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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1942, p. 6

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W ' i « v 5 » - , « ' • . «- .-..4i-i.'-.Jl'uL v.,. - •- - ^ . • . w.AVi ^SKvA * »rv..w - 'k <V i i'i Game of 'Poona' Grew Into Our Badminton Asia gave the world a game which in late years has grown rather popular in the western world. The game Is badminton, and it grew out of an dder game called "battledoor and •huttlecock," or simply "shuttlecock." A battledoor is a racket with a long handle. Usually it is strung with catgut, like a tennis racket. A •huttlecock is a cork with feathers Muck in it, or around the rim. All ' ifee feathers are pointed in the lame direction; they follow the cork When ttaflt shuttlecock flies |hrougk the air. ^ Shuttlecock played in several ways. Sometimes a player sees how many times he can knock the shuttlecock into the air, without letting it fall to the ground. In another form, two players bat Hie shuttlecock back and forth. The batting may be done with or without . • net between the players. This game appears to have been played in India as much as 1,500 years ago. In India it had the name of "poona." A form of shuttlecock was played III France about two centuries ago. A picture made in 1760 shows a lady •nd a gentleman of France batting a shuttlecock back and forth. They are using rackets with much shorter handles than those employed in the modern game. - About 70 years ago, British officers returned to England from bdia. With them they brought rackets and shuttlecocks which they had used * in India while playing poona. People in England began to take typ the game, and no one seemed to Uke it better than the duke of Beau- This duke lived in a home which was named "Badminton." Over 150 Designs for Cotton Hose Patterns Few of you have ever heard of David Young of Washington, D. C. But when you buy your cotton hose in the very near future, give a silent prayer of thanks to this scholarly, gray-headed gentleman of the department of agriculture's division of textile technology. For some five years Mr. Young has been waging a virtually oneman campaign to glamourize the feminine leg in cotton and some of his newest mesh patterns will stop a crowd, even on a windless day. From a small "sd what" project of the department of agriculture, trying to find more ways to use up a vast cotton surplus, Mr. Young's cotton hosiery research has leaped into the forefront of world-wide news; at least the kind of news that interests 8t> many women. Mr. Young, you see, was lucky. Hitler and the war and the Japanese embarro made his work vitally important to millions of homes. At the Cotton Textile institute in New York city, and at the U.S.D.A. in Washington, are over 150 designs for stocking patterns created in the last few years by Mr. Young. Some of the early patterns are simply bad dreams. But the new designs are getting better and better and the cotton stockings are getting thinner and thinner. Hard-headed hosiery makers have already earmarked several designs as sure-fire sellers in the stoces. i'V •> * ^ sjsiwm 573 Thursday, May 2$ 1942 CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS by Congressman Chauncey W. Reel Dears Close Easier Monthly lubrication of the pins la the car doors will obviate slamming of doors which may break the glass in than. Oiling of door locks si the same time is further protection. The Nation's No. 1 Life Insurance Policy BY INVESTING TEN PERCENT OF "YOUR INCOME, YOU PROTECT YOUR LIFE,THE LIVES OF YOUR FAMILY YOUR HOME, AND YOU I? FUTURE....* AND, LATER, GET ALL YOUR MONEY__BACK... WITH INTEREST/ Csu/tMf i>#f/«#t Wt-- Pi--a ^SNAPSHOT GUILD * A PICTORIAL ROUTINE M Mi h * mo"/ 1XTHEN most people get their first YV g00d camera, they immediately expect something wonderful to happen. They feel that all their picture- making troubles will drift away with the wind, and simultaneously they expect their camera to start producing pictures like our illustration--perfectly exposed and composed, and replete with human Interest. There's no doubt that the camera --any good camera--is capable of doing that. But there's one other factor which must also be considered-- that is. the mind behind the camera. A camera won't think for you. You're t^e one who has to do the thinking, and if you don't think things through you're likely to let your camera down. Basically that means you can't be careless about any aspect of picture making, and get good pictotes. And for that reason I'd suggest that you establish a routine covering the most Important steps in your picture making, and double check each step until them all b} heart you know i ward*. John van GUildflt Girls! The Bugle Is About to Blow-- The Bureau of Public Relations