^ ^ ^fcSSJ;™ * ™^jV Wfv^i , ... r-'J^-.ff.«, J >•,,»;-'. kw>,'-\',i ' *"-' """' 'v' •' ' »' THE K4ISHKT PLAWDMflB^ a* ^ "15 $ „* "v^f, * 15 f - ' ajfe'*-- /V J ^ , . ^ /im* v* ? JK MERRY PUMEALER f •' tfcittshed every Thursday »t Mc- Jl«nr|. 111., by Charles F. Banich. A. H MOSBER Editor and Htat|«t ORCHESTRA, GUEST ARTIST PLEASE BIO ttX OROWD AT CONCERT Those who bought tickets which Entered aa second-class matter at™weree fg0o0o*d ffoorr both the band and oiim:i»u «w n| orchestra concert* and failed to use *• postoffice at McHenry, DL. «**•*) them la8t Sunday night to hear the the act of May 8, 1879. Births IMIIIMilMMIIMMMMM FOE SALE One Year ... Six Months j latter give their annual concert, miss- iFOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and .12.00; ed a pleasant evening of musical en- ..$1.00. tertainment. In spite of illness (the 1 same handicap wider which the or- Ichestra played the previous day in the contest) the young musicians played Is uch difficult numbers as the Overeconomy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Type A Home Insulation "Blownin" your walls ahd ceilings. Call If. i. !• Mrs. Anna LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-t£ ;,.V | • i|sueh Over-!FOR SALE--Soy Beans, germination Fame and fortune have fceen the j ture from "William Tell" and Ballet j 95. Price, $2.00 per bushel. Pomrenli lot of many mothers but true great- j Music No. 2 from Rosamunde. They j ing Bros., West McHenry, III., route • Bfess a<= measured by a pure heart and j were rendered with the degree of I one, box 22. 51 soul. has not been possessed by any i artistry attained only after long j FOR SALE--Two 30x3% tires in good to a greater degree than by Mrs. Anna hours of individual and organized condition. Inquire Henry W. Ahrens, Karls who passed away Tuesday practice and that only with the one!West McHenry. *51 afternoon, April 28. A cheerful dis- idea of thoroughness and; perfection • ----- position, although not altogether ex- as a goal. ^SALE White Enamel Six-bra rntimet in these troubled times, is indeed I One of the special attractions, the n6W; °«V • rarity when realized to such an ex- j string quartette, had necesaarily to be 1 * ° " 4 A aL.4 h #** A/\mnl ainf naval* i I l J xl * * t 'W v* " • ~ | U M lltg \|UCI1 VV lieu llvVvOM* 0 W Wv I m m ^ m m m m^mm mm tent that a word of complaint never j canceled because of the illness of one j FOR SALE---Soy Bean Seed. Home Visaed the lips of this fine old lady., Qf the players and consequently the } grown Manchurt, 97% germintftion. Knowing heiy one realized the kind of appearance of the guest artist, nine- j Phone McHenry 660-M-l. Bernard A, mother who has inspired authors and I year-old Norbert Dolejsi, was awaited j Freund. *51 fM>ets throughout the centuries. < j with even greater anticipation. He meet, he became an unordinary little iPAD .... __ . il4 , boy when he began to play. He was ! - SALE--Two beautiful building modest about returning for curtain calls and played only one encore. He has seemed to learn at an early age what many in the theater never learn, that it is better to leave the public wanting more than to giv« .them too much. lots on route 120 in McHenry. Address Box "F," care of McHenry Plaindealer. 48-tf FOR SALE--Soy Bean McHenry Flour Mills. Iiioculator. 50-4 •V* ---- -- | " • V»VII gtvavvi aiioivipovivu^ itv -------------------- Although she will be sorely missed j did not disappoint the crowd. Although FOR SALE--Gas Stove, reasonable; %jr her family and friends, they are { he gave the appearance of any ordin-' also Ludwig Parade Drum. 206 Green happy in the knowledge that after ary little boy one would chance to i Street. 51 eighteen years of ill health her suffering has been relieved. The deceased was born August 10, .1$67, near Lily Lake, the son of John did Catherine Glosson. She spent her entire lifetime in this community and attended the Lily Lake school. On January 22, 1889, she was united fal marriage to Fred Karls who preceded her in death eleven years ago. ' To this union eleven children were horn, two of whom have died, Charles and Mrs. Elizabeth Windmueller. She is survived by four sons and five daughters. John, Mrs. Catherine ©oleman and Paul Karls of McHenry; Matt, William, Mrs. Christine Senten, Mrs. Laura Johnsen and Mrs. Rosina Prousker. all of Chicago, and Mrs. -- -- , Theresa Moeller of Prospect Heights; j work performed for the first four r»D CAIC, I „ • «" brother, M.«h Gk»»», of «T 1942. Mtowin, p.