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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Dec 1942, p. 8

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frnm "h ' "*y" PLAINDEALI* ' t - ; - | piano almost continuously, According to reports of those who attended. Mrs. Louis Althoff on day announced the engagetljeir > daughter, Anita, and srt Weisell, who is attendiilg Thursday of this week Mrs. Owen and Mrs. Green will take cake'and cockies donated by Algonquin #nd Fox River Grove ladies to Camp Grant, Rockford. r---- - Christmas Party , A Christmas party was held at the Lily Lake school last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stepfltenfe, of 6745 eyening for the children. The party Perry avenue, Chicago. Tire ceremony was given by the Lily Lake P.-T.-A. was performed in Holy Trinity church The children of the school presented | Chicago, at 2 o'clock Saturday after- Local girls who plan to attend the ; a very lovely Christma^ program after noon on Dec. 26. U.S.O. party at Waukegan next week, which everyone present sang "Jingle The attractive bride was attired m LOR&AHfl FREUND BECOMES BRIDE IK ^LOVELY CEREMONY NEARBY NEWS tipn in this city. No date..Imp . M##' Mf for the wedding. Local Girls Entertain A beautiful wedding of interest tto her many friends here united in marriage Miss Lorraine Freund, daughter of Mrs. Frank J. Freund, McHen- I The St. Matthew Evangelical Luthry, and Mr. Burton Stefchefs, son of eran church at Fairfield, northeast cf Lake Zurich, built almost 80 years ago, was destroyed completely by fire which broke out shortly after 1:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Dec. 20. The loss was figured at $15,000, although it was estimated that more 1 for Mechanics 'in. Cali- . _ than $30,000 would be required to He was formerly a resident of i Jan, & are.asked to ccntaclMw^Marj Bells." i a blue crepe street length dress with . - Lake. Miss Althoff is employed Owen before that day. , Highlight of the evening was the | which she wore brown accessories and replac® \"e church was ifcago. i * * * j arrival of Sahta daus, who came white gloves. Her corsage was of for $3,000 and the fixtures for , *•' » "Sunday Nighters" •* ivith toys for each child and a bag j white roses. j" " . /«• j frr&r last regular meeting tht j filled with cookies, candy, oranges and i Miss Gladys Justen, niece of the "jo •Jr.: of the nuts. Mr. Honored On Namesday arid Mrs. Stephen H. freund bride, served as bridesmaid, wearing ' Sgt. K. W. McCarville, sonci the i an aqua dress with brown accessories : ™rmer Celia Terhorst and grandson and a corsage of yellow tea roses. N. . Mrs. William Terhorst of Bur- I B. Stephens, brother of the groom,' Wis., was killed in action in j- New Guinea on December 5, according j cine "of" friends and rela- Sunday Nighters" group w*s Seld at the Scheid-Kenne- ; Methodist church installed new offihfftne at Griswold Lake on cers. John Looze was elected chair- Btmas day. In attendance were man; Howard Collins, vice-chairman.4 . j u * and Mrs. Irvtn Nester and daugh- and Mrs. Phillip Nimtz. secretary and were surprised by a group of relatives served as best man. . . (to word received . M Terhorst and Joseph Scheid of North Chi- treasurer. Plans for the coming year ; last Sunday at a gathering honoring The bride is a gradate of the Mc- McCarville 24 was born in Bur Dr. and Mrs. LaHoda and were discussed and the first subject the formers' namesday Dinner and Henry Community high school with B« fhter, Lillian, and Mr. and Mrs. has becoem a drive for increased mem- -upper were served and an enjoyable the class of 1934 and afterward took nl; mort of his ltfe in ii-r Kenneheck and con Curtis of bership day spent in cards and visiting. nurse's training at St. Charles hos- a memper of the Na- «uCOnda" mT and Mre Nick B All youne married couples are wel- Present were Albert Buch, Milwau- pital School of Nursing, Aurora. Fol- !t,onal Guard Co L and went with his Kuconda, Mr. and Mrs. Nick is, Ail young marriea coupies a . r„„i, rViinao-n Mr and lowing her graduation she served at company to Australia. He had been in iund, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund come to become members cf the group. kt>e. Helen Buch. Chicago Mr. and lowingn^grauationsne served at Guinea for several months laughter. Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meetings are held the first Sunday of Mrs. Delphine Freund Wauconda,: the Woodstock hospital for .tnres.j « months. leid and children and Buddy every ..month in the Fellowship room Mr, and Mrs. H. E Buch and^tamily, years and the past year has bgen ftt | ^ Kmd, ali of McHenry, »d ». an.Tcf the church. Vou are !;ureto recciv,BJfe and Blake. Mr ^nd_^I«.no,, R«eSrch hospital m MWle BlOTrer " Next" Sundav™ Jan "ary be Mra. BemarfN Smith Ttrf' family,. fJStepheM, a g^duato of Belott | » .I*"*!<*• V* proration to V f«Sundav Nighters Day'" in the phurch. Mr, and Mrs. Carl J. Freund and fam-.l college, is. president of the Holmesj Jhe ra"k of Major Dr. Dickey enHoliday Gathering ily, Herbert Freund and family, Mr. Manufacturirtg ;;Co. in Woodstock,.i tered the service at Fort Sill, Okla., The. -Jacob DiedncK h»me on Couit. ^j^^J^^e^e^es^The regular and Mrs. Wilfred Blake and family where the young .coufcle will ftiake".j in March, 1941, and ;was commissioned ] K Street was the scene of a holiday conducting tne services. ^ and Nkk Freund their home. ; as first lieutenant, later being elevated 1 • gathering of relatives on Christmas meeting will be held in the evening, ® iflay. . Those ©resent were Louis Died- starting with a pot-luck supper ati • Pickett, Va.; Alfons 7:30. Each couple attending asked !DiedricJi, lOhwafgo; Catherine Diedrich, fe. N„ and Michael Thill, Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Diedrich and Sixty-First Anniversary to bring one dish to pass and sand- j A holiday party which mcluded dinwiches for themselves. There will be • ner, music and dancing celebrated the plenty of games and entertainment. ; sixty-first wedding anniversary of Dr, FORMER RESIDENT, FRIEDA K. WEITL, HARRIES ARMY MAN at the Station hospital at Fort Sill. to the rank of captain and now has | the rank of major. Since July 15 Major Dickey has been serving as assistant chief of the Medical Service and Mrs. D. N. Brown of Crystal Lake on Christmas day. Only member ab- i Old friends here will read with in- | C. W. Martin of Cross Lake had his sent from the family circle was Capt. terest of the marriage on Saturday annual ice party last Sunday. The E. M. Brown, a son, who is with the ' afternon, Dec. 26, of Miss Frieda K, | weather was perfect for the job, which engineering corps at Orlando, Fla. In Weitl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. went off very smoothly. The ice was family, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams and Come in and get acquainted with the family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diedrich ^roup, you wiil^be^sincerely welcome. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas • ' Diedrich and daughter. Miss Lorraine, v U.S.O. Party Kurth anfl Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Died- ^Th* Mothers* club ent^ertained^a ^ group^at^the home of a son-in-law GeorgeJVeftl of St. Charles, formerly 12^ Jnches thick and of very good rich and daughters, Van Ann of McHenry. w * * •""" Announce Engagement afternoon and *nd daughter, Mr and Mrs. Ed Coffee, with whom they live, were the of McHenry, and Corp. Warren O. guality. Nystedt, son cf Mr. and Mrs. John w-----. Nystedt of Dundee. They were mar- January 1, 1948, will be more than kegan last Sunday eaily evening. other members of their family, Mr. wiches and ten Targe ^ and Mrs. Bobby Brown, T. M. Brown, ried in a ceremony performed by the j New Years Day to Mrs. Magdalena At a dinner Christmas day Mr. and serve between 600 and -0C men, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hauswirth of Chi- Rev. Fr. R. J. Carse, with only the im- | Redlinger of Prairie View. It will Mrs. William Novieh of Kenosha, < brought over by the Mcne ry a ^ ggt Charles HaUswirth of mediate families present. be the ninety-eighth anniversary of Wis., announced the engagement of1 ^hristma^dl^corations put aii in Camp Carabella ^ and Mr and Miss Weitl was gowned in white her birth. She was born in southern their daughter, Joanne Edna, to Mr. sPint oi ^nouaay season . Mrs_ 0liver Gailbratith and family. ! chiffon, fashioned with a full skirt and Lake county in 1845 and has spent Harold PhannenstiU, Mr.,and, George Krani^jvas in _g -- } Brown is now retired, having long sleeves. Her fingertip veil was her entire life in that vicinity. Mry. Mrs. John PhannenstiU, who r*side eVent- r . practised dentistry from 1876 to 1937. held in place with a wreath of orange Redlinger was 16 years old when the east of McHenry. j Those rtaking the trip, from here rp^ Brown famjiy js well known here blossoms and her bridal bouquet con- Civil war broke out. The dinner was held at the Phan- were Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. ag daughter and family, Mr. and sisted of snap dragons and white carfjienstill home. Present other thaii George Johnson, Mrs. Richard Flem- rs> gd Hauswirth, lived in McHenry nations. those mentioned were Mr. and Mrs. ! 'n#> Mrs. Albert Purvey, Mrs. Ed for several years. George Haldeman of Woodstock, Mr.^ Suttoti, Mrs. Wm. Green, Mrs. George and Mrs. Henry Kennebeck, McHenry; Miller,^Miss M^rie.Johfison, Miss NgW YEAR SERVICES HELD ON SUNDAY AT Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lloyd, Harvard; Maud Graneer, Mrs. PJlul; Schwerman, " ~ William, Zerby of Indiana and Mrs. Carl Weber and Mrs. P. H. Owen, and Mrs. Donald L. Mitchell of'Three men accompanid t.,« ladies, Mrf Miss When Carl Rowan rhymed to his "Little Casino," Grayslake, Tuesday Mrs. Mr. and Waukegan. I Weber,. Mr. Johnson and $r. Owen. Miss Novich is employed as inspec- Mrs. Weber entertained throughout tor at the Cooper Knitting Cp. in Kfe- j the afternon and eveniivg -on the piano nosha " » ^ ~ Jfc; Elizabeth Weitl, her brides- _ maid, wore white chiffon and carried afternoon, he"found"the" place 7^ > pink rose bouquet. Carl Hulick, + and the bartender, Carl Hurn, was cousin of .the bridegroom, was best, missing. With Hurn also has disapma A n" ' . . • „ ~ ..., peared a quart of high-grade Scotch A reception for 150 guests was held ; whiskey and $75.0o. In its place Hurn L D f Ca u rlson s hall, following a dinner had left a nQte that the wag January 3 will be the first Sunday for the wedding party at the Baker due hjm for back wages Monday METHODIST CHURCH of the New Year at the Community hotel. Mr. Nystedt is stationed at the , night, however, Rowan received a tel- Mr. Phannenstill is employed i and her selections were so popular! Methodist church. The year just end- Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland, eph0ne call from Hurn from some at the Farmers Co-Operative asseeia-n with the men that she vyms kept tW I ing^has been an epoch making one. and has been recently stationed at; p]ace jn Missouri, stating that he £ >A vicromous NKW YlAR ti ^ , i //j . St ia our hope that you ' w^lhave a New Year filled and running over with the good things in life, including good health, abiding prosperity and abundant happiness. ' -* v... BcilENRY FIOIB HliS This is the season when we like to renew ,our friendship for another year -- may it bring you everything you desire, good health and hapl MOTOR SALES V EDW. J. BUSS GEO. J. FREUND LEO F. SMITH FRANK C. MEYER It has been a year of sorrow and Camp Santa Ana, Calif. The former tragedy, yet, through it all mankind Miss Weitl graduated from the Mchas learned much that will give him Henry high school with the class of courage and wisdom as he faces the 1937. New Year of 1943. It is extremely urgent that the ideas and ideals of life and liberty be upheld as they never have been before. It is Only as they are lived that they may be retained. As New Year's resolutions-are made the resolution should be included to , attend the Christian Worship Services of churches throughout the land. The Community Methodist church is striving to assist in building a LAY-HIMPLEMAN V TOWS EXCHANGED IN SAJT FRANCISCO would return the money if the former would give him back his job and promise him immunity from prosecution. Lake county ranked third of 62 of Illinois counties (not including Cook county), in this years Christmas Seal Sale, according to a report issued by the State Tuberculosis association in Springfield. The figures arc those of Miss Dorothy Lay, daughter of Mr. Dec. 12. * and Mrs. John Lay of Spring Grove, and Sgt. Joseph Himpelman of Chicago were married on Nov. 15, 1942, school student, who lives with at a wedding ceremony performed at family at Diamond Lake, Shirley Wagner, Libertyville High her, , was 