4 V'" • ^ I " '-£• <•»'*? T o l d SIXTY YEARS 1 - THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER I - , ' V . FORTY ^ Suiter ruled firm at 25 cents On the TSlgin board of trade. 7 Chris Schmidt has taken the contract for plumbing N. J. Justen's new house on Waukegan street. The room over the vestibule at the M. E. church, which has been .WAste space except for storage room, is basing lathed and plastered and will be used by the young men of the church as a class room. , ' . One of the old-style snow Btorm struck McHenry Tuesday and would have made goodf sleighing had the roads been in good condition. Th$ 34,000,000 motor vehicles lit . the United States, ser#ng 130,000,000 people, are riding themselves off the road at the rate of 3V& per cent a month. > D. S. Appetite Not Increasing Almericans have been eating abotit the same quantity of food For the last ten years, department of agriculture standards show. .Kathleen Norris Say81 Ndncy h the Most Unhappy of Wive$ v; Bell Syndicate--WNU Feature. THIRTY YEARS • \ ...1 Itahau Stonecatter's Gift An Italian-born Oregon stonecutter contributed 1,500 pounds of finesteel stone-cutting tools totbe local •erap campaign, •* . . ' " Butter was declared firm at 34 cents« .. , • ... . on the Elgin board of trade Monday. for the -ben^fit _f.the below zero on Wednesday j 0frman School was well attended and mornjng That's real winter weather a good time is reported. ^ an(j ^ jcemen ar6 wearing the smile Eggs are twenty-five and thirty tliat won't erase. cents a dozen, and yet the confounded o e. V. McAllister, the W^st side hens in this' section are standing druggist, is now the sole owner of around, the barnyard doing nothing,. the business with which, he, has been l|nd ham and eggs can only s iconnected since locating ife . this vil-1 thought of, not enjoyed.. : . i'lage. " T ' ' j :'ii Married--Iri Chicago, Fel>. 4SK j The basket social, given by the ; Cooper H. McOmber. and Miss Mag-j young ladies of the M. £. church at 4jie E. Duncan, of Chicago, Woodman hall last Saturday evening,: -,- Another Change in business has; proved a very enjoyable affair and taken place in this village since our, was quite well attended. The, re- ^fesilst, Jacob Story having sold • has j ceipts, of the evening were hardware business, to his son, Joftn .1 | WT Story, who wili conduct the business Paint lised for Camouflage A new paint now used for camou> flage is made from soybean pro* tein, and is similar to casein paint. What Ifou Buy WUk WM BONDS pttije.,old stand. FIFTY YEARS AGO 0. W. Owen has sold one of his cottages at Pistaqua Bay to N. H. Pike, of Genoa, 111. We did not hear the consideration. _A fine programme, a good supper and lots of fun at the city hall next ' Cowen, garage on the West side. TWENTY YEARS AGO J. P. Weber and his. workmen arp" now employed in repairing"the dan* ages as sustained by the recent fire in the flat over the M. A. Thelen harness shop on the West Side. McHenry's temporary fire fighting truck and equipment has arrived and is now quartered at the Overton A The milk board of the Milk Producers association announce that an agreement"" was reached last Friday whereby the distributors will corv- .Friday evening. Come and See Mrs. F. K. Granger started on Monday for a visit with her friends ill Dakota. She expects to be gone about two weeks. ; •M. 'Conway'wife/:':-'^:"'v$einra. ruary that has prevailed for January, Gotta, entertained a party of their namely. $2.50 per cwt. for 3.5 per cent young friends one evening last week, milk at the country plants and $2.05 The sleighing was fine and the young per eight gallon can delivered in the ^people enjoyed the evening very much. city. ^ ; { Wishful thinking will not halt Hitler's tyranny, nor will "sparer change" financing give us the mom ay necessary to win this War. So , , .,,, Start today investing in your coun- j i\ T | try's W*r Bonds with ten percenter > j \ ^ jrtore of your earnings. ; ' ; /M _Wishful thinking will not help you % V CHURCH SERVICES^ St. Mary's Catholic Church * Masses: -' rr. -«fc s Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:30.: zfS" Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00, - , ! Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. • First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. " Confessions: ^ Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:OO p^aL Thursday before First Friday- After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. Charlie's Repair Shop Sign Painting ° Truck Lettering; Furniture Upholstering »' and Repairing ' CHARLES RIETESEL St. Patrick's Catholk Chare* Masses: .Sunday: 8:00, lOHMh V < Weekdays: 7:30. Fii^lli Fridays: 7:80. .t, On t First Friday, Communion dis- \ p tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and befor and dunnir the 7:30 Massi • Confessions; Saturdays: 4:00 io 6:00 p. m |M 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Thursday before First FridaV 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. and 7:tK t* Rev. Wm. A. O'Rourt e, parto/r. McHENRY FLORAL CO, -- Phone 608-R-l ^ One Mile South of McHenry on Route 31. Flowers for all occasions! A. WORWICK t ^ PHOTOGRAPHER Portraitare - Commercial Photography - Photo-Finishing Enlarging - Copying - Framing Phone 275 -- Riverside Drive McHENRY, ILL. FIRE AUTO St. John's Catholic Church, JotuulMM? tinue to pay the same price in Feb- | to buy that new furniture when the war is won. But your money saved in War Bonds will. Join the Payroll Savings Plan at your office or factory. Let's "Top that Ten Percent." U. ii. Trtasury DtpartmtM FLYING COLORS-- * M AMERICAN TRIMMED WITH WAS PRESENTED TO G-EN. PERSHING IN I<517 BY THE LACE" MAKING- TOWN OF LE PUY , FRANCE - HOME OF LAFAYETTE / i'V V N THE FIR^T WORLD WAR, A E.F. F03CE9 TOOK OLD GLORY OVER- ?EA<9(BUT ITWA? NOT CARRIED IN THE ADVANCE BATTLE LINE^/ ledger Syndicat* J£9* PETER 4jfli % ij. > PEEVE iS& KG?-; - M^wmj Service) ! OL' aaam \ /STH'T 5EUU vo U * \ , w iTHOUT yOK. ^ Iatiom CARP / met at a canteen dance the man tvho to me. Our attraction was mutual; Paul popular. NBy KATHLEEN NORMS ANCY ROBINSON considers herself the unhappiest young wife in all the world. She isn't that, but she has indeed a sad problem to solve, and one" that probably won't be the only one of its kind, as these war years go by. "Last February," she writes, "I met at a canteen dance the man who seemed everything wonderful in the world to me. "Our attraction was mutual; Paul was a second lieuteant, handsome and popular; old friends of my family knew all about his people, and ' there seemed no reason for our delaying our marriage, which took . place in April. I was then the happiest girl in the world, as I am now the most miserable! "Shortly afterward Paul was sent away to Central America; it was a hard parting, for we had had five wonderful weeks in a little beach home borrowed from a friend, and felt ourselves art ideally companionable couple. But I had expected it, and bore it as heroically as I could. In a few weeks a long letter came from Paul, then a shorter one, and several cards and notes. In my heart I felt that something was wrong, but nothing to really prepare me for the shock I received this morning, when a long letter arrived.< In it my husband writes me that he feels that our hasty marriage was a mistake; that we were Hsoth too young. He is 26; I will be 21 in December. That does not seem too young to me. Wants His Freedom. "He assures me that there is no other woman in the case, but says he would like to l?e free. He says that since our marriage was a very quiet one, and I live in a small Nevada town, there need be no publicity, as he has not told any of his new friends that he is married, and I live alone with my mother, things can be 'sort of hushed up until every one loses interest.' "Paul has met some friends at his new post; they are evidently making a great deal of him, for he speaks of dinners and dances, and that in one Spanish-American family there are lots of brothers and sisters and cousins and they keep things moving. Beach parties and singing every week-erid; that sort of , thing. He says he is very glad that a little scare I had about a baby coming turned out to be nothing, and that he will always think pf Mother and me affectionately. I will give you the actual words with which he finishes his letter: "'It is up to you,. of course, Nancy, to do as you think best. But under the circumstances I can feel that nothing but divorce is the solution. You may be sure that I will send you all the money I can, as much as your lawyer thinks right, and more, and always