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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1942, p. 2

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4^ . , • P*gt Two RINGWOOD M..M- IV THX McHXKKY»i>kat.«i> Thursday, July 2, 19# ROGERS BROS. -Th£ annual Krohn reunion was held •>Y' y". »t the hfftiie of Mr. and Mrs. R. B; ,Mer. •hant on 'Sunday^' June 28. Games feasrball, horseshoes -and visyting made %p the day's entertainment.. SPRING GROVE Amy. VVompool,«Mrs. Frerf WiedrioH ant} Albert. Jjctaalts. . ' , Florence Zapfe of Chicago and John Smith wrre Sunday tiinmr guests of Mr. afid Mrs. Andrew Hawley. * The Home Bureau pifnk? will be j The Community Club h*ld its r^puheld at the Ringwood school groundsjlar meeting on Monday night at St. on July 7th. 4-H club .members and | Peter's Parish Hall. All members and their mothers are invited, , . | ethers present contributed to a fund A. J. Butler sons Andy and Doriald, j for the purchase of a large' American home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodene at Mylith Park. ... Mr. and M*'s. Albert Berger of- Chicago, enjoyed the weekend at their cottage at Mylith Pa'rk. ! Mr. and Mrs. H. Krueger, Jr., of Chicago, .spent last Sunday at the home of the former's parent®, Mr. and Mrs. H. Krueger', Sr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson of Chicago, were guests last weekend at the cot-" tape of Mr. and Mrs; B. Ruthenberg, at Mylith. Park. ' Sunday guests at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. A. V*. Mason, at Mylith Park, were Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. M. Sulke and daughter,'Karen, of Chicago^ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Novak and daughter Arlfne of --Chicago, are spending a week at their cottage at Mvlith Park. * %hioh will be long remembered by. j flf Chicago were callers in the^B. T. , Flag to be placed in St. Peters *11. A nicnic dinner and supper was Butler hpnio,' Sunday evening. ~s church. Following the meeting a social tojove<Tort the lawn Those making ' Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison [ evening at cards^as held and refreshtip this happy proup were: Mr. and |were callers in Crystal Lake Saturday jinents served. _ - . -Mrs. August Burrow and Hazel, oft evening?.^ .V V : ; ,A party of friends gathered at the' Harvard Mr and Mrs Prang Krohn j Billy tirennan of • Harvard spent ; home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and Frahk of Woodstock. Bonnie and, the weekend with " his parents, Mr. | on Tuesday night in honor of their Connie L?ach of Chicago; Mr. and.|and Frec^ Wiedrich, Jr. ' _ ( Tenth Wedding Anniversary: About Mrs R"; E. Howard and Alice and I Mrs. John X^edle and daughter,,] twenty-five guests were present and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Merchant ofiMacion, called on Rev. and Mrs. Col-, the evening was spent at <?ards and .Kenosha; LaVW Eaglg of Saulte-St Jlins on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. visiting. Piize^to those achieving Marie. Mi«*h;r;^ and "Mrs. ElmeriJ/eedkwasl(a former teacher in Ring-.High scores mTfive hundred went to Johnson, Niles, Virginia and Irene wood.;: ' Y'n.R" ^r,S- ^ ?aUSr *nd Mrs. Nellie Johnson of Elgin; i Mr.andHr$. 'Alfred Kattner ofland ,Mrs.Ben May. A lovely lundi Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Steinke of Richmond, were callers in; the Ed. i was served by the guests at the con- > Indianapolis Ind.; M.r s. T, EJ Bauer home Wednesday evening. tclusioh of a pleasant evening. Those talker and ~Mr. kndh Mrs. T; F. i The New Sunday school program j present were;, Rev. John Daleideii, ^ ' Walker Jr- arid ftobert'of Waukegan - 'to be followed/throughout tHe summer ;. Messrs?; and Mesdames Ben May, Wsltei Kiohn of Hebron; Mrs. Chas'lwill start Suri^y. Al]^ May, Anton Meyers Frank , chica£ro calk>rs Wednesday Coles McCuIlom Lake; Mr. ancT JUrs.iwelcome. , Ant™ Widhalny Ed. Bauer ^ Gh,caP0 calkrs Wednesday >. - -;pete Olsen and Peter of McHenry: i 5 Mrs^ Amy Wompool, who has been. | Albert Bntz, Gregory Kattner, Chas; ' " i 'Mr. and Mrs, R C. '-Harrison and visiting Rev- artd Mrs. Collins, left j May and Al Schmeltzert Also Miss " '^dvt.H and 'Jrattk - Smith,v Charles [for her htytie in Vandajia, Ohio on -Anne Spindler and Paul Weber. : .Kr'ohjii Ethel and Lbis; • Leonard (MonSay.' v • ; • 1 'jV.,nfant so« '.