of the War Department recently announced that applications will be available probably about the third of June for admission to the Officer Training School, which will be situated at Fort des Moines, Iowa for the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. Applicants must apply in person at any local recruiting station. They must be citizens of the United States, between the ages of 21 and 45. They may be married or single. They must have had the equivalent of a high school education, be in good health and of excellent character. The corps, while not a component part of the army, is the only women's organization, except the Army Nurse Corps, authorized by law to serve with the armed forces. Units of the corps may be called upon to serve in Zones of Oporations, as well as in the Continental United States; but only in non-combat duties. Ultimately, the corps will take over the major part of the Aircraft Warning1 Service, numerous army administrative duties and whatever other suitable tasks its members can fulfill. It will be under military discipline, with uniforms and insignia, living quarters, food, and medical anu dental treatment provided by the government. The candidates will remain at Fort des Moines for eight weeks of intensive tarining, which will concentrate on leadership, administration and military proceedure. The first group of officers will be immediately put in charge of the training of the first units of auxiliaries which will then be enrolled. After this original officer-candidate group has been Sv. lected and trained, there will be no dates as such. Promotion will be from the ranks. The Senator from Massachusetts-- The smear campaign against Senator David I. Walsh of Massachusetts has aroused the indignation of every member of 1>oth houses of congress. The seventy year old statesman has had a long and honorable public career. He served in the state legislature of his state, afterwards becoming Lieutenant Governor and Governor. Five times he has been elected to the United States Senate. He is now chairman of the senate committeee on naval afairs. He was made delegate from his state to the Democratic National Convention in 1912 and has Been similarly chosen every four yeai* thereafter for the past 32 years. He was honored in 1917-18 by being elected one of the delegates at large to the Massachusetts constitutional convention. His integrity and patriotism will not be questioned by any of his colleagues, regardless of political affiliation. The New York newspaper that impugned his disloyalty to Jus country has established a new low in yellmv journalism. Army Behind Gasoline Rationing--It i» said by some (Observers in Washington that the army is the principal agency urging the rationing of gasoline. The army wants to conserve all the rubber possible just in case, sometime in the future, the fighting forces may desperately need the rubber. There is much merit in the idea, say most «f the Washington students of affair*. The time might easily come when lack of rubber could lose the war for the United States unless long range planning is done now. Packing House Efficiency One need only follow the progress of a carcass through a packing house to realize the complexity of production and the multifariousness of the uses to which an animal can be put. After butchering the hide is removed by experts who accomplish their task with the least possible damage to th^ skin. The hide is then cured in brine for 30 days before being'sold for the manufacture of shoes, harness, saddlery, belting and related goods. The tail h&ir is preserved for employ in upholstering, in the manufacture of brushes and like products. The body hair, removed in the process of tanning, is sold for felting or for mixing with plaster. Ear hair makes the best • known artists' brushes. If you want to .illy fine as this, establ - sivUiut t ^ "Hum it. Begin by asking yourself If yoa have selected a subject which Is really interesting? Does it tell a story in Itself, or is the picture part of a longer story you are telling with your camera? Have you got everything In the picture that you want, or are you taking In too much ? Have you chosen a good angle of view? Is your composition pictortally sound, like the picture above? When you're certain of those points, check up on your focus--Is it sharp? Measure the distance it you're in doubt Then look to your shutter speed--is it fast enough to stop any movement by your subject? Are you giving a full normal exposure? Finally, are you releasing the shutter so gently that the camera will not be jarred as the picture is taken? Check i your technique that way for just a little while, and you'll find that your picture quality will take a hop, skip, and jump -- up- Cast Own 8oMiers Lead soldiers will