remember those happy days at Beachwood. We surely had a terrible crush on each -other, but as we grew older we would be sure to grow apart, and the best thing is freedom for both now, no matter how badly we feel at : breaking up things this Way. So take a big kiss and a hug from your ex-hubby, and write me that you think this is the wisest way. If I had been at home it would have been different, but as it is I feel that my whole interest should belong to my country, without any distractions from home. After the war I intend to settle somewhere down here, so we may not meet again for a long, long time.' " seemed everything wonderful in the world was a second lieutenant, handsome and PASSING FANCY When the first thrill of fttr places has been dulled by the reality of their distance from home; when the seductive effective^ soft, tropical moonlight is_ sharpened by the conflicts of war; when the memory of fried chicken and church on Surtday and thick, clear ice on the neighborhood pond cannot be shaken by the sights and sounds of a foreign land; then "Paul Robinson" may understand why Kathleen Norris has told his wife to refuse him a divorce. He may see the things he thinks he wants for what they realty are--mere passing fancies. Sunday, 8:00; 10:00. V. r Holy Days: 7:Q0*and--9t(^"^ ."'Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:30 Thursday before First Friday v. and 7:80. B«v. A. J. Neidert, pastor. 2:88 • •> Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Divine Service -- Nine o'clock. Sunday School -- Ten o'clock.' Rev. R. T. Eisfeldt, Pastor. Community Church Siniday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a. m. Junior League: 6:30 p.m. Epworth League: 8:00 p.m. Bey. J. Heber Miller, pastor. INSDRABCE EJUtL R. FAftll Presenting Reliable Companiei When yon need insurance of any kill Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm McHenrjr Telephone No. SflO ; > Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS . " -r--- ~ St. Peter's Catholic Oturcli, Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8.00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. j. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday: 2:80 an* no. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. A. P. Freund Co. . Excavating Contractor^ V':'1 Trucking, Hydraulic A Bitter Blow. 7o a krving, lonely, woman, only six months a wife, this letter might well be a thunderbolt. Nancy isn't to be blamed for almost collapsing when she received it. Somehow, she is keeping its contents from her mother, who works in a garment factory, and somehow she is managing to act before her friends and neignbors as if nothing was wrong. My advice to "Nancy is to put her chin up, summon her dignity to her aid, and write Paul as if she were twice her 20 years. He has so evidently lost his head in an atmosphere of tropical sunshine, leisure and enjoyment that all his values of honor, obligation, decency, character have gone up in smoke-- or rather, evaporated in silver moonlight and the music of the sea. She must write him that talk of separation or divorce is ridiculous; that she will wait for him as his wife, of course, and that she has entered into coriespondence with his mother and father, who live in Kentucky. It seems that out of shyness and diffidence Nancy didn't get in touch with them until after her marriage, but that then they wrote her cordially, glad that their boy had found a good young wife. If she can she ought to visit them; in every way she can she ought to strengthen the tie that Paul would break. Make Marriage a Success. It is highly possible that these two really are not congenial mates, that their hurried young marriage was a mistake. But even so, when the war is ended, they may decide to make it a success, as any man and womar^ may, by resolutely buildifig a life together, and with patience and courage learning to depend upon each other. But" it is more likely, if Nancy can be strong enough to forgive, to~ overlook this youthful, cruel, selfish j letter, that Paul will come home to j find that he loves his young wife, ; after all, that the g'amour of the ! southern beaches and the charms of the dark-eyed enchantresses were not permanent things, that after the war he wants to come back to his own country, and live the life his