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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1943, p. 4

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THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER ;,t « JJienry, 111., b: •-'jjL H. MQ8H1 •3v Entered as Published every Thursday at Mcby Charles F. Renich, MOTHER Editor and * second-class postoffice at McHenry, 111., act of May 8, 1879. EDITORIALSSOCIATION personals K ENTILE--No priority on tile floors. Ideal ;for schools, churches, stores, | hospitals, basements, kitchens, etc. i Variety of colors. Also FLOOR SANDING and' refinishing with DURA SEAL, Henning Newman, 932 j Marvel Ave., Woodstock, 111. Phone i 131. " 39-tf i FOR SALE--Sewing machine. McHenry 379. Phone 39 INCOME TAX INFORMATION /Prepared by the Bureau of Internal Revenue m WHO MUST FILE •RETURN file a ' * - iFedoral income tax return whose • v|yross inconje. for the year from all '-i- foujces was $500 or moire; that is as eh as |9.62 per weelk. Widows, Widowers, divorcess and married per- EOR SALE--Late 1938 Willys 4-door sedan. Radio, heater, recently overhauled; 25 miles per gallon. Write Box "A," care Plaindealer. 039-2 FOR SALE--1941 Ford Super Deluxe Tudor; Whitewall tires, heater, defrosters, etc. Car actually driven 15,- 000 miles. They are not making cars like this any trtore. This ene is a real buy at $865. Owner going to California. Call Ralph Bruns, 360 Grove St., Crystal Lake. Phojie'Crystal Lake 1054,.'.' ; V ' - -4V" 039 Mrs. Charles Ckrso of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinsala. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen of Woodstock were weekend visitors here. Miss Betty Regner, who is in nurses training in Chicago, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Regner. Mrs. Carl Hebbe, who has been with her husband at Athens, Ga., arrived Thursday for a visit with her parents, the George Witts. Staff Sgt. Glenn G. Witt, who has been on furlough, will return to Los Angeles today (Thursday). Sunday a family gathering was held during the afternon and evening. Present wer the Harry Garland family of Island Lake, the Ray Clark family of Wauconda, the Clarke Nickels family of Burton's Bridge and the Leo Scheid family of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murray of Wauconda visited in the Alfons Adams home Tuesday. Mrs. Gerald Carey, Mrs. Ray Me- Ge.e, Mrs. Floyd Cooley and Mt*s. Fred Rogers were Chicago callers Satud&y, where they saw Gertnide Lawrence in a performance of "Lady in the Dark," at the Civic Opera house. Eleanor Kinsala was a Chicago caller Tuesday of this week. Friends have received the address of Mayor and Mrs. Overton, who ar* enjoying balmy weather at 627 Lexington street, Orlando, Fla. They report temperatures of 85 degrees in the sun, 70 in the shade, plenty of fruits and flowers , and no frost, so far, this yffar. Mrs. Herman Kreutzer and Mrs. Joseph Regner visited Miss Betty Regner and Mrs. Alex Freund in Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zimmer and daughter, Joan, of Palatine visited relatives here Sunday. Tlje former's mother, Mrs. Mary Zirhmer, of Palatine, who had been visiting her sisters, Mrs. Henry J. Schaffer and Mrs. John Rr-Knox, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hoogenboom ,of North Chicago were visitors in McHenry one day last week. jj_ _____ Mrs. Catherine Young is spending FOR RENT--80-acre farm at Lake I * few daJs at th.e ho™* of *er \°"< George Young, in Ringwood. Mr. Young, who had been ill in St. Therese hospital for sej^ral weeks, returned home this past (week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Botftell and son, Everett, of Lake Geneva, Wis., visited her mother, Mrs. John R. Smith, Sun- . ... ,. j , , FOR RENT --- One and two-room day. They were accompanied to Mcbe taken either, or divided b«tween~apartments New> modern; tile floors, Henry by Mrs. Boutelle's sister, Mrs. them m any proportion agreed upon. block ceilin&, knotty pine walls, in-a- Chester Frasier of Grinjiell, Iowa, who If separate returns are filed one may door bedj Frigidaire, white porcelain . is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sidney report income which belongs to range, built-in cabinets and sink, bath- gjicox Gf Lake Geneva. FOR SALEU-Tall mirror, two rugs, small motor and McCaskey sales system in good condition. Kathryn Barbian Style Shop, Green St. 39 FOR SALE--1Team of good^: work