* , ? * . * : > ^V»' * *•< X -* ^v \fj-w 4 ' . :^l £>. *"v'.,^> *-Jr ^ c ' ' *-^ " • <2\ , i k j 1 *, " " * \ ! * f; .v ' C 'X > !t i- ,--)-V •j*" >{«, >- >«-•». r, <>V>*v StBSff JM-fK ,,A-5 <, H7 \ ^ Tisil«imntf plamMale& >*!- •- >.*' ws; v- V-tV-"" . : '.?' •*• '• -: W Thursday, April 1* 1M RINGWOOD j! spent Thursday with Mrs. Roy Wiedjrich. In the afternoon they called on | Mrs. Joe Miller at McHenry. Mr. and Mis. Ed Bauer apd children ; spent Sunday in the Fred Nordmeyer Mr. and, Mrs. Lou Abendroth of'home in Wauconda. Elgin apen}t Saturday evening with j^rs Emma Beatty was a caller in Jennie Bac&n. I McHenry Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ansel Loren Harrison spent Satunlay IB., is spending two ™*h9r I evening with friends in Woodstock, fmrents, Mr. and Mrs. C.J. j The Rinewood Home Bureau met Mr and Mrs. * "jy r ...[V with Mrs. Walter Harrison on Tuesftftd Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Collins were Cgllers in the Paul Collins home in ioay Arlington Heights Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tpeon of Fort Atkinson were weekend" guests in the Harrison - Peet home. Mrs. Emma Beatty spent Sunday With her brother in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. F#ed Charles of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. afternoon with eleven members and one guest present. The lesson, "Wall Finishes," was given by Mrs. Denman and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell. They also showed samples of wall finishes. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, the minor project chairman, reviewed the book, "Kabloona," which was greatly enjoyed. Hafer in Fremont township Saturday. Mrs. Frank St. George spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dusil, at Berwyn. The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bifreau met at the home of Mrs. R. C. Hallock Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. R. S. Bouland and Mrs. Homer Cook as co-hostesses. The Volo unit is very happy to welcome three new members, Mrs. Russell Marks, Mrs. A. G. Smith and Mrs. Frank Nordmeyer. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Mrs. Otto Klemm anfl Mrs. Frank St. George attended the Senior play at Grant Community High school on Friday evening. Th Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau will meet at the home of Mrs. William Wirtz Wednesday, The school children are practicing j May 1S> at 1 ;30 o'clock. Mrs. R. S. ^MreJNicTVoung entertained the ( f3S3*y) * McH«"? for th« | inland Bunco club on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Prizes were won by Delia Weber, Flora Can- and Helen Young. The W. S. C. S. will meet with Mrs. Clinton Martin on Friday, April 17. L * > * • . » • * t e « » W m - .present the major lesson, "Vegetables and Mrs. E. L. Peck of Elgin Cookery and Soups." The minor le» were callers in the C. J. Jepson home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Turner returned to her home in Woodstock Saturday after 1 home. Mr. and Mrs. Math Freund of Solon Mills were callers In the Fred Wied- 1~\ were callers in the S. W. Smith home JCriday evening. i'-yilr. and Mrs Nick Young .pent j Jr.T'homTs^dV afternoon. Wednesday in Chicago. . I Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young q Helen Ruth Butler and Marion' Hawley spent the weekend with Mr, Hid Mrs. Delbert Bacon in ~ like. Mrs. Oscar Berg and Leland spent spent son will be a plant and seed exchange. SLOCUM LAKE was a Sunday afternoon in McHenry. Crv t 11 ^lawe °* Woodstock j caller in the R. C. Harrison home on j lotte Bouland of Jacoby's subdivision Sunday; , I attended the Lake County Farm Bur- Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., returned jeau spring party at the grade school Mrs. George Lundgren of Wauconda spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blom&ren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, and Miss Charto aJlK.