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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1943, p. 3

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»£<5w Thnrsday, April 29, 1943 THE McHKfEY PLAINDEALEB •* _ ff. • >* __ ^ ^ V - ffy " RINGWOOD Thirteca UUn Bom the Tnaivr In the Seeead War ip only «m sixth et the mated cost ef (ke war te AM Subscribe for The Plaindealer! flscal year ef IMS. Willyw Wp S T R E T C H Teteptose Semci tWo l«Vi iIVts9. kMiUmVsftl npVsisflMilcV wVVvH MIW ?i Nip I wM NOT caff *tnferautTdu* to uk tor telephone ttambert that are listed in the directory/ I wffl NOT make needle** Long Diitanoe calls to Waslung' ton, D. C., or other busy war centers. I will NOT tie up telephone equipment by talking longer than necessary on any call. •NOTV: Hie Yellow Pages ox your local telephone directory ca* be rery useful in helping you find the names, numbers and addresses of dealers, services and professional people. FOR SALE This beautiful Long Lake; HOMi including electricity, running water, etc -- Across road from Ukf AUCTION CHAS. LEONARD, Anetkmew _ &riiif sold my house and lot in As Tillage of Greenwood, will sell at ^Qblic auction on the said premises, a SUNDAY, MAY 2 Commenetnt at f o'clock ». m. ^iHonsehold furniture, consisting of T:#feetzie refrigerator, electric washing - --rhinat "dining tabk, chairs, dishae, beds and bedding, parlor set, porch Nt, garden tools and many other arnumerous to mention. I* THOMAS af Wsedateck, Clerk AUCTION - % V K nBc east of Lake Zwrieh elk L ; Hthwny Na tl SUFDAY, MAY2, a* 1 o'clock CATTLE-- 1* CHOICE HOL8TEXN ft CrtJplNSEY WI8C0k&i» DAIRY ODW8 (Springers and hew bilkers), T. B. ttd Bangs tested. Stock Bull. •HtSlB--Team of Bine Roan Mares, 4 and 1 yean old, full sisters, gentle and well broke, weight 1,400 lbs. each. •0G5--3 Cheater White fe-ood Sows, with 28 pigs, S breed saws, IS feeder supsavxsoa's ithabcial STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry, Town of McHenry, ss. OFFICE OF TOWN SUPERVISOR The following is a statement by Math N. Schmitt, Supervisor of the Town of McHenry in the County and State aforesaid, of the amount of public funds received and expended by him daring the fiscal year just closed, ending on the SBtfe. day of March, IMS; showimr the mmount of public ilk In hand at the commencement at said Been! year; the --nimt of public tends received, and trom what oieee received; the aaeeaaA e$ public fonds expended, and for what purses expended, during fiscal year ending as aforesaid. the said Math N. Schmitt, being duly sworn, deth depoee and say, that the following statement by him subscribed is a correct statement of the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public funds received, and the sources from wkMtr "received, and the amount expended, and purpose* for which expended, all set forth in said statement. p # MATH N. SCHMITT, Supervisor of Town of McHenry. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 80th day ol March, IMS. ALBERT K&AUSE, (SEAL) Notary Public. (My Commission Expiree Jtane 24, 1946.) • Fande '--v.' k,<- -10 ewes with lamb at side. Bantam Chickens. PIGEONS -- 25 Pigeons of various hresds. SOME BALED HAT MACHINERY: Oliver Manure Spreader en rubber (like new); McD. Manure Spreader; Int. 10-ft. Grain Drill; M.- H 6-ft. Grain Binder (cut very little) S tract, plows; 2 Com Planters; Three £-zow Cultivators; New horse-drawn Disc; 2 Mowers; Dump Rake; 2-wheel Trailer; Ohio Hay Baler (good cond.); New Sulky Plow; 2 Sulky Plows; 2 Int. Hay Loaders; Bob sled; Phaeton; Balky Cult.; 25 bu. Hog Feeder; Clean Easy Milking Machine (good cond.); Btae Ribbon Milking Machine (complete); Cook Start; Oil BbL; Gasoline Stove (good eend.); Water Trough; Fanning Mill; Meeker Harrow; 2 sets Sid Breeching Harness and Collars. UCX --1935 Dodge ft-ten Track Cgeed condition). , USUAL TERMS. * A&T TlOEUOB, Owmr Froelkh 4k Wick, Auctioneers Lake Zurich 3831 or Wheeling 52-M „ PdUfe Aactioa Service Co, Mgrs. Td. Burlington, Wis., 866-Vf. Received Sources Received and Frees What AUCTION CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer e Amount of public funds on hand at the commencement > of the fiscal year, commencing the 30th day of March, 1943: :~*rr4J Received from Math N. Schmitt - 900.15 JNpe 2 C. Frank Daly, County Trees-' urer, partial payment on taxes Jane 16 C. Frank Daly, County Treaspartial payment en ....... 