horses and wooden^ Is&eeled wagon, with rack. At the. Peter Niesen Place, Johnsburg. , 039 | FOR SALE--Portable milking machine, nearly new; also some Leghorn ; laying hens, year old; AAA mating; | Columbia seed oats. Brandenburg ! Farms. Tel. McHenry 632-J-l. 39 ^toris separated by mutual consent, are c'assed as single persons. Every married person, living with husband or wife throughout the year, must file a return if his or her gross income, together with any income of the spouse, was as much as $1,200 for the year; that is, as much as $23.08, ner week. If husband and wife both have income, they must both make a return. Such return may be I / made separately, or, if they are both ; citizens or residents, they may make a ; joint return. A joint return may be j made by husband and wife even' though one has no income, and *Cj joint return is advisable in the case FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and of persons, one of whom has no in- economy with fire-proof Johns-Mancome. who marry during the year, ville Type A Home Insulation "Blownfeince the personal exemption attrib- jn» your walls akid ceilings. Call utable to each spouse during the per- iLEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf iod of pre-marital status is allowable j i r •'in a joint returnr ~ ^---- FOR RENT ---- FOR SALE--Chevrolet Master De- Luxe 85, 1939 model, 2 door sedan; fully equipped, A-l condition. Hettermann Service Station, Johnsburg, 111. Phone McHenry 640-J-2. 35-tf Hilda Whitefoot Residua as H4ad of Woodstock Hospital The many McHenry residents who have become acquainted with Miss Hilda Whitefoot during her three years as superintendent of the Woodstock Public hospital, will be sorry to learn that she has resigned her position, the resignation to be effective March 1. Besides meeting her in connection with the hospital, many have come to know her when she spoke at various meetings here in the past. s„ Miss Wfcitefoot'B decision to $vilian nursing was not a hurried one as she made an effort to enter army work two years ago. During the past year she has instructed a large of nurse's aides, some from McH who have been invaluable, due to the shortage of rtulrses. . • , . " I »Pr ophets who predict r their feet hurt are real cause dimensional changes in leather occur according to htomidity in the atmosphere.' -±-. ' Read the Want Adil A joint return must be signed by both husband and wife and verified by a written declaration that it is Defiance. Kelter -Estates, made under the penalties of perjury. Cooney, West McHenry. Where separate returns are filed _ _ . , , husband and wife on Form 1040,! FOR RENT-Fumished, rooms. Martin 39-2 the joint personal exemption allow- UP« A ^ V •able ($1,200 where the married status /. has existed throughout the year) may Mike McHenry.! 39-tf not the other, but report only the income which belongs to him (or her). N&* person is exempt from filing a return if his gross income is equal to or greater than the amount specified above for his classification^ Neither the President of the United States, nor the Vice President, nor Federal Judges, nor Members of Congress, are .exempt from filing returns. - h . Moreover, all income from whatever source, unless specifically excluded by statute, must be reported in the return. The types of income specifically exempt are listed in the instructions accompanying the return form. A person whose gross income) does not exceed S3.000, and consists vfholly of salary, wages, dividends, interest, or annuities, may make a Simplified Return on Form 1040A, wTiich the tax due may be readily ascertained by WQRDS With exception of house Uppers ami infants' softsoled shoes, nation-wide rationing of all types of leather and part leather boots and shoes became effective Tuesday, February 9. There is no shortage of quality shoes now at Bowman Bros. The new rationing order came as a complete surprise to both our customers and ourselves. Shoe rationing was introduced now only to make sure that everyone get his rightful share of present shoe stocks. „ Quality now, will have a new Cleaning as American civilians march to war. Now, more than ever before, quality will be the keynote of the wise shoe buyer. For over 40 years Bowman Bros, have sold high quality footwear at fair prices. During this period the name of Bowman Bros, has come to be a synonym for fine footwear-- fairly priced--expertly fitted. V In buying your three pairs