'""" """ ""' ' "" "" "'" "" ' 4 * "'"" •'••"*' ' •]•• t!5 mm m Vhanday, April S9, 1943 McHXHlY wjnmittn :'»S Ptfe H?% J •&& S; * • #$43 '. "wfiZatt "SO I by EARL R. WALSH pSn $ * One of those sweet messages has jttut been relayed to us from the Plaindealer headquarters that they a column . . and want it now. BOWLING NOTES • SCHAEF ER*S •><They send forth the message that we were excused for our late copy last week on account of the stork stepping into $^#<|>ktura»jN« excuse .ti4* *iek. • , \ . "Ca**t Qiey realise that when a man's Jfemily doubles, he's a busy fellow? Miss Stegal, commander-in-chief of fee second floor at the Woodstock hospital, says we didn't have as much to toy in S. I. H. about our daughter as we did when the boy arrived. '•Maybe. But, we hadn't had much t$me to get acquainted with the girl. JUtd, after all, one must be careful Ifhat one says about a iadyi; • We have just one fear for the little lately. She never cries . . . at least #hen her dad goes to call. Do you pappose she could be saving all those iSries for her home-coming? .. If she does, we'll blame Commander j$tegal & Co., for grojBs neglect in her Ssrly training. On top of it all, we'll devote an entire column to nurses. ; We really hold members of the Htirsing profession in high esteem, there's something about 'em. Maybe iflle uniform gets us. f A little number entitled "The Mystery of the. Missing Key" held, the limelighjt t>n Riverside . Drive this iftek- J- , Reports had it that somebody stole the key to Karls Cafe. There were suspects! The boys were considered guilty until they could prove their innocence. -- Well, Edith had a bolt on the door. Then found the key in her pocket! chance to reflect, as we sit !n our barracks, tents, aboard ship, lying on the ground or wherever circumstances may cause us to be, on the day when we too will once again be a small part of the function or functions of our community. - Those are merely three reasons why it pleases us to receive it. There Lest we forget. The score sheet are many more but it would seem isnt' in; but Fanny Freund rolled a that these three more or less blanket1595 series Tuesday night. or absorb all the others into these , Bob Conway got on the beam in the Commercial doubles, bowling games of 186-224-231 <for a 641 series. This combined with Dr. Cusen'S 462 to win top money. Herman Schaefer was consistently good in a 627 series made up of 212- > 209-206 games. Herman and K. Eng-: valstn copped second place. ] Pete Koob and Bill Alth6ff rolled ! into third place, follow^ by- the team of Ed Borchers and Math Schmitt. INTERESTING « NEARBY NEWS NEWS ABOUT : : OUR SERVICEMEN (Continued from page one) tereating letter a few weeks ago from R. J. Sutton of the U. S. army. Oddly, Ralph LtRoy Pearce, tW monthsi however, this R- J. did not happen to and seventeen days old, son of Mr. |^J h!r s™' ThVhaS th<L Sa™e _namC and is also in the army. It seems that Mrs. Sutton addressed a letter to her son, Robert J. Sutton, at his army camp in California. When 'she ... , . received no reply to the letter she the child and *j»en took the baby to WOndered what had happened until bed with her. She woke up about 8:30 sj,e received word from tllf other R. J. and Mrs. LeRoy Pearce of 539 Dane street, Woodstock, died at 8:30 a. m. Thursday morning. Mrs. Pearce was up at 6:30 a. m. to feed and care for ily went to Milwaukee to get Mrs. James Randall, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and children spent Sunday afternoon With Mr. Andreas' mother at Marengo. Andrew Hawley, his brother, Ed, and his son, Edgar, spent Saturday and Sunday with the Hawley faihily. The Book club met last Friday afternoon in the upper grade room. Some intereiting book , reports were given by members of the club. Children in the lower grade will go to the Harrison school Friday^ morning to practice their music. Glass Cloth Glass cloth cannot be dyed, only the glass, can be given ctdor before weaving. and found the baby dead alongside of her in bed. A loss of $6,000. Is the estimate made on the large barn on the Otto Sutton recently. It seems that Mrs. Sutton's letter, instead of reaching her son, was put in another soldier's mail box with the same name. In the meantime this soldier had been transrnU? +'L h-lln. 1 Sonie o£ the ladies* *C0Te& fell by Fox farm in Hartland township for-|ferred and so the letter followed the . . >*k*w*y8*de last week. The McHenry {merly occupied by the Heaven City; wrong man part way around the !!#+wHoJL Lumber «irls felt right smart over a,people, which was destroyed by fire |country until it finally caught up to JL K.V. rjirel^lv ! thre€~game Mn over Bernie Feschkrt, at 9 o'clock Thursday night. Of un- jhim. When he opened the lettef and Oasis team. Mae Budil, 499; Helen known origin, the Are was fought by j found the mistake he immediately sat neglected writing to. Ilmmekus, 457; F. Freund, 491. Trouble with spot of us is that we j McHenry Beer won two from Bast's aarree llaaxx »m wwritinng wnot bjecwausee ,wEe | E. HHoovyttAe, \4i492.; BR . ,JTunsatfejinn , m forget our fneoda but rather because j _____ we often lose sight of thf "don't putj __ ' t-j •' u 1 j -w-a till tomorrow" theory. JVictory Ude« bowled JBlrnd building It is similar to looking at a scale; Rubles drawing for their Partners one side weighted with "Write to-1,n. the ^alf of the game,. The days" the other with "Write tomor- : Nfdine Schaefer and Mary rows." The weights are equal to start; ®ea ^' Schaefer and Evelyn with, but in a «hort while the latter Freund and Mrs. A. side becomes horribly, weighted down VIC the Harvard department, which was ; down and write to Mrs. Sutton, telling handicapped by a lack of water after ; her of the mistake. -"the truck tanks Were emptied. Grain | and hay stored, were lost with the Livestock was outside. with supplemented "Too busys," "It's getting too dark to write," or "Some day I'm gonna sit down and catch up on all my correspondence." I, too, have been adding the above mentioned things to the wrong side of Joseph R. Foley, age 58, of 6442 Normal blvd., Chicago, brother of Mrs. Clara Schaefer of Long Lake, passed away ia&t Friday as the result of a fall while at worK at Indiana Harbor. Mr. Foley, who was retired, had been called back to work, and fell a dis- Tom Harrison of the navy arrived home last Saturday to spend a furlough with his parents, the Pink Harrisons, before being transferred to ( another base. He will report^ back to ! Glenview next Sunday for further in- j structions. j j which he was working, a fractured skull and He sustained passed away The Meister Brau girls. CPt still wondering how come the McGee's Clothing team ran up such a lofty score in their match last. Sunday night. The girls are sure that the eight hours later. °'V •'> i> the scale and as a result have to use j men haven't been spectacular all sea- j -- this second hand method of saying j son. Anyhow, the boys won, 2538 to j. Roy J. Beyette, , ISM Oeorgt "hello" to friends whom I haven't, but j 2282. * street, Chicago, was burned to death should have written to. | L®® Stilling rolled what the girls . late Sunday afternoon when a gaso- While its a great deal overworked ! ,"a 0 °nc*,!,n a.u lifetime «««es "|line stove explosion spread flames in letter endings, if said sincerely 200-214-259--673. The men say that, through a three room cottage in the Leo could have had a perfect score m j Valmar subdivision at Camp Lake in His folks tell us that Lt. Vale _ _ Adams is down in bed with German tance of ninety feet from a bridge on ' measles at Baton Rouge, La., and his wife is also cor^ned to her home with them in Chicago. there's no more appropriate termination of a, missive than just plain "Regards." So I'll conclude with sincere regards to you, Earl, and all Mc- Henryites. GEORGE (YATZ), FR1SBY. After several futile attempts, the Walsh twins, Joseph and James, are at last together. This week Joseph was transferred from McClellan Field, Calif., to Hunter Field, Savanah, Ga., where his brother is stationed. James 1 spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. James that third game with a little luck. j Kenosha county. The fire that^brought Si W film wLivT Both Ambrose Schaefer was another who : death to the Chicogoan spread to ^11 W?' thrived on the competition offered,1 and destroyed a second cottage in the i well known here, rolling a 545 series. j subdivision before the flames could be ' Leo is attributed with a statement bought under control. that he bowls best against pretty girls. But, the girls are out for revenge. A return match is all set for Wednes- You do a neat job of covering your points, George. Most of us are guilty of putting off our correspondence too ; day^MayX"«t"Schaefer^ long. Twould seem, that m a small j A P s. on the report tells us that community we could visit our friends | John Stilling WOrried so much about more frequently. When they die, we hjs CQUsin Leo that he threw a always find time to call and recall Now. Jon'l, go teUing hfr ^idjtheir many fine traits. -Ever notice, George, that certain people such as the boys who go out courtin' and the FoHowhtg our report on the barber x hunters, Irv Schmitt offered Us' a ree shave." No, thank you! - We were thinking of the time Joe Guzzardo tried to pick up conversa- ^jon with a Marine by asking, *fHaven't I shaved you before?" "No," answered the Marine, "I got this sear at Guadalcanal." ||ear Earl: , - f There's no point in dwelling on how gvidly most of us McHenry boys per- •ue every article of each new issue of the Plaindealer. Of that you are already aware, I'm sure. As many other fellows have stated before either to the editor, the people of McHenry, or to you, Earl, we really appreciate receiving it. Using it as a medium, we manage t© keep in touch with other local solcousin ! couple of gutter balls. Dorothy Schaefer led the girls with 490. meter readers are the only, onea sure to be on schedule? Press Time Jottings-- We have word that Henry Ahrens is s t a t i o n e d " on f o r e i g n s o i l . . . . He states in a letter to his sister, Elsie, that he hopes to see McHenry again soon. . . . Bernie Matchen is, home for a few days . . . looks like a million . . . "Hap" Albert, of the Plaindealer staff, bought some colored chicks for Easter. . . . He thinks they will grow up with colored feathers. . . . Suppose he thinks they will lay colored eggs and hatch out colored chicks for next Easter. . * . Just a city farmer. . . . M. C. H. S. won a baseball game this week. . . . Never mind asking about their other games. ... Looks like another rummage sale tis in progress in the Buch building. . . . Those sales gives us the shivers since After five days <rf probing into alleged irregularities in Grant township financial affairs, the March Corp. Alfred B. Miller is stationed "somewhere in North Africa," according to word received by his relatives. diers and their activities, we keep j Winkel g8t our hat. . . . Must rush abreast of the gradual changes taking home now and hide our other pair