*-;™ CS,.a31 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Woltman of Chicago are the parents of a 7H-lb. baby girl bom at the Oak Park hospital at 9:30 Tuesday morning. The little baby will be baptized Louise May. Mrs. Woltman is the format Ruth Nye ®f McHenry. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Boetsch, who reside near Burton's Bridge, at St. Joseph's hospital in Elgin last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber of Johnsburg are the parents of a daugnter born at the Woodstock hospital April 27. Mrs. Weber was the former Agnes Smith. Mr. and Mrs. George EH ed rich ol Volo are the parents of a boy born at St. Therese hosptial Monday of last week. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington of Ringwood at the Woodstock hospital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart of Chicago are the parents of a son born at Little Company of Mary hospital, Evergreen Park, on May 3. Mrs. Hart is the former Miss Evelyn Justen of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stilling welcomed a son into their home last Fri day. The baby was born at St. Ther ese hospital, Waukegan. r . - • >k*h'2 fluin&ip, liqp T; TWENTY-ONE NEW CARS ALLOCATED FOR RENT -- House at 203 Green Street. Inquire of Bill Schaefer, Mc- Cullom Lake. *50-2 FOR SALE--Seed Soy Beans, Illini nnrrwrv WAV'type- 98 % germination. Inquire Ed l/UUMX Y FOK MAY tLeff]eman, route 31, across from cemetery. *51 Interesting facts have been disclosed after making a survey of the FOR SALE--Four-room Flat. Inquire records of th county rationing boafd 1 after 6 p. m. at John Pitzen, Johnscommittee for McHenry county for i ^ur8T- *51 Henry, nine grandchildren great grandchild. She was a faithful member of St. Hary's church and belonged to the Christian Mothers. The body will be at rest at her home uatil Friday morning when funeral services will be held from St. Mary's church at ten o'clock. Burial will be hi the church cemetery. and one senger car tires and tubes have been rationed for that period of time^ Tires Tubes CARD OF THANKS ; We wish to extend our sincere appreciation and thanks to friends and Ulighbors in our hour of sorrow; for danation of cars, spiritual bouquets and floral offerings and many other kindnesses during the illness and at the time of the death of our de*: •other, Mrs. Anna Karlik We are also most grateful to Msgr/C. S. Nix and Father Paul f<p- th«ir faftKful visits. January .88 February --30 March ---41 April 28 26 34 52 years old. Cultivator, steel wheels, recently repaired. McCormick grain binder, 8-ft. Frank Ehredt, Round Lake, 111. 51 | FOR SALE--100 bundles of bale ties | at The Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 61 \ ' * )(j£ 140 During the first .quarter the following truck tires and tubes were rationed: January 83 February . 43 March 147 138 April 141 118 FotCMI ft ted twe THE KARLS FAMILY. CHANGE OF MASSES 'At St. John's church in Johnsburg masses on Sunday during the sumwill be 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:15. May the county has been allocated twenty-five passenger tires and seventy-five tubes; 112 truck tires and 155 tubes; 125 recap passenger tires and 178 recap truck tires. Also twenty- one new cars is the allocation for the county for May. [ FOR SALE or RENT--House Trailer. Phone 27. Dale Thomas. *51 LOST -- Green Schaefer's Lifetime Fountain Pen. Reward. Frances Hughes. *5i JUNK--Bed and springs and child's desk; 4 card tables, 4 chairs and card table new; porch tables. Tel. 679- M-2, 51 T--~ FOR RENT APPOINTMENT Of aiTY omenta ahd COMMITTEES MADE FOR RENT--7-room house and garage. Corner Park and Pearl Street, McHenry. John Blake, Green and Broad Streets. 61-tf The Beautiful i;i TOVAI! •fl CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co'*. Leading Theatre FRI. & SAT. -- May 8 - » Camb Lcmhard - Jack Benny in **IO BE OR NOT TO BET . IV picture yon bbcA see! Alsa -- Oar Gin| Condty - and Novelty SUN. * MON. -- May !• - 11 8anday Costfaiaons from 2:4ft 9. n. iVindlla Laae in "BLUES IN THE NIGHT* with Betty Field - Richard Whorf - Ml* 8«ewd B^r Feature Gene Antry - Smiley Bar net tr ia HEART OF THE RIO GRANDEW Hear Gene sing "Deep in the Heart «# Texas"! 18e TUESDAY lte Tax 2c Special Tax lc Ceaar Romero - Cardie Landia in "GENTLEMAN AT HEAlfr* with Milton Berle Phis -- Three Stooges Coaedy WED. & THURS. -- May 13 - 14 Claudette Colbert - John Payne in "REMEMBER THE DAY" Pins -- "Cavalcade of Aviation" FOR RENT--ONE AND TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS -- New, modern; tiLe floors, block ceiling, knotty pine walls, in-a-door bed, Frigidaire, white porcelain range, built-in cabinets and sink, bathroom-tile recessed tub and shower. Heat, light and gas furnished. ..Mustjbe seen to be appreciated. 