v. 4. - ^ v^ r r * * 5 * n : ^ r * y * y ? T * ^ V T r ^ ' ^ : y ^ 7 r : :^ 'M'%. i &:<&***&*•»"*», • '"TV- •W:**.* . >;' •iFr: .Tfr *--4 • RINGWOOD ?,v } (By. H«len Johnson) Ifr. and Mrs. Lou Abendroth of City Council city, foreclosure proceedings for failure to pay special assessments levied in assessments known as McHenry Special Assesments Nos. 16 and 24. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Ferwerda, to pass and approve an ordinance, as read, concerning theestablishment of a public library in the '•* •: <*llefs in Woodstock Saturday ey£n- .alleys C\. „ , , ^« Aw. T , . . . _ ,*^! * M-. Niesen,, wWafttteerrwwoorrlk s s u , Herbert .*r perintendent - • itm#r the Beatty-Low home.*' ' * Ear! R. Walsh, c^ce expense"" • • -,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr and; Mr. Mayme Buss, clerical salary, commissions of a tax for . the maintenance thereof. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Buss to adjourn. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerfe f PROPER INSULATION MAY SAVE UP TO ONE. THIRD ON FUEL BILL America's ability to meet next winwerda, paid terrs fuel shortage will depend in large McCULLOM LAKE COUNCIL ROdXt V'r--- June 7, 1943; The City Council met in regular semi-monthl{y meeting, with Mayor _ _ Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bacon of : Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Nye, Regner, Crystal Lake and Mrs. Jennie Bacon ; Tonyan. Absent: None. *6re guests of Mr. and Mrs. George j Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by [ City of McHenry and authorizing the Bacon at Antioch Sunday. i Freund, that the minutes of the last i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and regular meeting be approved as read. family of Huntley and Mrs. Frank Motion carried. Wattles of McHenry were Sunday Motion by Freund, seconded by dinner guests in the C. L. Harrison Tonyan, that the treasurer's report be ^ome- ! approved as read. Motion carried. Bobby Brennan spent Monday and Motion by Nye, seconded by Fer. Tuesday at Indianapolis, Indiana: iwerda. that the collector's report be *. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Browxi^sp«nt^iappr0v^ed as read. Motion carried. - Wednesday in Chicago. - i Motion by Freund, seconded by Nye, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Aresenean and that the, clerk's report be approved as : son, Jack, of Crystal Lake were call- read. Motion carried. , ers in the Ed Bauer home Saturday Motton by Regner, seconded by Fer afternoon. werda, that the following bills be paic ' 1 The Ringwood . Junior Dairymen as approved by the finance committee.! part upon steps taken early to concjub met at the ^^ool Thursday , Mction cai^ied, ' j serve heat through proper conditionevening. Talks were gjven by Farrol\mer Nafi Bank & Trust Co., , ing of homes, Donald M. Nelson ' '• an^ Paul Schmkt. The riext Interest on bond.................,....$565.00 \ stated early in June Jin asking the ' meeting will be at the school oh Howard Cairns, police service.. 131.101 Conservation Division of the War Thursday tverting Jun^24 at g-p.m. Peter Wills, police service...?.... 117,10 Production Board to work closely with -i working at the Rmgwood plant. She -v.- Mr- a"d Mrs. Roy "VViednch were \y .c.Feltz, supt .of streets^and other government agencies, including 1S flso sporting a brand new bicycle, .,..112.10 ; OPA, PAW, FHA and ODT, in devel- ,^1^ she ^ ^ oping the fuel conservation program • *"at s supposed to be good for a oerfor 1943. "-i:-'• " ^Son s figure too. v- '•Before we, begin burning fuel nexti Dorothy (Sc^nT) i^orida TS fa.ll,"' said Mr. Nelson, "we should be 58.27 very sure that th 19.89 the house fuel most. 22.00 that most homes can be "heat-sealed: , . 23.00 without the use of highjy critical ma-!ness in Florida. 