of gace^acl^there^an^J^^ives^U8^^pants^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CRYSTAL LAKE MAN' IS NEWEST CASUALTY IN McHENRY COUNTY Sad news to many in this vicinity if as the word which arrived the last «f the week telling of another war Casualty in McHenry county. He is "frvt. Willis F. Wyman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wyman of Crystal Lake, 4ind fiancee of Miss Mabel Knox of Terra Cotta. He has been on the nttssitig list since March 28, which incidentally, was the same day on which Marshall Bacon was said to have been Injured. Both men were fighting in the North Africa area and it is highly probable both were engaged in the same battle. ^ The last direct word from Wyman was a letter dated March 13 and received April 5. At that time he indicated that he was in good health and jjpirits. He is a graduate of the Crystal Lake Community high school and attended St. Thomas parochial school ill that city. He entered service on July 29, 1941. Order your Rubber Stataps at Hm Plaindealer. A COMPLETE SUPPLY OF PAINTS 3 PLANTS NICKELS' Hardware P h o a e ^ 4 -- ^ t t c g e n r y Remember to buy % War Bonds and Stamps REVISID IP0ULATI0H8 ON PUBLICITY ABOUT 8EL3ECTKKS RECEIVED Revised regulations just received from National Selective Service head-, quarters now permit local boards to furnish the following lists to newspapers, news services and radio stations: (1) lists of registrants delivered to the induction station; (2) lists of accepted and inducted registrants. * A list or registrants rejected at te induction station CANNOT be furnished under any circumstances. A local board may furnish list (1) anytime after the orders to report for induction on a particular call have been mailed, but in publishing such a list, the newspaper or radio station should not publish the date, hour or place of actual departure for the induction station. The above lists, which will include registrants' names and towns or cities, but not street addresses, are to be prepared at a time and in a man The McArthur Girls and Victory Ladies combined forces for a chicken dinner at Schaefer's. Vi Schaefer, secretary, and the two treasurers, Margaret Stilling and Eve Hoyte were presented with gifts. Following the festivities, the McArthur Girls bowled the doubles. The winners: F. Freund and C. Harrison; M. Wilbrandt and F. Smith; E. Hoyte and B. Justen. Sgt. Robert Winkel of Camp Barkeley, Texas, has been enjoying a few .grand jury of the circuit court Mon- days furlough with his wife, the forday found that instead of being mor Marjorie Freund. short in his accounts, Frank Stanton, i former veteran supervisor, in his final settlement had turned over approximately $1,365 more than was due the township. The township now will be forced to reimburse Stanton |gr this sum, * RINGWOOD SCHOOL NEWS McHenry Beer, 8 -- McHenry Lumber, 0. M. Thompson, 405; V. Schaefer, 521; M. Budil, 450. Bernie's Oasis, 2--Bast's Variety, 1. D. Cleveland, 445; M. Sutton, ill; F. Freund, 515. Thursday Commercial^- * Old Bridge, 2--Prager, 1. Kreutser, 567; "Hup" Smith, 614. McHenry Laundry, 2*--Kleinhans, 1. Joe Regner, 5|3; Adams, 235--567. PALACB • City Walsh's Tigers, 1--Piabst, 2. Bennett, 205--585; J. Carlson, 211--550c Ed Smith, 528; £. Thennes, 620; Ws* Schlitt, 64®. v Prager Beers, 3--McGee's, fc M~ Budler, 616; H. Smith, 529. Lumbermen, 3--Dairymen, 0. Art Krause, 208--552; W. Tonyan, 198-- 552; Hester, 514; GrimClli, 203--581. Alexanders, 2--Meister Brau, 1. W. fichreiner, 214--^77; Lea Baeon, 51k; Thorsell, 518. Teams in the popular City League wound up the season in the following order: Alexanders, Atlas Pragers, Pabst, McHenry Lumber, McGees, Riverside