RINGWOOD Alice Mat Low and Shirley Hawley •pent Mtnday in Chicago. ; EleanoXrt-ies. and Mrs. Hickey-df McHenry. Mrs.'Louis Hawley, Marion and Shirley, and Marilyn^Tremaynv. Patricia of Chicago spent the fc-ith Mr. and Mrs. George Young. Ldi^n and Edith Harrison were callers in Woodstock Monday morning., A large crowd of ^people from Greenwood' and iRingwood attendeid the "g«?t together" party for Rev. and Mrs. Dixon and new families in the community at the Community hall on Wednesday evenipg. The program Mrs. Harry Ra'eburg and three children returned to their home at ^'lvider'e Wednesday after spending a week at the hAme of Mrs. Celia Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart and Mr; and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of Chi- Sunday at the home of parents, Mr. and Mrs. William VOLO caaa jgptrC tWirparent were ©allersrlB Woodstock on Wedne«- consisted of a piano solo by Mrs. Joe jbSufurrkkhhaarrtt,, aa t Williams Park. Other - '**• I McCannon: songs bv the choir, read- visitors in the afternoon were Mr .-and Wayne Foss returned honie 'on 1 ings by Shirley Neal. Marion Hawley Mrs. William Lubben and family and Thursday from a visit with friends in and - Mrs. Raymond Harrison, im- , Mr^and Mrs. Bert "Lubben and family 4*-' South Dakota. Ralph Ensz returned promptu numbers by severaKmembers ; of Chicago. . ,, ^ with him and will remain for a two of the audience. Rev. and tirs. Dixon , Mr*. John glomgren were among % weeks' visit. • ' 'each- gave a short talk. The commit- the Home Bureau members, who «at- Mrs. VofTcl Of 4 •** " Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doolittle and ! nin„ ( family of Grayslake and Lillie Darby .spent last Wednesday in Chicago. i Mr. and Mrs.° George TSh^pard were were dinner guests in the Walter Har-. .-Mrs. R. S. Bouland of Jacoby's subguests in the fl. A; Seegert home in "risen home Sunday. . v j division on Fox river spent last Fri- Chicago Wednesday. ' v'-vM ^ Hopper., of Chicago .spent.;day at ^home of. Mr. pd Mrs. Guests' 'of Mrs".Joe McCannon- foj; /fhursiiay and Friday m %;Harry Matthews. _ . . .. . .^ nner guaday v^'ere Mi\ and Mrs-. B.j Smith lim^e. . Mrs. Hopper and daugh- i Mr. and Mrs. F. Lisspian ,and Mr. » BV Marble of Greenwood, Mr. "and Mrs.; t&s, returned, with him after spend- and Mrs. J, Lazier and daughter_ of * ' ' -.Chicago were visitors last Wednesday P E launders and .Earlenv i tee wish to thank Mr. Muzzy Who do- j fended the garden party at the Hawof Fontana were callers in the nated the use of the hallr ' thorn farm last Thursday. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home Tues Mr. and Mrs. William Burkhart - Lester Edinger, Mary Kathe^ine and ;,mg the week frith relatives., . C Lester,! Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs: Ed Bauer, Lou Annat Jth* Franz-Eisner cottage., . - - ' Ben Walkinfton and Mrs. Paul WaJk- and Marvin..attend'e d' thech' urch* : cav. ' Corp. Carl Frartzf Jr., of thre^tf. §. 7 . Mngfonaiidsbh.VIay; v; "t A, ^ ^nivs! Skf : Medical cprps^has.bert on a , > Mrs. Fred Wiedrfeji and May called Mrs. R C. Harrison, and FdytK were rfpur-day furlough and with;his -fia^ , W&'M Elijah. Co^s-at Crystal Lefee Sat," ^rs in;M<'Henry Monday ^fteriroomicee Miss Barbara of P^kJFt.dge was : Ritta. iii-daVafternoon•*-' • < ' ' - •;"VV.^Mrss. -.Joe MrCf>«non-was hostess -to , at the Franz cottage at,Mylith Park j . Mr. and Jtrs. > ' ' • T»i W r S will-meet with Mrs the Easv Aces on wWln«?8dav affce-r- j®ver the* past weekend. ,A large group j Fairfield,„ Iowa, •-vV'CI^ V» FriSyTXipai »i. Mr,. E<l Whi<™r and Mrd°ffrifod* W<1 M': art*'*-iC-tam, • Miss Ada Dowell spent the past week in Chicago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Thrum. „ Mr. and -Mrs. Martin Schaefer and family of Wauconda were Sunday visitors at the home. of JVfe. and Mrs. Alvin Case. Donald Grabbe of Crystal Lake is spending a few days at thl borne of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Mrs. Sarah. Fisher spent the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs".. Leslie Davis,at Slocum's Lake. Mrs_. George