fftf* Eigit jsa^ppi ? W ( . 3& »pff 3 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALSI *„»,f »•**>»«»-••». ,•*•>*.*.r ->•»*.« »/•«. Thursday September 10> 1942 v - NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN IdsRoy- Smith left Wednesday morrt- •• '. Public Card Party shall, Rovena Marshall, Earl Marshall ' . \A public card party will be held on and daughter, Patricia Lee. * TOR evening of October 15 at the K. of 1 K. of C. Picnic ! • C. hall, the event to '.b^'sponsonfed. by i The Knights of Columbus will enjoy D. of A. ' i a basket lunch at' Conway's woods •' • •' »_•.. '»••• , next Sunday, September 13. Various W. S.'CrSi games, including a baseball game,will ,0i The W.S.C.S. of the Community provide entertainment. a^"-" Itethodist church will hold their first . . * * * ' • ' tnet-tiryr of the season at the church f r East River Road Pinochte . hftl! next Thursday. September 17. Ed Sutton entertained th#. . ££•'• Mrs. Merle ^English of Woodstock East River "Road Pinochle club at her ing for army service. .he gi^s| ^peak^p. * -/• v * home last Thursday afternoon.. Prizes ' , v • V-^ v * * '** • . • , were merited by Mrs. George Justen Richard Weber enlisted inthe'Mar- V; ' Marriage Announced and Mrs. George Gtos. Special guests | intss and left Monday for service. • k4 Miss Lola. Jepsen, daughter of. Mr. werj, pj-eseit and a table of bridge,!. '• • • . --h • •• • ' ... «, , „ M u . • •• • -«tt'd Mrs. Jeppe Jepsen, spent part of WaS also in play. In bridge Mrs.; Alfred W, Rix of Johnsburg enlist-iv^?'p -h"• Mite'heU were McHet#y McHenry relatives Sunday. On his her iecent Vacation near Fort Bragg, clarence Martin and Mrs. Eleanor ed in the navy recently and left Tues-f Friday. „ ! return home he was accompanied by . " Korth Carolina. While there she was >jV€ W0I^ the awards. The next meet- day of this \yeek for active service. t Paul Justen, student at Loyola Den- Martin Foley and Monica Phalin who : • ' . .'.-|tal. school, spent the W6°ekepd in *the ; remained in the Phalin home for a s«n 6f Mr; arid"Mrs;^ home of his p^ents, Miri sqd Mrs.^feeh1 short visit.; Who reside north :of fusten; : 7 ^ | .Francis Wirtz, who is Stationed at „ . , , ; . , i the Marines'.' ";,V Mr. and Mrs. William Stange," Mr. Great Lakes, spent the holiday:week- 4 The Friendly East Rjyer^Road.'Jftt-fv.V^ji .y'ouftg' Ladies' sodality of St J _ , * , . . . ' 1 and Mrs. A. Beerheide and Mr. andend at his home here. V • • Jprovement association will .hold a Ifar- Mary's parish met' l#st Tues»da£v©v«nf» Jr., who enlia^Uji'ttfe vWrs.. Frank Langosch were weekend J. Arthur Boger of Maywfood Spent • H.a'rd.-Times gathering at the •.-jfi.j in*• St. Mary's' hall. Aitipng the navy several months agq,:. arrived. >T,,ests in the summer home of Mr. and •,- JEmtrald - Park school house Sat.ur^y,.4t|,;jjrls. of business • takejjj...*'up" were a home jast Saturday on ,a seven day Mrs. Albert H. Langosch. ^ . pre-me September 1i», The pafty-was; report by Father Paul on "the recent furlough. |>[avy life seems tb aferee Mr. and Mrs. Sctueiber'dfChicaiarb Seely Johnston of Champaign visited in the Pete Weber and Robert SVeber homes list week. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Kiessig of St. ij^ouis, Mo., were guests in the home |(>f Mr. an«L Mrs., George E. Jones of £5 Orchard Beacli last vtfeek. . / Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda w;efe Chicago callers last Thursday. ' Mrs. L. B. Murphy and family are leaving today (Thursday) for Tacoma, sWash.. to make their home. Her hus- Mrs. Margaret May and daughter, 1 Alvina, of Adams, Minn., and Phillip May and daughter of Spring Grove were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Margaret May. Other visitors la&t^Sunday -were the Albert Rosing family of Libertyville and the John reund and Leo Blake families of Mc- ' Henry. • , * j Herb Reihlnsperger and Jerry Lar- j kin were Chicago callers Wednesday. ; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manning and son, John, of Oak Park were weekend guests in the home of Mrs. Margaret I May.. . ; .. " - j Harold Nelson of Great Lakes visited at his home here Wednesday. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of I band, Lieut. L. B. Murphy, is stationed | Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Givnear that city " |'ens'and family of Lake Villa were Mrs. M. A." Oster and Mrs. Anna i ^ken/ MrS' laSt prk "v rHTed „ _ _ _ , • • , . •> i oatyrqay from a two weeks vacation . P. F. C. George Mitchell, who is now J Spent at Turtle Lake, Wis. stationed at the Congress hotel in Chi-1 Howard Phalin of Wilmette visited ^'^efntflly:planned for S^end?ei^.'^';>.; summef fest - A : ;Sec'y -Aniy ThonnesWt#;'.^l^jfiei;s.;-'7pjf( Y I , J . . " . . . » . * " < * ' • ' ' R ~ / . . . . . . . . , following^ offiders' were health, . , . . elected for the coming year: Presi- class. Public Card Partj dent, Miss Bette Buss; Vice-presidents •••,«»-Community.is urged;to., remem-. MiSs Virginia Williams; Secretary- Private festival , and the election of -witai-.;-'- pSctuite-. of yrere local callers Monday! On their over tve wee rpLi r. ^end. 11 . . ' r v . IMN T. M 'I"V •' ~ 1. - JA 1 . . J" I ' ' R ^TLIN TNC FAN IVI Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Kathryn Boger. , Miss Harriet Boger of Chicago also visited'here , Larry ^is storekeeper, ' J 3rd Rollin Justen will leave September 15 for Chicago where he has enrolled return home they wdre- accompanied I by Mrs. James Boyle and son, John, . ... . _ , . , ! who have been spending a few weeks mj£e T,!ctS° ^c^nica^ t . . . . . . . - . I n l a n d J . ^ a r e l l e ' - w i i s v V i s i t i n g f r i e n d s h e r e . T h e W a l t e r F e n s k e a n d H e r b e r t the public card party to'be held Treasurer. Miss Shirley Smith. The transferred recently frotti'Vancouver,; Mr. and Mrs C HiDuker and' Sir Fenske families have returned to ftaesday evening, September lo, at the ,.i1eni]|P bedspread, donated to the Wash.,-to Seattle. - * '"-and Mrs Paui Yanda attended th'Itheir Chicago homes after spending VWopnifln hall in West McHenry, the Young Ladies by Miss Rena Schaid . 'Army show in Soldier's Field Chi-fseveral months at their summer • " - ovonlnn, ' ; • hqmes here. Mrs. Nick Adams was a Chicago caller the first of the week: , • - ' • > ,r' s Axi - oumici r> Gordon -Granger,' who was inducted cago. Saturday evening. Cletus Althoff of Chicago visited his • went to be sporiyord by the Fox River and }ie]d over si;ce the festival. was Valley camp, R. N. A. A business awarded to Miss Eleanor Young, last spring, is now stationed in Bps- ; mec^ting- at Tj3° will precede the card Plans were made for active fall meet- ton, Mass. parents, Mr. and Mis. Louis Althoff 5»rty at ^ ^ ings. A delightfuf evening was spent j ^ : k : la,t weekend. V »• , in playing games. C. D. of A*. . * • • .? ' Attend Dedication enjoying- a furlough at the home of his home here. /?Jar. business ™^tmg on Thursday Mr-, and. Mrs. Albert Vales arid his parents, the Peter M. Schaefers. -^Vetnng, Septembei 1<. This organ- dauehters,- Marie ankl . Dolores, spent " iaation is making qurlts for the Red Friday in Chicago where the dedicaj P. F» C. Leo J. Schaefer has return/! Harold Taxman has returned to De- ,' ed to Camp Funston, Kansas, after1 Kalb after spending *a few week« at arid donations of natche* for the I- " ~ V"'*"- *"»" , You he»r of coincidences Occurring !on- Joe, were callers jn Burlington, ^ _ . . , , „ . <£j;; are welcome^ Anyone desiring lV°IlTT"1*? Tk pl^uf '^^y 'day but this is the first one to W^- Saturday, . , i XSeorge Worts visited €hmgot^la. "to donate ar>y wUl^^pleifl contact Mrf L P r A S ^ Marshflelcl come to our attention recently con- A Betty Regner, student nurse at