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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jun 1942, p. 2

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•f "L <rt! ? . ' . •> •• •*. rife Two THE McHEHEY PUONDEALBE Thursday, June 18, 194& RIXGWOOD -Jjune 24. Prices' yrill be twenty-five} Federated churcli.The hostesses were j E.T. .Cropley. Mr/ jJone* is 'p&rt "fan<! fifty cents;' . * ' : - [Mrs. D. V, Wait, Mr§. ^ViHiam Dil- | C'roplejf s brother./ ' .:.;V77 7-.' ./ •'/ Clayton Halrisori and* grandson,-jUton-, Mrs. William Fulton and Mr? Billy Harrison, of Rourfd Lake, companied Dr. and Mrs. Chamberlin , - • . , Mr. and Mrs. henry Aubert, Vernie Walter Crook. The July meeting^will'; R()ddel /and = Fred .Schreuder were Mrs Aliri» Bell and graruTson, ' of' ..Chetick;Wis.", to en- Bey Anderson, of Richmond spent ; j0y a week of fishing; Sunday and Monday Mr. and ' Mr. aifd Mrs. Joe Blake of McHenry Mrs. James Belli ' T~ jspent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mr^r G«oi^e p«Vens,, Jc:,|Nick Younp. -.7./ . -- and George Havens^ Sr., # Ma^ngo Dr. vand Mrs. Edward Stanford of called jon Jennie ftacon M<>nda^ even^! Minneapolis spent several jiays i& the family t>e held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Wisher witff' Mrs. Albert Hafer arid The Wauconda - Volo" 4-H club held a meeting Tuesday evening at the Wauconda Township high school. • •'» Mrs. Alvin Case assisting. < "Mr. and Mrs. Wiliarn Wirtz and attended the eighth grade in_ ' ' •••" j F7N. Mdzzy home. ! graduation exercises of the St. Peter's jfr<. Hemy StephCT«o,v mteaainc? «"<< Gcr.ldin» Miltefc MU^'^phool at Grant high Sunday Ifce „Ea sy A» ces on Ttsu,e sday aoffttoemnin^nnn.- 1 Wis., are spending two weeks with evening. W/4wot, - |y Woodstock visitors Saturday afternoon. * ; Mrs,' Lillian Carres returned harrie Sunday after upeiiding tHe week in Chicago. ' Mrs. *S., W. Brown; of Singwoodj spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. A. C. Merrill. Mr. and Mrs. John JHotham and family of Zion were callers in the Joe London arid Henry Aubert honffes Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs jj Raymond Gieser and family and George Gieser of Russell, 111.,' spent Sunday afternoon in tM Winnetka, sp^ent Friday. ifi the home I of refreshments completed the party, of rtheir .cousin, Mrs. E. E Cropley. ( Mrs. Bertha, Esh and': Mrs. Albert Dwight Ogborri of Rockford spent Rrjtz attended commencement exer- Sunday m the home-of his- parent*^ cjst,s ^ Barrmgton Thursday evening. Mr.jind Mrs. C. L.. Osborn. , . j:Mjss Cora Esh, daughter of Mr ' Mrs. Gl«n • Esh, was~one of ..tHfe ates." •. 7 •; '7, --1 • t Private Roy Klaus re,turned to Camp Grant on Friday after a nineday furlough.^" ^ > _ Mr?. ; Andy . Straub, daughters,' Mrs.- A1 Krause and Mi ss Marion Yvonne' and Edn^ Mae, of Chicago j Krause of McHenry were visitors in spent, several days last week with Mrs. Bertha Esh. I , -- ~ licago were also home; SPRING GROVE r MrT Wal- Charlotte and Mary Hogan. '\ Arthur Highburg, national 4-H llrs. Anderw Ha j • Mr. and. Mrs. William Harrison %nd club chairman of northern Illinois, f. >r Harrison, reived the prizes .Lake" spent ^atupdly j Mr. Korth, photographer for the ^ t, . Bob Sutton, son of Mr. and »Mrs. evenjng j„ ^ Clayton Harrison j Womna's Home Companion, Mrs. , Roy Sutton. underwent an operation home *• , i Helen Volk, Lake County Home Ad- •„ .for appendicitis at the Woodstock hos-j Mr. and Mrs..Nijk'Voung spent Fri-[visor, Ray Nicholas,-, Lake County ' Wm. Gieser home . ' f'tal on Tuesday. ^ .day in McHenry" with their daughter 1 Farm Advisor, called at the homes of! Mr! and Mrs. ^Geo. I^ell and,famfly ' v . Virginia Jepson of Evans.ton spent family. - > . • "* Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and Mr.' of Barrington, snerit the weekend in "Wednesday with her; mother, Mrs. Mrs. Kdna Stanford, who )ias been . and Mrs. William Wirtz Friday.' The 1 the Art Bell home. „ : , „ ;.vjKose Jtpson... -r ^ ..r x ti,'staying with her daughter and husr fallowing girls represented thfe-Vplo 1 ...Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Cropley Were i Amy Harrisop spent the week •With band. Mr. and Mrs','P. N. Muzzy, left [Sunshine Queens 4-H club: Mary 1 callers in the W. B: Peatt home fet , l|er sister, Mrs. Henry Marlowe. at on jjonday for Chaftort, W^si, ^ir- lCase, Arvilla Fisher, vMarian Wirtz, {Greenwood Sunday. • ' Huntley. ; - " , * ^ • ginia. . / - | Lilah Mae Fisher and Orpha Crook. , Mr. and Mrs. Lyixi&n Johonnott Wayne Foss left on Wednesday for ; . Alice Gaulke of McHenry spent! Their pictures were taken and will ap- [returned home Sunday from a two ^;,-1airtpa, Fla., where he. will- visit Har-! MoT1(.jay '^rs Kralowete. i-fear in the National 4-H Club News~| Weeks trip to New York. - • • ^ Snyder of Solon Mills, who is sta- ]vir^ and Mrs. John Hogart t^nd fam-J and the Woman's Home Conipanion. | Mrs. T. Malicki-and son of Chicago, ^i^oned there. .-••/= - iiy of Milan. Wis. K spent/ Thursday j The Volo Sunshine Queens 4-H club | wer€i yjsitors in the F^rik Kllpatrick , ' Mrs. George .Bacon ^nd: Mrs, Lester vvith relatives at Beividere. ." * ' are ynder the leaderships of Mrs. Wil- ! hom^ Sunday. • - kelson of Afltiqch sperit ^yedn^sday ^ Mr. and Mrs. Charles iBrennan of I'liam. Wirtz and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, j MrV; and Mrs. ftoib; 'Lofidon and \ •« ,,^vening JenPie » vRrchmond spent Wednesday ev?hin^ in j ^ clu'6- was the first club in the [ (laughter Pegfey: U [;-S(&ffengfQ,;".'w-ere- ... : Mrs."Clarence Anderson of Chicago the Fred Wie^i^ji, Jr., hdme, ' • Uounty to respond to the U. S. O: | supper "guests in the : Jbe %6ndon Sunday in-the^ James BelFhome. Mr/' and Mrs. Nick Young Vperitl e°okie jar. The next meeting of the ! home Stinday. Volo Sunshine Queiens 4-H club with Orpha Crook on June 26, at 1:30 o'clock. Girls, do not forget the First Aid Kits. The firemen hel4, 'their regular meeting at Town Hall on Tuesday night. The 'meeting was called to order by Fire Chief Paul Weber. After the nrteeting cards were enjoyed and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Paul GerascK of.Jfclc- Henry were..callers in the home of -Sir. and Mrs. Charles jFreund on Tuesday Frankie Stephenson is, visiting rela- 'tiV<bs in Woodstock this week. SL^CUM LAKE Mrs. Jack Leonard is spending::^a jg^nday with friends iri Spring Grove. k in Charlotte, Michigan. ^ •••;. *Mr. and Mre; Roy Miller,of Milan, IS; ;4n^re* Hawley, Mrs. Fred Wis., spent s.eyiral days in the -John . Wiednch,. Jr., and Mrs. Oscar Berg ff0gan home. "je»ittrtaine|l the Home Circle at the' J$erg home on Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyers of Wood- Charlotte Hogan entertained eigh- -Itock were filers m th* Roy Wied. ^ friends in honor of Jier.^igm.^ :'^,hTe x • j birthday., on Wednesday afternoon. . , Shirley Aubert entertained a_ group Those who helped her celebrate the «f friends at a party Thursday after- occasion were Shjfl Aubert, Louise W>on in honor of her seventh birthday. Hunt, Jeanette Lawrence, Jean, Jane ' Jhose present were Marilyn Rinken- artH Dolores Betts.' Betty Feltz, Jean : Merger, Jean .Muzzy, Mary Wiednch, Muzzy; Mary Ann Wiedrich, Janet ,'^|aTle and Jean Betts", Patricia Hay, Johnson. Audrey and Darlene An- . U>1J - t0 J Janet Johnson, Louise Hunt, Betty dreas. Darlene Kathleen Marguerite1 n sp ay evening at ^Felti" and Jimmy,' Dickif and Marjori? and'Lillian Ackerman of Beividere,'the home of Mr' and Mrs" Edward rj^-iedrieh, - . . Adeline Dundee of) Barrington, Mrs. - Mrs Welcome Mrs. Hamilton, Mr Tuckpr and son and Mrs^Harold Ack- «id Mrs. Chandler of Racine and erman of Belvide?e were also present !