Scheid, Jr., of Waiiconda spent Wednesday at the Dowell home. Mr. and Mrs. George Buckardt and son of Fox I^ake spepj. Wednesday evening at the home olf Mr. and Mrs*. Glenn Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and family were Sunday; visitors at thfe home of Mr. and "Mrs. Clarence Grabb#; at Crystal Lake.' Miss Shirley Ritta of'£li^n4$.M|r. spent a f®W °-day&. -hohrie^Qt.'ha^' grandparent, Mr. arid Mk«,. - A- V;L.; '. '> Mr. and Mrs." "Elmer Olson. Charles' Adolphson;,received the prizes. . V- Deimar of M'rt Frtima -- - --U- . ; .f-i Bentty and Robert Ix>W »pent Sunday" C in. the Charles Frey home at Blue Island. Maxine Clay has returned to her home in Rockfbrd'after spending two,- ^r!! j^y Harieline, two childfen of weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and ^vi0nticello, 111., and Mrs. Peter Freund Mrs. Ed Peet. » , . and daughters of Round Lake were SPRING GROVE visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund Tuesday afternoon. > Tommy Freund enjoyed the game i between the WThite Sox and Detroit Tigers in Chicago on Tuesday. He acjeompanied a group of juveniles from the McHenry chapter of* the Catholic Order of Foresters. _ " Martin May entered the U. S. Navy on Wednesday of last week. ; Eugene May spent the past week in ' the home of his uncle, Ernest Kattner, in Richmond. " Mrs. L. L. Kagan and infant daughf ter returned home from St. Therese's Mr. ^and Mr§. John Hogan and Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Xckerman spent Sunday in the. Charles Ackerman home at Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jacksoir of Mc- Kenry - were callers in the George Young home Friday evening. • Mildred Munshaw of Elgin and Maude Burr of Moline spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. William Mc- Cannon. N Phyllis Darby of Flor^^. who has been spending the surirmpr with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison, left for home on Tuesday:""* Velora Sutton attended a birthday jjogpj^] 5n Wednesday! ptrty for Phyllis CovelF at Richmond Friday afternoon. » Mrs. Eva Perkins, Mrs. Oxtoby, Mrs. Frances Reed and Mrs. Harry Anderson of Richmond and Mrs. Emma Beatty enjoyed a quilting party at the home of Jennie Bacon on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison and Dick of Elgin were callers in the R. C. Harrison home Saturday evening. Joyce and Jean returned- hom" iwith them after spending a week with their grandparents. Mrs. Joe McCannon attended a teachers luncheon in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warburton visited friends in Palatine on Sunday. Members pf the Chemical Co. and their families enjoyed a picnic at Fox River Park on Sunday. Jack and Adeline Berg of Chicago, . . ,, ... , spent Thursday with Wayne Foss. ! ™ore u of R'"g^ood; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Bill Keene of Chicago was a caller loutish, Chi^P°-_ in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home Sun-! ,Mr- a"d Mrj\,Walt" Br6^1 eT\ter: day evening tamed Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Freund of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and sons ; Crystal Lake and Mr and Mrf. Clarof Spring Grove were Sunday supper 1 «nce M'11^ Woodstock at their guests in the Ed Peet home. ! honi® Sunday night. The evening was • Sr., helped celebrate CorpiS Franz ! hornecoming-: t K Mr, and Mrs. A., Phillips bf'Round Lake and Mr. and Mrs George Grogsklos of Chicago were guests last Sunday evening at the A. V. Mason eottage at Mylith Park. Mrs. Bert Ruthenberg was hostess at a 12:30 luncheon at her home last Monday at Mylith Park., Her guest's were Mrs. M. Knudson, Mrs. M. Wulhutter, Mrs. H. Krueger, Mrs. W. Pries, Mrs. A. Beger, Mrs. C.""Rodene, and Mrs. A. V. Mason. Pinochle was played following the luncheon. JOHNSBtJRG A party of friends, pleasantry surprised Mr. and Mrs. John Miller in their new home on Saturday night. The occasion was a "house warming" i party.' Later they all proceeded to the | Town hall for an evening of dancing, i Refreshments were served. Out-ofl town guests were present from Milwaukee. Chicago and nearby towns. ! Among those present were Mr. and I Mrs. Peter F. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Steve May, Mrs. Joe Karls .spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Landre in Chicago recently. •was a caller here Tuesday. Mrs. Jimmie Chamberlin and children of Chicago, spent the week with Joe Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs/ Stanley Zolloner and son of Chicago spent the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nelson, son, Keith of Rockford" are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs» A1 Schmeltzer. this week. j Art Peters and Bill Marz. Mrs. Jake Justen bf Waukegan spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ben Stilling. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund motored to Chicago Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe karls entertained relatives from Chicago this week. Mrs. Walter Freund and LeRoy Meyers were Woodstock callers Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Freund and i day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund of Johns- j Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, Wauburg; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christen- j kegan, were callers here Sunday. ^ sen and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huff of' ^r- ar|d Mrs. Bob Snyder and Mrsir Richmond: Mr. and J[rs. John Skids- Bob Wi'kie of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Woodstock: srpent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Peters and MrSi' Gertrude Peters of Burlington, Wis.., were visitors in the home of their aunt, Mrs. William Althoff, recently. Dw'iyjht-. William^, of and Mrs. Horace Grabbe of .lyanhoe^sip^nt Wednesday at thW hoihe ^of ; life, William" WirtZ. y i ."r" Marvin Vi'irtz, "Buddy Then'nes,, Richard Fisher, Harry Case anc^ 'Bur* nell Russell exhibited their F. F. A. projects at the* Elgin agricultural fair last week. Robert Jene Dowell of We,st McHenry is spending a few days here with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parson, Jr., arid son and Mr. arfd Mrs. Harry Parson, Sr., and daughter of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon. Mrs. Gerge Scheid, Jr.^of Wauconda, called at the hpme of Mr. and M1*8* Lloyd Fisher Wednesday.; Miss Shirley Ritta, MurideTein, spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz. From Luxury to Every-Day Food Much of the growth of the citrus industry, which has expanded from 35,636,000 boxes in 1919 to nearly 136,600,000 boxes annually, has been credited to the development of more efficient distribution methods which have made the health-giving fruits available in all parts et tbe country the year round. Need Rubber Stamps"? Order at The Plaindealer. Thursday, August 13. 1941 *1 wmmm MiiiM mm Your truck--a/I trucks -- are essential to America's war pro-4^: gram. . . . Let your Chevrolet! dealer help you to "ICeepk ^m fill; fo keep 'em rolling." . • • See him for a thorough service check-* today--and see him for >'v up skilled service at regular inter-^ vals. • • • Remember--ChevrolefiJ dealers are America's "Truck Conservation Specialists/' . CONSERVATION CORPS See your Chevrolet dealer, who Js acting as official service station for Truck Conservation/ and get the official emblem for your trucks SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES • , On Routes 31 and 120 -- Tel. McHenry 277 -- McHenry W Originator and Outstanding Lwadtr "Truck Conservation Plan" Mr. and Mrs. Amel Ehlers and Mr. h8 arid Mrs. Gus Ehlers of Elgin were hserved. callers in the Beatty - Low home Sun- J Among those from here who enjoyed day afternoon. jthe dinner served at St. Mary - St. Mrs. L.vle Hopper, Eleanor Jane and*, PatrlcTc parish hall on Sunday were Dorothy Ann, spent several days with j Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer, Mr.'and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley. | Mrs. Anton May and Mr. and Mrs. Florence Zapfe of Chicago was a j Charles Freund. son, Tommy. Others guest in the S. W. Smith home "over | who-attended the carnival throughout pent at cards and refreshments were k -^r- an<^ Mrs. Leo Michels are. the happy parents of a baby girl, boril ! Sunday, August 9. < I Mr. and Mrs. George Tonyan and daughters, Joan and Jean, and their the day and evening were Mr. and Mrs. G«orge A. May and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith and son. Mrs. Arthur Hergott. Miss Lucille Hergott, Mrs. Jeanette Miller, Miss Marie Lay and Euuie Lay. the weekend.;. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson called on friends in Waukegan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy Ann spent Sunday ,with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Leonard at Lake Gen* eva. Wayne Foss and Ralph Ensz attended church services at Genoa City Sunday morning. .Mrs. Ben Walkington, Mrs. Paul Walkington and Mrs. Joe McC a n r i o n M i s s e s F r a n c e s C o n v e r s e a n d attended a tea in thr> Lester Edinge* j Frances Davis were callers* at Wauknme at Woodstock Friday in honor kegan last Tuesday. of Mrs. McCannon who leaves soon to ! Mr. ?nd Mrs. Harry Matthews spent SLOCUM LAKE make her home in California. * Hazel Lusk of Elliott, Iowa, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mrs.^JTred Wiedrich and Mae were callers in McHenry Wednesday afternoon; Mrs school day. \ . Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Smith of Long .Lake were callers in the S. W: Smith hiorne Sunday evening Walter Harrison attended reunion at Wilmot on Thurs- William McCannon, Mrs. Edlwas a teacher in one of the depart- Lou Ann and Woodstock Marvin, were Friday after- Mrs. Baper, callers -l»«on. " . Mr. and Mrs*. Pete Weingart and Peter, Jr., of McHenry wei;e callers j fn the George Young home Sunday evening. Mis^and Mrs. William Glawe, Woodstock, were callers in the R. C- Harri- •on home Saturday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Collins are. enjoying a trip to Elizabeth, 111. „ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet entertained" the following at a Peet reunion on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs, Clinton Wienke and Mrs. Harry Peet, Woodstock: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay, Max- Suriday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews at Bensen-- ville. Earl Matthews, Jr., who has been ill the past five months, passed away at his home at . 7:30 Sunday • j morning at the age of twenty-one a years. When taken sick he was a sophbrilore at the college at Naperville. 'Funeral services were hel(l at the Presbyterian church at Bensenville of which he was a member, having gone to Sunday school and at one time parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer, of Kansas were .visitors in the home of Mrs. William Althoff one nigbt thi» week. - Miss Katherine Althoff, Elgin, spent Sunday in the home of her mother^ Mrs. William Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiller are the parents of a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chi cago spent the weekend with relative# here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund and son, Billy, of Ingleside spent Sunday, afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meyers. ; Mr. and Mrs. William J., Meyers and Mrs. Walter Freund attended the funeral of Mrs. Clara Fehniger of Chicago Monday. Henry Lichte of Chicago is spending a few days with Afy and Mrs. William J. Meyers. . . ^ McCULLOM LAKE War Production and Electric Power •, a; - in Northern Illinois ^ar production means more th«n making p«ris »«d . tanks and planes. In wartime particularly there must! be an abundance of wholesome food to enable fighting men and civilians to meet the extraordinary demands on their energies. In riorthern Illinois more than 35,000 farms, served :••• by these companies, are now engaged in producing (pnergy-giving food. Efficient production on thes#. • ftrms is maae possible by a steady flow of electric: power . power to peerr form c--ou-n-t-le-s s- -f--arm- tasks, that help supply the huge quunda.n food demanded by America at war. The electric milker brings a high degree of efficiency to the dtiry farm .. . cutting