77 >7;^h -..jn >-Tn #* "^.' ii. *• • McHEKBT PLAIKDEALES « r ^ ! I A 7* 1* • *' * . -•' --* -*'>>« 1 • ; ; ' VJ ' . • »*vr ,'--••r• •::' EW ' ' "U MISS BETTY MAE ORR MARRIED IN LOVELY ' CANDLELIGHT SERVICE At a beautiful candlelight service performed in the Community Method- Mill #»»»•»»»»# t > f »M Mt Among the Sick; > Mrs. Peter Freund of Route 2, Ma- Henry, was admitted to/the Woodstock ist church at five o'clock last Satur- hospital lastThursday with a leg in* day afternoon, Miss Betty Mae Orr, jury. . 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James OIT | Mrs^ Jacob Schaefer has been ill Pot-Luck Sapper Choral Club 5 -of McHenry. became the bride of Mr. ber home on Court street. Hit Lady Foresters of St. Clara's Due to class play rehearsals 'being Glenn Benson, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Hunter of Route 2 was a CU9A will have a pot-luck supper on conducted in the high school aiiditot- [ Ben Behso'n of Richmond. j surgical patient at St. Therese's hos TlMtVday, October 22, at six o'clock. ; ium during the tiext nfonth, the Choral j The charming bride was attired in Att Members are asked to bring a club,will meet in room 207. . ^..... ; a„Dubonnet street length dress with tOYWPed di«h. The supper will be held ; * • * 1 - [matching bridal hat and British *tan taBt. Mary - St. Patrick's school hall. Meeting will follow. American Legioa *•••••'? Fox Rivtr Valley Camp , The Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A., will ndt hold their regular meeting next Tuesday evening, October 20, due At a meeting of the American Le- to the county convention being held ffion Post No. 491 last Monday evening that night in Huntley. V the members unanimously endorsed( . • . • • •etkm of the city council* in regard to ; , - , / Business and Professional 1 •apporting the public library. - Etljel Jones, Mrs. C. W. Goodejl and Plans were also discussed for th* Mrs. Vortex Bouma Vill act as hostexpansive patriotic t Armistice Day egseg at a. dinner mating of the BusiprogTim to be held at the high school ^pgg an(j Profession] Women' club to on the evening of November 11. . I t h e l d - h e f e ^U o t d M evetwg, is expected that the navy will furnish OrtrvhAr 1Q *'> ' .^T a speaker for the occasion. Ray Mc- « . * * , Gee is chairman of the committ&^iri...iicharge of the program, • ' M V J • •' __ . . . ; v- Mr. and Mrs. William Josten .Wfire Monday evening • <rf the local piost will be on November at their home by a group 0f relatives « * * *" 1 and friends in honor of their twenty- J fifth wedding anniversary. They were &•;?} • .Birthday Party, ^^yy-] presented with several gi<ts and an Miss Eva Unti, daughterof Mr. and anniversary cake. The evening was Mrs. Gus Unti, entertained a group of Spent in playing lards, after which friends at her home on Green street iuncheon was served. Prizes were won last Friday afternoon in honor of her by Mrg Ben Freundi Mr§> Qeorge May ninth birthday. Games provided en- and Mrs Elmer justen> tertainment with prizes being awarded to Rita Bolger, Mary Ann Bolger, Donna Rosing and Betty Schmitt. A tasty lunch was served the fifteen ^an)es quests at the, conclusion of the-after-' iwon's fun. Rita pital, Waukegan, last week. Mrs. Hugh McDonald of McCullom Lake has been ill wjth pneumonia at the Woodstock hospital. / "Walter Troxell of Wpnder Lake was taken to the Woodstock hospital Sunday evening, having suffered a brokerj leg. Dennis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn ; Smith, of Beloit, Wis., underwent art; | appendectomy at a Beloit hospital * ; Monday. Hs was taken ill the night I previous while visiting his grandparjents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway, in ! McHenry. Georgia Stenger, daughter Of Mr; land Mrs. George Stenger, suffered a ' broken arm on Monday. » Five hundred and ninety-five registered on the last day in McHenry. I Mrs. Albertina Feltz, 91, who is con^ fined to the Woodstock hospital as th6 result of a broken arm and broken hip FIRST OIKL METER READERS OF WORLD WAR II QUICK RELIEF FROM lywphmi mt Distress Arising frene* STOMACH