51 McHenry . Illinois FRIDAY -- 8ATURDAY * Hedy Lamarr - Robert Young Ruth Hussey in "H. M. PULHAM, ESQ." Also -- Cartoon and Novelty OVER FOUR THOUSAND REGISTERED APRIL 27 IN McHENRY COUNTY .tt |ias been estimated that more than one-third of McHenry county's population of 1940 has registered for selective service. This conclusion was reached after last week's registration. At that time 4,910 registered in the county, 2,469 from board one and 2,441 from board two. Following are the totals from the various registratin places. Union ^ 44 Sarm„ony ill r ox River Grove 131 Algonquin 160 Huntley 163 Cary ..... 207 JJ«bron 210 Richmond 228 Marengo ..... 474 McHenry 635 Hai-vard ..7 17 Crystal La^ ........ .4*^^.,; 792 .4,018 M-2. 51 WANTED Appointments of the following city officers and various committees for w »KF'n» the ensuing fiscal year were by I Mc"enry Town House. Phone 35. Mayor Overton and approved by the 1 fYip nffwr tt . council Monday evening! and ritv ».. .. T Tr garden, one mile north of Jonhsburg. r!tv ^"or"ey--Vernon J. Knoxk Inquire of Irvin May. Phone 677- City Collector--May me Buss. -- Chief of Police--Howard Cairns. Assistant Chief of Police--Peter Wirfs. Superintendent of Waterworks -- M. M. Niesen. . ' _ ' Superintendent 'of* Disposal Plant -- T Fred C. Felts/' Caretaker of Streets--W. C. Felt*. Board of Health-- Dr. C. W. KlonU, J- Brefeld, A. J. Kamholz. A delegation from the McHenry band was present to discuss and clarify various points of organization powers and duties. It was agreed to have members of the band commission sit in at meetings and rehearsals in the interest of co-ordinating duties and furthering co-operative advancement in the progress of the band. WANTED--Having sold my business, I am looking for a farm 120 to 24ft acres. Must have good soil an^l buildings. Will consider farm completely stocked. Please give location in reply. Address: Owner, 1820 Wesley Ave., Bvanston, 111. " 61-2 WANTED -- Gas Station Attendant. Apply Schwerman's Chevrolet Sales. Phone 277. 61 FEMALE HELP WANTED -- Cooks, Waitresses, Hostesses. Exclusive restaurant where no liquor is served. Minimum salary, $18.00 week, plus meals, living quarters nearby, $3.50 week. Hearthstone Restaurant, Hubbard Woods Station, Winnetka. Tel. Winnetka 4400. *51 MISCELLANEOUS COMPLETE FLOOR SERVICE -- Floor sanding and refinishing with Dura Seal. Also asphalt tile for bathrooms, kitchens, business places; and beautiful Marlite in assorted colors for kitchens and bathroom walls; also commercial buildings. Henning Newman, 932 Marvel Ave., Woodstock, IIL Phone 131. 42-tf SUNDAY -- MONDAY May 10 - 11 Olsen & Johnson. - Martha Raye in "HELLZAPOPIN" Abo -- Walt Disney's "Pluto Jr." ^ News and Musical TUESDAY -- Adults 22c "SONS OF THE SEA" Also -- Musical • "Infonaatioa Please" and subject, "Don't Talk' WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY L»~au#| Day - Barry Nelson hi YANK ON THE BURMA ROAD" ':m§ ii/i Total 4,910 DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS $1.00 to $15.00 Cash Cows - Horses - Hogs No help needed for loading! Prompt and Sanitary Service Day and Night, Sundays and Holidays Phone Wheeling 102--Reverse Charges GARBAGE COLLECTING ^ Let us dispose ef your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly Georjre Meyers'. Ben J Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-T. 11-tf CARD OF THANKS . : In behalf of the local Boy Scout organization I wish to thank all of the workers and the genral public for their contributions to the Boy Scout drive last Friday. As contributions from some of the larger organizations are not yet in, it is impossible to state at this time the exact amount received. However, from present indications, it looks as if we would reach our quota when all contributions are in. RAY PAGE, General Chairman of Boy Scout Drive. ' PROBATE WILL will of Auguste Blanck was ad. mitted to probate in Chicago last week. It disposed of a $20,000 estate which is to be equally shared between * sister, Mrs. Bertha Voight, and a niece, Violet Bachrodt, both of route two, McHenry. t LAWN MOWER SHARPENING -- Also repairs, all work' guaranteed. Also good used mowers. Robert J. Thurlwell, 110 Main St., West McHenry. 