•;-Frankie. Stephenson spent Sunday } Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler and two children of Ogden, Utah, were calHers at tlje home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. last Thursday. VSolon Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner andj ^ "With Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. The W. S. C. S. will meet with Mrs. i JR. J. McKelvey at~ Greenwood on Fri- •-."•iay- Walter Low, Roy Barker, Helen and, JOHNSBIJRG W^rtz at Ivanhoe. - ' Sunday even\ng, visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mathews were Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Dorwin, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Lueder and son and daughter of Wauconda and Mrs. R. S. Bouland of Jacob's subdivision. Mrs. Harry Raeberg and in^ftnt son of Beividere are' unending two the home ^of MlU. C«M» Mr. and ,Mrs. Ray Bartholf of Richmond, were callers*; iii the Walter Watts home Stinday, -s>r Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams spent^Stm^ day with his-brothei- Art Adaitis and family at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Geo! Pester of Grayslake were callers in the John Pester home Sunday. Geo. is recovering nicely after an operation. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aylward of Chicago, sold their home in Chicago and have moved to their home in • A p^rty of ^friends pleasantly surpri §e<l Mrs. AlbfeH Britz in honor of her birthday at her home on Wednesday night. Cards and visiting were the evening's diversion and a lunch was served with a large birthday cake. Those to" make up this happy party were Mr. and Mrs.'Joseph Britz and children of «R<K;k Island, Mr. and Mjs: Arthui jklein.apd daughters of Johns-: burg, I^i s. .William* Britz, ^dayghte^, Shirley, Fox Lakc% Mr. and" Mr&. Leander Lay • and Mi*, and Mrs. Norbert Klaus.-..- . V. .' . / Mr. and Mrs. John ^Tith of John^ burg were visitors in the Arthur Kattner #Sme" Wednesday nig*ht. Herbie Wagner, Billy Kattn^r, Eugene May and Tommy Freund enjoyed an afternoon of swimming at Twin Lakes Thursday afternoon. Mr. andMrs. Martin Stoffel. ana family of McHenry called on Mr. and Mrs. George W. May Thursday afterth" Albert Britz home on Wednesday Members^ of her club met at the home of Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer on Friday night. The evening was spent at pinochle and the lovejy awards "Went to Mrs. Albert Britz and Mrs. Math Nimsgern while consolation went to Mrs. Schmeltzer.^ Refreshments were served. The club will meet next at the home of Mrs. Arthur Xattner. Sunday visitors' iri the Math Nimsgern home were Mr. and Mrs. Nick Jung of Ringwood, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Degen and family, Kenosha, Mr. and Mrs. John Amborn and Roy Nelson Chicago Misses Bernice and L Nimsgern of th for- the weekend. N An evening of cards was spent in jthe A1 Schmeltzer home on Monday , night by. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund, Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and MrV and Mrs. Charfea Freund. • ' " • r : V *' -:x : • 7 **- Dally ' • - - . Daitty v dusting with clestt* - cheescloth, old silk, material, ch«n>'. ically treated dusjt cloths, or tens, is recommended to" maintain , the beauty of wood finishes. Dustiaf- With clean, soft cloths not only - v moves the d-ast l?ut it polishes the surface and brings out the beauty at the grain of the wood. Soiled dust cloths are Jiltely V-;- TIME FOR noon. Mrs. Joe Adams and Mrs. E. E. Mr. and Mrs.-Albert Brit^ atid Mr. Cropley spent Saturday afternoon in an<^Mrs. Wade Sanborn spent Sunday Fox Lake. I in Elgin. ' 1 Mrs. Harvey Brown and son Tom-| Supper guests in the Harry Myers mie of Aurora,"returned to their home phome Thursday we/e Mr. and Mrs..; artfir spending a week in the home^at . Leonard Lin^berg, son, Robert, of C. L. Chicago/ i ^ poris Thomas spent Sunday at Starv- Mrs. Henry Stoffel, of Volo, is : weeks at , . • * fid Rock. _ , taking care of her father John Pitzen ! Dowell. - Mr. and Mrs. Ed Neal ancT^Marie a lew days this week. j Miss Francis Davis and M'tiling, JJeal of Oak Lawn spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. Roman Schaefer and | Bauer spent Saturday eveniiyt tit ' h«- • ^nd in the Roy Neal homtf. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Iis^in Schaefer of Wau- home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl ConvtirMi John Smith spent the weekend with j kegan, were callers here Wednesday in honor of the birthday of Mf, Coir- • frit nds in Chicago. ^ ; evening, / verse; • w- ? Mr. and Mfs. Ralf(h Clay and fam-I , Mrs. Joe Huemann and Mrs. W|al- Mr. and' Mrs. John Blomirren were fly and Edna Peet of Rockford spent | ter Smith were Elgin callers ThuTs- dinner and supper, .guests" Sunday at the weekend in the" Ed Peet home. jd*y. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond -• Mrs. Ed Bauer, LjiAnn and Marvin, ' Mii». WmIter Freund and son, of I l»usk at Maple Park. In the evening ^ v jjEPent Friday and Saturday with Mr. i Inglenide, < h1Um| on Mrs: Wm. ,J.1 ®®tty Lou Lusk was baptized and X *nd Mrs. Marvin Arseneau at Crystal Meyer* Wrdru-wlay. . | joined the M. E. chuix-h at Maple ttake. Mr*. Hoy ||«*rlrlt of Woodstock | Park. The Young Aflults met^witJi'Marjon M 'fa*. v•» in thf home of Mrs. |..'. Monday callers at the home of Mr. fHawley on TTiursday-eveninjr. After If... Hrnilh, Mi Wiij ,1 Meyers called «»n Mfi » W«lt«r Freund at T ' t y t v e n i n g - r -- Mr. .Mi v» >V«er K, Freund and her parents, Mr. and Mrs O s b o r n . - : Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Benson from Wonder l^ake, and Mrs. Ben Benson and Mrs. Frank Schuring left Sat. morning for a week's vacation at <>lfenu and Tomahawk, Wis. j Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gardner returned home after spending a few •fay* on a fishing trip at Mountain Wla. They report the fishing was tcood. ^ : './»'• Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear of Mc Henry were callers in the Willis Jackson hbme* Saturday. « MisS Eleanor Harris of Idaho Falls, Idaho and Mr. And Mrs. Carroll HasT kell anc| daug^tPi'^ Carroll Jean (<jf Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Britz and fam-' ily 6f Rock Island visited relatives here several days last week. Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Georgo W. May and Mrs. Arthur Kattner visited Mrs. Walter Smith -in Johns-- burg Thursday afternoon. . - A party of friends invaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles May on Thursday night. The occasion wa'sirL honor of thfeir twentieth wedding an-" niVersary. After the couple had overcome their surprise, card tables were set up and a pleasant evening at cards followed. Prize winners in five hundred were Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. Frank Bergsma. The serving come To^rne aid of our country! ANY CAR that's a gas waster, oil Waster, or rubbing its tires away* through faulty alignment, isn't „ playing ball with Uncle Sam! Bring your car in. Our experts, with factory-approved equip* v inent, will put it in bang-up at ibw cost. And our w_ J)rive slowly save gas, sov#l l^tireS/Save youlu*. car. * BilY WAR '.i 'BONDS with ^ ydur savlngl~~ BUDGET PIAH MAKES IT EASY! Phone One •West McHeriryylll. ttie, business meeting the group enjoyed a "weenie roast" in WalkupV -->Woods at Crystal Lake. /-^,( Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison, M>* Jlenry Stephenson jind Mrs .Ho\ Mm and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were A1 Sland, i Mike Motto of Elmwood Park and ! Mrs. Byers and son, Albert. i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and; daughter, Joan and itfrs. Catherine iImiiitMim I>mV» mi i • Mft«( l^'ltoy Meyers I Wagner of near Grayslake speht Suntison attended Eastern Star meeting »»tr Kvw|«i|t 'f)iiiin(m at Woo<l-' (*ay al the home of Mr/and Mrs. C. evening, j H. Hansen Mi*, Ale*. Pii umi und' daughter 1 ' Mr. and-Mc^. Arthur Hillier from Natiey Mpedi.-H .few tlteyn in "the" home ! Barrington, Mr. an'd Mrs. Raymond (if Mi's. Ht««jilii*M M. Smith. ( Van Natta of Elgiij and Mr, and Mrs. Mr?<. MmiJIih Freund of- Woodstock ; Edward. Nelson of Chicago were- .visi, J;ors Sunday at. the home of Mr. and • at Hebron Wednesday evening. Alice agd Marion Peet, of Elgin /spent the weekend with their par- #nts. ' Mr. anil Mrs. Harold Elmendorf and ^/Jjaughters of Nealsville, .Wis., spent "Pent Frida^ and Saturday with her weekend with Mr-, and Mrs. Oscar j-niother. MrnVMath Freund. . /Berg. I Bill Marz a Chicago caller Fri- Airs. Stanley Hunt and family spent day. ; Sunday, with Mrs. Jones in Woodstock.1 Mrs. John Degen and daughter / • George Young returned home on -Je&netf were Waukegan callers Satur-i day evening visitors at the hom /- Thursday from St. Therese's hospital ;,rfay- ! Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. in Wiaukegan. . i Mr.' and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chi-j Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes and Mr. 7;'" Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and cago spent Satiwd«y and Sunday in and Mrs. Roy Rhody of Chicago spent family, Silas Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mrs.'Delia Miller. Sunday evening at the home of Mr. Tfcric Wille and son spent Sunday in ; . - Mr. and Mrs. Bob , Wilke and Mr! ^ Mrs. Frank LaBelle. . the Fred Wiedrich home. mid Mrs. Bob Snyder of Chicago and j ivIr- a.nd Mrs. Jefon Blomgren were Mrs, Henry Stephenson, Mrs. Ken- Mr. and MrS. Everett Thomas spent j v's,'t°rs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. " Beth Cristy and Mrs. Clinton Martin Saturday and Sunday , in the home of i Harry Mathews Saturday. ,r attended the semi-annual conference Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. j Mr. and Mrs. W. Stivinke• and 6i the W. S. C. S. at Wheaton on1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe |(arls entertained' ^eir daughter, Lucy,; of Chicago Mrs. G. J. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Wagner atnd daughter, ' Joan, and Mrs. Catherine Warner of near Grayslake were Sunof Tuesday. Bishop L^e of Singapore and {relatives from Chicago Sunday. ^Manila was the shaken \ | Miss Katie Pitzen of Chicago spent Helen Johnson spent the weekend » few days with her. father, John in the P.. E. Saunders home at Fon- Pitzen. tana. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and family spent Sunday in McHertry. Mrs. Jennie Bacon spent. Friday with relatives in Eilgin. Mrs. Miller of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Wm". J son LeRoy, and Mr. ancKMrs. Walter Freund and son Billy." spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. jack Bobman at Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Jack -T^iesfatid son Mrs. Andrew Hawley spent Saturday Jackie, Mr. and Mrs." afternoon with Mrs. Si W. Smith. /and Mr. and Mrs. John King and son Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and sons of Johnnie attended the graduation par- Spring Grove spfent Sunday in .the Ed . ty of Eugene King Friday evening. Peet .hoipe, ! Mrs. Fred Smith and son Norbert Mr. and Mrs. E^ Bauer, LuAnn and !ar^ spending a few day up North, Marvin, were Sunday dinner guests in-! spent last week at their cottage at Mylith Park. Mr. and Mrs. A." Berger of Mylith Park entertained a.^large crowd of Meyers and 'friends from Chicago overrthe weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. LoVegren have left Mylith Park and are making their home at Morris, 111., where Mr. Lovegron has secured a permanent position. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brennecke are spending a few weeks at the Hillside cottage at Mylith Park. L, . Mrs. B. Kosnos and Mr.- arid- Mrs Arthur ^Johnson of Chicago were the Pete "Weber home at Woodstock. j-spent Sunday in the home of "her ^Mrs. Herbert F,amain;^ arid son,! mother, Mrs". Wm. Althoffi'. Jerry, of Goodfield are visiting in the ^ ' *"iB. T. Sutler home. j 7 „ \r/^T Wesley Hunt spent the week with , V.UJLO r'his grandmothfirr "Mrs. Thomnson »t ^i '. • Woodstock. • •! r-! - . ' ........ Sunday dinner-guests in the C. t:' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Engles of Ctli-- 'Ha; rison hom.- were Mr. and Mrs. cago spent Sunday at the home of Henry Marlowe and sons of Huntley.,' Mr. _and Mrs. Glenn Bacon. Mrs. Frank Wattles and. son, Qlen, of j &f- and Mrs. Harry Chambeis- and McHenry. I daughters visited the latter's parents, Mrs. Katherine Young and Art Mr. and Mrs: O, Anderson in Chi- - Smith of McHenry called on George j ca^° Saturday evening. . Young Saturday afternoon. , 7 I c Mrs. Herman Dunker and son^-Rob- ,-Mr. ^and Mrs. Joe Miller and family jert, of Capron called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Thursday. Mrs. Frank St. George visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dusil, in Berwyn Tuesday,. - • The St. Peter's school held their graduation exercises at the Grant Township high school Sunday evening.. The following students'received their diplonifes: Mary Ann Regrier, Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin, iipuests 'ast Friday evening at the ' ~ ' home of Mr. and Mrs. A.tV. Mason.. Mr. and Mrs. B. Ruthenb?rg: of My-. u Park visited the latter's: uncle, , .of Mc-Henry were callers in the Roy .. Wiedrich home Sunday afterndon. Jtfr.' anc^ Mis. George Bacon.of Anr * • tioch were Sunday supper guests in the Jennie Bacon home. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hanford of.Long • Lake wr re callers in the S: \tf. Smith ".r home Sftnday afternoon.r » ^ Maxine Clay of Rockford ftf~speiid- • - - j ...... • •* »ng three»weeks with her grandpar-f^'ehe"Tlie^ne^- Katherine Marie Wag^ erits, Mr.*and Mrs. Ed Peet. ner, Leona Wegner, Helen'Detrick and i<X' ' . -Mr. and-Mrs. Frank Merges and [Donald Bi'own. . - -• «. '* » . sons of Evanston and Miss Helen Bil- i Mr.--and Mrs. . Waiter Vasey. aiid / stein of Chicago .wei'e Sunday evening-} family spent ^Sunday at .the tfo'fiy of callers'in the Ed Bauer home. " ' ** -- - - 77 , "-...Mr, &nfL'MT&K.'