®f • Mr- fnd ^rs. '"Krohn and Mr, *and Mrs. R. B: Mer- Don Smart and Bob of [J°hn Sheets was christened Jerry An- \.hant. Avidrev 'a'nd Rita- Mae, Mr.^Waiakegah; sp«it Sunday iniM'Fredjthony at St. Peter's church with Rev. - Mr and Mrs. !XJl£ri Benoy, Terry A'^-i Wi-drich.- Jr., home. Mrs. Smart re- John Daleiden officiating on Sunday, *nd Glenn. ' ' ' "" ' ' JOHNSBIJRG Mrs. John Smith and son Clarence !turned home^^ with thein aifter spend-!June 2.1 ajtr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt "Vfend Billy Sc.Hrnltt and Mrs. Katherine ing several 'day's with the"WiedricTis, j Mr. and«\Mrs. Walter Brown spent The Happy Clover ; 4-H ciub met [ the past week with home;, folks in ; Young of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. with I.Uann Bauer on Wednesday. Iowa. While there they attended the Fuller Boutelle of Lake Geneva, call-1 Games and lunch were enjoyed after wedding of Mrs. BroWn's' sister, Myrfd on Ceorge Young, Monday evening, -j the meeting. The next meeting will be na Elliot. Shirley . Hawjey called on Bob Muriel Butler. Schulz at, St. LukeX Hospital'in Chicago oli Tuesday." J „ Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and- children spent Thursday with Mrs."r j\lbert Schultz in Genoa City. _ ' • • ; BoThby Sutton returned home on Monday afternoon from the Woodstock hospital. i A ; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blake and daugh-. ter of McHem^y and Mr and Mrs. Joe Weher spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. • Rev. Collins has; returned td the hospital in Chicago. SOLON MILLS Mrs. Cary Clark of O^ak Park was a caller' in the Nellie Jackson Home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Alwin and T .. . ,, . son Peter; of Oak Park were visitors BobbetH Crist^and Amy Harrison ;at the honie of his aunt. Mrs. Hulda £ere guests of Jepson of | Buchanan, Saturday. Evanston, on Friday. I Mr • and^ Mrs. M. Aylward; and' ^3 "of auction Vrimn^red "were' Mr. and Mrif^Frank Prosser .and family of Chicago, are enjoying a week's vacation with, relatives on this vicinity. "• fTi)mmy Freund spent several days last week in the George W. May home. * Michael 'Happy'" Wagner under went surgery at St. Anne's hospital in Chicago, on Wednesday, June 24th. His two sons, Herbert "find Richard and Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Wagner visited him at the hospital on Wednesday evening and Thursday. f Mrs. Paul Lewis entertained members of her club at her home in Fox Lake on Thursday afternoon. Three Paul Bruckner of Chicago, spent daughter, Viola, of Hebron were visi- j jn p]ay an{j prjze winners were ' Fred Wwd- •<- '» •"« *"«« w--^IAI &hrr«4"^JSTkuu. Mrs. tich, Jr. home. dav last week. The Home Circle will hold a pot- ; luck dinrfer at the home of Mrs. -• Ch^urc^y Hariison on July 8. „ » Florence-Zapfe-of Chicago was a • "ffuest in the S. W. Smith home for the weekend. , , _ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson arid ; Maude Granger of ^McHenry were jWatts home Wednesda evening. «allers in the H. M. Stephenson home and Mrs. Charles Freund; travelers' Miss Vivian Kilpatrick is spending prjzes went to Mrs. Frank.J^osser, vacation with her parents, Mr- ; a guest, and Mrs. Norbert Klaus. A and Mis. Fiank Kilpatrick. |delicious luncheon was served by the Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner were j hostess Woodstock visitors Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinle, son Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fout and family of Zion, were callers in the Walter ' on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Halph Clay, Maxine, Patty and David of Rockford, spent - Sunday in the Ed Peet home--Mr: Peet had the misfortune to fall from • load of hay and, though not serious- Jy hurt, is confined to his bed. - . ^ ' Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison •pent Tuesday in Waukegan. ; Miss Cora Walters of Crystal Lake fas a caller in the L. E. Hawley home Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mrs. Joe Adams and Mrs. E. E, Cropley were Woodstock visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mi's. Wm. Watts are the parents of a girl, born Sunday, June 28, at St. Therese's Hospital, Wauke- Junior, -visited their daughter, Lorraine, in Ripoij, Wis., on Tuegday, June 23rd. . - A Forty members of the Christian Mothers of St. Peter's Parish met at thtf Parish hall on Thursday evening for a meeting and social evening at cards. Games of, pinochle, bunco and five hundred were played and prize winners' were: Mrs. Arthur Mr.'and Mrs. Wm J. Meyeri, son LeRoy and daughter, Laura, and Mrs,. Walter Freund- and sort Billy called on Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefe* at Waukegan Thursday afternoon. - Art Peters and Ben Tonyan s|rtj& Saturday and Sunday up ttoftH >,oij, a fishing trip. Miss Catherine Althoff of Elgin, spent Sunday in the Home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mrs. Walter Freund and" son "Billy^-j of Ingleside spent Saturday with Mrs. Wm. J, Meyers. • Math Schaefer, ef Chicago, is spending a few dayS with his brother, Mike Schaefer, ; Mr. and Mrs. John P." Schaefer and Mr and Mrs Joe"1 Schaefer attended, the chicken dinner at.'Volo Sunday; Mr. and Mrs- Irvin Schaefer o£ Waukegan, were callers here Sundays evening. v • v.; Mrs. Irene Smith wa& a-.Chicago caller, Friday. V* '• Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorskiv1of Woodstock and Mr and Mrs. George King* spent SuViday in the home of Joe Miller. . » . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and' daughter, Nancy, of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Smith and children of Grayslake, visited with relatives here Sunday. _ ,' Donald Michels was a Woo3stock caller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snyder of Chicago, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Elmer and LeRoy Meyers and Lloyd Oeffling were' W:oodstock callers Saturday afternoon. Might Cause Radio Trouble - • Some radios, are particularly sen* sitive to disturbances caused by thfe ignition of an oil burner. The condition can be corrected by the installation ^ intermitted ignition "with proper controls. From Chance to Sciefte* Trained geologists have largely* repl^c«d rule-of-thumb prospectors in expforinjg for new oil e»d mineral deposits, but most of the world's known store of metal was first discovered. by mfen who had neither scientific nor technical guidance. is wounct' id- to pre- c . Rubber Glove as Icebaf If an emergency,arises for an ice* bag Ind none is at hand, a rubbef. glove will serve for a short time, * The glove is filled with small pieces of ice and a rubber band tightly around the wrist end vent leaking.--Popular Mechanics - . - j i ' • Beef^-tea is nothing more than colored water, but nevertheless has a real function. It stimulates the appetite and aids digestion, for the gastric juices flow more abundantly when it is taken. : DISTINGUISHED SERVICE **Thf»t couple over there. very spoony." " "Yes, he was born with a spoon in his mouth, ami she is mafc', ing a collection of silver spoons.*'" - ' ' £.rr"" /V.'.lvA' nxe /VATI OA/At SAFETY <Vt**C'L gan aiV^ ^rs- •^U^>er.t. an<^ I Kattner in pinochle; Mrs. Richard Vern Roddel were McHenry visitors Ju„K and Mrg Christirta Hergott in Saturday afternoon. bunco; and five hundred winners were Mrs. Geo. Pester of Grayslake was \ Mrs Frank May Mrg Norbert Klaus a caller in the John Pester, hdme | Mrs Math. Freundj Mrs. George W. Saturday. ^ j May, Mrs. John Kattner, Mrs. Math. j2S3^er,,•Mrs' ^ M Fo"°w'ne r • tfJf" f Xhe Wood8tock on j his parents, Mr. and Wednesday evening. 3 f & ' Members of the W. S. C. S. attend- .'*.'"%ig conference in Evanston on Friday *ere Mrs. Chas. Peet, Mrs. Kenneth •Cristy, Mrs Viola Low and Mrs. C. J. 4epson. Mrs. Cristy also attended the iU,ohe0,lif0r L preSid/"tS ^ the W- S- was a visitor in the home of her sister, '• " Si'preW" Mrs. Belle Schultz, Sunday.-^- Lyman Johonott is spending a few Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rothermel and family have moved from the Turner house to Twin Lakes. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Wiedrich and family have moved £0 the Turner house. Miss Jennie Cairns of Woodstock a 11 1 'c€ cream and cookies were „l;ise^ed by the committee in charge.. A special prize, an electric coffee urn with creamery set and tray to match, went to Mrs. Joseph E., Miller of Richmond. N|er^ in Evanston. the same day •r Marion Peet of Elgin spent several ^ays last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent -'Wednesday in Batavia. . : ^ Mrs. Clarence Mortenson and Brad " "t and ^' S- Ann Peterson of | gunday "evening"Quests Tn ^ - . Bockford spent Saturday with Helen ! Turner home. * - Johnson and Janet. Mrs. E. E. Oopley attended a card Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr art? ^n- i party at the h^me 0# Mrs. Wallace days with his family here Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gieser and Audrey Aubert of Chicago spent the weekend at their summer home hi?re. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Moody and "son, Lester and family of Chicag6 were SLOCUM LAKE , IfcHenry were callers in the Ji kome Sunday. ^ Mns. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.; Mrs. Jack -Leonard, Mrs. Don Smart of Waukegan amivHelgn Johnson spent Friday atfternoon with Mrs. Charles Bren- - nan at Elkhorn. Mr. and Mrs. Pete^ Weitigart, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson and Jim and ^--joying a fishing trip at Cheteck Wis I uY . 5 « t' a ¥va;'act' ^land Lake, spent Saturday evening a<«»iidu EJ.wr». JjoonLn JJuunngg "annda "soonn* ,I Dno°obny naSn (Jj" w on -first prze at five hun- « the h»me of Mr. and Mrs. Harff ugene, of Spring Grove called on 1 Cleorge Young, Friday afternoon. „ T u « j Mrs. Wirto ^d daughter, ^ose, of , and, Mrs. John ^Hatham and amily and Mrs. Sarah Schmidt of ion were Sunday evening callers in the Henry Aubert and Joe London homes. Mrs. Hatham arjd children remained for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick and son, Frank, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kilpatrick weht to Chicago Sunday mornipg to meet Ray Kilpat- Chris Smith of McHenry and Mr. and jviek^who is home on furlough from Mrs. James Bell • **ere calbrs in the ! Cimp^Roberts, Calif. George Young home on. Sunday. | Elmer Neilson, son Junior, and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peters of Har- ,f"ends of Chicago spent Sunday at vard were Saturday evening callers in j their summer home here. . the B. T. Butler home. | Mr. and Mrs. John Sugrue,""of Chi- Edna ^Prot of Rockford is visiting cago, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Alher paientsVM^. apd Mrs. Ed Peet. I guire of Peshtigo, Wis., were Sunday M rs. D. C^^ftCcon of Crystal Lake ' guest? in the Wm, Gieser home. V called on'Mrs. L.VE. Hawley*'on Fri-' 'Mr. and -Mrs. Herman Schwabe and | ers at Klgin last Thursday. ' day. . - j sons ' Bob and David of Chicago, and j Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Mrs Nick Young entertairied friends ; Miss Penny Corrigan of Oak Park i Chesney, spent last Wednesday even- . from Crystal fe»ke'on Monday. jand Mr and Mrs. Chester Kilpatrick ing at the home of Mrs. Ella Parks | Rev. and Mrs. Collins and Mrs;) Antioch, spent Sunday in the Frank ' at Park-Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and two children attended the picnic at St. Peter's church at Volo Sunday. „ Mrs. C. H. ^Hansen and guest* Miss Hubertine, Ros§, of Caney, Kansas, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F^ank LaBelle last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller of Harfy Matthews, *' Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaBelle visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krueger at Williams Park. Sunday evening. ,_ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son Lyle. called a t the Albert J. Stahl.i, home at Prairie View. Monday evening. Mr. Stahl. a past president of the Lake Co. Farm Bureau passed away at his home Sunday a. m. Miss Jennie Dowell and nephew. Oliver Raeburg. were*callers at Barrington last MOnday. •Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters,- Jennie and Marion, and Mrs. Harry Raeburg and children, spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson at Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Earl, Converse and daughter, Francis,'were business call- Wompool of Vandalia, Ohio, attended KilpatriclffiOme, conference in Evanston from Thurs-; Weekend guests in the W. H. Garddayjuntil Sunday and, j^lso visited their ner home were Miss. Ivy, Riahai'dson sons. of Rock Island and Miss Lucille Ste- Lorene^ and Edith Harrison "spent [veins _of Chicago." Monday m Elgin, [ Mr. and Mrs. J,ohn Sanderson of " A."