ULCERS owto EXCESS ACID FrMBeekTeMsefNemeTreatimntthaA Mnt Help «r H Win Cost Yon N«|hliig Over two million bottle* of the WILLAKO TBBATMiCNT have been sold for relief •YMTCODMof distreM arising from IkMiw and |l Wears due to BKNTACMNw W|»tli«, lor or Upwt Itonict, due to lawn AM. Sold on 15 days' trial! Ask tar "Wlafi MHHH" which tuUf* explains this treatment--free--at WATTLES DRUG STORE Soon, girls., ^ttired in snappy cadet Those present celebration were Henry J. Stilling, A ___ tered the Woodstock hospital Tuesday MR. AND MRS. GLENN BENSON | „ a medica, patient lit tile anniversary ' accessories. She wore a corsage of: Messrs. and Mes- white roses and carried a white prayer ; ,"e^_ book. > suffered in a fall last week, is report- gray uniforms like those worn by ed to be resting comfortably. Caryl Nelson (left) and Gladys Wil- Mrs. Martin May was a patient at, ]iams may be reading your gas or Victory Memorial hospital in Wmilcp- j gan the first of the week. j uniT-E<vP V QVPnVAWP Mrs. Grace Kuntz of Ringwood en- «M5il£iJJIltY OlSlwWI&AW 1 electric meters. They are included in. group now being trained by Public" Service Co. of Northern Illinois to re-' place men serving in the armed forces;; • M. H. Jacob F. Present were Betty Schmitt. Justen, Nick M. Justen, John Freuna, The maid of honor was Miss Esther Ben Tonyan, Clarence Freund, Arthur Jean Orr, sister of the bride. She wore Stilling. John Hay, Peter Miller, Geo. a "dross of soldier blue and matching May, Elmer Justeny Leo-Young, Ben accessories and a corsage of America- Bolger, Gerry Carey, Patsy Watson, Freund Ben Justen -Mrs • Kathrvn Beauty roses. Cadet Bonde Benson of Dorothy Blake, Mary Miller, Mary Rauen ^nd William Miner. ' West Point, N. Y., was best man and • Ann Bolger, Joan Freund, Doris J us- j * * * Ruth Benson, sister of the groor.*, tan, Marilyn Gerasch, Mary Jane Ger- . , ^I i ushered. weeks, is now able to be up again. Mrs, Walter Warner, who underf went an operation at St. Joseph's hospital three weeks ago, returned last Friday to her home at 265 5aymonU St., Elgin. Mrs. Harold Bacon, who has been undergoing treatment at Michael Reese hospital, Chicago, is improving. «sch, Donna Ruth Rosing and Mary1 l-Janior Unti. ^ _ Entertain at tJ. S. O. McHenry girls Again acted as host- Asses at the U. S.V.O. hut in Waukegan last Wednesday^ night. Eighteen (iris assisted the Glencoe and Win- Clarke , Mothers'Club J?. I The Mothers' club held their mottithly meeting last Friday afternoon at rthe home of Mrs. C. W. Goodell in West McHenry. A geod crowd was p ,, - ... „• 3Qttv MCKean, victory memorial nospitai wee present to hear a Ter* interesting »»» ^ she had been confined Preceding the ceremony Miss Jac- i M'- an^ Mrs. Joe queline Bunger of Chicago, a cousin of Weber, fell Wednesday, breaking his the bride, lighted the candles which arm' , provided the only light in the church. resume of the fine work done'by the £c™p™ie!>y ^ Wf^' T Sang U.S.O. in Waukegan, given by^ Miss ^hubert 8 "Av« M»rUi and 1 ^ Musical entertainment was You Truly." stetka groups in providing refresh- furnished b a artette com d Gl -To t--he strains of t«h«e wedding Stents and a pleasant evening of danc- SeHoiip Warren Jnneq and march the bndal party entered the Trni0"ShiP- an?MHh sK5S ^ » ptao "hiCh """ Trasportation was provided by the » . B ed for the occasion. In each window "American Red Cross Motor Corps,. ' ^ . 1 were two candles, with small bouquets With Capt. Mary Owen and First Lieu- Hostesses for Friday s meeting 10f assorted flowers between. Ferns, tenant Minnie Green acting as chauf- . ' ®®rs' George candelabra and mixed bouquets were feurs and chaperons. j J°bnson, Mrs. Gerald Newman, Mrs. | so arranged on the altar as to make a TTie following girls attended: Ethel, ^o^ard^^cCracken^ ^and Mrs^ beautiful setting for the couple to exchange nuptial vows. The bride's mother was attired in a navy blue crepe suit and the groom's mother wore a blue print dress. Both, had corsages of pink and white car- Miss Mary F. Knox returned from Victory Memorial hospital Wednesday f a t a week. Freund, Angela