Dairy, Walsh's Tigers, Meister Brau. RESIDENCE CHANGES (By Charles Carr and Kenneth Betts) Donald, Richard and Marilyn Rink- ;enberger visited the homes of their . r p;: : grandmother and uncles Saturday af- Bombardier Master Sgt. filmer ternoon. They stayed until Sunday Hensen, 23, of Union Grove, was killed afternoon. in action April 12 according to a tele- » Frank Muzzy went to McHenry gram from the war department re- Sunday. ceived by his brother. Otto Hansen of : Ring-wood grade school has been Uuion Grove. He released three bombs I again rated as a "Superior School" on March 31 which were credited with by the state examining board. sinking a large Jap destroyer in the I Howard Bruce Harrison visited our south Pacific. He enlisted in the air force in October, 1940, and was transferred to foreign service in February, 1942. ! school Monday afternoon. He had a ; chance to play ball with his team- ; mates. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson and fam- Trade In Your Old Battery on a new FIRESTONE We have a complete stock of TIRE8, paMenger and track. Bicycle tires and tube*. You can now have your tires retreaded without an OPA order. Bring them in. TIRE AND TUB! YTOJiUOZINO OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION MAIN ST., WEST M'HENRY PHONE 294 Mr. and Mrs. Math Laures and son. Jack, are moving this week from their _ home on Waukegan street, which has ner which will not unduly interfere ibeen sold to the Henry Williams famwith the normal operations of the! ily of Ringwood, to the upper flat in local board. jthe Laures building on Main street, ' Other lists of registrants shall not ] which is undergoing repairs. The be furnished for any purpose except; place they are vacating will be occu- j in the administration of the selective j pied by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Degen and serviec law and then only when spe-; daughter, who are moving from the eifically authorized by the Director of j Nimsgern place on Green street. The Edgar Landgrens are moving from the upper flat of the Paddock place on Waukegan street to the Nimsgern home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Angelse and daughter, Kathleen, are moving this week from the Gruenfeldt house on the comer of Park avenue and Broad street to the Mitchell place across the Selective Service. Marriage Licenses Daniel H. Desmond, Jr., Woodstock, 111., to Blanche V. Clarke* Woodstock, 111. -- Clarehce E. Mohlenbrink, Woodstock, 111., to Martha S. Eden, Wood- j ®treet place they are vacating S r: VI, • . PMri ! w i l l be o c c u p i e d by Mrs. Sue Rank* Alf. Brath King, New York to Pearl , Mrs. Eleanor Reed and j Y. Olenstad, Fox River Grovie, 111. ! Warren H. Burgett, Hebron, 111., to ! Dorothy L. Gleich, Richmond, 111. George Ames Jackson, McHenry, 111., to Joyce M. Newkirk, Woodstock, 111. Gordon F. 'Jones, Harvard, BL, to Doris Johnson, Marengo, I'l. | Everett Ray Klinker, Woodstock, 111., to Marie King, Woodstock, 111. Roger C. Berstram, Marengo, , to Rita J. Aubrey, Marengo, 111. ! Peter A. Arsenty, Huntley, 111 i Florence C. Schulz, Algonqi#»#~ to and daughter. Mrs. Eleanor Reed and baby, who will move from the upp* flat of the Mrs. Frank Freund home. | JULY 4 CARNIVAJfc S It may seem early, but committees have already been considered for the ; Legion carnival to be held in the Le- j gion parking lot for four nights again this year. It is almost certain that j there will be no fireworks in 1943, but j instead, several added attractions Ate ; being planned. From week to week j we will keep you informed ae to the ' progress being made in the plans lot I the carnival. « '• Need Rubber Stamps! Order at Tie