of shoes a year, buy QUAL- •; ITY, and get the wear from every pair. BOWMAN BROS. < Go Away, Worry I* there any way that one to drive . Softwood hardwood. Right Weeping a Human Peculiarity Although many animals have tear I £*There is another glands, naturalists agree, in general, "pgfrhich is the having that only man sheds tears of tion. has for sixty -one years enjoyed the confidence of the American people because it has always been ready In disasters and emergencies. So don't desert now lit Americas greatest emergency in history, but contribute to the Red Cross because it needs your help in the Red Cross Annual Roll Call and War Fund (This space contributed by McHenry State Bank *./v: ••••, iroom-- tile recessed tub and shower.; Mrs. Harry Carpenter of Chicago Heat, light and gas furnished. Must spent the weekend visiting her parbe seen to be appreciated. McHenry , entS( Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Town House. Phone 12. 35-tf HELP WANTED Marjorie Duker and friend of Cook County hospital', Chicago, spent the weekend in the C. H. Duker home. Pvt. Robert Adams, who had been stationed at Camip Grant since his induction on Thursday, visited his parents, the George Adams, last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and daughter, Rita, visited in the ^Kenneth Lovegrin home in Lombard Sunday. Rita remained for a week's visit. Miss Mary Kinney was called to her home in Mankato, Minn., last Friday by the critical illness of her mother. . Her sister, Mrs. Earl Mc- HELP WANTED--Girl for soda foun- Andrews, has been in Mankato help, tain and general store work; steady.' care ftfr ner mother for the past WANTED--Experienced meat cutter and handy boy for helping in meat market. Steady work. Write Box "M," care of Plaindealer. 039 WANTED--Woman or girl for restaurant work. Mi Place, Green St., McHenry. Phone 377. 39-tf WANTED--Boys or girls to deliver newspapers. Krause News Agency, Elm Street, McHenry. 039 Write Box 13, eare of Plaindealer. • • 38-tf two weeks Edmund Wirfs of Rockford spent reference to a table contained in. the /' '• ' 1 1-- the weekend in the George Wirfs form. " HELP WANTED --Yeung lady for'home. • v A husband and wife'living together .general work in sweet shop, pleasing 1 * Mrs. Edna Heimer and Mrs. Claron July 1 of the year may file sop- personality, honest, reference reouir-!€nce Craig of Chicago spent a day aratc Simplified Returns if the gross ed. no experienec necessary; Good •' recently as guests of the former s income of .each is from the prescribed salary. Make home with family. Wili ra°kher~m-}^w> Mrs. Josephine HeisouKes and does not exceed'$3.,060, nr reimburse transportation^ r Apply in tne'r. . . they may* file fi single joint return person at Mary's Sweet Shop, 1505 ! Mr, and Mrs. J'Oe Glosson and baby on that form if their combined 'in* •jEUimatoiKj' and' Mif. and, Mrs. Alfons Adams and come is.from the. prescribed sources •"-I J033-G !baby spent Thursday in Kenosha, Wis.. S and does not exceed $3,000. A tax- w,Mrs-James Reed left Wednesday.'! payer may not, however, file a ^;; .T^-? i« Si ^ Texas where she will join her husplified Return if the other spouse files ' iband. who is in service, there. Mrs. a return on Form 1040. WANTED--Several girls between 18! Reed has been employed^ at Bolger's and 30 for work packaging a product^i.drug store for several moriths where COMING EVENT&- ^ Februaryll Red Cross--Business Meeting February 12 Mothers' Club--Legion Hall. February 13 lor use by war industries and -bos- - she has made many friends, who will pita's. These girls will first work for several months at our Chicago plant to learn our procedures and will tfeeri be transferred to our Ringwood plant j when we open a packaging depart-! ment there, later this year. Commu- ] i,. • Large -Farm Auction--.Frank iJ." Haas. ;.^ti°n tickets to Chicago will be fur- Valentine Party -- Lily Lake School House. February 16 fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A.-- Business Meeting. lliverview Canup, R. JN. A.-^l»i|blic Card Party. V February 18 S. C. S.--Mrs. C. W. Klontz Home. S, C. S.--Mrs. C. W. Klontz Home. February 22 Henry J. Stilling Farm Auction. March I Altar and Rosary Sodality---Meeting • --Mrs. Edmund Cusen. Altar and Rosary Soodality--Pot Luck Supper for Members--7 p. ni.--Mrs. Edmund Cusen Home. - March 3 U. 8. 