™ Monday afternoon_ «tttr_.p«nd- .rGriystake'FrktaV SPRING GROVE , , . . «. *u i »hg two weeks at the Spa hi Waukefc Rmgwood grade school board at the , WJ • meeting Saturday evening. sna, wis. Janet Kay Johnson spent several -- • ifeys with Mr. and Mrs. Charles ftrennan at Richmond. A large crowd of Ringwood people attended the Eastern Star card party ja McHenry Wednesday evening. Amy Harrison, who attends the University of Illinois spent the weekfjid with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughter, Helen, of the Flats spent Sunday aftefnoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and two children spent last Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Diedrich at Ingleside. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Granger of Richmond spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Espirtg, Starks Station, were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, spent Sunday evening at the home of Miss Frances Davis. Catherine Fuller recently returned to her home at Williams Park after spending two months at the home of her son, Merwin Fuller, at Saginaw, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen were callers in Chicago Monday. Glen Birkett of Burlington, Wis., spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry and son, Marlett, spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bay Dowell.. Mrs. Harry Matthews visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgreii ,last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Raven Monday evening. Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, and Mrs. Elmer Esping of Starks Station were callers Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Bouland at Jacoby's subdivisions Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson at Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mason, Mrs. B. Kosmos and Mr. and M^s. James Meier and son, James, were Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson. Callers the past week at the Kruger home at Mylith Park were Mr. and Mrs. H. Krueger, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. Nachowitz, Mr. and Mrs. E. Witt and Mrs. A .Reichel and daughter, Edna, of Chicago. Callers at the home1 of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews the past week were Orie Stevens of Dixon, Mrs. Ray Nicholas and daughter, Sally Jo, of Grayslake, Elmer Esping of Starks Station, Misses Bell Taggart and Margaret I Duers of Wuconda, Mrs. Robert Miller | and Mrs. John Bachrodt and her • mother of Island Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fink and grandson, Billie. I Recorded Facts In the past 28 years, there have been 500,178 recorded casee of the birth of twins. Eileen Kilday of Chicago visited in the John Kllday home last weekend. "Grouchy •I llWbSMI M fl Husbands n--< fee lyrils «t MHtaiak trr AD- t.WI»i It <Wt»H Marts • < HfN tec iiMil «t (M vilas, sat SI lot kml Mttaa. Tmii has ADLttaUL Thomas P. Bolger, Druggist 0 Buss Motor Sales Phone One Successor to BUSS - PAGE MOTOR SALE# x West McHenry, HI. i. I • i»m«i u *%,• ' . i Let v»s repair your car so that you will have transjK> Etation during the duration of this war. V Our stock of parts and supplies is the most complete w»has ever be&rt and our equipment is of the latest design. With rising prices it will save you money by having your car or truck put in goodjonditipn now^ We specialise in.. .^-4*? Motor Overt^nM#^'1'!.-? " ' Y ' i Brake Overhauling and Adjusting 'j Up to date Power Greasing f / 30 minute Battery Charging > Acetylene Welding PTont System and Steering Correction -- SERVICE AMD PARTS FOR ALL Give ui a trial and we are sure you will be satisfied! WORK GUARANTEE%* tJSE OUR BUDGET PLAN* It;* • day afternoon with relatives in Wau- •kegan. Mr. and Mrs. Ray May and son have moved to the Pirie farm, formerly the Walsh Farm No. 2. „ Mr. and Mrs. Charles FreUnd attended the farewell party on "Huppy" Smith and "Arnie" Michels held at St. John's parish hall in Johnsburg on Wednesday night. Approximately two MrS" kp??'6 *Jer" | hundred people were present. The chant and Mi-s. George Shepard entertained the Home Circle in the Shepard fekrnie at McHenry Wednesday. evening was spent in cards and visiting. Refreshments were served. A party of friends spent Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and j afternoon with Mrs; j j Freund in fam.ly v.s.ted relatives at Marengo | h()nor her birthday Cards fur. vver the weekend. Mrs. Helen Johnson and Mrs. Jack nished the entertainment and several , „ n lovely prises were awarded those Leonard and Peggy called on Mrs. Roy iachievilw high A ,ovely lunch USE THE CLASSITIED 00 OK RES Smith at Soon. 7** Sunday callers in the Jennie Bacon ||ome were Mr. and Mrs.' Geo. Bacon j|nd Jane Nelson of Antioch, Mr. and McHemy urs ay a r- was serve(j at the close of a pleasant afternoon. Paul Weber visited Miss Alyce Nodland at West Suburban hospital in „ . Oak Park on Friday. Miss Nodland j Jis. Frank Buchert, Betty and Frank, underwent an appendicitis operation! __jr., of Richmond, and Mrs. Minnie, Thursda of ,ast week. H , Woodstock. Mrs. Albert Britz entertained the .Mrs Joe Weber of McHenry spent \ m h e r s 0f her pinochle club at her! Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Nick home on Frjday night p,.izes were ; goung. u-ij----in merjte<l by Mrs. Britz, Mrs. A1 J Rmgwood grade^school children wiU SchmeltIer and Mrs. Charleg Freund |ake part in the McHenry Rural Mu- Consolation prize went to Mrs. Harry ij S u ^ ^rl^y' p ' Myers. Following cards lunch was llcHenry High school. served by the hostess. Harold Jepson of Urbana, Mrs. Paul, Guests ^ Walter firown homt, JJorman and Virginia Jepson Evans- on Frida n- ht were Mr and Mrs • ion, were callers in the C. J. Jepson ^ May, son, Jerry, Arthur Kattner. > |H>me over the weekend . son, Billy, and A1 Schmeltzer. -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and { Mr a n d M r s P a u l F e , d g i e n a j j d f»anon and Alice spent Saturday af- children were visitorg ^ this week. ternoon in Woodstock. 1 end [ ^ Pearl Smith of Woodstock spent f Eddie Schmitt entertnined a party :!•:. Thursday night and Friday with her'of friends >t his home Qn g» J parents, Mr and Mrs. Lxmme Smith. nighi About twenty.five u werc Mr and Mrs Roy Harrison and nt to d a mo8f enjoyabk, yth spent Sunday with relatives at evening at cards and visitinp J ypvhi. auke^n. 'winners in five hundred were Mrs. Mrs. Oscar Berg, Mrs. Joe McCan- Elmer gmith an(J Mrg Jog p p |on and Mrs. Ben Walkmgton attend- whUe Mrs Q A. M receivt.d f ". Greenwood I hursday atternoon. wag served compiete the partv , Mr. and Mrs Harold Wiedrich and esent were £r an(J Mrs P ^ family of Belvidere and Mrs. Lester win Freund of CrygUl Uk Mr ai)d ^ y m Mrs. Walter Brown, Mr. *nd Mrs. , Mrs William AIu bert anda son, M«• ikc h-^mer Smith, Mr. and Mis. Clarence lpreund Mr and Mrs ^ A May 4?' ?Te °r ,ThUr8d,y from iMr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund and 8p,t!L -,u u . daughter, Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred I ? Mr f»nd Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer, all - Weldon Andreas on Friday after-iof ^ vicinity; and Mr ^|8 u r, _ v .. . Clarence Miller, Woodstock. Mr. aai Mrs. Gregory Kattner of ^ and M„ u>ander w were vis fpnng Grove spent Tuesday after-' itorg in the Albert ^ h<fme Frfd|iy ;> ' v--i The h.1 Iioon in the Ed Bauer home. George Young, Tom Doherty, Pete Miller, Ben Tony an and Clinton Mar-1 tin attended a milk meeting at' Wood-; Ktock Thursday evening. j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoyt of Dor* land were callers in the H. J. Collins > home Sunday afternoon. Guests in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr.,! home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and sons 6f Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Fontana and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Leonard and Roberta of Lake Geneva. Roland M^Cannon of Algonquin spent Tuesday evening in the C. J. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson of - Richmond called on Jennie Bacon Wednesday. Delbert Bacon of Crystal Lake was also a caller during the week. | njght. The children of St. Peter's school j are rehearsing and making prepara- | tions for their annual school play I which will be held on April 26 at the parish hall. j Mr. and Mrs. William May and chilidren of Johnsburg visited Mr. and | Mrs. Ray May on Sunday. VOLO RING FRIDAY April SATURDAY 17, If SUNDAY and Woodstock All Prices Include Taxes! Burnham Motor Oil, qt. 25# Hicks' Econo !>4jfcSs t-.