y, July 8, 1943 liiiii.iti 3-i^-r -;•£;.'*••,• ******. ".<>, ?v. ..'^ v.» •• ^ "SO I HEAR by EARL R. WALSH ft. t •'* OUR SHAMROCKS HAND WOODSTOCK BALL CLUB FIRST DEFEAT, 2 TO 1 THESE ARE AMONG RUNNERS-UP K IN "LUCKY WARRIOR" CONTEST ; . . June 24, 1943. North Africa (Damn it) Dear Earl: I would have written to you sooner. * I only had a year and a half to do it in) only now I have a revised alibi. It used to be that the postman read fell my letters--now the censor does Our up-and-coming, csn't-lose-forwinningr Shamrocks, went, through n'ne rat^er tense innings last Sunday, : but emerged with the honor and dis- ! to give Boxlietner credit for a fine • tinction of being the first team to game. He didn't give the boys many | the leading Woodstock Alemites good balls to swing at--always a little this season. Score: 2 to 1. off center. i Dick Conway started off the first inning with a hit to right field, moved Dick Conway could easily-We rated 'to sec°nd on Arnie Anderson's • sacaa the ball player of the day. Hi§ jrifice bunt- but was left stranded. play at short, with his ability to get i Scoring opportunities loomed up for Hew are you--your wife and family ? rid of the ball fast, made him a ; both teams but it wasn't until the J see by the paper that your family standout. ,•sixth inning that the Shamrocks broke, has been increased. In a ctfiiple more; •1'1 1 ; *ce vith their pair of runs. years you'll have enough votes in j Harry Stilling drew a big hand for ] Conway led off the sixth with a your own home town to swing any! his hike back to the weeds to haul screeching hopper down the first base election in the bloody third ward. It's iin Judson's long drive in the ninth. "ne that Howie Judson handled nicely, .good job insurance at any rate. I i The visitors' manager and short- ; Anderson drew a walk. Bill Bolger hope you are all Well and happy. You 'stop, Bob Woods, again showed that !^anned. Jerry Larkin walked. Harry ; fought to be from what I hear, you can ! you can't take Woods out of Wood- Dowell singled, sending Anderson hardly afford to _ eat anything but stock and have too much left. . vegetables. Bat don't worry, Earl, j ffrom what I know and as you know, ; across the plate. Funk failed to come up with Crouch's grounder, allowing Jerry Larkin to race in with the winning run. * The visitors came back ita earnest < , ; - j , Manager Woods must have felt ^ v 3 pass out the food. The government! right proud of Shortstop-Woods when j . • - lis providing the army with plenty of 1 he speared line drives to rob both .. . , {S^^food. There are very few times when i Arnie Anderson and Dean McCracken , m the. seventh to throw a bit of a 9 >'-fresh meat is not available to the • kits* v •, V .aeare into the local well-wishers. (l 1 . j Dowell got Johnson on strikes. Then ; „ • „*urmy messes. ' We are allowed one quarter of a " v ;.J)ou.nd of meat per meal--and almost 4 *7 , - - *'fUways three times a day. Nine to j Bud twirled the- Johnsburg ' three successive hiU rattled off the nine, %0/-* -iito'.-ft Elgin Sttnday, jVts Judson, Funk and Garrett. (5 to 2. 'One run resulted, then Dowell settled .twelve quarts of precooked canned . ---;7 ';tr~ . : ^ ' |, down and took ca. re of the situation* ; - * ' " vegetables -- plenty of bread, and1 At this point, the box score hasn't W ith .two _^own in the eighth, Ken • believe it or not, fresh butter at least !been turned in so we can't give you j Zimmerman ^lasted a^ double into • - '-'. three or four times a week. Plenty, much dope on the game, left field. Johnson, a dangerous boy of jam and jellies. I don't suppose , . . front line troops eat as well. It's not ; . Well, next Sunday is a big day-on j Boost Dehydration Dehydration in 