8.50 terials, Mr. Nelson urged home owners, Mr. and Mrs. Betty Ebey spent the -^-r- to take immediate steps to condition weekend here, also Mrs.'English of' 'their buildings,' . • . '.J- Michigan, sister of Mrs. Ebey. All "Building technicians in the Conser- attended the funeral of Dr. Thomas, vation Division say that home condi- their brother-in-law, on Saturday. He tioning--sometimes a relatively'simple ,was we^' known in this vicinity. About operation--can save up to one-third ten years ago, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas • or more of fuel consumption. Certain resi^ed in McHenry, near Justen's gas of the installation jobs can be done by station, where he had his dental office. ! the home owner himself, but some of , Mrs. Howard Williams left here last Mr. and Mrs. Lester' Carr, Charles John J^ciS^ar^re sS 61"81 them need to be handled by contract- week to visit her son and his wife at | arid Joe spent Monday at Brook field plies \ ' Mrs. Mathers and sister, Fay, on Monday. Mrs. Pyritr won first prise, Mrs, ! Grotthuss second and Miss Willet | third at the bunco party last week at ; the home of Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Sawdo of Wisconsin is visiting (By Marie McKim) Correction: The surprise reception to be held in honor of Brother Schlitt; her son, Lqje Sawdo, and family, at a. Chicago hotel will take place j Kenneth ^ Sawdo entertained his June 26, not June 2, as stated last,young playmates Sunday afternoon, -- late Recognition The famed Hock of Gibraltar was not pictured on the postage stamps of that locality until 1931, 4t years after its first.,stamp issue. " week. As soon as school closes at Norwood Park, which should be about another week, the ' Lock family are moving out here to make this subdivison their permanent home. "No fooling this time, it's for sure," said Mrs. Lock. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lewis were out on Saturday. However, they had to leave that evening. Floyd had to appear in Libertyville early Sunday morning for his physical, examination an;d reclassification. They yesidd ill North Chicago. ^ Mrs. Schlitt, Who nas been attending the school of the chemical plant in Chicago for some time; is now the occasion being his fifth birthday. Sweet Adeline A glass may sometimes be broken by striking a loud sound of its own key note nearby. 69.10 25.00 and Mrs. Lester Carr attended funeral ^services for Hob McLilin in Woodstock LtVo^ Coi^nyr^cim^ts* Wednesday aftenwon., Ben Jf Smith, h^iiling, elea»up , Mrs. Charles, Mountford of Genoa week ^ City is spending the week with her ^^THeodore wini^ria^'in paS fSCa„ Ber8' • . „ Martin Stoffe1' lab°r ^ Park. .. t TheAV! S. €. S. will meet with Mrs. Employers' LUb. Assur, Corp., - LoulS Hawk v on Friday of \his week. insurance on police car and Mrs. Clayton Harrison Jack Smith) labor at water. spent Wednesday with their daughter,' works VerrLMa^h 3t 2!.eni,eW; Hn^ry Stiiii^'*'^r at'watei- Mr. and Mrs. George Shephard were works 6 60 callers in McHenry Saturday evening. Ruddy Bros",'Tinning "seW^E* 150*00^'i •_Mrs, Delbert Bacon and Clara Thomas P. Bolger, paint 71.91 Walters of Crystal Lake were guests Buss Motor Sales, repairs and of Mrs. Andrew Hawley on Thursday. a; guest for a few \yeeks at the home "heat"T container^ Mr- and Mrs. Schomdorf. Dorothy's , ftself^-is prepared to use husband, Mm rr.. CMo»ee,, ,iss .iinn .txhnee S^eeaaboeeee^s.. gufferecl a„ inju'- j ;! efficiently.- pointing out ^ pa^tvwho had a.home next t0^-that partially crippled his right an* hnme« ran he "heat-sealed" Reid s' are "OW m the testaurant-busr- , STg "** Old Woolen Bonnet Shape Like so many other French-Canadian towns, La Tuque insQuebie province receives its name from a. picturesque landscape feature near* by. This is, .a great rock shaped like an old woolen bonnet (or tuque) of the type worn by habitant trapand farmers. '/?