Washington, D. C.y April 28~President Roosevelt today asked the people not to take money out of the -bank to buy war bonds and stamps, but to make the pur- ~r chases out of current earnings. C Money in the bank already is serving a useful purpose, the president told his press conference, and there is no need to disturb it. He explained that when he asked yesterday that every available dime and dollar be put into war securities he was talking in terms of current ^rningrs and not accumulated savings. The government is interested in curbing spending in its anti-inflation drive. Fiscal experts said money in, the bank is not'disturbing the financial situation--it is money which is being earned and spent that causes disruptions. Government officials previously announced tlhey would not disturb bank deposits, when it was suggested* these be seized for the war effort, because deposits were not contributing to inflation. / The discussion of war security purchases was started when the President was asked whether he thought present limitations in the amount/of war bonds which lhay be purchased in any one year should be abandoned. There is an annual limit of $5,000 on individual purchases and $5,000 on institutional or corporate purchases ^limitations will be of little worry to you and me another millionaires next year, the President said with a laugh irlreference^tcrthe higher taxes and $25,000 salary limitations proposed in his anti-inflation message Asked whether purchases of war bonds could be <$6unted as "taxes" under his $25,000 income limitation, * he said that is a technicality which will have to be worked out by the treasury department N Mr. Roosevelt saM fie had taken up with congress ^ sional leaders a plan to change the government's fiscal year to coincide with the calendar year but that nothing fead resulted. ' ' '"'V AMERIC A AT WAR * *.•/.'jGwttwi'*|r £/<&?/#<?//' tit $ Make This Your Answer! Mn tha Pay-Roll Saving* Plan--Mako Ewnr Pay Day "Bond Day" Winning this war Is gOlflg tO take the mightiest effort America bat ever made--In men, In materials, and in money. An important part of the billions needed to produce planes and guns and tanks must come from the sale of Defense Bonds. Only by regular, weck-byweek purchase of these bondsby all America can this be done. This is the American way to win--the volunteer way. Get Your Share • * > U. S. Defense BONDS * STAMPS EMPLOYEESI Uadfr the voluntary Ffep» Roll Savings Plan (appro«M by organized labor) you simply save a part of yoor pay every pay day toward the purchase ot Defense Bonds. Tell your foreman or department headlyou to ENROLL NOW! EMPLOYERS ! Do you part. If you haven't already offered your workers a Pay-Roil Savings Plan, write or wire Treasury Department, Pay-Roll Savings Section, 709 Twelfth St. NY, Washington, IX C for fall particulars. v_ fispir WEST McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RB8EKVE SYSTEM MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT