|V f7' - • ' T*' ••'"X -v.;. rr.nr^.rr^ Vi'-> f;\ _ fig* Two .ji . . .. • •;.• •, :t ;JSt- *« MoHSNRY PLAIMDEALES Thursday, Ai^ust 6,1MB. RINGWOOD were callers in "the KTVC. home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman of $elv?dere are spending a few weeks in the John Hogan home* Mrs. Joe Wagner of McHenry called on Mrs. William McCannon Thursday afternoon. Mr: and Mrs. Ray Peters of Harvard were callers in the Louis Hawley Harrison* pafter spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cropley. Bttrl Schultz of Wauconda spent Sunday with his, mother, Mrs. Belle Schultz. • " Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Roe and sou, Stephen, of Berwyn, were Wednesday evening callers in the C. W. Cropley home. Dinner guests in the W. H. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Lou Abendroth of • &gin spent Sunday with Jennie Bacon ' .'here. " % Mildred Thiel of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. /Clarence Warburton. J home Saturday evening. ..jhome Sunday were Mr.'""'anl3"*'"]Strs. ]i'/ Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Engstrom of St. Fred Wiedrich, JY., and Mary Ann, j Lawrence Johnson of Hebron and Mrs. §•«/•; Charles spent the weekend,/with Mr. t Bill and Jack Brennan and Fred Wied- William Gardner. c' land Mrs. Ray Merchant. - |rich. Sr., drove to Monroe Sunday toj Mr. and Mrs. Lee Turner were Mc- T M r s . F r e d W i e d r i c h , J r . , s p e n t f r o m j b r i n g M r s . W i e d r i c h h o m e . j Henry visitors Saturday afteratyjm. Thursday until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William McCannqn was host- • Saturday evening and Sane ' Mrs. Charles*J3rennan at Monroe, Wis. ess to the Bunco club on Thursday ; guests in the Wm. Gieser hojne were Mrs. Katherine Young, Mr. and j afternoon. Mrs. George Young, Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gieser and family *Mrs. Clarence Young of McHenry ahd ; George Shepard, Mrs. Ed. Thompson and George Gieser of Russell, 111. Sister Edulas of Milwaukee were call-j and ^jrs. Roy Merchant were awarded ; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gardner motorerg in the Georige Young home Friday .prizes. >ed to Hinkley Sunday afternoon to gVening. i I Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg and Le-j see the Ira P. Jones flock "of Dorcet f' Mr, ftJwTMrt. Roy Miller and Ger- land were tfalkrs in McHenry Sim-, sheep. - - Idtiine of Waukesha and Mrs. LaymK.; day evening. j Mr. and Mrs. William Aubert and 'I- «(f Athens, Wis., were guests in the! BflJy Brennan '-of Harvard spent!family of Ringwood spent Sundily in * Jgjh,, Hogan home Sunday. , : 1 Saturday and Sunday with his par* j the William Gieser home. Mrs. Lester Carr, Charles and joa» |tnt^, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiwirich, J». j George Pester of Grayslake was ra .' wiri Mae Wiedrich attended the tifCUS Frankie Stephenson returned home • caller in the John Pester home. Satis Elgin Thursday. j Friday from Woodstock where she had urday afternoon. • i • Mr! and Mrs. Alan Aiftgfer and son,;been visiting. ® . Mrs. E. E. Cropley and Mrs. Hazel Georgt-. of Greenwood were dinner j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant and Kilpatrick were recent guests of Mi*. • ** -*uests G**rt-ge SheiSard honte j Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Engstrom were . Minnie Dixon at Bristol, Wis. YplioT-g Walworth Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Eleanor and Dor- Senft of Chicago were callers here on Sunday.,, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer and lYiola Schaefer of Waukegan were j callers here Sunday. j Mr. anc} Mrs. Walter Freund and [ so^, Billy, of Ingleside called on Mr. i and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers Sunday. { Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls entertained relatives .from Chicago over the week 'end. . Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gprski and children of Woodstock called on Mrs. Geo. King Saturday afternoon. Bud Meyers was a Woodstock cajl&r dftjfjJFriday. Mr. and Mni. Joe Huff and children of Richmond attended the picnic here sSunday. Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Nancy, of Chicago and Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodstock visited with Mrs. Stephen H. Smith Sunday.' » . fljpnda^. , Paul Wfilkington Who is employed |<i Terra Haute, ."spenfc- the weekend j ©thy and Mrs. S. W. Smith called on r;&-:i>irith -his.family ... ;;; Jean and Joyce Harmoh of Pfin art spending" the week with' their •i"'s^'l{«indparents^Mr. and Mrfe; S; C. ftajv . " Mson. \. • ' Mrs. Nick Young spent Tuesday With her daughter and family at McHenry. Shirley HaWley spent Monday in ' Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison were callers in the William Harrison hon.*. : j 'itt Round Lake Thursday evening; ...... Mrs. Agnes Jencks visited relatives In Milwaukee Monday and brought Iter niece and nephew home to spend* •tke remainder of the week. « Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison- Mrs. H. J*. Collins. Mrs. Henry Stephenson,- Mrs. Lonnie Smith and Mrs. R. C. Harrison attended the dinner Mr. and Mrs. Lvnn Hanford at Long j Lake. Sunday afternoon. Alice Gaulke of McHenry >pent I Monday with Mrs. Robert Kralowetz. 1 Local girls attending 4-H camp at:j Lake Geneva this week are Muriel ; Butler, Carol Harrison, Pharol Marten and Suzanne Muzzy. ^ SLOCUM LAKE DONATIONS TOWARD EQUIPMENT FOE CAMP ORANT ARE WELCOME SOLON MILLS* * Master Sergeant arid Mrs. C. L. Lienback and daughter. Margaret, Emily, of Monterey. Calif., who has been spending the last week in the John Pester home, left for Cleveland, Ohio, Thursday to celebrate his parents' fiftieth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping of Starks Station were callers at Waukegn last Thursday afternoon. / Mr. Raymond, Mrs. Frerer and daughter of Chicago1 were Sunday-visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis were dinner guests last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping of Starks Station were dinner guefits on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Esping and Lyle Matthews visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoy|. Matthews at Oak Park. a Q , Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear of,,Mc . Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry and wid meeting for Wo y Ms Henry were Friday evening callers in j son, Marlett, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Patrons of Illinois, a iys ^ Nellie Jackson home. I Callahan and daughter, Jane, of ^Chillonday evening. , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn and j cago spent Saturday evening at the -Mr. and M™^. Chet Osborn were Friday guests c £en employed lfcr John Hogan left^on flight Osorn of Rockford. ^iday for Iowa where they will make, ^ and ^ Adamg their home. . frthnnv 1 itors at Woodstock Wednesday. Mrs. Roy Neal, Shirlej and Johnny, Mrg, g w Brown of Ringwood called on het* sister, Mrs. A. C.° Merrell, Saturday. were callers in Woodstock Thursday. Bobby Brennan is visiting Mr. and Hrs. Charles Brennan at Monroe. Mrnrr . a»nndu Muiras.. Geortgs e Bacon and , . „ 0 . , e___4. ers m Genoa City Saturday. Mrs. Lester Nelson of Antioch spent.) lx_ A r r ^ Tuesday evening with Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlien and home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. On Sunday, July 26, Mrs. G. J. Burnett and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake celebrated their birthdays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Ten guests besides the hostesses were present and all enjoyed a delicious Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams were call- dinner and a pleasant day. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley were company with Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerpleasantly surprised Sunday when j strom and son of North Chicago, /-n.- +v, v their 'former landlady, Mrs. Aurelia | spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and friend# of Chicago spent the weekend jMarubio and s<m Anth0ny, and daugh-! Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. Irt their home here. __ " Marilyn Tremayne of Clinton, Iowa, is visiting her aunt, Sir's/ Louis Hawley. ^ Alice and Marion Peet of Elgin Jlpent the weekend with their parents, Hr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ehlers of Elgin %ere callers in the Beatty - Low home ter. Evelyn, of 1718 Larchmont Avc., Chicago, were their guests. Mrs. Marubio has a son serving in the armet? forces in the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brown ana daughter, Beverly, and son, Tommie, and Mr. and Mrs. William Classon of Aurora, spent Sunday in the C. L. Osborn home. Beverly will stay two Sunday._ . = weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and M,!'^ "" K »'» T »"• c-1. •pent Fnday with Mrs. William Mc- j B(>bby Hopli„, o{ cincijnTisti, who The Home CM. will h«« » capsule ! is hemline two weeks with his grindparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pester, is ijister party at the home of spending a few days with George Pes- j turned ^ce Pearam on Wednesday afternoon, ^ of ^ Axx y Thr^e sf\o1ll^o wi.n g peoplj e enj.o yed. a p.ic -. i Mr. and Mrs. ^ .;".*•#i!c€ aatt the home of Mrs. Joe Mcl^ annon on Sunday: Mr. and Mi.-,, ptobert Mansfield. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peet, Edwin and Marjorie, Mr. .and Mrs. J. M. Coates of Greenwood, fUr. and Mrs. H. J. Hienze of Crystal take, Marion and Alice Peet of Elgin, •'Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison and •Jpruce and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mr. ttnd Mrs. Ed Bauer spent Sunday afternoon at Fox Lake. . Florence Zapfe of Chicago was a %|fuest in the S. W. Smith home for th« Weekend. *™ The Sunshine 4-H club held their Ralph Hack and daughter, Evelyn, of Chicago were: Monday guests in the E. E, Cropley home. i. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schwabe and daughter, Bemice, And son, David, and Miss Edith Weiss of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Frank Kilpatrick home. j Miss ^jrtan Kilpatrick and her Mr. and ijdrs. Harry Matthews were callers Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews at Bensenvilie. Earl Matthews, Jr., who has been seriously ill for the past five months, is still confined to his bed. - Miss Dolores Dowell spent the past week at the .home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Harris, near Woodstock. Mrs. Frank LaBelle spent last Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen and guest, Miss Hubertine Ross, spent Monday in Chicago. Miss Ross reto her home at Caney, Kan., after a month's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen. Miss Althea Coss and mother, Mrs. Meta Coss, of Wauconda spent last Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mrs. C. H. Hansen and guest, Miss Huberline Ross, and Mrs. Joe Mazanec and daughter, LaVeme, of Island Lake were luncheon and afternoon, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs'. Huef Camp and Hospital Servk,; council is an organization sponsored by the American Red Cross for the purpose of enabling outside organizations to provide for the comforts of service men in the hospital and the able-bodied within their company areas. The council acts as a clearing house for any organization or individuals who care to make contributions for the comfort of the service mert in camp. Due recognition is given to each person 6r persons making contributions. , " '" . • Up to the present time the council has for their main project provided stationery for the able-bodied men and J$$rchased complete sun room furnishings for the hospital sunrooms. These furnishings consist of radios, easy chairs, card tables and chairs, floor lamps, settees and window drapes. In each sunroom a plaque is placed giving the name of the organization which made the furnishings possible. Iii case you as individuals or as groups would like to donate toward furnishing a day-room, please hand your contributions to Mr. F. E. Edmonds, Marengo, 111., who is the Camp and Hosipital representative in your community. If you would care to attend a meeting of the council at Camp Grant, you are always welcome. Th» meetings are held in the Red Cross Recreation building at the Station Hospital at 10:00 a.m. on the third Wednesday of each month. The next regular meeting will be held at 10:00 a. m. on August 19. Need Rubber Stamps t Order it The Plaindealer. FIRE UNDER THE BOILER By GEORGE PECK . According to a survey made by the National Industrial Conference Board, Inc., of twenty-five leading manufacturing industries, hourly and weekly earnings and payrolls reached new peak levels in May of this year. Hourly earnings advanced 13.3- per cent over May, 1941, and 53.4 per cent above 1929. REAL weekly earnings^- or dollar earnings adjusted for changes in the cost of living, in May, 1942; were 5.6 per cent greater than in May, 1941. and 40.3 per cent above those of 1929. The situation Is pregnant with great danger. In 1929, the American worker could go into t^ie market with cash in hand or to the limit of his credit, and buy anything that, his heart desired. Today, he has 40.3 per cent more real dollars to throw into a greatly restricted market from whieh practically every luxury and semi-luxury have been withdrawn for the duration of the war. We have said it before but it cannot be repeated too often. THERE Ml)ST BE A CEILING ON WAGES --not go much for the protection of the manufacturer as for the protection of all the American people Including the wage-earners themselves. A great percentage of the national income is going into the war effWt which means that every dollar of higher wages, increases the cost of war materials to all the Americai. people. The war expenditure is necessary. No patriotic; sensible American can quarrel with that statement, but the government must not be forced tt spend one extra penny above what is absolutely essential. The job of paying