15 , 8 o'clock in the morning by Chaplain years old Saturday, Dec. 19. Her Christian Kingdom upon "the earth. Kenne (Lt. Colonel) at the Presidio birthday present was the privilege of This New Year Sunday will be under in San Francisco, Calif. The an- christening a United States mine the direction of the young married nouncement was made this week by sweeper which has just been cornpeople "The Sunday Nighters. Many the pareT1ts of the bride. pleted in Chicago and will shortly be members of that group will inspire The former Miss Lay chose for her a part of the naval service of the and strengthen all in a search for a wedding gown of white marquisette ; country. Truth. The theme for that service wjth which, she wore a veil of finger- j will be ' The Return of the Prodigal." tip length. Her tiara was of beaded p A TTT. A RMSTRONR TS » "Self Indictment" will be the subject pearls. . ! MOT CA^IDATF FOR for the morning message. Sgt. Patrick Casey, a friend of the a U1 VAnmiJAl^rUK All good Christian folk are needed groom, and Mrs. Ivma Cagey were at- . MAYOR OF CHICAGO to make this service worthwhile. • tend'ants fdr the couple. Bind the New Year's resolutions by Himpelman is stationed in San l*he following was Paul G, Armbeginning well--attend this^service Francisco wjth the 4th Air Force, strong's recent reply to the rumor under the direction of the ' Sunday The bried is employed at the San that he was a possible candidate for Nighters." ~ ~ Francisco Port of Embarkation. She mayor of Chicago: 'Was a graduate of the local high "The press announcement of the irichool in 19&9.. The couple will re- submission of my name as a possible side at 110 Gough street in San Fran- candidate for mayor of Chicago came cisco. f . as a complete surprise since I had not been consulted as to whether or not I would be available. While l am deeply grateful for the confidence that has been expressed in me, I am not a candidate for any political office and have no plans or ambitions in .that, diiectio". When Grvernor ttorgjir | told me that he intended to recom- ! mend me for appointment as Illinois ! Dire<*tor cf Selective Service, he ex- EriokLon Family Meets ^ Old Friends in California Marriage > Licenses Friends in McHenry have received j a letter from the L. A. Erickson fam- j ily of Pasadena, Calif., former Mc- j Henry residents, saying that everyone Glen" J. Millet,' Avard, Ok'a7r to is well and busy. They also report; Gertrude Huckaby, Carman, Okla. that Howard Voeltz oi this city, who j Carl B. McBroom, Woodstock, 111., is stationed near Pasadena, was their to Shirley Schauble, Crystal Lake, 111. guest on Christmas day. Other recent: Thomas E. Smith, Harvard, 111., to Ration Card Beauty Case trmtafhs Revlon NdllEmimet, Oily Remover, Whacking big special size Lipstick YouH adore the real leather case for your war stamps, ration cards* compact, etc. And, of course, you'll adore America's best-loved nail enamel, be cause of the un rivaled way it stays* your nails! Wonderful value! Get yours today £ guests in their home were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Vanec and family. Mrs. Vance was the former r-Miss Kathryn Donavip of MclBenry. Margaret G. Wolf, Royal Center, Ind. Elmer J. Glosson^ McHenry, to Donnabelle Krohn, McHenry. ! acted a promise that I would remain Robert Lange, Crystal Lake, to ; on ^ K,b as !ong as 1 was j ! needed. I intend to keep that prom- Schroeder, Crystal Lake, IU.. & Jaguars Jafaars do not often attack people, but cases are on record where they have done so. . I* is believed • - SJOS they are afraid to attack men un- The letters SOS are tfflTtntemaless driven by great hunger. The ' tional code radio distress signal and small piglike animals called pec- I have no verbal significance. There caries are victims of jaguars, but is a popular, but erroneous, notion the big cats are careful about the that these letters are intended, to way they attack a herd. Pe^garies., cepresent the phtfases "Save Our her-in-the--face of dan- IJeta Rickard, Woodstock. .. , .... ,, , ... . , William Seegert, Elgin, 111., to Jean ' if /a,thfully a"d Particularly so now , j... T A. *« that our country is at war and Se lective Service in playing such a vital part in the war effort. We have kept politics out cf Selective Service