1943 will take four j times as many vegetables as in 1942 ' and most of this dehydrated food .....will go for army and Lend-Leaae needs. Recreation in California Every community in California with a population of 30,000 or more . now has a eity recreation department. San Jose, the final one to report, has made arrangements for a j budget to be furnished by city and j 'school departments. a:"s;>,; Wood Wood thai has been split, seasons v twice as fast as round wood which is more than six inrh^n ir dir.meter. v,'. ' ; -- Colorado Twice England* Stso Colorado, a perfect rectangle, It the nation's seventh largest state, comprising 66,340.000 acres, or 103,- •48 square miles. It ^ ,t4 area of England. 1 "7f • .1 ,, ( ^ ;* Anthracite It was found -that anthracite conn-, pa^es^favorably with coke as a fu#l ; for melting i#pn injpundry cupolas and a sitit sh#ed that 2,000 plants anihAcite marketing Get What Ton Pay • . using good seeding methods, r the amount of clover and alfalfa seed territory aioneftould use hard coal required per acre can be reduced in place of coke at a lower cost considerably. Agronomists say that This market, if available to the anfive to six pounds of red clover, six thracite industry, would use abovt to eight pounds of -scarified sweet 500,000 tons of egg and broken siaa' clover, and eight pounds of clover- , a year. alfalfa mixture per acre is sufficient 1 ! ^ -- if the soil conditions are favorable j For the latest in Sheet Musie, com* for legume production. I to Nye's Jewelry Store. „ | y < W E O R G E B R D A k - X ? ' ' 1 LAKRY HUCK because it's not available, but too hard j sports calendar. The Shamrocks to get a fasjt moving army like ours, j P'ay at Johnsburg. The army sure mowed 'em down in; ~ . ' Africa. Now ask some of-youp>-dry-That s bound to be a good game to with a war club, then grounded ptit to Crouch at second base. Just to give you a clear understanding that the local boys had to bear down hard for victory, we cite a ninth inning, uprising. Judson was up first land sailors who made the Mediterran- y°u eveJ" see a McHeriry a/id sent Harry Stilling back to the ean safe for fishing. t Johnsburg game that wasn't worth >veeds for a long drive. Well, that Well, Earl, 111 be modest--the army i"watching? did. ' American row-boats are again roaming the Mediterranean, just because the army -made it safe for them. That ought to start an awful argument. WTiat do you think? I had a very nice trip over, Earl, if six in bed and no lights at nite, is nice. I had a nice crossing. I only felt slightly bad one nite--that's all. But rest assured. I'll never settle down on a houseboat. Dry land was all I ever wanted to see after I got on that boat, and dry land is a1! IV? ever seen since I got over here. It simply doesn't rain here. Whenever I return home (God's country), most likely 111 talk with gestures, shake hands with everyone I see and go around muttering "Oui, Oui, C'est la guerre." That's the mark of North Africa on me. It won't seem quite right to walk down the street without was taking care of the first crder of business with neatness and dispatch. Gay fanned. The happy ending seemed near. Garrett hit to left. Schmitt came in to pinch-hit and sent a hot Propagandists Making Use »Of Many Tricks, Says Dean Beware of propaganda and fifth founder through Anderson at third, columnists who try to fan up Amer- Conway came in to scoop up the ball ican differences and disagreements *"»d made a neat try for the runner, by contrasting races, creeds, class Tension ran high as "Boxy" fouled groups and political adherenees, ad- off several pitches. But, festivities, vises A. R. Warnock, dean of men ended as Jerry Lafrkin gobbled, up » at the Pennsylvania State