0. Party--Waukegan. . , March 4 Orchestra Concerts-High School, 8:16. nished during the learning period These are steady jobs, with no seasonal lay-offs. The products are essential in both war and peace and will riot be discontinued after the war. Preference will be given at this time to girls who have finished high school and who are able to teach and supervise others after operations are started at Ringwood, Neatness and ability to work- without supervision are essential. Apply at the Ringwood plant, Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning before 10 a. m., or see Dr. Lowe at his home on Waukegan road, McHenry, Tuesday or Thursday evening between i 7:30 and 9 p. m., or Sunday afternoon ffil* 9 riVl fw» If" RINGWOOD CHEMICAL CORP. River Moves Away Steamboats once docked at the foot of the main street of Forest City, Mo...i,Now the restless Missouri river his shifted its channel until the town is several miles inland. How About a Beefless Day? Here's an idea that might be cop- ^ in every city in the United tes: The mayor of Ashland, Ohio, i issued an official proclamation designating every Thursday, for the duration, "beefless day." So long as the war lasts it is unlawful "to beef, grumble or complain" in Ashland m Thursday. WANTED WANTED "-- Used laundty stove, water heater^ Phone 645-W-l 089 LOST %olea j Garmenti-Better Car« Better care of woolen garments Will keep them in sh^pe for extra warmth when and if housing temperature^ are lowered in order to save fuel. W oler s have unusualwarmth giving powers, but that doe# not mean that 1ney can \vithsta.i4 extreme temperatures or accumulations of soil and d'^t and still giv» good service. Men who Vsear their woolen sweaters or jackets from one end of the year to the other may discover too late that the soil which has sifted into the fabric is doing some subtle sabotage on .the fibers. MISCELLANEOUS LOST--Liver and white male Spring er Spaniel pup, 6 months old. Lib LEGAL NOTICE -- At a regular meeting of the stockholders of the West McHenry State Bank, lo^ cated at McHenry (P. O. West Mc Henry), Illinois, held on the 12th day of January, A.D., 1943, a quorum of Red Cross Annual Corner Cass and Main WOODSTOCK Fimd Drive.) landing el Vision ; Normally a person has • span Of vision of about half a circle--90 degrees on either side. However, about one out of every 100 drivers has limited side vision and the effect is that of looking through a tunnel. If a person cannot see objects clearly at the side, he should be especially cautious at intersections, and in .places where people so-e likely to be walking at the side the road. eral regard for his return or for any !said stockholders was present, and information. Bob Rippy, Pine Tree j solution was adopted that the Farms. Phone 652-M-l. 37-tf ' "umber of Directors of this Bank .be ~ -- decreased from Six (6) to Five (5) Directors. WEST McHENRY STATE ANIMALS WANTED! BANK. 37-3 DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf WE PAY HIGHEST Prices for dead horses, cows, hogs, sheep and calvfcs. Prompt day or nighf service, including holidays. Farmers Rendering Service. Crystal Lake 8003Y-1. We pay phone charges. 5-26 HAVE YOU HEARD about the, riew reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rates? They will surprise you. Ask us for insurance rates. The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone $. 27-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- i*t us dispose ef your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly fieorge Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Pnone 365 or 631-M-l. 11-tf WRITE peratures used in treating these mats must be flexible and controllable, gas is used to supply this heat. In almost every phase of ordnance manufacture? where accurate and easily controllable temperatures are needed, such as in tempering and annealing, ggs Jl playing an important part. And our first responsibitfey is to supply vital gas to the war plants in this are% - OAS, TOO, HAS GONE TO WAR-- D^N'T WASTE IT! j r v WESTERN UNITED GAS and ELECTRIC COMPANY Supplying essential service to War Production in Northern Illinois ; """Emergency landing fields, composed of hundreds of interlocking steel mats, must be made to withstand exposure to the elements...snow, sleet, swampy ground and the chemical action of air in different climates. For this reason they must be rust-proofed by a chemical process which requires accurate and available heat. Because tem- * #

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