St. tiveJi severabdays last week tt , ... i^U ^ a! . avenue, ^ere cernig local service men. It seems that An" s hospital, Chicagto^_spent the - Mr. and Mrs. William Justen sind P ^ Held tor the boy^TvTio teft fnr service7~P7F. C. George~ Mitchell, formerly 0f 'd at Iie~r holiie Tfere:-------Mrs. Ben Justen of McHenry and Miss Grace Thompson visited relatives in Chicago last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collins and son, Dick, left Wednesday on a week's Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel and .vacation Joan Collins is spending the daughters, Louise and Dorothy, iand" Week K^dn>otber m Iogleside. f - Entertain Soldiers ; ; Anarad<.was l<d by tfee G lend ale post McHenry, and now stationed at the Mr- and Mrs. Lynn Smith andson, Jacqueline Hoffman of Wilmette spent Ifhe Woodstock and Crvstal lbalt4 fum- ahd bugle corps Np..805; Congress hotel, Chicago, has a rather tennis, of Beloit, Wis., visited her ; last week at Cable, Wis- „ ' ' Red Cross sponsored a teW-'dafice.-'at:- anrt interesting job in the army; It is his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway,1 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cobney accom- ' panieji their son, Dan, to DeKalb rs. Paul Patxke and son Tuesday mornirig where he has enter- Misses June and Shirley ed as a Freshman, entertainment planned for the soldiers e Rranpr FJanMi7^oi"V.i/C ^*ast week George's mission took Patzke attended the Efychorn fair last Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lang and ; was an orchestra which included Glenn eran church and Rev Tames CprmnJ ^lm t0 fattie' ^as^-» and while talk- u" ay. ^ , daughters, Nancy and Mary Ann, of Steterson, McHenry, E|wood Leveroos 0f g o Cvril and MpthnHinc oKiir/.v. t0 Captain there concerning arry Taxman ot Chicago visited in Connorsville, Ind., spent last week vis. and Tom Yates. • \ J i' Methodius church his prisoner, he mentioned thdt he was his home here last weekend. iting Mrs. Lang's mother, Mrs. Zena . ' ' ;• * . fdd,tlon to several aWermen and from the ,bes^ little town in Illinois, . Mrs. Ed. Hollg of Chicago visited Bacon. * . '•* Family Reunion^ - |S \n ^others of th^'^hovs whn i ft f McHenry. in the Martin Conway home last week. Mrs. Jack Downs is teaching"iiT\the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber servlce were e-iven fla<r'f and i Upon men^t>n of the name of Mc-' , ^oy Gladstone has received his B. A. Wauconda school this year. viilimmy, a;hd daughter, Joan, attended ' madt> '• no,.- . Henry, George noticed the typist perk ^free.-fL'01? the University of Illinois Mrs. Helen Heuser and Miss Laura & reunioh of the Miller family in ajj received white asters 6s bouf6" UI>" ' typist turned out to be ^J1"6 has been attending school Weber attended the Army show at Saukville, Wis., last Sunday. About njeres. on- -- 260 relatives were present from Fort Wayne, Ind., Appleton, Milwaukee. none other than Bill Martin who was ^ SUI"mer- He has now returned Soldier Field, Chicago, Saturday. , m , ./ , i recently promoted to the rank of .°"*e where he will remain for some; Mrs. Zena Bacon and guests, Mr. McCcf Re ' Corporal. The two men had a long i| exPe<^ts to enter the service and Mrs. Henry Lang of Connorsville, We?: Bend, Newburg and Grafton, c!vf.r^^0..ohat about things back home and If,. . . • j Ind., spent Thursday evening visiting r:: Wis., and McHenry. A picnic dinner iast cnnrinV L tv, CS i€%e presen^ even enjoyed dinner together. We are 0 ^i89 Mayme Ayjward, Sioux Falls, the Harvey Dam family at Kenosha, was enjoyed and the day was spenfin +hp M/.r<>0 fomii eT?"nua eumon of opjnion ^^at when the two local , w ,° has been spending a few Ray page attended the joint instal- | las heS at tSl Lr113/^1" /m men met so far from home that the j r«ek*wlfh relatives, visited, in iation of the Legion and Legion Aux- I E R in """1 » «• conversation.:the M' J- W»'»h "ome for ,e»e„I '.fitting. Seventy - Fifth Birthdav i"' 1,1 ^'"eraia Park. A •, -Urt. George* P. Steilen was feted r"ltd^e„r ^ TWO SOLON MILLS COUPLES KETURN Rich at their" beVutifiir home "on "the ^set ,were Mrs- Mary Harrington JP«X river. . and daughters, Nellie, Ethel and Alice The afternoon was spent in visiting, and son, Edward, Mr. and Mrs. John aays last week. iliary at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Helen and Caroline Bauer attended Mr. and Mrs. George Strandel and the ,Teachers Insittiittu t' e at-- W au•k egan family of Aurora were Labor Day Friday. guests of Mrs. Eleanor Nye. FROM LONG TRIP Marilyn Hecht of Chicago spent last Mrs. Walter J. Walsh was a visitor - -- we^jt visiting McHenry friends. jn the Edward Dwyer home at Hunt- .. . JT Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley. accom- ',. lmer, Urber and Dan Cooney left ley Saturday. «fter which a delicious supper was w e Jackie, Mrs. Sarah Keefe, panied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kil- this week for DeKalb where.they will served by the hostess. The celebrant JJr- and Mrs- Charles McBreen, Sr., patrick and son, Frank, Jr„ returned c°ntinue their education. The former McCULLOM LAKE Was the recipient of many lovely gifts. ^!: ®nd ^J8, Charles McBreen, Jr., Sunday from an_extended trip through be a Senior and the latter a Guests included .Mrs. Steilen's chil- and £ Jf' ^ellie Korenda, Betty the west, taking in points of interest r^fv,m.an' *|ren, grandchildren and great-grand- Mrs* ttllliam Keefe and "as follows: - | PhU Aylward, former .McHenry resi, #00, besides many Irienda from Chi- - y' Mr: and Mrs. Ralph Dimity and' First thm, o> T?Qr,^i^v. \r«K ident, and daughter, Mrs. Julia Aldrich COMMUNITY CLTJB ELECTS OFFICERS Farewell for Servicemen Members of the Catholic Order of .Foresters were hosts last j, mi. <mu mis. rvajpn Lfiinuy ana' thev called af Randnlnb Nph lucl11-' t*,lu "ougiiiei, iwrs. juna Aiaricn •Terry, Mrs. Mabel Harrington, Mr. to see Mrsfcroplev's brother W W a"d da.u«hte^ Jeanette, have returned j The .McCullom Lake Community : ajid Mrs. James Donahue, Jimmie and jones an(j familv then on to Mitcbell their homes in Sioux Falls, S. D., club held its annual election-of oflFicers Donald ahd James Harrington, all of Lands and the Black Hills of a^ter V's'ting friends in Elgin and Labor Day. The following oflFicers Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. James Bennett and daughter, Mary Harriet, McHenry. B, J. Frisby sand sons, Bernard, Rob- South Dakota. They visited the Rush- Sunday TU ni:UauBTv^^aMy r^arTn^' more Memorial which was one of the +"' VwT ^ f TT' K°D; evering at a party held in St. Mary- ?!ls®es Lilhan arid.?thel.McGee^Jack most interesting narts nf th*\r trin e.rt and Weston, called at the home of St. Patrick school hall in honor of departing servicemen who were members of that organization. The boys McGee, Mr. and Mrs. James Keefe, intereSt;.ng Parts,,of their trip. Jane Ann and James. It comnrises the carvings m the rocks the former's sister, Miss Anne Frisby, Monday. t , Joseph Retz of Onaka, S. D., has "Were Leonard B!R^ T^PO Meypr. ~ T f W rl mc v.ai Tiujja stock; Mr. and Mr*. CJrle^MaKin, rfJaJ"0w p5esid,ents °f our n"ion; son, Raymond, and A. V. Martin P,0m,as. ,Je!rcr.