father and his ancestors did before him. If Paul had|a sister, and some man' wrote to her the letter he just sent Nancy, he would perhaps be able to get some idea of just how brutal it was. If, as Indefinitely suspect, Paul is1 in love again, and hasn't had the courage "to tell his new friends that he has been less than a year the husband of a girl in the United States, then he may be in for tf rude awakening. For Spanish- American mothers have their firm religious convictions, too, and Paul's conchita will be locked in a remote upper bedroom and himself forbidden the hiacieuda entirely, the moment the family gets the news. McHENRY LODGE A. F. & A. M. McHenry Lodge No. 158 meets «the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the hall on Court street. Formal Introduction Pilot graduates at Turner Field, Ga., were individually presented, with their diplomas by the commanding officer. As each man received his diploma, the colonel gave him a hearty handshake and a vord of congratulation. But one pilot was so impressed, by the ceremony and the fact that he was really getting his wings that he approached the officer, gave him a snappy salute and when the colonel extended his hand for congratulations, he gulped and said excitedly: "I'm mighty pleased to meet you, sir!" and Crane Service. --'Road Building--v Tel.. 204-M McHenry, III 1 S. H. Freund & Soo CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Our Experience is at Your Service in Building Your Wants. Phone 56-W McHenry TEL. WONDER LAKE 158 DR. C. L. WATKINS " ' . Dentist Home-Grown Vitamins An area 5 by 20 feet, boxed In With planks 12 to 18 inches high and having some sort of cover-- ptherwise a frame garden--can be depended upon as a source of homegrown vitamins. The cover, de^- signed to protect young plants from cold, should be tacked securely to one side of the frame and means provided to hold down the cloth over the other side and ends. Small props should be available for providing ventilation when the cover is kept over the bed for two or thr»e cessive days. Thomas Hancock Xn the middle 1800s, Thomas Hancock, pioneer rubber manufacturer in England, and Reuben Phillips patented a rubber reclaiming process consisting of boiling vulcanized waste in turpentine. 'r VICTORY BUY UNITED STATES WAR BONDS AND STAMPS « Office HOUAS - Tuesday & Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.i Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, I1L PHONE 15 ^ X-Ray Service DR. J. E. SAYLER DENTIST Office Hours 9-12 and 1*5 Evenings by Appointment Thnrdays'- 9 to 12 Green and Elm Streets, Mctienry Phone 43 Vernon J. Knox ATTORNEY AT LAW -- OFFICE HOURS -- Tuesdays and Fridays Other Days by Appointment McHenry • .- - .- .Illinois WANTED TO BUY We pay $3 to $15 for Old or Ini jured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. . - Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD ? HOGS, HORSES & CATTLE We pay phone charges. . Horses Wanted r - • I B U Y £ Old and Disabled Horsea. -- Pay from $5 to $14 ---- ARTHUR W. WERRBACK ; Phone 844 439 E. Calhoun St. Woodstock, I1L Phone McHenry 677-R-l -- Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . . Black Dirt 4 Ston§ Power Shovel Service . . Power Leveling and Grading . . . Cement Mixers for Rent. J. E. NETT Johnsburg P. O-'--McHenry A Squash Growing Lesson A squash that normally grows to, weigh 40 pounds or more has recently been found by American plant explorers in India. 'Hoodoo Ship* Scrapped The Great Lakes "hoodoo ship," wrecked tanker J. Oswald Boyd, has gone to scrap. :.,;V No Fireplae*? •' i One would rather be at a banquet hearing dull speeches than sitting at home thinking dull thoughts. Good Protein Food Cheese, beans, eggs artd poultry provide good protein foods to take the place of beef and pork. Order your Rubber Stamps at Tho Plaindealer. c , Labor on Wheat per Acre To rqjjse an acre of wheat, 11.18 mpn-houis of labor ara Change of Hours for Selling Gasoline A ruling of the OP A permits us to sell gasoline only 72 hours per week. Therefore, our pumps will operate only from 8 a. m. to 6. p. m., each day. Other garage services Eime as usual. 77 Motor Tuning Lubrication -- Tire Repairing Willard Fast Battery Charging CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH* Prop. Phone 200-X Towing Johnsburg