•*)' : ^ . * Left Handed 8alate •*" In Honolulu an officer approached, and A1 Schuman, 55, Vnapped into a' Salute--with his left hand. Therein lies thfe story of a 285-pound master sergeant who believes he is the U. $. army's only enlisted man to obtain:; permission from the Secretary of w^r to salute from the "portsirie." Early in Jiia long army career, SchumaH ~ in the line of duty When he applied for re-enlistment m>- 1919, the war department gave him, written permission to salute with hii left hand. 14.00 Alnminnm Plant's Electrical Needs The great aluminum plant near the town of Arvida in the Province of Quebec, sends quantities" of its famous product all over the world. The electrical power ntauired run it is derived from near! a-Caron, and amounts 1,000,000 horsepower! Okie Fans Fires Farmers reporting from 44 counties listed 43 fires in and 48 fires in fields caused hgr exhaust from tractors. m - : i U1C wvuu* r^uired to earBy*»Oiute- > to ^lmost . Cress Faces Rising Son Over 100 feet high and facing thf rising sun, the great electric-light* ed cross atop Mount Royal, over*" "-** v looking Montreal in Quebec prov# - ince, is placed in the exact positknt where Maisonneuve, the city't*4 , founder, planted a wooden cross 30$ > years ago. • - .'y -- -- -- . or " , -"A S\,ov 5 1 ' ' !L " ' . , v . • c -- w e a r ^ ^ r. : *, - . > \ htm * ^ -: . *• v "-v. " him^ Something to wear ^ w A . «T „ i !James B- clow & Sons, pipe, Rita Mae Merchant of Woodstock sewer, John street m"l- Wf^nd- ' McHenry Lumber Co., coal and Miss Lilly Darby of Klamath Falls, lumber Oregon is visiting her sister, Mrs., Wm. H. A It hoiff" Hrad ware, Walter Harrison. ; bushings Mrs. Lonme Smith spent several H. E. .Buch & Son, pipe days last week with her daughters in ,.iiiinois Bell Telephone Co., tel" Woodstock. ors. Whenever this is the case, im- Louisiana, Missouri. I wonder how 3.03 mediate action is urged, as the man- hot it was there last Saturday.<, I i 'power shortage likewise is felt in know it was pretty warm here. i 850.02 this field, and orders may need to be j Hugh McDonald spent Saturday ; placed well in advance. Insulation for evening and Sundav here. ••••--.j ^0 walls and ceilings, storm, sash fori Mrs.aBowler, Doi'othy knd husband, i 41 windows and doors, weatherstnpping als0 their u ^ spent the weeknnn paSkino* nrp amnno' tnp r»rin/»innl i , » A , -r . ir ; « end here. Also Mr. and Mrs. F. Madsen and Arleen. ephone service 248:21 [ 10.0IJ .Mr and Mrs. George Young and public Service Co'rvm^'md John R. Smith of McHenry spent light Monday in Waukegan. . * ^ !M tt.^'ahb.' office expense.. Ml*, and Mrs. Lyle HopperTEka-: Special Sewer Fund hore ^6 and Dorothy Ann^ of Chi- ^ Fred C. Feltz, salary...^.. $112.10 'cago called on Mr. and Mrs. John Mayme Buss, clerical salSry...... 30.00 Smith Saturday afternoon. 4 . Community night services will be held at the church Sunday June 20. Home Circle will sponsor the program. and calking are among the principal measures for .preventing hea^ loss and £ ' insuring greater comfort with legs 2.23 fu§l.' - : V- vv,- .:^v Public Service Co., power and light ; 58.94 Motion by Regner, seconded by Nye, to approve an agreement in which the Rev. and Mrs. Collins will speak on City of McHenry will rent the prop- Education in the South, Mrs. Robert erty described and known as the Clav Gardener of Solon Mills will sing. Hole to R. W. Devore for the consid- There will be special music and re- eration of one hundred ($100.00) citations. Please try and be with us. dollars, rent to cover a period of three Alice and Marion Peet of Elgin years from date. Ice skating privileges spent the weekend with their parents, to be granted to the public. Further v William Janusn of Glenview called providing that R. W. Devore adequate*' ...-6p> Rev. and Mrs. Collins, Satiyday . iy fence the property, with the privievening. lege of removing the fence within one Guests in the S. W. Smith home for year from date. Said removal to consupper Saturday evening were Mr. stitute cancellation of agreement, total and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and daughters rental fee to be considered fully ,of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Andrtew earned. Motion earned. Hpwley. Mrs. Hopper was celebrat-j Motion by Buss, seconded by irig her birthday. . Freund, to approve the application of Mrs, Walter. Harrison and Lilly'the McHenry Post