- Nnrinrr 1 T 1 it KOuScVeil i»IIU AUla[111111 Heri ;rv T,o nyan>.1 LeRj oyj S mith and jR ich- • rD?or wie and, JTo a'n n, iEril muh urs*t ; MM r. andJ Lin~c oln. -, «rd Weber. Cards, dancing and vis- ^jrg p gchaef€r Mrs Eleanor From there they proceded on . , T> iting provided entertainment for the Nye, Mr and Mrs Ha'rvev Nve Marv through Wyoming and visited the I1?6 In Chicago after spending sev- j T1 boy, and their relatives and friends. ^Harofd town of Cody, Buffalo Bill's old home. visitmg friers and rela- club Itefieshments were served at the close ; Mrg Ray McGee son( John and From there they entered Yellowstone ' . of thfe eviening. . an(j j^rs g JJ gutton and Tommv National park where they saw freaks Betty • AlthdflF, student nurse at St • • • \ M . - TT i rtf natiiVA lilrn it.. Ol J P«f.. 1 4 of McHenry. were elected for the ensuing year:* President -- F. \V. Bailey. Vic-President -- John Paetz. Secretary -- A. M. Bailey. Treasurer -- F. M. Enyart. EM rectors Mrs. Clara Schmitt, been visiting- his daughter, Mrs. Mar- MrS. Florence McGovern,, Jos. Wagtin Cooney. ner, Od<m Hubsch, Joseph Melka, Ben Mrs. Mary McCabe returned to her Barteldes. The McCullom Lake Community . Christiar Mothers and Altar Society The Christian Mothers ahd Altar . •Ociety held their last meeting in the seh<«>l hall on Friday, September 4. At that time a report was given on the St. Mary's church carnival held in August. Total receipts were $6,317.83 -.••.:-*nd net receipts reached about $4,300. .^Dinners were served to 1,613 persons, 610 in the church basement and 1,103 in the school hall. 1 ^ Following the business meeting, a' of nature like the Old Faithful geyser Therpge hospital, Waukegan, and Miss erupting every hour or so at a height Elean<ir Althoff, R. N., of St. Luke's COMING EVENTS hospital, St. Louis, Mo., visited their deJl^s* has had a very successful year. Working in conjunction with the Knollwood Road committee, it has helped make possible the good roads now enjoyed by the Knollwood resiof 150 feet. From there they went to Glacier! Par®nt,8' Mr- aB(1 Mrs- Wfllmm Al- National park where they saw the ; ' last^ weekend. fiveo hundred and bunco" providing entertainment. The next meeting.of the club will be October 2. School Hall. •ocial hour was enjoyed with pinochle, n September 12 five hundred and hut,™-nr«viHin«r Da"ce ~ BndSe Ballroom, McHenry Sponsored by Property Owners Association of McCullom Lake. September 13 Honored on Birthday .Methodist Youth Fellowship -- Scavt, i .. . . , ' , enger Hunt -- 7:30 -- M. E. Church. Relatives gathered at .he home of Kni hts of Golumbus Picnic - Con- Mre. Edgar Landgren last Thursday way's Woods • • • evering, September 3, to offer con- September14 . ^.ilations on the seventy-fifth ! Advance Night - O. E. -8. -- Masonic birthday of Mrs. Landgren s mother, Hall .'Mr-:. Elizabeth Laures. The evening was «pent in visiting and at the close a delicious luncheon was served the guests. Mrs. Laures received a variety of lovely gifts in addition to Ex't^nsion Course -- High School. P.-T. A. -- St. Mary . St September 10 Knights of Columbus -- Business Meeting. September 11 M;^rsHoSb ~M™- ^Dur- the"Li.rp;rk Red c™»_ - St. Mar,. , Jit P.W.k|!fl 'I* lofty peaks covered with snow and ice , ^,r" and Mrs. Ralph Bennett and trickling streams of water flowing children^ Mrs.^ Agnes Marshall, Rodown the mountains into the^ rapid streams below. They went through snow ball and carried it on their radiator for some time.-- They drove across Idaho and into Washington where they visited Spokane. They went through the Cascade mountains and Hand valley which is very picturesque. They watched vena Marshall and Patricia Lee Marshall visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kosinski at Elgin FridaMr. VeJJ!dg'Mrs. Paul Yanda were de^eati^ the attempt to charge each The McCullom Lake club (the parent body organization of the community) has been outstanding in promoting the interests of the residents of the area. Its first major victory was the installation of electric poles and wiring to make electric service available and the club was instrumental in ' Waukegan callers Wednesday after- 1 noon. Mrs. William Althoff and daughter, ] subscriber seventy-nine dollars for the installation. Next the club proeured the school Ethel, are visiting in Chicago today ; hus service for the children, also mail (Thursday). service delivery inside the subdivision. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.! The club points with pride to an- Albert Vales were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. [other accomplishment, namely, the as- S«ptember 15 Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. -- . Business Meeting and Public Card Party salmon fishing there and saw. big Vales, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kopriva, 1 sistance given the board of supervisorchards and canneries. They also Mrs Aibert Vales, Victor Lomhardi' ors and Mayor Overton of McHenry were thrilled at seeing the snow-cap- and Geor Val aH of chj ped peak of Mount Hood in the dis- Ra, h Bennett( of McHenry and tance They then drove southward Mr and Mrg A L Kosinski of Elgin e5dg~eU go5f ttKh e Pacific 8o ceanW.C rTTVh,eayt tehsC- aettended the War show in Chicago atl,rjav hAAtollir on intrn/l si M tm mL Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Smith anl many lovely cards. Present were Mrs. Mary Harrington • Weirgart, Mr. and Mrs. Math Laures, daughter, Mary Jane, and sons, Erwin •and Jack, Miss Lorraine Knox and and Mrs. Edgar Landgren and familv of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. toward Christepsen of Richmond. .. ,! • * » .!•• Birthday Celebration Mrs. William Marshall of Chicago i itelebrated her birthday last Sunday at | A lawn party at the home of Mrs't ' J^-gnes Marshall in McHenry. Games "lind cards provided entertainment and | the guest of honor was the recipient; »f many beautiful gifts. A six o'clock buffet supper was! Served on the lawn,j>n tables attrac- j lively decorated with crepe paper. A f huge birthday cake was the center of | /•attraction. V Er joying the occasion were Mr. and | Mrs. A. L. Kosinski of Elgin, Mr. and j -Mrs. Kenneth Marshall and sons, Kenneth, Jr., and Dale of Crystal Lake, .vjKlisg Suzzanne Koenstedt of Waukegan, Clyde Carr, Ringwood, Mr. and | Mrs. Ralph Bennett and. Ralph, Jr.,J *nd Z4linda Anne, !£rs, Ag»es Mar- ' '* School Hall. September 17 W. S. C. S. -- 1:30 Luncheon Church Hall. C. D. of A. -- Business Meeting. pecially enjoyed the drive through the Redwood section. They also visited Camp Roberts where a son of Mr. and Mrs. Kilpat- Patrick i r'c^ stationed. Private Ray Warren | Kilpatrick, and from there they began their homeward journey. E. On the return trip they visited many AU, « . o j ^y-ipotaU interest too and arriyd ^5?? home Sunday evening, August'30, in finding ways and means to blacktop the road from McHery to the end of our subdivision. At the inception of the club the keynote was the betterment of conditions and the protection of the property East River Road Pinochle Club Mrs. Ben Dietz. September 19 ' y : Broiling Easy ! . Broiling is one of our easiest Harvesting Hard Time Party -- Spon-1 Methods of cooking meat. All you son, John, of Johnsburg have been owners. The club has never swerved spending a two weeks vacation at from those principles and intends to Long Lake, Wis. maintain the same hijh 'standards ill Mr. and Mrs. Gamble of Dundee and the future. Private Ronald Gamble /of Scott i There will be interesting develop- Field, 111., were guests in the William | ments and all non-resident members j are advised to keep in touch with your htendad the War show in Chicago on | club throughout the winter months. 