Plaindealer. WHY BE FAT It's Easy to Roduc* You canloae ugly pound* and bar* • more ilender. graceful figure. No laxative*. No drug*. No exercising With this AYDS plan yoa don't cut out any meali. atarche*. potatoes, meats or butter, yoa •imply cut them down. It's easy when you enjoy a delicious (vitamin fortified) AYDS before each meal. IMKMOM LOST 14 Lit. TO ae LBS.each Sb M MVS. using AYDS andar tha dinettes of Dr. c. B. Voa Hosw. Sworn to before a Notary Pub be. Absolutely harmless. GUARAN'ftED. TlT • large box of AYDS. 30-day supply only 11-25. Money back if you don't get results. Just pfcsaa THOMAS P. BOLGER - Phone 40 AUCTION 7:30 P.M. iSiarles Leonard, Auctioneer* At Gaiilke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois JS$0 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Will have large run of choice Dairy Cows, close springers and fresh. Good selection of well-broke Young Farm Horses; also good run of dairy heifers, bulls, beef cows, horses, veal calves and hogs. One complete herd of dairy cows. - Terms: 25 per cent down, balance in monthly installments. I to 16 months time at % of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales Company WILLIAM E. GAULKE. Owner - £all Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock to consign. All consignors make arrangements^ to get your livestock in, either the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. ANNOUNCEWT "MOVIE BAR* CREATION 7-fhe only and first in the natioiiv ^ ;;$• NEW < * vlTOVEl.;•;y ;U1TOSUA&5.4* , v ' 83-Ft. -Keyhole Shaped,. DesigitH^^^^lJH Watch the movies while you drinife ^ •/ , * , Watch the movies while you play; / While you drink or playyou'll -teep ..«^ the, movies. "• vY; Watch for further announcement. The Old Henning's Resort * & Phone 645-M# Pistakee Bay NKW QUICK FLAK ha.. 2121/1 AKIt | ACTIVE LATHER | !ijT<3c j LwSoap 4..U. 25* | •OAF FLAKES IVORY CLEANING POWDER SOLD DUST.. WASHER MMC ... MIOH TEST 0XYD0L ANTI.8NEEZK RINS0 RAVON SAFE SUPER SUDS ORANULATEO SOAR 2'ksl43c 0AKITE CLEANS A MILLION THINOS • ••••••• • PXCS. WASH SODA 17c NEVITE ?&: 9c SO MULE TEAM 23c BORAX 15c ECONOMICAL 2^ 43c CUMALENE '^9c ALL-PURPOSE CLKANSER 2 43c CUMALENE ^ 23c BLEACH 2^45e UNCO ... Km?i1Sc DUZ BLEACH 43c CL0R0X M-OZ. I .SOTTLE leV HEALTH SOAR | Lifehmy 4 ulni 25* | HAND SOA«! LAVA SOAP M-OZ. CAMS 7c CLEANSER 2 cuts 13c NAZEL MILD CLEANER CAMAY SOAP 4 25c BAB0 FRENCH MILLED POWDER HAZEL SOAP >««« 1tc B0I AMI FACIAL SOAR CLEANSER PALM0UVE Semite OLD DUTCH . i OAN SC mn vCAN 99 •OTTLE 2SS&25C 2 2^ 25c TOILET SOAR Sweetheart 3 cakb 21c SUNDRITE FACIAL SOAR WINDOW CLEANER WOODBURY'S . ca« 9c WIRDEX HAND SOAR MINERAL SOAR B0RAX0 ^I5« REX a 15c m«^22C *p7Cj4 At NATIONAL MHUUKES CilHtmli 340 Sin CARROTS SPINACH CRY ONIONS COOQ JJZE IUNCH Fancy FUtUcI Fancy New 23 YcBow • in b i r bim siwpt bpift Ipril 30th WHOLE KERNEL CORN | Nibtots 'b H* I COME ACAIN Cora &0hSK 100 L«ften Mix*d V«4»Ubl* Veg-AR «« m GARDEN SWEET -REAS Big Sweets ....CAN 12C COME ACAIN •> vyoz. NO. PCCS 2 CAM HEALTHFUL _ Tomato Juice ^an 19c 10c ** IS FRUIT Cocktail an i. b. c. d m st*aps E9 Expiit April Ntk AMERICAN HOME RED 7-~ 9ft« SBIIIIOB CM AMERICAN HOME RED _ 14-OZ. 39C JJc «««-33c .CAN V^°I5«I ....TAU CAN ARMOURf Tract HORMEL Span.. WILSON'S Mar 'can 33c • Rum VatfataMa Skortwili^ CMSeO <^172c " Pm V«d«Ubl« ShortMiin* SPRY £X72e " FIRE KING COOK IN 7 ML NEVS K-OZ. NO. flU 2 CAN IVC APPLE . Sauce IN SVRIIR Pears ncan 13c ** AMERICAN HOME SLICED Peaches ^^230 HALVES OR SLICED Peaches 21c •4, S4 • .PIECE SET On* I C* C*«*«fola Oh Conrali Co*«r Om R,I * Oho Loaf I On Ka Ha«a . i Foar t at. ladMdaal •RARE FRUIT UNSWEETENED Mm 4^-ox. 27« RaHewi NATIONAL FOOD STORES o