1,468.47 •MS July 7 C. Frank Daly, County Treasurer, forfeited taxes. September 1 C. Frank Daly, County Treasurer, partial payment of taxes November 16 C. Frank Daly, County Treasurer, final payment of taxes C. Frank Daly, County Treasurer, back taxes 1,466.47 167 J3 inmr YEARS Tlie new cigar and confectionery store, in Kelter's block, which we noticed some keeks ago as about being started by Eugene Perkins, is now open and ready for business with as fine a stock as can be found in this section. Joseph Carr, one of the oldest settlers of Ringwood, died at that place on Thusday last, at the advanced age of .30 years. Work was commenced in .the brick ys*d on - Monday, JJuperinlendent Wentworth proposes topashit to itp fullest capacity this season. Th^teamer "Maty Griswdd" made herfirst trip to the lakes. this ieasoa last 'Friday evening. 'i (By Helen Johnson) Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Mrs. Clayton Harrison called on Mrs. Ardin Frisbie at the Woodstock hospital Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrisdn spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Charles at Wooa stock. Rita Mae Merchant of Woodstock spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Danny and Bill Weber of McHenry spent Saturday with their grandparenta, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Mrs. Harold Alms and sons of Chicago and Mrs. Roy Smith of McHenry apent Wodneaday afternoon with Mrs. Fred Wiedrieh, Jr. George Ainger of Greenwood spent Wednseday afternoon with his grandparents, Mr. and^Bfrs. George Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and family of IMvidere, Mrs. Harold and Mrs. Jacobs of Crystal Lake called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson have moved to Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kooistra and sons of Harvard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson. Guests in the C. L. Harrison home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and children of Huntley, Mrs. Frank Wattles of McHenry and Amy Harrison of Madison. Mrs. Lonnie Smith and Kate Freund were callers in Woodstock Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting and daughters spent Sunday at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feet callers in Crystal Lake Tuesday afternoon. at the home of Mrs. Burkhart's sister in Chicago. R. T. Nicholas of Grayslake was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Tuesday. SLOCUM LAKE (By Mrs. Harry Matthews) Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were dinner and supper guests Easter Sun- * L rv-«. t> .-«..i day at the home of -Jfr. and Urn. Geo* Ackerman, Mra. Delia Rasch of Rich- Lundrren at Waueonda. mond and Archie Biggers were Son-. Mr. and Mw. LaDoyt Matthews of dag dinner guests in the John Hoscan | oak Park were dinner and aupper FIFTY YEARS AGO C. R. Huber, of the Home1 bakery ia painting and fixing up his store in a neat and tasty manner. Woodstock was visited by another disastrous fire on Friday night last, £he east side of the Public square, from what is known as the old rat hole, south, including the Universalist church, on the east were burned. At the Corporation Election, held last week in this village, 171 votes were polled, and the following officers were elected: President, Geo. W. Owen; village clerk, F. S. MeOmber; trustees, R. A. Howard, C. H. Granger and Geo. W. Besley. The school election also took place last week. For president of the board of education, T. J. Walsh. For members of the board, Miss Julia A. Story, Mrs. Flora Fitaaimmons. I • FORTY YEARS AGO home. The group helped Mary Hogai. eelefcfetr her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron called on Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson Sunday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Collins attended 'the concert at Woodstock Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schultze and daughters of Monroe, Wis., spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mra. Roy Harrison and Edyth and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and David spent Thursday in Kenosha. Mrs. C. J. Jepson has gone to XJrbana to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepson. The Home Bureau will sponsor a guests Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Epping. Mrs. Jamea Thomson of William* Park spent last Thursday with her daughter at the Loyalton hotel in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse visited at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Leslie Davis on tile "Flats" last Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith st Libertyville Sunday. Mrs. Walter Kramer and Mrs. Adam Gaumann of Williams Park were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ben of Island Lake spent last Wednesday evenig at the home of Mr. ar^L Mrs. Harry Expenses <*5,721.58 3t151.17 Balance on Hand.t--..J|2,570.41 iditors/meetii ,;'-$V0;; •' On account of sickness, I will sell it Ftoblic Auction on the farm known #i the Marron farm, 1V4 miles south «f Woodstock on Dean street road, about 9 miles north of Huntley, 8 miles west of Crystal Lake, 1 mile aorth of Route 176 on Dean street ••load on MONDAY, MAY 3 Commencing at 12 o'clock sharp the following described property, towit: 38 HEAD LIVESTOCK 4 Consisting of , 17 Holstein CoW» Some springers and some new milkers. TTiis is an outstanding herd of cows, large in size and good flesh. A •umber of cows giving 60 lbs. of milk per day. 16 Holsteins and 1 Guernsey, producing 9 cans of milk per day and feeding 3 calves. Anyone looking for good cows will make no mistake in buying from this herd. No threequarter teaters or gargots. Average test 3.7 to 3.9. 1 Bull 9 mo. old; Holatein bull 2 yrs. jljld; heifer 6 mos. old; 3 heifer calves lj mos. old. 3 Horses 2 Mack mares, 9 and 10 yrs* eld; old chestnut gelding. 2 brood sows with pigs. 25 laying hens. Hay, Grain and Machinery 3 tons hay, baled; 12 tons corn; 150 ha. oats. New Idea corn shredder; McC-D. -corn binder; McC-D. side rake, new; McC-P. hay loader, good as new; ItcC-D. grain drill with grass seed attachments; 2 McC-D. 14-in. tractor plow, nearly new; Papec silo filler; i/JMcC-D. corn planter with fertiliser Attachment. "* McC-D. mower; McC-D. 10-20 tractor; McC-D. tractor disc; McC-D. Ipanure spreader; McC-D. single row |nltivator; McC-D. double row cultivator; horse disc, 10-ft.; 2 section new; drag cart; spring tooth harrow; Stover hammer mill, new; iubber tire wagon rack, new; double tx and wagon, on rubber; set harsa, nearly new set harness; McC-D. Corn shelter; motor add pump Jack; platform scale. Oil "burner brooder; 20 milk cans; S sterilizing tanks; hot water heater, new, Dairy Maid; pails and strainers, forks and shovels; drive belt, 70-ft. double; buzz saw; horse eveners; lime house (4x6); 3 tons barn lime; 2 elec. fences; 10-ft. log chain; 6-ft. log 4hain; 4 chicken feeders and chicken equipment; cart trailer; wire stretcher; emery wheel with electric motor. John Deere corn planter with wire; 2 tons of fertilizer; Case threshing machine, 28-36 with stacker. 2 heating stoves; cook stove. All this machinery on this farm will be on the farm on day of sale. No machinery will be sold before day of Sale. This is a good line of machinery, much of it new. TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and •nder that amount caah, over that Amount a credit of six months time •ft 7 per cent will be extended on j|otes approved by the clerk. Anyone |tesiring credit, kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled °r* ZD. PX8KE Weet McHenry State Bank. CM 10.00 12-50 ~ 9ft£0 LOU 7.79 660.00 1,100.00 Board of Auditors/meeting...! Board of Auditora, meeting . ' McHenry Plaindealer, printing Lew Baker, moving election booths ; Perfection Legal Blank Co., justice of peace supplies Jos. J. Freund, 118 days as highway commissioner. Jos. N. Schmitt, assessor. Fred C. Feltz, 86 days as thistle commissioner, $301; hiring help, $28 329.00 Board of Auditors, meeting....v 10.00 Caroline Schiesle, rent, one- a,. half year * P*00 Math N. -Schmitt, salary onehalf year, poor master, $150; board of health, 9.00; stamps and tele., $1.20; trips to Waukegan, two, $10.40; trip to Hartland, $7.70 IfMO Robert J. Conway, salary one-Tr*~~"; half year, $100; board of . health, $7.50; stamps and telephone, $1.65 109.15 Perfection Legal Blank Co., justice of peace supplies 10.87 November 23 John A. Anderson, 3 tables, 6 chairs for Precinct No. 31 16.50 McHenry Plaindealer, printing Notice of Registration.. 14.00 Harry Hall Association, dues, twp. officials -....