&4 I***- *" *ft-4 ^ V a «• • Hicks9 Ethyl I April 17, 1942. Hicks' Oils "Gas for Lew" Woodstock, Illinois Save me for some NICE PREMIUMS FREE OIL CHANGES This Receipt Given With Each Purchase! BURNHAM We unconditionally guarantee all of our merchandise to be top quality. A trial wiU convince you. Stop in during this sale and take advantage of the bargains we have to offer. Remember, gasoline deteriorates and grows stale with age... the same as milk, eggs and butter. Our modern methods of transporting our gas direct from refinery assures you of maximum freshness. You can't go wrong here. T E S T E D Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and daughter, Ruth Lea, of Capron callt d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wall < j Vasey Tuesday. j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parson and l daughter of Chicago spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison,1 gjjn h n er fi e a^n the Kome ot Mr- and Mrs" Carol and Amy, were dinner guests j p,. p " , . VT ... , i„ Henry M.rlowe home .t Hunt. "" " 6Marv Ann Wiedrich Audrey and Mrs' Lloyd Flsher P^sided at the Duane Andreas spent'Friday ef^r-^'fr ^nth»y^et.ng ofthe Lake noon with the Rinkenberger children ^ty H°me Bu^° Mo*day. a,tkr" at Springdale farm. i' Mrs. Mike Freund, McHenry, spent ] Wednesday with Mrs. Ed Bauer. j Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick and Mrs. E.1 E. Cropley of Solon Mills called on Mrs. Wqi. Aubert Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Huff at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and Mrs. Andrew Hawley and Dorothy Smith visited in Genoa City Saturday afternoon. ' The seventh and eighth grade pupils took tests at Mcl|enry Friday morning. Mrs. George Jepson and son, Stanley, of Wauconda were callers in the Jepson home Saturday afternoon noon. Mr. and Mrs. William Wirt* and family spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Grabbe near Ivanhoe. Miss Shirley Ritta of Mundelein spent the weekend at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ritta. The annual election was held at the public school at Volo Saturday evening. Walter Vasey was elected as a director. The Friendly Neighbors society of the Volo Community Bible church will met at the home of Mrs. Russell Magnussen Wednesday, April 15. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Engler qf Chicago called at the home of Mr, H-sr='.n"TS'n,0„aR"1 Bouland took the local leader's lesson at the Lake County Home Bureau office Monday. William Wirts and Lloyd Fisher attended the regular monthly meeting of the Wauconda called on Jennie Bacon Friday even ing Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and family of Algonquin were Sunday callers in the C. J. Jepson home. John Smith spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. Mrs. Irving Walker of Waukegan is spending several days with her sister, ^rs-.R. C. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. John Sugrue of Chicago were callers in the William Aubert home Sunday. Mrs. Albert Schultz of Genoa City Ml Mi*. Arnold Huff af fMchmoqd Township High school Tuesday evening. Ellwood Dowell of Libertyville call, ed at the l)owell home Sunday. Mrs. Glenn Bacon attended/ a personal shower in honor of Mrs. Harry Parson, Jr., in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son called at the home of Mc. ami M**. Albert Motor Oil 15 gallon container Brass seated pour faucet Durable long-life metaTtempe-proof tealing plugs ^ Permanent storage for farm oils PRIQg COMPLETE . $9.95 - paid Sealed at Refinery 1 BURNHAM bulk quart 20C ETHYL 15 PENNSYLVANIA Motor Oil quart can 30C WHITE GAS 139 POPULAR BRANDS OF 2 for 30c BULK PRICES ON OUR 'SPECIAL* FARM A TRACTOR OIL We would be disappointed not to see you during our sale. There is no limit to amount you want to buy. We cordially invite you to drive in because you will see lots of activity. Most of all you will have extra money to buy DEFENSE BONDS. Be sure to get your cash receipt. We still give premiums. „ Regular 14 50c;In: 5-gal. lots -- gallon 50<^ 15-gal. lots--gallon 44 C v» v - ' . p6r In 30-gal. lots -- gallon 42e gal. In 50-gal. lots -- gallon 40<^ BULK PRICES ON BURNHAM 'TESTED' MOTOR OIL In 5-gaL lots -- gallon In lj}-gal. lots -- gallon In 30-gal. lots -- gallon 60* 53* 51* In 50-gal. lots -- gallon.... 49* In Your Container HICKS' OILS JL • ./ WOODSTOCK'S LEADING GASOLINE STATION J. HAROLD HICKS, Owner ON U. S. ROUTE 14 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE TWENTY-FOUR HOUR SERVICE .ffci