Freund, Evelyn Wein- | Yanda The next regdlar meeting will fart, Marion Krause, AJice Low, Jane aJ ^e home of Mrs. R. M, Fleming jDnrland, Virginia Sullivan, Marie Ion November 13. Vales, Marjorie D'Vore. Jean Brumtaiti Katherine Simon, Lucille Simon, ftirley Heide, Dolores Wagoner, Evftljm Hay, Rosabelle Gruno and Isabelle Fellons. November 4. '* •* Fifty Years Married Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Owen, residents | nations. of McHenry until 1901 when they left After the ceremony a buffet supper The next party will be ; to make their home in Cushing, Okla.,, was enjoyed by the bridal party and observed their golden wedding anni-1 about fifty guests at the Orr home versary at their home there on Mon- i on Waukegan street. A reception was %: Eighty-Sixth Birthday : day, October 5. The reception given held later in the evening for sixty-five. Math Weber was honored at a fain- 'that evening at the Masonic Temple The newlyweds then left on a week's My gathering last Thursday evening was Panned to follow as closely as , trip to Hot Springs, Ark. St his home on Riverside Drive in i Possible Mr. and Mrs. Owen's wed- The former Miss Orr graduated fcoqpr of his eighty-sixth birthday. Idin# ceremony fifty years previous. j from the McHenry Community High fie is one of the city's real old timer* J A mock wedding, with the honorees school with the class of 1940 and has and enjoys the best of health today. ; repeating their marriage vows, feetnr-j since been employed^at the WestMc- Only a few weeks ago he made a trip ed the program. The couple was mar- T" ~ " * ™ |o Minnesota to visit relatives. ried in the family home, Xkow occupied ~ At the anniversary party cards were by Mrs. Nellie Bacon on Main street, played and lunch served at the con- McHenry, October 3, 1892. «» of an enjoyable evening. The i Mr. and Mrs. Owen's three sons too* Henry State bank. The groom graduated from the Richmond High school and expects to enlist in the air force in the near future. Out-of-town guests at the wedding: honored guest was presented with a part in the ceremony, with Charles *fre and ,M"' Charles Hoppe, Mr. and Mrs. John Planep, Edward and Chester Planep, Mr. and Mrs. William Orr, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Anderson, Mrs. Celina Orr, Ivan Benger and daughter, Jacqueline, Mr. and A drive to register all women available for work is being conducted by the United States Employment service. To out-fight the dictators we must out-produce them. To out-pror duce them Uncle Sam must have more industrial workers. Women will have to do their part. For further details contact your local employment office^ TAKES WOODSTOCK GIRL AS HIS BRIDE Marriage Licenses MISS MARIE WAGNER BECOMES BRIDE 07 JAMES VANDENBOOM and Mrs. Gas Perrson of Woodstock, Staff Sergeant MRS. GORDON KNOX Word was received hare the last of the week of the marriage on Saturn day evening, October 3, 1942, of Miss Florence Perrson, daughter of Mr. Alfred Dexheimer, Hampshire, to Nelda M. Streleski, Hampshire.- ' J. David Case, Hebron, to Lucille H. Anderson, Woodstock. Lyle T. Pacey, Wlimot, to Mildred A. Brooks, Wilmot. * James L. McCartney, Lake Geneva, Wis., to Mary L. Allison, Lake Geneva. Harry H. Halopka, Woodstock, to Frances P. Wilkinson, Woodstock. Lawrence C. Freeman, Ringwood, to Beatrice L. Judson, Hebron. ... Arthur E. Brink, Woodstock, to Ina M. Mieswinkel, Woodstock. A marriage license has been issued in St. Charles, Mo., to James Baxter of Dayton, Ohio, and Ella lbsh of McHenry. fir MM Going Places... |rm 'NEW ANGLE' The man who's going places will •. find the NEW ANGLE an influential companion. For this streamlined Fall style by Malory will make its wearer look a winner from every point of view--front, back, and profile! 