4* Clyde Carr and Rovena Marshall at- i annual dilfes remain at one dofr«- ' Monday. | lar and are now payable for 1943. sored by Friendly East River Road Improvement Association. , , September 22 Red Cross County Meeting --»^Crystal Lake High School. October 2 Christian Mothers & Altar Society --' St. Mary - St. Patrick School Hall. October 15 Public Card Party -- Sponsored by C. D. of A. * - Fog Said to Protect Skfal San Francisco has much fog but little skin cancer. Fog seems to block the Ultra-violet rays t>f tho sun, which are sold to CftUiO tho -cancer. ' have to do is put the steaks or chops you wish to broil on the rack with their top surface three inches from the source of heat. They'll broil slowly at that distance and all you need do is turn them when one side iis brown and take them out when browned on both sides. If you have no broiler, these cuts of meat may be panbroiled. Panbroiling is just browning the meat in a skillet without adding liquid and without cover* fc»8- Mrs. John Smith and son, Clarence, j are Chicago callers today (Thursday). I Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall of Ghicago were weekend guests of Mrs. Agnes Marshall. Mrs. Goodsir of Ridgewood, New Jersey, mother of Fred Goodsir of West McHenry, arrived Monday to spendj.a few weeks visiting her son and family. Mr. and Mr$. Gerald Carey and family^Miss CynViya Woll $md Nancy Carey spent last Thursday at Fond du Lac, Wis. ~ We stand on our record. A. M. BAILEY, See. « Hot or Cold, Either One A new type of thermostat hat.# special dial which enables the homeowner to adjust the instrument. Jn accordance with the individual control characteristics of the heating system. No two heating systems are exactly alike; they differ in firing rate and type of firing equipment, size and arrangement of pipes, and kind of fuel used. The Mr. and Mrs. Francis Borrlsett of j special dial enables the operator to Cancer Not Inherited Widespread experiments show that cancer, generally, is never passed on-from oae of a family tp another. Evanston visited friends here Monday Jake Buss of Chicago was a weekend visitor in McHenry. , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bonslett of Evanston spent Sunday visiting friends and relatives hero. • - obtain various adjustments in addi- . tion to the usual type of temperature setting. - -- v ! Order your Rubber Stamps at The, Plaindesler! " -'.-i . Now's a Good Time to Have Your flTardrobe Cleaned ' - RUGS, DRAPERIES AND GOATS U CUCAKJSD AND RELINED < '• HATS ' ^ .CLEANED AND RESHAPED 7 BEING HANGERS TO STO&E WM WILL PAY ONE HALF CENT APIECEI - Grande Cleaners -108 S. GREEN ST. -- TEL. 42 -- McHENRY •$ 'C\ " i v y - , *- « ' k f.., 1 J / Vll \ J a . "T. NELL'S BALLROOM' JOHNSBURG BRIDGE WED., SEPT. 16th JOB TURNER'S DUDE RANCH ORCHESTRA .-. . . .•. . . . ."_ _. . K m- Third Annual Dancr g^iven by ---*- PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION OF McCULLOM LAKE SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 8:30 P.ML At The Bridge McHenry, Illinois . « OKflLLE SURZ AND HIS ORCHESTItA featuring Eleanor Tabor The same popular orchestra that furnished the- music at our Second Annual Dance! Admission 50c, including tax. DR. C. L WATKINS DENTIST wishes to announce that-lie' has. .o^i^.i(ii.^o#ice. fpr •"•.:;-.;' j^ac.tice""of 'l)entis^^^ at y „ LOOKOUT POINT, WONDER LAKE, ILL. Honors: Tuesday - Saturday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings and Sundav Moniiiigs by Ap[)oiatment. Phone Wonder Lake 188 For the- past fifteen years located in the Medical and Dental Arts Bldg., 185 North Wabash SHAKE HI ii Kill** CAM Mil' -~r * .' ( RAISE MORE CORN MORE corn for Victory- More corn for Peace-- More corn to feed the World -- that's the job of the American Farmer today and in the years to come. And then'* > man in your neighborhood whose job ta to help you do your job better, easier and more economically. That man is your local DeKalb dealer. His specialized 'knowledge of corn and his practical knowledge of your local growing conditions enable him to help you select the best varieties for your farm -- to tell you of the latest DeKalb hybrids and to help you Increase your yield on less ground. Make it a point to get acquainted with your DeKalb dealer. He's a real farmer just like yourself, and your problems are his problems. See your DeKalb dealer. jlEKALB AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. DeKalb, III. HYBRID CORN