up is going to be tough enough in spite of every rigid economy that can be exercised. The workers of America will have to pay their share-- make no mistake about that--no American will be able to escape his equitable obligation. There cannot long be a ceiling on commodity prices unless there is likewise a ceiling on all the things that I enter into the cost of producing those commodities. A prisoner caji't be kept in jail simply by locking the door if the window is < left open oi steam can't be let down by turning up the fire under the boiler. As this is being written, thp President, astutely aware of the menace to the welfare of America in the epidemic of demands. for. higher .:wages, is contemplating taking steps to plug this leak in our national economy. Every loyal American should back him to the limit in his determination to take the one step_„that will save this nation from the ravages of inflation-- TO PUT A CEILING. ON i WAGES. ' ' ' yiCTORY JPtUVILEQED UNITED STATES JVAR BONDS AND STAMPS Wifey conduct ciety? Hubby--Don't you think we have enough money to allow ourselves to be a little eccentric? Why don t you learn yourself properly in S.'f - j: 'v i I Closfn • Your aew telephone directory gow Vwrysoon. fat ord«r to insure accuracy. w« $ find recheck every nam number before printing. ;• If you hare a telephone, please look at Iprem^it bating in the directory to malyf sure it is canvck ILLINOIS BILL TELEPBONC C •Vr tf. S. IONII 4W STAMPS AMY friend, Mike Eichinger, of Chicago 1 Frank LaBelle last Wednesday. were Sunday guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilkpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Palaske of Ajtitioch and Mrs. Alice Bell of Richmond were callers in the A. C. Merrell hom? Sunday evening. Mrs. Bell remained Mr. and Mrs. Joe London,, Jr., and last meeting at the home of Mrs. Paul • ljfalkington on Phyllis Lau gave a t%lk on sport; dothes; Helen Ruth Butler gave ai •.|^essing demonstration and a talk on . tihe flag. „ '1 , ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley, Shirley1 arid Marion, and their guest; Marilyn; , ^Tremayne, were callers in Crystal; . Lake Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and! ,< Pejrgy A"" «rw>nt Sunday in the P. C. i Leonard home at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith and Karen of Crystal Lake were callers in the . George'Young home Sunday evening. Bob Glawe of Woodstock sipent Monday with Loren Harrison. Paul Bruckner of Chicago was a . t aller in^^Fred Wiedrich, Jr^ home Saturday (gaining. irles Peet and Alice were 'callers in Woodstock Saturday afternoon. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connell and son, Robin, of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the S, W. Smith home. . ' ' * • Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer, LuAnn and Marvin, spent Thursday evening in j the Fred Nordmeyer home at Waiv j conda and helped Gloria Jean Austin of Miami, Fla., celebrate her birth-1 day. j Mrs. Frank Wattles and Glen of | McHenry were dinner guests in the Chancey Harrison home Sunday. Mrs. K. E. Cristy visited relatives at Waupaca. Wis., last week. Rev. and Mrs. Collins, were Sunday i dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. Dixon at Greenwood. 4-H local achievement day will b^ " held at the Chancey Harrison home on V Thursday. August 13, starting at two o'clock. Everyone is welcome. ' Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Dorothy Ann and Eleanore Jane, of Chicago are spending this week with her parents* and Mrs» S. W. Smith. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., is spending the we*-k at Albert Lea, Minn: Chris Smith of McHenry was a ; Sun day caller in the George Young home. • Mrs. R. C. Harrison and Loren spent Saturday in Elgin. . ;* • Mr. ^and !Mrs, Nick Young spent Sunday with Joe Young and family at Sfsring Grove. Mr. and Mrs: R. E. Howard, daugh-: , ter,.. Alice, and Mrs. Kenneth Howard daughters, Joan and Janet, were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Joe London, Sr., home at Marengo. Eddie and Lawrence returned home with them after spending the week with h.a grandparents. Russell Turner and son, Lloyd, of Chicago were Saturday evening callers in the Lee Turner home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner, Weed stock, were callers in the William Gieser home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Gieser and Audrey Aubert spent the weekend at their summer home here. Elmer and Billy Neilson of Chicago spent the weekend at their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Watts and daughter, Patsy Jean, spent Sunday with her parents at Fox Lake: Mr. and Mrs. Stange „of tjhicago ! spent Sunday at their summer honte ! here. | Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCannon ami daughter, Ida Mae, and nephew and Chesney Brooks attended a picnic given by the county chorus at the home of Harry Wagner at Diamond Lake last Thursday. Chesney is <. a member of this chorus. Mr. and Mrs. J. Blomberg, Berwyn, 'were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodene at Mylith Park. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kiley. of Mylith Park entertained guests Mrom St. Louis the past two weeks. John Stasch of Burtor s Bridge was a caller Sunday mornin at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Av V. Maaon at Mylith Park. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rodene of Chicago were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kodene at Mylith Park. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kummerow entertained guests from Oak Park over the past weekend at "tlveir home at Mylith Park. Mrs. W. Smith of Forest Park fs a guest this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Pries at Mylith Park. JOHNSBURG Karls ' . un „ ; ,t;lu ,'7f,7w King were Waukegan callers Monday Mrs. Henning. all of Woodstock, called evening on Mrs. Ida Westlake Sunday afternoon. V Mr. and Mrs. George.;Bell and Harvey and Donald of Barrington, who spent the weekend at the Arthur Bell home,, were Sunday evening callers in the Frank Young home at Ringwood. Mrs. Harold Cox, daughter, Ethel, Si Meyers, Bonnie P.age, Gerald Hettermann and Mary Simon were Chicago callers Tuesday. Adam Bildner ^attended the Community meeting at Spring Grove Monday evening. . Joe Huemann was a-Milwaukee calland Mrs. George Middleton, of Elgin er one day this week, were callers in the William Watts home Saturday. Helen Opsal Of Chicago is spending a week at the Einar Behrents home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Aubert, sdft, Kenneth, and daughter, Barbara Jean, Mr. Ang^l and son and Mr. and Mrs. John Sugrue of Chicago were weekend guests iri the William Gieser home. Saturday evening visitors in the Henry Aubert home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Blomberg and son, Allan, 6f Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Art Roddel. Nadine and Lorraine Blomberg returned home with them after spending several days here. j£an and Charles Schultz spent .Saturday evening with their mother, Mrs. Belle Schultz. ^ Mrs. Lawrence Johnson of Hebron spent from Friday fc> Sunday with her p^fr^hts, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. G a r d n e r w a s j o i n e d b y h e r h u s band ' $urday evening. of Kenosha and granddaughter, La-_|M taul1 Prutzman of Oak Park_> Verne Eagle o( Sioux St. Ma^ie. Mich., jreturned home Wednesday eveaing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and daughter of Spring Grove called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michels Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Huemann of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and ilflrs. Joe Huemann. Doherty Michels and LeRoy Michels were Waukegan callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund at Ingleside Friday evening. M iss Katie Pitzen of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with Joe Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Woodstock spent Sturday and Sur^day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. ... • Miss Katherine Althbff of Elgin spent Sunday in the^ome of her. mother, Mrs. William Althoff. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zolloner and;! sorv of Chicago spent Saturday Sunday with Art Peters and Bilj Marz. Mrs. Ed Senft and Mr. and Mrs. Bob ****** iiiii rator hi reminder near your r erator is::* . section « .b**' The JfL. coveted. I. v« ntost wtik •««» ,hf" jo'no" bo«V" touxxh &taKXm letter, Tbeb0"0® ». "na 1'*? ,o« Ac ell protct Different kinds of foods require different degrees of temperature and humidity. All you need do is put the food in the right places as indicated above; Not all foods need be kept in your refrigerator, but probably more than you have been placing there. For example, bread will stay fresh days longer if kept in the refrigerator (lower section). Shelled nuts and chocolate keep better, too. Bananas should never be put in the refrigerator. And such items as mayonnaise, catsup, pickles and olives need not take up this valuable space. To properly store and keep perishable vegetables, wash and skin off all surplus material before placing them in the crisper. P U B X I C OF S E R V I C E ^--C,0 M * A N O R T H E R N I L L I N O I S t N Y & Service Order 101 Williams St., Cry -- - • atil lAke -- Telephone Enterprise 4100. • < - * ' 0