\V. Smith was a Sunday dinner Chicago spent the weekend at their and supper guest in the S. W. Smith summer home here. *. home. :\ I Arthur Games s^pent the weekend Ellis Price and MrsTICraft of Chicago ' Th^'Happy, Clover 4-H eluH held ^ ^ home here. . j Robert Matthews, in company with their first, meeting at Nthe Home of .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Aubert and 1 ®°Ju^.nc? ,anf' son> Robert, Carol Harrison on. June 17. Members fami& of Chicago wei=e Sunday everi; a^° ^ s sub-division, are spending elected to offices were. Pres.,' Lua'nn ing guests in the Wm- Gie§er home. I wee't tH® Bouland cottage in Ray Dow el] wal a caller at Barring ton Saturday. y Callers the past we»?k at the hojne Of. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. ~Brfyks Were Mrs. Corzint- of Corzine Ropd, Misses Orissa Brqwn and Althea Cos's and Mrs. Cora Price of Wauconda, Mrs. Maude Hunter CarwMr. and' Mrs. Bauer; Vice-Ri^s., Carol Harrison; f Fi;ed Schroder;. Vetn Roddel, Alan Sec. Suzanne Muzzy; Treas., Farrell and Lorraine Blumberg of Chicago, Mai tin;'Reporter, Muriel Jean Butler. <1 spent the weekend at the Henfy Au- Dorothy SmitH' and Norma Carlson bert home. " were chosen recreational leaders. Amy j Mr an(j ^s. Wm. Aubert and Harrison is the leader The group of. Ringwood, and Hany Tur- .had Their picture taken by. a publish- ,^ of ^Oodstock were vMtofT% ing concern--after the meeting games f town' Thursday. *an^ iun^ en-f®yed-. .Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley -an<i»j"Lake. and Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliam Land- Mrs. Jack Leonard spent the week- Mrs. Hazel Kilpatrick attended the-| wer. of Lake Zurich, were, callers frf"" ^th her husband at Chariot^, , cal(j party sponsored by St, Joseph's j Sunday eveYiing~at the home of Mr. » Ichurch at Hunter's Golf Club Frids> Mr. arid Mrs. George# Young were Michigan. Mr. Bouland will join them on July 4 and 5. Ray Dowell and Qtis Hatton w callers at Woodstock last Thursday. Harry Raeburg, of Belvidere, visited his wife and children at the"1iome of Mrs. Celia Dowell, Monday eveni Mr. Otis Wayne--Bacon of "Crystal - - . , Dr. and Mrs. Joe CorOn of Pell LaKe- C*"" S in Evanston-on S^rday. .|spent Saturday at the -fe E. Cropley , Edson Ho^e of * Woodstock ..was -a .j • * , ' • caller in the Harrispn-Peet home Sun- j ; ' r: '•'•" ' ' \. s ,~ iday'-&fternoon. j; . » •<" ;. ' •• "Mr jprif Ann * Wiedrich was baptizpd =t the'HoTTip ofyheU' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich, by Rev. Collins on Sunday, evening and sponsor.- Wtre Fred Wied 17ch. her grandfather >|rs. Albert Schultz, her grandmotbtr. Others- present were. Mrs. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. B. Ruthenberg of Mylith Park, were callers^-in Chicagolast Friday. Mr. a?)d Mrs. Paul Kummei-ow of Qak Park spent last weekend at their cottage at Mylith-Park. Mw5. H. Kellerman and Mrs'. A. Are you entitled to wear a "target" lapel button? Yoo are if you are investing at J Solberg of Chicago, were-luncheon.' least ten percent of your income in War Bonds every pay day. It's una bBdgt el patriotism. guests last Tuesday at the Ai V. Mason cottage at Mylith Park. , Mr. and MrB., Hubert Rodene of Chicago, spent Father's Day at the War Production and Electric Power Northern Illinois On the ways, in the war fita'nrs, factories arid shops of Northern Illinois, war production is constantly reaching greater goals. Month after month, materials and equipment for war on the sea, on ,the land and in the air are ..pouring out of this area. . ^ - . . v In this vast production of war implements, the con stant flow of electricity turns the wheels of industry, changes the hours of darkness into hours of pro duction and in countless other ways plays an important part in the war effort. PUBLIC S^RVIC% COMPANY NORTH ILLINOIS Serving Vital Etetrit Powit for for-: Productiptnn 'HortbtnLjlUms -r-.r v . -- - - ' « • " " I i'i V Service Order --101 Williams St., Cry st&l Lake -- Telephone Enterprise 4100, • f 7- •W

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