'Cravenette'- processed to defeat style-wilting ! mist and drizzle, it's a £ ^ AA smart buy all uouodl, . yJ(Uv OTKI MALLOIY STYLE$,$5.00 to $6.M MAUfORY Sv,: Aii McGEE'S r-^- Store-ler-Men --~ Green Street McHenry Read the Want Ads! Ration Card Beaity Case A beautiful fall wedding was solemnized at St. Peter's Catholic church in Volo Wednesday morning of last week uniting in marriage Miss Marie Wagner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wagner of Round Lake and Mr. James Vandenboom, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Vandenboom of Round YOUNG LADIES FROM 18 TO 28 SOUGHT TO ENTERTAIN AT USO IPmnety of gifts. | Owen accompanying his mother to the Present were Mrs. Elizabeth Krause improvised altar for the rites and Iff Woodstock, John P. Weber, Mr. and Oliver Owen giving the bride away. Ed Mrs. Ralph Justen and family, Mr. j Owen acted as best man for his father. and Mrs. John Thennes, Mrs. Emily j Lawson and sons, Mrs. Helen Heuser 1 Ju! Mrs' ^ Weichart and son' R*hard, and family Mr. and Mrs. Henry e8forted to refreshment table Mr> and John McDonough and Weber and' family, Laura and Joe ^o^t^^be^iful^d^orated wed* S°n' Donald' and Mr' and Mrs< Martin Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Howard j cLl GierU» aU of Chicago; Mr* and Mrsand Julette Thelen, McHenry. Mr. and g Eastern Star Ben Benson, Richmond; Cadet Bonde Mrs. Joe Adams of Johnsburg also . • , j Benson, West Point, N. Y.; Mr. and called during the evening. ! 0ver two hundred guests attended ! Mrs. Gordon Benson, Wonder Lake; » » » the reception, congratulating the Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Miek, Elgin; a ^ nilt4J,rf ! Owens upon the occasion and extend- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Winters and son, 4' „ ®°rp"*fr in^ hest ^shes for their future ! Albert, Marengo; Mr. and Mrs. Har- Mrs. iza „ , • • Mr. and Mrs. Owen have three sons, 'old Osborne, Solon Mills; Ruth Benlin t" ^ «' ,nd Fr,°k &hmiu' Wednesday. Crd. wer. played Ch.rle, »nd Ohver y.he, 111^ one | Joh.^mrg. srizee being merited by Mayme BUBS, , k Burton Whitely llrs. Simon Stoffel, Mrs. Henry Kin- of Tulsa, Okla; three grandsons, aala and Mrs. Zel-ski. ! Charles, Donald and Edwin Lewis, and The serving of a tasty lunch which one JP*eat grandson, Ronald. featured a beautifully decorated birth-; Charles and Olver Owen drove from 4ay cake concluded an enjoyable Skokie to Cushing to be with their j. Attention, girls, between eighteen •vening. The honored guest was pr.e- parents at the anniversary. Mr. and and twenty-eight! Are you doing sented with a lovely gift by her Mrs. Owen returned with them for a; your share to bflp our boys feel that friends. few weeks visit. • j we are behind mem? Do yoif know j ! that between 8,^p0 and 10,000 boys | jfrom Great Lakes Naval Station seek ! j relaxation and companionship at the | U. S. O. in Waukegan every week ? j ' T h e s e boys a r e from e v e r y walk o f ; ! lfe, of every creed, from every state j | in the union. They are a long way 1 j from home, they need someone to talk | with, someone to provide the compan-; ionship sorely missed in service rou- j tme. ; You can h e l p . How? You can g i v e Up one night a month to McHenry | Girls Service organization. One night j out of thirty isn't much is it? Those i boys ;are giving many nights out of ! -thirty and one visit will convince you that your job is well worth while. The requirements are that you be unmarried, over eighteen, willing to terve at least once a month, and that you have a character reference. It •e?/ Thursday Oct. 22nd Our Chicago company representative wil bo Wfth us for • LIMITED TIME ONLY to display this season's outstanding fabrics •nd consult with you about your wardrobo interests or problems. So comprehersive and varied it the now selection that your problem-- if any --wil bo to decido WHICH from many fabric* you admire! Fitzgerald's, Men's Sh< Phono 19 W. AAcHenry^ and Gordon Thomas Knox, son of John Knox of McHenry. The six o'clock ceremony was, performed at the camp chapel at Camp Potk, La. The attractive bride wore a pink and brown, two-piece suit and brown accessories for her wedding. She and the groom are now making their home at 109 Third St., Deridder, La. The bride ' graduated from the Woodstock Community High school 'with the class of 1941 and since that time has been employed at the Mitchell drug store there. Sergeant Knox graduated from