be scarce in South Africa, but boys will be able to make their own or else play with rubber soldiers. American manufacturers of toys have been sending rubber soldiers, mostly painted in drab khaki and gray, which are to be seen in many Johannesburg store windows. A new device on sale is an outfit which includes a mould of a soldier. Little boys can cast their own soldiers, and when they have knocked them out of shape with heavy machine-gun fire, they can put the mangled corpses in to the mould and send their armies forth to battle again. More Wool in Blankets Any blanket with less than 25 per cent wool gives too little warmth to be practical and feels uncomfortably heavy because laundering has packed down the cotton fibers which need wool mixed with them, say experts. SOUR Ptti i il . n i • i i • i ....Ak Bible Doesn't Say It One very often hears someone declaring that the Bible says "Cleanliness is next to Godliness"; but the Bible says no such thing--in spite of the fact that many of the laws of Moses were designed to insure cleanliness and good hygiene. The saying is attributed to Rev. Charles Wesley, founder of the present Methodist Episcopal church. There was so much filth in his day that he created the phrase to make cleanliness a matter of conscience and religion. He thus made religion practical to millions of people since his time. Goat Milk Everf suburban family should own a goat, because a goat will produce from three to five quarts of milk daily and will require but oneseventh the feed of a good cow, according to County Agent Willis H. Hoyt of Walpole, Mass. He pointed out that more people in the world drink goat's milk than any other kind of milk. Taking Down Shades At least once a year take down shades, stretch them out on a flat surface and after dusting them thoroughly go over them with a wet cloth rubbed lightly with white soap. Clean a portion of the shade at a time, Rinsing off the soap with a cloth squeezed out of clear water. Dry thoroughly. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that on the Oth day of June, 1942 at 1:30 P. M: the trustees of schools of Township No. 45, Range No. 8, will sell at public sale on the premises at District No. 36, % mile east of Wonder Lake, hereafter, described the following property: 1 school house ; '•« * * ' 2 toilets • fvVt MS/ - 1 oil burning heater * 2 electric light fixtures which sale will be on the following terms, to-wit: 25% cash and balanoe before removal of property. CLAYTON C. HARRISON PETER SMITH L. C. BENWELL ? Trustees of Schools o "^Ho. tf, Range .No. '!£• ? CHURCH SERVICES Stretching the Nickel What is said to be the smallest metal tube ii^ the world has been made of pure nickel by a Norristown, Pa., company. It has an outside diameter of less than 19 tenthousandths of an inch with an inside diameter of four 10-thousandths. Was It the Bampf Charles Currier of Klamith Falls, Ore., stepped in front of an. automobile and war knocked to the pavement. He got up, walked over to the driver and apologetically offered to pay for the windshield which was broken by the impact. Drive en Bath Slfet Round bottomed bathtubs contribute heavily to the 5,000,000 injuries occurring in homes. To reduce this toll the United States Housing authority recommends tubs with bottoms as flat as consistent with, proper drainage. •Wm. M. Carroll, Attorney • Woodstock, 111. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Anna Karls, Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, July 6, 1942, is the claim date in the estate of Anna Karls, deceased, pending in the Coun*- ty Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed, against the said estate on or before date without issuance of sumtnons. MATH GLOSSON, Execator. • (Pub. May 14, 21 and 28). Airport Bases Increase The number of airport landing fields and seaplane bases in the United States increased by 204 from January to July of this year, the Civil Aeronautics authority reports. They totaled 2^655 on July 1. Choosing Women's Clothes ^ . Women should choose their clothes to meet their particular activities, such as action-back and actionsleeve dresses for free arm and shoulder movement, say clothing specialists. Apples j(s Meat Garnishes Apples can be made into delicious and attractive meat garnishes, such as glazed, apple rings with pork or ham, mint-flavored apple jelly with lamb, or apple stuffing with duck or goose. Fairy Stones Legend! says that the fairy stones found in Patrick county, Virginia, are the solidified tears shed by the fairies when an angel brought them word of Christ's crucifixion. German Shepherd Dogs It takes about 1ft months to train a dog for police work. The New York city police department has six German shepherd dogs assigned to patrol a certain precinct. Bound-Volume Indexes The New York Times and the Times of London are the only newspapers in the world that publish bound-volume indexes, declares Collier's. Wm. M. Carroll, Attorney Woodstock, 111. NOTICE OF CLAIM Estate of Margaret McCarthy, Deceased. , . Notice is hereby given to all'persons that Monday, July 6, 1942, is the claim date in the estate of Margaret McCarthy, deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said ^estate on or before said date without issuance of sum* mons. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Executor. (Pub. May 14, 21 and 28). St. Mary's Catholic Church Masses: Sundays: 7:90; 8:30: 10:00; 11:30. Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00^ 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 knd 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Fridky-- After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Paster. > Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 9:00; 10:00; tf:«ft. Weekdays: 740. First Fridays: 7?30. On First Friday, Communion dis- ' tributed at 6:30, 7:00-«nd before and during the 7:30 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Mid 7:00 to 8;00 p.m. Thursday before First Friday. 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7HXI tr 8:00 Rev. Wm. A. OTRourke, pastor. St. John's Catholic Church, Johasbatv Masses: Sundays: 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:15. Holy Days: 7:00 and 0:90. Weekday^: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:3<\ and 7:30. Thursday before First Friday: 2:80 and 7:80. ; Rev. A. J. Neidertj paster. JL WOBWICK 6" * PHOTOGRAPHER . i Portrallare - Comwrrrisl Photography . Photo-Finishing Enlarging - Copying - Fr--lug llpi tn -- Riverside Drive McHENBY, ILL. rum it INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH ' Community Church Sunday School: 10:00 a. nu . Worship Service: 11:06 a. au ' Junior League: 6:30 p.m. Epworth League: 8:00 p. rife' . Rev. J. Heber Miller, pastor. Evangelical Lutheran Church Services--8 a. m. Sunday School--8:15 a. m. Rev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor. Famous Richmond, Va., Church's Background For 80 years the mother church of fRichmond, Va. Methodism has stood as a prominent landmark at Broad and Twentieth streets. Many marvel at its needle spire. Richmond's Methodists formed a pastoral charge in 1798. Having no church they met in the oki county Jjcourthouse and the house of dele- 'jgaites, writes Virginia Kennady in €he Richmond Times-Dispatch. Later they gathered to worship in the Parrot family's stable. Early in 1800 the 28 worshipers formed the First Church. The building was erected at Nineteenth ami Franklin streets, where a tobacco) warehouse now stands. At flburteenth and Franklin streets in IBS,, a more spacious church was built in what was thought to be a desirable aradi convenient location. A fire demolished it m 1839, but in a year it was restored. The tide ai population was flowing to> more attractive sections of the city and the decaying church realized this. The congregation was divided and two larger, handsomer churches were planned. Nine trustees for one of them were elected in 1858. On Christmas day of the next year, the father of Dr William Parker was appointed to find a site for this church. He chose the northeast corner of Broad street at Eleventh street, and Broad street Methodist was built. The remaining communicants of the First Church formed Trinity, now standing nine blocks east at Twentieth and Broad streets. Meaning of Safari v', , Safari, as used in East Africa, means a journey or caravan, especially a hunting expedition. The word is said to be from the Arabic. Monday Second Busiest Monday is the second busiest day of the week for department stores, according to Industrial Marketing, with Saturday ranking first. • Reuse of Paraffin Paraffin can be reused if it is heated to boiling point and strained through three thicknesses of cloth over IT funnel. Freight Cars in There are about 2,000,000 freight cars in use in the United States compared with about 40,000 passenger cars. 'Gypsum Does It The California state department of agriculture classes gypsum as an agricultural mineral, but the alfalfa and Ladino clover growers in many parts of the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys of California consider it to be a very effective and economical fertilizer for their crops, as well as a soil amendment. The extension service in one California county ran lengthy tests with various simple and combined fertilizers on both alfalfa and Ladino, and in both cases 500 pounds of gyp. sum to the acre stood well towards the top of the list. Torpedo Expensive Torpedoes today measure over 10. feet in length, carry 500 pounds -tjf explosive and contain mora thaii 6.000 oreeision-made Darts. > Making a Living Mountaineers in western North Carolina make a living by selling garnets, topaz and amethjut..t& «olleotnra '. \ Patron 8aint St. Dorothea who was martyred under Diocletian, was the patron saint of gardens or flowers. Refuges for Wild Life , The United States maintains 330 fefuges for all forms of wild life. Pituitary Gland The pituitary gland in the human body is at the base of the skull. • Largest on Ohio River Pittsburgh is the largest city on the Ohio river.