in Illinois and that policy will 9b* continued." ger, and could kill even a jaguar if it did not get out of the way in a . hurry. When hunting peccaries, a jaguar leaps into a herd and seizes one of them in its mouth. Then it climbs a tree as fast as possible and waits there until the rest of the peccaries go away. Jaguars have been shot in California and Texas, but they are rare north of Mexico. POSTOFFICE NOTICE ! Schedule for McHenry pos+officfe I Souls," "Save Our Ship," or "Stop iYear's Day January 1. Lobby! Other Signals." It is a common eropen < a. m. to 9 a. m., 5 p. m. to ror to regard the letters as abbreviations and follow- each letter by a period. According to the radio division of the United States department of commerce, a distress signal for ships was first suggested in 1903 at Berlin during a preliminary conference on wireless telegraphy. 7 6 n. m. No window service. No rural delivery. Mail dispatched at Berlin Boxes A letterbox that stamps l«4t#r6 tomatically when proper coins are dropped in the slot has been placed in service in Berlin. Another machine will soon be introduced which will handle registered mail on the Mine prinniole, returning a receipt* Harvest Clover Seed If clover heads are filled with seed, it will pay to'harvest the crop. Agronomists say .that this can be done with a combine when the crop is dgad ripe. Homegrown seed usually is most adaptable to local conditions. Aeoustical Cornstalks A new soundproofing board is made of cornstalks. When used in a room filled with noisy typewriters it proved 50 per cent more sound absorbent than fabrics usually used to deaden sound. Its chief advantage is its ability to prevent confusing echoes by absorbing instead ot xefiactuig sounds . TAX RATE DECREASES > •'".A decreaes of one cerft is noted" in the combined county tax rate for 1942 as compared to 1941, it was disclosed Tuesday by County Jglerk Raymond D. Woods. The total county rate for this year is 43 cents per hundred dollar valuation as against 44 cents in 1941. , Director Got It " bulls charged a jar* orchestra at an orchard feistival in Parkton, Md., and sent the drumftner over a fence, a banjo player up\a tr^e, and landed trite director in the middle of a creek. Fish Coloration Pish that swim in open water are likely to be bluish or metallic in coloring, whereas fish that stay at the bottom of a stream are more often mottled or striped like the stones and sand. v- 'V . ' 31, r:«T ft# *-£^4 t. • ^ •---4 . *• • ms, * Here's hoping that ,1943 proves to be a thoroughbred, riding to victory. Chalk up our good wishes for your New Year--you're in for -iaek. -II " V*' '">1 " Itaise your voice in harmony , -with the true spirit of the. New Year? It's sweet har^ . »ony to know what1 1943 Is ^ ln-inging us. _ ^ ' ' • ^ vi"'1.. A shipment of late records just in. A&so $1 watches, Parker Eversharp pins and gents'^ watches. Nye Jewelry 4 Music Store, West McHenry. Gfeina's Lou Qnat ISMna in her war with Japan nas lost, in killed and wounded, about as many soldiers as the total population ot more than three times the population of Philadelphia. For Bird Observers Siikers who wish to study birds are advised to plan the route so as to keep the sun back of them, for when a bird faces the glare it can not so readily detect observers. Savannah ia ltW • The fjrst stegmsKi Atlantic was tn? made the trip from to England In 18M. to «ross the lb. which •j- "Tfere's a Vnerry 1943 holds in store for you, our patrons. Our best wishes to you f o* ti»e very JoQy New Year. •. . VICTORIOUS NEW YEAR CLARENCE'S SHOP rfwrniHoT!, 1948,. bringing you- a year of luck and prosperity. May they HOOTS TAVERN With merry wishes Bet's bine to ringf in the New Year that's ahead. Let's shoot our 1943 greetings all through the city, folks* McHENRY TOWN CLUB May yott and yol<>ve# -ones enjoy the best of New Years! We hope you win the race, of good fortune with 1943- to spur you on for another year. GRANDE CLEANERS Strike up the band and welcome General New Year with a 1943 brigade. We'll step along to Vfctiifi WEBER'S PLUMBING & HEATING mmm*' We thank you for your patronage during the past year and wish you a New Year filled with contentment and prosperity. HAPPY a** tfCTOR/OUl YEAR, '. ^

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