college grounder. and executive secretary of the So ended a most interesting ball 2b.... Pennsylvania Advisory committee on American Unity. "In this democracy we are not alike as peas in a pod," the dean pointed out, "and we don't want to be. Our national growth has in- Murphy, 2b. creased with differences in racial Woods, ss. stock and background, in color, va- Zimmerman, est, riety of occupation, and in political Johnson, c. ....... opinion." Judson, lb. ....... game. Our hats are off to the Shamrocks fpr beating a good ball club. ^ \ Woodstock-^-1 Phillip Al-VJiSHALL BACU.X M EI. V1 WALSH Dean Warnock believed that na- Funk. 3b, a half dozen dirty boys hanging on tional unity results when people who Gay, 3b; your shirt tails, hollering for "bom- i have differences are kept more Reed. rf. bom," "gimme chewing gum"--"Good aware of what they have in common ; Hutchinson, If. shine, American polish." I'll get; --common ideals, common objec- ' Ludke, If. ... back and sniff the air suspiciously,; tives, common dangers -- but he ! Schmitt, If. ... • wondering why there seems to be ! warned that those American citizens | Boxlietner, p. nothing to smell. Then I will re-. who recognize only their differences ' member, in America the air is pure,: and not what they Rave in common and that the reason the atmosphere] will have disunity. A.B. 3 •'i; 4 4 4 4 ......... 1 2 2 1 1 •4': 1 0 0 2 At 0 isn't pungent with the evidence of the recent passage of donkeys and camels and skinny Arabian horses, is because I'm home, where Peggy Feltz no longer holds a grudge against the "Unity begins at home," Dean Warnock said. "It is democracy at work and is built and maintained by democratic methods. Like tha unity that is built up behind a local Totals.. 36 Shamrocks---2 A.B. Conway, ss. 4 Anderson, 5b~ ........ 2 B. Bolger, cf. 4 servant of man. (Or has it changed j J1**!1 school football team, it must j Larjcjn ^ 2 tinM nt r«tinni7iii>v he largely home-made. j u o.:n: • largely He added that Americans cannot remove their differences, but they can subordinate them to tbs common cause of victory. Make Sure Diet Has Food Value Found Also in Meal Homemakers who are planning on Since gas rationing). Ill go to Wattle's drug store and with much gesticulation and painful Articulation, make known my wants and say, "Uve petite bois de citronade, s'il vous plart.'? "Ye Gods," the tountry drugist will say, "the guy is shell shocked." And when I see the "beautiful parade of American women ©n Green street again on a busy Saturday night, I might say to myself,' meatless days or who intend <0 *'Boy, if I could only speak French,"!**1^® meat less frequently than in and if they say "hello," I'll faint and Past should remember the things haw to be revived with some French j which meats supply to the body beer. Then 111 faint all over again. and ®hould make plans to provide (You should try it--it's as clear as those things in the foods which an Boone creek). When I see Howard auhstituted for meat. Cairns on the corner, I'll unconsciously i . Alma Garvin, specialist in nutrtstraighten my tie, be sure all buttons ; Sta*« university, lists pro* are buttoned, and salute him. If anv- i : ' thiamin, riboflavin, and one tells me they are sick and don't I *J"®°, ?