£h$Mft.y Harrison at- :i tended a dinner at the Woodstock * Country Club on Tuesday evening for j.®*. the hgnie of Mn and Mrs.. Lloyd : grand worthy matrons and'patrons of ' Fishei" Saturday!/ ^ ; 7 the Eastern Star. | Mi s. Frank St. George enjoyed a Mr. and Mis; Ed Smith and Kar^n iuneheon at the.home of Mr. an^l Mrs. : , of Crystal Lake were callers in the7®erriard ^an'te in Evanston Thurs- /'-ug^G^flrge Young home Sunday evening. tdayv »; 4 'Mis.'1 Ixster^Carr, Charles and Joe,[ Mrs. William Waldmann 'is a pa« ,:4.-1-'. and Mpe Wiedrich spent Tuesday at tient at the Woodstock hospital. j. Brookfield Zpo. • 7 ' j Mrs. Len Littlefield and . son are , V e l o r a ^ u t t o n i s , v i s i t i n g h e r < J a u n t , ! s p e n d i n g a - f e w d a y s i n W a u k e g i a n a t Marguerite Covell Sat Richmond, ., '!the honje,^ M.r.7an<J Mfs. Walter 7;.' Mr*. Fred Wiedrich and Mae spent' Utjlefield." ~ 7 ..J / Saturday .afternoon in Harvard. I Horace Grabbe and Mrs. F. • vS Clarence Youiitj and son, David, of4 Gilbei^ and feori of Ivanhoe visited M^-}^nry/^er^al%p^rr--the George / Young honje on SundayVtefnOon. * |7W -The W. S. C. S. will hold a dinner ? . M the Community Jail oji JK^fafesday^ * * . ) V ' - - ^ . i • lith Gust Thompson, in .Chicago last Thursday. Mr. Thompson is very ill at this time.. SOLON MILLS Elmer Neilson and son Junior and Billy Neilson of Chicago are spending this week at. their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carnes and sdh Billy of Chicago spent Sunday at the Arthur Carnes hormvliere.^ Solop people were shockifflVjU>-<Oear of the sudden death of John McDonald Sr., at his farm home near Richmond Sunday. Mr. McDonald was a brdther of Mrs. C. W. Crhpley. Mr. and Mrs. John Sugrue of Chicago. spent Saturday night at the Wm. -Gfeser home. They l"ft Sunday morning for Peshtigo, Wis., where Jhey will spend" this week. Mrs. Dorothy Kuhn ot Chicago . Sftent. the Weekend at the Joe K Mr. and Mrs. GLar^ncfe Grabbe^ at jhonrie^ Crystal Lake. * ' J *• «Thr> Solon-RichmondJHome Bureau Peter Reiland of Northbrook called Unit held ijs; last regular -meetin for the summer at the home of •Frank Kilpatrick, .Friday,. Jun Ttep nominating committee i reported • the following of'ficeiV>for next year: i Chairman, Mrs. R. R.Turner; Vice-7 Chairman, Mrs. Ralph Thomas; i Secretary, Mrs.' Wnt. Gardner. • Mrs. Emily Merchant returne home Saturday after spending the week with his cousin, Mrs. Elizabeth Merchant, Greenwood. Earl Schultz of Wauconda, 'spent Sunday with his jnother, Mrs.. Belle SchultZ. - ; •Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. James and.. Mr. and Mi s. Eruefy Janes and Mrs.; Gilbert. '0# Milwaukee, Wis., spent'. Sunday in the. home of ^fr. and Mrs, ^.VNliian; Wirt.. Friday. The Volo.unit of the Lake bounty Home Bureau entertained the Grayg- 35!^^nead»y aHhr.Wauconda War Production and Electric Power in Northern Illinois Implement* of war for land, scrand air are rolling from assembly lines of faaories that not long Ago were producing peace-time needs, or did not even exikt Electric po^er not only helped to speed the conversion of plant facilities and the building of new plants, But is now making it possible for industry to meet and surpass production goals. Supplying electric power for war production in the Northern Illinois area we", serve is/6ur first duty. PUBLIC SERVICE^COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ' Serving Vita! Illtclne Power for_W'ar~Prtfilucticn in Northern lllincis /-:;- Servioe Order101 Williams^ St., ^pystiil^Lake'%SephoW'Sxitex3irls4:^Qb^-

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