•••'-'--.J^tOO Wattles Drug Store, fumigating Math Glosson, Ed Phannenstill - *1-20 P. F. Pettibone, justice ofS^^ peace supplies -- r-^---^f.78 Herman Stolpe, who haa conducted a'general store at Terra Cotta for several years and is now postmaster at that place will move his stock of goods to Crystal Lake soon and open a general store on a much larger scale. A new floor is being laid in St Patrick's church. Isaac Fairweather ia-' filling his warehouse with farm machinery and buggies this week, Mr. Bonslett having into the planing mill. Ben Adams, who resides up the river, shot a loon Monday morning which is a fine specimen. Hie cigarette ia undermining the health of the American boys, both physically and mentally. No one with a grata of sense can deny this. THIRTY YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes are now making their home in the Thoa. Powers house just vacated by the Powers sisters. John Regner haa rented his home in the north end of town to Peter Wort» and will move to one of hia cottages on Broad street. F. W. Covalt, father of F. E. Covalt of this village, haa resigned his position as manager of the Wilbur Lumber company yards at North Crystal Lake after a continued service of sixteen years. Mr. Covalt has retired from active work. Miss Gertrude Weber in spending the week in the home of her sister Mrs. Jacob Miller, at Zenda, Wis. TWENTY YEARS AGO Atlas Printing Co., justice ot, peace supplies .-- Chas. Rietesel, painting polling sign --• Board of Health, meeting Board at Auditors, meeting.... December 31 Jos. J. Freund, 89 days as commissioner March i3 Wattles Drug Store, fumigating Michael Schaefer, and Johnsburg School Thos. P. Bolger, fumigating Passfield, Geo. Michels and Jack Keenan Board of Auditors, meeting.... 10.00 Thos. P. Bolger, fumigating * Wilfred Blake and Mrs. Enerst 11-75 *>.00 1.50 *f.5u 11.50 446.00 9.45 19.28 Total Expenses $3,151.17 Wanted~100 Men and Women Married couples or single, ages-18-60 years as attendants, steady employment, salary $52.50 per month with room, board, laundry #ad medical care. Apply < DR. CHARLES F. READ, MANAGING OFFICER, ELGIN STATE HOSPITAL, ELGIN, ILLINOIS. Lewis Althoff who recently purchased the N. J. Justen residence on Waukegan street, has moved his family thereto. J. E. Hauswirth haa moved his shoe repair shop from the Owen building in Centerville to the basement of the Simon Stoffel block on the West side. Notwithstanding the fact that some of the roads leading into the village weren't in the best of condition, a large number of autombile tourists passed through our village last Sund »y. SHWr screen stencils or stencils made with silk substitutes are now being used for painting insignia directly upon bombing planes, automotive equipment, shells and personnel clothing and for placing code numbers and other information on shells. Shells are now rolled under the screens and printed at the rate of about 80 per hour, as compared with a previous rate of from three to five minutes per shelL public card party at the Community hall Friday evening. Twenty-five Matthews. cents admission. j Mr. and Mrs. Roland Buckler and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer, Lnann, Mrs. Helen Stark of Chicago spent the Marvin and Joan spent Sunday in the Easter weekend at the home of Mr. Joe Schrer hotne at Waukegan. and Mrs. Wm. K. Buckler at Williams Guests on Easter in the Ed Peet home were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and children and Edna Peet, all of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and sons of Spring Grove. John Smith spent the weekend in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrieh and children spent Saturday evening in the Arold Huff home at Richmond. Alice and Marion .Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kooistra and sons of Harvard were callers in the Alec Anderson and George Shephard home* Wednesday evening. Henry Wraage of Chicago spent Sunday with Loren Harrison. Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch called on Jennie Bacon Monday afternoon. Cora Walters of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Hickey of McHenry Vere callers in the L. E. Hawley home Saturday. Mrs. Joe Miller and children were callers in Genoa City* Friday. The 4-H met afwe school Thursday evening. Those elected to office were: President, Bill Schmitt, vicepresident, George Whiting; secretary, Charles Martin; reporter, Muriel Butler; librarian. Donald Passfield. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison were callers in Greenwood Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Treon of Crystal Lake and Mrs. George L. Harrison were Sunday supper guests in the Walter Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. William Andreas and children spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mrs. Joe E. Miller and Mrs. Alfred Kattner of Richmond and Mrs. Marvin Arseneau of Crystal Lake spent Friday afternoon witih Mrs. Ed Bauer. Guests in^ie Fred Wiedrieh, Jr., home on Easter were Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart, Bill and Bob, of Waukegan, Clinton Vogel of Elkhorn, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore and Mrs. Bertha Saunders of Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. George Shephard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger of Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young attended the Kattner-Rauen funera's at Spring Grove, Wednesday. Geraldine and John Cristy, children of Mr. and Mrs. John Cristy of Waueonda and Jimmy Pearson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson were baptized at the service Sunday morning. Charles Martin, Helen Ruth Butler, j Edyth Harrison and Lois Krohn were received into the church. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison and family of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and David of Richmond were entertained in the R. C. Harrison home for supper Sunday eve* ning in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Cecil Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and Marion spent Sunday in Chicago, with Shirley Hawley and called on Bob Schultz at St. Luke's hospital. Leonard Brown and Emma Grac* Trepua of Palatine called on Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huenze and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Welch and W. W. Birkett of Belvidere were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Matthews of! Berwyn were Sunday dinner guests at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Macthews. Bruce Coszine of the Wyller school i at Evansville, Wis., was a guest of Lyle Matthews last Thursday night and spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Jay Cook of Chicago was a caller Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. Buckler of Williams Park spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Matthews. Chesney Brooks attended Easter services at the Chicago temp'e, Sui. day. •' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart of Williams Park spent fom Saturday until Morajay evening visiting at the home of their sons, Charles and Arnold, and why Mom cays it wS to lWaMIkNai IMIIa NAiiiamAlai GIZZARD CAPSULES' smimm WotmlM P*n Soobl* 4M; sKadM MPj^mibt tadj^lkla w la Uftait fUora etTeO U ICbatip wwli*n taCrto aPtlaat*'d dloae * not itlwnln la crop--prataeu •»1fc»ta« aattl eruilxd bt f•uIIlMl rIItIi irttfilrl TTtoT wi oaromrr*a.o tW doown't. tiltmctnolan aM rdfao ro r aklal oeSk k«l*xtf cE >ro- ot SUSnSa -FTfteapw. .L 0a«r«ta BohMundda a x>o !r *11 V*cl« of TIM th«t «"r X on mirfct c*n_g. tear Hpmt Bolger's Drug Store JOHNSON P.O. Minn: RFD, MdWy, III, <. T*l. Pitt 655-J-l or, in Chicago, call Avomi* 9500 Johnsburg Garage and Repair Shop OTTO ADAMS, Pro*. Day and Night Towing Service Auto and Farm Implement Repairing V Welding, Blackimithing and Lawn Mower Sharpening Sinclair Gas and Oils Green Street McHenry . . . b t t c b s t h a t * wbst it n--d$ Ibis stormgT Day Phono; 640J1 Mete Phoat: M0.W-3 Vbur cork a war older now! i It (Ms refresherl Your car asm be any roangst than it is codsf, bar yoa csn make it sa younger -if having four Scsndstd Oil Deskr give it das 10 Star Wartime Tone-op, •speedy dcaigned for 1943 dfiviag coadidoas: A1--Mtofi Check, add water, mcfceigs if nscsHaff. * t-lfclL iMpect rabber. rinu, valves, etc. Check aasd for isplaccaenc oc mcs| (Maintain tires st wartime | Y O U R S T A N D A R D O I . i 32 lbs. Switch as needed.) * I--I Mn «l RMmfML Draio. Ii stardy summer grade Standard labri* cant. *4 tin* l**M--lWipeof afl finings and apply fresh Stsadacd lobckaacs. h I--lM tMh| M^Ak cksn sod pfl fa dean sad ngap. * 1--1 . Oaaa and fepsck. * ?--Mt > Check ligka^ desa Isnsss; la? a p e c t w i p e r , i t • -- D n i a mi leak atisttx. add nut pceveati**- Dain beater. Cheek boee sad fca bc|> * •--AlpMnM-HsMkn. Wuh. p<4»" iA. Wax the body and bright metal. Remove spots from upholstery. * l®T MMML Drain, flush, nil with N#. aser grade Iso-Vts. Check ei CMk e Bay akorc Wu Bonds ss Drive Olt it JMMVKltf n< IT mitMir l O N ^ l R V A T ' O M H f A L ' . ' t i

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