- • * TOUat fyou Buy With WAH BONDS^ • • Si Peter's Catholic Charch, Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:80 and 9«M» Weekdays: 8:00. # ' First Friday: 6:00. Confessions: * Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday: 2:80 and ".13. Rev. John L. DaleiHen, Pastor. Whale of Animal Mot only is the whale the largest living animal but the largest ever known to exist. CharOe's Repair Shop Sifn P&Latinf Truck Lgtttriiif Furniture Upholsterinf and Repairing CHARLES RIETE8XL McHENRY OARAGE Electric and Acetylene Welding. General Repairing. Wagons and Trailers to Order! Rte. 31 -- John & Front. 8ts. Phone 97-J or 151-M Nick P. Miller WANTED TO BUY We pay $3 to $15 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES & CATTLE We pay phone charges. Reliable Companies When yen need insurance «r any Hif Pheae 48 ar M,M Prtet Bid*. . . McHenry ^^^Phone McHenry 677-R-l Basement Excavating -- 5HUT'S SAND A GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . . Black Dfrt & Stone • . Power Shovel Service . . Power , Leveling and Grading . . . Cement Miser* fer Rent. J. E. NETT Johnsburg P.O.--McHenry Telephone No. 300 Stoffel ft Reifaangpergei Insurance agents for all classes of property m tbe best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS Phsns Mft X-Bsy 0R. LT B MURPHY MDKT18T Oftlea Us-- -- • a. m. «a • p. au Green Street -- McHenry, DL 1H. Freuod & Son CONTRACTORS AWD BUILDERS Our Experience is at Your Service in Building Your Wants. Phone 58-W McHenry A. F.ireand Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic andi Cfeaae Service. --Road Building-- Tel. 204-M McHenry, 01 Phone 4T Pries Bldg. mam wox ATHMtNlT AT LAW - OFFICE BOUR8 - Tuesday* aa# Fridays Other Enpa hy Appointment MfHwiry .... fllMa PHONE 15 M. 1. E. SAYLER DENTIST Office Bfoers 9-12 and 1-5 ^enings by Appointment Thursdays - 9 to 12 Main Street W. McHenry ttcHENRY FLORAL GO. -- Phone 608-R-l «*» One Mile South of Mclloiff? on Route 31. Flowers for all. oceaaie--? immmmmmmrn ----p-- PHALIN SUPER SERVICE • SINCLAIR Gas, Oils and Grenias Car. Routes 31 and 120 -- McHenry Horses Wanted I B U Y ' - Old and Disabled Horses. ---- Pay from $5 to $14. ---- ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 844 439 E. CaUtoun St Woodstock, 111. Eyas Exai Ir. faul A. Schwabe Phone: McHenry ISM Woodstock #74 A. M Nye UMg. West MtHmrr OPTOMETRIST ^ THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY The giant four-motored Navy Patrol Bombers are the world's most powerful planes. They cost approximately $700,000 each. The Navy also has a lighter Bomber called the Scout Bomber which costs about $143,000 apiece. Hf / "There goes a woman who must have heard that lemon Juice is good for the complexion." •'Why do you think so?" "She has such • sour-looking lace." Esperanto Because at a great medley of tongues, the artificial language of Esperanto is much used in the Russian city of Odessa. -Only Living Wild Dog The dingo ia the only living wild dog of our present era. Its habitat is Australia, but facts have been established to show that it was brought to that continent, rather than having found its ancestral origin thare. The battle for Britain was almost lost because England had none of these giant four-motored planes with which to fight back. We need thousands of them and they are coming off the assembly lines in our production plants at a high rate of speed today. You can help buy these for your Navy by purchasing War Bonds and Stamps every pay day. Put at least ten percent into Bonds or Stamps and help your county go over its Quota. V. ii. Trmsmry Dtfrjpmmi TOWN CLUB Riverside Drive and Pearl Street Mixed Dtinks of All Kinds V OUR SPECIAL BAJLBECUED RIBS . *v.-j . - - Phone 12 ^ $ C . McHenry Good Brakes Save Tour Tires "KEEP 'EH ROLLING" If you are having brake trouble, bring your car or truck to our trained mechanics for expert Brake Service. Remember, good brakes give your tires the chance to give you the maximum service at minimum cost. Come in today for a checkup on our State Approved Safety Lane. These services will lengthen the life of your car. Motor Tuning Lubrication Tire Repairing Willard Fast Battery Charging CENTRAL GARAGE • FRED J SMITH, Prop. Phone 200-J* Towing JoHhsbury

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