*, ^ principal food values feel well, I'll say they are merely F0V£ed ™eat" °* ^em trying to get out of work and are , *?. ,rom 0th vlr to^s: ^ trying to impersonate an officer, i 2hfh r.??g 1 to'remf,m^r Whenever I'm woke up in the morn- the foundation . *t ng and, someone suggest. s IT hT_ ave some 'Ior the rest^ of ^the meal ^so i ts sub- g bacon and eggs-and everything that; Protein can be obtained goes with it-Ill probably think 1 ; from mUk cheese was bearing the 1st sgt -rolling us ; fish> and sheU ^ Qther Your^S out of bed, and start making a lot of are peas> nu&r excuses, and start cussing everything peanuts, and grains, especially and everybody for waking me up whole grains. Larger quantities of before I get a chance to sleep. vegetable proteins than of animal That is, Earl--when I get howie. proteins are required to fill nutri- In all sincerity--I do wish I could tional needs. meet someone from home. Zookie 1 Niacin, also called nicotinic acid, Kinsala, Mike Conway, Eleanor Alt- is a vitamin which helps digestion, hoff are near me here some place-- keeps the nerves functioning propbut where. " ; erly» makes the skin healthy, and If I ever get a transfer, I wish it ^arc^f pellagra. Whole wheat would be to Ft. McHenry, only the °r cer^- Potatoes, green one I'm thinking of is in Illinois. ^iac^ ^ The hour is late, and I'm out of! The other two vitamins in meat, information that the censor will pass, thiamin and riboflavin, likewise are My regards to the Moshers. I thank ' contained in whole grain breads **HI them for sending the Plaindealer, I • cereals, vegetables, and fruits. certainly enjoy reading it, even tho it is a month or so old when I get it. H. Stilling, 1£ $, Crouch, 2b. S W. Bolger, c. ........ 2 McCracken, rf....... 2 Dowell, p. S Totals. 24 Score by innings: Woodstock 000 Shamrocks R. 0 -ft# • 0 0 » » A. I A" • 9 » 8 0 ft 1 I 1 HARRY CONWAY RATION BOARD WIL^ SUPERVISE CEILING to see that the regulations aM being properly interpreted. t>PTrWQ TV nATTKW Director Rich paid fine tribute to ^*1 wUKII | the members of the local rationing board, by saying that it was one of Ceilings on processed foods in Mc- . the best in the state, having received Henry. Kane and Kendall counties go ^es8 complaints than any board in. his into effect this week, it was decided district. last Friday at a conference between McHenry county rationing' board WO t 8 members and spokesmen for the Rock- . 000 0Q2 jOOx' ford district of the Office of Price Stolen base: Funk. Two-base hits: i Administration. L. H. Rich, district j Stilling, Zimmerman. Struck out by: • director; Edwin Funk, district price Dowell, 9; Boxlietner, 7. Bases on eo-ordinator, and Attorney Jerome J. 'balls, off: Boxlietner, 4. Balk: Box- Downey, district chief counsel, conlietner, 1. ferred with the price panel members and James Holmes, executive secretary of the county war price and rationing board. The price panel members include A. E. Thompeon of Marengo, Dr." R. G. Goed Repertory Students of bird life credit the robin with one of the most complete musical repertory of the bird world, citing instances of birds that sang for a half-hour without repeating a musical phrase. New Guinea Strange Land Of Extremes in Climate Australian and Japanese troops hacking their way through the tree- 1 Chamberlin ef McHenry, Mrs. Edith tight jungles of tropical New Guinea | Kellev and J. J. Hayes of Woodstock face the heavy and seemingly never- ' and Frank McAssey of Richmond, ending rains that travel with the ! According to Rich, the district office trade winds or the monsoons. | has conducted extensive cost of living This huge dinosaur-shaped island item price surveys in the three counwith its head almost touching the ties. The meeting in Woodstock last equator, its eye looking toward the . week was to explain the procedure for southeast coast of Asia and its tail, obtaining co-operation compliance 1,500 miles away, durved toward the with the regulations, and to map a northeastern tip of Australia's main- plan for education of both the retailer land, is a land of strange contrasts and consumer in aims of the program, and climatic contradictions, says ! Local price panels will serve