49-tf Subscribe for The Plaindealsrt Residence Changes Mrs. Maud Rothermel and daughter, Audrey, have moved from their Hdme on Riverside Drive to the Mrs. Anna Meyers house on Pearl street Mr. and Mrs. John Reinboldt and family have moved from Johnsburg to the lower apartment in the recently remodeled Kent house on Charles street. The upper flat is now being occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs who moved last week from their home at McCullom Lake.' * Mr. and Mrs. Irvin May and family have moved from the Ben Stilling farm near Johnsburg to the Alfred May farm. Subscribe for; The Plajfndealerl AMATEUR CONTEST IS FEATURE OF HARVARD CARNIVAL THIS YEAR The American Legion post of Harvard has selected the dates June 17 through June 20 for their annual carnival, with many new attractions this year. One new feature is an Amateur contest, featuring people from this vicinity. All talented individuals are requested to contact the Carnival Committee of Wm. J. Metzen Post No. 265 for an appointment for an audition on Sunday afternoon, May 17, in the American Legion auditorium. Part of the proceeds of the carnival will be set aside to start a recreation fund to entertain the boys now in service when they get back. Rubber Stamps st The Plaindealer Among the Si Mrs. Fred Smith fell at her home last Monday and suffered a fractured leg. She has been confined in St. Therese hospital. Arvilla Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, underwent a minor operation at the Woodstock hospital Tuesday. Mrs. Emily Lawson returned home from St. Joseph's hospital in Elgin this week where she had been undergoing treatment. N Mrs. Ray Hughes of Los Angeles has been a. surgical patient at St. Therese hospital in Waukegan this week. Walter William Burg, 3%-year-old son pi Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burg, is ill of pneumonia at the Sherman hospital in Elgin. Earl Dowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowell, is recovering from an appendectomy which he underwent a week and a half ago at St. Thferese hospital in Waukegan. Miss Marie Vales underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital la«i Friday. Gertrude May wa* admitted to the Woodstock hospital Monday as a medical patient. $•> • VALE ADAMS TO OXV . WINGS, COMMISSION ON FINISHING COURSE Goodfellow Field, San Angelo, Tex., May 6 -- Vale Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester V. Adams of 518 Waukegan Road, West McHenry, recently completed the intermediate phase of his flight instruction at this Army Air Force basic flying school, and now moves on to an advanced school for specialized training. / During his basic training at Goodfellow Field, Cadet Adams learned night formation, cross country, and instrument flying and also was schooled in ground Subjects such as ratiio code and weather. He will receive his wings and commission upon graduation from the advanced school. Cadet Adams attended Lake Forest college and received a varsity letter in basketball. Read the Want A4»! ss*? any Mother could Posy-strewn hankies.. Jewelry with more taste than sentiment .. Bags, color- splashed • In the store % . many the Day complete There should be a box, of imr home-made candies. , A complete assortment of c h o c o l a t e s and b o n - Green Street Phone 145-J p4 J $ ^5# WE ARE STOCKED WITH HUNDREDS OF USEFUL GIFTS FOR MOTHER AT REASONABLE PRICES. PURSES Gtovee and purses, np-to-the-minnto styles. «W>V1S ..1^!^5»# *0 *l-9»., J>PK8ES -- White. paW <ad All 00lor* awl ityles. prtoe range-- ; .|l.00 to 11.98 SUPS, GOWNS and PAJAMAS : Tailored and fancy ootton and taffetafe Priced fop *100 to $19* SLIPS PAJAMAS BLOUSES Long and short sleeves. , Tailored and fancy. r**? <1,fcSHEERt and, BROADCLOTHS ftatfel Colors . . , prised from 7 9 4 * 1 M *1.19 to *1.98 $1.00 to $1.98 DRESSES x SLACK SUITS •martly tailored in Gabardines^ Spun Rayon, Celanese and Denims. Short and long sleeves. Priced at-- $1.59 to $5.00 SUGGESTIONS Bouse Coats - Tea Aprons - Umbrellas - Handkerchiefs Toilet Articles - Tablecloths - Chenile Bed Spreads Soarfs - Sweaters - Goats - Suits - Shoes - House Slippers and many more articles to choose from! Sizes: Something wnr in Hollywood. Sheers, Rayon Taffeta, Seersuckers, Percales, Spun Rayon. 12 to 52 -- H&ff-sixes: 16!/2to24'2 In all colors .,. Priced from $1.19 to $3.98 HOSE Nyl^i . ^ Pure Silk Rayon mixed with Silk Cotton Rayon MesJti Prices Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings and Sunday until Noon!! Green Street Phone 182 McHenry xbt-•_ .