American Legion ^arby spent Tuesday in Chicago. to conduct a Fourth of July Carnival. S. W. Smith and Amos Smith spent Motion carried. /Saturday at Janesville, Wis. ,, Motion by Regner. seconded by Fer-' _ Frank May nnd Clarence Yftung of w,rda, to approve the official bond of McHeni-y called on George Young Sat- Howard W. Cairns, chief of police, urday evening. (.Motion carried. Ethel Krohn who is awaiting her call into the WAACs yas pleasantly surprised Friday evening at the home ",c "TT 7,,U,.U1 r^r i «t Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy by : ,nt ** M°- the members of the Ringwood choir, Iffer Sunday school class, the Rural cpouth and near neighbors. The group Fire ai^d Weight . 'Fire does not decrease the weight of all things which it burns. The ashes of magresium, for example, are heavier than the metal itself. Motion by Nye, seconded by Tonyan, to approve the official bond of Peter KJlud fyou Ruy faJitlt WAR BONDS Free the Seas Before we win the final battle with' Hitler's Nazis all navy men arfe agreed we must win the battle of the Atlantic; that is to free the sea lanes of the German U-boats. A year ago we were building 54 cruisers and nearly 200 destroyers or just about enough for a two ocean navy. ° We are going tq miss Charles Brocken after Saturday, On that day 1 he leaves for the army, to be sta- j tioned in Michigan. ' Some Chicago people out over the j weekend were Rose Hagadorn, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson and neice, Pardells, A1 Thompsons, Mable Lnnox, Kosties, M Bergs, Art Burgs, Mr. j and Mrs. Lenard, Thorps. Colins, ' Hecht family, Klewins, Makofskis, | Donoughos, Stiehlfeiers, Lock family, ! Mr. and Mrs. Kilfether and son and n Civf YOUR CHICKS & fcWOZOVf W r o n d r i m k i m c t v a r r a CRor amd iNrcsriNrs 1ST, ACTS IN DRINK anliut (vma and b»cl«rl» with which it aomes In eonttA th«r«. 3ND, ACTS IN CROP! Ordinary dUlnfeeUnta mar parlfy drink, bat ' genua an alao plokad op from Utfar- dioprtma. Oormoxcn* ACTS In crop. tM. SRD, ACTS IN INTESTINES. OarmoioiM la not only aa aatringwt to lnl«rtlna», it alio a«ta acalaat harmful bactarla there. Valuable for many dmple crop, dl- •eatlTe. bowel diaorden. 4 oa. 40c; II oa. T6c; my St oa., 11.80. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry CLARENCE'S SHOP l»awn chairs, pier ajid park benches, bird and dog houses, trellises and picket fences, window boxes, etc. . $ Full line of house aad barn brooms and milk can brushes, etc. • . Hand woven wash baskets, clothes hampers, shopping and market baskets. General line of men's and women's leather belts, biilfolds, purses and war ration book cases, etc. Clarence J. Smith JOHNSBURG, ILL. tion carried. Metion by Buss, seconded by Rego ner, to pass ordinance, as read, aupresented Ethel" with a w'atch and • th°rizinR and directing Vernon J. their best wishes for her success in nox ^ns^u^e and prosecute to her new work. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merger and j children of Evanston and Helen Bil- [ stien of Chicago were guests in the / Ed Bauer home Sunday. ' • Mary Ann Wiedrich and Janet •Johnson are spending the week with #gMfrs. Phelps Saunders in Harvard.. Rev. and Mrs. H. J...Collins and j •Calvin Mohr spent Saturday after-: noon in Elgin. Mae Wiedrich. Charles and Joe C^rr j called on Elizah Coates at Crystal Lake Suflday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Engstrom and j Alice of St. Charles spent Sunday with ;.:;\-,>j4j£r. and Mrs. Ray Merchant, Mrs. George R. Harrison spent the j weekend with her son, Edward and ! wife at Elgin. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and ' Mrs. Fred Wiedrich were callers in i Walworth Saturday afternoon. J Mr. and Mrs. Alan Auiger • and I George of Greenwood spent Sunday j with Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. Roy Neal and Mrs. Viola Low ! attended surgical dressing class at' McHenry Wednesday afternoon. , Mrs. Dave Lawrence and Susan ! Kay, Mrs. Charles Vogel and Jean and 1 Jackie Wheeler of Elkhorn and Phyl- i lis Vogel who is in the WAACs in Texas, called on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich , * Wednesday afternoon, , conclusion, with out expense to the Now we have come to realize that this war is to the finish, "winner take all," and our Government is building a five ocean navy. That is why we are being asked to increase our subscriptions for War Boadi. ^That is why we must do it. U. S. Treasury Dtfartmtnt A row of gas-fired cyclone annealing furnaces in which the metal" disc is heated between each of the operations »o the next press can continue the forming. ' In this operation the end of the formed shell case is heated to obtain the proper hardness. A gas-fired continuous end heating machiti! jf used fos this important phase of manufacture. ^ FHA BULLETIN "flwme owners will be encouraged to proceed how With the installation of heat preservatives such as insulation, storm sash and weather-, stripping .... To assist in spreading this work through the spring and summer, thus avoiding congestion of orders and possible labor and material shortages in the fall, the Federal Housing Administration is offering a special delayed payment plan of financing, with the first payment delayed until as late as November 1, 1943. This is a strictly wartime measure and applies only to fuel conservation work."> ERNEST P. JONES, JR., Assistant Commissioner^ Prepare Your Home Successful Game Bird Season Iowa proclaims that 1942 brought the finest upland game bird season in the state's history, and calls its first 21-day pheasant season "a success from almost every standpoint " reporting plenty of birds through the entire season. Easy limits appear to have been the rule at the start, but birds are said to have become wiser and warier as the season wore on, sitting tight in heavy cover or flushing far out of gun range. However, experienced, hard working hunters managed to get . their limits in many localities throughout tie season. Sufficient pheasants are reported left to produce a good crop next year under favorable conditions. . Good Food Best carch workers at the Univer- P|iv;: aity of Minnesota report vitamin f«4 pills do not decrease the number of ;•") colds acquired by persons on ap ade- " quate diet. Good food is health in iXAtWBncemJL i L • .-.t 'J; ' Winter -with-- Johns-Manville Home Insulation -- Installed by THE WALL-FILL CO. ORIGINATORS OF BLOW-IN ROCKW001, For Survey and Estimate Call LEO J. STILLING, 200 E. Peari, McHenry 18 "There never was a time in the history of our Nation when it was more necessary to. practice economy in household heating . . . Even with the finest heating plant in the world, surfaces exposed to the weather are likely to become too cold unless they are heavily insulated. The same insolation helps to keep surfaces cool in summer U. S. BUREAU OF MINES. . r. These GAS-HEAT Conditioned Shell Cases Sure our guns can "dish it out." They can pour out the shells with destructive power. But the shell casings have to be able to "take it" They must be mechanically perfect... they must be tough, plenty tough to withstand the tremens dous heat and pressure of rapid firing. That's why these shell cases aire heat-treated and annealed with Gas. This vital fuel provides the accurate and easily controllable temperature required to condition and harden the metal with scientific precision^ Maintaining a constant supply of Gas for die manufacture of shell cases and hundreds of other materials o)f war is one of our wartime jobs ... and we are giving it our best. I This is the second of the cleaning processes, in which the meta^if 'immersed in a hot solution to clean off all foreign substance. ^ unit is fired by gas. A gas-fired rinsing unit in which metal is immersed in boiling water to remove all solutions adhering from previous operations. .4 Inspectors checking the completed shell cases which must past rigid «pedfications before being shipped. --9 »! WESTERN UNITED GAS AND ELECTfclC COMPANY Supplying tssential strvice A) Vsr Produttivm in Northern Illinois J, "v (1 O (9