as comthe National Geographic society. | munity information centers on retail Its low grasslands are often tem- price control, and it will be th$ pane, a porarily buried in the ooze of trop- duty to collect information op price ical swamps. Its tree-matted and control complaints and to serve in the vme-tangled jungles *weep up the adjustment of complaints which may mountain slopes and hesitate only at , ^ cited by con*umeTB &g<ist in_ the swirling waters of the river s stances Qf price violations. edge. And out of this tropical caul- ,, .. . . dron with its steam rising in clouds, Meantime, it is announced that volmighty mountain peaks reach up P"ce wl will be from the very sea floor to well 'named throughout the county to coabove 1 000 feet (Carstensz Toppen, 0Perate with retailers in explaining I enjoy it so much I even read the want ads. How's that for optimism.--:. Between Dakar and Liberia SVom Dakar to Liberia the entire Help Wanted column seems to take up ; coastal area of West Africa is lowlying, the only plateau and mountain regions rising some distance inland. Heavy undergrowth nyrites quite a lot of space. But when the ' •boys come marching home again, I ' hope well all be able to absorb those 1 yjobs. So long, Earl, I'll be seeing you j passage difficult in most of the region, and there are few overland transport routes--and no railways. What few rail lines there are extend from seaports of the various 16,404 leet). These peaks frequently wear cold white hats of snow. While most of the island drips, bomb-blasted Port Moresby, on the underside and near the end of the tail, is smothered in_rolling clouds of dust provisions of the ceilng structure and m • Help chicks and young bir d s grow and d e v e l -j op. jGive them TONAX in their mash. Especially after an attack of any disease. And as a tonic and conditioner. Contains mild astringents to help relieve Enteritis; also blood building elements. Tonax helps control intestinal ptrasites. It provides trace minerals and reliable stimulants. For layers too. Inexpensive and convenient. 2-lb. can cr.ou&h lot 400 chickj for a mouth, 75c. Boiger's Drug Store Green Street ^ McHenry toon. Now, set 'em up in the other alley. S/SGT. HERMAN STEFFES, 56th Station Hospital, APO No. 769 c/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. • Thanks^,Herman. Don't mention it tip the boss, but you have taken over Die column for us this week. Hope Jou will meet some of the McHenry favorable' trnie fang you mentioned. We, at home, all hope to see every one of you soon. The largest crowd of the season saw the Shamrocks win a 2 to 1 ball game fc-om the league-leading Alemite nine last Sunday. colonies to their own inland points. Sparsely settled for the most part, this section of Africa is tropical in character, with swamp and desert vegetation that varies not only from place to place but from season to season. Travel is now at its most The main rainy , Hairy Dowell and Boxlietner hooked *p in a real hurling battle. Dowell ran his string through another game without issuing a pass. season in these regions lasts from May to August or September. In general, however, most of the climatic conditions along this coast are unsuited to the white man. Liberia, with its next-door neighbor, Sierra Leone, has the heaviest rainfall recorded for the coastal bulge, j ^very toogh *1* du« to finches. Backfire Backfiring in an automobile Is ----- WANTED--Maintenance man. The Shamrock batters were quick! Hunter Boat Company. 