the local high,, school in 1939 and has been in service since last January 26. CARD OF THANKS We wish, to express our sincere gratitude to neighbors and friends for flowers, the use of cars and the many other kindnesses extended to us in our recent bereavement. We are also especially grateful to Rev. Father Neid- MRS. WILLIAM ADAMS ^ •2Zr*~ •• AND CHILDREN. contains Revlon Nail Enmmel* Oibliyg Aspoemcioavlo dr,* mW Lhaipcsktiinckg You'll adore the real leather case for your war stamps, ratios cards, compact, etc. And, of cooree, yonll adore America's best-loved nail enamel, b* cause of the UBK rivaled way it stayi 0O your nails! Won* ^ derfnl value! Get yours today! • / '; Bolger's Drug Store Phone 41 Green Street (Phot* br w«rwi«k) MRS. JAMES VANDENBOOM •mzi Lake, formerly of McHenry. The nine ; o'clock ceremony was performed by ' Rev. Father George Schark. j The lovely bride was attired in a i white satin dress and carried a bou- ; quet of American Beauty roses. She wore a long veil and had orange bios- ! soms in her hair. j The matron of honor, Mrs. John ! Bolton, sister of the groom, wore a rose colored taffeta gown and * will cost you a share in providing re- .blusher veil and carried a bouquet simfreshments and fifty cents which helps ilar to that of the bride. defray the cost of the orchestra and j The bridesmaid was Miss Louise the cost of gasoline to those donating i Wagner, sister of the bride, who was their cars. I gowned in blue taffeta. She also wore Over 600,000 other girls all over the ! a blusher veil and carried a bouquet country are serving. Why not you? |of roses. Urban Wagner, brother of Jtemember that everything you can do j the bride, served the groom as best to make the lives of serviceirien cheer- 'man. f u l and h a p p y i s a s e r v i c e r e n d e r e d to F o l l o w i n g t h e c e r e m o n y , a w e d d i n g our country in this time of war--as breakfast was served at the home of much a service as if you were out on the bride for the immediate families the front line. : and the bridal party. A reception was The job is important. McHenry girls IMPORTANT Can do their bit. Call Mrs. Harold wen, telephone 301, or Mrs. Willian. reen, 141-R. . CARD OF THANKS We, the relatives of the late Laurabelle Conklin, wish to thank all who assisted us in any way during our -late bereavement. ODELL CONKLIN, MR. AND MRS. ELMER WEBER, MRS. BLANCHE BABCOCK. *22 held later in the day for about one hundred friends and relatives. A wedding dance was enjoyed in the evening at Nell's ballroom, Johnsburg. The bride attended school at Volo and has been employed at St. Maryo^ the/ Lake Seminary at Mundelein. v~Tfie grdom attended the old St. Mary's school during his residence in McHenry and is now employed at Johns- Manville Co., in Waukegan. The young couple are making their home in Round Lake. r As I have been called for military service and am leaving this Thursday, I desire to inform patrons of Wattles Drug Stor* and the public in general, that the store will continue to be operated. by my brother, Howard Wattles, until my return after the war is ended. - / The drug store will carry a full line, with the one exception, that of compounding prescriptions, as there will not be a registered p h a r m a c i s t i n t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t . , > • • • Any of the patrons who have prescriptions on file at the Wattles Drug Store are asked to call and get them as soon as convenient, in order that Owy may get them refilled at some otter pharmacy, if desired. ' It is not necessary to go out of McHenry f or prescription work, as this city has a drug store on Green Street, operated by a registered pharmacist, Thomas P. Bolger. I suggest that my patrons make tuw . of his professional services. I desire to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my patrons for past business and trust that they will continue to make their purchases at the store operated by Howard Wattles, until the end of the conflict, when I hope to again be behind the counters and p r e s c r i p t i o n c a s e o f t h e , GLENN T. WATTLES u