume Oil- West McHenry, HL m (Brmg «s sr Fstft e» Ptmmy Pft Cmd *md M*&) '"CI "F.P.S." f Yes, I want you^co stock genuine parts for my Ford so that I will be protected for fume repairs. I hatdby assure you of a fair share of my service patronage. In return, aat ® receive youf fOtD vuourr snvics rasing. nam | ADDRSSS

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