milking time in half. ments. Interment was. at tfye Union cemetery at Crystal Lake. V * Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren W.eta. callers at McHenry Monday. On August' 2, the officers for the coming year of the Property Owners Association of McCullom Lake were elected. George Scheubert is now president, Frank Kurth, vice-president, S. F. Beatty, treasurer, and Clarence Feiereisel, secretary. With such fine' leaders, the club should accom-t" plish a great deal. We were very glad to see Bill Bol- Miss Marion Dowell of North Chi- j tenstein the lake last weekend. cago spent the weekend at the home"8 006 men 'n Uncle Sam's of her mother, Mrs. Celia Dowell. Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock of Wauconda were callers at the hgme of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren last Wednesday afternoon. Mpr Harry Matthews arid Son,*Rob- , ert, Mrs. Robert Miller. Mrs. E. Hage- 1 land andi.-"R,alph-"VfWrt'ns of Island j Lake. M rs. R. S. Bouland and daughj ter, Charlotte, of Jatfoby's subdivision I attended the Argicultural fair at Elgin ihe, Patty and David, and Edna Peet has^ Wednesday. Lyle Matthews spent of Rockford; Alice and Marion Peet, i three days at the fair in charge of Elgin ; Mr. and . Mrs. Arthur Peet,, his exhibit there. * Edwin and Marjorie, Greenwood; Mr. arid Mrs. L. C. Landry and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peet of Richmond Mid Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. Mrs. Roy Neal and JohryiWand Mrs. Sanaval force who is stationed at present at Northwestern. : Gasoline for B<«nbers Ffteig at top speed, a fully-loaded fottr-engined bomber biorns up as much gasoline in a single hour» as the average farrtily car consumes* in six months. Hu£c steel towers carry energy from generating 'stations to the \ a t in twork of pow er lines that spreads out over the countryside, making electricity available to remote areas. Power is delivered direct to the farmer. . . another practical tool to help in meeting tarm quotas. The modern farm chores are done largely with electricity, saving many precious man-hours of labor thesjp days. S8<orski and Virginia of WorWer Lake iHfre callers in Wocfdstock Friday. Edith Darby of LaGrande, Ore., is ^ititing her sister and husband, Mr. i»nd Mrs. 'Walter Harrison. Mrs. Clarence Warburton is spendseveral days in Chicago with her daughter. - rs. Jennie Bacon is visiting her Mti, George and wife, at Antioch. .'/.i-.Mrs.^Joe McCannon attended Dorcas Meeting at the Drt Stone home at Greenwood Thursday. /• . j ^ Walter Krohn of Hebron spent Sun- I ' day in the R. C. Harrison home. "• Mr. %nd Mrs. Walter Larson and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and two chi1 dren and sister, Miss Dona Mae Obe.r > auf, spent last Thursday at the, hom< ' of Mrs. Morris Felgar at Libertyvillf. Mr. and Mrs. F. Swanson and daughter, Alice, of Highland Park, on returning from a fishing trip from nesu Duluth, Minn., called at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren la^t Saturday afternoon. They presented the Blomgrens with a large pike, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were callers jat-th* home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round Lak|>; Monday. J Robert Lagerlund and Miss Mary I McNaulty of Chicago were callers at! the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blom- ; gren Sunday afternoon. # Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Schaefer of Mc- j Henry were callers Sunday at the,] % Pigs £et oft to a good start, thanks to an electric pig-brooder that keeps them wttm during their fast 'weekf. Production speeds up on fanns. An tleitnc motor boiso hay into the bam foi storage. Feed is ground eki f icaUy with portal-ie farm i^Kore motor--foi^coovenience and ecoapooy. Ten Per Cent OF YOUR INCOME should be ^oinq into |LS.Mfor Bonds and Stamps PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OFjJSjORTHEAN ILtlNOIS Serving Vital Electric Power for War Production iU Northern Illinois ' •r~~ Service Ord^r Williams St., Cry stal Lake % Telephone Enterprise 4100.