60-tf Army Bombers Guided to 8afety Rigging a makeshift radio homing device by stringing wire from his grounded plane to a motor vehicle, Pvt. Arthur W. Rodrick, of Vuu:ennes, Ind., an air transport comipand radio operator, guided two ; storm-lost bombers to safe landings at an advanced base in a mountainous area of China during the mon-' soon season, according to informs-: tion received by the war depart- ] ment. Returning from a mission in ! the face of dangerous weather, sev-' eral B-25 medium bombers became lost and were unable to make radio contact. Realizing that the planes could not find base because of weathver conditions, Private Rodrick, rigged his homing device and made ' contact with the planes. His action is believed to have saved two bombers and their crews from destruction. Horse Meat A piraya. a fish from South America, placed in the T anrtqa zoo, likes horse meat. : Trade In Your Old Battery on a new We have a complete stock of TIRES, p&asenger ABd truck. Bicycle tires and tubes. You can now have your tires retreaded without an OPA order. Bring them in. TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING Sinclair Stock Spray, 75c per gallon. Walter J. Freund OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION MAIN ST., WEST M'HENRY PHONE 294 L H. Jickels Hdwe ' # • .i.?; , - • S5 Phone^ 2 West McHenry, 111. mm**6*!"** FANCY icana LARM TM HSAO MNCY MICHIGAN NSW CSOf LETTUCE M. 10 HOME GROWN BEETS MMCT.... NEW GREEN CABBAGE HEADS SOLID RED RIPE TOMATOES POTATOES Se1 ,, per lb. 8c lb. 19c Blue Stamps N-P-Q Now Effective tON« WHffl Eat More Cereafa LORD MOTT FTO4CH STYIB Grata Beass IMML NO. 2 CAN Be it NO. 2 CAN 19c AMERICAN HOME CUT GREEM BEAMS . NATIONAL WHOLE KERNEL CORN LA It SEN'S MIXSO VECETASLIS VES-ALL && 13c " AMERICAN HOME «OtOCN tANTAM C0R« no.^can 12c , ^ i s c r fURE--NAniRAL FLAVOR I PiReapple JUICE ^ I4e I to .........som9Te 25c SUNSWECT PRURE JUICE REFKCSHING PIREAPPLE JUICE UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT JUIOE AMERICAN HOME TOMATO JUICE »££ 11c •-OZ 41. se .....CAN .....CAN UNSWEETENED Grapefrnifwici ^ 12* VITAMIN RICH TOMATO JUICE HEINZ--IN TOMATO SAUCE BAKED BEARS 4iOZ. .. .CAN 21c ..CLASS NATIONAL UNIWEFTENfO EVAP. MILK * UNSWEETENED EVAPORATED MILK PET «r CARRATI0R 3 ^ 26c 19c Ip. 2i«'/i-OZ. CANS WHEATIES IrMklart mi t-OZ. cimwpi«M m. 11c ] NEW PUFfCS FLAKES 12c DELICIOUS--NUTRITIOUS ChMritats ^ CORN FCAKES 2^ 17c 12c CORH FLAKES LL-OZ. FK6. !Ll FORT DE^RIORN Wheat Flakts ^ 0C Shaded 12c CRISP--CKUNCHT Gra|w-R«i»s2&^27c JUMBO WHITE BREAD 2 1 | 7 c LOAVES I f ENRICHED WHITE Bread JgJ- 5c GOLDEN GRAIN Donuts DOi 13c TOME AGAIN Salad Dressing . . . ^>I9C AMERICAN HOME SALAD Dressing VA T R 13c AMERICAN HOME SALAD Oressiif 22c Bay on Additional War Bond Todmy DOG MEAL Gaines Itl lit Sp«gk«tti DOG FOOO Pard 11c K1IRLEO DOG FOOO Hi-Ufa ^5c WILSON'S VICTORY TYPE Ideal Kg Re F»nl<»'r.°;8^ I R*d Cfou Macaroal or oz11c HAZEL PEANUT JAR 29c COME AGAIN PEANUT Butter ....SJAMc Spathetti2 P6S CM* m WMta National Elbow SpaqkaNi «r Viaaca* n ft* Macaroni ^ 10c V,Bttar ^ W TASTY--NOURISHING National CMd ot WkN« 6f«RsMms2 17c Viaegar 9T 12c KEUOGG'S RI IRON S-OZ PKG. Gra-Pap 23c MadiMn or Iroad Noodlat--Mrv Grass^;^ ! 7i« " IOTTLE Cri aw Salad Maittxl F r t a e k t . I R c NaWoMl fr--cR. Hdltad « HwMradhli Mustard ^ 10c r HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Hatloaai Raa, Medium • RMdltS ^6c National Ftoa. Modmm •» •ro*d . • a ^ A Noodles . PKG. 19c National Macaroni of Friskies ££ 25c SpagKetti3JK 0 e zs,14c Oxydol 23c FACIAL SOAP Palffldive CAKE 7c DEHYDRATED DOG FOOO StTMClMart 2 PKG!:15C NORTH STAR KIRRLED Dog MG! 21c DOG FOOD HIGH TEST FIRE KING S.PIECC SST Ona 1-qt Cauarala, Ona Cauarola Co»*», OM Daap Loaf Paa. Ona RH* Pta Plata, Faw ft-OL I nditlJaal lakart PURCHASE AT TOUR NATIONAL FOOO STORE. NATIONAL SWEETHE**' 'OILET Soap 2 CAKES 29c MILD Camay CAKE 7c HAND SOA? Lava CA« 9c N MULE TEAM Borax £115c STORES '"'rf. .. -